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Tk_GetVRootGeometry(3tk)     Tk Library Procedures    Tk_GetVRootGeometry(3tk)


       Tk_GetVRootGeometry - Get location and size of virtual root for window

       #include <tk.h>

       Tk_GetVRootGeometry(tkwin, xPtr, yPtr, widthPtr, heightPtr)

       Tk_Window tkwin (in)              Token  for  window whose virtual root
                                         is to be queried.

       int xPtr (out)                    Points to word in which to  store  x-
                                         offset of virtual root.

       int yPtr (out)                    Points  to  word in which to store y-
                                         offset of virtual root.

       int widthPtr (out)                Points to  word  in  which  to  store
                                         width of virtual root.

       int heightPtr (out)               Points  to  word  in  which  to store
                                         height of virtual root.

       Tk_GetVRootGeometry returns geometry information about the virtual root
       window associated with tkwin.  The “associated” virtual root is the one
       in which tkwin's nearest top-level ancestor (or tkwin itself if it is a
       top-level window) has been reparented by the window manager.  This win-
       dow is identified by a __SWM_ROOT or __WM_ROOT property placed  on  the
       top-level  window  by  the  window manager.  If tkwin is not associated
       with a virtual root (e.g.  because the window manager does not use vir-
       tual  roots)  then  *xPtr  and *yPtr will be set to 0 and *widthPtr and
       *heightPtr will be set to the dimensions of the screen  containing  tk-

       geometry, height, location, virtual root, width, window manager

Tk                                    4.0             Tk_GetVRootGeometry(3tk)

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