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UNW_CREATE_ADDR_SPACE(3)     Programming Library      UNW_CREATE_ADDR_SPACE(3)

       unw_create_addr_space -- create address space for remote unwinding

       #include <libunwind.h>

       unw_addr_space_t  unw_create_addr_space(unw_accessors_t  *ap, int byte-

       The unw_create_addr_space() routine creates a new unwind  address-space
       and  initializes  it  based on the call-back routines passed via the ap
       pointer and the specified byteorder.  The call-back  routines  are  de-
       scribed  in  detail below. The byteorder can be set to 0 to request the
       default byte-order of  the  unwind  target.  To  request  a  particular
       byte-order, byteorder can be set to any constant defined by <endian.h>.
       In particular, __LITTLE_ENDIAN would request  little-endian  byte-order
       and  __BIG_ENDIAN would request big-endian byte-order. Whether or not a
       particular byte-order is supported depends on the target platform.

       Libunwind uses a set of call-back routines to access the information it
       needs  to  unwind a chain of stack-frames. These routines are specified
       via the ap argument, which points to  a  variable  of  type  unw_acces-
       sors_t.  The contents of this variable is copied into the newly-created
       address space, so the variable must remain valid only for the  duration
       of the call to unw_create_addr_space().

       The first argument to every call-back routine is an address-space iden-
       tifier (as) and the last argument is an  arbitrary,  application-speci-
       fied  void-pointer (arg).  When invoking a call-back routine, libunwind
       sets the as argument to the address-space on whose behalf  the  invoca-
       tion  is made and the arg argument to the value that was specified when
       unw_init_remote(3) was called.

       The synopsis and a detailed description of every call-back routine fol-
       lows below.

       int find_proc_info(unw_addr_space_t as,
                       unw_word_t ip, unw_proc_info_t *pip,
                       int need_unwind_info, void *arg);
       void put_unwind_info(unw_addr_space_t as,
                       unw_proc_info_t *pip, void *arg);
       int get_dyn_info_list_addr(unw_addr_space_t as,
                       unw_word_t *dilap, void *arg);
       int access_mem(unw_addr_space_t as,
                       unw_word_t addr, unw_word_t *valp,
                       int write, void *arg);
       int access_reg(unw_addr_space_t as,
                       unw_regnum_t regnum, unw_word_t *valp,
                       int write, void *arg);
       int access_fpreg(unw_addr_space_t as,
                       unw_regnum_t regnum, unw_fpreg_t *fpvalp,
                       int write, void *arg);
       int resume(unw_addr_space_t as,
                       unw_cursor_t *cp, void *arg);
       int get_proc_name(unw_addr_space_t as,
                       unw_word_t addr, char *bufp,
                       size_t buf_len, unw_word_t *offp,
                       void *arg);

       Libunwind invokes the find_proc_info() call-back to locate the informa-
       tion need to unwind a particular procedure. The ip argument is  an  in-
       struction-address inside the procedure whose information is needed. The
       pip argument is a pointer to the variable used to  return  the  desired
       information.  The  type  of  this  variable  is  unw_proc_info_t.   See
       unw_get_proc_info(3) for details. Argument need_unwind_info is zero  if
       the call-back does not need to provide values for the following members
       in the unw_proc_info_t structure:  format,  unwind_info_size,  and  un-
       wind_info.   If  need_unwind_info  is non-zero, valid values need to be
       returned in these members. Furthermore, the contents of the memory  ad-
       dressed  by  the unwind_info member must remain valid until the info is
       released via the put_unwind_info call-back (see below).

       On successful completion, the find_proc_info()  call-back  must  return
       zero.  Otherwise,  the  negative  value  of  one of the unw_error_t er-
       ror-codes may be returned. In particular,  this  call-back  may  return
       -UNW_ESTOPUNWIND to signal the end of the frame-chain.

       Libunwind  invokes  the  put_unwind_info() call-back to release the re-
       sources  (such  as  memory)   allocated   by   a   previous   call   to
       find_proc_info()  with  the need_unwind_info argument set to a non-zero
       value. The pip argument has the same value as the argument of the  same
       name  in the previous matching call to find_proc_info().  Note that li-
       bunwind does not invoke put_unwind_info for calls  to  find_proc_info()
       with a zero need_unwind_info argument.

       Libunwind  invokes the get_dyn_info_list_addr() call-back to obtain the
       address of the head of the dynamic unwind-info registration  list.  The
       variable   stored   at  the  returned  address  must  have  a  type  of
       unw_dyn_info_list_t (see _U_dyn_register(3)).  The dliap argument is  a
       pointer  to  a  variable of type unw_word_t which is used to return the
       address of the dynamic unwind-info registration list. If no dynamic un-
       wind-info  registration  list exist, the value pointed to by dliap must
       be cleared  to  zero.  Libunwind  will  cache  the  value  returned  by
       get_dyn_info_list_addr()  if  caching  is  enabled  for  the  given ad-
       dress-space. The cache can be cleared with a call to unw_flush_cache().

       On successful completion, the get_dyn_info_list_addr()  call-back  must
       return  zero.  Otherwise,  the negative value of one of the unw_error_t
       error-codes may be returned.

       Libunwind invokes the access_mem() call-back to read from or write to a
       word  of memory in the target address-space. The address of the word to
       be accessed is passed in argument addr.  To read memory, libunwind sets
       argument  write to zero and valp to point to the word that receives the
       read value. To  write  memory,  libunwind  sets  argument  write  to  a
       non-zero value and valp to point to the word that contains the value to
       be written. The word that valp points to is always in the byte-order of
       the host-platform, regardless of the byte-order of the target. In other
       words, it is the responsibility of the call-back routine to convert be-
       tween the target's and the host's byte-order, if necessary.

       On  successful completion, the access_mem() call-back must return zero.
       Otherwise, the negative value of one of the unw_error_t error-codes may
       be returned.

       Libunwind invokes the access_reg() call-back to read from or write to a
       scalar (non-floating-point) CPU register. The index of the register  to
       be  accessed  is passed in argument regnum.  To read a register, libun-
       wind sets argument write to zero and valp to point to the word that re-
       ceives  the  read  value.  To write a register, libunwind sets argument
       write to a non-zero value and valp to point to the word  that  contains
       the  value to be written. The word that valp points to is always in the
       byte-order of the host-platform, regardless of the  byte-order  of  the
       target.  In other words, it is the responsibility of the call-back rou-
       tine to convert between the target's and the host's byte-order, if nec-

       On  successful completion, the access_reg() call-back must return zero.
       Otherwise, the negative value of one of the unw_error_t error-codes may
       be returned.

       Libunwind invokes the access_fpreg() call-back to read from or write to
       a floating-point CPU register. The index of the register to be accessed
       is passed in argument regnum.  To read a register, libunwind sets argu-
       ment write  to  zero  and  fpvalp  to  point  to  a  variable  of  type
       unw_fpreg_t  that  receives the read value. To write a register, libun-
       wind sets argument write to a non-zero value and fpvalp to point to the
       variable of type unw_fpreg_t that contains the value to be written. The
       word that  fpvalp  points  to  is  always  in  the  byte-order  of  the
       host-platform,  regardless  of  the  byte-order of the target. In other
       words, it is the responsibility of the call-back routine to convert be-
       tween the target's and the host's byte-order, if necessary.

       On  successful  completion,  the  access_fpreg()  call-back must return
       zero. Otherwise, the negative value  of  one  of  the  unw_error_t  er-
       ror-codes may be returned.

       Libunwind  invokes  the  resume()  call-back to resume execution in the
       target address space. Argument cp is the unwind-cursor that  identifies
       the stack-frame in which execution should resume. By the time libunwind
       invokes the resume call-back, it has already  established  the  desired
       machine-  and memory-state via calls to the access_reg(), access_fpreg,
       and access_mem() call-backs. Thus, all the call-back  needs  to  do  is
       perform whatever action is needed to actually resume execution.

       The  resume  call-back is invoked only in response to a call to unw_re-
       sume(3), so applications which never invoke unw_resume(3) need not  de-
       fine the resume callback.

       On successful completion, the resume() call-back must return zero. Oth-
       erwise, the negative value of one of the unw_error_t error-codes may be
       returned.  As  a special case, when resuming execution in the local ad-
       dress space, the call-back will not return on success.

       Libunwind invokes the get_proc_name() call-back to  obtain  the  proce-
       dure-name  of  a static (not dynamically generated) procedure. Argument
       addr is an instruction-address within the procedure whose name is to be
       obtained.  The bufp argument is a pointer to a character-buffer used to
       return the procedure name. The size of this buffer is specified in  ar-
       gument  buf_len.  The returned name must be terminated by a NUL charac-
       ter. If the procedure's name is longer than buf_len bytes, it  must  be
       truncated  to  buf_len-1 bytes, with the last byte in the buffer set to
       the NUL character and -UNW_ENOMEM must be returned. Argument offp is  a
       pointer  to  a word which is used to return the byte-offset relative to
       the start of the procedure whose name is being returned.  For  example,
       if   procedure  foo()  starts  at  address  0x40003000,  then  invoking
       get_proc_name() with addr set to 0x40003080 should return  a  value  of
       0x80 in the word pointed to by offp (assuming the procedure is at least
       0x80 bytes long).

       On successful completion, the  get_proc_name()  call-back  must  return
       zero.  Otherwise,  the  negative  value  of  one of the unw_error_t er-
       ror-codes may be returned.

       On successful completion, unw_create_addr_space()  returns  a  non-NULL
       value  that represents the newly created address-space. Otherwise, NULL
       is returned.

       unw_create_addr_space() is thread-safe but not safe to use from a  sig-
       nal handler.

       _U_dyn_register(3),       libunwind(3),      unw_destroy_addr_space(3),
       unw_get_proc_info(3), unw_init_remote(3), unw_resume(3)

       David Mosberger-Tang
       Email: dmosberger@gmail.com
       WWW: http://www.nongnu.org/libunwind/.

Programming Library             16 August 2007        UNW_CREATE_ADDR_SPACE(3)

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