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mlx5dv_reserved_qpn_alloc /mlx5lProgrammmlx5dvareserved_qpn_alloc / dealloc(3)

       mlx5dv_reserved_qpn_alloc - Allocate a reserved QP number from device

       mlx5dv_reserved_qpn_dealloc - Release the reserved QP number

              #include <infiniband/mlx5dv.h>

              int mlx5dv_reserved_qpn_alloc(struct ibv_context *ctx, uint32_t *qpn);

              int mlx5dv_reserved_qpn_dealloc(struct ibv_context *ctx, uint32_t qpn);

       When work with RDMA_CM RDMA_TCP_PS + external QP support, a client node
       needs GUID level unique QP numbers to comply  with  the  CM’s  timewait

       If  a real unique QP is not allocated, a device global QPN value is re-
       quired and can be allocated via this interface.

       The mlx5 DCI QP is such an example, which could connect to  the  remote
       DCT’s multiple times as long as the application provides unique QPN for
       each new RDMA_CM connection.

       These 2 APIs provide the allocation/deallocation of a unique QP  number
       from/to device.  This qpn can be used with DC QPN in RDMA_CM connection
       establishment, which will comply with the CM timewait kernel logic.

       ctx    The device context to issue the action on.

       qpn    The allocated QP number (for alloc API), or the QP number to  be
              deallocated (for dealloc API).

       0 on success; EOPNOTSUPP if not supported, or other errno value on oth-
       er failures.

       Mark Zhang <markzhang@nvidia.com>

       Alex Rosenbaum <alexr@nvidia.com>

mlx5                              2020-1mlx5dv_reserved_qpn_alloc / dealloc(3)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Mon Feb 3 07:35:39 CET 2025.