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Application Group Extension to the X Protocol

X Consortium Standard


X Consortium, Inc

X Version 11, Release 7.7

Version 1.0

Copyright © 1996 X Consortium, Inc.

All Rights Reserved.


Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in
this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.

X Window System is a trademark of The OpenGroup.

27 September 1996

The Application Group Extension to the X protocol is intended to provide a
framework to allow more than one program to manage X applications on the
desktop. The initial use of this extension will be to insert or embed the
windows of X programs into the windows of another program, such as a web
browser. This extension is not intended to address larger embedding issues
that, for example, OpenDoc does, such as shared menu bars, etc.


Table of Contents

Purpose and Goals
Overview of the protocol.
Changes to Existing Requests


Changes to Existing Events




Library API
A. System Window Encodings

Purpose and Goals

The Application Group Extension to the X protocol is intended to provide a
framework to allow more than one program to manage X applications on the
desktop. The initial use of this extension will be to insert or embed the
windows of X programs into the windows of another program, such as a web
browser. This extension is not intended to address larger embedding issues
that, for example, OpenDoc does, such as shared menu bars, etc. Using X
programs on the World Wide Web allows for greater control of the presentation
and takes advantage of the existing body of X programs rather than re-implement
them in another language. In addition it allows the embedding of non-X programs
into web browsers by using third party products like Wabi, MAE, and WinCenter.

Overview of the protocol.

This extension introduces the concept of an Application Group. An Application
Group is a set of one or more applications that are primarily managed by a
special application known as the Application Group Leader, which, for example,
might be a web browser. The primary purpose of Application Groups is to provide
a means of sharing the Substructure-Redirect attribute of the root window
between the window manager and one or more Application Group Leaders.

To join an Application Group an application must present the proper
authorization during the connection setup. Authorizations are generated by the
X server at the request of an Application Group Leader, and are then stored for
the application to use to establish its connection to the X server. To generate
an authorization the Application Group Leader sends a request to the server
naming the Application Group to which the authorization will be bound, and any
applications that connect using that authorization will automatically become
part of the associated Application Group. The protocol to generate an
authorization is defined in the Security Extension specification.

As a member of an Application Group, when an application creates and maps a
window as a child of the root window, the MapRequest and ConfigureRequest
events are delivered to the Application Group Leader instead of the window
manager. The Application Group Leader may then reparent the window into its own
window hierarchy; or reissue the map request, in which case the window comes
under the control of the window manager.



client_major_version: CARD16
client_minor_version: CARD16
server_major_version: CARD16
server_minor_version: CARD16

If supplied, the client_major_version and client_minor_version indicate what
version of the protocol the application wants the server to implement. The
server version numbers returned indicate the version of the protocol the X
server actually supports. This may not match the versions requested by the
application. An implementation may (but need not) support more than one version
simultaneously. The server_major_version and server_minor_version numbers are a
mechanism to support any future revisions of the Application Group extension
protocol which may be necessary. In general, the major version would increment
for incompatible changes, and the minor version would increment for small,
upward-compatible changes. X servers that support the protocol defined in this
document will return a server_major_version of 1 and a server_minor_version of


app_group: APPGROUP
value_mask: BITMASK
value_list: LISTofVALUE

This request creates an Application Group using app_group as the Application
Group ID.


The value_mask and value_list specify attributes of the Application Group that
are to be explicitly initialized. The attributes, their types, and the default
values are:

│Attribute       │Type    │Default│
│app_group_leader│Bool    │True   │
│single_screen   │Bool    │True   │
│default_root    │Window  │None   │
│root_visual     │VisualID│None   │
│default_colormap│Colormap│None   │
│black_pixel     │Pixel   │0      │
│white_pixel     │Pixel   │0      │

If the single_screen attribute is True then the number of video screens
returned to a program in the Application Group in the connection setup message
is one, irrespective of how many video screens the server actually has. If a
server supports both video and print screens, then all print screens will
always be returned. If single_screen is specified as True then the connection
setup message will contain only the information about the video screen which
has default_root as its root window, plus any print screens.


The intent is to allow an embedding manager to ensure that it will be able to
reparent any top-level windows that Application Group members create. By hiding
the fact that there are other screens it can be reasonably assured that
applications will only create top-level windows on the same screen that it
itself appears on. An embedding manager should take care not to supply an
invalid display, e.g. :0.1, to a program that will be in an Application Group
where the single_screen attribute is True.

If single_screen is set to True default_root specifies which screen will be
returned as screen zero in the connection setup message for applications in the
Application Group. If set to None, then the real screen zero is used, otherwise
the screen which has default_root as its root window will be used.

If single_screen is set to True the root_visual and default_colormap attributes
may be used to over-ride the default values that are returned in the connection
setup information returned to new programs in the Application Group. If None is
specified for root_visual or default_colormap then the normal default values
for the screen (possibly specified by default_root) are used, otherwise the
specified values are used. If root_visual and/or default_colormap are specified
they must be valid, i.e. root_visual must be a visual type available on the
screen, and the colormap, if specified, must be a valid colormap for the visual
that is used.

IF single_screen is set to True and default_colormap is not specified as None,
the black_pixel and white_pixel attributes must be specified, and they will
over-ride the default values that are returned in the connection setup returned
to new programs in the Application Group. If default_colormap is specified as
None and black_pixel and/or white_pixel are specified, they will be ignored.

The app_group_leader attribute is used to identify the Application Group Leader
program for the app_group. By specifying True the server will identify the
program making the request as the Application Group Leader for the application
group. The Application Group Leader receives MapRequest and ConfigureRequest
events from the server when an attempt is made to map or configure top-level
windows of a program in an Application Group, instead of being sent to a window
manager that has selected SubstructureRedirect events on the root window. The
parent window field in these events will contain the Application Group ID.


app_group: APPGROUP

This request destroys the app_group. If the app_group_leader attribute for the
app_group is True, then any applications in the Application Group that are
still connected will be killed as if a KillClient request had been received for
that application.


If the application that created a non-embedded Application Group exits, and
therefore any Authorizations to be cancelled, and any applications that attempt
to open new connections to the X server using one of those Authorizations will
be unable to do so.


>app_group: APPGROUP

This request returns the application group attributes for app_group.


resource: XID
app_group: APPGROUP

This request returns the Application Group ID of the application that created
resource or None if that application is not associated with any Application
Group. The resource value may be the resource base of the application.


window: WINDOW
window_type: CARD32
system_window: LISTofCARD8

This request associates window with system_window. The window_type indicates
the native window system of the application making the request. For non-X
window_types both the embedding manager and the server must be executing on the
same host. When system_window is Microsoft Windows or OS/2 Presentation
Manager, the system_window is an HWND; when the native window system is
Macintosh, the system_window is a WindowPtr and a Rect. The window may be used
for any X request that takes a Window.


window: WINDOW

This request destroys the association created with AppGroupCreateAssociation.
The window is destroyed. The system_window that was specified in the
AppGroupCreateAssociation request is not affected.

Changes to Existing Requests


If the override-redirect attribute of the window is False and if the window is
a child of a root window and if the window belongs to an application that is in
an application group and if some other application is the application group
leader for that group, then a MapRequest event is generated and the window
remains unmapped. Otherwise, the core protocol semantics apply.


If the override-redirect attribute of the window is False and if the window is
a child of a root window and if the window belongs to an application that is in
an application group and if some other application is the application group
leader for that group, then a ConfigureRequest event is generated and the
window remains unchanged. Otherwise, the core protocol semantics apply.


When a program in an Application Group creates a window that is a child of a
root window and specifies CopyFromParent for the Visual, if the single_screen
attribute is True and the root_visual attribute is set to something other than
None, then the window will be created using the Application Group’s
root_visual, otherwise core protocol semantics apply.

When a program in an Application Group creates a window that is a child of a
root window and specifies CopyFromParent for the Colormap, if the single_screen
attribute is True, the default_colormap attribute is set to something other
than None, and the window’s Visual is the same as the Application Group’s
root_visual attribute, then the window will be created using the Application
Group’s default_colormap, otherwise core protocol semantics apply.


When a program in an Application Group changes the attributes of a window that
is a child of a root window and specifies CopyFromParent for the Colormap, if
the single_screen attribute is True, the default_colormap attribute is set to
something other than None, and the window’s Visual is the same as the
Application Group’s root_visual attribute, then the window will be created
using the Application Group’s default_colormap, otherwise core protocol
semantics apply.

Changes to Existing Events

When the top-level window of an application that is a member of an Application
Group is the target of a MapWindow or ConfigureWindow request, if there is an
Application Group Leader then MapRequest and ConfigureRequest events are
automatically delivered to it, otherwise the core protocol semantics apply,
i.e. they are delivered to the client, if any, that has SubstructureRedirect
set in its root-window event mask, e.g. the window manager.


The Application Group Leader must not select SubstructuRedirect events on a
root window as doing so would result in a core protocol error; only one client
is permitted to do so, and that is usually the window manager.


When a MapWindow request is received for a window whose override-redirect
attribute is set to False and whose parent is the root window and the window
belongs to an application that is in an application group and there is an
application group leader for the group, then this event is delivered to the
Application Group Leader with the parent field in the event set to the AppGroup
ID. Otherwise the core protocol semantics apply.


When a ConfigureWindow request is received for a window whose override-redirect
attribute is set to False and whose parent is the root window and the window
belongs to an application that is in an application group and there is an
application group leader for the group, then this event is delivered to the
Application Group Leader with the parent field in the event set to the AppGroup
ID. Otherwise the core protocol semantics apply.



There are no errors for AppGroupQueryVersion.


A Window error is returned if default_root is specified and is not a valid root

A Color error is returned default_colormap is specified but default_colormap is
not a valid colormap for the screen of default_root.

A Match error is returned if root_visual and default_colormap are both
specified, but

default_colormap’s visual is not root_visual.

A Match error is returned if root_visual does not exist for the screen of the


An AppGroup error is returned if app_group is not a valid Application Group.

An Access error is returned if an untrusted application attempts to destroy an
Application Group created by a trusted application.


An AppGroup error is returned if app_group is not a valid Application Group.

An Access error is returned if an untrusted application attempts to get the
attributes of an Application Group created by a trusted application.


An Access error is returned if an untrusted application attempts to query the
Application Group of a trusted application.


A Match error is returned if the X server does not support the window_type.

An Access error may be returned if the X server only supports the window_type
on the local host and the program making the request is on a non-local host.

A Window error may be returned for system-specific errors related to
system_window, e.g. system_window does not represent a valid native window.


A Window error is returned if window was not specified in a previous
AppGroupCreateAssociation request.


Please refer to the X11 Protocol encoding document as this document uses
conventions established there.

The name of this extension is XC-APPGROUP

      1      CARD8        opcode
      1      0            XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      3            length
      2      CARD16       client_major_version
      2      CARD16       client_minor_version
      1      1            Reply
      1                   unused
      2      CARD16       sequence_number
      4      0            length
      2      CARD16       server_major_version
      2      CARD16       server_minor_version
      20                  unused

      1      CARD8            opcode
      1      1                XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      8+n              length
      4      XID              app_group
      4      BITMASK          attrib_mask
             #x00000001   app_group_leader
             #x00000002   single_screen
             #0x0000004   default_root
             #x00000008   root_visual
             #x00000010   default_colormap
             #x00000020   black_pixel
             #x00000040   white_pixel
      n      LISTofVALUE      value-list
      4      BOOL             app_group_leader
      4      BOOL             single_screen
      4      WINDOW           default_root
      4      VISUALID         root_visual
      4      COLORMAP         default_colormap
      4      CARD32           black_pixel
      4      CARD32           white_pixel

      1      CARD8            opcode
      1      2                XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      2                length
      4      XID              app_group

      1      CARD8            opcode
      1      4                XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      2                length
      4      XID              app_group
      1      1                Reply
      1                       unused
      2      CARD16           sequence_number
      4      0                length
      4      WINDOW           default_root
      4      VISUALID         root_visual
      4      COLORMAP         default_colormap
      4      CARD32           black_pixel
      4      CARD32           whte_pixel
      1      BOOL             single_screen
      1      BOOL             app_group_leader
      2                       unused

      1      CARD8            opcode
      1      5                XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      2                length
      4      XID              resource
      1      1                Reply
      1                       unused
      2      CARD16           sequence_number
      4      0                length
      4      XID              app_group
      20                      unused

      1      CARD8            opcode
      1      6                XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      n                length
      4      WINDOW           window
      2      CARD16           window_type
             #0      X11
             #1      Macintosh
             #2      Win32, OS/2 PM 2.x
             #3      Win16, OS/2 PM 1.x
      2      n                system_window_len
      n      LISTofCARD8      system_window

      1      CARD8            opcode
      1      7                XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      2                length
      4      WINDOW           window

Library API

Status XagQueryVersion ( xkb, keycode) /* macro */
Display dpy;
int * major_version_return;
int * minor_version_return;

XagQueryVersion sets major_version_return and minor_version_return to the major
and minor Application Group protocol version supported by the server. If the
Xag library is compatible with the version returned by the server it returns
non-zero. If dpy does not support the Application Group extension, or if the
server and library protocol versions are incompatible, or if there was an error
during communication with the server, it returns zero. No other Xag functions
may be called before this function. If a program violates this rule, the
effects of all subsequent Xag calls that it makes are undefined.


An embedding manager in, e.g. a Personal Computer Web Browser, will need to
open a connection to the Personal Computer X server by calling XOpenDisplay()
before using the Application Group extension.

An embedding manager such as a web browser that intends to embed programs in an
Application Group should create the Application Group with

Status XagCreateEmbeddedApplicationGroup(
Display* dpy,
VisualID root_visual,
Colormap default_colormap,
unsigned long black_pixel,
unsigned long white_pixel,
XAppGroup* app_group_return);

XagCreateEmbeddedApplicationGroup creates an Application Group for an embedding
manager with the attributes specified. It also sets the default_root attribute
to DefaultRoot(dpy, DefaultsScreen(dpy)) and the single_screen and
app_group_leader attributes to True. It returns the Application Group ID in

You can create an Application Group without intending to do embedding. One
reason for doing this is to give a group of clients their own font-path.


A special font-path can be created by creating an Application Group, getting an
Authorization using XSecurityGenerateAuthorization, and then running ‘xset fp+
<new font path>’ as a member of the Application Group. Font-path elements added
in this way will be "private" to the Application Group.

Status XagCreateNonembeddedApplicationGroup(
Display* dpy,
XAppGroup* app_group_return);

An Application Group created with XagCreateNonembeddedApplicationGroup will
have the default_root, root_visual, and default_colormap attributes all set to
None; the single_screen and app_group_leader attributes are set to False, and
the black_pixel and white_pixel attributes are not used since the
default_colormap attribute is None.

To destroy an Application Group use XagDestroyApplicationGroup.

Status XagDestroyApplicationGroup(
Display* dpy,
XAppGroup app_group);

The Application Group specified by app_group is destroyed. If the Application
Group was created using XagCreateEmbeddingApplicationGroup, i.e. and therefore
the app_group_leader attribute is True, all programs that are members of the
Application Group are killed as if a KillClient request had been issued.

To retrieve the attributes of an Application Group use

Status XagGetApplicationGroupAttributes(
Display* dpy,
XAppGroup app_group,

XagGetApplicationGroupAttributes is a varargs function that retrieves the
Application Group’s attributes specified in the vararg parameter list.

The attributes that may be specified are: XagNappGroupLeader, XagNsingleScreen,
XagNdefaultRoot, XagNrootVisual, XagNdefaultColormap, XagNblackPixel, and
XagNwhitePixel; which correspond to app_group_leader, single_screen,
default_root, root_visual, default_colormap, black_pixel, and white_pixel
respectively. See AppGroupCreate in Section 3 for a description of each

The types for each of the parameters are pointers to the following:

      single_screen          Bool
      default_root           Window
      root_visual            VisualID
      default_colormap       Colormap
      black_pixel            unsigned long
      white_pixel            unsigned long
      app_group_leader       Bool

      Boolean app_group_leader, single_screen;
      Window default_root;
      VisualID root_visual;
      Colormap default_colormap;
      Pixel black_pixel, white_pixel;
      status = XagGetApplicationGroupAttributes(dpy, app_group,
            XagNappGroupLeader, &app_group_leader,
            XagNsingleScreen, &single_screen,
            XagNdefault_root, &default_root,
            XagNrootVisual, &root_visual,
            XagNdefaultColormap, &default_colormap,
            XagNblackPixel, &black_pixel,
            XagNwhitePixel, &white_pixel,

To determine which Application Group a resource (such as a window) belongs to,
use XagQueryApplicationGroup.

Status XagQueryApplicationGroup(
Display* dpy,
XID resource,
XAppGroup* app_group_return);

The Application Group is returned in app_group_return, if the resource is not
in any Application Group then app_group_return will be set to None.

To associate an X Window ID with a system-specific window ID, such as a HWND or
a WindowPtr, use XagCreateAssociation.

Status XagCreateAssociation(
Display* dpy,
Window* window_return,
void* system_window);

The window_ret may be used as the target for a ReparentWindow request.


Because XReparentWindow is not constrained in the same way that Win32’s
SetParent and the Macintosh are, there is no reason to call
XagCreateAssociation in an X-based embedding manager. As such if
XagCreateAssociation is called in a native X program, the window_return will be
the same as the system_window, and the implementation may even elect to not
generate any protocol.

To create an association on the Macintosh:

      struct {
          WindowPtr win;
          Rect rect;
      } system_window;
      system_window.win = win_ptr;
      system_window.rect.top = system_window.rect.left = 20;
      system_window.rect.bottom = 180;
      system_window.rect.right = 380;

      status = XagCreateAssociation (dpy, &window, (void*)&system_window);

To create an association using a Win16, Win32, or OS/2 PM:

      HWND system_window;
      status = XagCreateAssociation (dpy, &window, (void*)&system_window);

To destroy the association created with XagCreateAssociation use

Status XagDestroyAssociation(
Display* dpy,
Window window);

After calling XagDestroyAssociation the window may no longer be used to
reparent windows with XReparentWindow.


Like XagCreateAssociation, if the native window system is X11 the
implementation may elect to not generate any protocol as a result of this
function call in order to avoid unintentionally destroying the the
system_window that was specified in the prior XagCreateAssociation call.

A. System Window Encodings

The AppGroupCreateAssoc request has the following possible variations:

AppGroupCreateAssoc (X11)
      1      CARD8            opcode
      1      6                XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      n                length
      4      WINDOW           window
      2      0                window_type
      2      4                system_window_len
      4      WINDOW           Window

AppGroupCreateAssoc (Macintosh)
      1      CARD8            opcode
      1      6                XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      n                length
      4      WINDOW           window
      2      1                window_type
      2      12               system_window_len
      4      CARD32           WindowPtr
      2      INT16            Rect.top
      2      INT16            Rect.left
      2      INT16            Rect.bottom
      2      INT16            Rect.right

AppGroupCreateAssoc (Win32)
      1      CARD8            opcode
      1      6                XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      n                length
      4      WINDOW           window
      2      2                window_type
      2      4                system_window_len
      4      CARD32           HWND

AppGroupCreateAssoc (Win16)
      1      CARD8            opcode
      1      6                XC-APPGROUP opcode
      2      n                length
      4      WINDOW           window
      2      3                window_type
      2      4                system_window_len
      2      CARD16           HWND offset
      2      CARD16           HWND segment


^[1] Wabi is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. MAE is a trademark of Apple
Computer, Inc. WinCenter is a trademark of Network Computing Devices, Inc.

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Thu Jan 23 03:33:11 CET 2025.