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pnmmtofiasco(1)             General Commands Manual            pnmmtofiasco(1)

       pnmtofiasco - Convert a portable anymap to FIASCO compressed file

       pnmtofiasco [option]...  [filename]...

       pnmtofiasco compresses the named pbm, pgm, or ppm image files, or Stan-
       dard Input if no file is named, and produces a FIASCO file on  Standard

       All  option  names  may  be abbreviated; for example, --optimize may be
       written --optim or --opt. For most options a one letter short option is
       provided.   Mandatory  or optional arguments to long options are manda-
       tory or optional for short options, too.  Both short and  long  options
       are case sensitive.

       The basic options are:

       -i name, --input-name=name
              Compress  the  named  images, not Standard Input.  If name is -,
              read Standard Input.  name has to be either an image filename or
              a template of the form:


              Templates  are  useful  when compressing video streams: e.g., if
              you specify the  template  img0[12-01-2].pgm,  then  pnmtofiasco
              compresses the images img012.pgm, img010.pgm, ..., img002.pgm.

              If  name  is a relative path, pnmtofiasco searches for the image
              files in the current directory and in the (colon-separated) list
              of directories given by the environment variable FIASCO_IMAGES.

       -o output-file, --output-name=name
              Write FIASCO output to the named file, not to Standard Output.

              If  name  is  a  relative  path and the environment variable FI-
              ASCO_DATA is a (colon-separated) list of directories,  then  pn-
              mtofiasco  writes the output file to the first (writable) direc-
              tory of this list. Otherwise, pnmtofiasco write it to  the  cur-
              rent directory.

       -q N, --quality=N
              Set  quality  of  compression to N.  Quality is 1 (worst) to 100
              (best); default is 20.

       -v, --version
              Print pnmtofiasco version number, then exit.

       -V N, --verbose N
              Set level of verbosity to N.  Level is 0 (no output at  all),  1
              (show  progress  meter), or 2 (show detailed compression statis-
              tics); default is 1.

       -B N, --progress-meter N
              Set type of progress-meter to N.  The following types are avail-
              able; default is 1:

              0: no progress meter

              1: RPM style progress bar using 50 hash marks

              2: percentage meter

       -f name, --config=name
              Load  parameter  file name to initialize the options of pnmtofi-
              asco.  See file system.fiascorc for an example  of  the  syntax.
              Options  of  pnmtofiasco are set by any of the following methods
              (in the specified order):

              1) Global ressource file /etc/system.fiascorc

              2) $HOME/.fiascorc

              3) command line

              4) --config=name

       -h, --info
              Print brief help, then exit.

       -H, --help
              Print detailed help, then exit.

       The options for advanced users are:

       -b name, --basis-name=name
              Preload compression basis name into FIASCO. The basis name  pro-
              vides the initial compression dictionary.  Either use one of the
              files "small.fco", "medium.fco", or "large.fco" that  come  with
              pnmtofiasco or create a new ASCII basis file.

       -z N, --optimize=N Set optimization level to
              N.  Level is 0 (fastes) to 3 (slowest); default is 1. Be warned,
              the encoding time dramatically increased when N=2 or  N=3  while
              the compression performance only slightly improves.

       -P, --prediction
              Use  additional  predictive  coding. If this optimization is en-
              abled then the image is compressed in two steps.  In  the  first
              step,  a  coarse  approximation  of  the image is computed using
              large unichrome blocks. Finally, the delta image is computed and
              the  prediction  error is approximated using the standard FIASCO

       -D N, --dictionary-size=N
              Set size of dictionary that is used when  coding  the  luminance
              band  to  N;  default  is 10000, i.e., the dictionary is not re-

       -C N, --chroma-dictionary=N
              Set size of dictionary that is used when coding chroma bands  to
              N; default is 40.

       -Q N, --chroma-qfactor=N
              Reduce  the  quality of chroma band compression N-times with re-
              spect to the user defined quality q of the luminance  band  com-
              pression (--quality=q); default is 2.

       -t N, --tiling-exponent=N
              Subdivide  the  image into 2^N tiles prior coding; default is 4,
              i.e. the image is subdivided into 16 tiles. The processing order
              of  the  individual  tiles  is  defined  by the option --tiling-

       -T name, --tiling-method=name
              Order the individual image tiles (the image is subdivided  into;
              see  option  --tiling-exponent=N)  by  method  name;  default is

              desc-variance: Tiles with small variances are processed first.

              asc-variance: Tiles with large variances are processed first.

              desc-spiral: Tiles are process in spiral order starting  in  the

              asc-spiral:  Tiles  are  process in spiral order starting at the

              Use N mantissa bits for quantized coefficients.

              Use N mantissa bits for quantized DC coefficients.

              Coefficients outside the quantization interval [-N,+N]  are  set
              to zero.

              DC  coefficients  outside  the quantization interval [-N,+N] are
              set to zero.

       Additional options for video compression are:

       -s N, --smooth=N
              Smooth decompressed reference frames along the partitioning bor-
              ders  by  the  given amount N. N is 0 (no smoothing) to 100; de-
              fault is 70. This factor is stored in the FIASCO file.

       -m N, --min-level=N
              Start prediction (motion compensated  prediction  or  additional
              prediction)  on  block level N; default is level 6. I.e., motion
              compensation is applied to all image blocks of at least 8x8 pix-
              els (binary tree level N=6), 16x8 (N=7), 16x16 (N=8), etc.

       -M N, --max-level=N
              Stop  prediction  (motion  compensated  prediction or additional
              prediction) on block level N; default is level 10. I.e.,  motion
              compensation  is  applied  to  all image blocks of at most 16x16
              pixels (N=8), 32x16 (N=9), 32x32 (N=10), etc.

       -2, --half-pixel
              Use half pixel precise motion compensation.

       -F N, --fps=N
              Set number of frames per second to N. This value  is  stored  in
              the  FIASCO output file and is used in the decoder dfiasco(1) to
              control the framerate.

       -p type, --pattern=type
              Defines the type of inter frame compression which should be  ap-
              plied to individual frames of a video stream. type is a sequence
              of characters; default is "IPPPPPPPPP". Element  N  defines  the
              type  of  predicting which should be used for frame N; the frame
              type pattern is periodically extended. Valid characters are:

              I: intra frame, i.e., no motion compensated prediction  is  used
              at all.

              P: predicted frame, i.e., a previously encoded frame is used for
              prediction (forward prediction).

              B: bidirectional predicted frame, i.e., not  only  a  previously
              shown  frame  but also a frame of the future is used for predic-
              tion (forward, backward or interpolated prediction).

              Instead of using exhaustive search  the  "Cross-B-Search"  algo-
              rithm  is  used  to  find the best interpolated prediction of B-

              Also use previously encoded B-frames when prediction the current
              frame.  If this option is not set, only I- and P-frames are used
              to predict the current frame.

       pnmtofiasco < foo.ppm >foo.wfa
              Compress the still image "foo.ppm" to the FIASCO file  "foo.wfa"
              using the default options.

       pnmtofiasco -2 -p "IBBPBBPBB" -fps 15 -o video.wfa foo0*.ppm
              Compress  the  video  frames  "foo0*.ppm"  to  the  FIASCO  file
              "video.wfa" using half pixel precise motion  compensation  at  a
              frame  rate  of  15  frames per second. Intra frame 1 is used to
              predict P-frame 4, frames 1 and 4 are used to predict B-frames 2
              and 3, and so on. Frame 10 is again an intra-frame.

              The systemwide initialization file.
              The personal initialization file.

              Search path for image files. Default is "./".
              Search and save path for FIASCO files. Default is "./".

       fiascotopnm(1), ppmtojpeg(1), pnmtojbig(1), ppmtogif(1), pnm(5)

       Ullrich  Hafner,  Juergen  Albert,  Stefan  Frank,  and  Michael Unger.
       Weighted Finite Automata for Video Compression,  IEEE  Journal  on  Se-
       lected Areas In Communications, January 1998
       Ullrich  Hafner.  Low Bit-Rate Image and Video Coding with Weighted Fi-
       nite Automata, Ph.D. thesis, Mensch & Buch Verlag, ISBN  3-89820-002-7,
       October 1999.

       Ullrich Hafner <hafner@bigfoot.de>

                                 July 12, 2000                 pnmmtofiasco(1)

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