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To do list for sgml-base

Number Description
 88008 update-catalog should change its name
125706 does not remove /etc/sgml, /usr/lib/sgml on purge

Number Description
 85682 install-catalog (or whatever) should support filename derivative lines
       in SGML dir
 88010 please consider catalog design change

* implement an `sgml-config` tool ala `pkg-config` (look at `sgmlwhich`):
   * SGML_CATALOG_FILES=`sgml-config --catalogs xml-resume`
   * other options:
      --dtd           list the dtd path of such package
      --decl          list the declaration file associate
      --doctype       produce a valid doctype header for a document
* move `sgml-catalog-check.pl` from 'sgml-data' to 'sgml-base'
* 'xsltproc --catalogs [..]'

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Sun Feb 2 13:28:16 CET 2025.