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Temporal data processing in GRASS GIS
       The temporal enabled GRASS introduces three new data types that are de-
       signed to handle time series data:

           •   Space time raster  datasets  (strds)  are  designed  to  manage
               raster  map  time  series.  Modules that process strds have the
               naming prefix t.rast.

           •   Space time 3D raster datasets (str3ds) are designed  to  manage
               3D raster map time series. Modules that process str3ds have the
               naming prefix t.rast3d.

           •   Space time vector datasets (stvds) are designed to manage  vec-
               tor map time series. Modules that process stvds have the naming
               prefix t.vect.
       These new data types can be managed, analyzed and processed with tempo-
       ral modules that are based on the GRASS GIS temporal framework.

   Temporal data management in general
       Space time datasets are stored in a temporal database. A core principle
       of the temporal framework is that temporal databases  are  mapset  spe-
       cific.  A  new  temporal database is created when a temporal command is
       invoked in a mapset that does not contain any temporal  databases  yet.
       For example, when a mapset was recently created.

       Therefore,  as  space-time  datasets are mapset specific, they can only
       register raster, 3D raster or vector maps from the same mapset.

       By default, space-time  datasets  can  not  register  maps  from  other
       mapsets.  This is a security measure, since the registration of maps in
       a space-time dataset will always modify the metadata of the  registered
       map. This is critical if:

           •   The  user  has  no  write access to the maps from other mapsets
               he/she wants to register

           •   If registered maps are removed from other mapsets, the temporal
               database will not be updated and will contain ghost maps
       SQLite3  or  PostgreSQL  are  supported  as temporal database backends.
       Temporal databases stored in other mapsets can be accessed as  long  as
       those  other mapsets are in the user’s current mapset search path (man-
       aged with g.mapsets). Access to space-time datasets from other  mapsets
       is read-only. They can not be modified or removed.

       Connection  settings  are  performed  with  t.connect.   By  default, a
       SQLite3 database  is  created  in  the  current  mapset  to  store  all
       space-time datasets and registered time series maps in that mapset.

       New  space-time  datasets  are  created  in  the temporal database with
       t.create. The name of the new dataset, the type (strds, str3ds, stvds),
       the  title  and  the description must be provided for creation. Option-
       ally, the temporal type (absolute, relative) and the semantic  informa-
       tion can be provided.

       The  module  t.register  is  designed to register raster, 3D raster and
       vector maps in the temporal database and in the space-time datasets. It
       supports different input options. Maps to register can be provided as a
       comma separated string at the command line, or in an  input  file.  The
       module supports the definition of time stamps (time instances or inter-
       vals) for each map in the input file.  With  t.unregister maps  can  be
       unregistered from space-time datasets and from the temporal database.

       Use  only  temporal  commands like t.register to attach a time stamp to
       raster, 3D raster and vector maps. The commands  r.timestamp,  r3.time-
       stamp  and  v.timestamp should not be used because they only modify the
       metadata of the map in the spatial database, but they do  not  register
       maps  in  the temporal database. However, maps with timestamps attached
       by means  of  *.timestamp  modules  can  be  registered  in  space-time
       datasets using the existing timestamp.

       The module t.remove will remove the space-time datasets from the tempo-
       ral database and optionally all registered maps. It will take  care  of
       multiple  map  registration,  hence  if  maps are registered in several
       space-time datasets in the current mapset. Use t.support to modify  the
       metadata  of  space time datasets or to update the metadata that is de-
       rived from registered maps. This module also  checks  for  removed  and
       modified maps and updates the space-time datasets accordingly. Rename a
       space-time dataset with t.rename.

       To print information about space-time datasets or registered maps,  the
       module   t.info  can be used.  t.list will list all space-time datasets
       and registered maps in the temporal database.

       The module t.topology was designed to compute and  check  the  temporal
       topology of space-time datasets.  Moreover, the module t.sample samples
       input space-time dataset(s) with a sample space-time dataset and prints
       the result to standard output. Different sampling methods are supported
       and can be combined.

       List of general management modules:

           •   t.connect

           •   t.create

           •   t.rename

           •   t.remove

           •   t.register

           •   t.unregister

           •   t.info

           •   t.list

           •   t.sample

           •   t.support

           •   t.topology

   Modules to visualize space-time datasets and temporal data
           •   g.gui.animation

           •   g.gui.timeline

           •   g.gui.mapswipe

           •   g.gui.tplot

   Modules to process space-time raster datasets
       The focus of the temporal GIS framework is the processing and  analysis
       of  raster time series. Hence, the majority of the temporal modules are
       designed to process space-time raster datasets (strds). However,  there
       are  several  modules  to  process  space-time  3D  raster datasets and
       space-time vector datasets as well.

   Querying and map calculation
       Maps registered in a space-time raster  dataset  can  be  listed  using
       t.rast.list. This module supports several methods to list maps and uses
       SQL queries to determine how these maps are selected and  sorted.  Sub-
       sets of space-time raster datasets can be extracted with t.rast.extract
       that allows performing additional mapcalc operations  on  the  selected
       raster maps.

       Several  modules  in  the temporal framework have a where option.  This
       option allows performing different selections of maps registered in the
       temporal  database  and in space-time datasets. The columns that can be
       used to perform these selections are: id, name, creator, mapset, tempo-
       ral_type,  creation_time,  start_time,  end_time,  north,  south, west,
       east, nsres, ewres, cols, rows, number_of_cells, min and max. Note that
       for  vector  time  series,  i.e. stvds, some of the columns that can be
       queried to list/select vector maps differ  from  those  for  space-time
       raster datasets (check with t.vect.list --help).

           •   t.rast.extract

           •   t.rast.gapfill

           •   t.rast.mapcalc

           •   t.rast.colors

           •   t.rast.neighbors

       Moreover, there is v.what.strds, that uploads space-time raster dataset
       values at positions of vector points, to the  attribute  table  of  the
       vector map.

   Aggregation and accumulation analysis
       The  temporal  framework  supports the aggregation of space-time raster
       datasets. It provides three modules to perform aggregation  using  dif-
       ferent  approaches.  To  aggregate  a space-time raster dataset using a
       temporal granularity like 4 months, 7 days and so on, use t.rast.aggre-
       gate.  The  module  t.rast.aggregate.ds allows aggregating a space-time
       raster dataset  using  the  time  intervals  of  the  maps  of  another
       space-time  dataset  (raster, 3D raster and vector). A simple interface
       to r.series is the module t.rast.series that processes the whole  input
       space-time raster dataset or a subset of it.

           •   t.rast.aggregate

           •   t.rast.aggregate.ds

           •   t.rast.series

           •   t.rast.accumulate

           •   t.rast.accdetect

   Export/import conversion
       Space-time raster datasets can be exported with t.rast.export as a com-
       pressed  tar  archive.  Such  archives  can  be  then  imported   using

       The  module  t.rast.to.rast3  converts  space-time raster datasets into
       space-time voxel cubes. All 3D raster modules can be  used  to  process
       such  voxel  cubes.  This  conversion  allows  the export of space-time
       raster datasets as netCDF files that include time as one dimension.

           •   t.rast.export

           •   t.rast.import

           •   t.rast.out.vtk

           •   t.rast.to.rast3

           •   r3.out.netcdf

   Statistics and gap filling
           •   t.rast.univar

           •   t.rast.gapfill

   Modules to manage, process and analyze STR3DS and STVDS
       Several space-time vector dataset modules were developed to  allow  the
       handling of vector time series data.

           •   t.vect.extract

           •   t.vect.import

           •   t.vect.export

           •   t.vect.observe.strds

           •   t.vect.univar

           •   t.vect.what.strds

           •   t.vect.db.select
       The  space-time 3D raster dataset modules are doing exactly the same as
       their raster pendants, but with 3D raster map layers:

           •   t.rast3d.list

           •   t.rast3d.extract

           •   t.rast3d.mapcalc

           •   t.rast3d.univar

   See also
           •   Gebbert, S., Pebesma, E. 2014. TGRASS: A temporal GIS for field
               based  environmental modeling.  Environmental Modelling & Soft-
               ware 53, 1-12 (DOI) - preprint PDF

           •   Gebbert, S., Pebesma, E. 2017. The GRASS  GIS  temporal  frame-
               work. International Journal of Geographical Information Science
               31, 1273-1292 (DOI)

           •   Gebbert, S., Leppelt, T., Pebesma, E., 2019. A  topology  based
               spatio-temporal map algebra for big data analysis.  Data 4, 86.

           •   Temporal data processing (Wiki)

           •   Vaclav Petras, Anna Petrasova, Helena Mitasova, Markus Neteler,
               FOSS4G 2014 workshop:
               Spatio-temporal data handling and visualization in GRASS GIS

           •   GEOSTAT 2012 GRASS Course

       Available  at:  Temporal data processing in GRASS GIS source code (his-

       Accessed: unknown

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       index | Full index

       © 2003-2022 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.8.7 Reference Manual

GRASS 7.8.7                                              temporalintro(1grass)

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