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Data::Printer::Object(User Contributed Perl DocumentData::Printer::Object(3pm)

       Data::Printer::Object - underlying object for Data::Printer

       Unless you're writing a plugin, or looking for some configuration
       property details the documentation you want is probably on
       Data::Printer. Seriously!

       This module implements the underlying object used by Data::Printer to
       parse, format and print Perl data structures.

       It is passed to plugins so they can rely on contextual information from
       the caller like colors, spacing and other options.

   Scalar Options

       When set, will detect and let you know of any tainted data (default: 1)
       Note that this is a no-op unless your script is in taint mode, meaning
       it's running with different real and effective user/group IDs, or with
       the -T flag. See perlsec for extra information.


       Whether to label data that has the unicode flag set. (default: 1)


       Perl can interpret strings as numbers and vice-versa, but that doesn't
       mean it always gets it right. When this option is set to "lax",
       Data::Printer will show both values if they differ. If set to "strict",
       it will always show both values, and when set to "off" it will never
       show the second value. (default: lax)


       Let's you know whenever a value is an lvalue (default: 1)


       The maximum number of characters to display in a string. If the string
       is bigger than that, Data::Printer will trim a part of the string (set
       by string_preserve) and replace it with the message set on
       string_overflow. Set "string_max" to 0 to show all characters (default:


       Message to display once string_max is reached. Defaults to
       "(...skipping __SKIPPED__ chars...)".


       When the string has more characters than string_max, this option
       defines which part of the string to preserve. Can be set to 'begin',
       'middle' or 'end'. (default: 'begin')


       Which quotation character to use when printing strings (default: ")


       Use this to escape certain characters from strings, which could be
       useful if your terminal is in a different encoding than the data being
       printed. Can be set to 'nonascii', 'nonlatin1', 'all' or 'none'
       (default: none).


       whether to use the character's names when escaping unicode (e.g.
       SNOWMAN instead of \x{2603}) (default: 0)


       Wether to print invisible characters in strings, like \b, \n and \t
       (default: 0)


       If a reference to a scalar value is found more than once, print the
       resolved value. For example, you may have an object that you reuse to
       represent 'true' or 'false'. If you have more than one of those in your
       data, Data::Printer will by default print the second one as a circular
       reference. When this option is set to true, it will instead resolve the
       scalar value and keep going. (default: false)

   Array Options

       The maximum number of array elements to show. If the array is bigger
       than that, Data::Printer will trim the offending slice (set by
       array_preserve) and replace it with the message set on array_overflow.
       Set "array_max" to 0 to show all elements in the array, regardless of
       array size (default: 100)


       Message to display once array_max is reached. Defaults to "(...skipping
       __SKIPPED__ items...)".


       When an array has more elements than array_max, this option defines
       which part of the array to preserve. Can be set to 'begin', 'middle' or
       'end'. (default: 'begin')


       When set, shows the index number before each array element. (default:

       Hash Options


       If this option is set, hash keys  will be vertically aligned by the
       length of the longest key.

       This is better explained with an example, so consider the hash "my %h =
       ( a => 123, aaaaaa => 456 )". This would be an unaligned output:

           a => 123,
           aaaaaa => 456

       and this is what it looks like with "align_hash = 1":

           a      => 123,
           aaaaaa => 456

       (default: 1)


       The maximum number of hash key/value pairs to show. If the hash is
       bigger than that, Data::Printer will trim the offending slice (set by
       hash_preserve) and replace it with the message set on hash_overflow.
       Set "hash_max" to 0 to show all elements in the hash, regardless of the
       total keys. (default: 100)


       Message to display once hash_max is reached. Defaults to "(...skipping
       __SKIPPED__ keys...)".


       When a hash has more elements than hash_max, this option defines which
       part of the hash to preserve. Can be set to 'begin', 'middle' or 'end'.
       Note that Perl makes no promises regarding key order, so this option
       only makes sense if keys are sorted. In other words, if you have
       disabled sort_keys, expect random keys to be shown regardless of which
       part was preserved. (default: 'begin')


       What to use to separate keys from values. Default is '   ' (three


       Whether to sort keys when printing the contents of a hash (default: 1)


       Whether to quote hash keys or not. Can be set to 1 (always quote), 0
       (never quote) or 'auto' to quote only when a key contains spaces or
       linebreaks. (default: 'auto')

   Caller Information
       Data::Printer can add an informational message to every call to "p()"
       or "np()" if you enable "caller_info". So for example if you write:

           my $var = "meep!";
           p $var, caller_info => 1;

       this will output something like:

           Printing in line 2 of myapp.pl:

       The following options let you customize the message and how it is


       Set this option to a true value to display a message next to the data
       being printed. (default: 0)


       What message to print when caller_info is true.

       Defaults to ""Printing in line __LINE__ of __FILENAME__"".

       If the special strings "__LINE__", "__FILENAME__" or "__PACKAGE__" are
       present in the message, they'll be interpolated into their according
       value so you can customize the message at will:

           caller_message = "[__PACKAGE__:__LINE__]"


       When true, skips a line when printing caller_message.  When false, only
       a single space is added between the message and the data.  (default: 1)


       This option controls where the caller_message will appear in relation
       to the code being printed. Can be set to 'before' or 'after'. A line is
       always skipped between the message and the data (either before or
       after), unless you set caller_message_newline to 0.  (default:

   General Options

       Data::Printer shows circular references as a data path, indicating
       where in the data that reference points to. You may use this option to
       control if/when should it print reference arrows. Possible values are
       'all' (e.g "var->{x}->[y]->[z]"), 'first' ("var->{x}[y][z]") or 'none'
       ("var{x}[y][z]"). Default is 'none'.


       Whether to colorize the output or not. Can be set to 1 (always
       colorize), 0 (never colorize) or 'auto'. Default is 'auto', meaning it
       will colorize only when printing to STDOUT or STDERR, never to a file
       or to a variable. The 'auto' setting also respects the
       "ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED" environment variable.


       If the data structure contains a subroutine reference, this options can
       be set to deparse it and print the underlying code, which hopefully
       resembles the original source code. (default: 0)


       When set, the last item on an array or hash will always contain a
       trailing separator. (default: 0)


       Set to true and Data::Printer will show the estimate memory size of the
       data structure being printed. Requires Devel::Size. (default: 0)


       If show_memsize is on, this option lets you specify the unit in which
       to show the memory size. Can be set to "b" to show size in bytes, "k"
       for kilobytes, "m" for megabytes or "auto", which will use the biggest
       unit that makes sense. (default: auto)


       Where you want the output to be printed. Can be set to the following

       •   'stderr' - outputs to the standard error handle.

       •   'stdout' - outputs to the standard output handle.

       •   reference to a scalar (e.g. "\$string") - outputs to the scalar

       •   file handle - any open file handle:

               open my $fh, '>>', '/path/to/some/file.log' or die $!;
               p @{[ 1,2,3 ]}, output => $fh;

       •   file path - if you pass a non-empty string that is not 'stderr' nor
           'stdout', Data::Printer will consider it to be a file path and
           create/append to it automatically for you. So you can do this in
           your ".dataprinter":

               output = /path/to/some/file.log

           By default, Data::Printer will print to the standard error


       This setting controls how far inside the data structure we should go
       (default: 0 for no depth limit)


       Whether the user wants the return value to be a pass-through of the
       source data ('pass'), the dump content itself ('dump') or nothing at
       all ('void').

       Defaults to 'pass' since version 0.36. NOTE: if you set it to 'dump',
       make sure it's not the last statement of a subroutine or that, if it
       is, the sub is only called in void context.


       The separator character(s) to use for arrays and hashes. The default is
       the comma ",".


       When this option is set, Data::Printer will let you know whenever a
       value is read-only. (default: 1)


       Whether to show data refcount it's above 1 (default: 0)


       When this option is set, Data::Printer will let you know whenever it
       finds a weak reference (default: 1)


       When set to true, this option will let you know whenever a tied
       variable is detected, including what is tied to it (default: 1)


           theme = Monokai

       This setting gets/sets the current color theme module. The default
       theme is Material. Data::Printer ships with several themes for you to
       choose, and you can create your own theme or use any other from CPAN.


       If something goes wrong when parsing your data or printing it to the
       selected output, Data::Printer by default shows you a warning from the
       standpoint of the actual call to "p()" or "np()". To silence those
       warnings, set this option to 0.

   Class / Object Options

       When Data::Printer is printing an object, it first looks for a method
       named ""_dataprinter"" and, if one is found, we call it instead of
       actually parsing the structure.

       This way, module authors can control how Data::Printer outputs their
       objects the best possible way by simply adding a private method instead
       of having to write a full filter or even adding Data::Printer as a

       To disable this behavior, simply set this option to false or an empty
       string.  You can also change it to a different name and Data::Printer
       will look for that instead.

       class - class properties to override.

       This "namespace" gets/sets all class properties that are used by the
       standard class filter that ships with Data::Printer. Note that, if you
       are using a specific filter for that object, most (if not all) of the
       settings below will not apply.

       In your ".dataprinter" file, the defaults would look like this:

           class.parents            = 1
           class.linear_isa         = auto
           class.universal          = 0
           class.expand             = 1
           class.stringify          = 1
           class.show_reftype       = 0
           class.show_overloads     = 1
           class.show_methods       = all
           class.sort_methods       = 1
           class.inherited          = public
           class.format_inheritance = lines
           class.parent_filters     = 1
           class.internals          = 1

       In code, you should use the "class" namespace as a key to a hash

           use Data::Printer class => {
               parents            => 1,
               linear_isa         => 'auto',
               universal          => 0,
               expand             => 1,
               stringify          => 1,
               show_reftype       => 0,
               show_overloads     => 1,
               show_methods       => 'all',
               sort_methods       => 1,
               inherited          => 'public',
               format_inheritance => 'lines',
               parent_filters     => 1,
               internals          => 1,

       Or inline:

           p $some_object, class => { internals => 1,  ... };


       When set, shows all superclasses of the object being printed. (default:


       This setting controls whether to show the linearized @ISA, which is the
       order of preference in which the object's methods and attributes are
       resolved according to its inheritance. Can be set to 1 (always show), 0
       (never show) or 'auto', which shows only when the object has more than
       one superclass.  (default: 'auto')


       Set this option to 1 to include UNIVERSAL methods to the list of public
       methods (like "can" and "isa"). (default: 0)


       Sets how many levels to descend when printing classes, in case their
       internals point to other classes. Set this to 0 to never expand any
       objects, just show their name. Set to any integer number and when
       Data::Printer reaches that depth, only the class name will be printed.
       Set to 'all' to always expand objects found inside your object.
       (default: 1)


       When this option is set, Data::Printer will check if the object being
       printed contains any methods named "as_string", "to_string" or
       "stringify". If it does, Data::Printer will use it as the object's
       output instead of the generic class plugin. (default: 1)


       If set to a true value, Data::Printer will show the internal reference
       type of the object. (default: 0)


       This option includes a list of all overloads implemented by the object.
       (default: 1)


       Controls which of the object's direct methods to show. Can be set to
       'none', 'all', 'private' or 'public'. (default: 'all')


       When listing methods, this option will order them alphabetically,
       rather than on whatever order the list of methods returned. (default:


       Controls which of the object's parent methods to show. Can be set to
       'none', 'all', 'private' or 'public'. (default: 'public')


       This option controls how to format the list of methods set by a parent
       class (and not the class itself). Setting it to 'lines' it will print
       one line for each parent, like so:

           public methods (5):
               foo, bar
                   baz, meep

       Setting it to 'string', it will put all methods on the same line:

           public methods (5): foo, bar, baz (Parent::Class), meep (Parent::CLass), moop (Other::Parent)

       Default is: 'lines'.


       If there is no filter for the given object's class, there may still be
       a filter for one of its parent classes. When this option is set,
       Data::Printer will traverse the object's superclass and use the first
       filter it finds, if one is present. (default: 1)


       Shows the object's internal data structure. (default: 1)

       Some options are so often used together we have created shortcuts for


           p $somevar, as => 'is this right?';

       The ""as"" shortcut activates caller_info and sets caller_message to
       whatever you set it to. It's really useful to quickly differentiate
       between sequential uses of "p()".


           p $somevar, multiline => 0;

       When set to 0, disables array index and linebreaks, uses ':' as hash
       separator and '(...)' as overflow for hashes, arrays and strings, and
       also disables 'caller_message_newline' so any caller message is shown
       on the same line as the variable being printed. If this is set on a
       global configuration or on the ".dataprinter" file, Can be "undone" by
       setting it to "1".


           p $somevar, fulldump => 1;

       By default, Data::Printer limits the size of string/array/hash dumps to
       a (hopefully) reasonable size. Still, sometimes you really need to see
       everything. To completely disable such limits, just set this option to

   Methods and Accessors for Filter Writers
       The following attributes could be useful if you're writing your own
       custom filters or maybe even a non-obvious profile. Otherwise, no need
       to worry about any of them ;)

       And make sure to check out the current filter list for real usage




       These methods are used to control the indentation level of the string
       being created to represent your data. While "indent" and "outdent"
       respectively increase and decrease the indentation level, "newline"
       will add a linebreak and position the "cursor" where you are expected
       to continue your dump string:

           my $output = $ddp->newline . 'this is a new line';
           $output .= $ddp->newline . 'this is indented';
           $output .= $ddp->newline . 'back to our previous indentation!';

       Unless multiline was set to 0, the code above should print something

           this is a new line
               this is indented
           back to our previous indentation


       Data::Printer will read and pass-through any unrecognized settings in
       either your ".dataprinter" file or your inline arguments inside this
       structure.  This is useful to create custom settings for your filters.

       While any and all unknown settings will be readable here, we recommend
       you prepend them with a namespace like "filter_xxx" as those are
       reserved for filters and thus guaranteed not to colide with any core
       Data::Printer settings now or in the future.

       For example, on the Web filter we have the "expand_headers" option, and
       even though Data::Printer itself doesn't have this option, we prepend
       everything with the "filter_web" namespace, either in the config file:

           filter_web.expand_headers = 1

       or inline:

           p $http_response, filters => ['Web'], filter_web => { expand_headers => 1 };

       maybe_colorize( $string, $label )

       maybe_colorize( $string, $label, $default_color )

           my $output = $ddp->maybe_colorize( 12.3, 'number');

       Instead of simply adding raw content to your dump string, you should
       wrap it with this method, as it will look up colors on the current
       theme and print them (or not, depending on whether the terminal
       supports color or the user has explicitly turned them off).

       If you are writing a custom filter and don't want to use the core
       labels to colorize your content, you may want to set your own label and
       pass a default color. For example:

           my $output = $ddp->maybe_colorize( $data, 'filter_myclass', '#ffccb3' );

       In the code above, if the user has "colors.filter_myclass" set either
       on the ".dataprinter" file or the runtime hashref, that one will be
       used. Otherwise, Data::Printer will use '#ffccb3'.


       Shows the current depth level, from 0 onwards.


       Gets/sets the name for the current posistion, to be printed when the
       parser visits that data again. E.g. "var[0]{abc}[2]".

       parse( $data_ref )

       parse( $data_ref, %options )

       This method receives a reference to a data structure to parse, and
       returns the parsed string. It will call each filter and colorize the
       output accordingly.

       Use this inside filters whenever you want to use the result of a parsed
       data strucure.

           my $output = $ddp->parse( [3,2,1] );

       An optional set of parameters may be passed:

       •   "force_type => $type" - forces data to be treated as that type,
           where $type is the name of the Perl data strucuture as returned by
           Scalar::Util::reftype (e.g. 'HASH', 'ARRAY' etc). This is used when
           a filter wants to show the internals of blessed data. Otherwise
           parse would just call the same filter over and over again.

       •   "seen_override => 1" - Data::Printer::Object tries to remember if
           it has already seen a data structure before, so it can show the
           circular reference instead of entenring an infinite loop. However,
           there are cases when you want to print the same data structure
           twice, like when you're doing a second pass on a blessed object to
           print its internals, or if you're using the same object over and
           over again. This setting overrides the internal counter and prints
           the same data again. Check unsee below for another way to achieve

       parse_as( $type, $data_ref )

       This is a convenience method to force some data to be interpreted as a
       particular type. It is the same as:

           $ddp->parse( $data, force_type => $type, seen_override => 1 );

   unsee( $data )
       Sometimes you are writing a filter for data that you know will be
       repeated several times, like JSON Boolean objects. To prevent
       Data::Printer from showing this content as repeated, you can use the
       "unsee" method to make the current object forget about having ever
       visited this data.

       You'll most like never need this unless you're planning on extending
       Data::Printer itself.

   new( %options )
       Creates a new Data::Printer::Object instance. It may (optionally)
       receive a hash or hash reference with custom settings for any of its


perl v5.32.1                      2021-05-03        Data::Printer::Object(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Sun Feb 2 14:21:50 CET 2025.