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Math::BigInt::FastCalc(PerllProgrammers ReferenceMath::BigInt::FastCalc(3perl)

       Math::BigInt::FastCalc - Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed

           # to use it with Math::BigInt
           use Math::BigInt lib => 'FastCalc';

           # to use it with Math::BigFloat
           use Math::BigFloat lib => 'FastCalc';

           # to use it with Math::BigRat
           use Math::BigRat lib => 'FastCalc';

       Math::BigInt::FastCalc inherits from Math::BigInt::Calc.

       Provides support for big integer calculations. Not intended to be used
       by other modules. Other modules which sport the same functions can also
       be used to support Math::BigInt, like Math::BigInt::GMP or

       In order to allow for multiple big integer libraries, Math::BigInt was
       rewritten to use library modules for core math routines. Any module
       which follows the same API as this can be used instead by using the

               use Math::BigInt lib => 'libname';

       'libname' is either the long name ('Math::BigInt::Pari'), or only the
       short version like 'Pari'. To use this library:

               use Math::BigInt lib => 'FastCalc';

       Math::BigInt::FastCalc works exactly like Math::BigInt::Calc. Numbers
       are stored in decimal form chopped into parts.

       The following functions are now implemented in FastCalc.xs:

               _is_odd         _is_even        _is_one         _is_zero
               _is_two         _is_ten
               _zero           _one            _two            _ten
               _acmp           _len
               _inc            _dec
               __strip_zeros   _copy

       Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-math-bigint-fastcalc
       at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at
       (requires login).  We will be notified, and then you'll automatically
       be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

       You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

           perldoc Math::BigInt::FastCalc

       You can also look for information at:

       •   RT: CPAN's request tracker


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       This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the same terms as Perl itself.

       Original math code by Mark Biggar, rewritten by Tels
       <http://bloodgate.com/> in late 2000.  Separated from BigInt and shaped
       API with the help of John Peacock.

       Fixed, sped-up and enhanced by Tels http://bloodgate.com 2001-2003.
       Further streamlining (api_version 1 etc.) by Tels 2004-2007.

       Bug-fixing by Peter John Acklam <pjacklam@online.no> 2010-2016.

       Math::BigInt::Lib for a description of the API.

       Alternative libraries Math::BigInt::Calc, Math::BigInt::GMP, and

       Some of the modules that use these libraries Math::BigInt,
       Math::BigFloat, and Math::BigRat.

perl v5.34.0                      2023-11-23     Math::BigInt::FastCalc(3perl)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Fri Jan 24 00:01:23 CET 2025.