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SUDO_LOGSRVD.CONF(5)        BSD File Formats Manual       SUDO_LOGSRVD.CONF(5)

     sudo_logsrvd.conf — configuration for sudo_logsrvd

     The sudo_logsrvd.conf file is used to configure the sudo_logsrvd log
     server.  It uses an INI-style format made up of sections in square brack-
     ets and “key = value” pairs specific to each section below the section
     name.  Depending on the key, values may be integers, booleans, or
     strings.  Section and key names are not case sensitive, but values are.

     The pound sign (‘#’) is used to indicate a comment.  Both the comment
     character and any text after it, up to the end of the line, are ignored.
     Lines beginning with a semi-colon (‘;’) are also ignored.

     Long lines can be continued with a backslash (‘\’) as the last character
     on the line.  Note that leading white space is removed from the beginning
     of lines even when the continuation character is used.

     The EXAMPLES section contains a copy of the default sudo_logsrvd.conf

     The following configuration sections are recognized:


     Each section is described in detail below.

     The server section configures the address and port the server will listen
     on.  The following keys are recognized:

     listen_address = host[:port][(tls)]
               The host name or IP address, optional port to listen on and an
               optional Transport Layer Security (TLS) flag in parentheses.

               The host may be a host name, an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address
               in square brackets or the wild card entry ‘*’.  A host setting
               of ‘*’ will cause sudo_logsrvd to listen on all configured net-
               work interfaces.

               If the optional tls flag is present, sudo_logsrvd will secure
               the connection with TLS version 1.2 or 1.3.  Versions of TLS
               prior to 1.2 are not supported.  See sudo_logsrvd(8) for de-
               tails on generating TLS keys and certificates.

               If a port is specified, it may either be a port number or a
               known service name as defined by the system service name data-
               base.  If no port is specified, port 30343 will be used for
               plaintext connections and port 30344 will be used for TLS con-

               The default value is:
                     listen_address = *:30343
                     listen_address = *:30344(tls)
               which will listen on all configured network interfaces for both
               plaintext and TLS connections.  Multiple listen_address lines
               may be specified to listen on more than one port or interface.

     server_log = string
               Where to log server warning and error messages.  Supported val-
               ues are none, stderr, syslog, or a path name beginning with the
               ‘/’ character.  Note that a value of stderr is only effective
               when used in conjunction with the -n option.  The default value
               is syslog.

     pid_file = path
               The path to the file containing the process ID of the running
               sudo_logsrvd.  If set to an empty value, or if sudo_logsrvd is
               run with the -n option, no pid_file will be created.  If
               pid_file refers to a symbolic link, it will be ignored.  The
               default value is /run/sudo/sudo_logsrvd.pid.

     tcp_keepalive = boolean
               If true, sudo_logsrvd will enable the TCP keepalive socket op-
               tion on the client connection.  This enables the periodic
               transmission of keepalive messages to the client.  If the
               client does not respond to a message in time, the connection
               will be closed.  Defaults to true.

     timeout = number
               The amount of time, in seconds, sudo_logsrvd will wait for the
               client to respond.  A value of 0 will disable the timeout.  The
               default value is 30.

     tls_cacert = path
               The path to a certificate authority bundle file, in PEM format,
               to use instead of the system's default certificate authority
               database when authenticating clients.  The default is to use
               /etc/ssl/sudo/cacert.pem if it exists, otherwise the system's
               default certificate authority database is used.

     tls_cert = path
               The path to the server's certificate file, in PEM format.  The
               default value is /etc/ssl/sudo/certs/logsrvd_cert.pem.

     tls_checkpeer = bool
               If true, client certificates will be validated by sudo_logsrvd;
               clients without a valid certificate will be unable to connect.
               If false, no validation of client certificates will be per-
               formed.  It true and client certificates are created using a
               private certificate authority, the tls_cacert setting must be
               set to a CA bundle that contains the CA certificate used to
               generate the client certificate.  The default value is false.

     tls_ciphers_v12 = string
               A list of ciphers to use for connections secured by TLS version
               1.2 only, separated by a colon ‘:’.  See the CIPHER LIST FORMAT
               section in openssl-ciphers(1) for full details.  The default
               value is HIGH:!aNULL which consists of encryption cipher suites
               with key lengths larger than 128 bits, and some cipher suites
               with 128-bit keys.  Cipher suites that offer no authentication
               are excluded.

     tls_ciphers_v13 = string
               A list of ciphers to use for connections secured by TLS version
               1.3 only, separated by a colon ‘:’.  Supported cipher suites
               depend on the version of OpenSSL used, but should include the


               The default cipher suite is TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384.

     tls_dhparams = path
               The path to a file containing custom Diffie-Hellman parameters
               in PEM format.  This file can be created with the following

               openssl dhparam -out /etc/sudo_logsrvd_dhparams.pem 2048

               By default, sudo_logsrvd will use the OpenSSL defaults for
               Diffie-Hellman key generation.

     tls_key = path
               The path to the server's private key file, in PEM format.  The
               default value is /etc/ssl/sudo/private/logsrvd_key.pem.

     tls_verify = bool
               If true, sudo_logsrvd.conf will validate its own certificate at
               startup time or when the configuration is changed.  If false,
               no verification is performed of the server certificate.  When
               using self-signed certificates without a certificate authority,
               this setting should be set to false.  The default value is

     The relay section configures the optional logsrv relay host and port the
     server will connect to.  The TLS configuration keys are optional, by de-
     fault the corresponding keys in the server section will be used.  They
     are only present in this section to make it possible for the relay con-
     nection to use a different set of TLS parameters from the client-facing
     server.  The following keys are recognized:

     connect_timeout = number
               The amount of time, in seconds, sudo_logsrvd will wait for the
               connection to a relay_host (see below) to complete.  Once the
               connection is complete, the timeout setting controls the amount
               of time sudo_logsrvd will wait for the relay to respond.  A
               value of 0 will disable the timeout.  The default value is 30.

     relay_dir = path
               The directory in which log messages are temporarily stored be-
               fore they are sent to the relay host.  Messages are stored in
               the wire format specified by sudo_logsrv.proto(5) The default
               value is /var/log/sudo_logsrvd.

     relay_host = host[:port][(tls)]
               The relay host name or IP address, optional port to connect to
               and an optional Transport Layer Security (TLS) flag in paren-
               theses.  The syntax is identical to listen_address in the
               server section with one exception: the wild card ‘*’ syntax is
               not supported.

               When this setting is enabled, messages from the client will be
               forwarded to one of the specified relay hosts instead of being
               stored locally.  The host could be running an instance of
               sudo_logsrvd or another server that supports the
               sudo_logsrv.proto(5) protocol.

               If multiple relay_host lines are specified, the first available
               relay host will be used.

     retry_interval = number
               The number of seconds to wait after a connection error before
               making a new attempt to forward a message to a relay host.  The
               default value is 30 seconds.

     store_first = boolean
               If true, sudo_logsrvd will store logs locally before relaying
               them.  Once the log is complete, a connection to the relay host
               is opened and the log is relayed.  If the network connection is
               interrupted before the log can be fully transferred, it will be
               retransmitted later.  The default is to relay logs in real-

     tcp_keepalive = boolean
               If true, sudo_logsrvd will enable the TCP keepalive socket op-
               tion on the relay connection.  This enables the periodic trans-
               mission of keepalive messages to the relay server.  If the re-
               lay does not respond to a message in time, the connection will
               be closed.

     timeout = number
               The amount of time, in seconds, sudo_logsrvd will wait for the
               relay server to respond after a connection has succeeded.  A
               value of 0 will disable the timeout.  The default value is 30.

     tls_cacert = path
               The path to a certificate authority bundle file, in PEM format,
               to use instead of the system's default certificate authority
               database when authenticating clients.  The default is to use
               the value specified in the server section, or the system's de-
               fault certificate authority database if no value is set.

     tls_cert = path
               The path to the server's certificate file, in PEM format.  The
               default is to use the value specified in the server section.

     tls_checkpeer = bool
               If true, the relay host's certificate will be validated by
               sudo_logsrvd; connections to a relay without a valid certifi-
               cate will fail.  If false, no validation of relay certificates
               will be performed.  It true and relay certificates are created
               using a private certificate authority, the tls_cacert setting
               must be set to a CA bundle that contains the CA certificate
               used to generate the relay certificate.  The default is to use
               the value specified in the server section.

     tls_ciphers_v12 = string
               A list of ciphers to use for connections secured by TLS version
               1.2 only, separated by a colon ‘:’.  See the CIPHER LIST FORMAT
               section in openssl-ciphers(1) for full details.  The default is
               to use the value specified in the server section.

     tls_ciphers_v13 = string
               A list of ciphers to use for connections secured by TLS version
               1.3 only, separated by a colon ‘:’.  Supported cipher suites
               depend on the version of OpenSSL used, see the server section
               for more information.  The default is to use the value speci-
               fied in the server section.

     tls_dhparams = path
               The path to a file containing custom Diffie-Hellman parameters
               in PEM format.  The default is to use the value specified in
               the server section.

     tls_key = path
               The path to the server's private key file, in PEM format.  The
               default is to use the value specified in the server section.

     tls_verify = bool
               If true, the server's certificate used for relaying will be
               verified at startup.  If false, no verification is performed of
               the server certificate.  When using self-signed certificates
               without a certificate authority, this setting should be set to
               false.  The default is to use the value specified in the server

     The iolog section configures I/O log parameters.  These settings are
     identical to the I/O configuration in sudoers(5).  The following keys are

     iolog_compress = boolean
               If set, I/O logs will be compressed using zlib.  Enabling com-
               pression can make it harder to view the logs in real-time as
               the program is executing due to buffering.  The default value
               is false.

     iolog_dir = path
               The top-level directory to use when constructing the path name
               for the I/O log directory.  The session sequence number, if
               any, is stored in the directory.  The default value is

               The following percent (‘%’) escape sequences are supported:

                     expanded to a monotonically increasing base-36 sequence
                     number, such as 0100A5, where every two digits are used
                     to form a new directory, e.g., 01/00/A5

                     expanded to the invoking user's login name

                     expanded to the name of the invoking user's real group-ID

                     expanded to the login name of the user the command will
                     be run as (e.g., root)

                     expanded to the group name of the user the command will
                     be run as (e.g., wheel)

                     expanded to the local host name without the domain name

                     expanded to the base name of the command being run

               In addition, any escape sequences supported by the system's
               strftime(3) function will be expanded.

               To include a literal ‘%’ character, the string ‘%%’ should be

     iolog_file = path
               The path name, relative to iolog_dir, in which to store I/O
               logs.  Note that iolog_file may contain directory components.
               The default value is %{seq}.

               See the iolog_dir setting above for a list of supported percent
               (‘%’) escape sequences.

               In addition to the escape sequences, path names that end in six
               or more Xs will have the Xs replaced with a unique combination
               of digits and letters, similar to the mktemp(3) function.

               If the path created by concatenating iolog_dir and iolog_file
               already exists, the existing I/O log file will be truncated and
               overwritten unless iolog_file ends in six or more Xs.

     iolog_flush = boolean
               If set, I/O log data is flushed to disk after each write in-
               stead of buffering it.  This makes it possible to view the logs
               in real-time as the program is executing but may significantly
               reduce the effectiveness of I/O log compression.  I/O logs are
               always flushed before sending a commit point to the client re-
               gardless of this setting.  The default value is true.

     iolog_group = name
               The group name to look up when setting the group-ID on new I/O
               log files and directories.  If iolog_group is not set, the pri-
               mary group-ID of the user specified by iolog_user is used. If
               neither iolog_group nor iolog_user are set, I/O log files and
               directories are created with group-ID 0.

     iolog_mode = mode
               The file mode to use when creating I/O log files.  Mode bits
               for read and write permissions for owner, group, or other are
               honored, everything else is ignored.  The file permissions will
               always include the owner read and write bits, even if they are
               not present in the specified mode.  When creating I/O log di-
               rectories, search (execute) bits are added to match the read
               and write bits specified by iolog_mode.  The default value is

     iolog_user = name
               The user name to look up when setting the owner of new I/O log
               files and directories.  If iolog_group is set, it will be used
               instead of the user's primary group-ID.  By default, I/O log
               files and directories are created with user and group-ID 0.

     maxseq = number
               The maximum sequence number that will be substituted for the
               “%{seq}” escape in the I/O log file (see the iolog_dir descrip-
               tion above for more information).  While the value substituted
               for “%{seq}” is in base 36, maxseq itself should be expressed
               in decimal.  Values larger than 2176782336 (which corresponds
               to the base 36 sequence number “ZZZZZZ”) will be silently trun-
               cated to 2176782336.  The default value is 2176782336.

     The eventlog section configures how (and if) security policy events are

     log_type = string
           Where to log accept, reject, and alert events reported by the pol-
           icy.  Supported values are syslog, logfile, and none.  The default
           value is syslog.

     log_exit = boolean
           If true, sudo_logsrvd will log an event when a command exits or is
           terminated by a signal.  Defaults to false.

     log_format = string
           The event log format.  Supported log formats are “sudo” for tradi-
           tional sudo-style logs and “json” for JSON-format logs.  The JSON
           log entries contain the full contents of the accept, reject, exit
           and alert messages.  The default value is sudo.

     The syslog section configures how events are logged via syslog(3).

     facility = string
           Syslog facility if syslog is being used for logging.  Defaults to

           The following syslog facilities are supported: authpriv (if your OS
           supports it), auth, daemon, user, local0, local1, local2, local3,
           local4, local5, local6, and local7.

     accept_priority = string
           Syslog priority to use when the user is allowed to run a command
           and authentication is successful.  Defaults to notice.

           The following syslog priorities are supported: alert, crit, debug,
           emerg, err, info, notice, warning, and none.  Setting it to a value
           of none will disable logging of successful commands.

     reject_priority = string
           Syslog priority to use when the user is not allowed to run a com-
           mand or when authentication is unsuccessful.  Defaults to alert.

           See accept_priority for the list of supported syslog priorities.

     alert_priority = string
           Syslog priority to use for event log alert messages received from
           the client.  Defaults to alert.

           See accept_priority for the list of supported syslog priorities.

     maxlen = number
           On many systems, syslog(3) has a relatively small log buffer.  IETF
           RFC 5424 states that syslog servers must support messages of at
           least 480 bytes and should support messages up to 2048 bytes.  By
           default, sudo_logsrvd creates log messages up to 960 bytes which
           corresponds to the historic BSD syslog implementation which used a
           1024 byte buffer to store the message, date, hostname, and program

           To prevent syslog messages from being truncated, sudo_logsrvd will
           split up sudo-style log messages that are larger than maxlen bytes.
           When a message is split, additional parts will include the string
           “(command continued)” after the user name and before the continued
           command line arguments.  JSON-format log entries are never split
           and are not affected by maxlen.

     server_facility = string
           Syslog facility if syslog is being used for server warning mes-
           sages.  See above for a list of supported facilities.  Defaults to

     The logfile section consists of settings related to logging to a plain
     file (not syslog).

     path = string
           The path to the file-based event log.  This path must be fully-
           qualified and start with a ‘/’ character.  The default value is

     time_format = string
           The string used when formatting the date and time for file-based
           event logs.  Formatting is performed via the system's strftime(3)
           function so any escape sequences supported by that function will be
           expanded.  The default value is “%h %e %T” which produces dates
           like “Oct 3 07:15:24” in the C locale.

     /etc/sudo_logsrvd.conf    Sudo log server configuration file

     # sudo logsrv daemon configuration

     # The host name or IP address and port to listen on with an optional TLS
     # flag.  If no port is specified, port 30343 will be used for plaintext
     # connections and port 30344 will be used to TLS connections.
     # The following forms are accepted:
     #   listen_address = hostname(tls)
     #   listen_address = hostname:port(tls)
     #   listen_address = IPv4_address(tls)
     #   listen_address = IPv4_address:port(tls)
     #   listen_address = [IPv6_address](tls)
     #   listen_address = [IPv6_address]:port(tls)
     # The (tls) suffix should be omitted for plaintext connections.
     # Multiple listen_address settings may be specified.
     # The default is to listen on all addresses.
     #listen_address = *:30343
     #listen_address = *:30344(tls)

     # The file containing the ID of the running sudo_logsrvd process.
     #pid_file = /run/sudo/sudo_logsrvd.pid

     # Where to log server warnings: none, stderr, syslog, or a path name.
     #server_log = syslog

     # If true, enable the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option on client connections.
     # Defaults to true.
     #tcp_keepalive = true

     # The amount of time, in seconds, the server will wait for the client to
     # respond.  A value of 0 will disable the timeout.  The default value is 30.
     #timeout = 30

     # If true, the server will validate its own certificate at startup.
     # Defaults to true.
     #tls_verify = true

     # If true, client certificates will be validated by the server;
     # clients without a valid certificate will be unable to connect.
     # By default, client certs are not checked.
     #tls_checkpeer = false

     # Path to a certificate authority bundle file in PEM format to use
     # instead of the system's default certificate authority database.
     #tls_cacert = /etc/ssl/sudo/cacert.pem

     # Path to the server's certificate file in PEM format.
     # Required for TLS connections.
     #tls_cert = /etc/ssl/sudo/certs/logsrvd_cert.pem

     # Path to the server's private key file in PEM format.
     # Required for TLS connections.
     #tls_key = /etc/ssl/sudo/private/logsrvd_key.pem

     # TLS cipher list (see "CIPHER LIST FORMAT" in the openssl-ciphers manual).
     # NOTE that this setting is only effective if the negotiated protocol
     # is TLS version 1.2.
     # The default cipher list is HIGH:!aNULL.
     #tls_ciphers_v12 = HIGH:!aNULL

     # TLS cipher list if the negotiated protocol is TLS version 1.3.
     # The default cipher list is TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384.
     #tls_ciphers_v13 = TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

     # Path to the Diffie-Hellman parameter file in PEM format.
     # If not set, the server will use the OpenSSL defaults.
     #tls_dhparams = /etc/ssl/sudo/logsrvd_dhparams.pem

     # The host name or IP address and port to send logs to in relay mode.
     # The syntax is identical to listen_address with the exception of
     # the wild card ('*') syntax.  When this setting is enabled, logs will
     # be relayed to the specified host instead of being stored locally.
     # This setting is not enabled by default.
     #relay_host = relayhost.dom.ain
     #relay_host = relayhost.dom.ain(tls)

     # The amount of time, in seconds, the server will wait for a connection
     # to the relay server to complete.  A value of 0 will disable the timeout.
     # The default value is 30.
     #connect_timeout = 30

     # The directory to store messages in before they are sent to the relay.
     # Messages are stored in wire format.
     # The default value is /var/log/sudo_logsrvd.
     #relay_dir = /var/log/sudo_logsrvd

     # The number of seconds to wait after a connection error before
     # making a new attempt to forward a message to a relay host.
     # The default value is 30.
     #retry_interval = 30

     # Whether to store the log before relaying it.  If true, enable store
     # and forward mode.  If false, the client connection is immediately
     # relayed.  Defaults to false.
     #store_first = true

     # If true, enable the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option on relay connections.
     # Defaults to true.
     #tcp_keepalive = true

     # The amount of time, in seconds, the server will wait for the relay to
     # respond.  A value of 0 will disable the timeout.  The default value is 30.
     #timeout = 30

     # If true, the server's relay certificate will be verified at startup.
     # The default is to use the value in the [server] section.
     #tls_verify = true

     # Whether to verify the relay's certificate for TLS connections.
     # The default is to use the value in the [server] section.
     #tls_checkpeer = false

     # Path to a certificate authority bundle file in PEM format to use
     # instead of the system's default certificate authority database.
     # The default is to use the value in the [server] section.
     #tls_cacert = /etc/ssl/sudo/cacert.pem

     # Path to the server's certificate file in PEM format.
     # The default is to use the certificate in the [server] section.
     #tls_cert = /etc/ssl/sudo/certs/logsrvd_cert.pem

     # Path to the server's private key file in PEM format.
     # The default is to use the key in the [server] section.
     #tls_key = /etc/ssl/sudo/private/logsrvd_key.pem

     # TLS cipher list (see "CIPHER LIST FORMAT" in the openssl-ciphers manual).
     # NOTE that this setting is only effective if the negotiated protocol
     # is TLS version 1.2.
     # The default is to use the value in the [server] section.
     #tls_ciphers_v12 = HIGH:!aNULL

     # TLS cipher list if the negotiated protocol is TLS version 1.3.
     # The default is to use the value in the [server] section.
     #tls_ciphers_v13 = TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

     # Path to the Diffie-Hellman parameter file in PEM format.
     # The default is to use the value in the [server] section.
     #tls_dhparams = /etc/ssl/sudo/logsrvd_dhparams.pem

     # The top-level directory to use when constructing the path name for the
     # I/O log directory.  The session sequence number, if any, is stored here.
     #iolog_dir = /var/log/sudo-io

     # The path name, relative to iolog_dir, in which to store I/O logs.
     # Note that iolog_file may contain directory components.
     #iolog_file = %{seq}

     # If set, I/O logs will be compressed using zlib.  Enabling compression can
     # make it harder to view the logs in real-time as the program is executing.
     #iolog_compress = false

     # If set, I/O log data is flushed to disk after each write instead of
     # buffering it.  This makes it possible to view the logs in real-time
     # as the program is executing but reduces the effectiveness of compression.
     #iolog_flush = true

     # The group to use when creating new I/O log files and directories.
     # If iolog_group is not set, the primary group-ID of the user specified
     # by iolog_user is used.  If neither iolog_group nor iolog_user
     # are set, I/O log files and directories are created with group-ID 0.
     #iolog_group = wheel

     # The user to use when setting the user-ID and group-ID of new I/O
     # log files and directories.  If iolog_group is set, it will be used
     # instead of the user's primary group-ID.  By default, I/O log files
     # and directories are created with user and group-ID 0.
     #iolog_user = root

     # The file mode to use when creating I/O log files.  The file permissions
     # will always include the owner read and write bits, even if they are
     # not present in the specified mode.  When creating I/O log directories,
     # search (execute) bits are added to match the read and write bits
     # specified by iolog_mode.
     #iolog_mode = 0600

     # The maximum sequence number that will be substituted for the "%{seq}"
     # escape in the I/O log file.  While the value substituted for "%{seq}"
     # is in base 36, maxseq itself should be expressed in decimal.  Values
     # larger than 2176782336 (which corresponds to the base 36 sequence
     # number "ZZZZZZ") will be silently truncated to 2176782336.
     #maxseq = 2176782336

     # Where to log accept, reject, exit, and alert events.
     # Accepted values are syslog, logfile, or none.
     # Defaults to syslog
     #log_type = syslog

     # Whether to log an event when a command exits or is terminated by a signal.
     # Defaults to false
     #log_exit = true

     # Event log format.
     # Currently only sudo-style event logs are supported.
     #log_format = sudo

     # The maximum length of a syslog payload.
     # On many systems, syslog(3) has a relatively small log buffer.
     # IETF RFC 5424 states that syslog servers must support messages
     # of at least 480 bytes and should support messages up to 2048 bytes.
     # Messages larger than this value will be split into multiple messages.
     #maxlen = 960

     # The syslog facility to use for event log messages.
     # The following syslog facilities are supported: authpriv (if your OS
     # supports it), auth, daemon, user, local0, local1, local2, local3,
     # local4, local5, local6, and local7.
     #facility = authpriv

     # Syslog priority to use for event log accept messages, when the command
     # is allowed by the security policy.  The following syslog priorities are
     # supported: alert, crit, debug, emerg, err, info, notice, warning, none.
     #accept_priority = notice

     # Syslog priority to use for event log reject messages, when the command
     # is not allowed by the security policy.
     #reject_priority = alert

     # Syslog priority to use for event log alert messages reported by the
     # client.
     #alert_priority = alert

     # The syslog facility to use for server warning messages.
     # Defaults to daemon.
     #server_facility = daemon

     # The path to the file-based event log.
     # This path must be fully-qualified and start with a '/' character.
     #path = /var/log/sudo

     # The format string used when formatting the date and time for
     # file-based event logs.  Formatting is performed via strftime(3) so
     # any format string supported by that function is allowed.
     #time_format = %h %e %T

     strftime(3), sudo.conf(5), sudoers(5), sudo(8), sudo_logsrvd(8)

     See the HISTORY file in the sudo distribution (https://www.sudo.ws/his-
     tory.html) for a brief history of sudo.

     Many people have worked on sudo over the years; this version consists of
     code written primarily by:

           Todd C. Miller

     See the CONTRIBUTORS file in the sudo distribution
     (https://www.sudo.ws/contributors.html) for an exhaustive list of people
     who have contributed to sudo.

     If you feel you have found a bug in sudo, please submit a bug report at

     Limited free support is available via the sudo-users mailing list, see
     https://www.sudo.ws/mailman/listinfo/sudo-users to subscribe or search
     the archives.

     sudo is provided “AS IS” and any express or implied warranties, includ-
     ing, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and
     fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.  See the LICENSE file
     distributed with sudo or https://www.sudo.ws/license.html for complete

Sudo 1.9.9                     January 19, 2022                     Sudo 1.9.9

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Fri Jan 24 02:42:11 CET 2025.