DPKG-REMOVE(8) dlocate DPKG-REMOVE(8) NAME dpkg-remove - mark packages for removal SYNOPSIS dpkg-remove [PACKAGE...] DESCRIPTION dpkg-remove marks package(s) to be removed. It achieves this by running `dpkg --set-selections' and piping in the package name(s) followed by `deinstall'. NOTE: This program does not install, remove, purge any package. It ONLY sets the status of the package. any actual removal or purging is done the next time dselect, apt-get, aptitude, etc are run. SEE ALSO dpkg(1), dpkg-hold(1), dpkg-unhold(1), dpkg-purge(1) AUTHOR dpkg-remove was written Craig Sanders <cas@taz.net.au>. dpkg-remove is Free Software placed in the public domain. Debian Project 2009-06-02 DPKG-REMOVE(8)
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