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PMIx Authors

The following cumulative list contains the names and GitHub IDs of
all individuals who have committed code to the PMIx repository.

GitHub ID                       Name                        Affiliation(s)
------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------
alinask                         Elena Shipunova             Mellanox
annu13                          Annapurna Dasari            Intel
artpol84                        Artem Polyakov              Mellanox
ashleypittman                   Ashley Pittman              Intel
dsolt                           Dave Solt                   IBM
garlick                         Jim Garlick                 LLNL
ggouaillardet                   Gilles Gouaillardet         RIST
hjelmn                          Nathan Hjelm                LANL
igor-ivanov                     Igor Ivanov                 Mellanox
jladd-mlnx                      Joshua Ladd                 Mellanox
jjhursey                        Joshua Hursey               IBM
jsquyres                        Jeff Squyres                Cisco
karasevb                        Boris Karasev               Mellanox
kawashima-fj                    Takahiro Kawashima          Fujitsu
nkogteva                        Nadezhda Kogteva            Mellanox
nysal                           Nysal Jan KA                IBM
PHHargrove                      Paul Hargrove               LBNL
rhc54                           Ralph Castain               Intel
------------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------

Affiliation abbreviations:
Cisco = Cisco Systems, Inc.
Fujitsu = Fujitsu
IBM = International Business Machines, Inc.
Intel = Intel, Inc.
LANL = Los Alamos National Laboratory
LBNL = Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LLNL = Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mellanox = Mellanox
RIST = Research Organization for Information Science and Technology

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Tue Jan 28 14:59:32 CET 2025.