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__gnu_parallel::_Lgnurparallel::dLoserTreeUnguardedBase<(3Tp,)_Compare >(3cxx)

       __gnu_parallel::_LoserTreeUnguardedBase< _Tp, _Compare > - Base class
       for unguarded _LoserTree implementation.

       Inherited by __gnu_parallel::_LoserTreeUnguarded< __stable, _Tp,
       _Compare >, and __gnu_parallel::_LoserTreeUnguarded< false, _Tp,
       _Compare >.

   Public Member Functions
       _LoserTreeUnguardedBase (unsigned int __k, const _Tp &__sentinel,
           _Compare __comp=std::less< _Tp >())
       int __get_min_source ()
       void __insert_start (const _Tp &__key, int __source, bool)

   Protected Attributes
       _Compare _M_comp
       unsigned int _M_ik
       unsigned int _M_k
       _Loser * _M_losers
       unsigned int _M_offset

Detailed Description
   template<typename _Tp, typename _Compare>
       class __gnu_parallel::_LoserTreeUnguardedBase< _Tp, _Compare >" Base
       class for unguarded _LoserTree implementation.

       The whole element is copied into the tree structure.

       No guarding is done, therefore not a single input sequence must run
       empty. Unused __sequence heads are marked with a sentinel which is >
       all elements that are to be merged.

       This is a very fast variant.

       Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code.

libstdc++       __gnu_parallel::SLoserTreeUnguardedBase< _Tp, _Compare >(3cxx)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Thu Jan 23 21:12:13 CET 2025.