GDALTINDEX(1) GDAL GDALTINDEX(1) NAME gdaltindex - Builds a shapefile as a raster tileindex. SYNOPSIS gdaltindex [-f format] [-tileindex field_name] [-write_absolute_path] [-skip_different_projection] [-t_srs target_srs] [-src_srs_name field_name] [-src_srs_format [AUTO|WKT|EPSG|PROJ] [-lyr_name name] index_file [gdal_file]* DESCRIPTION This program creates an OGR-supported dataset with a record for each input raster file, an attribute containing the filename, and a polygon geometry outlining the raster. This output is suitable for use with MapServer as a raster tileindex. -f <format> The OGR format of the output tile index file. Starting with GDAL 2.3, if not specified, the format is guessed from the extension (previously was ESRI Shapefile). -tileindex <field_name> The output field name to hold the file path/location to the in- dexed rasters. The default tile index field name is location. -write_absolute_path The absolute path to the raster files is stored in the tile in- dex file. By default the raster filenames will be put in the file exactly as they are specified on the command line. -skip_different_projection Only files with same projection as files already inserted in the tileindex will be inserted (unless -t_srs is specified). Default does not check projection and accepts all inputs. -t_srs <target_srs>: Geometries of input files will be transformed to the desired target coordinate reference system. Default creates simple rec- tangular polygons in the same coordinate reference system as the input rasters. -src_srs_name <field_name> The name of the field to store the SRS of each tile. This field name can be used as the value of the TILESRS keyword in MapServer -src_srs_format <type> The format in which the SRS of each tile must be written. Types can be AUTO, WKT, EPSG, PROJ. -lyr_name <name> Layer name to create/append to in the output tile index file. index_file The name of the output file to create/append to. The default dataset will be created if it doesn't already exist, otherwise it will append to the existing dataset. <gdal_file> The input GDAL raster files, can be multiple files separated by spaces. Wildcards my also be used. Stores the file locations in the same style as specified here, unless -write_absolute_path option is also used. EXAMPLES • Produce a shapefile (doq_index.shp) with a record for every image that the utility found in the doq folder. Each record holds informa- tion that points to the location of the image and also a bounding rectangle shape showing the bounds of the image: gdaltindex doq_index.shp doq/*.tif • Perform the same command as before, but now we create a GeoPackage instead of a Shapefile. gdaltindex -f GPKG doq_index.gpkg doq/*.tif • The -t_srs option can also be used to transform all input rasters into the same output projection: gdaltindex -t_srs EPSG:4326 -src_srs_name src_srs tile_index_mixed_srs.shp *.tif • Make a tile index from files listed in a text file : gdaltindex doq_index.shp --optfile my_list.txt SEE ALSO raster_common_options for other command-line options, and in particular the --optfile switch that can be used to specify a list of input datasets. AUTHOR Frank Warmerdam <> COPYRIGHT 1998-2021 Dec 27, 2021 GDALTINDEX(1)
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