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Net::Server::HTTP(3pm)User Contributed Perl DocumentatioNet::Server::HTTP(3pm)

       Net::Server::HTTP - very basic Net::Server based HTTP server class

           perl -e 'use base qw(Net::Server::HTTP); main->run(port => 8080)'
           # will start up an echo server

           use base qw(Net::Server::HTTP);

           sub process_http_request {
               my $self = shift;

               print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
               print "<form method=post action=/bam><input type=text name=foo><input type=submit></form>\n";

               require Data::Dumper;
               local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;

               require CGI;
               my $form = {};
               my $q = CGI->new; $form->{$_} = $q->param($_) for $q->param;

               print "<pre>".Data::Dumper->Dump([\%ENV, $form], ['*ENV', 'form'])."</pre>";

       Even though Net::Server::HTTP doesn't fall into the normal parallel of
       the other Net::Server flavors, handling HTTP requests is an often
       requested feature and is a standard and simple protocol.

       Net::Server::HTTP begins with base type MultiType defaulting to
       Net::Server::Fork.  It is easy to change it to any of the other
       Net::Server flavors by passing server_type => $other_flavor in the
       server configuration.  The port has also been defaulted to port 80 -
       but could easily be changed to another through the server
       configuration.  You can also very easily add ssl by including,
       proto=>"ssl" and provide a SSL_cert_file and SSL_key_file.

       For example, here is a basic server that will bind to all interfaces,
       will speak both HTTP on port 8080 as well as HTTPS on 8443, and will
       speak both IPv4, as well as IPv6 if it is available.

           use base qw(Net::Server::HTTP);

               port  => [8080, "8443/ssl"],
               ipv   => '*', # IPv6 if available
               SSL_key_file  => '/my/key',
               SSL_cert_file => '/my/cert',

           Used to open and initialize any requested access_log (see
           access_log_file and access_log_format).

           Used to initialize automatic response header parsing.

           Will be passed the client handle, and will have STDOUT and STDIN
           tied to the client.

           During this method, the %ENV will have been set to a standard CGI
           style environment.  You will need to be sure to print the Content-
           type header.  This is one change from the other standard
           Net::Server base classes.

           During this method you can read from %ENV and STDIN just like a
           normal HTTP request in other web servers.  You can print to STDOUT
           and Net::Server will handle the header negotiation for you.

           Note: Net::Server::HTTP has no concept of document root or script
           aliases or default handling of static content.  That is up to the
           consumer of Net::Server::HTTP to work out.

           Net::Server::HTTP comes with a basic %ENV display installed as the
           default process_http_request method.

           This method has been overridden in Net::Server::HTTP - you should
           not use it while using Net::Server::HTTP.  This overridden method
           parses the environment and sets up request alarms and handles dying
           failures.  It calls process_http_request once the request is ready
           and headers have been parsed.

           Used to read in the incoming headers and set the ENV.

           Called at the end of process_headers.  Initializes the contents of

           Returns a hashref of information specific to the current request.
           This information will be used for logging later on.

           Takes an HTTP status and a message.  Sends out the correct headers.

           Calls send_status with 500 and the argument passed to send_500.

           Called at the end of post_process_request.  The default method
           looks for the default access_log_format and checks if logging was
           initialized during _init_access_log.  If both of these exist, the
           http_request_info is formatted using http_log_format and the result
           is logged.

           Takes a format string, and request_info and returns a formatted
           string.  The format should follow the apache mod_log_config
           specification.  As in the mod_log_config specification,
           backslashes, quotes should be escaped with backslashes and you may
           also include \n and \t characters as well.

           The following is a listing of the available parameters as well as
           sample output based on a very basic HTTP server.

               %%                %                 # a percent
               %a                ::1               # remote ip
               %A                ::1               # local ip
               %b                83                # response size (- if 0) Common Log Format
               %B                83                # response size
               %{bar}C           baz               # value of cookie by that name
               %D                916               # elapsed in microseconds
               %{HTTP_COOKIE}e   bar=baz           # value of %ENV by that name
               %f                -                 # filename - unused
               %h                ::1               # remote host if lookups are on, remote ip otherwise
               %H                http              # request protocol
               %{Host}i          localhost:8080    # request header by that name
               %I                336               # bytes received including headers
               %l                -                 # remote logname - unsused
               %m                GET               # request method
               %n                Just a note       # http_note by that name
               %{Content-type}o  text/html         # output header by that name
               %O                189               # response size including headers
               %p                8080              # server port
               %P                22999             # pid - does not support %{tid}P
               q                 ?hello=there      # query_string including ? (- otherwise)
               r                 GET /bam?hello=there HTTP/1.1      # the first line of the request
               %s                200               # response status
               %u                -                 # remote user - unused
               %U                /bam              # request path (no query string)
               %t                [06/Jun/2012:12:14:21 -0600]       # http_log_time standard format
               %t{%F %T %z}t     [2012-06-06 12:14:21 -0600]        # http_log_time with format
               %T                0                 # elapsed time in seconds
               %v                localhost:8080    # http_log_vhost - partial implementation
               %V                localhost:8080    # http_log_vhost - partial implementation
               %X                -                 # Connection completed and is 'close' (-)

           Additionally, the log parsing allows for the following formats.

               %>s               200               # status of last request
               %<s               200               # status of original request
               %400a             -                 # remote ip if status is 400
               %!400a            ::1               # remote ip if status is not 400
               %!200a            -                 # remote ip if status is not 200

           There are few bits not completely implemented:

               > and <    # There is no internal redirection
               %I         # The answer to this is based on header size and Content-length
                            instead of the more correct actual number of bytes read though
                            in common cases those would be the same.
               %X         # There is no Connection keepalive in the default server.
               %v and %V  # There are no virtual hosts in the default HTTP server.
               %{tid}P    # The default servers are not threaded.

           See the "access_log_format" option for how to set a different
           format as well as to see the default string.

           Allow for calling an external script as a CGI.  This will use
           IPC::Open3 to fork a new process and read/write from it.

               use base qw(Net::Server::HTTP);

               sub process_http_request {
                   my $self = shift;

                   if ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'} && $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ s{^ (/foo) (?= $ | /) }{}x) {
                      $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} = $1;
                      my $file = "/var/www/cgi-bin/foo"; # assuming this exists
                      return $self->exec_cgi($file);

                   print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
                   print "<a href=/foo>Foo</a>";

           At this first release, the parent server is not tracking the child
           script which may cause issues if the script is running when a HUP
           is received.

           Used to implement the %t format.

           Used to implement the %e format.

           Used to implement the %C format.

           used to implement the %i format.

           Used to implement the %n format.

           Takes a key and an optional value.  If passed a key and value, sets
           the note for that key.  Always returns the value.  These notes
           currently only are used for %{key}n output format.

           Used to implement the %o format.

           Used to implement the %P format.

           Used to implement the %v and %V formats.

           Used to implement the %X format.

           Allow for calling an external perl script.  This method will still
           fork, but instead of using IPC::Open3, it simply requires the perl
           script.  That means that the running script will be able to make
           use of any shared memory.  It also means that the
           STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR handles the script is using are those directly
           bound by the server process.

               use base qw(Net::Server::HTTP);

               sub process_http_request {
                   my $self = shift;

                   if ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'} && $ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ s{^ (/foo) (?= $ | /) }{}x) {
                      $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} = $1;
                      my $file = "/var/www/cgi-bin/foo"; # assuming this exists
                      return $self->exec_trusted_perl($file);

                   print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
                   print "<a href=/foo>Foo</a>";

           At this first release, the parent server is not tracking the child
           script which may cause issues if the script is running when a HUP
           is received.

           This method is called after the fork of exec_trusted_perl and
           exec_cgi hooks.  It is passed the pid (0 if the child) and the file
           being ran.  Note, that the hook will not be called from the child
           during exec_cgi.

           Called if the default process_http_request and process_request
           methods have not been overridden and "app" configuration parameters
           have been passed.  In this case this replaces the default echo
           server.  You can also enable this subsystem for your own direct use
           by setting enable_dispatch to true during configuration.  See the
           "app" configuration item.  It will be passed a dispatch qr (regular
           expression) generated during _check_dispatch, and a dispatch table.
           The qr will be applied to path_info.  This mechanism could be used
           to augment Net::Server::HTTP with document root and virtual host

       In addition to the command line arguments of the Net::Server base
       classes you can also set the following options.

           Defaults to 100_000.  Maximum number of bytes to read while parsing

           Defaults to Net::Server::HTTP/$Net::Server::VERSION.

           Defaults to 15 - number of seconds to wait for parsing headers.

           Defaults to 60 - number of seconds a request can be idle before the
           request is closed.

           Defaults to undef.  If true, this represents the location of where
           the access log should be written to.  If a special value of STDERR
           is passed, the access log entry will be writing to the same
           location as the ERROR log.

           Should be a valid apache log format that will be passed to
           http_log_format.  See the http_log_format method for more

           The default value is the NCSA extended/combined log format:

               '%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"'

       app Takes one or more items and registers them for dispatch.  Arguments
           may be supplied as an arrayref containing a location/target pairs,
           a hashref containing a location/target pairs, a bare code ref that
           will use "/" as the location and the codref as the target, a string
           with a space indicating "location target", a string containing
           "location=target", or finally a string that will be used as both
           location and target.  For items passed as an arrayref or hashref,
           the target may be a coderef which will be called and should handle
           the request.  In all other cases the target should be a valid
           executable suitable for passing to exec_cgi.

           The locations will be added in the order that they are configured.
           They will be added to a regular expression which will be applied to
           the incoming PATH_INFO string.  If the match is successful, the
           $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} will be set to the matched portion and the
           matched portion will be removed from $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}.

           Once an app has been passed, it is necessary for the server to
           listen on /.  Therefore if "/" has not been specifically configured
           for dispatch, the first found dispatch target will also be used to
           handle "/".

           For convenience, if the log_level is 2 or greater, the dispatch
           table is output to the log.

           This mechanism is left as a generic mechanism suitable for
           overriding by servers meant to handle more complex dispatch.  At
           the moment there is no handling of virtual hosts.  At some point we
           will add in the default ability to play static content and likely
           for the ability to configure virtual hosts - or that may have to
           wait for a third party module.

               app => "/home/paul/foo.cgi",
                 # Dispatch: /home/paul/foo.cgi => home/paul/foo.cgi
                 # Dispatch: / => home/paul/foo.cgi (default)

               app => "../../foo.cgi",
               app => "./bar.cgi",
               app => "baz ./bar.cgi",
               app => "bim=./bar.cgi",
                 # Dispatch: /foo.cgi => ../../foo.cgi
                 # Dispatch: /bar.cgi => ./bar.cgi
                 # Dispatch: /baz => ./bar.cgi
                 # Dispatch: /bim => ./bar.cgi
                 # Dispatch: / => ../../foo.cgi (default)

               app => "../../foo.cgi",
               app => "/=./bar.cgi",
                 # Dispatch: /foo.cgi => ../../foo.cgi
                 # Dispatch: / => ./bar.cgi

               # you could also do this on the commandline
               net-server HTTP app ../../foo.cgi app /=./bar.cgi

               # extended options when configured from code

               Net::Server::HTTP->run(app => { # loses order of matching
                 '/' => sub { ... },
                 '/foo' => sub { ... },
                 '/bar' => '/path/to/some.cgi',

               Net::Server::HTTP->run(app => [
                 '/' => sub { ... },
                 '/foo' => sub { ... },
                 '/bar' => '/path/to/some.cgi',

       Add support for writing out HTTP/1.1.

       Paul T. Seamons paul@seamons.com

       See Net::Server

       Please see also Net::Server::Fork, Net::Server::INET,
       Net::Server::PreFork, Net::Server::PreForkSimple,
       Net::Server::MultiType, Net::Server::Single Net::Server::SIG
       Net::Server::Daemonize Net::Server::Proto

perl v5.30.0                      2020-04-03            Net::Server::HTTP(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Mon Feb 3 08:31:57 CET 2025.