API Documentation for Armadillo 10.8
Matrix, Vector, Cube and Field Classes
Member Functions & Variables
Generated Vectors/Matrices/Cubes
linspace | | generate vector with linearly spaced elements |
logspace | | generate vector with logarithmically spaced elements |
regspace | | generate vector with regularly spaced elements |
randperm | | generate vector with random permutation of a sequence of integers |
eye | | generate identity matrix |
ones | | generate object filled with ones |
zeros | | generate object filled with zeros |
randu / randn | | generate object with random values (uniform and normal distributions) |
randg | | generate object with random values (gamma distribution) |
randi | | generate object with random integer values in specified interval |
speye | | generate sparse identity matrix |
spones | | generate sparse matrix with non-zero elements set to one |
sprandu / sprandn | | generate sparse matrix with non-zero elements set to random values |
toeplitz | | generate Toeplitz matrix |
Functions of Vectors/Matrices/Cubes
abs | | obtain magnitude of each element |
accu | | accumulate (sum) all elements |
affmul | | affine matrix multiplication |
all | | check whether all elements are non-zero, or satisfy a relational condition |
any | | check whether any element is non-zero, or satisfies a relational condition |
approx_equal | | approximate equality |
arg | | phase angle of each element |
as_scalar | | convert 1x1 matrix to pure scalar |
clamp | | obtain clamped elements according to given limits |
cond | | condition number of matrix |
conj | | obtain complex conjugate of each element |
conv_to | | convert/cast between matrix types |
cross | | cross product |
cumsum | | cumulative sum |
cumprod | | cumulative product |
det | | determinant |
diagmat | | generate diagonal matrix from given matrix or vector |
diagvec | | extract specified diagonal |
diff | | differences between adjacent elements |
dot / cdot / norm_dot | | dot product |
eps | | obtain distance of each element to next largest floating point representation |
expmat | | matrix exponential |
expmat_sym | | matrix exponential of symmetric matrix |
find | | find indices of non-zero elements, or elements satisfying a relational condition |
find_finite | | find indices of finite elements |
find_nonfinite | | find indices of non-finite elements |
find_unique | | find indices of unique elements |
fliplr / flipud | | flip matrix left to right or upside down |
imag / real | | extract imaginary/real part |
ind2sub | | convert linear index to subscripts |
index_min / index_max | | indices of extremum values |
inplace_trans | | in-place transpose |
intersect | | find common elements in two vectors/matrices |
join_rows / join_cols | | concatenation of matrices |
join_slices | | concatenation of cubes |
kron | | Kronecker tensor product |
log_det | | log determinant |
log_det_sympd | | log determinant of symmetric positive definite matrix |
logmat | | matrix logarithm |
logmat_sympd | | matrix logarithm of symmetric matrix |
min / max | | return extremum values |
nonzeros | | return non-zero values |
norm | | various norms of vectors and matrices |
normalise | | normalise vectors to unit p-norm |
prod | | product of elements |
powmat | | matrix power |
rank | | rank of matrix |
rcond | | reciprocal of condition number |
repelem | | replicate elements |
repmat | | replicate matrix in block-like fashion |
reshape | | change size while keeping elements |
resize | | change size while keeping elements and preserving layout |
reverse | | reverse order of elements |
roots | | roots of polynomial |
shift | | shift elements |
shuffle | | randomly shuffle elements |
size | | obtain dimensions of given object |
sort | | sort elements |
sort_index | | vector describing sorted order of elements |
sqrtmat | | square root of matrix |
sqrtmat_sympd | | square root of symmetric matrix |
sum | | sum of elements |
sub2ind | | convert subscripts to linear index |
symmatu / symmatl | | generate symmetric matrix from given matrix |
trace | | sum of diagonal elements |
trans | | transpose of matrix |
trapz | | trapezoidal numerical integration |
trimatu / trimatl | | copy upper/lower triangular part |
trimatu_ind / trimatl_ind | | obtain indices of upper/lower triangular part |
unique | | return unique elements |
vectorise | | flatten matrix into vector |
misc functions | | miscellaneous element-wise functions: exp, log, pow, sqrt, round, sign, ... |
trig functions | | trigonometric element-wise functions: cos, sin, ... |
Decompositions, Factorisations, Inverses and Equation Solvers (Dense Matrices)
chol | | Cholesky decomposition |
eig_sym | | eigen decomposition of dense symmetric/hermitian matrix |
eig_gen | | eigen decomposition of dense general square matrix |
eig_pair | | eigen decomposition for pair of general dense square matrices |
hess | | upper Hessenberg decomposition |
inv | | inverse of general square matrix |
inv_sympd | | inverse of symmetric positive definite matrix |
lu | | lower-upper decomposition |
null | | orthonormal basis of null space |
orth | | orthonormal basis of range space |
pinv | | pseudo-inverse |
qr | | QR decomposition |
qr_econ | | economical QR decomposition |
qz | | generalised Schur decomposition |
schur | | Schur decomposition |
solve | | solve systems of linear equations |
svd | | singular value decomposition |
svd_econ | | economical singular value decomposition |
syl | | Sylvester equation solver |
Decompositions, Factorisations and Equation Solvers (Sparse Matrices)
eigs_sym | | limited number of eigenvalues & eigenvectors of sparse symmetric real matrix |
eigs_gen | | limited number of eigenvalues & eigenvectors of sparse general square matrix |
spsolve | | solve sparse systems of linear equations |
svds | | truncated svd: limited number of singular values & singular vectors of sparse matrix |
Signal & Image Processing
Statistics & Clustering
stats functions | | mean, median, standard deviation, variance |
cov | | covariance |
cor | | correlation |
hist | | histogram of counts |
histc | | histogram of counts with user specified edges |
quantile | | quantiles of a dataset |
princomp | | principal component analysis (PCA) |
normpdf | | probability density function of normal distribution |
log_normpdf | | logarithm version of probability density function of normal distribution |
normcdf | | cumulative distribution function of normal distribution |
mvnrnd | | random vectors from multivariate normal distribution |
chi2rnd | | random numbers from chi-squared distribution |
wishrnd | | random matrix from Wishart distribution |
iwishrnd | | random matrix from inverse Wishart distribution |
running_stat | | running statistics of scalars (one dimensional process/signal) |
running_stat_vec | | running statistics of vectors (multi-dimensional process/signal) |
kmeans | | cluster data into disjoint sets |
gmm_diag/gmm_full | | model and evaluate data using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) |
Matrix, Vector, Cube and Field Classes
Classes for dense matrices, with elements stored in column-major ordering (ie. column by column)
The root matrix class is Mat<type>, where type is one of:
float, double, std::complex<float>, std::complex<double>,
short, int, long, and unsigned versions of short, int, long
For convenience the following typedefs have been defined:
In this documentation the mat type is used for convenience;
it is possible to use other types instead, eg. fmat
Functions which use LAPACK or ATLAS (generally matrix decompositions) are only valid for the following types:
mat, dmat, fmat, cx_mat, cx_dmat, cx_fmat
mat() | | |
mat(n_rows, n_cols) | | |
mat(n_rows, n_cols, fill_form) | | (elements are initialised according to fill_form) |
mat(size(X)) | | |
mat(size(X), fill_form) | | (elements are initialised according to fill_form) |
mat(mat) | | |
mat(vec) | | |
mat(rowvec) | | |
mat(initializer_list) | | |
mat(string) | | |
mat(std::vector) | | (treated as a column vector) |
mat(sp_mat) | | (for converting a sparse matrix to a dense matrix) |
cx_mat(mat,mat) | | (for constructing a complex matrix out of two real matrices) |
The elements can be explicitly initialised during construction by specifying fill_form,
which is one of:
fill::zeros | ↦ | set all elements to 0 |
fill::ones | ↦ | set all elements to 1 |
fill::eye | ↦ | set the elements on the main diagonal to 1 and off-diagonal elements to 0 |
fill::randu | ↦ | set all elements to random values from a uniform distribution in the [0,1] interval |
fill::randn | ↦ | set all elements to random values from a normal/Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance |
fill::value(scalar) | ↦ | set all elements to specified scalar (Armadillo 10.6 and later) |
fill::none | ↦ | do not initialise the elements |
in Armadillo 10.4 and earlier versions, the elements are not initialised during construction unless fill_form is specified
(ie. without specifying fill_form, the elements may contain garbage values, including NaN)
- in Armadillo 10.5 and later versions, by default the elements are initialised to zero during construction
For the mat(string) constructor, the format is elements separated by spaces, and rows denoted by semicolons;
for example, the 2x2 identity matrix can be created using
"1 0; 0 1" .
Caveat: string based initialisation is slower than directly setting the elements or using element initialisation.
Each instance of mat automatically allocates and releases internal memory.
All internally allocated memory used by an instance of mat is automatically released as soon as the instance goes out of scope.
For example, if an instance of mat is declared inside a function, it will be automatically destroyed at the end of the function.
To forcefully release memory at any point, use .reset(); note that in normal use this is not required.
Advanced constructors:
mat(ptr_aux_mem, n_rows, n_cols, copy_aux_mem = true, strict = false)
Create a matrix using data from writable auxiliary (external) memory, where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory.
By default the matrix allocates its own memory and copies data from the auxiliary memory (for safety).
However, if copy_aux_mem is set to false,
the matrix will instead directly use the auxiliary memory (ie. no copying);
this is faster, but can be dangerous unless you know what you are doing!
The strict parameter comes into effect only when copy_aux_mem is set to false
(ie. the matrix is directly using auxiliary memory)
when strict is set to false, the matrix will use the auxiliary memory until a size change
when strict is set to true, the matrix will be bound to the auxiliary memory for its lifetime;
the number of elements in the matrix can't be changed
mat(const ptr_aux_mem, n_rows, n_cols)
Create a matrix by copying data from read-only auxiliary memory,
where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory
mat::fixed<n_rows, n_cols>
Create a fixed size matrix, with the size specified via template arguments.
Memory for the matrix is reserved at compile time.
This is generally faster than dynamic memory allocation, but the size of the matrix can't be changed afterwards (directly or indirectly).
For convenience, there are several pre-defined typedefs for each matrix type
(where the types are: umat, imat, fmat, mat, cx_fmat, cx_mat).
The typedefs specify a square matrix size, ranging from 2x2 to 9x9.
The typedefs were defined by simply appending a two digit form of the size to the matrix type
-- for example, mat33 is equivalent to mat::fixed<3,3>,
while cx_mat44 is equivalent to cx_mat::fixed<4,4>.
mat::fixed<n_rows, n_cols>(const ptr_aux_mem)
Create a fixed size matrix, with the size specified via template arguments;
data is copied from auxiliary memory, where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
double x = A(1,2);
mat B = A + A;
mat C = A * B;
mat D = A % B;
cx_mat X(A,B);
mat::fixed<5,6> F;
double aux_mem[24];
mat H(&aux_mem[0], 4, 6, false); // use auxiliary memory
For mathematical correctness, scalars are treated as 1x1 matrices during initialisation.
As such, the code below will not generate a 5x5 matrix with every element equal to 123.0:
mat A(5,5); A = 123.0;
Use the following code instead:
mat A(5,5,fill::value(123.0)); // Armadillo 10.6 and later
mat A(5,5,fill::none); A.fill(123.0); // Armadillo 10.5 and earlier
See also:
Classes for column vectors (dense matrices with one column)
- The Col<type> class is derived from the Mat<type> class
and inherits most of the member functions
For convenience the following typedefs have been defined:
In this documentation, the vec and colvec types have the same meaning and are used interchangeably
In this documentation, the types vec or colvec are used for convenience; it is possible to use other types instead, eg. fvec, fcolvec
Functions which take Mat as input can generally also take Col as input;
main exceptions are functions which require square matrices
vec() | | |
vec(n_elem) | | |
vec(n_elem, fill_form) | | (elements are initialised according to fill_form) |
vec(size(X)) | | |
vec(size(X), fill_form) | | (elements are initialised according to fill_form) |
vec(vec) | | |
vec(mat) | | (std::logic_error exception is thrown if the given matrix has more than one column) |
vec(initializer_list) | | |
vec(string) | | (elements separated by spaces) |
vec(std::vector) | | |
cx_vec(vec,vec) | | (for constructing a complex vector out of two real vectors) |
in Armadillo 10.4 and earlier versions, the elements are not initialised during construction unless fill_form is specified, as per the Mat class
(ie. without specifying fill_form, the elements may contain garbage values, including NaN)
- in Armadillo 10.5 and later versions, by default the elements are initialised to zero during construction
Advanced constructors:
vec(ptr_aux_mem, number_of_elements, copy_aux_mem = true, strict = false)
Create a column vector using data from writable auxiliary (external) memory, where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory.
By default the vector allocates its own memory and copies data from the auxiliary memory (for safety).
However, if copy_aux_mem is set to false,
the vector will instead directly use the auxiliary memory (ie. no copying);
this is faster, but can be dangerous unless you know what you are doing!
The strict parameter comes into effect only when copy_aux_mem is set to false
(ie. the vector is directly using auxiliary memory)
when strict is set to false, the vector will use the auxiliary memory until a size change
when strict is set to true, the vector will be bound to the auxiliary memory for its lifetime;
the number of elements in the vector can't be changed
vec(const ptr_aux_mem, number_of_elements)
Create a column vector by copying data from read-only auxiliary memory,
where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory
Create a fixed size column vector, with the size specified via the template argument.
Memory for the vector is reserved at compile time.
This is generally faster than dynamic memory allocation, but the size of the vector can't be changed afterwards (directly or indirectly).
For convenience, there are several pre-defined typedefs for each vector type
(where the types are: uvec, ivec, fvec, vec, cx_fvec, cx_vec as well as the corresponding colvec versions).
The pre-defined typedefs specify vector sizes ranging from 2 to 9.
The typedefs were defined by simply appending a single digit form of the size to the vector type
-- for example, vec3 is equivalent to vec::fixed<3>,
while cx_vec4 is equivalent to cx_vec::fixed<4>.
vec::fixed<number_of_elements>(const ptr_aux_mem)
Create a fixed size column vector, with the size specified via the template argument;
data is copied from auxiliary memory, where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory
vec x(10);
vec y(10, fill::zeros);
mat A(10, 10, fill::randu);
vec z = A.col(5); // extract a column vector
For mathematical correctness, scalars are treated as 1x1 matrices during initialisation.
As such, the code below will not generate a column vector with every element equal to 123.0:
vec v(5); v = 123.0;
Use the following code instead:
vec v(5, fill::value(123.0)); // Armadillo 10.6 and later
vec v(5, fill::none); v.fill(123.0); // Armadillo 10.5 and earlier
See also:
Classes for row vectors (dense matrices with one row)
- The template Row<type> class is derived from the Mat<type> class
and inherits most of the member functions
For convenience the following typedefs have been defined:
In this documentation, the rowvec type is used for convenience;
it is possible to use other types instead, eg. frowvec
Functions which take Mat as input can generally also take Row as input.
Main exceptions are functions which require square matrices
rowvec() | | |
rowvec(n_elem) | | |
rowvec(n_elem, fill_form) | | (elements are initialised according to fill_form) |
rowvec(size(X)) | | |
rowvec(size(X), fill_form) | | (elements are initialised according to fill_form) |
rowvec(rowvec) | | |
rowvec(mat) | | (std::logic_error exception is thrown if the given matrix has more than one row) |
rowvec(initializer_list) | | |
rowvec(string) | | (elements separated by spaces) |
rowvec(std::vector) | | |
cx_rowvec(rowvec,rowvec) | | (for constructing a complex row vector out of two real row vectors) |
in Armadillo 10.4 and earlier versions, the elements are not initialised during construction unless fill_form is specified, as per the Mat class
(ie. without specifying fill_form, the elements may contain garbage values, including NaN)
- in Armadillo 10.5 and later versions, by default the elements are initialised to zero during construction
Advanced constructors:
rowvec(ptr_aux_mem, number_of_elements, copy_aux_mem = true, strict = false)
Create a row vector using data from writable auxiliary (external) memory, where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory.
By default the vector allocates its own memory and copies data from the auxiliary memory (for safety).
However, if copy_aux_mem is set to false,
the vector will instead directly use the auxiliary memory (ie. no copying);
this is faster, but can be dangerous unless you know what you are doing!
The strict parameter comes into effect only when copy_aux_mem is set to false
(ie. the vector is directly using auxiliary memory)
when strict is set to false, the vector will use the auxiliary memory until a size change
when strict is set to true, the vector will be bound to the auxiliary memory for its lifetime;
the number of elements in the vector can't be changed
rowvec(const ptr_aux_mem, number_of_elements)
Create a row vector by copying data from read-only auxiliary memory,
where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory
Create a fixed size row vector, with the size specified via the template argument.
Memory for the vector is reserved at compile time.
This is generally faster than dynamic memory allocation, but the size of the vector can't be changed afterwards (directly or indirectly).
For convenience, there are several pre-defined typedefs for each vector type
(where the types are: urowvec, irowvec, frowvec, rowvec, cx_frowvec, cx_rowvec).
The pre-defined typedefs specify vector sizes ranging from 2 to 9.
The typedefs were defined by simply appending a single digit form of the size to the vector type
-- for example, rowvec3 is equivalent to rowvec::fixed<3>,
while cx_rowvec4 is equivalent to cx_rowvec::fixed<4>.
rowvec::fixed<number_of_elements>(const ptr_aux_mem)
Create a fixed size row vector, with the size specified via the template argument;
data is copied from auxiliary memory, where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory
rowvec x(10);
rowvec y(10, fill::zeros);
mat A(10, 10, fill::randu);
rowvec z = A.row(5); // extract a row vector
For mathematical correctness, scalars are treated as 1x1 matrices during initialisation.
As such, the code below will not generate a row vector with every element equal to 123.0:
rowvec r(5); r = 123.0;
Use the following code instead:
rowvec r(5, fill::value(123.0)); // Armadillo 10.6 and later
rowvec r(5, fill::none); r.fill(123.0); // Armadillo 10.5 and earlier
See also:
Classes for cubes, also known as "3D matrices" or 3rd order tensors
The cube class is Cube<type>, where type is one of:
float, double, std::complex<float>, std::complex<double>,
short, int, long and unsigned versions of short, int, long
For convenience the following typedefs have been defined:
In this documentation the cube type is used for convenience;
it is possible to use other types instead, eg. fcube
Cube data is stored as a set of slices (matrices) stored contiguously within memory.
Within each slice, elements are stored with column-major ordering (ie. column by column)
Each slice can be interpreted as a matrix, hence functions which take Mat as input can generally also take cube slices as input
cube(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices) | | |
cube(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices, fill_form) | | (elements are initialised according to fill_form) |
cube(size(X)) | | |
cube(size(X), fill_form) | | (elements are initialised according to fill_form) |
cube(cube) | | |
cx_cube(cube, cube) | | (for constructing a complex cube out of two real cubes) |
in Armadillo 10.4 and earlier versions, the elements are not initialised during construction unless fill_form is specified, as per the Mat class (except for fill::eye)
(ie. without specifying fill_form, the elements may contain garbage values, including NaN)
- in Armadillo 10.5 and later versions, by default the elements are initialised to zero during construction
Each instance of cube automatically allocates and releases internal memory.
All internally allocated memory used by an instance of cube is automatically released as soon as the instance goes out of scope.
For example, if an instance of cube is declared inside a function, it will be automatically destroyed at the end of the function.
To forcefully release memory at any point, use .reset(); note that in normal use this is not required.
Advanced constructors:
cube::fixed<n_rows, n_cols, n_slices>
Create a fixed size cube, with the size specified via template arguments.
Memory for the cube is reserved at compile time.
This is generally faster than dynamic memory allocation, but the size of the cube can't be changed afterwards (directly or indirectly).
cube(ptr_aux_mem, n_rows, n_cols, n_slices, copy_aux_mem = true, strict = false)
Create a cube using data from writable auxiliary (external) memory, where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory.
By default the cube allocates its own memory and copies data from the auxiliary memory (for safety).
However, if copy_aux_mem is set to false,
the cube will instead directly use the auxiliary memory (ie. no copying);
this is faster, but can be dangerous unless you know what you are doing!
The strict parameter comes into effect only when copy_aux_mem is set to false
(ie. the cube is directly using auxiliary memory)
when strict is set to false, the cube will use the auxiliary memory until a size change
when strict is set to true, the cube will be bound to the auxiliary memory for its lifetime;
the number of elements in the cube can't be changed
cube(const ptr_aux_mem, n_rows, n_cols, n_slices)
Create a cube by copying data from read-only auxiliary memory,
where ptr_aux_mem is a pointer to the memory
cube x(1, 2, 3);
cube y(4, 5, 6, fill::randu);
mat A = y.slice(1); // extract a slice from the cube
// (each slice is a matrix)
mat B(4, 5, fill::randu);
y.slice(2) = B; // set a slice in the cube
cube q = y + y; // cube addition
cube r = y % y; // element-wise cube multiplication
cube::fixed<4,5,6> f;
For mathematical correctness, scalars are treated as 1x1x1 cubes during initialisation.
As such, the code below will not generate a cube with every element equal to 123.0:
cube c(5,6,7); c = 123.0;
Use the following code instead:
cube c(5,6,7,fill::value(123.0)); // Armadillo 10.6 and later
cube c(5,6,7,fill::none); c.fill(123.0); // Armadillo 10.5 and earlier
See also:
Class for storing arbitrary objects in matrix-like or cube-like layouts
Somewhat similar to a matrix or cube, but instead of each element being a scalar,
each element can be a vector, or matrix, or cube
Each element can have an arbitrary size (eg. in a field of matrices, each matrix can have a unique size)
Constructors, where object_type is another class, eg. vec, mat, std::string, etc:
field<object_type>() |
field<object_type>(n_elem) |
field<object_type>(n_rows, n_cols) |
field<object_type>(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices) |
field<object_type>(size(X)) |
field<object_type>(field<object_type>) |
Caveat: to store a set of matrices of the same size, the Cube class is more efficient
mat A = randn(2,3);
mat B = randn(4,5);
field<mat> F(2,1);
F(0,0) = A;
F(1,0) = B;
See also:
Classes for sparse matrices; intended for storing very large matrices, where the vast majority of elements is zero
The root sparse matrix class is SpMat<type>, where type is one of:
float, double, std::complex<float>, std::complex<double>,
short, int, long and unsigned versions of short, int, long
For convenience the following typedefs have been defined:
In this documentation the sp_mat type is used for convenience;
it is possible to use other types instead, eg. sp_fmat
sp_mat() | | |
sp_mat(n_rows, n_cols) | | |
sp_mat(size(X)) | | |
sp_mat(sp_mat) | | |
sp_mat(mat) | | (for converting a dense matrix to a sparse matrix) |
sp_cx_mat(sp_mat,sp_mat) | | (for constructing a complex matrix out of two real matrices) |
All elements are treated as zero by default (ie. the matrix is initialised to contain zeros)
Non-zero elements are stored in compressed sparse column (CSC) format (ie. column-major ordering);
zero-valued elements are never stored
This class behaves in a similar manner to the Mat class;
however, member functions which set all elements to non-zero values (and hence do not make sense for sparse matrices) have been deliberately omitted;
examples of omitted functions: .fill(), .ones(), += scalar, etc.
Batch insertion constructors:
- form 1:
sp_mat(locations, values, sort_locations = true)
- form 2:
sp_mat(locations, values, n_rows, n_cols, sort_locations = true, check_for_zeros = true)
- form 3:
sp_mat(add_values, locations, values, n_rows, n_cols, sort_locations = true, check_for_zeros = true)
- form 4:
sp_mat(rowind, colptr, values, n_rows, n_cols)
For forms 1, 2, 3,
locations is a dense matrix of type umat, with a size of 2 x N, where N is the number of values to be inserted;
the location of the i-th element is specified by the contents of the i-th column of the locations matrix,
where the row is in locations(0,i), and the column is in locations(1,i)
For form 4,
rowind is a dense column vector of type uvec containing the row indices of the values to be inserted,
colptr is a dense column vector of type uvec (with length n_cols + 1) containing indices of values corresponding to the start of new columns;
the vectors correspond to the arrays used by the compressed sparse column format;
this form is useful for copying data from other CSC sparse matrix containers
For all forms, values is a dense column vector containing the values to be inserted;
it must have the same element type as the sparse matrix.
For forms 1 and 2, the value in values[i] will be inserted at the location specified by the i-th column of the locations matrix.
For form 3,
add_values is either true or false; when set to true, identical locations are allowed, and the values at identical locations are added
The size of the constructed matrix is either
automatically determined from the maximal locations in the locations matrix (form 1),
manually specified via n_rows and n_cols (forms 2, 3, 4)
If sort_locations is set to false, the locations matrix is assumed to contain locations that are already sorted according to column-major ordering; do not set this to false unless you know what you are doing!
If check_for_zeros is set to false, the values vector is assumed to contain no zero values; do not set this to false unless you know what you are doing!
The following subset of operations & functions is available for sparse matrices:
- fundamental arithmetic operations (such as addition and multiplication)
- submatrix views: most contiguous forms and the non-contiguous form of X.cols(vector_of_column_indices)
- diagonal views
- saving and loading (using arma_binary, coord_ascii, and csv_ascii formats)
- element-wise functions: abs(), ceil(), conj(), floor(), imag(), real(), round(), sign(), sqrt(), square(), trunc()
- scalar functions of matrices: accu(), as_scalar(), dot(), norm(), trace()
- vector valued functions of matrices: diagvec(), min(), max(), nonzeros(), sum(), mean(), var(), vectorise()
- matrix valued functions of matrices: clamp(), diagmat(), flipud()/fliplr(), join_rows(), join_cols(), kron(), normalise(), repelem(), repmat(), reshape(), resize(), reverse(), symmatu()/symmatl(), trimatu()/trimatl(), .t(), trans()
- generated matrices: speye(), spones(), sprandu(), sprandn(), zeros()
- eigen and svd decomposition: eigs_sym(), eigs_gen(), svds()
- solution of sparse linear systems: spsolve()
- miscellaneous: approx_equal(), element access, element iterators, .as_col() / .as_row(), .for_each(), .print(), .clean(), .replace(), .transform(), .is_finite(), .is_symmetric(), .is_hermitian(), .is_trimatu(), .is_trimatl(), .is_diagmat()
- the sparse matrix class is not intended for small matrices (eg. ≤ 100x100), due to the overhead of the compressed storage format
- for small matrices, use the dense matrix class, even if the vast majority of elements is zero
sp_mat A = sprandu(1000, 2000, 0.01);
sp_mat B = sprandu(2000, 1000, 0.01);
sp_mat C = 2*B;
sp_mat D = A*C;
sp_mat E(1000,1000);
E(1,2) = 123;
// batch insertion of 3 values at
// locations (1, 2), (7, 8), (9, 9)
umat locations = { { 1, 7, 9 },
{ 2, 8, 9 } };
vec values = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
sp_mat X(locations, values);
See also:
operators: + − * % / == != <= >= < > && ||
Overloaded operators for Mat, Col, Row and Cube classes
+ |
addition of two objects |
− |
subtraction of one object from another or negation of an object |
* |
matrix multiplication of two objects; not applicable to the Cube class unless multiplying by a scalar |
% |
element-wise multiplication of two objects (Schur product) |
/ |
element-wise division of an object by another object or a scalar |
== |
element-wise equality evaluation of two objects; generates a matrix/cube of type umat/ucube |
!= |
element-wise non-equality evaluation of two objects; generates a matrix/cube of type umat/ucube |
>= |
element-wise "greater than or equal to" evaluation of two objects; generates a matrix/cube of type umat/ucube |
<= |
element-wise "less than or equal to" evaluation of two objects; generates a matrix/cube of type umat/ucube |
> |
element-wise "greater than" evaluation of two objects; generates a matrix/cube of type umat/ucube |
< |
element-wise "less than" evaluation of two objects; generates a matrix/cube of type umat/ucube |
&& |
element-wise logical AND evaluation of two objects; generates a matrix/cube of type umat/ucube |
|| |
element-wise logical OR evaluation of two objects; generates a matrix/cube of type umat/ucube |
For element-wise relational and logical operations
== , != , >= , <= , > , < , && , || )
each element in the generated object is either 0 or 1, depending on the result of the operation
Caveat: operators involving equality comparison (ie.
== , != , >= , <= )
are not recommended for matrices of type mat or fmat, due to the necessarily limited precision of the underlying element types;
consider using approx_equal() instead
If the
+ , − and % operators are chained, Armadillo aims to avoid the generation of temporaries;
no temporaries are generated if all given objects are of the same type and size
If the
* operator is chained, Armadillo aims to find an efficient ordering of the matrix multiplications
Broadcasting operations are available via .each_col(), .each_row(), .each_slice()
If incompatible object sizes are used, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
mat A(5, 10, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 10, fill::randu);
mat C(10, 5, fill::randu);
mat P = A + B;
mat Q = A - B;
mat R = -B;
mat S = A / 123.0;
mat T = A % B;
mat U = A * C;
// V is constructed without temporaries
mat V = A + B + A + B;
imat AA = "1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9;";
imat BB = "3 2 1; 6 5 4; 9 8 7;";
// compare elements
umat ZZ = (AA >= BB);
See also:
Member Functions & Variables
number of rows; present in Mat, Col, Row, Cube, field and SpMat
number of columns; present in Mat, Col, Row, Cube, field and SpMat
total number of elements; present in Mat, Col, Row, Cube, field and SpMat
number of slices; present in Cube and field
number of non-zero elements; present in SpMat
See also:
element/object access via (), [] and .at()
Provide access to individual elements or objects stored in a container object
(ie. Mat, Col, Row, Cube, field)
For vec and rowvec, access the n-th element.
For mat, cube and field, access the n-th element/object under the assumption of a flat layout,
with column-major ordering of data (ie. column by column).
An exception is thrown if the requested element is out of bounds.
The bounds check can be optionally disabled at compile-time to get more speed.
.at(n) or [n]
As for (n) , but without a bounds check.
Not recommended for use unless your code has been thoroughly debugged.
For mat and 2D field classes, access the element/object stored at the i-th row and j-th column.
An exception is thrown if the requested element is out of bounds.
The bounds check can be optionally disabled at compile-time to get more speed.
As for (i,j) , but without a bounds check.
Not recommended for use unless your code has been thoroughly debugged.
For cube and 3D field classes, access the element/object stored at the i-th row, j-th column and k-th slice.
An exception is thrown if the requested element is out of bounds.
The bounds check can be optionally disabled at compile-time to get more speed.
As for (i,j,k) , but without a bounds check.
Not recommended for use unless your code has been thoroughly debugged. |
The bounds checks used by the
(n) , (i,j) and (i,j,k) element access forms
can be disabled by defining the ARMA_NO_DEBUG macro
before including the armadillo header file (eg. #define ARMA_NO_DEBUG ).
Alternatively, the .at(n) , .at(i,j) and .at(i,j,k) element access forms can be used,
which do not have bounds checks.
Either way, disabling the bounds checks is not recommended until your code has been thoroughly tested and debugged
-- it is better to write correct code first, and then maximise its speed.
Armadillo ≥ 10.3: the bounds checks throw std::out_of_range, derived from std::logic_error
Armadillo ≤ 10.2: the bounds checks throw std::logic_error
The indices of elements are specified via the uword type, which is a typedef for an unsigned integer type.
When using loops to access elements, it is best to use uword instead of int.
For example:
for(uword i=0; i<X.n_elem; ++i) { X(i) = ... }
accessing elements via
[i,j] and [i,j,k] does not work correctly in C++;
instead use (i,j) and (i,j,k)
mat A(10, 10, fill::randu);
A(9,9) = 123.0;
double x = A.at(9,9);
double y = A[99];
vec p(10, fill::randu);
p(9) = 123.0;
double z = p[9];
See also:
element initialisation
Set elements in Mat, Col, Row via initialiser lists
vec v = { 1, 2, 3 };
mat A = { {1, 3, 5},
{2, 4, 6} };
See also:
.zeros() |
(member function of Mat, Col, Row, SpMat, Cube)
.zeros( n_elem ) |
(member function of Col and Row)
.zeros( n_rows, n_cols ) |
(member function of Mat and SpMat)
.zeros( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices ) |
(member function of Cube)
.zeros( size(X) ) |
(member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube, SpMat)
Set the elements of an object to zero,
optionally first changing the size to specified dimensions
mat A;
A.zeros(5, 10); // or: mat A(5, 10, fill::zeros);
mat B;
B.zeros( size(A) );
mat C(5, 10, fill::randu);
See also:
.ones() |
(member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube)
.ones( n_elem ) |
(member function of Col and Row)
.ones( n_rows, n_cols ) |
(member function of Mat)
.ones( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices ) |
(member function of Cube)
.ones( size(X) ) |
(member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube)
Set all the elements of an object to one,
optionally first changing the size to specified dimensions
mat A;
A.ones(5, 10); // or: mat A(5, 10, fill::ones);
mat B;
B.ones( size(A) );
mat C(5, 10, fill::randu);
See also:
.eye( n_rows, n_cols )
.eye( size(X) )
Member functions of Mat and SpMat
Set the elements along the main diagonal to one and off-diagonal elements to zero,
optionally first changing the size to specified dimensions
An identity matrix is generated when n_rows = n_cols
mat A;
A.eye(5, 5); // or: mat A(5, 5, fill::eye);
mat B;
B.eye( size(A) );
mat C(5, 5, fill::randu);
See also:
.randu() |
(member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube)
.randu( n_elem ) |
(member function of Col and Row)
.randu( n_rows, n_cols ) |
(member function of Mat)
.randu( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices ) |
(member function of Cube)
.randu( size(X) ) |
(member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube)
.randn() |
(member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube)
.randn( n_elem ) |
(member function of Col and Row)
.randn( n_rows, n_cols ) |
(member function of Mat)
.randn( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices ) |
(member function of Cube)
.randn( size(X) ) |
(member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube)
Set all the elements to random values,
optionally first changing the size to specified dimensions
- .randu() uses a uniform distribution in the [0,1] interval
- .randn() uses a normal/Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance
To change the RNG seed, use arma_rng::set_seed(value) or arma_rng::set_seed_random() functions
mat A;
A.randu(5, 10); // or: mat A(5, 10, fill::randu);
mat B;
B.randu( size(A) );
mat C(5, 10, fill::zeros);
arma_rng::set_seed_random(); // set the seed to a random value
See also:
.fill( value )
Note: to explicitly set all elements to zero during object construction, use the following more compact form:
mat A(5, 6, fill::zeros);
See also:
.imbue( functor )
.imbue( lambda_function )
Member functions of Mat, Col, Row and Cube
Imbue (fill) with values provided by a functor or lambda function
For matrices, filling is done column-by-column (ie. column 0 is filled, then column 1, ...)
For cubes, filling is done slice-by-slice, with each slice treated as a matrix
std::mt19937 engine; // Mersenne twister random number engine
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distr(0.0, 1.0);
mat A(4, 5, fill:none);
A.imbue( [&]() { return distr(engine); } );
See also:
.clean( threshold )
Member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube and SpMat
- For objects with non-complex elements: each element with an absolute value ≤ threshold is replaced by zero
- For objects with complex elements: for each element, each component (real and imaginary) with an absolute value ≤ threshold is replaced by zero
- Can be used to sparsify a matrix, in the sense of zeroing values with small magnitudes
- Caveat: to explicitly convert from dense storage to sparse storage, use the SpMat class
sp_mat A;
A.sprandu(1000, 1000, 0.01);
A(12,34) = datum::eps;
A(56,78) = -datum::eps;
See also:
.replace( old_value, new_value )
Member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube and SpMat
- For all elements equal to old_value, set them to new_value
- The type of old_value and new_value must match the type of elements used by the container object (eg. for mat the type is double)
- floating point numbers (float and double) are approximations due to their necessarily limited precision
- for sparse matrices (SpMat), replacement is not done when old_value = 0
mat A(5, 6, fill::randu);
A.replace(datum::nan, 0); // replace each NaN with 0
See also:
.clamp( min_value, max_value )
See also:
.transform( functor )
.transform( lambda_function )
See also:
.for_each( functor )
.for_each( lambda_function )
Member functions of Mat, Col, Row, Cube, SpMat and field
For each element, pass its reference to a functor or lambda function
For dense matrices and fields, the processing is done column-by-column for all elements
For sparse matrices, the processing is done column-by-column for non-zero elements
For cubes, processing is done slice-by-slice, with each slice treated as a matrix
// add 123 to each element in a dense matrix
mat A(4, 5, fill::ones);
A.for_each( [](mat::elem_type& val) { val += 123.0; } ); // NOTE: the '&' is crucial!
// add 123 to each non-zero element in a sparse matrix
sp_mat S; S.sprandu(1000, 2000, 0.1);
S.for_each( [](sp_mat::elem_type& val) { val += 123.0; } ); // NOTE: the '&' is crucial!
// set the size of all matrices in field F
field<mat> F(2,3);
F.for_each( [](mat& X) { X.zeros(4,5); } ); // NOTE: the '&' is crucial!
See also:
.set_size( n_elem ) |
(member function of Col, Row, field)
.set_size( n_rows, n_cols ) |
(member function of Mat, SpMat, field)
.set_size( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices ) |
(member function of Cube and field)
.set_size( size(X) ) |
(member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube, SpMat, field)
- Change the size of an object, without explicitly preserving data and without initialising the elements (ie. elements may contain garbage values, including NaN)
To initialise the elements to zero while changing the size, use .zeros() instead
To explicitly preserve data while changing the size, use .reshape() or .resize() instead;
NOTE: .reshape() and .resize() are considerably slower than .set_size()
mat A;
A.set_size(5, 10); // or: mat A(5, 10, fill::none);
mat B;
B.set_size( size(A) ); // or: mat B(size(A), fill:none);
vec v;
v.set_size(100); // or: vec v(100, fill::none);
See also:
.reshape( n_rows, n_cols ) |
(member function of Mat and SpMat)
.reshape( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices ) |
(member function of Cube)
.reshape( size(X) ) |
(member function of Mat, Cube, SpMat)
See also:
.resize( n_elem ) |
(member function of Col, Row)
.resize( n_rows, n_cols ) |
(member function of Mat and SpMat)
.resize( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices ) |
(member function of Cube)
.resize( size(X) ) |
(member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube, SpMat)
See also:
.copy_size( A )
See also:
See also:
submatrix views
- A collection of member functions of Mat, Col and Row classes that provide read/write access to submatrix views
- contiguous views for matrix X:
X.col( col_number )
X.row( row_number )
X.cols( first_col, last_col )
X.rows( first_row, last_row )
X.submat( first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col )
X( span(first_row, last_row), span(first_col, last_col) )
X( first_row, first_col, size(n_rows, n_cols) )
X( first_row, first_col, size(Y) ) [ Y is a matrix ]
X( span(first_row, last_row), col_number )
X( row_number, span(first_col, last_col) )
X.head_cols( number_of_cols )
X.head_rows( number_of_rows )
X.tail_cols( number_of_cols )
X.tail_rows( number_of_rows )
X.unsafe_col( col_number ) [ use with caution ]
contiguous views for vector V:
V( span(first_index, last_index) )
V.subvec( first_index, last_index )
V.subvec( first_index, size(W) ) [ W is a vector ]
V.head( number_of_elements )
V.tail( number_of_elements )
- non-contiguous views for matrix or vector X:
X.elem( vector_of_indices )
X( vector_of_indices )
X.cols( vector_of_column_indices )
X.rows( vector_of_row_indices )
X.submat( vector_of_row_indices, vector_of_column_indices )
X( vector_of_row_indices, vector_of_column_indices )
- related matrix views (documented separately)
Instances of span(start,end) can be replaced by span::all to indicate the entire range
For functions requiring one or more vector of indices,
eg. X.submat(vector_of_row_indices, vector_of_column_indices),
each vector of indices must be of type uvec
In the function X.elem(vector_of_indices),
elements specified in vector_of_indices are accessed.
X is interpreted as one long vector,
with column-by-column ordering of the elements of X.
The vector_of_indices must evaluate to a vector of type uvec
(eg. generated by the find() function).
The aggregate set of the specified elements is treated as a column vector
(ie. the output of X.elem() is always a column vector).
The function .unsafe_col() is provided for speed reasons and should be used only if you know what you are doing.
It creates a seemingly independent Col vector object (eg. vec),
but uses memory from the existing matrix object.
As such, the created vector is not alias safe,
and does not take into account that the underlying matrix memory could be freed
(eg. due to any operation involving a size change of the matrix).
Submatrix views of sparse matrices are only useful with Armadillo 9.600 and later versions; in earlier versions they are inefficient
mat A(5, 10, fill::zeros);
A.submat( 0,1, 2,3 ) = randu<mat>(3,3);
A( span(0,2), span(1,3) ) = randu<mat>(3,3);
A( 0,1, size(3,3) ) = randu<mat>(3,3);
mat B = A.submat( 0,1, 2,3 );
mat C = A( span(0,2), span(1,3) );
mat D = A( 0,1, size(3,3) );
A.col(1) = randu<mat>(5,1);
A(span::all, 1) = randu<mat>(5,1);
mat X(5, 5, fill::randu);
// get all elements of X that are greater than 0.5
vec q = X.elem( find(X > 0.5) );
// add 123 to all elements of X greater than 0.5
X.elem( find(X > 0.5) ) += 123.0;
// set four specific elements of X to 1
uvec indices = { 2, 3, 6, 8 };
X.elem(indices) = ones<vec>(4);
// add 123 to the last 5 elements of vector a
vec a(10, fill::randu);
a.tail(5) += 123.0;
// add 123 to the first 3 elements of column 2 of X
X.col(2).head(3) += 123;
See also:
subcube views and slices
- A collection of member functions of the Cube class that provide subcube views
- contiguous views for cube Q:
Q.row( row_number )
Q.rows( first_row, last_row )
Q.col( col_number )
Q.cols( first_col, last_col )
Q.slice( slice_number )
Q.slices( first_slice, last_slice )
Q.subcube( first_row, first_col, first_slice, last_row, last_col, last_slice )
Q( span(first_row, last_row), span(first_col, last_col), span(first_slice, last_slice) )
Q( first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices) )
Q( first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(R) ) [ R is a cube ]
Q.head_slices( number_of_slices )
Q.tail_slices( number_of_slices )
Q.tube( row, col )
Q.tube( first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col )
Q.tube( span(first_row, last_row), span(first_col, last_col) )
Q.tube( first_row, first_col, size(n_rows, n_cols) )
- non-contiguous views for cube Q:
Q.elem( vector_of_indices )
Q( vector_of_indices )
Q.slices( vector_of_slice_indices )
- related cube views (documented separately)
Instances of span(a,b) can be replaced by:
- span() or span::all, to indicate the entire range
- span(a), to indicate a particular row, column or slice
An individual slice, accessed via .slice(), is an instance of the Mat class
(a reference to a matrix is provided)
All .tube() forms are variants of .subcube(), using first_slice = 0 and last_slice = Q.n_slices-1
The .tube(row,col) form uses row = first_row = last_row, and col = first_col = last_col
In the function Q.elem(vector_of_indices),
elements specified in vector_of_indices are accessed.
Q is interpreted as one long vector,
with slice-by-slice and column-by-column ordering of the elements of Q.
The vector_of_indices must evaluate to a vector of type uvec
(eg. generated by the find() function).
The aggregate set of the specified elements is treated as a column vector
(ie. the output of Q.elem() is always a column vector).
In the function Q.slices(vector_of_slice_indices),
slices specified in vector_of_slice_indices are accessed.
The vector_of_slice_indices must evaluate to a vector of type uvec.
cube A(2, 3, 4, fill::randu);
mat B = A.slice(1); // each slice is a matrix
A.slice(0) = randu<mat>(2,3);
A.slice(0)(1,2) = 99.0;
A.subcube(0,0,1, 1,1,2) = randu<cube>(2,2,2);
A( span(0,1), span(0,1), span(1,2) ) = randu<cube>(2,2,2);
A( 0,0,1, size(2,2,2) ) = randu<cube>(2,2,2);
// add 123 to all elements of A greater than 0.5
A.elem( find(A > 0.5) ) += 123.0;
cube C = A.head_slices(2); // get first two slices
A.head_slices(2) += 123.0;
See also:
subfield views
- A collection of member functions of the field class that provide subfield views
- For a 2D field F, the subfields are accessed as:
F.row( row_number )
F.col( col_number )
F.rows( first_row, last_row )
F.cols( first_col, last_col )
F.subfield( first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col )
F( span(first_row, last_row), span(first_col, last_col) )
F( first_row, first_col, size(G) ) [ G is a 2D field ]
F( first_row, first_col, size(n_rows, n_cols) )
- For a 3D field F, the subfields are accessed as:
F.slice( slice_number )
F.slices( first_slice, last_slice )
F.subfield( first_row, first_col, first_slice, last_row, last_col, last_slice )
F( span(first_row, last_row), span(first_col, last_col), span(first_slice, last_slice) )
F( first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(G) ) [ G is a 3D field ]
F( first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices) )
Instances of span(a,b) can be replaced by:
- span() or span::all, to indicate the entire range
- span(a), to indicate a particular row or column
See also:
.diag( k )
NOTE: handling of sparse matrix diagonals has changed slightly between Armadillo 7.x and 8.x;
to copy sparse diagonal to dense vector, use:
sp_mat S = sprandu<sp_mat>(10,10,0.1);
vec v(S.diag()); // copy sparse diagonal to dense vector
See also:
.each_col( vector_of_indices )
.each_row( vector_of_indices )
.each_col( lambda_function )
.each_row( lambda_function )
Member functions of Mat
Apply a vector operation to each column or row of a matrix
Similar to "broadcasting" in Matlab/Octave
Supported operations for .each_col() / .each_row() and .each_col(vector_of_indices) / .each_row(vector_of_indices) forms:
+ | | addition | | += | | in-place addition |
− | | subtraction | | −= | | in-place subtraction |
% | | element-wise multiplication | | %= | | in-place element-wise multiplication |
/ | | element-wise division | | /= | | in-place element-wise division |
= | | assignment (copy) | | | | |
- The argument vector_of_indices is optional; by default all columns or rows are used
If the argument vector_of_indices is specified, it must evaluate to a vector of type uvec;
the vector contains a list of indices of the columns or rows to be used
If the lambda_function is specified,
the function must accept a reference to a Col or Row object with the same element type as the underlying matrix
mat X(6, 5, fill::ones);
vec v = linspace<vec>(10,15,6);
X.each_col() += v; // in-place addition of v to each column vector of X
mat Y = X.each_col() + v; // generate Y by adding v to each column vector of X
// subtract v from columns 0 through to 3 in X
X.cols(0,3).each_col() -= v;
uvec indices(2);
indices(0) = 2;
indices(1) = 4;
X.each_col(indices) = v; // copy v to columns 2 and 4 in X
X.each_col( [](vec& a){ a.print(); } ); // lambda function with non-const vector
const mat& XX = X;
XX.each_col( [](const vec& b){ b.print(); } ); // lambda function with const vector
See also:
.each_slice() | | (form 1) |
.each_slice( vector_of_indices ) | | (form 2) |
.each_slice( lambda_function ) | | (form 3) |
.each_slice( lambda_function, use_mp ) | | (form 4) |
Member function of Cube
Apply a matrix operation to each slice of a cube, with each slice treated as a matrix
Similar to "broadcasting" in Matlab/Octave
Supported operations for form 1:
+ | | addition | | += | | in-place addition |
− | | subtraction | | −= | | in-place subtraction |
% | | element-wise multiplication | | %= | | in-place element-wise multiplication |
/ | | element-wise division | | /= | | in-place element-wise division |
* | | matrix multiplication | | *= | | in-place matrix multiplication |
= | | assignment (copy) | | | | |
For form 2:
- the argument vector_of_indices contains a list of indices of the slices to be used; it must evaluate to a vector of type uvec
- arithmetic operations as per form 1 are supported, except for
* and *= (ie. matrix multiplication)
For form 3:
- apply the given lambda_function to each slice; the function must accept a reference to a Mat object with the same element type as the underlying cube
For form 4:
- apply the given lambda_function to each slice, as per form 3
- the argument use_mp is a bool which enables the use of OpenMP for multi-threaded execution of lambda_function on multiple slices at the same time
- the order of processing the slices is not deterministic (eg. slice 2 can be processed before slice 1)
- lambda_function must be thread-safe, ie. it must not write to variables outside of its scope
cube C(4, 5, 6, fill::randu);
mat M = repmat(linspace<vec>(1,4,4), 1, 5);
C.each_slice() += M; // in-place addition of M to each slice of C
cube D = C.each_slice() + M; // generate D by adding M to each slice of C
uvec indices(2);
indices(0) = 2;
indices(1) = 4;
C.each_slice(indices) = M; // copy M to slices 2 and 4 in C
C.each_slice( [](mat& X){ X.print(); } ); // lambda function with non-const matrix
const cube& CC = C;
CC.each_slice( [](const mat& X){ X.print(); } ); // lambda function with const matrix
See also:
.set_imag( X )
.set_real( X )
Set the imaginary/real part of an object
X must have the same size as the recipient object
mat A(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(4, 5, fill::randu);
cx_mat C(4, 5, fill::zeros);
to directly construct a complex matrix out of two real matrices,
the following code is faster:
mat A(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(4, 5, fill::randu);
cx_mat C = cx_mat(A,B);
See also:
.insert_rows( row_number, X )
.insert_rows( row_number, number_of_rows )
.insert_rows( row_number, number_of_rows, set_to_zero )
(member functions of Mat, Col and Cube)
.insert_cols( col_number, X )
.insert_cols( col_number, number_of_cols )
.insert_cols( col_number, number_of_cols, set_to_zero )
(member functions of Mat, Row and Cube)
.insert_slices( slice_number, X )
.insert_slices( slice_number, number_of_slices )
.insert_slices( slice_number, number_of_slices, set_to_zero )
(member functions of Cube)
Functions with the X argument: insert a copy of X at the specified row/column/slice
- if inserting rows, X must have the same number of columns (and slices) as the recipient object
- if inserting columns, X must have the same number of rows (and slices) as the recipient object
- if inserting slices, X must have the same number of rows and columns as the recipient object (ie. all slices must have the same size)
Functions with the number_of_... argument:
- expand the object by creating new rows/columns/slices
- by default, the new rows/columns/slices are set to zero
- if set_to_zero is false, the memory used by the new rows/columns/slices will not be initialised
mat A(5, 10, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 2, fill::ones );
// at column 2, insert a copy of B;
// A will now have 12 columns
A.insert_cols(2, B);
// at column 1, insert 5 zeroed columns;
// B will now have 7 columns
B.insert_cols(1, 5);
See also:
.shed_row( row_number )
.shed_rows( first_row, last_row )
.shed_rows( vector_of_indices )
(member function of Mat, Col, SpMat, Cube)
(member function of Mat, Col, SpMat, Cube)
(member function of Mat, Col)
.shed_col( column_number )
.shed_cols( first_column, last_column )
.shed_cols( vector_of_indices )
(member function of Mat, Row, SpMat, Cube)
(member function of Mat, Row, SpMat, Cube)
(member function of Mat, Row)
.shed_slice( slice_number )
.shed_slices( first_slice, last_slice )
.shed_slices( vector_of_indices )
(member functions of Cube)
Functions with single scalar argument: remove the specified row/column/slice
Functions with two scalar arguments: remove the specified range of rows/columns/slices
The vector_of_indices must evaluate to a vector of type uvec; it contains the indices of rows/columns/slices to remove
mat A(5, 10, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 10, fill::randu);
uvec indices = {4, 6, 8};
See also:
.swap_rows( row1, row2 )
.swap_cols( col1, col2 )
See also:
.swap( X )
Member function of Mat, Col, Row and Cube
Swap contents with object X
mat A(4, 5, fill::zeros);
mat B(6, 7, fill::ones );
See also:
Member function of Mat, Col, Row and Cube
Obtain a raw pointer to the memory used for storing elements
The function can be used for interfacing with libraries such as FFTW
Data for matrices is stored in a column-by-column order
Data for cubes is stored in a slice-by-slice (matrix-by-matrix) order
Caveat: the pointer becomes invalid after any operation involving a size change or aliasing
Caveat: this function is not recommended for use unless you know what you are doing!
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
const mat B(5, 5, fill::randu);
double* A_mem = A.memptr();
const double* B_mem = B.memptr();
See also:
.colptr( col_number )
See also:
iterators (dense matrices & vectors)
Iterators and associated member functions of Mat, Col, Row
Iterators for dense matrices and vectors traverse over all elements within the specified range
Member functions:
iterator referring to the first element
iterator referring to the past-the-end element
.begin_col( col_number )
iterator referring to the first element of the specified column
.end_col( col_number )
iterator referring to the past-the-end element of the specified column
.begin_row( row_number )
iterator referring to the first element of the specified row
.end_row( row_number )
iterator referring to the past-the-end element of the specified row
Iterator types:
random access iterators, for read/write access to elements (which are stored column by column)
random access iterators, for read-only access to elements (which are stored column by column)
random access iterators, for read/write access to the elements of specified columns
random access iterators, for read-only access to the elements of specified columns
bidirectional iterator, for read/write access to the elements of specified rows
bidirectional iterator, for read-only access to the elements of specified rows
random access iterators, for read/write access to the elements of specified rows
random access iterators, for read-only access to the elements of specified rows
mat X(5, 6, fill::randu);
mat::iterator it = X.begin();
mat::iterator it_end = X.end();
for(; it != it_end; ++it)
cout << (*it) << endl;
mat::col_iterator col_it = X.begin_col(1); // start of column 1
mat::col_iterator col_it_end = X.end_col(3); // end of column 3
for(; col_it != col_it_end; ++col_it)
cout << (*col_it) << endl;
(*col_it) = 123.0;
See also:
iterators (cubes)
Iterators and associated member functions of Cube
Iterators for cubes traverse over all elements within the specified range
Member functions:
iterator referring to the first element
iterator referring to the past-the-end element
.begin_slice( slice_number )
iterator referring to the first element of the specified slice
.end_slice( slice_number )
iterator referring to the past-the-end element of the specified slice
Iterator types:
random access iterator, for read/write access to elements;
the elements are ordered slice by slice;
the elements within each slice are ordered column by column
random access iterator, for read-only access to elements
random access iterator, for read/write access to the elements of a particular slice;
the elements are ordered column by column
random access iterator, for read-only access to the elements of a particular slice
cube X(2, 3, 4, fill::randu);
cube::iterator it = X.begin();
cube::iterator it_end = X.end();
for(; it != it_end; ++it)
cout << (*it) << endl;
cube::slice_iterator s_it = X.begin_slice(1); // start of slice 1
cube::slice_iterator s_it_end = X.end_slice(2); // end of slice 2
for(; s_it != s_it_end; ++s_it)
cout << (*s_it) << endl;
(*s_it) = 123.0;
See also:
iterators (sparse matrices)
Iterators and associated member functions of SpMat
Iterators for sparse matrices traverse over non-zero elements within the specified range
to modify the non-zero elements in a safer manner,
use .transform() or .for_each() instead of iterators;
writing a zero value into a sparse matrix through an iterator will invalidate all current iterators associated with the sparse matrix
Member functions:
iterator referring to the first element
iterator referring to the past-the-end element
.begin_col( col_number )
iterator referring to the first element of the specified column
.end_col( col_number )
iterator referring to the past-the-end element of the specified column
.begin_row( row_number )
iterator referring to the first element of the specified row
.end_row( row_number )
iterator referring to the past-the-end element of the specified row
Iterator types:
bidirectional iterator, for read/write access to elements (which are stored column by column)
bidirectional iterator, for read-only access to elements (which are stored column by column)
bidirectional iterator, for read/write access to the elements of a specific column
bidirectional iterator, for read-only access to the elements of a specific column
bidirectional iterator, for read/write access to the elements of a specific row
bidirectional iterator, for read-only access to the elements of a specific row
The iterators have .row() and .col() functions which return the row and column of the current element;
the returned values are of type uword
sp_mat X = sprandu<sp_mat>(1000, 2000, 0.1);
sp_mat::const_iterator it = X.begin();
sp_mat::const_iterator it_end = X.end();
for(; it != it_end; ++it)
cout << "val: " << (*it) << endl;
cout << "row: " << it.row() << endl;
cout << "col: " << it.col() << endl;
See also:
iterators (dense submatrices & subcubes)
iterators for dense submatrix and subcube views,
allowing range-based for loops
These iterators are intended only to be used with range-based for loops. Any other use is not supported.
For example, the direct use of the begin() and end() functions, as well as the underlying iterators types is not supported.
The implementation of submatrices and subcubes uses short-lived temporary objects that are subject to automatic deletion, and as such are error-prone to handle manually.
mat X(100, 200, fill::randu);
for( double& val : X(span(40,60), span(50,100)) )
cout << val << endl;
val = 123.0;
See also:
compatibility container functions
See also:
See also:
See also:
See also:
See also:
See also:
Member function of any matrix or vector expression
Explicitly forces the evaluation of a delayed expression and outputs a matrix
This function should be used sparingly and only in cases where it is absolutely necessary;
indiscriminate use can degrade performance
cx_mat A( randu<mat>(4,4), randu<mat>(4,4) );
real(A).eval().save("A_real.dat", raw_ascii);
imag(A).eval().save("A_imag.dat", raw_ascii);
See also:
.in_range( i ) |
(member of Mat, Col, Row, Cube, SpMat, field)
.in_range( span(start, end) ) |
(member of Mat, Col, Row, Cube, SpMat, field)
.in_range( row, col ) |
(member of Mat, Col, Row, SpMat, field)
.in_range( span(start_row, end_row), span(start_col, end_col) ) |
(member of Mat, Col, Row, SpMat, field)
.in_range( row, col, slice ) |
(member of Cube and field)
.in_range( span(start_row, end_row), span(start_col, end_col), span(start_slice, end_slice) ) |
(member of Cube and field)
.in_range( first_row, first_col, size(X) ) (X is a matrix or field) |
(member of Mat, Col, Row, SpMat, field)
.in_range( first_row, first_col, size(n_rows, n_cols) ) |
(member of Mat, Col, Row, SpMat, field)
.in_range( first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(Q) ) (Q is a cube or field) |
(member of Cube and field)
.in_range( first_row, first_col, first_slice, size(n_rows, n_cols n_slices) ) |
(member of Cube and field)
- Returns true if the given location or span is currently valid
- Returns false if the object is empty, the location is out of bounds, or the span is out of bounds
Instances of span(a,b) can be replaced by:
- span() or span::all, to indicate the entire range
- span(a), to indicate a particular row, column or slice
mat A(4, 5, fill::randu);
cout << A.in_range(0,0) << endl; // true
cout << A.in_range(3,4) << endl; // true
cout << A.in_range(4,5) << endl; // false
See also:
See also:
Member functions of Mat and SpMat
- .is_vec():
- returns true if the matrix can be interpreted as a vector (either column or row vector)
- returns false if the matrix does not have exactly one column or one row
- .is_colvec():
- returns true if the matrix can be interpreted as a column vector
- returns false if the matrix does not have exactly one column
- .is_rowvec():
- returns true if the matrix can be interpreted as a row vector
- returns false if the matrix does not have exactly one row
- Caveat: do not assume that the vector has elements if these functions return true; it is possible to have an empty vector (eg. 0x1)
mat A(1, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 1, fill::randu);
mat C(5, 5, fill::randu);
cout << A.is_vec() << endl;
cout << B.is_vec() << endl;
cout << C.is_vec() << endl;
See also:
.is_sorted( sort_direction )
.is_sorted( sort_direction, dim )
Member function of Mat, Row and Col
If the object is a vector, return a bool indicating whether the elements are sorted
If the object is a matrix, return a bool indicating whether the elements are sorted in each column (dim = 0), or each row (dim = 1)
The sort_direction argument is optional; sort_direction is one of:
"ascend" | ↦ | elements are ascending; consecutive elements can be equal; this is the default operation |
"descend" | ↦ | elements are descending; consecutive elements can be equal |
"strictascend" | ↦ | elements are strictly ascending; consecutive elements cannot be equal |
"strictdescend" | ↦ | elements are strictly descending; consecutive elements cannot be equal |
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
For matrices and vectors with complex numbers, order is checked via absolute values
vec a(10, fill::randu);
vec b = sort(a);
bool check1 = a.is_sorted();
bool check2 = b.is_sorted();
mat A(10, 10, fill::randu);
// check whether each column is sorted in descending manner
cout << A.is_sorted("descend") << endl;
// check whether each row is sorted in ascending manner
cout << A.is_sorted("ascend", 1) << endl;
See also:
See also:
See also:
Member function of Mat and SpMat
- Returns true if the matrix is square, ie. number of rows is equal to the number of columns
- Returns false if the matrix is not square
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(6, 7, fill::randu);
cout << A.is_square() << endl;
cout << B.is_square() << endl;
See also:
.is_symmetric( tol )
See also:
.is_hermitian( tol )
See also:
.is_sympd( tol )
See also:
.is_zero( tolerance )
- For objects with non-complex elements: return true if each element has an absolute value ≤ tolerance; return false otherwise
- For objects with complex elements: return true if for each element, each component (real and imaginary) has an absolute value ≤ tolerance; return false otherwise
- The argument tolerance is optional; by default tolerance = 0
mat A(5, 5, fill::zeros);
A(0,0) = datum::eps;
cout << A.is_zero() << endl;
cout << A.is_zero(datum::eps) << endl;
See also:
Member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube, SpMat
- Returns true if all elements of the object are finite
- Returns false if at least one of the elements of the object is non-finite (±infinity or NaN)
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 5, fill::randu);
B(1,1) = datum::inf;
cout << A.is_finite() << endl;
cout << B.is_finite() << endl;
See also:
Member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube, SpMat
- Returns true if at least one of the elements of the object is ±infinity
- Returns false otherwise
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 5, fill::randu);
B(1,1) = datum::inf;
cout << A.has_inf() << endl;
cout << B.has_inf() << endl;
See also:
Member function of Mat, Col, Row, Cube, SpMat
- Returns true if at least one of the elements of the object is NaN (not-a-number)
- Returns false otherwise
NaN is not equal to anything, even itself
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 5, fill::randu);
B(1,1) = datum::nan;
cout << A.has_nan() << endl;
cout << B.has_nan() << endl;
See also:
.print( header )
.print( stream )
.print( stream, header )
Member functions of Mat, Col, Row, SpMat, Cube and field
Print the contents of an object to the std::cout stream (default),
or a user specified stream, with an optional header string
Objects can also be printed using the << stream operator
Elements of a field can only be printed if there is an associated operator<< function defined
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(6, 6, fill::randu);
// print a transposed version of A
// "B:" is the optional header line
cout << A << endl;
cout << "B:" << endl;
cout << B << endl;
See also:
.raw_print( header )
.raw_print( stream )
.raw_print( stream, header )
See also:
.brief_print( header )
.brief_print( stream )
.brief_print( stream, header )
Member functions of Mat, Col, Row, SpMat and Cube
Similar to the .print() member function,
with the difference that an abridged version of the object is printed
mat A(123, 456, fill::randu);
// possible output:
// A:
// [matrix size: 123x456]
// 0.8402 0.7605 0.6218 ... 0.9744
// 0.3944 0.9848 0.0409 ... 0.7799
// 0.7831 0.9350 0.4140 ... 0.8835
// : : : : :
// 0.4954 0.1826 0.9848 ... 0.1918
See also:
saving/loading matrices & cubes
.save( filename )
.save( filename, file_type )
.save( stream )
.save( stream, file_type )
.save( hdf5_name(filename, dataset) )
.save( hdf5_name(filename, dataset, settings) )
.save( csv_name(filename, header) )
.save( csv_name(filename, header, settings) )
.load( filename )
.load( filename, file_type )
.load( stream )
.load( stream, file_type )
.load( hdf5_name(filename, dataset) )
.load( hdf5_name(filename, dataset, settings) )
.load( csv_name(filename, header) )
.load( csv_name(filename, header, settings) )
- Member functions of Mat, Col, Row, Cube and SpMat
- Store/retrieve data in a file or stream (caveat: the stream must be opened in binary mode)
- On success, .save() and .load() return a bool set to true
- On failure, .save() and .load() return a bool set to false; additionally, .load() resets the object so that it has no elements
file_type can be one of the following:
auto_detect |
Used only by .load() only: attempt to automatically detect the file type as one of the formats described below;
[ default operation for .load() ]
Numerical data stored in machine dependent binary format, with a simple header to speed up loading.
The header indicates the type and size of matrix/cube.
[ default operation for .save() ]
arma_ascii |
Numerical data stored in human readable text format, with a simple header to speed up loading.
The header indicates the type and size of matrix/cube.
raw_binary |
Numerical data stored in machine dependent raw binary format, without a header.
Matrices are loaded to have one column,
while cubes are loaded to have one slice with one column.
The .reshape() function can be used to alter the size of the loaded matrix/cube without losing data.
raw_ascii |
Numerical data stored in raw ASCII format, without a header.
The numbers are separated by whitespace.
The number of columns must be the same in each row.
Cubes are loaded as one slice.
Data which was saved in Matlab/Octave using the -ascii option can be read in Armadillo, except for complex numbers.
Complex numbers are stored in standard C++ notation, which is a tuple surrounded by brackets: eg. (1.23,4.56) indicates 1.24 + 4.56i.
csv_ascii |
Numerical data stored in comma separated value (CSV) text format, without a header.
To save/load with a header, use the csv_name(filename,header) specification instead (more details below).
Handles complex numbers stored in the compound form of 1.24+4.56i.
Applicable to Mat and SpMat.
coord_ascii |
Numerical data stored as a text file in coordinate list format, without a header.
Only non-zero values are stored.
For real matrices, each line contains information in the following format: row column value
For complex matrices, each line contains information in the following format: row column real_value imag_value
The rows and columns start at zero.
Armadillo ≥ 10.3: applicable to Mat and SpMat; Armadillo ≤ 10.2: applicable to SpMat only.
Caveat: not supported by auto_detect.
pgm_binary |
Image data stored in Portable Gray Map (PGM) format.
Applicable to Mat only.
Saving int, float or double matrices is a lossy operation, as each element is copied and converted to an 8 bit representation.
As such the matrix should have values in the [0,255] interval, otherwise the resulting image may not display correctly.
ppm_binary |
Image data stored in Portable Pixel Map (PPM) format.
Applicable to Cube only.
Saving int, float or double matrices is a lossy operation, as each element is copied and converted to an 8 bit representation.
As such the cube/field should have values in the [0,255] interval, otherwise the resulting image may not display correctly.
hdf5_binary |
Numerical data stored in portable HDF5 binary format.
for saving, the default dataset name within the HDF5 file is "dataset"
for loading, the order of operations is:
(1) try loading a dataset named "dataset",
(2) try loading a dataset named "value",
(3) try loading the first available dataset
to explicitly control the dataset name, specify it via the hdf5_name() argument (more details below)
By providing either hdf5_name(filename, dataset) or hdf5_name(filename, dataset, settings), the file_type type is assumed to be hdf5_binary
the dataset argument specifies an HDF5 dataset name (eg. "my_dataset") that can include a full path (eg. "/group_name/my_dataset");
if a blank dataset name is specified (ie. ""), it is assumed to be "dataset"
- the settings argument is optional; it is one of the following, or a combination thereof:
hdf5_opts::trans | | save/load the data with columns transposed to rows (and vice versa) |
hdf5_opts::append | | instead of overwriting the file, append the specified dataset to the file; the specified dataset must not already exist in the file |
hdf5_opts::replace | | instead of overwriting the file, replace the specified dataset in the file caveat: HDF5 v1.8 may not automatically reclaim deleted space; use h5repack to clean HDF5 files |
the above settings can be combined using the + operator; for example: hdf5_opts::trans + hdf5_opts::append
for saving/loading HDF5 files, support for HDF5 must be enabled within Armadillo's configuration;
the hdf5.h header file must be available on your system and you will need to link with the HDF5 library (eg.
-lhdf5 )
By providing either csv_name(filename, header) or csv_name(filename, header, settings),
the file is assumed to have data in comma separated value (CSV) text format
the header argument specifies the object which stores the separate elements of the header line; it must have the type
- the optional settings argument is one of the following, or a combination thereof:
csv_opts::trans | | save/load the data with columns transposed to rows (and vice versa) |
csv_opts::no_header | | assume there is no header line; the header argument is not referenced |
csv_opts::semicolon | | use semicolon (;) instead of comma (,) as the separator character (Armadillo 10.6 and later) |
the above settings can be combined using the + operator; for example: csv_opts::trans + csv_opts::no_header
mat A(5, 6, fill::randu);
// default save format is arma_binary
// save in raw_ascii format
A.save("A.txt", raw_ascii);
// save in CSV format without a header
A.save("A.csv", csv_ascii);
// save in CSV format with a header
field<std::string> header(A.n_cols);
header(0) = "foo";
header(1) = "bar"; // etc
A.save( csv_name("A.csv", header) );
// save in HDF5 format with internal dataset named as "my_data"
A.save(hdf5_name("A.h5", "my_data"));
// automatically detect format type while loading
mat B;
// force loading in arma_ascii format
mat C;
C.load("A.txt", arma_ascii);
// example of testing for success
mat D;
bool ok = D.load("A.bin");
if(ok == false)
cout << "problem with loading" << endl;
See also:
saving/loading fields
.save( name )
.save( name, file_type )
.save( stream )
.save( stream, file_type )
.load( name )
.load( name, file_type )
.load( stream )
.load( stream, file_type )
- Store/retrieve data in a file or stream (caveat: the stream must be opened in binary mode)
- On success, .save() and .load() return a bool set to true
- On failure, .save() and .load() return a bool set to false; additionally, .load() resets the object so that it has no elements
Fields with objects of type std::string are saved and loaded as raw text files.
The text files do not have a header.
Each string is separated by a whitespace.
load() will only accept text files that have the same number of strings on each line.
The strings can have variable lengths.
Other than storing string fields as text files, the following file formats are supported:
auto_detect |
.load(): attempt to automatically detect the field format type as one of the formats described below;
this is the default operation
arma_binary |
objects are stored in machine dependent binary format
default type for fields of type Mat, Col, Row or Cube
only applicable to fields of type Mat, Col, Row or Cube
ppm_binary |
image data stored in Portable Pixmap Map (PPM) format
only applicable to fields of type Mat, Col or Row
.load(): loads the specified image and stores the red, green and blue components as three separate matrices;
the resulting field is comprised of the three matrices,
with the red, green and blue components in the first, second and third matrix, respectively
.save(): saves a field with exactly three matrices of equal size as an image;
it is assumed that the red, green and blue components are stored in the first, second and third matrix, respectively;
saving int, float or double matrices is a lossy operation,
as each matrix element is copied and converted to an 8 bit representation
- See also:
Generated Vectors/Matrices/Cubes
linspace( start, end )
linspace( start, end, N )
Generate a vector with N elements;
the values of the elements are linearly spaced from start to (and including) end
The argument N is optional; by default N = 100
- vec v = linspace(start, end, N)
- vector_type v = linspace<vector_type>(start, end, N)
Caveat: for N = 1, the generated vector will have a single element equal to end
vec a = linspace(0, 5, 6);
rowvec b = linspace<rowvec>(5, 0, 6);
See also:
logspace( A, B )
logspace( A, B, N )
Generate a vector with N elements;
the values of the elements are logarithmically spaced from 10A to (and including) 10B
The argument N is optional; by default N = 50
- vec v = logspace(A, B, N)
- vector_type v = logspace<vector_type>(A, B, N)
vec a = logspace(0, 5, 6);
rowvec b = logspace<rowvec>(5, 0, 6);
See also:
regspace( start, end )
regspace( start, delta, end )
Generate a vector with regularly spaced elements:
[ (start + 0*delta), (start + 1*delta), (start + 2*delta), ⋯, (start + M*delta) ]
where M = floor((end-start) / delta), so that (start + M*delta) ≤ end
Similar in operation to the Matlab/Octave colon operator, ie. start:end and start:delta:end
If delta is not specified:
- delta = +1, if start ≤ end
- delta = −1, if start > end (caveat: this is different to Matlab/Octave)
An empty vector is generated when one of the following conditions is true:
- start < end, and delta < 0
- start > end, and delta > 0
- delta = 0
- vec v = regspace(start, end)
- vec v = regspace(start, delta, end)
- vector_type v = regspace<vector_type>(start, end)
- vector_type v = regspace<vector_type>(start, delta, end)
vec a = regspace(0, 9); // 0, 1, ..., 9
uvec b = regspace<uvec>(2, 2, 10); // 2, 4, ..., 10
ivec c = regspace<ivec>(0, -1, -10); // 0, -1, ..., -10
Caveat: do not use regspace() to specify ranges for contiguous submatrix views; use span() instead
See also:
randperm( N )
randperm( N, M )
See also:
eye( n_rows, n_cols )
eye( size(X) )
Generate a matrix with the elements along the main diagonal set to one
and off-diagonal elements set to zero
An identity matrix is generated when n_rows = n_cols
- mat X = eye( n_rows, n_cols )
- matrix_type X = eye<matrix_type>( n_rows, n_cols )
- matrix_type Y = eye<matrix_type>( size(X) )
mat A = eye(5,5); // or: mat A(5,5,fill::eye);
fmat B = 123.0 * eye<fmat>(5,5);
cx_mat C = eye<cx_mat>( size(B) );
See also:
ones( n_elem )
ones( n_rows, n_cols )
ones( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
ones( size(X) )
Generate a vector, matrix or cube with all elements set to one
- vector_type v = ones<vector_type>( n_elem )
- matrix_type X = ones<matrix_type>( n_rows, n_cols )
- matrix_type Y = ones<matrix_type>( size(X) )
- cube_type Q = ones<cube_type>( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
- cube_type R = ones<cube_type>( size(Q) )
vec v = ones<vec>(10);
uvec u = ones<uvec>(11);
mat A = ones<mat>(5,6);
cube Q = ones<cube>(5,6,7);
mat B = 123.0 * ones<mat>(5,6);
See also:
zeros( n_elem )
zeros( n_rows, n_cols )
zeros( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
zeros( size(X) )
Generate a vector, matrix or cube with the elements set to zero
- vector_type v = zeros<vector_type>( n_elem )
- matrix_type X = zeros<matrix_type>( n_rows, n_cols )
- matrix_type Y = zeros<matrix_type>( size(X) )
- cube_type Q = zeros<cube_type>( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
- cube_type R = zeros<cube_type>( size(Q) )
vec v = zeros<vec>(10);
uvec u = zeros<uvec>(11);
mat A = zeros<mat>(5,6);
cube Q = zeros<cube>(5,6,7);
See also:
randu( )
randu( n_elem )
randu( n_rows, n_cols )
randu( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
randu( size(X) )
randn( )
randn( n_elem )
randn( n_rows, n_cols )
randn( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
randn( size(X) )
Generate a scalar, vector, matrix or cube with the elements set to random floating point values
- randu() uses a uniform distribution in the [0,1] interval
- randn() uses a normal/Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit variance
- scalar_type s = randu<scalar_type>( ), where scalar_type ∈ { float, double, cx_float, cx_double }
- vector_type v = randu<vector_type>( n_elem )
- matrix_type X = randu<matrix_type>( n_rows, n_cols )
- matrix_type Y = randu<matrix_type>( size(X) )
- cube_type Q = randu<cube_type>( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
- cube_type R = randu<cube_type>( size(Q) )
To change the RNG seed, use arma_rng::set_seed(value) or arma_rng::set_seed_random() functions
Caveat: to generate a matrix with random integer values instead of floating point values,
use randi() instead
vec v = randu<vec>(5);
mat A = randu<mat>(5,6);
cube Q = randu<cube>(5,6,7);
arma_rng::set_seed_random(); // set the seed to a random value
See also:
randg( )
randg( distr_param(a,b) )
randg( n_elem )
randg( n_elem, distr_param(a,b) )
randg( n_rows, n_cols )
randg( n_rows, n_cols, distr_param(a,b) )
randg( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
randg( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices, distr_param(a,b) )
randg( size(X) )
randg( size(X), distr_param(a,b) )
Generate a scalar, vector, matrix or cube with the elements set to random values from a gamma distribution:
| | x a-1 exp( -x / b ) |
p(x | a,b) | = |
| | b a Γ(a) |
where a is the shape parameter and b is the scale parameter, with constraints a > 0 and b > 0
- The default distribution parameters are a = 1 and b = 1
- scalar_type s = randg<scalar_type>( ), where scalar_type is either float or double
- scalar_type s = randg<scalar_type>( distr_param(a,b) ), where scalar_type is either float or double
- vector_type v = randg<vector_type>( n_elem )
- vector_type v = randg<vector_type>( n_elem, distr_param(a,b) )
- matrix_type X = randg<matrix_type>( n_rows, n_cols )
- matrix_type X = randg<matrix_type>( n_rows, n_cols, distr_param(a,b) )
- matrix_type Y = randg<matrix_type>( size(X) )
- matrix_type Y = randg<matrix_type>( size(X), distr_param(a,b) )
- cube_type Q = randg<cube_type>( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
- cube_type Q = randg<cube_type>( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices, distr_param(a,b) )
- cube_type R = randg<cube_type>( size(Q) )
- cube_type R = randg<cube_type>( size(Q), distr_param(a,b) )
To change the RNG seed, use arma_rng::set_seed(value) or arma_rng::set_seed_random() functions
vec v = randg<vec>(100, distr_param(2,1));
mat X = randg<mat>(10, 10, distr_param(2,1));
See also:
randi( )
randi( distr_param(a,b) )
randi( n_elem )
randi( n_elem, distr_param(a,b) )
randi( n_rows, n_cols )
randi( n_rows, n_cols, distr_param(a,b) )
randi( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
randi( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices, distr_param(a,b) )
randi( size(X) )
randi( size(X), distr_param(a,b) )
Generate a scalar, vector, matrix or cube with the elements set to random integer values in the [a,b] interval
- The default distribution parameters are a = 0 and b = maximum_int
- scalar_type v = randi<scalar_type>( )
- scalar_type v = randi<scalar_type>( distr_param(a,b) )
- vector_type v = randi<vector_type>( n_elem )
- vector_type v = randi<vector_type>( n_elem, distr_param(a,b) )
- matrix_type X = randi<matrix_type>( n_rows, n_cols )
- matrix_type X = randi<matrix_type>( n_rows, n_cols, distr_param(a,b) )
- matrix_type Y = randi<matrix_type>( size(X) )
- matrix_type Y = randi<matrix_type>( size(X), distr_param(a,b) )
- cube_type Q = randi<cube_type>( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
- cube_type Q = randi<cube_type>( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices, distr_param(a,b) )
- cube_type R = randi<cube_type>( size(Q) )
- cube_type R = randi<cube_type>( size(Q), distr_param(a,b) )
To change the RNG seed, use arma_rng::set_seed(value) or arma_rng::set_seed_random() functions
Caveat: to generate a continuous distribution with floating point values (ie. float or double), use randu() instead
imat A = randi<imat>(5, 6);
imat A = randi<imat>(6, 7, distr_param(-10, +20));
arma_rng::set_seed_random(); // set the seed to a random value
See also:
speye( n_rows, n_cols )
speye( size(X) )
See also:
spones( A )
See also:
sprandu( n_rows, n_cols, density )
sprandn( n_rows, n_cols, density )
sprandu( size(X), density )
sprandn( size(X), density )
See also:
toeplitz( A )
toeplitz( A, B )
circ_toeplitz( A )
See also:
Functions of Vectors/Matrices/Cubes
abs( X )
Obtain the magnitude of each element
Usage for non-complex X:
- Y = abs(X)
- X and Y must have the same matrix type or cube type, such as mat or cube
Usage for complex X:
- real_object_type Y = abs(X)
- The type of X must be a complex matrix or complex cube, such as cx_mat or cx_cube
- The type of Y must be the real counterpart to the type of X; if X has the type cx_mat, then the type of Y must be mat
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = abs(A);
cx_mat X(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat Y = abs(X);
See also:
accu( X )
Accumulate (sum) all elements of a vector, matrix or cube
mat A(5, 6, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 6, fill::randu);
double x = accu(A);
double y = accu(A % B);
// accu(A % B) is a "multiply-and-accumulate" operation
// as operator % performs element-wise multiplication
See also:
affmul( A, B )
- Multiply matrix A by an augmented form of B, where a row with ones is appended to B;
for example:
⎡ A00 A01 A02 ⎤ ⎡ B0 ⎤
⎢ A10 A11 A12 ⎥ x ⎢ B1 ⎥
⎣ A20 A21 A22 ⎦ ⎣ 1 ⎦
A is typically an affine transformation matrix
The number of columns in A must be equal to number of rows in the augmented form of B (ie. A.n_cols = B.n_rows+1)
B can be a vector or matrix
mat44 A; A.randu();
vec3 B; B.randu();
vec4 C = affmul(A,B);
See also:
all( V )
all( X )
all( X, dim )
- For vector V, return true if all elements of the vector are non-zero or satisfy a relational condition
For matrix X and
dim = 0, return a row vector (of type urowvec or umat),
with each element (0 or 1) indicating whether the corresponding column of X has all non-zero elements
dim = 1, return a column vector (of type ucolvec or umat),
with each element (0 or 1) indicating whether the corresponding row of X has all non-zero elements
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
Relational operators can be used instead of V or X, eg. A > 0.5
vec V(10, fill::randu);
mat X(5, 5, fill::randu);
// status1 will be set to true if vector V has all non-zero elements
bool status1 = all(V);
// status2 will be set to true if vector V has all elements greater than 0.5
bool status2 = all(V > 0.5);
// status3 will be set to true if matrix X has all elements greater than 0.6;
// note the use of vectorise()
bool status3 = all(vectorise(X) > 0.6);
// generate a row vector indicating which columns of X have all elements greater than 0.7
umat A = all(X > 0.7);
See also:
any( V )
any( X )
any( X, dim )
- For vector V, return true if any element of the vector is non-zero or satisfies a relational condition
For matrix X and
dim = 0, return a row vector (of type urowvec or umat),
with each element (0 or 1) indicating whether the corresponding column of X has any non-zero elements
dim = 1, return a column vector (of type ucolvec or umat),
with each element (0 or 1) indicating whether the corresponding row of X has any non-zero elements
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
Relational operators can be used instead of V or X, eg. A > 0.9
vec V(10, fill::randu);
mat X(5, 5, fill::randu);
// status1 will be set to true if vector V has any non-zero elements
bool status1 = any(V);
// status2 will be set to true if vector V has any elements greater than 0.5
bool status2 = any(V > 0.5);
// status3 will be set to true if matrix X has any elements greater than 0.6;
// note the use of vectorise()
bool status3 = any(vectorise(X) > 0.6);
// generate a row vector indicating which columns of X have elements greater than 0.7
umat A = any(X > 0.7);
See also:
approx_equal( A, B, method, tol )
approx_equal( A, B, method, abs_tol, rel_tol )
Return true if all corresponding elements in A and B are approximately equal
Return false if any of the corresponding elements in A and B are not approximately equal, or if A and B have different dimensions
The argument method controls how the approximate equality is determined; it is one of:
"absdiff" | ↦ | scalars x and y are considered equal if |x − y| ≤ tol |
"reldiff" | ↦ | scalars x and y are considered equal if |x − y| / max( |x|, |y| ) ≤ tol |
"both" | ↦ | scalars x and y are considered equal if |x − y| ≤ abs_tol or |x − y| / max( |x|, |y| ) ≤ rel_tol |
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = A + 0.001;
bool same1 = approx_equal(A, B, "absdiff", 0.002);
mat C = 1000 * randu<mat>(5,5);
mat D = C + 1;
bool same2 = approx_equal(C, D, "reldiff", 0.1);
bool same3 = approx_equal(C, D, "both", 2, 0.1);
See also:
arg( X )
See also:
as_scalar( expression )
Evaluate an expression that results in a 1x1 matrix,
followed by converting the 1x1 matrix to a pure scalar
Optimised expression evaluations are automatically used when a binary or trinary expression is given (ie. 2 or 3 terms)
rowvec r(5, fill::randu);
colvec q(5, fill::randu);
mat X(5, 5, fill::randu);
// examples of expressions which have optimised implementations
double a = as_scalar(r*q);
double b = as_scalar(r*X*q);
double c = as_scalar(r*diagmat(X)*q);
double d = as_scalar(r*inv(diagmat(X))*q);
See also:
clamp( X, min_val, max_val )
Create a copy of X with each element clamped to the [min_val, max_val] interval;
any value lower than min_val will be set to min_val, and any value higher than max_val will be set to max_val
For objects with complex elements, the real and imaginary components are clamped separately
If X is a sparse matrix, clamping is applied only to the non-zero elements
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = clamp(A, 0.2, 0.8);
mat C = clamp(A, A.min(), 0.8);
mat D = clamp(A, 0.2, A.max());
See also:
cond( A )
See also:
conj( X )
See also:
conv_to< type >::from( X )
Convert (cast) from one matrix type to another (eg. mat to imat), or one cube type to another (eg. cube to icube)
Conversion between std::vector and Armadillo matrices/vectors is also possible
Conversion of a mat object into colvec, rowvec or std::vector is possible if the object can be interpreted as a vector
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
fmat B = conv_to<fmat>::from(A);
typedef std::vector<double> stdvec;
stdvec x(3);
x[0] = 0.0; x[1] = 1.0; x[2] = 2.0;
colvec y = conv_to< colvec >::from(x);
stdvec z = conv_to< stdvec >::from(y);
See also:
cross( A, B )
See also:
cumsum( V )
cumsum( X )
cumsum( X, dim )
For vector V, return a vector of the same orientation, containing the cumulative sum of elements
For matrix X, return a matrix containing the cumulative sum of elements in each column (dim = 0), or each row (dim = 1)
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = cumsum(A);
mat C = cumsum(A, 1);
vec x(10, fill::randu);
vec y = cumsum(x);
See also:
cumprod( V )
cumprod( X )
cumprod( X, dim )
For vector V, return a vector of the same orientation, containing the cumulative product of elements
For matrix X, return a matrix containing the cumulative product of elements in each column (dim = 0), or each row (dim = 1)
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = cumprod(A);
mat C = cumprod(A, 1);
vec x(10, fill::randu);
vec y = cumprod(x);
See also:
det( A )
See also:
diagmat( V )
diagmat( V, k )
diagmat( X )
diagmat( X, k )
Generate a diagonal matrix from vector V or matrix X
Given vector V, generate a square matrix with the k-th diagonal containing a copy of the vector; all other elements are set to zero
Given matrix X, generate a matrix with the k-th diagonal containing a copy of the k-th diagonal of X; all other elements are set to zero
The argument k is optional; by default the main diagonal is used (k = 0)
For k > 0, the k-th super-diagonal is used (above main diagonal, towards top-right corner)
For k < 0, the k-th sub-diagonal is used (below main diagonal, towards bottom-left corner)
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = diagmat(A);
mat C = diagmat(A,1);
vec v(5, fill::randu);
mat D = diagmat(v);
mat E = diagmat(v,1);
See also:
diagvec( A )
diagvec( A, k )
See also:
diff( V )
diff( V, k )
diff( X )
diff( X, k )
diff( X, k, dim )
See also:
dot( A, B )
cdot( A, B )
norm_dot( A, B )
See also:
eps( X )
See also:
B = expmat( A )
expmat( B, A )
See also:
B = expmat_sym( A )
expmat_sym( B, A )
See also:
find( X )
find( X, k )
find( X, k, s )
- Return a column vector containing the indices of elements of X that are non-zero or satisfy a relational condition
- The output vector must have the type uvec
(ie. the indices are stored as unsigned integers of type uword)
X is interpreted as a vector, with column-by-column ordering of the elements of X
- Relational operators can be used instead of X, eg. A > 0.5
- If k = 0 (default), return the indices of all non-zero elements, otherwise return at most k of their indices
- If s = "first" (default), return at most the first k indices of the non-zero elements
- If s = "last", return at most the last k indices of the non-zero elements
- to clamp values to an interval, clamp() is more efficient
- to replace a specific value, .replace() is more efficient
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 5, fill::randu);
uvec q1 = find(A > B);
uvec q2 = find(A > 0.5);
uvec q3 = find(A > 0.5, 3, "last");
// change elements of A greater than 0.5 to 1
A.elem( find(A > 0.5) ).ones();
See also:
find_finite( X )
- Return a column vector containing the indices of elements of X that are finite (ie. not ±Inf and not NaN)
- The output vector must have the type uvec
(ie. the indices are stored as unsigned integers of type uword)
X is interpreted as a vector, with column-by-column ordering of the elements of X
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
A(1,1) = datum::inf;
// accumulate only finite elements
double val = accu( A.elem( find_finite(A) ) );
See also:
find_nonfinite( X )
- Return a column vector containing the indices of elements of X that are non-finite (ie. ±Inf or NaN)
- The output vector must have the type uvec
(ie. the indices are stored as unsigned integers of type uword)
X is interpreted as a vector, with column-by-column ordering of the elements of X
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
A(1,1) = datum::inf;
A(2,2) = datum::nan;
// change non-finite elements to zero
A.elem( find_nonfinite(A) ).zeros();
Caveat: to replace instances of a specific non-finite value (eg. nan or inf),
it is more efficient to use .replace()
See also:
find_unique( X )
find_unique( X, ascending_indices )
- Return a column vector containing the indices of unique elements of X
- The output vector must have the type uvec
(ie. the indices are stored as unsigned integers of type uword)
X is interpreted as a vector, with column-by-column ordering of the elements of X
- The ascending_indices argument is optional; it is one of:
true | = | the returned indices are sorted to be ascending (default setting) |
false | = | the returned indices are in arbitrary order (faster operation) |
mat A = { { 2, 2, 4 },
{ 4, 6, 6 } };
uvec indices = find_unique(A);
See also:
fliplr( X )
flipud( X )
See also:
imag( X )
real( X )
See also:
uvec | sub = ind2sub( size(X), index ) | | (form 1) |
umat | sub = ind2sub( size(X), vector_of_indices ) | | (form 2) |
Convert a linear index, or a vector of indices, to subscript notation
The argument size(X) can be replaced with size(n_rows, n_cols) or size(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices)
If an index is out of range, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
When only one index is given (form 1), the subscripts are returned in a vector of type uvec
When a vector of indices (of type uvec) is given (form 2), the corresponding subscripts are returned in each column of an m x n matrix of type umat;
m=2 for matrix subscripts, while m=3 for cube subscripts
mat M(4, 5, fill::randu);
uvec s = ind2sub( size(M), 6 );
cout << "row: " << s(0) << endl;
cout << "col: " << s(1) << endl;
uvec indices = find(M > 0.5);
umat t = ind2sub( size(M), indices );
cube Q(2,3,4);
uvec u = ind2sub( size(Q), 8 );
cout << "row: " << u(0) << endl;
cout << "col: " << u(1) << endl;
cout << "slice: " << u(2) << endl;
See also:
index_min( V )
index_min( M )
index_min( M, dim )
index_min( Q )
index_min( Q, dim )
index_max( V )
index_max( M )
index_max( M, dim )
index_max( Q )
index_max( Q, dim )
For vector V, return the linear index of the extremum value; the returned index is of type uword
For matrix M and:
dim = 0, return a row vector (of type urowvec or umat),
with each column containing the index of the extremum value in the corresponding column of M
dim = 1, return a column vector (of type uvec or umat),
with each row containing the index of the extremum value in the corresponding row of M
For cube Q, return a cube (of type ucube) containing the indices of extremum values of elements along dimension dim, where dim ∈ { 0, 1, 2 }
For each column, row, or slice, the index starts at zero
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
For objects with complex numbers, absolute values are used for comparison
vec v(10, fill::randu);
uword i = index_max(v);
double max_val_in_v = v(i);
mat M(5, 6, fill::randu);
urowvec ii = index_max(M);
ucolvec jj = index_max(M,1);
double max_val_in_col_2 = M( ii(2), 2 );
double max_val_in_row_4 = M( 4, jj(4) );
See also:
inplace_trans( X )
inplace_trans( X, method )
inplace_strans( X )
inplace_strans( X, method )
In-place / in-situ transpose of matrix X
For real (non-complex) matrix:
- inplace_trans() performs a normal transpose
- inplace_strans() not applicable
For complex matrix:
- inplace_trans() performs a Hermitian transpose (ie. the conjugate of the elements is taken during the transpose)
- inplace_strans() provides a transposed copy without taking the conjugate of the elements
The argument method is optional
By default, a greedy transposition algorithm is used; a low-memory algorithm can be used instead by explicitly setting method to
The low-memory algorithm is considerably slower than the greedy algorithm;
using the low-memory algorithm is only recommended for cases where X takes up more than half of available memory (ie. very large X)
mat X(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat Y(20000, 30000, fill::randu);
inplace_trans(X); // use greedy algorithm by default
inplace_trans(Y, "lowmem"); // use low-memory (and slow) algorithm
See also:
C = intersect( A, B ) | | (form 1) |
intersect( C, iA, iB, A, B ) | | (form 2) |
For form 1:
- return the unique elements common to both A and B, sorted in ascending order
For form 2:
- store in C the unique elements common to both A and B, sorted in ascending order
- store in iA and iB the indices of the unique elements, such that C = A.elem(iA) and C = B.elem(iB)
- iA and iB must have the type uvec (ie. the indices are stored as unsigned integers of type uword)
C is a column vector if either A or B is a matrix or column vector;
C is a row vector if both A and B are row vectors
For matrices and vectors with complex numbers, ordering is via absolute values
ivec A = regspace<ivec>(4, 1); // 4, 3, 2, 1
ivec B = regspace<ivec>(3, 6); // 3, 4, 5, 6
ivec C = intersect(A,B); // 3, 4
ivec CC;
uvec iA;
uvec iB;
intersect(CC, iA, iB, A, B);
See also:
join_rows( A, B )
join_rows( A, B, C )
join_rows( A, B, C, D )
join_cols( A, B )
join_cols( A, B, C )
join_cols( A, B, C, D )
join_horiz( A, B )
join_horiz( A, B, C )
join_horiz( A, B, C, D )
join_vert( A, B )
join_vert( A, B, C )
join_vert( A, B, C, D )
join_rows() and join_horiz(): horizontal concatenation;
join the corresponding rows of the given matrices;
the given matrices must have the same number of rows
join_cols() and join_vert(): vertical concatenation;
join the corresponding columns of the given matrices;
the given matrices must have the same number of columns
mat A(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(4, 6, fill::randu);
mat C(6, 5, fill::randu);
mat AB = join_rows(A,B);
mat AC = join_cols(A,C);
See also:
join_slices( cube C, cube D )
join_slices( mat M, mat N )
join_slices( mat M, cube C )
join_slices( cube C, mat M )
for two cubes C and D: join the slices of C with the slices of D;
cubes C and D must have the same number of rows and columns (ie. all slices must have the same size)
for two matrices M and N: treat M and N as cube slices and join them to form a cube with 2 slices;
matrices M and N must have the same number of rows and columns
for matrix M and cube C: treat M as a cube slice and join it with the slices of C;
matrix M and cube C must have the same number of rows and columns
cube C(5, 10, 3, fill::randu);
cube D(5, 10, 4, fill::randu);
cube E = join_slices(C,D);
mat M(10, 20, fill::randu);
mat N(10, 20, fill::randu);
cube Q = join_slices(M,N);
cube R = join_slices(Q,M);
cube S = join_slices(M,Q);
See also:
kron( A, B )
- Kronecker tensor product
- Given matrix A (with n rows and p columns) and matrix B (with m rows and q columns),
generate a matrix (with nm rows and pq columns) that denotes the tensor product of A and B
mat A(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 4, fill::randu);
mat K = kron(A,B);
See also:
log_det( val, sign, A ) | | (form 1) |
complex result = log_det( A ) | | (form 2) |
Log determinant of square matrix A
If A is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
- form 1: store the calculated log determinant in val and sign
the determinant is equal to exp(val)*sign
- form 2: return the complex log determinant
if matrix A is real and the determinant is positive:
- the real part of the result is the log determinant
- the imaginary part is zero
if matrix A is real and the determinant is negative:
- the real part of the result is the log of the absolute value of the determinant
- the imaginary part is equal to datum::pi
- If the log determinant cannot be found:
- log_det(val, sign, A) returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- result = log_det(A) throws a std::runtime_error exception
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
double val;
double sign;
log_det(val, sign, A); // form 1
cx_double result = log_det(A); // form 2
See also:
log_det_sympd( result, A ) | | (form 1) |
result = log_det_sympd( A ) | | (form 2) |
Log determinant of symmetric positive definite matrix A
If A is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
- form 1: store the calculated log determinant in result and return a bool indicating success
- form 2: return the log determinant
- If the log determinant cannot be found:
- log_det_sympd(result, A) returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- result = log_det_sympd(A) throws a std::runtime_error exception
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = A.t() * A; // make symmetric matrix
double result1;
bool success = log_det_sympd(result1, B); // form 1
double result2 = log_det_sympd(B); // form 2
See also:
B = logmat( A )
logmat( B, A )
See also:
B = logmat_sympd( A )
logmat_sympd( B, A )
See also:
min( V )
min( M )
min( M, dim )
min( Q )
min( Q, dim )
min( A, B )
max( V )
max( M )
max( M, dim )
max( Q )
max( Q, dim )
max( A, B )
For vector V, return the extremum value
For matrix M, return the extremum value for each column (dim = 0), or each row (dim = 1)
For cube Q, return the extremum values of elements along dimension dim, where dim ∈ { 0, 1, 2 }
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
For two matrices/cubes A and B, return a matrix/cube containing element-wise extremum values
For objects with complex numbers, absolute values are used for comparison
colvec v(10, fill::randu);
double x = max(v);
mat M(10, 10, fill::randu);
rowvec a = max(M);
rowvec b = max(M,0);
colvec c = max(M,1);
// element-wise maximum
mat X(5, 6, fill::randu);
mat Y(5, 6, fill::randu);
mat Z = arma::max(X,Y); // use arma:: prefix to distinguish from std::max()
See also:
nonzeros( X )
Return a column vector containing the non-zero values of X
X can be a sparse or dense matrix
for dense matrices/vectors,
to obtain the number of non-zero elements,
the expression
accu(X != 0) is more efficient
for sparse matrices,
to obtain the number of non-zero elements,
.n_nonzero attribute is more efficient, eg. X.n_nonzero
sp_mat A = sprandu<sp_mat>(100, 100, 0.1);
vec a = nonzeros(A);
mat B(100, 100, fill::eye);
vec b = nonzeros(B);
See also:
norm( X )
norm( X, p )
See also:
normalise( V )
normalise( V, p )
normalise( X )
normalise( X, p )
normalise( X, p, dim )
- For vector V, return its normalised version (ie. having unit p-norm)
For matrix X, return its normalised version, where each column (dim = 0) or row (dim = 1) has been normalised to have unit p-norm
The p argument is optional; by default p = 2 is used
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
vec A(10, fill::randu);
vec B = normalise(A);
vec C = normalise(A, 1);
mat X(5, 6, fill::randu);
mat Y = normalise(X);
mat Z = normalise(X, 2, 1);
See also:
prod( V )
prod( M )
prod( M, dim )
For vector V, return the product of all elements
For matrix M, return the product of elements in each column (dim = 0), or each row (dim = 1)
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
colvec v(10, fill::randu);
double x = prod(v);
mat M(10, 10, fill::randu);
rowvec a = prod(M);
rowvec b = prod(M,0);
colvec c = prod(M,1);
See also:
B = powmat( A, n )
powmat( B, A, n )
- Matrix power operation: raise square matrix A to the power of n, where n has the type int or double
- If n has the type double, the resultant matrix B always has complex elements
- For n = 0, an identity matrix is generated
- If A is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
- If the matrix power cannot be found:
- B = powmat(A) resets B and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- powmat(B,A) resets B and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- Caveats:
- to find the inverse of a matrix, use inv() instead
- to solve a system of linear equations, use solve() instead
- to find the matrix square root, use sqrtmat() instead
- the matrix power operation is generally not the same as applying the pow() function to each element
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = powmat(A, 4); // integer exponent
cx_mat C = powmat(A, 4.56); // non-integer exponent
See also:
rank( X )
rank( X, tolerance )
See also:
rcond( A )
See also:
repelem( A, num_copies_per_row, num_copies_per_col )
- Generate a matrix by replicating each element of matrix A
- The generated matrix has the following size:
n_rows | = | num_copies_per_row | * | A.n_rows |
n_cols | = | num_copies_per_col | * | A.n_cols |
mat A(2, 3, fill::randu);
mat B = repelem(A, 4, 5);
See also:
repmat( A, num_copies_per_row, num_copies_per_col )
- Generate a matrix by replicating matrix A in a block-like fashion
- The generated matrix has the following size:
n_rows | = | num_copies_per_row | × | A.n_rows |
n_cols | = | num_copies_per_col | × | A.n_cols |
Caveat: to apply a vector operation on each row or column of a matrix,
it is generally more efficient to use .each_row() or .each_col()
mat A(2, 3, fill::randu);
mat B = repmat(A, 4, 5);
See also:
reshape( X, n_rows, n_cols ) (X is a vector or matrix)
reshape( X, size(Y) )
reshape( Q, n_rows, n_cols, n_slices ) (Q is a cube)
reshape( Q, size(R) )
Generate a vector/matrix/cube with given size specifications,
whose elements are taken from the given object in a column-wise manner;
the elements in the generated object are placed column-wise (ie. the first column is filled up before filling the second column)
The layout of the elements in the generated object will be different to the layout in the given object
If the total number of elements in the given object is less than the specified size,
the remaining elements in the generated object are set to zero
If the total number of elements in the given object is greater than the specified size,
only a subset of elements is taken from the given object
do not use reshape() to change the size without preserving data;
use .set_size() instead, which is much faster
to grow/shrink a matrix while preserving the elements as well as the layout of the elements,
use resize() instead
to flatten a matrix into a vector, use vectorise() or .as_col() / .as_row() instead
mat A(10, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = reshape(A, 5, 10);
See also:
resize( X, n_rows, n_cols ) (X is a vector or matrix)
resize( X, size(Y) )
resize( Q, n_rows, n_cols, n_slices ) (Q is a cube)
resize( Q, size(R) )
Generate a vector/matrix/cube with given size specifications,
whose elements as well as the layout of the elements are taken from the given object
do not use resize() to change the size without preserving data;
use .set_size() instead, which is much faster
mat A(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = resize(A, 7, 6);
See also:
reverse( V )
reverse( X )
reverse( X, dim )
For vector V, generate a copy of the vector with the order of elements reversed
For matrix X, generate a copy of the matrix with the order of elements reversed in each column (dim = 0), or each row (dim = 1)
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
vec v(123, fill::randu);
vec y = reverse(v);
mat A(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = reverse(A);
mat C = reverse(A,1);
See also:
R = roots( P )
roots( R, P )
See also:
shift( V, N )
shift( X, N )
shift( X, N, dim )
For vector V, generate a copy of the vector with the elements shifted by N positions in a circular manner
For matrix X, generate a copy of the matrix with the elements shifted by N positions in each column (dim = 0), or each row (dim = 1)
N can be positive or negative
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
mat A(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = shift(A, -1);
mat C = shift(A, +1);
See also:
shuffle( V )
shuffle( X )
shuffle( X, dim )
See also:
size( X )
size( n_rows, n_cols )
size( n_rows, n_cols, n_slices )
Obtain the dimensions of object X, or explicitly specify the dimensions
The dimensions can be used in conjunction with:
The dimensions support simple arithmetic operations; they can also be printed and compared for equality/inequality
Caveat: to prevent interference from std::size() in C++17,
preface Armadillo's size() with the arma namespace qualification, eg. arma::size(X)
mat A(5,6);
mat B(size(A), fill::zeros);
mat C; C.randu(size(A));
mat D = ones<mat>(size(A));
mat E(10,20, fill::ones);
E(3,4,size(C)) = C; // access submatrix of E
mat F( size(A) + size(E) );
mat G( size(A) * 2 );
cout << "size of A: " << size(A) << endl;
bool is_same_size = (size(A) == size(E));
See also:
sort( V )
sort( V, sort_direction )
sort( X )
sort( X, sort_direction )
sort( X, sort_direction, dim )
See also:
sort_index( X )
sort_index( X, sort_direction )
stable_sort_index( X )
stable_sort_index( X, sort_direction )
See also:
B = sqrtmat( A )
sqrtmat( B, A )
See also:
B = sqrtmat_sympd( A )
sqrtmat_sympd( B, A )
See also:
sum( V )
sum( M )
sum( M, dim )
sum( Q )
sum( Q, dim )
For vector V, return the sum of all elements
For matrix M, return the sum of elements in each column (dim = 0), or each row (dim = 1)
For cube Q, return the sums of elements along dimension dim, where dim ∈ { 0, 1, 2 };
for example, dim = 0 indicates the sum of elements in each column within each slice
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
Caveat: to get a sum of all the elements regardless of the object type (ie. vector, or matrix, or cube), use accu() instead
colvec v(10, fill::randu);
double x = sum(v);
mat M(10, 10, fill::randu);
rowvec a = sum(M);
rowvec b = sum(M,0);
colvec c = sum(M,1);
double y = accu(M); // find the overall sum regardless of object type
See also:
uword | index | = sub2ind( size(M), row, col ) | (M is a matrix) |
uvec | indices | = sub2ind( size(M), matrix_of_subscripts ) | |
| | | |
uword | index | = sub2ind( size(Q), row, col, slice ) | (Q is a cube) |
uvec | indices | = sub2ind( size(Q), matrix_of_subscripts ) | |
Convert subscripts to a linear index
The argument size(X) can be replaced with size(n_rows, n_cols) or size(n_rows, n_cols, n_slices)
For the matrix_of_subscripts argument, the subscripts must be stored in each column of an m x n matrix of type umat;
m = 2 for matrix subscripts, while m = 3 for cube subscripts
If a subscript is out of range, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
mat M(4,5);
cube Q(4,5,6);
uword i = sub2ind( size(M), 2, 3 );
uword j = sub2ind( size(Q), 2, 3, 4 );
See also:
symmatu( A )
symmatu( A, do_conj )
symmatl( A )
symmatl( A, do_conj )
See also:
trace( X )
See also:
trans( A )
strans( A )
For real (non-complex) matrix:
- trans() provides a transposed copy of the matrix
- strans() is not applicable
For complex matrix:
- trans() provides a Hermitian (conjugate) transposed copy (ie. signs of imaginary components are flipped)
- strans() provides a simple transposed copy (ie. signs of imaginary components are not flipped)
mat A(5, 10, fill::randu);
mat B = trans(A);
mat C = A.t(); // equivalent to trans(A), but more compact
See also:
trapz( X, Y )
trapz( X, Y, dim )
trapz( Y )
trapz( Y, dim )
See also:
trimatu( A )
trimatu( A, k )
trimatl( A )
trimatl( A, k )
Create a new matrix by copying either the upper or lower triangular part from square matrix A, and setting the remaining elements to zero
- trimatu() copies the upper triangular part
- trimatl() copies the lower triangular part
The argument k specifies the diagonal which inclusively delineates the boundary of the triangular part
for k > 0, the k-th super-diagonal is used (above main diagonal, towards top-right corner)
for k < 0, the k-th sub-diagonal is used (below main diagonal, towards bottom-left corner)
The argument k is optional; by default the main diagonal is used (k = 0)
If A is non-square, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat U = trimatu(A);
mat L = trimatl(A);
mat UU = trimatu(A, 1); // omit the main diagonal
mat LL = trimatl(A, -1); // omit the main diagonal
See also:
trimatu_ind( size(A) )
trimatu_ind( size(A), k )
trimatl_ind( size(A) )
trimatl_ind( size(A), k )
Return a column vector containing the indices of elements that form the upper or lower triangle part of matrix A
- trimatu_ind() refers to the upper triangular part
- trimatl_ind() refers to the lower triangular part
- The output vector must have the type uvec
(ie. the indices are stored as unsigned integers of type uword)
The argument k specifies the diagonal which inclusively delineates the boundary of the triangular part
for k > 0, the k-th super-diagonal is used (above main diagonal, towards top-right corner)
for k < 0, the k-th sub-diagonal is used (below main diagonal, towards bottom-left corner)
The argument k is optional; by default the main diagonal is used (k = 0)
The argument size(A) can be replaced with size(n_rows, n_cols)
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
uvec upper_indices = trimatu_ind( size(A) );
uvec lower_indices = trimatl_ind( size(A) );
// extract upper/lower triangle into vector
vec upper_part = A(upper_indices);
vec lower_part = A(lower_indices);
// obtain indices without the main diagonal
uvec alt_upper_indices = trimatu_ind( size(A), 1);
uvec alt_lower_indices = trimatl_ind( size(A), -1);
See also:
unique( A )
See also:
vectorise( X )
vectorise( X, dim )
vectorise( Q )
See also:
miscellaneous element-wise functions:
exp | | log | | pow | | floor | | erf | | tgamma | | sign |
exp2 | | log2 | | square | | ceil | | erfc | | lgamma | | |
exp10 | | log10 | | sqrt | | round | | | | | | |
expm1 | | log1p | | | | trunc | | | | | | |
trunc_exp | | trunc_log | | | | | | | | | | |
See also:
trigonometric element-wise functions (cos, sin, tan, ...)
See also:
Decompositions, Factorisations, Inverses and Equation Solvers (Dense Matrices)
R = chol( X ) | | (form 1) |
R = chol( X, layout ) | | (form 2) |
| | |
chol( R, X ) | | (form 3) |
chol( R, X, layout ) | | (form 4) |
| | |
chol( R, P, X, layout, "vector" ) | | (form 5) |
chol( R, P, X, layout, "matrix" ) | | (form 6) |
Cholesky decomposition of symmetric/hermitian matrix X into triangular matrix R, with an optional permutation vector/matrix P
By default, R is upper triangular
The optional argument layout is either
"upper" or "lower" , which specifies whether R is upper or lower triangular
Forms 1 to 4 require X to be positive definite
Forms 5 to 6 require X to be positive semi-definite; these forms use pivoted decomposition and provide a permutation vector/matrix P with type uvec or umat
The decomposition has the following form:
- forms 1 and 3: X = R.t() * R
- forms 2 and 4 with layout = "upper": X = R.t() * R
- forms 2 and 4 with layout = "lower": X = R * R.t()
- form 5 with layout = "upper": X(P,P) = R.t() * R, where X(P,P) is a non-contiguous view of X
- form 5 with layout = "lower": X(P,P) = R * R.t(), where X(P,P) is a non-contiguous view of X
- form 6 with layout = "upper": X = P * R.t() * R * P.t()
- form 6 with layout = "lower": X = P * R * R.t() * P.t()
- If the decomposition fails:
- the forms R = chol(X) and R = chol(X,layout) reset R and throw a std::runtime_error exception
- the other forms reset R and P, and return a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat X = A.t()*A;
mat R1 = chol(X);
mat R2 = chol(X, "lower");
mat R;
uvec P_vec;
umat P_mat;
chol(R, P_vec, X, "upper", "vector");
chol(R, P_mat, X, "lower", "matrix");
See also:
vec eigval = eig_sym( X )
eig_sym( eigval, X )
eig_sym( eigval, eigvec, X )
eig_sym( eigval, eigvec, X, method )
- Eigen decomposition of dense symmetric/hermitian matrix X
- The eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors are stored in eigval and eigvec, respectively
- The eigenvalues are in ascending order
- The eigenvectors are stored as column vectors
- If X is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
The method argument is optional; method is either
"dc" or "std"
"dc" indicates divide-and-conquer method (default setting)
"std" indicates standard method
the divide-and-conquer method provides slightly different results than the standard method, but is considerably faster for large matrices
- If the decomposition fails:
- eigval = eig_sym(X) resets eigval and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- eig_sym(eigval,X) resets eigval and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- eig_sym(eigval,eigvec,X) resets eigval & eigvec and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
// for matrices with real elements
mat A(50, 50, fill::randu);
mat B = A.t()*A; // generate a symmetric matrix
vec eigval;
mat eigvec;
eig_sym(eigval, eigvec, B);
// for matrices with complex elements
cx_mat C(50, 50, fill::randu);
cx_mat D = C.t()*C;
vec eigval2;
cx_mat eigvec2;
eig_sym(eigval2, eigvec2, D);
See also:
cx_vec eigval = eig_gen( X )
cx_vec eigval = eig_gen( X, bal )
eig_gen( eigval, X )
eig_gen( eigval, X, bal )
eig_gen( eigval, eigvec, X )
eig_gen( eigval, eigvec, X, bal )
eig_gen( eigval, leigvec, reigvec, X )
eig_gen( eigval, leigvec, reigvec, X, bal )
- Eigen decomposition of dense general (non-symmetric/non-hermitian) square matrix X
- The eigenvalues and corresponding right eigenvectors are stored in eigval and eigvec, respectively
- If both left and right eigenvectors are requested they are stored in leigvec and reigvec, respectively
- The eigenvectors are stored as column vectors
The bal argument is optional; bal is one of:
"balance" | ↦ | diagonally scale and permute X to improve conditioning of the eigenvalues |
"nobalance" | ↦ | do not balance X; this is the default operation |
- If X is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
- If the decomposition fails:
- eigval = eig_gen(X) resets eigval and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- eig_gen(eigval,X) resets eigval and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- eig_gen(eigval,eigvec,X) resets eigval & eigvec and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- eig_gen(eigval,leigvec,reigvec,X) resets eigval, leigvec & reigvec and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
mat A(10, 10, fill::randu);
cx_vec eigval;
cx_mat eigvec;
eig_gen(eigval, eigvec, A);
eig_gen(eigval, eigvec, A, "balance");
See also:
cx_vec eigval = eig_pair( A, B )
eig_pair( eigval, A, B )
eig_pair( eigval, eigvec, A, B )
eig_pair( eigval, leigvec, reigvec, A, B )
Eigen decomposition for pair of general dense square matrices A and B of the same size,
such that A*eigvec = B*eigvec*diagmat(eigval)
- The eigenvalues and corresponding right eigenvectors are stored in eigval and eigvec, respectively
- If both left and right eigenvectors are requested they are stored in leigvec and reigvec, respectively
- The eigenvectors are stored as column vectors
- If A or B is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
- If the decomposition fails:
- eigval = eig_pair(A,B) resets eigval and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- eig_pair(eigval,A,B) resets eigval and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- eig_pair(eigval,eigvec,A,B) resets eigval & eigvec and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- eig_pair(eigval,leigvec,reigvec,A,B) resets eigval, leigvec & reigvec and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
mat A(10, 10, fill::randu);
mat B(10, 10, fill::randu);
cx_vec eigval;
cx_mat eigvec;
eig_pair(eigval, eigvec, A, B);
See also:
H = hess( X )
hess( H, X )
hess( U, H, X )
- Upper Hessenberg decomposition of square matrix X, such that X = U*H*U.t()
- U is a unitary matrix containing the Hessenberg vectors
- H is a square matrix known as the upper Hessenberg matrix, with elements below the first subdiagonal set to zero
- If X is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
- If the decomposition fails:
- H = hess(X) resets H and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- hess(H,X) resets H and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- hess(U,H,X) resets U & H and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
Caveat: in general, upper Hessenberg decomposition is not unique
mat X(20,20, fill::randu);
mat U;
mat H;
hess(U, H, X);
See also:
B = inv( A )
inv( B, A )
See also:
B = inv_sympd( A )
inv_sympd( B, A )
See also:
lu( L, U, P, X )
lu( L, U, X )
Lower-upper decomposition (with partial pivoting) of matrix X
The first form provides
a lower-triangular matrix L,
an upper-triangular matrix U,
and a permutation matrix P,
such that P.t()*L*U = X
The second form provides permuted L and U, such that L*U = X;
note that in this case L is generally not lower-triangular
If the decomposition fails:
- lu(L,U,P,X) resets L, U, P and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- lu(L,U,X) resets L, U and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat L, U, P;
lu(L, U, P, A);
mat B = P.t()*L*U;
See also:
B = null( A )
B = null( A, tolerance )
null( B, A )
null( B, A, tolerance )
See also:
B = orth( A )
B = orth( A, tolerance )
orth( B, A )
orth( B, A, tolerance )
See also:
B = pinv( A )
B = pinv( A, tolerance )
B = pinv( A, tolerance, method )
pinv( B, A )
pinv( B, A, tolerance )
pinv( B, A, tolerance, method )
- Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse (generalised inverse) of matrix A
The computation is based on singular value decomposition
- The tolerance argument is optional
- The default tolerance is max(m,n) · max_sv · datum::eps, where:
- m = number of rows and n = number of columns in A
- max_sv = maximum singular value of A
- datum::eps = difference between 1 and the least value greater than 1 that is representable
- Any singular values less than tolerance are treated as zero
The method argument is optional; method is either
"dc" or "std"
"dc" indicates divide-and-conquer method (default setting)
"std" indicates standard method
the divide-and-conquer method provides slightly different results than the standard method, but is considerably faster for large matrices
- If the decomposition fails:
- B = pinv(A) resets B and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- pinv(B,A) resets B and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
Caveat: to find approximate solutions (eg. minimum norm, least squares) to underdetermined, overdetermined, or rank deficient systems of linear equations,
using solve() can be considerably faster and/or more accurate
mat A(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = pinv(A); // use default tolerance
mat C = pinv(A, 0.01); // set tolerance to 0.01
See also:
qr( Q, R, X ) | | (form 1) |
qr( Q, R, P, X, "vector" ) | | (form 2) |
qr( Q, R, P, X, "matrix" ) | | (form 3) |
Decomposition of X into an orthogonal matrix Q and a right triangular matrix R,
with an optional permutation matrix/vector P
- form 1: decomposition has the form Q*R = X
- form 2: P is permutation vector with type uvec; decomposition has the form Q*R = X.cols(P)
- form 3: P is permutation matrix with type umat; decomposition has the form Q*R = X*P
If P is specified, a column pivoting decomposition is used;
the diagonal entries of R are ordered from largest to smallest magnitude
If the decomposition fails, Q, R and P are reset and the function returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
mat X(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat Q;
mat R;
qr(Q, R, X);
uvec P_vec;
umat P_mat;
qr(Q, R, P_vec, X, "vector");
qr(Q, R, P_mat, X, "matrix");
See also:
qr_econ( Q, R, X )
Economical decomposition of X (with size m x n) into an orthogonal matrix Q and a right triangular matrix R, such that Q*R = X
If m > n, only the first n rows of R and the first n columns of Q are calculated
(ie. the zero rows of R and the corresponding columns of Q are omitted)
If the decomposition fails, Q and R are reset and the function returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
mat X(6, 5, fill::randu);
mat Q;
mat R;
qr_econ(Q, R, X);
See also:
qz( AA, BB, Q, Z, A, B )
qz( AA, BB, Q, Z, A, B, select )
Generalised Schur decomposition for pair of general square matrices A and B of the same size,
such that A = Q.t()*AA*Z.t() and B = Q.t()*BB*Z.t()
- The select argument is optional and specifies the ordering of the top left of the Schur form; it is one of the following:
"none" | | no ordering (default operation) |
"lhp" | | left-half-plane: eigenvalues with real part < 0 |
"rhp" | | right-half-plane: eigenvalues with real part > 0 |
"iuc" | | inside-unit-circle: eigenvalues with absolute value < 1 |
"ouc" | | outside-unit-circle: eigenvalues with absolute value > 1 |
- The left and right Schur vectors are stored in Q and Z, respectively
- In the complex-valued problem, the generalised eigenvalues are found in diagvec(AA) / diagvec(BB)
- If A or B is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
- If the decomposition fails, AA, BB, Q and Z are reset, and the function returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
mat A(10, 10, fill::randu);
mat B(10, 10, fill::randu);
mat AA;
mat BB;
mat Q;
mat Z;
qz(AA, BB, Q, Z, A, B);
See also:
S = schur( X )
schur( S, X )
schur( U, S, X )
- Schur decomposition of square matrix X, such that X = U*S*U.t()
- U is a unitary matrix containing the Schur vectors
- S is an upper triangular matrix, called the Schur form of X
- If X is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
- If the decomposition fails:
- S = schur(X) resets S and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- schur(S,X) resets S and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- schur(U,S,X) resets U & S and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
Caveat: in general, Schur decomposition is not unique
mat X(20,20, fill::randu);
mat U;
mat S;
schur(U, S, X);
See also:
X = solve( A, B )
X = solve( A, B, settings )
solve( X, A, B )
solve( X, A, B, settings )
- Solve a dense system of linear equations, A*X = B, where X is unknown;
similar functionality to the \ operator in Matlab/Octave, ie. X = A \ B
- A can be square sized (critically determined system), or non-square (under/over-determined system); A can be rank deficient
B can be a vector or matrix
The number of rows in A and B must be the same
By default, matrix A is analysed to automatically determine whether it is a general matrix, band matrix, diagonal matrix, or symmetric/hermitian positive definite (SPD) matrix;
based on the detected matrix structure, a specialised solver is used for faster execution;
if no solution is found, an approximate solver is automatically used as a fallback;
see the associated paper for more details
If A is known to be a triangular matrix,
the solution can be computed faster by explicitly indicating that A is triangular through trimatu() or trimatl(); see examples below
- The settings argument is optional; it is one of the following, or a combination thereof:
solve_opts::fast | | fast mode: disable determining solution quality via rcond, disable iterative refinement, disable equilibration |
solve_opts::refine | | apply iterative refinement to improve solution quality (matrix A must be square) |
solve_opts::equilibrate | | equilibrate the system before solving (matrix A must be square) |
solve_opts::likely_sympd | | indicate that matrix A is likely symmetric/hermitian positive definite |
solve_opts::allow_ugly | | keep solutions of systems that are singular to working precision |
solve_opts::no_approx | | do not find approximate solutions for rank deficient systems |
solve_opts::no_band | | do not use specialised solver for band matrices or diagonal matrices |
solve_opts::no_trimat | | do not use specialised solver for triangular matrices |
solve_opts::no_sympd | | do not use specialised solver for symmetric/hermitian positive definite matrices |
solve_opts::force_approx | | skip the standard solver and directly use of the approximate solver |
the above settings can be combined using the + operator; for example: solve_opts::fast + solve_opts::no_approx
If a rank deficient system is detected and the
solve_opts::no_approx option is not enabled, a warning is emitted and an approximate solution is attempted;
in Armadillo 10.4 and later versions, this warning can be disabled by setting ARMA_WARN_LEVEL to 1 before including the armadillo header:
#include <armadillo>
- using
solve_opts::fast will speed up finding the solution, but for poorly conditioned systems the solution may have lower quality
- not all SPD matrices are automatically detected; to skip the analysis step and directly indicate that matrix A is likely SPD, use
- using
solve_opts::force_approx is only advised if the system is known to be rank deficient; the approximate solver is considerably slower
If no solution is found:
- X = solve(A,B) resets X and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- solve(X,A,B) resets X and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
Implementation details are available in the following paper:
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
vec b(5, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 5, fill::randu);
vec x1 = solve(A, b);
vec x2;
bool status = solve(x2, A, b);
mat X1 = solve(A, B);
mat X2 = solve(A, B, solve_opts::fast); // enable fast mode
mat X3 = solve(trimatu(A), B); // indicate that A is triangular
See also:
vec s = svd( X )
svd( vec s, X )
svd( mat U, vec s, mat V, mat X )
svd( mat U, vec s, mat V, mat X, method )
svd( cx_mat U, vec s, cx_mat V, cx_mat X )
svd( cx_mat U, vec s, cx_mat V, cx_mat X, method )
Singular value decomposition of dense matrix X
- If X is square, it can be reconstructed using X = U*diagmat(s)*V.t()
The singular values are in descending order
The method argument is optional; method is either
"dc" or "std"
"dc" indicates divide-and-conquer method (default setting)
"std" indicates standard method
the divide-and-conquer method provides slightly different results than the standard method, but is considerably faster for large matrices
If the decomposition fails, the output objects are reset and:
- s = svd(X) resets s and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- svd(s,X) resets s and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- svd(U,s,V,X) resets U, s, V and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
mat X(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat U;
vec s;
mat V;
See also:
svd_econ( mat U, vec s, mat V, mat X )
svd_econ( mat U, vec s, mat V, mat X, mode )
svd_econ( mat U, vec s, mat V, mat X, mode, method )
svd_econ( cx_mat U, vec s, cx_mat V, cx_mat X )
svd_econ( cx_mat U, vec s, cx_mat V, cx_mat X, mode )
svd_econ( cx_mat U, vec s, cx_mat V, cx_mat X, mode, method )
Economical singular value decomposition of dense matrix X
The singular values are in descending order
The mode argument is optional; mode is one of:
| "both" | = | compute both left and right singular vectors (default operation) |
| "left" | = | compute only left singular vectors |
| "right" | = | compute only right singular vectors |
The method argument is optional; method is either
"dc" or "std"
"dc" indicates divide-and-conquer method (default setting)
"std" indicates standard method
the divide-and-conquer method provides slightly different results than the standard method, but is considerably faster for large matrices
If the decomposition fails, U, s, V are reset and a bool set to false is returned (exception is not thrown)
mat X(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat U;
vec s;
mat V;
svd_econ(U, s, V, X);
See also:
X = syl( A, B, C )
syl( X, A, B, C )
- Solve the Sylvester equation, ie. AX + XB + C = 0, where X is unknown
- Matrices A, B and C must be square sized
If no solution is found:
- syl(A,B,C) resets X and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- syl(X,A,B,C) resets X and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat C(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat X1 = syl(A, B, C);
mat X2;
syl(X2, A, B, C);
See also:
Decompositions, Factorisations and Equation Solvers (Sparse Matrices)
vec eigval = eigs_sym( X, k )
vec eigval = eigs_sym( X, k, form )
vec eigval = eigs_sym( X, k, form, opts )
vec eigval = eigs_sym( X, k, sigma )
vec eigval = eigs_sym( X, k, sigma, opts )
eigs_sym( eigval, X, k )
eigs_sym( eigval, X, k, form )
eigs_sym( eigval, X, k, form, opts )
eigs_sym( eigval, X, k, sigma )
eigs_sym( eigval, X, k, sigma, opts )
eigs_sym( eigval, eigvec, X, k )
eigs_sym( eigval, eigvec, X, k, form )
eigs_sym( eigval, eigvec, X, k, form, opts )
eigs_sym( eigval, eigvec, X, k, sigma )
eigs_sym( eigval, eigvec, X, k, sigma, opts )
- tol specifies the tolerance for convergence
- maxiter specifies the maximum number of Arnoldi iterations
- subdim specifies the dimension of the Krylov subspace, with the constraint
k < subdim ≤ X.n_rows ; recommended value is subdim ≥ 2*k
The eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors are stored in eigval and eigvec, respectively
If X is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
If the decomposition fails:
- eigval = eigs_sym(X,k) resets eigval and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- eigs_sym(eigval,X,k) resets eigval and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- eigs_sym(eigval,eigvec,X,k) resets eigval & eigvec and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- the number of obtained eigenvalues/eigenvectors may be lower than requested, depending on the given data
if the decomposition fails, try first increasing opts.subdim (Krylov subspace dimension),
and, as secondary options, try increasing opts.maxiter (maximum number of iterations),
and/or opts.tol (tolerance for convergence), and/or k (number of eigenvalues)
- for an alternative to the
"sm" form, use the shift-invert mode with sigma set to 0.0
// generate sparse matrix
sp_mat A = sprandu<sp_mat>(1000, 1000, 0.1);
sp_mat B = A.t()*A;
vec eigval;
mat eigvec;
eigs_sym(eigval, eigvec, B, 5); // find 5 eigenvalues/eigenvectors
eigs_opts opts;
opts.maxiter = 10000; // increase max iterations to 10000
eigs_sym(eigval, eigvec, B, 5, "lm", opts);
See also:
cx_vec eigval = eigs_gen( X, k )
cx_vec eigval = eigs_gen( X, k, form )
cx_vec eigval = eigs_gen( X, k, sigma )
cx_vec eigval = eigs_gen( X, k, form, opts )
cx_vec eigval = eigs_gen( X, k, sigma, opts )
eigs_gen( eigval, X, k )
eigs_gen( eigval, X, k, form )
eigs_gen( eigval, X, k, sigma )
eigs_gen( eigval, X, k, form, opts )
eigs_gen( eigval, X, k, sigma, opts )
eigs_gen( eigval, eigvec, X, k )
eigs_gen( eigval, eigvec, X, k, form )
eigs_gen( eigval, eigvec, X, k, sigma )
eigs_gen( eigval, eigvec, X, k, form, opts )
eigs_gen( eigval, eigvec, X, k, sigma, opts )
- tol specifies the tolerance for convergence
- maxiter specifies the maximum number of Arnoldi iterations
- subdim specifies the dimension of the Krylov subspace, with the constraint
k + 2 < subdim ≤ X.n_rows ; recommended value is subdim ≥ 2*k + 1
The eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors are stored in eigval and eigvec, respectively
If X is not square sized, a std::logic_error exception is thrown
If the decomposition fails:
- eigval = eigs_gen(X,k) resets eigval and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- eigs_gen(eigval,X,k) resets eigval and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- eigs_gen(eigval,eigvec,X,k) resets eigval & eigvec and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- the number of obtained eigenvalues/eigenvectors may be lower than requested, depending on the given data
if the decomposition fails, try first increasing opts.subdim (Krylov subspace dimension)
and, as secondary options, try increasing opts.maxiter (maximum number of iterations),
and/or opts.tol (tolerance for convergence), and/or k (number of eigenvalues)
- for an alternative to the
"sm" form, use the shift-invert mode with sigma set to 0.0
// generate sparse matrix
sp_mat A = sprandu<sp_mat>(1000, 1000, 0.1);
cx_vec eigval;
cx_mat eigvec;
eigs_gen(eigval, eigvec, A, 5); // find 5 eigenvalues/eigenvectors
eigs_opts opts;
opts.maxiter = 10000; // increase max iterations to 10000
eigs_gen(eigval, eigvec, A, 5, "lm", opts);
See also:
X = spsolve( A, B )
X = spsolve( A, B, solver )
X = spsolve( A, B, solver, opts )
spsolve( X, A, B )
spsolve( X, A, B, solver )
spsolve( X, A, B, solver, opts )
allow_ugly is either true or false; indicates whether to keep solutions of systems singular to working precision
equilibrate is either true or false; indicates whether to equilibrate the system (scale the rows and columns of A to have unit norm)
symmetric is either true or false; indicates whether to use SuperLU symmetric mode, which gives preference to diagonal pivots
pivot_threshold is in the range [0.0, 1.0], used for determining whether a diagonal entry is an acceptable pivot (details in SuperLU documentation)
permutation specifies the type of column permutation; it is one of:
superlu_opts::NATURAL | | natural ordering |
superlu_opts::MMD_ATA | | minimum degree ordering on structure of A.t() * A |
superlu_opts::MMD_AT_PLUS_A | | minimum degree ordering on structure of A.t() + A |
superlu_opts::COLAMD | | approximate minimum degree column ordering |
refine specifies the type of iterative refinement; it is one of:
superlu_opts::REF_NONE | | no refinement |
superlu_opts::REF_SINGLE | | iterative refinement in single precision |
superlu_opts::REF_DOUBLE | | iterative refinement in double precision |
superlu_opts::REF_EXTRA | | iterative refinement in extra precision |
sp_mat A = sprandu<sp_mat>(1000, 1000, 0.1);
vec b(1000, fill::randu);
mat B(1000, 5, fill::randu);
vec x = spsolve(A, b); // solve one system
mat X = spsolve(A, B); // solve several systems
bool status = spsolve(x, A, b); // use default solver
if(status == false) { cout << "no solution" << endl; }
spsolve(x, A, b, "lapack" ); // use LAPACK solver
spsolve(x, A, b, "superlu"); // use SuperLU solver
superlu_opts opts;
opts.allow_ugly = true;
opts.equilibrate = true;
spsolve(x, A, b, "superlu", opts);
See also:
vec s = svds( X, k )
vec s = svds( X, k, tol )
svds( vec s, X, k )
svds( vec s, X, k, tol )
svds( mat U, vec s, mat V, sp_mat X, k )
svds( mat U, vec s, mat V, sp_mat X, k, tol )
svds( cx_mat U, vec s, cx_mat V, sp_cx_mat X, k )
svds( cx_mat U, vec s, cx_mat V, sp_cx_mat X, k, tol )
Obtain a limited number of singular values and singular vectors (truncated SVD) of sparse matrix X
The singular values and vectors are calculated via sparse eigen decomposition of:
⎡ | zeros(X.n_rows, X.n_rows) | | X | ⎤ |
⎣ | X.t() | | zeros(X.n_cols, X.n_cols) | ⎦ |
k specifies the number of singular values and singular vectors
The singular values are in descending order
The argument tol is optional; it specifies the tolerance for convergence;
it is passed as (tol ÷ √2) to eigs_sym()
If the decomposition fails, the output objects are reset and:
- s = svds(X,k) resets s and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- svds(s,X,k) resets s and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
- svds(U,s,V,X,k) resets U, s, V and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
svds() is intended only for finding a few singular values from a large sparse matrix;
to find all singular values, use svd() instead
depending on the given matrix, svds() may find fewer singular values than specified
sp_mat X = sprandu<sp_mat>(100, 200, 0.1);
mat U;
vec s;
mat V;
svds(U, s, V, X, 10);
See also:
Signal & Image Processing
conv( A, B )
conv( A, B, shape )
1D convolution of vectors A and B
The orientation of the result vector is the same as the orientation of A (ie. either column or row vector)
The shape argument is optional; it is one of:
"full" | = | return the full convolution (default setting), with the size equal to A.n_elem + B.n_elem - 1 |
"same" | = | return the central part of the convolution, with the same size as vector A |
The convolution operation is also equivalent to FIR filtering
vec A(256, fill::randu);
vec B(16, fill::randu);
vec C = conv(A, B);
vec D = conv(A, B, "same");
See also:
conv2( A, B )
conv2( A, B, shape )
2D convolution of matrices A and B
The shape argument is optional; it is one of:
"full" | = | return the full convolution (default setting), with the size equal to size(A) + size(B) - 1 |
"same" | = | return the central part of the convolution, with the same size as matrix A |
- The implementation of 2D convolution in this version is preliminary; it is not yet fully optimised
mat A(256, 256, fill::randu);
mat B(16, 16, fill::randu);
mat C = conv2(A, B);
mat D = conv2(A, B, "same");
See also:
cx_mat Y = fft( X )
cx_mat Y = fft( X, n )
cx_mat Z = ifft( cx_mat Y )
cx_mat Z = ifft( cx_mat Y, n )
See also:
cx_mat Y = fft2( X )
cx_mat Y = fft2( X, n_rows, n_cols )
cx_mat Z = ifft2( cx_mat Y )
cx_mat Z = ifft2( cx_mat Y, n_rows, n_cols )
- fft2(): 2D fast Fourier transform of a matrix (real or complex)
- ifft2(): 2D inverse fast Fourier transform of a matrix (complex only)
The optional arguments n_rows and n_cols specify the size of the transform;
a truncated and/or zero-padded version of the input matrix is used
- Caveat: the transform is fastest when both n_rows and n_cols are a power of 2, eg. 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, ...
- The implementation of the transform in this version is preliminary; it is not yet fully optimised
mat A(100, 100, fill::randu);
cx_mat B = fft2(A);
cx_mat C = fft2(A, 128, 128);
See also:
interp1( X, Y, XI, YI )
interp1( X, Y, XI, YI, method )
interp1( X, Y, XI, YI, method, extrapolation_value )
1D data interpolation
Given a 1D function specified in vectors X and Y
(where X specifies locations and Y specifies the corresponding values),
generate vector YI which contains interpolated values at locations XI
The method argument is optional; it is one of:
"nearest" | = | interpolate using single nearest neighbour |
"linear" | = | linear interpolation between two nearest neighbours (default setting) |
"*nearest" | = | as per "nearest" , but faster by assuming that X and XI are monotonically increasing |
"*linear" | = | as per "linear" , but faster by assuming that X and XI are monotonically increasing |
If a location in XI is outside the domain of X, the corresponding value in YI is set to extrapolation_value
The extrapolation_value argument is optional; by default it is datum::nan (not-a-number)
vec x = linspace<vec>(0, 3, 20);
vec y = square(x);
vec xx = linspace<vec>(0, 3, 100);
vec yy;
interp1(x, y, xx, yy); // use linear interpolation by default
interp1(x, y, xx, yy, "*linear"); // faster than "linear"
interp1(x, y, xx, yy, "nearest");
See also:
interp2( X, Y, Z, XI, YI, ZI )
interp2( X, Y, Z, XI, YI, ZI, method )
interp2( X, Y, Z, XI, YI, ZI, method, extrapolation_value )
2D data interpolation
Given a 2D function specified by matrix Z with coordinates given by vectors X and Y,
generate matrix ZI which contains interpolated values at the coordinates given by vectors XI and YI
The vector pairs (X, Y) and (XI, YI) define 2D coordinates in a grid;
for example, X defines the horizontal coordinates and Y defines the corresponding vertical coordinates,
so that ( X(m), Y(n) ) is the 2D coordinate of element Z(n,m)
The length of vector X must be equal to the number of columns in matrix Z
The length of vector Y must be equal to the number of rows in matrix Z
Vectors X, Y, XI, YI must contain monotonically increasing values (eg. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...)
The method argument is optional; it is one of:
"nearest" | = | interpolate using nearest neighbours |
"linear" | = | linear interpolation between nearest neighbours (default setting) |
If a coordinate in the 2D grid specified by (XI, YI) is outside the domain of the 2D grid specified by (X, Y),
the corresponding value in ZI is set to extrapolation_value
The extrapolation_value argument is optional; by default it is datum::nan (not-a-number)
mat Z;
Z.load("input_image.pgm", pgm_binary); // load an image in pgm format
vec X = regspace(1, Z.n_cols); // X = horizontal spacing
vec Y = regspace(1, Z.n_rows); // Y = vertical spacing
vec XI = regspace(X.min(), 1.0/2.0, X.max()); // magnify by approx 2
vec YI = regspace(Y.min(), 1.0/3.0, Y.max()); // magnify by approx 3
mat ZI;
interp2(X, Y, Z, XI, YI, ZI); // use linear interpolation by default
ZI.save("output_image.pgm", pgm_binary);
See also:
P = polyfit( X, Y, N )
polyfit( P, X, Y, N )
Given a 1D function specified in vectors X and Y
(where X holds independent values and Y holds the corresponding dependent values),
model the function as a polynomial of order N and store the polynomial coefficients in column vector P
The given function is modelled as:
y = p0xN
+ p1xN-1
+ p2xN-2
+ ...
+ pN-1x1
+ pN
where pi is the i-th polynomial coefficient; the coefficients are selected to minimise the overall error of the fit (least squares)
The column vector P has N+1 coefficients
N must be smaller than the number of elements in X
- If the polynomial coefficients cannot be found:
- P = polyfit( X, Y, N ) resets P and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- polyfit( P, X, Y, N ) resets P and returns a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
vec x = linspace<vec>(0,4*datum::pi,100);
vec y = cos(x);
vec p = polyfit(x,y,10);
See also:
Y = polyval( P, X )
Given vector P of polynomial coefficients and vector X containing the independent values of a 1D function,
generate vector Y which contains the corresponding dependent values
For each x value in vector X, the corresponding y value in vector Y is generated using:
y = p0xN
+ p1xN-1
+ p2xN-2
+ ...
+ pN-1x1
+ pN
where pi is the i-th polynomial coefficient in vector P
P must contain polynomial coefficients in descending powers (eg. generated by the polyfit() function)
vec x1 = linspace<vec>(0,4*datum::pi,100);
vec y1 = cos(x1);
vec p1 = polyfit(x1,y1,10);
vec y2 = polyval(p1,x1);
See also:
Statistics & Clustering
mean, median, stddev, var, range
mean( V )
mean( M )
mean( M, dim )
mean( Q )
mean( Q, dim )
⎬ mean (average value)
median( V )
median( M )
median( M, dim )
⎬ median
stddev( V )
stddev( V, norm_type )
stddev( M )
stddev( M, norm_type )
stddev( M, norm_type, dim )
⎬ standard deviation
var( V )
var( V, norm_type )
var( M )
var( M, norm_type )
var( M, norm_type, dim )
⎬ variance
range( V )
range( M )
range( M, dim )
⎬ range (difference between max and min)
For vector V, return the statistic calculated using all the elements of the vector
For matrix M, find the statistic for each column (dim = 0), or each row (dim = 1)
For cube Q, find the statistics of elements along dimension dim, where dim ∈ { 0, 1, 2 }
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0 is used
The norm_type argument is optional; by default norm_type = 0 is used
For the var() and stddev() functions:
- the default norm_type = 0 performs normalisation using N-1 (where N is the number of samples), providing the best unbiased estimator
- using norm_type = 1 performs normalisation using N, which provides the second moment around the mean
to obtain statistics for integer matrices/vectors (eg. umat, imat, uvec, ivec),
convert to a matrix/vector with floating point values (eg. mat, vec) using the conv_to() function
mat A(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat B = mean(A);
mat C = var(A);
double m = mean(mean(A));
vec v(5, fill::randu);
double x = var(v);
See also:
cov( X, Y )
cov( X, Y, norm_type )
cov( X )
cov( X, norm_type )
For two matrix arguments X and Y,
if each row of X and Y is an observation and each column is a variable,
the (i,j)-th entry of cov(X,Y) is the covariance between the i-th variable in X and the j-th variable in Y
For vector arguments, the type of vector is ignored and each element in the vector is treated as an observation
For matrices, X and Y must have the same dimensions
For vectors, X and Y must have the same number of elements
cov(X) is equivalent to cov(X, X)
The default norm_type = 0 performs normalisation using N-1 (where N is the number of observations),
providing the best unbiased estimation of the covariance matrix (if the observations are from a normal distribution).
Using norm_type = 1 causes normalisation to be done using N, which provides the second moment matrix of the observations about their mean
mat X(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat Y(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat C = cov(X,Y);
mat D = cov(X,Y, 1);
See also:
cor( X, Y )
cor( X, Y, norm_type )
cor( X )
cor( X, norm_type )
For two matrix arguments X and Y,
if each row of X and Y is an observation and each column is a variable,
the (i,j)-th entry of cor(X,Y) is the correlation coefficient between the i-th variable in X and the j-th variable in Y
For vector arguments, the type of vector is ignored and each element in the vector is treated as an observation
For matrices, X and Y must have the same dimensions
For vectors, X and Y must have the same number of elements
cor(X) is equivalent to cor(X, X)
The default norm_type = 0 performs normalisation of the correlation matrix using N-1 (where N is the number of observations).
Using norm_type = 1 causes normalisation to be done using N
mat X(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat Y(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat R = cor(X,Y);
mat S = cor(X,Y, 1);
See also:
hist( V )
hist( V, n_bins )
hist( V, centers )
hist( X, centers )
hist( X, centers, dim )
For vector V,
produce an unsigned vector of the same orientation as V (ie. either uvec or urowvec)
that represents a histogram of counts
For matrix X,
produce a umat matrix containing either
column histogram counts (for dim = 0, default),
row histogram counts (for dim = 1)
The bin centers can be automatically determined from the data, with the number of bins specified via n_bins (default is 10);
the range of the bins is determined by the range of the data
The bin centers can also be explicitly specified via the centers vector;
the vector must contain monotonically increasing values (eg. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...)
vec v(1000, fill::randn); // Gaussian distribution
uvec h1 = hist(v, 11);
uvec h2 = hist(v, linspace<vec>(-2,2,11));
See also:
histc( V, edges )
histc( X, edges )
histc( X, edges, dim )
For vector V,
produce an unsigned vector of the same orientation as V (ie. either uvec or urowvec)
that contains the counts of the number of values that fall between the elements in the edges vector
For matrix X,
produce a umat matrix containing either
column histogram counts (for dim = 0, default),
row histogram counts (for dim = 1)
The edges vector must contain monotonically increasing values (eg. 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...)
vec v(1000, fill::randn); // Gaussian distribution
uvec h = histc(v, linspace<vec>(-2,2,11));
See also:
quantile( V, P )
quantile( X, P )
quantile( X, P, dim )
For a dataset stored in vector V or matrix X,
calculate the quantiles corresponding to the cumulative probability values in the given P vector
For vector V, produce a vector with the same orientation as V and the same length as P
For matrix X, produce a matrix with the quantiles for each column vector (dim = 0) or each row vector (dim = 1)
The dim argument is optional; by default dim = 0
The P vector must contain values in the [0,1] interval (eg. 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00)
The algorithm for calculating the quantiles is based on Definition 5 in:
Rob J. Hyndman and Yanan Fan.
Sample Quantiles in Statistical Packages.
The American Statistician, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 361-365, 1996.
vec V(1000, fill::randn); // Gaussian distribution
vec P = { 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 };
vec Q = quantile(V, P);
See also:
mat coeff = princomp( mat X )
cx_mat coeff = princomp( cx_mat X )
princomp( mat coeff, mat X )
princomp( cx_mat coeff, cx_mat X )
princomp( mat coeff, mat score, mat X )
princomp( cx_mat coeff, cx_mat score, cx_mat X )
princomp( mat coeff, mat score, vec latent, mat X )
princomp( cx_mat coeff, cx_mat score, vec latent, cx_mat X )
princomp( mat coeff, mat score, vec latent, vec tsquared, mat X )
princomp( cx_mat coeff, cx_mat score, vec latent, cx_vec tsquared, cx_mat X )
- Principal component analysis of matrix X
- Each row of X is an observation and each column is a variable
- output objects:
- coeff: principal component coefficients
- score: projected data
- latent: eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of X
- tsquared: Hotteling's statistic for each sample
The computation is based on singular value decomposition
- If the decomposition fails:
- coeff = princomp(X) resets coeff and throws a std::runtime_error exception
- remaining forms of princomp() reset all output matrices and return a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
mat A(5, 4, fill::randu);
mat coeff;
mat score;
vec latent;
vec tsquared;
princomp(coeff, score, latent, tsquared, A);
See also:
normpdf( X )
normpdf( X, M, S )
For each scalar x in X, compute its probability density function according to a Gaussian (normal) distribution using the corresponding mean value m in M and the corresponding standard deviation value s in S:
| 1 | | ⎧ | | (x-m)2 | ⎫ |
y = | ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ | exp | ⎪ | −0.5 | ‒‒‒‒‒‒ | ⎪ |
| s √(2π) | | ⎩ | | s2 | ⎭ |
- X can be a scalar, vector, or matrix
- M and S can jointly be either scalars, vectors, or matrices
- If M and S are omitted, their values are assumed to be 0 and 1, respectively
Caveat: to reduce the incidence of numerical underflows, consider using log_normpdf()
vec X(10, fill::randu);
vec M(10, fill::randu);
vec S(10, fill::randu);
vec P1 = normpdf(X);
vec P2 = normpdf(X, M, S );
vec P3 = normpdf(1.23, M, S );
vec P4 = normpdf(X, 4.56, 7.89);
double P5 = normpdf(1.23, 4.56, 7.89);
See also:
log_normpdf( X )
log_normpdf( X, M, S )
For each scalar x in X, compute the logarithm version of probability density function according to a Gaussian (normal) distribution using the corresponding mean value m in M and the corresponding standard deviation value s in S:
| | ⎧ | 1 | | ⎧ | | (x-m)2 | ⎫ | ⎫ |
y = | log | ⎪ | ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ | exp | ⎪ | −0.5 | ‒‒‒‒‒‒ | ⎪ | ⎪ |
| | ⎩ | s √(2π) | | ⎩ | | s2 | ⎭ | ⎭ |
| | | ⎧ | | (x-m)2 | ⎫ |
= | −log(s √(2π)) | + | ⎪ | −0.5 | ‒‒‒‒‒‒ | ⎪ |
| | | ⎩ | | s2 | ⎭ |
- X can be a scalar, vector, or matrix
- M and S can jointly be either scalars, vectors, or matrices
- If M and S are omitted, their values are assumed to be 0 and 1, respectively
vec X(10, fill::randu);
vec M(10, fill::randu);
vec S(10, fill::randu);
vec P1 = log_normpdf(X);
vec P2 = log_normpdf(X, M, S );
vec P3 = log_normpdf(1.23, M, S );
vec P4 = log_normpdf(X, 4.56, 7.89);
double P5 = log_normpdf(1.23, 4.56, 7.89);
See also:
normcdf( X )
normcdf( X, M, S )
For each scalar x in X, compute its cumulative distribution function according to a Gaussian (normal) distribution using the corresponding mean value m in M and the corresponding standard deviation value s in S
- X can be a scalar, vector, or matrix
- M and S can jointly be either scalars, vectors, or matrices
- If M and S are omitted, their values are assumed to be 0 and 1, respectively
vec X(10, fill::randu);
vec M(10, fill::randu);
vec S(10, fill::randu);
vec P1 = normcdf(X);
vec P2 = normcdf(X, M, S );
vec P3 = normcdf(1.23, M, S );
vec P4 = normcdf(X, 4.56, 7.89);
double P5 = normcdf(1.23, 4.56, 7.89);
See also:
X = mvnrnd( M, C )
X = mvnrnd( M, C, N )
mvnrnd( X, M, C )
mvnrnd( X, M, C, N )
Generate a matrix with random column vectors from a multivariate Gaussian (normal) distribution with parameters M and C:
- M is the mean; must be a column vector
- C is the covariance matrix; must be symmetric positive semi-definite (preferably positive definite)
- N is the number of column vectors to generate; if N is omitted, it is assumed to be 1
Caveat: repeated generation of one vector (or a small number of vectors) using the same M and C parameters can be inefficient;
for repeated generation consider using the generate() function in the gmm_diag and gmm_full classes
- If generating the random vectors fails:
- X = mvnrnd(M, C) and X = mvnrnd(M, C, N) reset X and throw a std::runtime_error exception
- mvnrnd(X, M, C) and mvnrnd(X, M, C, N) reset X and return a bool set to false (exception is not thrown)
vec M(5, fill::randu);
mat B(5, 5, fill::randu);
mat C = B.t() * B;
mat X = mvnrnd(M, C, 100);
See also:
chi2rnd( DF )
chi2rnd( DF_scalar )
chi2rnd( DF_scalar, n_elem )
chi2rnd( DF_scalar, n_rows, n_cols )
chi2rnd( DF_scalar, size(X) )
Generate a random scalar, vector or matrix with elements sampled from a chi-squared distribution with the degrees of freedom specified by parameter DF or DF_scalar
- DF is a vector or matrix, while DF_scalar is a scalar
- Each value in DF and DF_scalar must be greater than zero
For the chi2rnd(DF) form, the output vector/matrix has the same size and type as DF; each element in DF specifies a separate degree of freedom
- vector_type v = chi2rnd( DF ), where the type of DF is a real vector_type
- matrix_type X = chi2rnd( DF ), where the type of DF is a real matrix_type
- scalar_type s = chi2rnd<scalar_type>( DF_scalar ), where scalar_type is either float or double
- vector_type v = chi2rnd<vector_type>( DF_scalar, n_elem )
- matrix_type X = chi2rnd<matrix_type>( DF_scalar, n_rows, n_cols )
- matrix_type Y = chi2rnd<matrix_type>( DF_scalar, size(X) )
mat X = chi2rnd(2, 5, 6);
mat A = randi<mat>(5, 6, distr_param(1, 10));
mat B = chi2rnd(A);
See also:
W = wishrnd( S, df )
W = wishrnd( S, df, D )
wishrnd( W, S, df )
wishrnd( W, S, df, D )
See also:
W = iwishrnd( T, df )
W = iwishrnd( T, df, Dinv )
iwishrnd( W, T, df )
iwishrnd( W, T, df, Dinv )
See also:
See also:
See also:
kmeans( means, data, k, seed_mode, n_iter, print_mode )
Cluster given data into k disjoint sets
The means parameter is the output matrix for storing the resulting centroids of the sets, with each centroid stored as a column vector
The data parameter is the input data matrix, with each sample stored as a column vector
The k parameter indicates the number of centroids;
the number of samples in the data matrix should be much larger than k
The seed_mode parameter specifies how the initial centroids are seeded; it is one of:
keep_existing | | use the centroids specified in the means matrix as the starting point |
static_subset | | use a subset of the data vectors (repeatable) |
random_subset | | use a subset of the data vectors (random) |
static_spread | | use a maximally spread subset of data vectors (repeatable) |
random_spread | | use a maximally spread subset of data vectors (random start) |
caveat: seeding the initial centroids with static_spread and random_spread
can be much more time consuming than with static_subset and random_subset
The n_iter parameter specifies the number of clustering iterations; this is data dependent, but about 10 is typically sufficient
The print_mode parameter is either true or false, indicating whether progress is printed during clustering
If the clustering fails, the means matrix is reset and a bool set to false is returned
The clustering will run faster on multi-core machines when OpenMP is enabled in your compiler (eg. -fopenmp in GCC and clang)
uword d = 5; // dimensionality
uword N = 10000; // number of vectors
mat data(d, N, fill::randu);
mat means;
bool status = kmeans(means, data, 2, random_subset, 10, true);
if(status == false)
cout << "clustering failed" << endl;
See also:
Classes for multivariate data modelling and evaluation via Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs)
The gmm_diag class is tailored for diagonal covariance matrices (ie. in each covariance matrix, all entries outside the main diagonal are assumed to be zero)
The gmm_full class is tailored for full covariance matrices
The gmm_diag class is typically much faster to train and use than the gmm_full class,
at the potential cost of some reduction in modelling accuracy
The gmm_diag and gmm_full classes include dedicated optimisation algorithms for learning (training) the model parameters from data:
- k-means clustering, for quick initial estimates
- Expectation-Maximisation (EM), for maximum-likelihood estimates
The optimisation algorithms are multi-threaded and can run much quicker on multi-core machines when OpenMP is enabled in your compiler (eg. -fopenmp in GCC and clang)
The classes can also be used for probabilistic clustering and vector quantisation (VQ)
Data is modelled as:
| | n_gaus-1 | |
p(x) | = | ∑ |
hg N( x | mg , Cg ) |
| | g=0 | |
- n_gaus is the number of Gaussians; n_gaus ≥ 1
- N( x | mg , Cg ) represents a Gaussian (normal) distribution
- each Gaussian g has the following parameters:
- hg is the heft (weight), with constraints hg ≥ 0 and ∑hg = 1
- mg is the mean vector (centroid) with dimensionality n_dims
- Cg is the covariance matrix (either diagonal or full)
Internal implementation details are available in the following paper:
For an instance of gmm_diag or gmm_full named as M, the member functions and variables are:
return a scalar representing the log-likelihood of vector V (of type vec)
M.log_p(V, g)
return a scalar representing the log-likelihood of vector V (of type vec), according to Gaussian with index g
return a row vector (of type rowvec ) containing log-likelihoods of each column vector in matrix X (of type mat)
M.log_p(X, g)
return a row vector (of type rowvec ) containing log-likelihoods of each column vector in matrix X (of type mat), according to Gaussian with index g
return a scalar representing the sum of log-likelihoods for all column vectors in matrix X (of type mat)
M.sum_log_p(X, g)
return a scalar representing the sum of log-likelihoods for all column vectors in matrix X (of type mat), according to Gaussian with index g
return a scalar representing the average log-likelihood of all column vectors in matrix X (of type mat)
M.avg_log_p(X, g)
return a scalar representing the average log-likelihood of all column vectors in matrix X (of type mat), according to Gaussian with index g
M.assign(V, dist_mode)
return the index of the closest mean (or Gaussian) to vector V (of type vec);
parameter dist_mode is one of:
eucl_dist | | Euclidean distance (takes only means into account) |
prob_dist | | probabilistic "distance", defined as the inverse likelihood (takes into account means, covariances and hefts) |
M.assign(X, dist_mode)
return a row vector (of type urowvec) containing the indices of the closest means (or Gaussians) to each column vector in matrix X (of type mat);
parameter dist_mode is either eucl_dist or prob_dist (as per the .assign() function above)
M.raw_hist(X, dist_mode)
return a row vector (of type urowvec ) representing the raw histogram of counts;
each entry is the number of counts corresponding to a Gaussian;
each count is the number times the corresponding Gaussian was the closest to each column vector in matrix X;
parameter dist_mode is either eucl_dist or prob_dist (as per the .assign() function above)
M.norm_hist(X, dist_mode)
similar to the .raw_hist() function above;
return a row vector (of type rowvec ) containing normalised counts;
the vector sums to one;
parameter dist_mode is either eucl_dist or prob_dist (as per the .assign() function above)
return a column vector (of type vec) representing a random sample generated according to the model's parameters
return a matrix (of type mat) containing N column vectors, with each vector representing a random sample generated according to the model's parameters
save the model to a file and return a bool indicating either success (true) or failure (false)
load the model from a file and return a bool indicating either success (true) or failure (false)
return the number of means/Gaussians in the model
return the dimensionality of the means/Gaussians in the model
M.reset(n_dims, n_gaus)
set the model to have dimensionality n_dims, with n_gaus number of Gaussians;
all the means are set to zero, all covariance matrix representations are equivalent to the identity matrix, and all the hefts (weights) are set to be uniform
read-only row vector (of type rowvec) containing the hefts (weights)
read-only matrix (of type mat) containing the means (centroids), stored as column vectors
[only in gmm_diag]
read-only matrix (of type mat) containing the representation of diagonal covariance matrices,
with the set of diagonal covariances for each Gaussian stored as a column vector;
applicable only to the gmm_diag class
[only in gmm_full]
read-only cube containing the full covariance matrices,
with each covariance matrix stored as a slice within the cube;
applicable only to the gmm_full class
set the hefts (weights) of the model to be as specified in row vector V (of type rowvec);
the number of hefts must match the existing model
set the means to be as specified in matrix X (of type mat);
the number of means and their dimensionality must match the existing model
[only in gmm_diag]
set the diagonal covariances matrices to be as specified in matrix X (of type mat),
with the set of diagonal covariances for each Gaussian stored as a column vector;
the number of covariance matrices and their dimensionality must match the existing model;
applicable only to the gmm_diag class
[only in gmm_full]
set the full covariances matrices to be as specified in cube X,
with each covariance matrix stored as a slice within the cube;
the number of covariance matrices and their dimensionality must match the existing model;
applicable only to the gmm_full class
M.set_params(means, covs, hefts)
set all the parameters at the same time;
the type and layout of the parameters is as per the .set_hefts(), .set_means(), .set_dcovs() and .set_fcovs() functions above;
the number of Gaussians and dimensionality can be different from the existing model
M.learn(data, n_gaus, dist_mode, seed_mode, km_iter, em_iter, var_floor, print_mode)
learn the model parameters via multi-threaded k-means and/or EM algorithms;
return a bool value, with true indicating success, and false indicating failure;
the parameters have the following meanings:
data |
matrix (of type mat) containing training samples; each sample is stored as a column vector
n_gaus |
set the number of Gaussians to n_gaus;
to help convergence, it is recommended that the given data matrix (above) contains at least 10 samples for each Gaussian
dist_mode |
specifies the distance used during the seeding of initial means and k-means clustering:
eucl_dist | | Euclidean distance |
maha_dist | | Mahalanobis distance, which uses a global diagonal covariance matrix estimated from the training samples; this is recommended for probabilistic applications |
seed_mode |
specifies how the initial means are seeded prior to running k-means and/or EM algorithms:
keep_existing | | keep the existing model (do not modify the means, covariances and hefts) |
static_subset | | a subset of the training samples (repeatable) |
random_subset | | a subset of the training samples (random) |
static_spread | | a maximally spread subset of training samples (repeatable) |
random_spread | | a maximally spread subset of training samples (random start) |
caveat: seeding the initial means with static_spread and random_spread
can be much more time consuming than with static_subset and random_subset
km_iter |
the number of iterations of the k-means algorithm;
this is data dependent, but typically 10 iterations are sufficient
em_iter |
the number of iterations of the EM algorithm;
this is data dependent, but typically 5 to 10 iterations are sufficient
var_floor |
the variance floor (smallest allowed value) for the diagonal covariances;
setting this to a small non-zero value can help with convergence and/or better quality parameter estimates
print_mode |
either true or false ;
enable or disable printing of progress during the k-means and EM algorithms
// create synthetic data with 2 Gaussians
uword d = 5; // dimensionality
uword N = 10000; // number of vectors
mat data(d, N, fill::zeros);
vec mean0 = linspace<vec>(1,d,d);
vec mean1 = mean0 + 2;
uword i = 0;
while(i < N)
if(i < N) { data.col(i) = mean0 + randn<vec>(d); ++i; }
if(i < N) { data.col(i) = mean0 + randn<vec>(d); ++i; }
if(i < N) { data.col(i) = mean1 + randn<vec>(d); ++i; }
// model the data as a diagonal GMM with 2 Gaussians
gmm_diag model;
bool status = model.learn(data, 2, maha_dist, random_subset, 10, 5, 1e-10, true);
if(status == false)
cout << "learning failed" << endl;
double scalar_likelihood = model.log_p( data.col(0) );
rowvec set_likelihood = model.log_p( data.cols(0,9) );
double overall_likelihood = model.avg_log_p(data);
uword gaus_id = model.assign( data.col(0), eucl_dist );
urowvec gaus_ids = model.assign( data.cols(0,9), prob_dist );
urowvec hist1 = model.raw_hist (data, prob_dist);
rowvec hist2 = model.norm_hist(data, eucl_dist);
See also:
constants (pi, inf, speed of light, ...)
See also:
See also:
std::ostream& x = get_cout_stream()
std::ostream& x = get_cerr_stream()
set_cout_stream( user_stream )
set_cerr_stream( user_stream )
- get_cout_stream():
- get a reference to the stream used for printing matrices and cubes with .print() and .raw_print()
- by default this is std::cout
- get_cerr_stream():
- get a reference to the stream used for printing warnings and errors involving out of bounds accesses, failed decompositions, failed loading/saving, out of memory conditions, etc
- by default this is std::cerr
- set_cout_stream( custom_stream ):
- set the stream used for printing matrices and cubes
- the stream can also be changed via the ARMA_COUT_STREAM define; see config.hpp
- set_cerr_stream( custom_stream ):
- change the stream for printing warnings and errors
- the stream can also be changed via the ARMA_CERR_STREAM define; see config.hpp
in Armadillo 10.4 and later versions:
- the default degree of emitted warnings about failed decompositions has been considerably reduced compared to earlier versions
- the ARMA_WARN_LEVEL option allows fine-grained control over the degree of emitted warnings
in Armadillo 10.3 and earlier versions:
- all failed decompositions print warnings
- a blunt method to disable printing of all warnings and errors is via placing #define ARMA_DONT_PRINT_ERRORS before #include <armadillo>
detailed information about errors is always reported via the base std::exception class
See also:
uword, sword
- uword is a typedef for an unsigned integer type; it is used for matrix indices as well as all internal counters and loops
- sword is a typedef for a signed integer type
- The minimum width of both uword and sword is either 32 or 64 bits:
- the default width is 32 bits on 32-bit platforms
- the default width is 64 bits on 64-bit platforms
- the default width is 32 bits when using Armadillo in the R environment (via RcppArmadillo) on either 32-bit or 64-bit platforms
- The width can also be forcefully set to 64 bits by enabling ARMA_64BIT_WORD via editing include/armadillo_bits/config.hpp
- See also:
cx_double, cx_float
cx_double is a shorthand / typedef for std::complex<double>
cx_float is a shorthand / typedef for std::complex<float>
cx_mat X(5, 5, fill::randu);
X(1,2) = cx_double(2.0, 3.0);
See also:
Examples of Matlab/Octave syntax and conceptually corresponding Armadillo syntax
A(1, 1)
A(0, 0)
indexing in Armadillo starts at 0
A(k, k)
A(k-1, k-1)
read only
Q is a cube (3D array)
A(:, k)
this is a conceptual example only;
exact conversion from Matlab/Octave to Armadillo syntax
will require taking into account that indexing starts at 0
A(k, :)
A(:, p:q)
A.cols(p, q)
A(p:q, :)
A.rows(p, q)
A(p:q, r:s)
A( span(p,q), span(r,s) )
A( span(first_row, last_row), span(first_col, last_col) )
Q(:, :, k)
Q is a cube (3D array)
Q(:, :, t:u)
Q.slices(t, u)
Q(p:q, r:s, t:u)
Q( span(p,q), span(r,s), span(t,u) )
A.t() or trans(A)
matrix transpose / Hermitian transpose
(for complex matrices, the conjugate of each element is taken)
A = zeros(size(A))
A = ones(size(A))
A = zeros(k)
A = zeros<mat>(k,k)
A = ones(k)
A = ones<mat>(k,k)
C = complex(A,B)
cx_mat C = cx_mat(A,B)
A .* B
A % B
element-wise multiplication
A ./ B
A / B
element-wise division
A \ B
conceptually similar to inv(A)*B, but more efficient
A = A + 1;
A = A - 1;
A = [ 1 2; 3 4; ]
A = { { 1, 2 },
{ 3, 4 } };
element initialisation
X = A(:)
X = vectorise(A)
X = [ A B ]
X = join_horiz(A,B)
X = [ A; B ]
X = join_vert(A,B)
cout << A << endl;
A.print("A =");
save ‑ascii 'A.txt' A
A.save("A.txt", raw_ascii);
Matlab/Octave matrices saved as ascii are readable by Armadillo (and vice-versa)
load ‑ascii 'A.txt'
A.load("A.txt", raw_ascii);
A = randn(2,3);
B = randn(4,5);
F = { A; B }
mat A = randn(2,3);
mat B = randn(4,5);
field<mat> F(2,1);
F(0,0) = A;
F(1,0) = B;
fields store arbitrary objects, such as matrices
example program
#include <iostream>
#include <armadillo>
using namespace std;
using namespace arma;
int main()
mat A(4, 5, fill::randu);
mat B(4, 5, fill::randu);
cout << A*B.t() << endl;
return 0;
If the above program is stored as example.cpp,
under Linux and macOS it can be compiled using:
g++ example.cpp -o example -std=c++11 -O2 -larmadillo
Armadillo extensively uses template meta-programming,
so it's recommended to enable optimisation when compiling programs (eg. use the -O2 or -O3 options for GCC or clang)
See the Questions page for more info on compiling and linking
See also the example program that comes with the Armadillo archive
Armadillo can be configured via editing the file include/armadillo_bits/config.hpp.
Specific functionality can be enabled or disabled by uncommenting or commenting out a particular #define, listed below.
Disable going through the run-time Armadillo wrapper library (libarmadillo.so) when calling LAPACK, BLAS, ARPACK, SuperLU and HDF5 functions.
You will need to directly link with BLAS, LAPACK, etc (eg. -lblas -llapack )
Enable use of LAPACK, or a high-speed replacement for LAPACK (eg. OpenBLAS, Intel MKL, or the Accelerate framework).
Armadillo requires LAPACK for functions such as svd(), inv(), eig_sym(), solve(), etc.
Disable use of LAPACK; overrides ARMA_USE_LAPACK
Enable use of BLAS, or a high-speed replacement for BLAS (eg. OpenBLAS, Intel MKL, or the Accelerate framework).
BLAS is used for matrix multiplication.
Without BLAS, Armadillo will use a built-in matrix multiplication routine, which might be slower for large matrices.
Disable use of BLAS; overrides ARMA_USE_BLAS
Enable use of NEWARP (built-in alternative to ARPACK).
This is used for the eigen decomposition of real (non-complex) sparse matrices, ie. eigs_gen(), eigs_sym() and svds().
Requires ARMA_USE_LAPACK to be enabled.
If use of both NEWARP and ARPACK is enabled, NEWARP will be preferred.
Disable use of NEWARP (built-in alternative to ARPACK); overrides ARMA_USE_NEWARP
Enable use of ARPACK, or a high-speed replacement for ARPACK.
Armadillo requires ARPACK for the eigen decomposition of complex sparse matrices, ie. eigs_gen(), eigs_sym() and svds().
If use of NEWARP is disabled, ARPACK will also be used for the eigen decomposition of real sparse matrices.
Disable use of ARPACK; overrides ARMA_USE_ARPACK
Enable use of SuperLU, which is used by spsolve() for finding the solutions of sparse systems,
as well as eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() in shift-invert mode.
You will need to link with the superlu library, for example -lsuperlu
Disable use of SuperLU; overrides ARMA_USE_SUPERLU
Enable the ability to save and load matrices stored in the HDF5 format;
the hdf5.h header file must be available on your system and you will need to link with the hdf5 library (eg. -lhdf5 )
Disable the use of the HDF5 library; overrides ARMA_USE_HDF5
Disable use of std::mutex; applicable if your compiler and/or environment doesn't support std::mutex
Disable automatically optimised handling of band matrices by solve() and chol()
Disable automatically optimised handling of symmetric/hermitian positive definite matrices by
Use OpenMP for parallelisation of computationally expensive element-wise operations
(such as exp(), log(), cos(), etc).
Automatically enabled when using a compiler which has OpenMP 3.1+ active (eg. the -fopenmp option for gcc and clang).
Disable use of OpenMP for parallelisation of element-wise operations; overrides ARMA_USE_OPENMP
The minimum number of elements in a matrix to enable OpenMP based parallelisation of computationally expensive element-wise functions; default value is 320
The maximum number of threads for OpenMP based parallelisation of computationally expensive element-wise functions; default value is 8
Use capitalised (uppercase) BLAS and LAPACK function names (eg. DGEMM vs dgemm)
Append an underscore to BLAS and LAPACK function names (eg. dgemm_ vs dgemm). Enabled by default.
Use "long" instead of "int" when calling BLAS and LAPACK functions
Use "long long" instead of "int" when calling BLAS and LAPACK functions
Use so-called "hidden arguments" when calling BLAS and LAPACK functions. Enabled by default.
See Fortran argument passing conventions for more details.
Disable use of so-called "hidden arguments" when calling BLAS and LAPACK functions.
May be necessary when using Armadillo in conjunction with broken MKL headers (eg. if you have #include "mkl_lapack.h" in your code).
Use Intel TBB scalable_malloc() and scalable_free() instead of standard malloc() and free() for managing matrix memory
Use Intel MKL mkl_malloc() and mkl_free() instead of standard malloc() and free() for managing matrix memory
Use Intel MKL types for complex numbers.
You will need to include appropriate MKL headers before the Armadillo header.
You may also need to enable one or more of the following options:
Use 64 bit integers. Automatically enabled when using a 64-bit platform, except when using Armadillo in the R environment (via RcppArmadillo).
Useful if matrices/vectors capable of holding more than 4 billion elements are required.
This can also be enabled by adding #define ARMA_64BIT_WORD before each instance of #include <armadillo>
Disable all run-time checks, such as bounds checking.
This will result in faster code, but you first need to make sure that your code runs correctly!
We strongly recommend to have the run-time checks enabled during development,
as this greatly aids in finding mistakes in your code, and hence speeds up development.
We recommend that run-time checks be disabled only for the shipped version of your program
(ie. final release build).
Print out the trace of internal functions used for evaluating expressions.
Not recommended for normal use.
This is mainly useful for debugging the library.
The number of pre-allocated elements used by matrices and vectors.
Must be always enabled and set to an integer that is at least 1.
By default set to 16.
If you mainly use lots of very small vectors (eg. ≤ 4 elements), change the number to the size of your vectors.
The default stream used for printing matrices and cubes by .print().
Must be always enabled.
By default defined to std::cout
The default stream used for printing warnings and errors.
Must be always enabled.
By default defined to std::cerr
Print errors and warnings encountered during program execution
Do not print errors or warnings; overrides ARMA_PRINT_ERRORS.
Caveat: with Armadillo 10.4 or later versions, consider using ARMA_WARN_LEVEL instead
The level of warning messages printed to ARMA_CERR_STREAM.
Must be an integer ≥ 0. The default value is 2.
0 | = | no warnings |
1 | = | only critical warnings about arguments and/or data which are likely to lead to incorrect results |
2 | = | as per level 1, and warnings about poorly conditioned systems (low rcond) detected by solve(), spsolve(), etc |
3 | = | as per level 2, and warnings about failed decompositions, failed saving/loading, etc |
See also:
History of API Additions, Changes and Deprecations
- API Stability and Versioning:
Each release of Armadillo has its public API (functions, classes, constants) described in the accompanying API documentation specific to that release.
Each release of Armadillo has its full version specified as A.B.C, where A is a major version number, B is a minor version number, and C is a patch level (indicating bug fixes).
Within a major version (eg. 7), each minor version has a public API that strongly strives to be backwards compatible (at the source level) with the public API of preceding minor versions.
For example, user code written for version 7.100 should work with version 7.200, 7.300, 7.400, etc.
However, as later minor versions may have more features (API extensions) than preceding minor versions, user code specifically written for version 7.400 may not work with 7.300.
An increase in the patch level, while the major and minor versions are retained, indicates modifications to the code and/or documentation which aim to fix bugs without altering the public API.
We don't like changes to existing public API and strongly prefer not to break any user software.
However, to allow evolution, we reserve the right to alter the public API in future major versions of Armadillo while remaining backwards compatible in as many cases as possible
(eg. major version 8 may have slightly different public API than major version 7).
Caveat: any function, class, constant or other code not explicitly described in the public API documentation is considered as part of the underlying internal implementation details,
and may be removed or changed without notice.
(In other words, don't use internal functionality).
List of additions and changes for each version:
- Version 10.8:
- Version 10.7:
- faster handling of submatrix views accessed by
- faster handling of element-wise min() and max() in compound expressions
- expanded solve() with
solve_opts::force_approx option to force use of the approximate solver
- Version 10.6:
- expanded chol() to optionally use pivoted decomposition
- expanded vector, matrix and cube constructors to allow element initialisation via
fill::value(scalar) , eg. mat X(4,5,fill::value(123))
- faster loading of CSV files when using OpenMP
- added csv_opts::semicolon option to allow saving/loading of CSV files with semicolon (;) instead of comma (,) as the separator
- Version 10.5:
- added .clamp() member function
- expanded the standalone clamp() function to handle complex values
- more efficient use of OpenMP
- vector, matrix and cube constructors now initialise elements to zero by default;
element initialisation can be disabled via the fill::none specifier, eg. mat X(4,5,fill::none)
- Version 10.4:
- faster handling of triangular matrices by log_det()
- added log_det_sympd() for log determinant of symmetric positive matrices
- added
ARMA_WARN_LEVEL configuration option, to control the degree of emitted warning messages
- reduced the default degree of warning messages, so that failed decompositions, failed saving/loading, etc, no longer emit warnings
- Version 10.3:
- faster handling of symmetric positive definite matrices by pinv()
- expanded .save() / .load() for dense matrices to handle coord_ascii format
- for out of bounds access, element accessors now throw the more nuanced std::out_of_range exception, instead of only std::logic_error
- improved quality of random numbers
- Version 10.2:
- Version 10.1:
- C++11 is now the minimum required C++ standard
- faster handling of compound expressions by trimatu() and trimatl()
- faster sparse matrix addition, subtraction and element-wise multiplication
- expanded sparse submatrix views to handle the non-contiguous form of X.cols(vector_of_column_indices)
- expanded eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() with optional fine-grained parameters
- Version 9.900:
- Version 9.800:
- Version 9.700:
- Version 9.600:
- Version 9.500:
- expanded solve() with
solve_opts::likely_sympd to indicate that the given matrix is likely positive definite
- more robust automatic detection of positive definite matrices by solve() and inv()
- faster handling of sparse submatrices
- expanded eigs_sym() to print a warning if the given matrix is not symmetric
extended LAPACK function prototypes to follow Fortran passing conventions for so-called "hidden arguments",
in order to address GCC Bug 90329;
to use previous LAPACK function prototypes without the "hidden arguments",
#define ARMA_DONT_USE_FORTRAN_HIDDEN_ARGS before #include <armadillo>
- Version 9.400:
- Version 9.300:
- faster handling of compound complex matrix expressions by trace()
- more efficient handling of element access for inplace modifications in sparse matrices
- added .is_sympd() to check whether a matrix is symmetric/hermitian positive definite
- added interp2() for 2D data interpolation
- added expm1() and log1p()
- expanded .is_sorted() with options
"strictascend" and "strictdescend"
- expanded eig_gen() to optionally perform balancing prior to decomposition
- Version 9.200:
- faster handling of symmetric positive definite matrices by rcond()
- faster transpose of matrices with size ≥ 512x512
- faster handling of compound sparse matrix expressions by accu(), diagmat(), trace()
- faster handling of sparse matrices by join_rows()
- added sinc()
- expanded sign() to handle scalar arguments
- expanded operators (*, %, +, −) to handle sparse matrices with differing element types (eg. multiplication of complex matrix by real matrix)
- expanded conv_to() to allow conversion between sparse matrices with differing element types
- expanded solve() to optionally allow keeping solutions of systems singular to working precision
- Version 9.100:
- faster handling of symmetric/hermitian positive definite matrices by solve()
- faster handling of inv_sympd() in compound expressions
- added .is_symmetric()
- added .is_hermitian()
- expanded spsolve() to optionally allow keeping solutions of systems singular to working precision
- smarter use of the element cache in sparse matrices
- Version 8.600:
- Version 8.500:
- Version 8.400:
- Version 8.300:
- faster handling of band matrices by solve()
- faster handling of band matrices by chol()
- faster randg() when using OpenMP
- added normpdf()
- expanded .save() to allow appending new datasets to existing HDF5 files
- Version 8.200:
- added intersect() for finding common elements in two vectors/matrices
- expanded affmul() to handle non-square matrices
- Version 8.100:
- Version 7.960:
- faster randn() when using OpenMP
- faster gmm_diag class, for Gaussian mixture models with diagonal covariance matrices
- added .sum_log_p() to the gmm_diag class
- added gmm_full class, for Gaussian mixture models with full covariance matrices
- expanded .each_slice() to optionally use OpenMP for multi-threaded execution
- Version 7.950:
- expanded accu() and sum() to use OpenMP for processing expressions with computationally expensive element-wise functions
- expanded trimatu() and trimatl() to allow specification of the diagonal which delineates the boundary of the triangular part
- Version 7.900:
- expanded clamp() to handle cubes
computationally expensive element-wise functions (such as exp(), log(), cos(), etc)
can now be automatically sped up via OpenMP;
this requires a C++11/C++14 compiler with OpenMP 3.1+ support
- for GCC and clang compilers use the following options to enable both C++11 and OpenMP:
-std=c++11 -fopenmp
- Caveat: when using GCC, use of
-march=native in conjunction with -fopenmp may lead to speed regressions on recent processors
- Version 7.800:
- Version 7.700:
- Version 7.600:
- Version 7.500:
- expanded qz() to optionally specify ordering of the Schur form
- expanded .each_slice() to support matrix multiplication
- Version 7.400:
- Version 7.300:
- Version 7.200:
- Version 7.100:
- Version 6.700:
- added trapz() for numerical integration
- added logmat() for calculating the matrix logarithm
- added regspace() for generating vectors with regularly spaced elements
- added logspace() for generating vectors with logarithmically spaced elements
- added approx_equal() for determining approximate equality
- Version 6.600:
- expanded sum(), mean(), min(), max() to handle cubes
- expanded Cube class to handle arbitrarily sized empty cubes (eg. 0x5x2)
- added shift() for circular shifts of elements
- added sqrtmat() for finding the square root of a matrix
- Version 6.500:
- added conv2() for 2D convolution
- added stand-alone kmeans() function for clustering data
- added trunc()
- extended conv() to optionally provide central convolution
- faster handling of multiply-and-accumulate by accu() when using Intel MKL, ATLAS or OpenBLAS
- Version 6.400:
- Version 6.300:
- Version 6.200:
- expanded diagmat() to handle non-square matrices and arbitrary diagonals
- expanded trace() to handle non-square matrices
- Version 6.100:
- Version 5.600:
- Version 5.500:
- expanded object constructors and generators to handle size() based specification of dimensions
- Version 5.400:
- added find_unique() for finding indices of unique values
- added diff() for calculating differences between consecutive elements
- added cumprod() for calculating cumulative product
- added null() for finding the orthonormal basis of null space
- expanded interp1() to handle repeated locations
- expanded unique() to handle complex numbers
- faster flipud()
- faster row-wise cumsum()
- Version 5.300:
- Version 5.200:
- added orth() for finding the orthonormal basis of the range space of a matrix
- expanded element initialisation to handle nested initialiser lists (C++11)
- Version 5.100:
- Version 5.000:
- Version 4.650:
- added randg() for generating random values from gamma distributions (C++11 only)
- added .head_rows() and .tail_rows() to submatrix views
- added .head_cols() and .tail_cols() to submatrix views
- expanded eigs_sym() to optionally calculate eigenvalues with smallest/largest algebraic values
- Version 4.600:
- added .head() and .tail() to submatrix views
- faster matrix transposes within compound expressions
- faster in-place matrix multiplication
- faster accu() and norm() when compiling with -O3 -ffast-math -march=native (gcc and clang)
- Version 4.550:
- added matrix exponential function: expmat()
- faster .log_p() and .avg_log_p() functions in the gmm_diag class when compiling with OpenMP enabled
- faster handling of in-place addition/subtraction of expressions with an outer product
- Version 4.500:
- faster handling of complex vectors by norm()
- expanded chol() to optionally specify output matrix as upper or lower triangular
- better handling of non-finite values when saving matrices as text files
- Version 4.450:
- faster handling of matrix transposes within compound expressions
- expanded symmatu()/symmatl() to optionally disable taking the complex conjugate of elements
- expanded sort_index() to handle complex vectors
- expanded the gmm_diag class with functions to generate random samples
- Version 4.400:
- faster handling of subvectors by dot()
- faster handling of aliasing by submatrix views
- added clamp() for clamping values to be between lower and upper limits
- added gmm_diag class for statistical modelling of data using Gaussian Mixture Models
- expanded batch insertion constructors for sparse matrices to add values at repeated locations
- Version 4.320:
- expanded eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() to use an optional tolerance parameter
- expanded eig_sym() to automatically fall back to standard decomposition method if divide-and-conquer fails
- cmake-based installer enables use of C++11 random number generator when using gcc 4.8.3+ in C++11 mode
- Version 4.300:
- Version 4.200:
- faster transpose of sparse matrices
- more efficient handling of aliasing during matrix multiplication
- faster inverse of matrices marked as diagonal
- Version 4.100:
- added normalise() for normalising vectors to unit p-norm
- extended the field class to handle 3D layout
- extended eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() to obtain eigenvalues of various forms (eg. largest or smallest magnitude)
- automatic SIMD vectorisation of elementary expressions (eg. matrix addition) when using Clang 3.4+ with -O3 optimisation
- faster handling of sparse submatrix views
- Version 4.000:
- Version 3.930:
- Version 3.920:
- faster .zeros()
- faster round(), exp2() and log2() when using C++11
- added signum function: sign()
- added move constructors when using C++11
- added 2D fast Fourier transform: fft2()
- added .tube() for easier extraction of vectors and subcubes from cubes
- added specification of a fill type during construction of Mat, Col, Row and Cube classes,
eg. mat X(4, 5, fill::zeros)
- Version 3.910:
- faster multiplication of a matrix with a transpose of itself, ie. X*X.t() and X.t()*X
- added vectorise() for reshaping matrices into vectors
- added all() and any() for indicating presence of elements satisfying a relational condition
- Version 3.900:
- added automatic SSE2 vectorisation of elementary expressions (eg. matrix addition) when using GCC 4.7+ with -O3 optimisation
- faster median()
- faster handling of compound expressions with transposes of submatrix rows
- faster handling of compound expressions with transposes of complex vectors
- added support for saving & loading of cubes in HDF5 format
- Version 3.820:
- faster as_scalar() for compound expressions
- faster transpose of small vectors
- faster matrix-vector product for small vectors
- faster multiplication of small fixed size matrices
- Version 3.810:
- Version 3.800:
- added .imbue() for filling a matrix/cube with values provided by a functor or lambda expression
- added .swap() for swapping contents with another matrix
- added .transform() for transforming a matrix/cube using a functor or lambda expression
- added round() for rounding matrix elements towards nearest integer
- faster find()
- changed license to the Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Version 3.6:
- faster handling of compound expressions with submatrices and subcubes
- faster trace()
- added support for loading matrices as text files with NaN and Inf elements
- added stable_sort_index(), which preserves the relative order of elements with equivalent values
- added handling of sparse matrices by mean(), var(), norm(), abs(), square(), sqrt()
- added saving and loading of sparse matrices in arma_binary format
- Version 3.4:
- Version 3.2:
- added unique(), for finding unique elements of a matrix
- added .eval(), for forcing the evaluation of delayed expressions
- faster eigen decomposition via optional use of divide-and-conquer algorithm
- faster transpose of vectors and compound expressions
- faster handling of diagonal views
- faster handling of tiny fixed size vectors (≤ 4 elements)
- Version 3.0:
- added shorthand for inverse: .i()
- added datum class
- added hist() and histc()
- added non-contiguous submatrix views
- faster handling of submatrix views with a single row or column
- faster element access in fixed size matrices
- faster repmat()
- expressions X=inv(A)*B and X=A.i()*B are automatically converted to X=solve(A,B)
- better detection of vector expressions by sum(), cumsum(), prod(), min(), max(), mean(), median(), stddev(), var()
- faster generation of random numbers
(eg. randu() and randn()),
via an algorithm that produces slightly different numbers than in 2.x
support for tying writable auxiliary (external) memory to fixed size matrices has been removed;
instead, you can use standard matrices with writable auxiliary memory,
or initialise fixed size matrices by copying the memory;
using auxiliary memory with standard matrices is unaffected
.print_trans() and .raw_print_trans() have been removed;
instead, you can chain .t() and .print() to achieve a similar result: X.t().print()
- Version 2.4:
- added shorter forms of transposes: .t() and .st()
- added .resize() and resize()
- added optional use of 64 bit indices (allowing matrices to have more than 4 billion elements), enabled via ARMA_64BIT_WORD in include/armadillo_bits/config.hpp
- added experimental support for C++11 initialiser lists, enabled via ARMA_USE_CXX11 in include/armadillo_bits/config.hpp
- refactored code to eliminate warnings when using the Clang C++ compiler
- umat, uvec, .min() and .max()
have been changed to use the uword type instead of the u32 type;
by default the uword and u32 types are equivalent (ie. unsigned integer type with a minimum width 32 bits);
however, when the use of 64 bit indices is enabled via ARMA_64BIT_WORD in include/armadillo_bits/config.hpp,
the uword type then has a minimum width of 64 bits
- Version 2.2:
- Version 2.0:
- det(), inv() and solve() can be forced to use more precise algorithms for tiny matrices (≤ 4x4)
- added syl(), for solving Sylvester's equation
- added strans(), for transposing a complex matrix without taking the complex conjugate
- added symmatu() and symmatl()
- added submatrices of submatrices
- faster inverse of symmetric positive definite matrices
- faster element access for fixed size matrices
- faster multiplication of tiny matrices (eg. 4x4)
- faster compound expressions containing submatrices
- added handling of arbitrarily sized empty matrices (eg. 5x0)
- added .count() member function in running_stat and running_stat_vec
- added loading & saving of matrices as CSV text files
- trans() now takes the complex conjugate when transposing a complex matrix
- forms of
chol(), eig_sym(), eig_gen(),
inv(), lu(), pinv(), princomp(),
qr(), solve(), svd(), syl()
that do not return a bool indicating success now throw std::runtime_error exceptions when failures are detected
- princomp_cov() has been removed; eig_sym() in conjunction with cov() can be used instead
- .is_vec() now outputs true for empty vectors (eg. 0x1)
- set_log_stream() & get_log_stream() have been replaced by set_stream_err1() & get_stream_err1()
- Version 1.2:
- added .min() & .max() member functions of Mat and Cube
- added floor() and ceil()
- added representation of “not a number”: math::nan()
- added representation of infinity: math::inf()
- .in_range() expanded to use span() arguments
- fixed size matrices and vectors can use auxiliary (external) memory
- submatrices and subfields can be accessed via X( span(a,b), span(c,d) )
- subcubes can be accessed via X( span(a,b), span(c,d), span(e,f) )
- the two argument version of span can be replaced by
span::all or span(), to indicate an entire range
- for cubes, the two argument version of span can be replaced by
a single argument version, span(a), to indicate a single column, row or slice
- arbitrary "flat" subcubes can be interpreted as matrices; for example:
cube Q = randu<cube>(5,3,4);
mat A = Q( span(1), span(1,2), span::all );
// A has a size of 2x4
vec v = ones<vec>(4);
Q( span(1), span(1), span::all ) = v;
- added interpretation of matrices as triangular through trimatu() / trimatl()
- added explicit handling of triangular matrices by solve() and inv()
- extended syntax for submatrices, including access to elements whose indices are specified in a vector
- added ability to change the stream used for logging of errors and warnings
- added ability to save/load matrices in raw binary format
- added cumulative sum function: cumsum()
Changed in 1.0 (compared to earlier 0.x development versions):
the 3 argument version of lu(),
eg. lu(L,U,X),
provides L and U which should be the same as produced by Octave 3.2
(this was not the case in versions prior to 0.9.90)
rand() has been replaced by randu();
this has been done to avoid confusion with std::rand(),
which generates random numbers in a different interval
In versions earlier than 0.9.0,
some multiplication operations directly converted result matrices with a size of 1x1 into scalars.
This is no longer the case.
If you know the result of an expression will be a 1x1 matrix and wish to treat it as a pure scalar,
use the as_scalar() wrapping function
Almost all functions have been placed in the delayed operations framework (for speed purposes).
This may affect code which assumed that the output of some functions was a pure matrix.
The solution is easy, as explained below.
In general, Armadillo queues operations before executing them.
As such, the direct output of an operation or function cannot be assumed to be a directly accessible matrix.
The queued operations are executed when the output needs to be stored in a matrix,
eg. mat B = trans(A) or mat B(trans(A)).
If you need to force the execution of the delayed operations,
place the operation or function inside the corresponding Mat constructor.
For example, if your code assumed that the output of some functions was a pure matrix,
eg. chol(m).diag(), change the code to mat(chol(m)).diag().
Similarly, if you need to pass the result of an operation such as A+B to one of your own functions,
use my_function( mat(A+B) ).