MPI_Testsome(3) Open MPI MPI_Testsome(3) NAME MPI_Testsome - Tests for completion of one or more previously initiated communications in a list. SYNTAX C Syntax #include <mpi.h> int MPI_Testsome(int incount, MPI_Request array_of_requests[], int *outcount, int array_of_indices[], MPI_Status array_of_statuses[]) Fortran Syntax USE MPI ! or the older form: INCLUDE 'mpif.h' MPI_TESTSOME(INCOUNT, ARRAY_OF_REQUESTS, OUTCOUNT, ARRAY_OF_INDICES, ARRAY_OF_STATUSES, IERROR) INTEGER INCOUNT, ARRAY_OF_REQUESTS(*) INTEGER OUTCOUNT, ARRAY_OF_INDICES(*) INTEGER ARRAY_OF_STATUSES(MPI_STATUS_SIZE,*), IERROR Fortran 2008 Syntax USE mpi_f08 MPI_Testsome(incount, array_of_requests, outcount, array_of_indices, array_of_statuses, ierror) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: incount TYPE(MPI_Request), INTENT(INOUT) :: array_of_requests(incount) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: outcount, array_of_indices(*) TYPE(MPI_Status) :: array_of_statuses(*) INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(OUT) :: ierror C++ Syntax #include <mpi.h> static int Request::Testsome(int incount, Request array_of_requests[], int array_of_indices[], Status array_of_statuses[]) static int Request::Testsome(int incount, Request array_of_requests[], int array_of_indices[]) INPUT PARAMETERS incount Length of array_of_requests (integer). array_of_requests Array of requests (array of handles). OUTPUT PARAMETERS outcount Number of completed requests (integer). array_of_indices Array of indices of operations that completed (array of inte- gers). array_of_statuses Array of status objects for operations that completed (array of status). IERROR Fortran only: Error status (integer). DESCRIPTION Behaves like MPI_Waitsome, except that it returns immediately. Returns in outcount the number of requests from the list array_of_re- quests that have completed. Returns in the first outcount locations of the array array_of_indices the indices of these operations (index within the array array_of_requests; the array is indexed from 0 in C and from 1 in Fortran). Returns in the first outcount locations of the array array_of_status the status for these completed operations. If a request that completed was allocated by a nonblocking communication call, then it is deallocated, and the associated handle is set to MPI_REQUEST_NULL. If no operation has completed it returns outcount = 0. If there is no active handle in the list, it returns outcount = MPI_UNDEFINED. MPI_Testsome is a local operation, which returns immediately, whereas MPI_Waitsome blocks until a communication completes, if it was passed a list that contains at least one active handle. Both calls fulfill a fairness requirement: If a request for a receive repeatedly appears in a list of requests passed to MPI_Waitsome or MPI_Testsome, and a match- ing send has been posted, then the receive will eventually succeed un- less the send is satisfied by another receive; send requests also ful- fill this fairness requirement. Errors that occur during the execution of MPI_Testsome are handled as for MPI_Waitsome. If your application does not need to examine the array_of_statuses field, you can save resources by using the predefined constant MPI_STA- TUSES_IGNORE can be used as a special value for the array_of_statuses argument. NOTES The use of MPI_Testsome is likely to be more efficient than the use of MPI_Testany. The former returns information on all completed communica- tions; with the latter, a new call is required for each communication that completes. A server with multiple clients can use MPI_Waitsome so as not to starve any client. Clients send messages to the server with service requests. The server calls MPI_Waitsome with one receive request for each client, then handles all receives that have completed. If a call to MPI_Waitany is used instead, then one client could starve while requests from an- other client always sneak in first. ERRORS For each invocation of MPI_Testsome, if one or more requests generate an MPI exception, only the first MPI request that caused an exception will be passed to its corresponding error handler. No other error han- dlers will be invoked (even if multiple requests generated exceptions). However, all requests that generate an exception will have a relevant error code set in the corresponding status.MPI_ERROR field (unless MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE was used). The default error handler aborts the MPI job, except for I/O function errors. The error handler may be changed with MPI_Comm_set_errhandler, MPI_File_set_errhandler, or MPI_Win_set_errhandler (depending on the type of MPI handle that generated the MPI request); the predefined er- ror handler MPI_ERRORS_RETURN may be used to cause error values to be returned. Note that MPI does not guarantee that an MPI program can con- tinue past an error. If the invoked error handler allows MPI_Testsome to return to the caller, the value MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS will be returned in the C and For- tran bindings. In C++, if the predefined error handler MPI::ER- RORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS is used, the value MPI::ERR_IN_STATUS will be contained in the MPI::Exception object. The MPI_ERROR field can then be examined in the array of returned statuses to determine exactly which request(s) generated an exception. SEE ALSO MPI_Comm_set_errhandler MPI_File_set_errhandler MPI_Test MPI_Testall MPI_Testany MPI_Wait MPI_Waitall MPI_Waitany MPI_Waitsome MPI_Win_set_errhandler 4.1.2 Nov 24, 2021 MPI_Testsome(3)
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