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tk_popup(3tk)                Tk Built-In Commands                tk_popup(3tk)


       tk_popup - Post a popup menu

       tk_popup menu x y ?entry?

       This  procedure posts a menu at a given position on the screen and con-
       figures Tk so that the menu and its cascaded children can be  traversed
       with  the mouse or the keyboard.  Menu is the name of a menu widget and
       x and y are the root coordinates at which to display the menu.  If  en-
       try  is omitted or an empty string, the menu's upper left corner is po-
       sitioned at the given point.  Otherwise entry gives the index of an en-
       try  in menu and the menu will be positioned so that the entry is posi-
       tioned over the given point.

       How to attach a simple popup menu to a widget.
              # Create a menu
              set m [menu .popupMenu]
              $m add command -label "Example 1" -command bell
              $m add command -label "Example 2" -command bell

              # Create something to attach it to
              pack [label .l -text "Click me!"]

              # Arrange for the menu to pop up when the label is clicked
              bind .l <1> {tk_popup .popupMenu %X %Y}

       bind(3tk), menu(3tk), tk_optionMenu(3tk)

       menu, popup

Tk                                    4.0                        tk_popup(3tk)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Sat Jan 25 04:55:21 CET 2025.