libmypaint  1.6.0
libmypaint - the MyPaint brush library


libmypaint, a.k.a. "the brush library" or "brushlib", provides a set of structures and interfaces allowing applications to use MyPaint brushes to draw strokes on surfaces.

See the data structures list for a context-free overview of the functionality provided. The most relevant structures (with associated functions) are:

MyPaintSurface, MyPaintBrush, and MyPaintTiledSurface

MyPaintSurface is an abstract interface providing the essential calls used by the brush engine, which is made up of the MyPaintBrush struct and its associated functions (or methods, if you like).

Having MyPaintSurface be abstract does in theory allow users of the library to provide their own surface implementations, but in order to be visually conformant with MyPaint, they need to use the same (or very similar) dab drawing and blending routines that are used by MyPaintTiledSurface, requiring them to either derive their own surface from MyPaintTiledSurface, or copy the relevant internal functions from the libmypaint source code.

Brief History

  • What is now libmypaint started out as a part of the MyPaint drawing program. Over time the code was gradually separated from the rest of the application, and eventually split out into a separate library. This evolution from an origin in application-specific code, as opposed to a design intended to be used as an independent library, is the reason why a lot of the code is structured the way it is.
The focus of this timeline is development that relates to the parts of MyPaint development that ultimately became libmypaint. It is only a small fraction of the work that was undertaken over the covered time period.
  • 2004: Martin Renold published the first iteration of MyPaint, a gtk-based minimal painting program. At first, the only adjustable brush parameters were radius, color (RGB) and opacity (erroneously named "opaque", which remains the canonical name to this day). Soon after, spacing and distance parameters were added as well.
  • 2005: First implementation of the infinite surface, parts of which eventually turned into MyPaintTiledSurface. The brush code was reworked, turning the color into setting values (and switching those values from RGB to HSV). Apart from the color components, 20 new settings were implemented (most of which remain today).
  • 2006: The custom setting & input were added, as well as speed_log, speed_sqrt and opaque_linearize. The color_saturation setting was removed.
  • 2007: Color transformation settings were added, as well as smudge_length and tracking_noise.
  • 2008: The eraser setting was added. At the end of 2008, the core drawing code was split off into the "brushlib". Moved a lot of code from C to C++.
  • 2009: Dab angle and ratio settings were added, as well as direction filter.
  • 2010: The smudge_radius_log setting was added, as well as the tilt_declination and tilt_ascension inputs.
  • 2011: The lock_alpha and colorize settings were added.
  • 2012: Initial split to libmypaint, with general dependency cleanup. The brushlib was converted (back) to C, from C++.
  • 2013-2015: A lot of maintenance work and general improvements, preparing for independent releases and usage of the library.
  • 2016: First release of libmypaint, which for unspecified reasons was assigned the version 1.3.0.
    The version was almost certainly chosen because of the next minor version of MyPaint, which was assumed to be the first release using libmypaint as an external dependency.
  • 2017-2019: Gridmap settings and inputs were added, as well as many kinds of dab offsets. Spectral blending was introduced, as well as additional stroke parameters that let the engine be aware of canvas rotation and zoom when calculating angles and speed values.

    libmypaint 1.4.0 was released, not including the new features.
  • 2020: The new features were backported in an API-compatible way, and 1.5.0 was released.


There is a minimal example in the examples folder in the source root, but for now the best way to learn how the structures and functions can be used is to look at the MyPaint source code. Searching for the string mypaint_ in the C/C++ files in the MyPaint source will yield all calls to libmypaint, providing useful entry points for further exploration.