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SFDDIFF(1)                  General Commands Manual                 SFDDIFF(1)

       sfddiff - compare two font files

       sfddiff  [--help] [--ignorehints] [--ignorenames] [--ignoregpos] [--ig-
       noregsub] [--ignorebitmaps] [--exact] [--warn] [--merge outfile] [--us-
       age] [--version] fontfile1 fontfile2

       The program sfddiff compares two font files, which may be in any format
       that fontforge(1) can read.  It will notice the following differences:

       1)  Characters are present in one font but not in the other.

       2)  Characters are present in both fonts but  have  different  sets  of
           outlines  or  references. The outlines may be compared so that only
           exact matches are accepted, or so that a  fuzzier  match  is  used.
           Similarly  references  may need to match exactly, or may be matched
           after an unlink.  This fuzzy comparison is  useful  when  comparing
           truetype and postscript fonts, or when comparing a font with refer-
           ences to one without.

       3)  The PostScript hints or TrueType instructions are different.

       4)  The font names (the TrueType 'name' tables) differ.

       5)  The kerning (and other 'gpos' information) differs.

       6)  The ligatures (and other 'gsub' information) differ.

       7)  Any bitmap strikes present in one font but not in the other.

       8)  Any bitmap characters present in one strike of one font but not  in
           the equivalent strike of the other.

       9)  Any bitmap characters which differ.

       --help          Provide  a description with a list of the available op-

       --ignorehints   Suppress the reporting of hint/instruction differences.

       --ignoregpos    Suppress the reporting of kerning  (and  other  'gpos')

       --ignoregsub    Suppress  the  reporting of ligature (and other 'gsub')

       --ignorenames   Suppress the reporting of name string differences.

       --ignorebitmaps Suppress the reporting of bitmap differences.

       --exact         Require outlines to match exactly.

       --warn          Warn if the outlines/references are slightly different.

       --merge outfile Store a merged version of the two fonts into the speci-
                       fied  output  file.   The  merged data will be based on
                       sfdfile1, any characters present in sfdfile2 but not in
                       sfdfile1  will  be  added, and the outlines of sfdfile2
                       will be placed in the  background.   Finally,  for  any
                       characters  with  different  outlines or references the
                       background of the character will contain  the  outlines
                       from  sfdfile2  (references  will be unlinked into out-
                       lines and those outlines also will be added).

       --usage         Display the usage description.

       --version       Display the current version.


       The  HTML  version  of  the  FontForge  manual,  available  online  at:

       FontForge used to be called PfaEdit.

       FontForge is Copyright © 2000–2014 by George Williams, and is currently
       maintained by the FontForge development team.  See /usr/share/doc/font-
       forge/AUTHORS for a comprehensive list of contributors.

       The  sfddiff  program  is  licensed  under GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or
       later (http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) with many parts covered  by  a
       BSD  license  (http://fontforge.org/license.html).  Please read the LI-
       CENSE file included in the FontForge distribution for details,  or  see

       FontForge  is  available  as  a  whole  under  the terms of the GNU GPL
       (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html), version 3 or any later version.
       However,  almost  all of its parts are available under the "revised BSD
       license"  (http://www.law.yi.org/~sfllaw/talks/bsd.pdf)  because  Font-
       Forge was mostly written by George Williams, using that license.

       The  Revised  BSD License is very permissive, and allows for code to be
       combined with other code under other licenses.

       There are many useful libraries  available  under  copyleft  libre  li-
       censes,  such  as  the  LGPL and GPL, which FontForge started to use in

       For example, Pango and Cairo are available under the LGPL.

       Some features added since 2012 are licensed by their individual  devel-
       opers under the GPLv3.

       See  the  FontForge  Github  Issue Tracker, at https://github.com/font-

                                  2017 Jun 18                       SFDDIFF(1)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Fri Jan 24 06:28:56 CET 2025.