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r.series(1grass)            GRASS GIS User's Manual           r.series(1grass)

       r.series   -  Makes each output cell value a function of the values as-
       signed to the corresponding cells in the input raster map layers.

       raster, aggregation, series

       r.series --help
       r.series    [-nz]     [input=name[,name,...]]      [file=name]     out-
       put=name[,name,...]          method=string[,string,...]          [quan-
       tile=float[,float,...]]    [weights=float[,float,...]]    [range=lo,hi]
       [--overwrite]  [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]

           Propagate NULLs

           Do not keep files open

           Allow output files to overwrite existing files

           Print usage summary

           Verbose module output

           Quiet module output

           Force launching GUI dialog

           Name of input raster map(s)

           Input  file  with  one  raster map name and optional one weight per
           line, field separator between name and weight is |

       output=name[,name,...] [required]
           Name for output raster map

       method=string[,string,...] [required]
           Aggregate operation
           Options: average, count, median, mode, minimum,  min_raster,  maxi-
           mum,  max_raster,  stddev,  range, sum, variance, diversity, slope,
           offset, detcoeff, tvalue, quart1, quart3, perc90,  quantile,  skew-
           ness, kurtosis

           Quantile to calculate for method=quantile
           Options: 0.0-1.0

           Weighting  factor for each input map, default value is 1.0 for each
           input map

           Ignore values outside this range

       r.series makes each output cell value a function of the values assigned
       to the corresponding cells in the input raster map layers.

       Following methods are available:

           •   average: average value

           •   count: count of non-NULL cells

           •   median: median value

           •   mode: most frequently occurring value

           •   minimum: lowest value

           •   min_raster:  raster  map  number  with  the minimum time-series

           •   maximum: highest value

           •   max_raster: raster map  number  with  the  maximum  time-series

           •   stddev: standard deviation

           •   range: range of values (max - min)

           •   sum: sum of values

           •   variance: statistical variance

           •   diversity: number of different values

           •   slope: linear regression slope

           •   offset: linear regression offset

           •   detcoeff: linear regression coefficient of determination

           •   tvalue: linear regression t-value

           •   quart1: first quartile

           •   quart3: third quartile

           •   perc90: ninetieth percentile

           •   quantile: arbitrary quantile

           •   skewness: skewness

           •   kurtosis: kurtosis
       Note  that  most  parameters accept multiple answers, allowing multiple
       aggregates to be computed in a single run, e.g.:

       r.series input=map1,...,mapN \
                output=map.mean,map.stddev \

       r.series input=map1,...,mapN \
                output=map.p10,map.p50,map.p90 \
                method=quantile,quantile,quantile \
       The same number of values must be provided for all options.

   No-data (NULL) handling
       With -n flag, any cell for which any of the corresponding  input  cells
       are  NULL  is automatically set to NULL (NULL propagation).  The aggre-
       gate function is not called, so all methods behave this  way  with  re-
       spect to the -n flag.

       Without  -n  flag, the complete list of inputs for each cell (including
       NULLs) is passed to the aggregate function. Individual  aggregates  can
       handle  data  as  they  choose. Mostly, they just compute the aggregate
       over the non-NULL values, producing a NULL result only  if  all  inputs
       are NULL.

   Minimum and maximum analysis
       The min_raster and max_raster methods generate a map with the number of
       the raster map that holds the minimum/maximum value of the time-series.
       The  numbering  starts  at  0 up to n for the first and the last raster
       listed in input=, respectively.

   Range analysis
       If the range= option is given, any values which fall outside that range
       will be treated as if they were NULL. The range parameter can be set to
       low,high thresholds: values outside of this range are treated  as  NULL
       (i.e.,  they  will be ignored by most aggregates, or will cause the re-
       sult to be NULL if -n is given). The low,high thresholds  are  floating
       point,  so use -inf or inf for a single threshold (e.g., range=0,inf to
       ignore negative values, or range=-inf,-200.4  to  ignore  values  above

   Linear regression
       Linear   regression   (slope,  offset,  coefficient  of  determination,
       t-value) assumes equal time intervals. If the data have irregular  time
       intervals,  NULL  raster  maps can be inserted into time series to make
       time intervals equal (see example).

       r.series can calculate arbitrary quantiles.

   Memory consumption
       Memory usage is not an issue, as r.series only needs to  hold  one  row
       from each map at a time.

   Management of open file limits
       The maximum number of raster maps that can be processed is given by the
       user-specific limit of the operating system. For example, the soft lim-
       its  for  users are typically 1024 files. The soft limit can be changed
       with e.g.  ulimit -n 4096 (UNIX-based operating systems) but it  cannot
       be higher than the hard limit. If the latter is too low, you can as su-
       peruser add an entry in:
       # <domain>      <type>  <item>         <value>
       your_username  hard    nofile          4096
       This will raise the hard limit to 4096 files. Also have a look  at  the
       overall limit of the operating system
       cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
       which on modern Linux systems is several 100,000 files.

       For  each map a weighting factor can be specified using the weights op-
       tion. Using weights can be meaningful when computing the sum or average
       of  maps with different temporal extent. The default weight is 1.0. The
       number of weights must be identical to the number  of  input  maps  and
       must  have  the  same order. Weights can also be specified in the input

       Use the -z flag to analyze large amounts of raster maps without hitting
       open files limit and the file option to avoid hitting the size limit of
       command line arguments.  Note that the computation using the  file  op-
       tion is slower than with the input option.  For every single row in the
       output map(s) all input maps are opened and closed. The amount  of  RAM
       will  rise  linearly with the number of specified input maps. The input
       and file options are mutually exclusive: the former is  a  comma  sepa-
       rated list of raster map names and the latter is a text file with a new
       line separated list of raster map names and optional weights. As  sepa-
       rator  between  the  map  name and the weight the character "|" must be

       Using r.series with wildcards:
       r.series input="`g.list pattern=’insitu_data.*’ sep=,`" \
                output=insitu_data.stddev method=stddev

       Note the g.list script also supports regular expressions for  selecting
       map names.

       Using r.series with NULL raster maps (in order to consider a "complete"
       time series):
       r.mapcalc "dummy = null()"
       r.series in=map2001,map2002,dummy,dummy,map2005,map2006,dummy,map2008 \
                out=res_slope,res_offset,res_coeff meth=slope,offset,detcoeff

       Example for multiple aggregates to be computed in one run (3  resulting
       aggregates from two input maps):
       r.series in=one,two out=result_avg,res_slope,result_count meth=sum,slope,count

       Example to use the file option of r.series:
       cat > input.txt << EOF
       r.series file=input.txt out=result_sum meth=sum

       Example  to  use  the  file  option  of r.series including weights. The
       weight 0.75 should be assigned to map2. As the other maps do  not  have
       weights we can leave it out:
       cat > input.txt << EOF
       r.series file=input.txt out=result_sum meth=sum

       Example for counting the number of days above a certain temperature us-
       ing daily average maps (’???’ as DOY wildcard):
       # Approach for shell based systems
       r.series input=`g.list rast pattern="temp_2003_???_avg" separator=comma` \
                output=temp_2003_days_over_25deg range=25.0,100.0 method=count
       # Approach in two steps (e.g., for Windows systems)
       g.list rast pattern="temp_2003_???_avg" output=mapnames.txt
       r.series file=mapnames.txt \
                output=temp_2003_days_over_25deg range=25.0,100.0 method=count

        g.list, g.region,  r.quantile,  r.series.accumulate,  r.series.interp,

       Hints for large raster data processing

       Glynn Clements

       Available at: r.series source code (history)

       Accessed: unknown

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       index | Full index

       © 2003-2022 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.8.7 Reference Manual

GRASS 7.8.7                                                   r.series(1grass)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Sun Dec 29 18:57:16 CET 2024.