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CREATE STATISTICS(7)    PostgreSQL 14.15 Documentation    CREATE STATISTICS(7)

       CREATE_STATISTICS - define extended statistics

       CREATE STATISTICS [ IF NOT EXISTS ] statistics_name
           ON ( expression )
           FROM table_name

       CREATE STATISTICS [ IF NOT EXISTS ] statistics_name
           [ ( statistics_kind [, ... ] ) ]
           ON { column_name | ( expression ) }, { column_name | ( expression ) } [, ...]
           FROM table_name

       CREATE STATISTICS will create a new extended statistics object tracking
       data about the specified table, foreign table or materialized view. The
       statistics object will be created in the current database and will be
       owned by the user issuing the command.

       The CREATE STATISTICS command has two basic forms. The first form
       allows univariate statistics for a single expression to be collected,
       providing benefits similar to an expression index without the overhead
       of index maintenance. This form does not allow the statistics kind to
       be specified, since the various statistics kinds refer only to
       multivariate statistics. The second form of the command allows
       multivariate statistics on multiple columns and/or expressions to be
       collected, optionally specifying which statistics kinds to include.
       This form will also automatically cause univariate statistics to be
       collected on any expressions included in the list.

       If a schema name is given (for example, CREATE STATISTICS
       myschema.mystat ...) then the statistics object is created in the
       specified schema. Otherwise it is created in the current schema. The
       name of the statistics object must be distinct from the name of any
       other statistics object in the same schema.

           Do not throw an error if a statistics object with the same name
           already exists. A notice is issued in this case. Note that only the
           name of the statistics object is considered here, not the details
           of its definition.

           The name (optionally schema-qualified) of the statistics object to
           be created.

           A multivariate statistics kind to be computed in this statistics
           object. Currently supported kinds are ndistinct, which enables
           n-distinct statistics, dependencies, which enables functional
           dependency statistics, and mcv which enables most-common values
           lists. If this clause is omitted, all supported statistics kinds
           are included in the statistics object. Univariate expression
           statistics are built automatically if the statistics definition
           includes any complex expressions rather than just simple column
           references. For more information, see Section 14.2.2 and
           Section 72.2.

           The name of a table column to be covered by the computed
           statistics. This is only allowed when building multivariate
           statistics. At least two column names or expressions must be
           specified, and their order is not significant.

           An expression to be covered by the computed statistics. This may be
           used to build univariate statistics on a single expression, or as
           part of a list of multiple column names and/or expressions to build
           multivariate statistics. In the latter case, separate univariate
           statistics are built automatically for each expression in the list.

           The name (optionally schema-qualified) of the table containing the
           column(s) the statistics are computed on; see ANALYZE(7) for an
           explanation of the handling of inheritance and partitions.

       You must be the owner of a table to create a statistics object reading
       it. Once created, however, the ownership of the statistics object is
       independent of the underlying table(s).

       Expression statistics are per-expression and are similar to creating an
       index on the expression, except that they avoid the overhead of index
       maintenance. Expression statistics are built automatically for each
       expression in the statistics object definition.

       Extended statistics are not currently used by the planner for
       selectivity estimations made for table joins. This limitation will
       likely be removed in a future version of PostgreSQL.

       Create table t1 with two functionally dependent columns, i.e.,
       knowledge of a value in the first column is sufficient for determining
       the value in the other column. Then functional dependency statistics
       are built on those columns:

           CREATE TABLE t1 (
               a   int,
               b   int

           INSERT INTO t1 SELECT i/100, i/500
                            FROM generate_series(1,1000000) s(i);

           ANALYZE t1;

           -- the number of matching rows will be drastically underestimated:
           EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (a = 1) AND (b = 0);

           CREATE STATISTICS s1 (dependencies) ON a, b FROM t1;

           ANALYZE t1;

           -- now the row count estimate is more accurate:
           EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (a = 1) AND (b = 0);

       Without functional-dependency statistics, the planner would assume that
       the two WHERE conditions are independent, and would multiply their
       selectivities together to arrive at a much-too-small row count
       estimate. With such statistics, the planner recognizes that the WHERE
       conditions are redundant and does not underestimate the row count.

       Create table t2 with two perfectly correlated columns (containing
       identical data), and an MCV list on those columns:

           CREATE TABLE t2 (
               a   int,
               b   int

           INSERT INTO t2 SELECT mod(i,100), mod(i,100)
                            FROM generate_series(1,1000000) s(i);

           CREATE STATISTICS s2 (mcv) ON a, b FROM t2;

           ANALYZE t2;

           -- valid combination (found in MCV)
           EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE (a = 1) AND (b = 1);

           -- invalid combination (not found in MCV)
           EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE (a = 1) AND (b = 2);

       The MCV list gives the planner more detailed information about the
       specific values that commonly appear in the table, as well as an upper
       bound on the selectivities of combinations of values that do not appear
       in the table, allowing it to generate better estimates in both cases.

       Create table t3 with a single timestamp column, and run queries using
       expressions on that column. Without extended statistics, the planner
       has no information about the data distribution for the expressions, and
       uses default estimates. The planner also does not realize that the
       value of the date truncated to the month is fully determined by the
       value of the date truncated to the day. Then expression and ndistinct
       statistics are built on those two expressions:

           CREATE TABLE t3 (
               a   timestamp

           INSERT INTO t3 SELECT i FROM generate_series('2020-01-01'::timestamp,
                                                        '1 minute'::interval) s(i);

           ANALYZE t3;

           -- the number of matching rows will be drastically underestimated:
             WHERE date_trunc('month', a) = '2020-01-01'::timestamp;

             WHERE date_trunc('day', a) BETWEEN '2020-01-01'::timestamp
                                            AND '2020-06-30'::timestamp;

           EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT date_trunc('month', a), date_trunc('day', a)
              FROM t3 GROUP BY 1, 2;

           -- build ndistinct statistics on the pair of expressions (per-expression
           -- statistics are built automatically)
           CREATE STATISTICS s3 (ndistinct) ON date_trunc('month', a), date_trunc('day', a) FROM t3;

           ANALYZE t3;

           -- now the row count estimates are more accurate:
             WHERE date_trunc('month', a) = '2020-01-01'::timestamp;

             WHERE date_trunc('day', a) BETWEEN '2020-01-01'::timestamp
                                            AND '2020-06-30'::timestamp;

           EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT date_trunc('month', a), date_trunc('day', a)
              FROM t3 GROUP BY 1, 2;

       Without expression and ndistinct statistics, the planner has no
       information about the number of distinct values for the expressions,
       and has to rely on default estimates. The equality and range conditions
       are assumed to have 0.5% selectivity, and the number of distinct values
       in the expression is assumed to be the same as for the column (i.e.
       unique). This results in a significant underestimate of the row count
       in the first two queries. Moreover, the planner has no information
       about the relationship between the expressions, so it assumes the two
       WHERE and GROUP BY conditions are independent, and multiplies their
       selectivities together to arrive at a severe overestimate of the group
       count in the aggregate query. This is further exacerbated by the lack
       of accurate statistics for the expressions, forcing the planner to use
       a default ndistinct estimate for the expression derived from ndistinct
       for the column. With such statistics, the planner recognizes that the
       conditions are correlated, and arrives at much more accurate estimates.

       There is no CREATE STATISTICS command in the SQL standard.


PostgreSQL 14.15                     2024                 CREATE STATISTICS(7)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Mon Feb 3 07:46:57 CET 2025.