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                           Debian Tcl/Tk Policy

              Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie@debian.org>

                   Sergei Golovan <sgolovan@debian.org>

                               version 0.3.0



     This document describes the packaging of Tcl/Tk within the Debian
     distribution and the policy requirements for Tcl/Tk extensions and
     packages.  This policy has been defined during Jessie release cycle,
     so pre-Jessie releases can violate this policy in one or more aspects.
     Backporters are warned.

Copyright Notice

     Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Software in the Public Interest

     This manual is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
     option) any later version.

     This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
     for more details.

     A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as
     `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL' in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
     or on the World Wide Web at The GNU Public Licence

     You can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,
     Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.



     1.        Tcl/Tk Packaging
     1.1.      Versions
     1.2.      Main packages
     1.3.      Tcl and Tk Interpreters
     1.4.      Tcl/Tk libraries
     1.5.      Tools/files for Development of Tcl/Tk modules and extensions
     1.6.      Multiarch support
     1.7.      Auto_load Path
     1.8.      Documentation

     2.        Packaged Modules
     2.1.      Module Names
     2.2.      Dependencies

     3.        Tcl/Tk Programs
     3.1.      Version Independent Programs
     3.2.      Version Dependent Programs

     A.        Build Dependencies

     B.        Tcl/Tk modules loading

     C.        Possible issues building Tcl/Tk extensions

     D.        Maintainer's Checklist


1. Tcl/Tk Packaging

1.1. Versions

     At any given time, the binary packages `tcl' and `tk' represent the
     current default Debian Tcl/Tk version.  They contain Tcl and Tk shells
     `/usr/bin/tclsh' and `/usr/bin/wish' which are symlinks to the current
     default version binaries.  For backward compatibility they provide the
     virtual packages `tclsh' and `wish' but it isn't recommended to
     reference them in packages dependencies anymore.  The packages `tcl'
     and `tk' are provided by the Debian `tcltk-defaults' source package,
     in order to manage modules and extensions packaging and upgrading
     better.  Modules should preferably use those packages when appropriate
     (i.e.  they are either version independent or properly versioned to
     inhibit the use of a non compatible versions, see Section 2.2,
     `Dependencies'), but it is not mandatory.  The default packages are


     The default Debian Tcl/Tk version should always be the latest stable
     upstream release that can be integrated in the distribution.  Starting
     from 8.0, Tcl and Tk share the same version numbering.  The default
     packages depend on the appropriate versioned packages and provide
     useful additional symlinks.  Default packages versions follow upstream
     versions, so that packages can use appropriate versioning constraints
     on them when it is needed.

     Apart from the default version, legacy versions of Tcl/Tk may be
     included as well in the distribution, as long as they are needed by
     other packages, or as long as it seems reasonable to provide them.
     (Note: For the scope of this document, Tcl/Tk versions mean the result
     of 'info tclversion' command, i.e.  Tcl/Tk 8.5 and 8.5.14 are subminor
     versions of the same Tcl/Tk version 8.5, but Tcl 8.6 and 8.5 are
     indeed different versions.  The patchlevel intends the result of the
     'info patchlevel' command, i.e.  Tcl/Tk 8.5.14 and 8.5.13 have the
     same version but different patchlevels).

     In addition, unstable/development version of Tcl/Tk may be included in
     the unstable/experimental distribution.

     For any version, the main Tcl and Tk packages are called `tcl<X>.<Y>'
     and `tk<X>.<Y>' respectively.  They are always packaged as separate
     sources, as for upstream.  Names of related packages or extensions
     must follow the same convention if the inclusion of multiple versions
     make sense or if they work only with specific versions of Tcl or Tk.

     To avoid definition clashes with Debian terminology, we will call
     _modules_ any Tcl/Tk packages which consist uniquely of Tcl/Tk
     sources, and _extension_ any program which extends consistently Tcl/Tk
     using TEA and shared libraries.  Note that this is not completely
     consistent with Tcl terminology, which started from version 8.5 also
     introduces _.tm modules_ and traditionally deals with _packages_ and
     _script libraries_.

1.2. Main packages

     For every Tcl/Tk versions provided in the distribution, the packages
     `libtcl<X>.<Y>' and `libtk<X>.<Y>' comprise a corresponding Tcl/Tk
     libraries, core modules and extensions of the upstream Tcl/Tk
     distribution.  They provide infrastructure for embedding Tcl into
     external programs.  Any such packages includes a <Provides:> item of
     the virtual package `libtcl' and a <Provides:> item for the `libtk'
     virtual package.

     Also, the packages `tcl<X>.<Y>' and `tk<X>.<Y>' ship the binaries
     `/usr/bin/tclsh<X>.<Y>', `/usr/bin/wish<X>.<Y>'.  Starting from Jessie
     they don't provide alternatives for files `/usr/bin/tclsh' and
     `/usr/bin/wish'.  If an application uses one of those, it has to
     depend on `tcl' or `tk' package.

     Tools and files for the _development_ of Tcl/Tk extensions are split
     off in two separate packages `tcl<X>.<Y>-dev' and `tk<X>.<Y>-dev'.
     Documentation is provided separately in packages `tcl<X>.<Y>-doc' and

1.3. Tcl and Tk Interpreters

1.3.1. Interpreters Names

     Tcl/Tk scripts depending on the default Tcl/Tk version (see Section
     1.2, `Main packages') or not depending on a specific Tcl/Tk version
     must use `tclsh' and/or `wish' (unversioned) as the interpreter name
     and must depend on `tcl' and/or `tk' package.

     Tcl/Tk scripts that only work with a specific Tcl/Tk version must
     explicitly use the versioned interpreter name (`tclsh<X>.<Y>' and/or
     `wish<X>.<Y>') and must depend on the specific Tcl/Tk versioned
     package (`tcl<X>.<Y>' and/or `tk<X>.<Y>' respectively).

1.3.2. Interpreters Locations

     The path name for the Tcl interpreter is `/usr/bin/tclsh' or

     The path name for the Tk interpreter is `/usr/bin/wish' or

     If a maintainer would like to provide the user a possibility to
     override the Debian Tcl interpreter, he may want to use `/usr/bin/env
     tclsh' or `/usr/bin/env tclsh<X>.<Y>'.  The same consideration applies
     for Tk and the `wish' interpreter.  Starting from Jessie
     administrators no longer can override default versions of the
     interpreters using `update-alternatives', which provided some
     flexibility but caused confusion for program maintainers before.

1.4. Tcl/Tk libraries

     The Tcl and Tk libraries are provided by `libtcl<X>.<Y>' and
     `libtk<X>.<Y>' respectively.  These packages install
     `/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/libtcl<X>.<Y>.so' (soname is
     `libtcl<X>.<Y>.so') and
     `/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)/libtk<X>.<Y>.so' (soname is

1.5. Tools/files for Development of Tcl/Tk modules and extensions

     Some tools and files for development of Tcl/Tk modules and extensions
     are packaged as `tcl<X>.<Y>-dev' and `tk<X>.<Y>-dev'.  These packages
     provide header files as well as static and stub libraries.  Header
     files are installed in `/usr/include/tcl<X>.<Y>' directory (for both
     Tcl and Tk).  Default packages `tcl-dev' and `tk-dev' provide symlinks
     to the right versioned header files directory

                /usr/include/tcl -> /usr/include/tcl<X>.<Y>
                /usr/include/tk -> /usr/include/tcl<X>.<Y>

     See net section and Appendix C, `Possible issues building Tcl/Tk
     extensions' for more information about possible issues with extension
     building due to Debian customizations.

1.6. Multiarch support

     The Tcl and Tk libraries and development packages can be installed for
     several architectures simultaneously.  They ship architecture
     dependent files in `/usr/lib/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)' directory.  See
     also section Appendix C, `Possible issues building Tcl/Tk extensions'
     for information on how to package multiarchified Tcl/Tk extension.

1.7. Auto_load Path

     The package search path (<auto_path>) for both Tcl and Tk is a list
     searched in the following order:

     Site modules and extensions:
                /usr/local/lib/tcltk (architecture dependent files)
                /usr/local/share/tcltk (architecture independent files)

     Packaged modules and extensions:
        /usr/lib/tcltk/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH) (architecture dependent files)
        /usr/lib/tcltk (architecture dependent files)
        /usr/share/tcltk (architecture independent files)

     Version specific core modules and extensions:
                /usr/share/tcltk/tk<X>.<Y> (for Tk only)

     Maintainers must ensure that modules and extensions are correctly
     installed in subdirs of the paths above consistently.  See Appendix B,
     `Tcl/Tk modules loading' for more information about Tcl/Tk specific
     ways of dealing with modules and extensions loading.  Developers must
     consider that these defaults impact TEA-based modules and use
     preferably system-wide `tcl.m4' (it isn't TEA-compatible though)
     instead of private one (see Appendix C, `Possible issues building
     Tcl/Tk extensions').

1.8. Documentation

     Default packages `tcl-doc' and `tk-doc' which depend on default
     versioned `tcl<X>.<Y>-doc' and `tk<X>.<Y>-doc' are provided.  Since
     different `tcl<X>.<Y>-doc' and `tk<X>.<Y>-doc' conflict in files and
     cannot be installed simultaneously, `tcl-doc' and `tk-doc' only
     recommend `tcl<X>.<Y>-doc' and `tk<X>.<Y>-doc' to allow administrators
     to install any desirable package with Tcl/Tk manual pages.  The
     package `tcl-doc' also includes a copy of the up-to-date version of
     this policy.


2. Packaged Modules

2.1. Module Names

     Packages should be named by the primary module provided.  The naming
     convention for a module `foo' is `tcl<-foo>' or `tk<-foo>' when the
     module is version independent.

     The naming convention for a module `foo' is `tcl<X.Y-foo>' or
     `tkX.Y<-foo>' when the module is version dependent.

     If the package already uses the name `tcl<foo>' or `tk<foo>', that is,
     naming without Tcl/Tk versioning even if version-dependent and/or
     without hyphen, may use the name for now.  However, the package naming
     proposed above is recommended for consistency.

2.2. Dependencies

     Packaged modules available for one particular version of Tcl/Tk must
     depend on the corresponding `libtcl<X>.<Y>' and/or `libtk<X>.<Y>'
     package if they don't contain Tcl/Tk scripts, and on `tcl<X>.<Y>'
     and/or `tk<X>.<Y>' package if they do.

     The recommended dependencies of version-independent packages are the
     following: If the package works in all available Tcl/Tk versions it
     should depend on `libtcl' or `libtk' (`tcl' or `tk' if it includes
     Tcl/Tk scripts).  If the package works for several Tcl/Tk versions
     (but not for all) it should depend on all of them alternatively (e.g.
     `libtcl8.5' | `libtcl8.4').


3. Tcl/Tk Programs

3.1. Version Independent Programs

     Programs that can run with any version of Tcl/Tk should be started
     with `#!/usr/bin/tclsh' or `#!/usr/bin/wish'.  They must also specify
     a dependency on default packages `tcl' and/or `tk'.  You're free to
     use `#!/usr/bin/env tclsh' and `#!/usr/bin/env wish', if you'd like to
     give the user a chance to override the Debian Tcl/Tk package with a
     local version.

3.2. Version Dependent Programs

     Programs which require a specific version of Tcl must start with
     `#!/usr/bin/tclsh<X>.<Y>'.  They must also specify a strict dependency
     on `tcl<X>.<Y>'.  Programs which require a specific version of Tk must
     start with `#!/usr/bin/wish<X>.<Y>'.  They must also specify a strict
     dependency on `tk<X>.<Y>'.  Again, if you're using `#!/usr/bin/env
     tclsh<X>.<Y>', or `#!/usr/bin/env wish<X>.<Y>' please be aware that a
     user might override the Debian Tcl/Tk packages with a local version
     and that release default packages can change also.


A. Build Dependencies

     Build dependencies for Tcl/Tk dependent packages must be declared for
     every Tcl/Tk version, that the package is built for.  In order to
     build for a specific version, add the versioned Tcl/Tk packages
     dependencies; it is generally better and recommended depending on the
     appropriate default packages with an eventual strict or relaxed

     Extension packages and applications which link to Tcl/Tk libraries
     should depend appropriately on one or more of the following packages
     (with or without additional package version relationships):


     For example, `tclreadline' build dependencies are the following:

        Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.0.0), dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1~), <tcl-dev>,
         libreadline5-dev, autotools-dev

     Module packages, script libraries and Tcl-only applications should
     depend on the


     For example, `tcllib' build dependencies are the following:

                Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.9.7)
                Build-Depends-Indep: <tcl>

     Due to limitations of current autobuild daemon it is forbidden to use
     build dependencies on the virtual packages `libtcl' or `libtk' only.
     These dependencies cannot guarantee consistent build environment, so
     it is mandatory to prepend a preferred Tcl/Tk version before each of
     the virtual packages.


B. Tcl/Tk modules loading

     Tcl/Tk supports a few alternative ways for modules loading.  Modules
     can be implemented as shared libraries, Tcl/Tk scripts or a
     combination of them.  Generally, specific index scripts are used for
     that and they need to be placed in a directory included in the
     `auto_path' list along with scripts and libraries.  Old non-package
     script libraries require a `tclIndex' generated with the
     `auto_mkindex' Tcl instruction.  Packages require a `pkgIndex.tcl'
     file generated with the `pkg_mkIndex' Tcl instruction.  Tcl 8.5
     introduced Tcl Modules scripts (.tm) which do not require an index
     script for single file implementations.  Another peculiar way of
     modules providing is based on _Starkit_ and the use of the Tcl Virtual
     File System (TclVFS).  In each of those cases, the maintainer must
     ensure that the all required files are included and installed in the
     right place to allow using of the module.


C. Possible issues building Tcl/Tk extensions

     In order to support this policy, a number of changes have been applied
     in upstream `init.tcl', `tclConfig.sh', `tkConfig.sh' and `tcl.m4'
     files.  Extensions using TEA with local copies of `tcl.m4', or which
     use custom guesses about Tcl/Tk configuration could require explicit
     use of


     or other custom hacks.


D. Maintainer's Checklist

     1.   Tcl/Tk has in general a very backward compatible API both at C
          and commands set levels.  When packaging a module or extension,
          verify if it requires a specific minimal version and if it
          includes run-time checks about that, possibly (which is always
          convenient).  Scripts can include a `package require ?-exact?
          Tcl X.Y' or `package require ?-exact?  Tk X.Y', for instance.  In
          those cases, use a versioned dependency on one of the default
          packages (`tcl', `tk', `tcl-dev' or `tk-dev'), e.g.  `tcl' (>=
          <X>.<Y>).  That is recommend instead of versioned packages
          dependencies, which are anyway supported for compatibility with
          past conventions.  Note also that `tk' depends on `tcl' and
          `tk-dev' depends on `tcl-dev'.

     2.   Always install your package stuff in a per-package sub-directory
          of `/usr/share/tcltk' (for scripted modules) and/or
          `/usr/lib/tcltk' (for shared library extensions) along with the
          needed index file (see Appendix B, `Tcl/Tk modules loading').

     3.   If your package supports multiarch install its index file into a
          subdirectory of `/usr/lib/tcltk/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)' directory.
          Tcl/Tk cannot determine multiarch triplet in runtime, so package
          indices for different architectures must differ.

     4.   This policy customizes <auto_path> differently with respect to
          generic upstream UNIX platforms, so that you should use
          preferably system provided `tcl.m4'.  Occasionally that could
          either require custom hacks for non TEA-based building systems,
          or using `--with-tcl' or `--with-tk' argument for TEA scripts.


     Debian Tcl/Tk Policy

     Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie@debian.org>
     Sergei Golovan <sgolovan@debian.org>

     version 0.3.0

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Sun Feb 2 13:30:01 CET 2025.