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XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap(3)        XKB FUNCTIONS       XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap(3)

       XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap  -  Obtain the virtual modifier map (the vmodmap
       array) for a subset of the keys in a keyboard description

       Status XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap (Display *dpy, unsigned  int  first,  un-
              signed int num, XkbDescPtr xkb);

       - dpy  connection to server

       - first
              keycode of first key to fetch

       - num  number of keys for which virtual mod maps are desired

       - xkb  Xkb description where results will be placed

       XkbGetKeyVirutalModmap sends a request to the server to obtain the vir-
       tual modifier mappings for num keys on the keyboard starting  with  key
       first.   It waits for a reply and returns the virtual modifier mappings
       in the server->vmodmap array  of  xkb.   If  successful,  XkbGetKeyVir-
       tualModMap  returns  Success.  The xkb parameter must be a pointer to a
       valid Xkb keyboard description.

       If the server map in the xkb parameter  has  not  been  allocated,  Xk-
       bGetKeyVirtualModMap  allocates and initializes it before obtaining the
       virtual modifier mappings.

       If the server does not have a compatible version of Xkb, or the Xkb ex-
       tension  has  not been properly initialized, XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap re-
       turns BadMatch. If num is less than 1 or greater  than  XkbMaxKeyCount,
       XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap  returns  BadValue. If any allocation errors oc-
       cur, XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap returns BadAlloc.

       Success        The XkbGetKeyVirutalModmap function returns Success fol-
                      lowing  a successful reply from the server to obtain the
                      virtual modifier mappings for num keys on  the  keyboard
                      starting with key first.

       BadAlloc       Unable to allocate storage

       BadMatch       A  compatible  version  of  Xkb was not available in the
                      server or an argument has correct type and range, but is
                      otherwise invalid

       BadValue       An argument is out of range

X Version 11                     libX11 1.7.5        XkbGetKeyVirtualModMap(3)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Fri Jan 24 06:20:51 CET 2025.