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$NCDId: @(#)actions,v 1.1 1994/05/26 16:19:20 greg Exp $

To: kurz@cenatls.cena.dgac.fr (Gregory KURZ)
cc: netaudio@ncd.com
Subject: Re: buckets 
In-reply-to: Your message of "Fri, 18 Mar 94 18:52:22 GMT."
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 94 11:05:31 PST
From: Greg Renda <greg@hansen.ncd.com>

kurz@cenatls.cena.dgac.fr (Gregory KURZ) writes:

> I'm studying real-time sound synthesis and I would like to use
> buckets in order to decrease the working time of my program (it's
> better to let the server deal with the samples when they're ready to
> be played). I've tried to do the following thing :
>         _ storing the first sample-table in a bucket
>         _ asking the server to play from the bucket (AuSoundPlayFromBucket)
>         _ storing the second sample-table in another bucket (while the first
>           one is being played)
>         - asking the server to play from the second bucket as soon 
>           as the first one is finished (with the "done" callback)
>        and so on...
> The problem is that between two different requests of playing, there's a 1/2
> second blank which is quite annoying for the real-time effect. Since the goal
> was to compute a continuous sound, I've also tried to store in a Bucket a
> single sample-table which would produce a nice sound if it was played
> continuosly (using the parameter Count in AuSoundPlayFromBucket), but that
> changes nothing.
> So, at last, my quesion is : is it possible to establish a kind of "link"
> between two buckets, so that one can be immediatly used after the other ?

You betcha!  You want to use the "actions" feature.  When creating a
component element (an import or an export) you can specify actions
that occur whenever the element changes state.  An action can change
the state of another element, send a notify event, or do nothing
(useful for overriding the default actions).  All actions contain:

        - a trigger state, previous state, and reason

                This says when the action is to be triggered.  For
                example, if you want the action to be triggered when
                the element changed from started to paused due to some
                user interaction you'd set:

                        trigger state = AuStatePause
                        previous state = AuStateStart
                        reason = AuReasonUser

A ChangeStateAction also contains:

        - the flow id containing the element to perform the state change on.
        - the element number in the flow to perform the state change
          on.  This may be AuElementAll to change the state of all the
          elements in the specified flow.
        - the new state for the element.

Legal states are:

        AuStateAny (used only for a trigger or previous state match)

Legal reasons are:

        AuReasonUser            a client interaction
        AuReasonUnderrun        the element ran out of data unexpectedly
        AuReasonOverrun         the element overran its buffer
        AuReasonEOF             the element reached the end of its data
        AuReasonWatermark       the element's buffer reached a watermark
        AuReasonHardware        some hardware problem (perhaps it can't keep up)
        AuReasonAny             any of the above

Note that when you specify actions for an element, you are overriding
any default actions that the element might have.  So if you want any
of those default actions to occur in addition to your own actions, you
have to specify them in the action list.  Here are the default actions
for each component element:

Component       Action          Trigger Prev    Reason  Flow    Element State
--------------- --------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -----

ImportClient    SendNotify      Pause   Any     Any
     "          SendNotify      Stop    Any     Any
     "          ChangeState     Pause   Any     Any     Own     All     Pause
     "          ChangeState     Start   Pause   Any     Own     All     Start
     "          ChangeState     Stop    Any     Any     Own     All     Stop

ImportDevice    (None)

ImportBucket    SendNotify      Pause   Any     Any
     "          SendNotify      Stop    Any     Any
     "          ChangeState     Stop    Any     Any     Own     All     Stop

ImportWaveForm  SendNotify      Pause   Any     Any
     "          SendNotify      Stop    Any     Any
     "          ChangeState     Stop    Any     Any     Own     All     Stop

ExportClient    SendNotify      Pause   Any     Any
     "          SendNotify      Stop    Any     Any
     "          ChangeState     Pause   Any     Any     Own     All     Pause
     "          ChangeState     Start   Pause   Any     Own     All     Start
     "          ChangeState     Stop    Any     Any     Own     All     Stop

ExportDevice    (None)

ExportBucket    SendNotify      Pause   Any     Any
     "          SendNotify      Stop    Any     Any
     "          ChangeState     Stop    Any     Any     Own     All     Stop

ExportMonitor   (None)

For examples of using actions, see audial and auphone.  auphone uses
an action to contiuously play the ringing and busy sounds.

The catch to all of this is that you'll have to use the lower level
API calls for your client since the higher level calls don't support
actions.  Again, see the sample clients for examples.


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