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std::literals(3cxx)                                        std::literals(3cxx)

       std::literals - ISO C++ inline namespace for literal suffixes.


       template<char... _Digits> constexpr chrono::hours operator''h ()
           Literal suffix for durations of type std::chrono::hours
       constexpr chrono::duration< long double, ratio< 3600, 1 > > operator''h
           (long double __hours)
           Literal suffix for durations representing non-integer hours.
       constexpr std::complex< double > operator''i (long double __num)
       constexpr std::complex< double > operator''i (unsigned long long __num)
       constexpr std::complex< float > operator''if (long double __num)
       constexpr std::complex< float > operator''if (unsigned long long __num)
       constexpr std::complex< long double > operator''il (long double __num)
       constexpr std::complex< long double > operator''il (unsigned long long
       template<char... _Digits> constexpr chrono::minutes operator''min ()
           Literal suffix for durations of type std::chrono::minutes
       constexpr chrono::duration< long double, ratio< 60, 1 > > operator''min
           (long double __mins)
           Literal suffix for durations representing non-integer minutes.
       template<char... _Digits> constexpr chrono::milliseconds operator''ms
           Literal suffix for durations of type std::chrono::milliseconds
       constexpr chrono::duration< long double, milli > operator''ms (long
           double __msecs)
           Literal suffix for durations representing non-integer milliseconds.
       template<char... _Digits> constexpr chrono::nanoseconds operator''ns ()
           Literal suffix for durations of type std::chrono::nanoseconds
       constexpr chrono::duration< long double, nano > operator''ns (long
           double __nsecs)
           Literal suffix for durations representing non-integer nanoseconds.
       template<char... _Digits> constexpr chrono::seconds operator''s ()
           Literal suffix for durations of type std::chrono::seconds
       basic_string< char > operator''s (const char *__str, size_t __len)
       basic_string< char16_t > operator''s (const char16_t *__str, size_t
       basic_string< char32_t > operator''s (const char32_t *__str, size_t
       basic_string< wchar_t > operator''s (const wchar_t *__str, size_t
       constexpr chrono::duration< long double > operator''s (long double
           Literal suffix for durations representing non-integer seconds.
       constexpr basic_string_view< char > operator''sv (const char *__str,
           size_t __len) noexcept
       constexpr basic_string_view< char16_t > operator''sv (const char16_t
           *__str, size_t __len) noexcept
       constexpr basic_string_view< char32_t > operator''sv (const char32_t
           *__str, size_t __len) noexcept
       constexpr basic_string_view< wchar_t > operator''sv (const wchar_t
           *__str, size_t __len) noexcept
       template<char... _Digits> constexpr chrono::microseconds operator''us
           Literal suffix for durations of type std::chrono::microseconds
       constexpr chrono::duration< long double, micro > operator''us (long
           double __usecs)
           Literal suffix for durations representing non-integer microseconds.

Detailed Description
       ISO C++ inline namespace for literal suffixes.

       Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code.

libstdc++                       Sat May 13 2023            std::literals(3cxx)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Thu Jan 23 20:25:26 CET 2025.