PTREPACK(1) General Commands Manual PTREPACK(1) NAME ptrepack - Copy any PyTables Leaf, Group or complete subtree into an- other file. SYNOPSIS ptrepack -h -v -o -R start,stop,step --non-recursive --dest-title=title --dont-copyuser-attrs --overwrite-nodes --complevel=(0-9) --complib=lib --shuffle=(0|1) --fletcher32=(0|1) --keep-source-filters --upgrade-fla- vors --dont-regenerate-old-indexes sourcefile:sourcegroup dest- file:destgroup DESCRIPTION Copy any Leaf, Group or complete subtree from a PyTables file into an- other file. OPTIONS A summary of options is included below. -h Prints a help text. -v Show more information. -o Overwrite destination file. -R RANGE Select a RANGE of rows in the form start,stop,step during the copy of all the leaves. --non-recursive Do not do a recursive copy. Default is to do it. --dest-title=title Title for the new file (if not specified, the source is copied). --dont-copy-userattrs Do not copy the user attrs (default is to do it). --overwrite-nodes Overwrite destination nodes if they exist. Default is not to overwrite them. --complevel=(0-9) Set a compression level (0 for no compression, which is the de- fault). --complib=lib Set the compression library to be used during the copy. lib can be set to "zlib", "lzo", "ucl" or "bzip2". Defaults to "zlib". --shuffle=(0|1) Activate or not the shuffling filter (default is active if com- plevel>0). --fletcher32=(0|1) Whether to activate or not the fletcher32 filter (not active by default). --keep-source-filters Use the original filters in source files. The default is not do- ing that if any of --complevel, --complib, --shuffle or --fletcher32 option is specified. --upgrade-flavors When repacking PyTables 1.x files, the flavor of leaves will be unset. With this, such a leaves will be serialized as objects with the internal flavor ("numpy" for 2.x series). --dont-regenerate-old-indexes Disable regenerating old indexes. The default is to regenerate old indexes as they are found. SEE ALSO ptdump(1). These utilities are documented fully by PyTables user's manual. AUTHOR This manual page was written by Francesc Altet <>. July 7, 2007 PTREPACK(1)
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