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std::valarray< _Tp >(3cxx)                          std::valarray< _Tp >(3cxx)

       std::valarray< _Tp > - Smart array designed to support numeric

   Public Types
       typedef _Tp value_type

   Public Member Functions
       valarray ()
           Construct an empty array.
       template<class _Dom > valarray (const _Expr< _Dom, _Tp > &__e)
       valarray (const _Tp &, size_t)
           Construct an array with n elements initialized to t.
       template<typename _Tp > valarray (const _Tp *__restrict__ __p, size_t
       valarray (const _Tp *__restrict__, size_t)
           Construct an array initialized to the first n elements of t.
       valarray (const gslice_array< _Tp > &)
           Construct an array with the same size and values in ga.
       valarray (const indirect_array< _Tp > &)
           Construct an array with the same size and values in ia.
       valarray (const mask_array< _Tp > &)
           Construct an array with the same size and values in ma.
       valarray (const slice_array< _Tp > &)
           Construct an array with the same size and values in sa.
       valarray (const valarray &)
           Copy constructor.
       valarray (initializer_list< _Tp >)
           Construct an array with an initializer_list of values.
       valarray (size_t)
           Construct an array with n elements.
       valarray (valarray &&) noexcept
           Move constructor.
       _Expr< _ValFunClos< _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > apply (_Tp func(_Tp)) const
           Apply a function to the array.
       _Expr< _RefFunClos< _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > apply (_Tp func(const _Tp
           &)) const
           Apply a function to the array.
       valarray< _Tp > cshift (int __n) const
           Return a rotated array.
       _Tp max () const
           Return the maximum element using operator<().
       _Tp min () const
           Return the minimum element using operator<().
       _UnaryOp< __logical_not >::_Rt operator! () const
           Return a new valarray by applying unary ! to each element.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator%= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator%= (const _Tp &)
           Set each element e of array to e % t.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator%= (const valarray< _Tp > &)
           Modulo elements of array by corresponding elements of v.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator&= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator&= (const _Tp &)
           Set each element e of array to e & t.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator&= (const valarray< _Tp > &)
           Logical and corresponding elements of v with elements of array.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator*= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator*= (const _Tp &)
           Multiply each element of array by t.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator*= (const valarray< _Tp > &)
           Multiply elements of array by corresponding elements of v.
       _UnaryOp< __unary_plus >::_Rt operator+ () const
           Return a new valarray by applying unary + to each element.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator+= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator+= (const _Tp &)
           Add t to each element of array.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator+= (const valarray< _Tp > &)
           Add corresponding elements of v to elements of array.
       _UnaryOp< __negate >::_Rt operator- () const
           Return a new valarray by applying unary - to each element.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator-= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator-= (const _Tp &)
           Subtract t to each element of array.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator-= (const valarray< _Tp > &)
           Subtract corresponding elements of v from elements of array.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator/= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator/= (const _Tp &)
           Divide each element of array by t.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator/= (const valarray< _Tp > &)
           Divide elements of array by corresponding elements of v.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator<<= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator<<= (const _Tp &)
           Left shift each element e of array by t bits.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator<<= (const valarray< _Tp > &)
           Left shift elements of array by corresponding elements of v.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator= (const _Tp &__t)
           Assign elements to a value.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator= (const gslice_array< _Tp > &__ga)
           Assign elements to an array subset.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator= (const indirect_array< _Tp > &__ia)
           Assign elements to an array subset.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator= (const mask_array< _Tp > &__ma)
           Assign elements to an array subset.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator= (const slice_array< _Tp > &__sa)
           Assign elements to an array subset.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator= (const valarray< _Tp > &__v)
           Assign elements to an array.
       valarray & operator= (initializer_list< _Tp > __l)
           Assign elements to an initializer_list.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator= (valarray< _Tp > &&__v) noexcept
           Move assign elements to an array.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator>>= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator>>= (const _Tp &)
           Right shift each element e of array by t bits.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator>>= (const valarray< _Tp > &)
           Right shift elements of array by corresponding elements of v.
       gslice_array< _Tp > operator[] (const gslice &__s)
           Return a reference to an array subset.
       _Expr< _GClos< _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > operator[] (const gslice &__s)
           Return an array subset.
       mask_array< _Tp > operator[] (const valarray< bool > &__m)
           Return a reference to an array subset.
       valarray< _Tp > operator[] (const valarray< bool > &__m) const
           Return an array subset.
       indirect_array< _Tp > operator[] (const valarray< size_t > &__i)
           Return a reference to an array subset.
       _Expr< _IClos< _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > operator[] (const valarray<
           size_t > &__i) const
           Return an array subset.
       _Tp & operator[] (size_t __i)
       const _Tp & operator[] (size_t) const
       slice_array< _Tp > operator[] (slice __s)
           Return a reference to an array subset.
       _Expr< _SClos< _ValArray, _Tp >, _Tp > operator[] (slice __s) const
           Return an array subset.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator^= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator^= (const _Tp &)
           Set each element e of array to e ^ t.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator^= (const valarray< _Tp > &)
           Logical xor corresponding elements of v with elements of array.
       template<class _Dom > valarray< _Tp > & operator|= (const _Expr< _Dom,
           _Tp > &)
       valarray< _Tp > & operator|= (const _Tp &)
           Set each element e of array to e | t.
       valarray< _Tp > & operator|= (const valarray< _Tp > &)
           Logical or corresponding elements of v with elements of array.
       _UnaryOp< __bitwise_not >::_Rt operator~ () const
           Return a new valarray by applying unary ~ to each element.
       void resize (size_t __size, _Tp __c=_Tp())
           Resize array.
       valarray< _Tp > shift (int __n) const
           Return a shifted array.
       size_t size () const
           Return the number of elements in array.
       _Tp sum () const
           Return the sum of all elements in the array.
       void swap (valarray< _Tp > &__v) noexcept

       struct _Array< _Tp >

Detailed Description
   template<class _Tp>
       class std::valarray< _Tp >" Smart array designed to support numeric

       A valarray is an array that provides constraints intended to allow for
       effective optimization of numeric array processing by reducing the
       aliasing that can result from pointer representations. It represents a
       one-dimensional array from which different multidimensional subsets can
       be accessed and modified.

       Template Parameters
           _Tp Type of object in the array.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation
   template<class _Tp > std::valarray< _Tp >::valarray (const _Tp *
       __restrict__, size_t)
       Construct an array initialized to the first n elements of t.

Member Function Documentation
   template<class _Tp > _UnaryOp<__logical_not>::_Rt std::valarray< _Tp
       >::operator! () const
       Return a new valarray by applying unary ! to each element.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator%= (const
       _Tp &)
       Set each element e of array to e % t.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator%= (const
       valarray< _Tp > &)
       Modulo elements of array by corresponding elements of v.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator&= (const
       _Tp &)
       Set each element e of array to e & t.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator&= (const
       valarray< _Tp > &)
       Logical and corresponding elements of v with elements of array.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator*= (const
       _Tp &)
       Multiply each element of array by t.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator*= (const
       valarray< _Tp > &)
       Multiply elements of array by corresponding elements of v.

   template<class _Tp > _UnaryOp<__unary_plus>::_Rt std::valarray< _Tp
       >::operator+ () const
       Return a new valarray by applying unary + to each element.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator+= (const
       _Tp &)
       Add t to each element of array.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator+= (const
       valarray< _Tp > &)
       Add corresponding elements of v to elements of array.

   template<class _Tp > _UnaryOp<__negate>::_Rt std::valarray< _Tp
       >::operator- () const
       Return a new valarray by applying unary - to each element.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator-= (const
       _Tp &)
       Subtract t to each element of array.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator-= (const
       valarray< _Tp > &)
       Subtract corresponding elements of v from elements of array.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator/= (const
       _Tp &)
       Divide each element of array by t.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator/= (const
       valarray< _Tp > &)
       Divide elements of array by corresponding elements of v.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator<<=
       (const _Tp &)
       Left shift each element e of array by t bits.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator<<=
       (const valarray< _Tp > &)
       Left shift elements of array by corresponding elements of v.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator>>=
       (const _Tp &)
       Right shift each element e of array by t bits.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator>>=
       (const valarray< _Tp > &)
       Right shift elements of array by corresponding elements of v.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator^= (const
       _Tp &)
       Set each element e of array to e ^ t.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator^= (const
       valarray< _Tp > &)
       Logical xor corresponding elements of v with elements of array.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator|= (const
       _Tp &)
       Set each element e of array to e | t.

   template<class _Tp > valarray<_Tp>& std::valarray< _Tp >::operator|= (const
       valarray< _Tp > &)
       Logical or corresponding elements of v with elements of array.

   template<class _Tp > _UnaryOp<__bitwise_not>::_Rt std::valarray< _Tp
       >::operator~ () const
       Return a new valarray by applying unary ~ to each element.

       Generated automatically by Doxygen for libstdc++ from the source code.

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