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Iterator(3pm)         User Contributed Perl Documentation        Iterator(3pm)

       Iterator - A general-purpose iterator class.

       This documentation describes version 0.03 of Iterator.pm, October 10,

        use Iterator;

        # Making your own iterators from scratch:
        $iterator = Iterator->new ( sub { code } );

        # Accessing an iterator's values in turn:
        $next_value = $iterator->value();

        # Is the iterator out of values?
        $boolean = $iterator->is_exhausted();
        $boolean = $iterator->isnt_exhausted();

        # Within {code}, above:
        Iterator::is_done();    # to signal end of sequence.

       This module is meant to be the definitive implementation of iterators,
       as popularized by Mark Jason Dominus's lectures and recent book (Higher
       Order Perl, Morgan Kauffman, 2005).

       An "iterator" is an object, represented as a code block that generates
       the "next value" of a sequence, and generally implemented as a closure.
       When you need a value to operate on, you pull it from the iterator.  If
       it depends on other iterators, it pulls values from them when it needs
       to.  Iterators can be chained together (see Iterator::Util for
       functions that help you do just that), queueing up work to be done but
       not actually doing it until a value is needed at the front end of the
       chain.  At that time, one data value is pulled through the chain.

       Contrast this with ordinary array processing, where you load or compute
       all of the input values at once, then loop over them in memory.  It's
       analogous to the difference between looping over a file one line at a
       time, and reading the entire file into an array of lines before
       operating on it.

       Iterator.pm provides a class that simplifies creation and use of these
       iterator objects.  Other "Iterator::" modules (see "SEE ALSO") provide
       many general-purpose and special-purpose iterator functions.

       Some iterators are infinite (that is, they generate infinite
       sequences), and some are finite.  When the end of a finite sequence is
       reached, the iterator code block should throw an exception of the type
       "Iterator::X::Am_Now_Exhausted"; this is usually done via the "is_done"
       function..  This will signal the Iterator class to mark the object as
       exhausted.  The "is_exhausted" method will then return true, and the
       "isnt_exhausted" method will return false.  Any further calls to the
       "value" method will throw an exception of the type
       "Iterator::X::Exhausted".  See "DIAGNOSTICS".

       Note that in many, many cases, you will not need to explicitly create
       an iterator; there are plenty of iterator generation and manipulation
       functions in the other associated modules.  You can just plug them
       together like building blocks.

            $iter = Iterator->new( sub { code } );

           Creates a new iterator object.  The code block that you provide
           will be invoked by the "value" method.  The code block should have
           some way of maintaining state, so that it knows how to return the
           next value of the sequence each time it is called.

           If the code is called after it has generated the last value in its
           sequence, it should throw an exception:

               Iterator::X::Am_Now_Exhausted->throw ();

           This very commonly needs to be done, so there is a convenience
           function for it:

               Iterator::is_done ();

            $next_value = $iter->value ();

           Returns the next value in the iterator's sequence.  If "value" is
           called on an exhausted iterator, an "Iterator::X::Exhausted"
           exception is thrown.

           Note that these iterators can only return scalar values.  If you
           need your iterator to return a list or hash, it will have to return
           an arrayref or hashref.

            $bool = $iter->is_exhausted ();

           Returns true if the iterator is exhausted.  In this state, any call
           to the iterator's "value" method will throw an exception.

            $bool = $iter->isnt_exhausted ();

           Returns true if the iterator is not yet exhausted.


           You call this function after your iterator code has generated its
           last value.  See "TUTORIAL".  This is simply a convenience wrapper


       Typically, when people approach a problem that involves manipulating a
       bunch of data, their first thought is to load it all into memory, into
       an array, and work with it in-place.  If you're only dealing with one
       element at a time, this approach usually wastes memory needlessly.

       For example, one might get a list of files to operate on, and loop over

           my @files = fetch_file_list(....);
           foreach my $file (@files)
       If C<fetch_file_list> were modified to return an iterator instead of
       an array, the same code could look like this:

           my $file_iterator = fetch_file_list(...)
           while ($file_iterator->isnt_exhausted)

       The advantage here is that the whole list does not take up memory while
       each individual element is being worked on.  For a list of files,
       that's probably not a lot of overhead.  For the contents of a file, on
       the other hand, it could be huge.

       If a function requires a list of items as its input, the overhead is

           sub myfunc
               my @things = @_;

       Now in addition to the array in the calling code, Perl must copy that
       array to @_, and then copy it again to @things.  If you need to massage
       the input from somewhere, it gets even worse:

           my @data = get_things_from_somewhere();
           my @filtered_data = grep {code} @data;
           my @transformed_data = map {code} @filtered_data;
           myfunc (@transformed_data);

       If "myfunc" is rewritten to use an Iterator instead of an array, things
       become much simpler:

           my $data = ilist (get_things_from_somewhere());
           $filtered_data = igrep {code} $data;
           $transformed_data = imap {code} $filtered_data;
           myfunc ($transformed_data);

       (This example assumes that the "get_things_from_somewhere" function
       cannot be modified to return an Iterator.  If it can, so much the
       better!)  Now the original list is still in memory, inside the $data
       Iterator, but everwhere else, there is only one data element in memory
       at a time.

       Another advantage of Iterators is that they're homogeneous.  This is
       useful for uncoupling library code from application code.  Suppose you
       have a library function that grabs data from a filehandle:

           sub my_lib_func
               my $fh = shift;

       If you need "my_lib_func" to get its data from a different source, you
       must either modify it, or make a new copy of it that gets its input
       differently, or you must jump through hoops to make the new input
       stream look like a Perl filehandle.

       On the other hand, if "my_lib_func" accepts an iterator, then you can
       pass it data from a filehandle:

           my $data = ifile "my_input.txt";
           $result = my_lib_func($data);

       Or a database handle:

           my $data = imap {$_->{IMPORTANT_COLUMN}}
                      idb_rows($dbh, 'select IMPORTANT_COLUMN from foo');
           $result = my_lib_func($data);

       If you later decide you need to transform the data, or process only
       every 10th data row, or whatever:

           $result = my_lib_func(imap {magic($_)} $data);
           $result = my_lib_func(inth 10, $data);

       The library function doesn't care.  All it needs is an iterator.

       Chapter 4 of Dominus's book (See "SEE ALSO") covers this topic in some

   Word of Warning
       When you use an iterator in separate parts of your program, or as an
       argument to the various iterator functions, you do not get a copy of
       the iterator's stream of values.

       In other words, if you grab a value from an iterator, then some other
       part of the program grabs a value from the same iterator, you will be
       getting different values.

       This can be confusing if you're not expecting it.  For example:

           my $it_one = Iterator->new ({something});
           my $it_two = some_iterator_transformation $it_one;
           my $value  = $it_two->value();
           my $whoops = $it_one->value;

       Here, "some_iterator_transformation" takes an iterator as an argument,
       and returns an iterator as a result.  When a value is fetched from
       $it_two, it internally grabs a value from $it_one (and presumably
       transforms it somehow).  If you then grab a value from $it_one, you'll
       get its second value (or third, or whatever, depending on how many
       values $it_two grabbed), not the first.

       Let's create a date iterator.  It'll take a DateTime object as a
       starting date, and return successive days -- that is, it'll add 1 day
       each iteration.  It would be used as follows:

        use DateTime;

        $iter = (...something...);
        $day1 = $iter->value;           # Initial date
        $day2 = $iter->value;           # One day later
        $day3 = $iter->value;           # Two days later

       The easiest way to create such an iterator is by using a closure.  If
       you're not familiar with the concept, it's fairly simple: In Perl, the
       code within an anonymous block has access to all the lexical variables
       that were in scope at the time the block was created.  After the
       program then leaves that lexical scope, those lexical variables remain
       accessible by that code block for as long as it exists.

       This makes it very easy to create iterators that maintain their own
       state.  Here we'll create a lexical scope by using a pair of braces:

        my $iter;
           my $dt = DateTime->now();
           $iter = Iterator->new( sub
               my $return_value = $dt->clone;
               $dt->add(days => 1);
               return $return_value;

       Because $dt is lexically scoped to the outermost block, it is not
       addressable from any code elsewhere in the program.  But the anonymous
       block within the "new" method's parentheses can see $dt.  So $dt does
       not get garbage-collected as long as $iter contains a reference to it.

       The code within the anonymous block is simple.  A copy of the current
       $dt is made, one day is added to $dt, and the copy is returned.

       You'll probably want to encapsulate the above block in a subroutine, so
       that you could call it from anywhere in your program:

        sub date_iterator
            my $dt = DateTime->now();
            return Iterator->new( sub
                my $return_value = $dt->clone;
                $dt->add(days => 1);
                return $return_value;

       If you look at the source code in Iterator::Util, you'll see that just
       about all of the functions that create iterators look very similar to
       the above "date_iterator" function.

       Of course, you'd probably want to be able to pass arguments to
       "date_iterator", say a starting date, maybe an increment other than "1
       day".  But the basic idea is the same.

       The above date iterator is an infinite (well, unbounded) iterator.
       Let's look at how to indicate that your iterator has reached the end of
       its sequence of values.  Let's write a scaled-down version of irange
       from the Iterator::Util module -- one that takes a start value and an
       end value and always increments by 1.

        sub irange_limited
            my ($start, $end) = @_;

            return Iterator->new (sub
                    if $start > $end;

                return $start++;

       The iterator itself is very simple (this sort of thing gets to be easy
       once you get the hang of it).  The new element here is the signalling
       that the sequence has ended, and the iterator's work is done.
       "is_done" is how your code indicates this to the Iterator object.

       You may also want to throw an exception if the user specified bad input
       parameters.  There are a couple ways you can do this.

            die "Too few parameters to irange_limited"  if @_ < 2;
            die "Too many parameters to irange_limited" if @_ > 2;
            my ($start, $end) = @_;

       This is the simplest way; you just use "die" (or "croak").  You may
       choose to throw an Iterator parameter error, though; this will make
       your function work more like one of Iterator.pm's built in functions:

                "Too few parameters to irange_limited")
                if @_ < 2;
                "Too many parameters to irange_limited")
                if @_ > 2;
            my ($start, $end) = @_;

       No symbols are exported to the caller's namespace.

       Iterator uses Exception::Class objects for throwing exceptions.  If
       you're not familiar with Exception::Class, don't worry; these exception
       objects work just like $@ does with "die" and "croak", but they are
       easier to work with if you are trapping errors.

       All exceptions thrown by Iterator have a base class of Iterator::X.
       You can trap errors with an eval block:

        eval { $foo = $iterator->value(); };

       and then check for errors as follows:

        if (Iterator::X->caught())  {...

       You can look for more specific errors by looking at a more specific

        if (Iterator::X::Exhausted->caught())  {...

       Some exceptions may provide further information, which may be useful
       for your exception handling:

        if (my $ex = Iterator::X::User_Code_Error->caught())
            my $exception = $ex->eval_error();

       If you choose not to (or cannot) handle a particular type of exception
       (for example, there's not much to be done about a parameter error), you
       should rethrow the error:

        if (my $ex = Iterator::X->caught())
            if ($ex->isa('Iterator::X::Something_Useful'))

       •   Parameter Errors

           Class: "Iterator::X::Parameter_Error"

           You called an Iterator method with one or more bad parameters.
           Since this is almost certainly a coding error, there is probably
           not much use in handling this sort of exception.

           As a string, this exception provides a human-readable message about
           what the problem was.

       •   Exhausted Iterators

           Class: "Iterator::X::Exhausted"

           You called "value" on an iterator that is exhausted; that is, there
           are no more values in the sequence to return.

           As a string, this exception is "Iterator is exhausted."

       •   End of Sequence

           Class: "Iterator::X::Am_Now_Exhausted"

           This exception is not thrown directly by any Iterator.pm methods,
           but is to be thrown by iterator sequence generation code; that is,
           the code that you pass to the "new" constructor.  Your code won't
           catch an "Am_Now_Exhausted" exception, because the Iterator object
           will catch it internally and set its "is_exhausted" flag.

           The simplest way to throw this exception is to use the "is_done"

            Iterator::is_done() if $something;

       •   User Code Exceptions

           Class: "Iterator::X::User_Code_Error"

           This exception is thrown when the sequence generation code throws
           any sort of error besides "Am_Now_Exhausted".  This could be
           because your code explicitly threw an error (that is, "die"d), or
           because it otherwise encountered an exception (any runtime error).

           This exception has one method, "eval_error", which returns the
           original $@ that was trapped by the Iterator object.  This may be a
           string or an object, depending on how "die" was invoked.

           As a string, this exception evaluates to the stringified $@.

       •   I/O Errors

           Class: "Iterator::X::IO_Error"

           This exception is thrown when any sort of I/O error occurs; this
           only happens with the filesystem iterators.

           This exception has one method, "os_error", which returns the
           original $! that was trapped by the Iterator object.

           As a string, this exception provides some human-readable
           information along with $!.

       •   Internal Errors

           Class: "Iterator::X::Internal_Error"

           Something happened that I thought couldn't possibly happen.  I
           would appreciate it if you could send me an email message detailing
           the circumstances of the error.

       Requires the following additional module:

       Exception::Class, v1.21 or later.

SEE ALSOHigher Order Perl, Mark Jason Dominus, Morgan Kauffman 2005.


       •   The Iterator::Util module, for general-purpose iterator functions.

       •   The Iterator::IO module, for filesystem and stream iterators.

       •   The Iterator::DBI module, for iterating over a DBI record set.

       •   The Iterator::Misc module, for various oddball iterator functions.

       Much thanks to Will Coleda and Paul Lalli (and the RPI lily crowd in
       general) for suggestions for the pre-release version.

       Eric J. Roode, roode@cpan.org

       Copyright (c) 2005 by Eric J. Roode.  All Rights Reserved.  This module
       is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
       same terms as Perl itself.

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perl v5.32.0                      2020-12-28                     Iterator(3pm)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Fri Jan 24 06:11:12 CET 2025.