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HDF5 for Debian

On thread safety
Some general notes for developers: since 1.8 series HDF Group deprecates 
enabling the thread-safe option for the C library and at the same time
supporting high level (HL), C++ and Fortran bindings. Those options cannot
cohexist for safety because non C libraries wrapper are not thread-aware. 
Debian GNU/Linux still support a C thread-safe library and the alternative
bindings, but it does not imply that the Debian distributed high level, C++
aand Fortranalibraries are thread-safe. 

For short: DO NOT use HL, C++ or Fortran bindings in multi-thread programs
witihout providing yourself mutex infrastructure support for every wrapped 
function. You can use safely only the C binding in a multi-thread environment.
That was not different in 1.6 series, just the issue was ignored.

Now, you are warned. 

 -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie@debian.org> Fri Jun 19 22:09:25 CEST 2009

1.10.0 and 1.10.1 compatibility
From HDF Group newsletter #153:
HDF5 releases are always backward compatible. In general, they are also
forward compatible in maintenance releases of a major release. However,
the HDF5 - 1.10.0 maintenance release will NOT be able to read HDF5 - 1.10.1
files that contain a metadata cache image. The metadata cache image must be
removed with the h5clear tool in order for HDF5 - 1.10.0 to read the file.

 -- Gilles Filippini <pini@debian.fr>  Sat, 07 Oct 2017 14:02:39 +0200

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