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vectorintro(1grass)         GRASS GIS User's Manual        vectorintro(1grass)

Vector data processing in GRASS GIS
   Vector maps in general
       A  "vector  map"  is a data layer consisting of a number of sparse fea-
       tures in geographic space. These might be data  points  (drill  sites),
       lines (roads), polygons (park boundary), volumes (3D CAD structure), or
       some combination of all these. Typically each feature in the  map  will
       be  tied to a set of attribute layers stored in a database (road names,
       site ID, geologic type, etc.). As a general rule these can exist in  2D
       or 3D space and are independent of the GIS’s computation region.

   Attribute management
       The  default  database  driver used by GRASS GIS 7 is SQLite. GRASS GIS
       handles multiattribute vector data by default. The db.* set of commands
       provides  basic  SQL support for attribute management, while the v.db.*
       set of commands operates on vector maps.

       Note: The list of available database drivers can vary in various binary
       distributions of GRASS GIS, for details see SQL support in GRASS GIS.

   Vector data import and export
       The v.in.ogr module offers a common interface for many different vector
       formats. Additionally, it offers options such as on-the-fly creation of
       new locations or extension of the default region to match the extent of
       the imported vector map.  For special cases, other import  modules  are
       available, e.g.  v.in.ascii for input from a text file containing coor-
       dinate and attribute data, and v.in.db for input from a  database  con-
       taining  coordinate  and attribute data.  With v.external external maps
       can be virtually linked into a mapset, only pseudo-topology  is  gener-
       ated  but the vector geometry is not imported.  The v.out.* set of com-
       mands exports to various formats. To import and export  only  attribute
       tables, use db.in.ogr and db.out.ogr.

       GRASS GIS vector map exchange between different locations (same projec-
       tion) can be done in a lossless way using the v.pack and v.unpack  mod-

       The  naming  convention  for  vector maps requires that map names start
       with   a    character,    not    a    number    (map    name    scheme:

       The  v.info  display general information such as metadata and attribute
       columns about a vector map including the history how it was  generated.
       Each  map  generating command stores the command history into the meta-
       data (query with v.info -h  mapname).   Metadata  such  as  map  title,
       scale, organization etc. can be updated with v.support.

   Vector map operations
       GRASS  vector  map  processing is always performed on the full map.  If
       this is not desired, the input map has to be clipped to the current re-
       gion beforehand (v.in.region, v.overlay, v.select).

   Vector model and topology
       GRASS  is a topological GIS. This means that adjacent geographic compo-
       nents in a single vector map are related. For example in a non-topolog-
       ical GIS if two areas shared a common border that border would be digi-
       tized two times and also stored in duplicate. In a topological GIS this
       border exists once and is shared between two areas.  Topological repre-
       sentation of vector data helps to produce and maintain vector maps with
       clean geometry as well as enables certain analyses that can not be con-
       ducted with non-topological or spaghetti data.  In  GRASS,  topological
       data  are referred to as level 2 data and spaghetti data is referred to
       as level 1.

       Sometimes topology is not necessary and the additional memory and space
       requirements are burdensome to a particular task. Therefore two modules
       allow for working level 1  (non-topological)  data  within  GRASS.  The
       v.in.ascii  module allows users to input points without building topol-
       ogy. This is very useful for large files where memory restrictions  may
       cause  difficulties.  The other module which works with level 1 data is
       v.surf.rst which enables spatial approximation and topographic analysis
       from a point or isoline file.

       In GRASS, the following vector object types are defined:

           •   point: a point;

           •   line:  a  directed sequence of connected vertices with two end-
               points called nodes;

           •   boundary: the border line to describe an area;

           •   centroid: a point within a closed ring of boundaries;

           •   area: the topological composition of a closed  ring  of  bound-
               aries and a centroid;

           •   face: a 3D area;

           •   kernel: a 3D centroid in a volume (not yet implemented);

           •   volume:  a  3D corpus, the topological composition of faces and
               kernel (not yet implemented).

       Lines and boundaries can be composed of multiple vertices.

       Area topology also holds information about isles. These isles  are  lo-
       cated  within that area, not touching the boundaries of the outer area.
       Isles are holes inside the area, and can consist of one or more  areas.
       They are used internally to maintain correct topology for areas.

       The v.type module can be used to convert between vector types if possi-
       ble. The v.build module is used to generate topology. It optionally al-
       lows  the user to extract erroneous vector objects into a separate map.
       Topological errors can be corrected either manually within wxGUI vector
       digitizer  or,  to  some extent, automatically in v.clean.  A dedicated
       vector editing module is v.edit which supports global and local editing
       operations.  Adjacent polygons can be found by v.to.db (see ’sides’ op-

       Many operations including extraction, queries, overlay, and export will
       only  act on features which have been assigned a category number. Typi-
       cally a centroid will hold the attribute data for the area  with  which
       the  centroid is associated. Boundaries are not typically given a cate-
       gory ID as it would be ambiguous as to which area either side of it the
       attribute data would belong to. An exception might be when the boundary
       between two crop-fields is the center-line of a road, and the  category
       information  is  an index to the road name. For everyday use boundaries
       and centroids can be treated as internal data types and  the  user  can
       work directly and more simply with the "area" type.

   Vector object categories and attribute management
       GRASS  vectors can be linked to one or many database management systems
       (DBMS). The db.* set of commands provides basic SQL support for  attri-
       bute  management,  while the v.db.* set of commands operates on a table
       linked to a vector map.

           •   Categories
               Categories are used to categorize vector objects and  link  at-
               tribute(s)  to each category. Each vector object can have zero,
               one or several categories. Category numbers do not have  to  be
               unique for each vector object, several vector objects can share
               the same category.
               Category numbers are stored both within the geometry  file  for
               each vector object and within the (optional) attribute table(s)
               (usually the "cat" column). It is not required  that  attribute
               table(s)  hold  an  entry  for each category, and attribute ta-
               ble(s) can hold information about categories not present in the
               vector  geometry file.  This means that e.g. an attribute table
               can be populated first and then vector objects can be added  to
               the  geometry  file  with  category numbers.  Using v.category,
               category numbers can be printed or maintained.

           •   Layers
               Layers are a characteristic of the vector feature  (geometries)
               file.   As  mentioned  above, categories allow the user to give
               either a unique id to each feature or to group similar features
               by  giving them all the same id. Layers allow several parallel,
               but different groupings of features in a same map. The  practi-
               cal  benefit of this system is that it allows placement of the-
               matically distinct but topologically  related  objects  into  a
               single  map, or for linking time series attribute data to a se-
               ries of locations that did not change over time.
               For example, one can have roads with one layer  containing  the
               unique  id of each road and another layer with ids for specific
               routes that one might take, combining several roads by  assign-
               ing  the  same id. While this example can also be dealt with in
               an attribute table, another example of the use of  layers  that
               shows  their  specific advantage is the possibility to identify
               the same geometrical features as  representing  different  the-
               matic  objects. For example, in a map with a series of polygons
               representing fields in which at the same time the boundaries of
               these  fields have a meaning as linear features, e.g. as paths,
               one can give a unique id to each field as area in layer 1,  and
               a  unique id in layer 2 to those boundary lines that are paths.
               If the paths will always depend on the  field  boundaries  (and
               might  change  if these boundaries change) then keeping them in
               the same map can be helpful. Trying to reproduce the same func-
               tionality through attributes is much more complicated.
               If a vector object has zero categories in a layer, then it does
               not appear in that layer. In this fashion some  vector  objects
               may appear in some layers but not in others. Taking the example
               of the fields and paths, only some  boundaries,  but  not  all,
               might  have  a  category  value in layer 2. With option=report,
               v.category lists available categories in each layer.
               Optionally, each layer can (but does not have to) be linked  to
               an  attribute table. The link is made by the category values of
               the features in that layer which have to have corresponding en-
               tries  in  the  specified  key  column  of  the  table.   Using
               v.db.connect connections between layers  and  attribute  tables
               can be listed or maintained.
               In  most  modules,  the  first layer (layer=1) is active by de-
               fault. Using layer=-1 one can access all layers.

           •   SQL support
               By default, SQLite is used  as  the  attribute  database.  Also
               other  supported  DBMS  backends  (such  as SQLite, PostgreSQL,
               MySQL etc.)  provide full SQL support as the SQL statements are
               sent  directly  to GRASS’ database management interface (DBMI).
               Only the DBF driver provides just very limited SQL support  (as
               DBF  is  not an SQL DB).  SQL commands can be directly executed
               with db.execute, db.select and the other db.* modules.
       When creating vector maps from scratch, in general an  attribute  table
       must  be created and the table must be populated with one row per cate-
       gory (using v.to.db).  However, this can be performed in a single  step
       using  v.db.addtable  along  with the definition of table column types.
       Column  adding  and  dropping  can  be  done  with  v.db.addcolumn  and
       v.db.dropcolumn.  A table column can be renamed with v.db.renamecolumn.
       To drop a table from a map, use v.db.droptable. Values in a  table  can
       be updated with v.db.update. Tables can be joined with with v.db.join.

   Editing vector attributes
       To  manually  edit  attributes of a table, the map has to be queried in
       ’edit mode’ using d.what.vect.  To bulk process attributes, it is  rec-
       ommended to use SQL (db.execute).

   Geometry operations
       The  module  v.in.region  saves  the current region extents as a vector
       area.   Split  vector  lines  can  be   converted   to   polylines   by
       v.build.polylines.  Long  lines  can be split by v.split and v.segment.
       Buffer and circles can  be  generated  with  v.buffer  and  v.parallel.
       v.generalize  is  module  for  generalization of GRASS vector maps.  2D
       vector maps can be changed  to  3D  using  v.drape  or  v.extrude.   If
       needed,  the  spatial  position  of  vector  points can be perturbed by
       v.perturb.  The v.type command changes between vector types  (see  list
       above).   Projected vector maps can be reprojected with v.proj.  Unpro-
       jected maps can be geocoded with v.transform.   Based  on  the  control
       points,  v.rectify  rectifies  a  vector  map by computing a coordinate
       transformation   for   each   vector   object.     Triangulation    and
       point-to-polygon  conversions  can be done with v.delaunay, v.hull, and
       v.voronoi.  The v.random command generated random points.

   Vector overlays and selections
       Geometric overlay of vector maps is done with  v.patch,  v.overlay  and
       v.select, depending on the combination of vector types.  Vectors can be
       extracted with v.extract and reclassified with v.reclass.

   Vector statistics
       Statistics can be generated by v.qcount, v.sample, v.normal,  v.univar,
       and v.vect.stats.  Distances between vector objects are calculated with

   Vector-Raster-DB conversion
       The v.to.db transfers vector information into  database  tables.   With
       v.to.points,  v.to.rast  and v.to.rast3 conversions are performed. Note
       that a raster mask ("MASK") will not be respected since it is only  ap-
       plied when reading an existing GRASS raster map.

   Vector queries
       Vector maps can be queried with v.what and v.what.vect.

   Vector-Raster queries
       Raster  values  can  be transferred to vector maps with v.what.rast and

   Vector network analysis
       GRASS provides support for vector network analysis. The following algo-
       rithms are implemented:

           •   Network preparation and maintenance: v.net

           •   Shortest path: d.path and v.net.path

           •   Shortest path between all pairs of nodes v.net.allpairs

           •   Allocation  of sources (create subnetworks, e.g. police station
               zones): v.net.alloc

           •   Iso-distances (from centers): v.net.iso

           •   Computes bridges and articulation points: v.net.bridge

           •   Computes degree, centrality, betweeness, closeness  and  eigen-
               vector centrality measures: v.net.centrality

           •   Computes strongly and weakly connected components: v.net.compo-

           •   Computes  vertex  connectivity  between  two  sets  of   nodes:

           •   Computes  shortest  distance  via the network between the given
               sets of features: v.net.distance

           •   Computes the maximum flow between two sets of nodes: v.net.flow

           •   Computes minimum spanning tree:v.net.spanningtree

           •   Minimum Steiner trees (star-like  connections,  e.g.  broadband
               cable connections): v.net.steiner

           •   Finds shortest path using timetables: v.net.timetable

           •   Traveling salesman (round trip): v.net.salesman
       Vector  directions  are  defined by the digitizing direction (a-->--b).
       Both directions are supported, most network modules provide  parameters
       to assign attribute columns to the forward and backward direction.

   Vector networks: Linear referencing system (LRS)
       LRS  uses linear features and distance measured along those features to
       positionate objects. There are the commands v.lrs.create  to  create  a
       linear  reference  system, v.lrs.label to create stationing on the LRS,
       v.lrs.segment to create points/segments on LRS, and v.lrs.where to find
       line  id and real km+offset for given points in vector map using linear
       reference system.

       The LRS tutorial explains further details.

   Interpolation and approximation
       Some of the vector modules deal with spatial or  volumetric  approxima-
       tion (also called interpolation): v.kernel, v.surf.idw, v.surf.rst, and

   Lidar data processing
       Lidar point clouds (first and last return) are imported from text files
       with  v.in.ascii or from LAS files with v.in.lidar. Both modules recog-
       nize the -b flag to not build topology. Outlier detection is done  with
       v.outlier  on  both  first  and  last  return  data.   Then, with v.li-
       dar.edgedetection, edges are detected from last return data. The build-
       ing  are generated by v.lidar.growing from detected edges.  The result-
       ing data are post-processed with v.lidar.correction. Finally,  the  DTM
       and  DSM are generated with v.surf.bspline (DTM: uses the ’v.lidar.cor-
       rection’ output; DSM: uses last return output from outlier detection).
       In addition, v.decimate can be used to decimates a point cloud.

   See also
           •   Introduction to raster data processing

           •   Introduction to 3D raster data (voxel) processing

           •   Introduction to image processing

           •   Introduction into temporal data processing

           •   Introduction to database management

           •   Projections and spatial transformations

       Available at: Vector data processing in GRASS GIS source code (history)

       Accessed: unknown

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       index | Full index

       © 2003-2022 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.8.7 Reference Manual

GRASS 7.8.7                                                vectorintro(1grass)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Fri Jan 24 06:08:27 CET 2025.