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Moose::Exporter(3pm)  User Contributed Perl Documentation Moose::Exporter(3pm)

       Moose::Exporter - make an import() and unimport() just like Moose.pm

       version 2.2200

         package MyApp::Moose;

         use Moose ();
         use Moose::Exporter;
         use Some::Random ();

             with_meta => [ 'has_rw', 'sugar2' ],
             as_is     => [ 'sugar3', \&Some::Random::thing, 'Some::Random::other_thing' ],
             also      => 'Moose',

         sub has_rw {
             my ( $meta, $name, %options ) = @_;
                 is => 'rw',

         # then later ...
         package MyApp::User;

         use MyApp::Moose;

         has 'name' => ( is => 'ro' );
         has_rw 'size';

         no MyApp::Moose;

       This module encapsulates the exporting of sugar functions in a
       "Moose.pm"-like manner. It does this by building custom "import" and
       "unimport" methods for your module, based on a spec you provide.

       It also lets you "stack" Moose-alike modules so you can export Moose's
       sugar as well as your own, along with sugar from any random "MooseX"
       module, as long as they all use "Moose::Exporter". This feature exists
       to let you bundle a set of MooseX modules into a policy module that
       developers can use directly instead of using Moose itself.

       To simplify writing exporter modules, "Moose::Exporter" also imports
       "strict" and "warnings" into your exporter module, as well as into
       modules that use it.

       This module provides two public methods:

       When you call this method, "Moose::Exporter" builds custom "import" and
       "unimport" methods for your module. The "import" method will export the
       functions you specify, and can also re-export functions exported by
       some other module (like "Moose.pm"). If you pass any parameters for
       Moose::Util::MetaRole, the "import" method will also call
       Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaroles and
       Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_base_class_roles as needed, after making
       sure the metaclass is initialized.

       The "unimport" method cleans the caller's namespace of all the exported
       functions. This includes any functions you re-export from other
       packages. However, if the consumer of your package also imports those
       functions from the original package, they will not be cleaned.

       Note that if any of these methods already exist, they will not be
       overridden, you will have to use "build_import_methods" to get the
       coderef that would be installed.

       This method accepts the following parameters:

       •   with_meta => [ ... ]

           This list of function names only will be wrapped and then exported.
           The wrapper will pass the metaclass object for the caller as its
           first argument.

           Many sugar functions will need to use this metaclass object to do
           something to the calling package.

       •   as_is => [ ... ]

           This list of function names or sub references will be exported as-
           is. You can identify a subroutine by reference, which is handy to
           re-export some other module's functions directly by reference

           If you do export some other package's function, this function will
           never be removed by the "unimport" method. The reason for this is
           we cannot know if the caller also explicitly imported the sub
           themselves, and therefore wants to keep it.

       •   trait_aliases => [ ... ]

           This is a list of package names which should have shortened aliases
           exported, similar to the functionality of aliased. Each element in
           the list can be either a package name, in which case the export
           will be named as the last namespace component of the package, or an
           arrayref, whose first element is the package to alias to, and
           second element is the alias to export.

       •   also => $name or \@names

           This is a list of modules which contain functions that the caller
           wants to export. These modules must also use "Moose::Exporter". The
           most common use case will be to export the functions from
           "Moose.pm".  Functions specified by "with_meta" or "as_is" take
           precedence over functions exported by modules specified by "also",
           so that a module can selectively override functions exported by
           another module.

           "Moose::Exporter" also makes sure all these functions get removed
           when "unimport" is called.

       •   meta_lookup => sub { ... }

           This is a function which will be called to provide the metaclass to
           be operated upon by the exporter. This is an advanced feature
           intended for use by package generator modules in the vein of
           MooseX::Role::Parameterized in order to simplify reusing sugar from
           other modules that use "Moose::Exporter". This function is used,
           for example, to select the metaclass to bind to functions that are
           exported using the "with_meta" option.

           This function will receive one parameter: the class name into which
           the sugar is being exported. The default implementation is:

               sub { Class::MOP::class_of(shift) }

           Accordingly, this function is expected to return a metaclass.

       You can also provide parameters for
       Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_metaroles and
       Moose::Util::MetaRole::apply_base_class_roles. Specifically, valid
       parameters are "class_metaroles", "role_metaroles", and

       Returns three code refs, one for "import", one for "unimport" and one
       for "init_meta".

       Accepts the additional "install" option, which accepts an arrayref of
       method names to install into your exporting package. The valid options
       are "import" and "unimport". Calling "setup_import_methods" is
       equivalent to calling "build_import_methods" with "install =>
       [qw(import unimport)]" except that it doesn't also return the methods.

       The "import" method is built using Sub::Exporter. This means that it
       can take a hashref of the form "{ into => $package }" to specify the
       package it operates on.

       Used by "setup_import_methods".

       If you want to set an alternative base object class or metaclass class,
       see above for details on how this module can call Moose::Util::MetaRole
       for you.

       If you want to do something that is not supported by this module,
       simply define an "init_meta" method in your class. The "import" method
       that "Moose::Exporter" generates for you will call this method (if it
       exists). It will always pass the caller to this method via the
       "for_class" parameter.

       Most of the time, your "init_meta" method will probably just call
       "Moose->init_meta" to do the real work:

         sub init_meta {
             shift; # our class name
             return Moose->init_meta( @_, metaclass => 'My::Metaclass' );

       The "import" method generated by "Moose::Exporter" will allow the user
       of your module to specify metaclass traits in a "-traits" parameter
       passed as part of the import:

         use Moose -traits => 'My::Meta::Trait';

         use Moose -traits => [ 'My::Meta::Trait', 'My::Other::Trait' ];

       These traits will be applied to the caller's metaclass instance.
       Providing traits for an exporting class that does not create a
       metaclass for the caller is an error.

       See "BUGS" in Moose for details on reporting bugs.

       •   Stevan Little <stevan@cpan.org>

       •   Dave Rolsky <autarch@urth.org>

       •   Jesse Luehrs <doy@cpan.org>

       •   Shawn M Moore <sartak@cpan.org>

       •   יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) <nothingmuch@woobling.org>

       •   Karen Etheridge <ether@cpan.org>

       •   Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org>

       •   Hans Dieter Pearcey <hdp@cpan.org>

       •   Chris Prather <chris@prather.org>

       •   Matt S Trout <mstrout@cpan.org>

       This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
       the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

perl v5.34.0                      2022-02-06              Moose::Exporter(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Mon Feb 3 07:48:04 CET 2025.