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r.geomorphon(1grass)        GRASS GIS User's Manual       r.geomorphon(1grass)

       r.geomorphon   -  Calculates geomorphons (terrain forms) and associated
       geometry using machine vision approach.

       raster, geomorphons, terrain patterns, machine vision geomorphometry

       r.geomorphon --help
       r.geomorphon  [-me]   elevation=name    [forms=name]     [ternary=name]
       [positive=name]      [negative=name]      [intensity=name]     [exposi-
       tion=name]   [range=name]   [variance=name]   [elongation=name]    [az-
       imuth=name]   [extend=name]   [width=name]  search=integer skip=integer
       flat=float dist=float  [prefix=string]    [step=float]    [start=float]
       [--overwrite]  [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]

           Use meters to define search units (default is cells)

           Use extended form correction

           Allow output files to overwrite existing files

           Print usage summary

           Verbose module output

           Quiet module output

           Force launching GUI dialog

       elevation=name [required]
           Name of input elevation raster map

           Most common geomorphic forms

           Code of ternary patterns

           Code of binary positive patterns

           Code of binary negative patterns

           Rasters containing mean relative elevation of the form

           Rasters  containing  maximum  difference between extend and central

           Rasters containing difference between max and min elevation of  the
           form extend

           Rasters containing variance of form boundary

           Rasters containing local elongation

           Rasters containing local azimuth of the elongation

           Rasters containing local extend (area) of the form

           Rasters containing local width of the form

       search=integer [required]
           Outer search radius
           Default: 3

       skip=integer [required]
           Inner search radius
           Default: 0

       flat=float [required]
           Flatness threshold (degrees)
           Default: 1

       dist=float [required]
           Flatness distance, zero for none
           Default: 0

           Prefix for maps resulting from multiresolution approach

           Distance step for every iteration (zero to omit)
           Default: 0

           Distance where search will start in multiple mode (zero to omit)
           Default: 0

   What is geomorphon:
       Geomorphon  is  a  new  concept of presentation and analysis of terrain
       forms. This concept utilises 8-tuple pattern of the  visibility  neigh-
       bourhood   and  breaks  well  known limitation of standard calculus ap-
       proach where all terrain forms cannot be detected in  a  single  window
       size.  The  pattern  arises from a comparison of a focus pixel with its
       eight neighbors starting from the one located to the east and  continu-
       ing  counterclockwise  producing ternary operator. For example, a tuple
       {+,-,-,-,0,+,+,+} describes one possible pattern of  relative  measures
       {higher, lower, lower, lower, equal, higher, higher, higher} for pixels
       surrounding the focus pixel. It is important to stress that  the  visi-
       bility  neighbors are not necessarily an immediate neighbors of the fo-
       cus pixel in the grid, but the pixels determined from the line-of-sight
       principle  along the eight principal directions. This principle relates
       surface relief and horizontal distance by means of so-called zenith and
       nadir  angles along the eight principal compass directions. The ternary
       operator converts the information contained in all the pairs of  zenith
       and nadir angles into the ternary pattern (8-tuple). The result depends
       on the values of two parameters: search radius (L) and relief threshold
       (d).  The  search radius is the maximum allowable distance for calcula-
       tion of zenith and nadir angles. The  relief  threshold  is  a  minimum
       value of difference between  LOSs angle (zenith and nadir) that is con-
       sidered significantly different from the  horizon.  Two  lines-of-sight
       are  necessary  due  to zenith LOS only, does not detect positive forms

       There are 3**8 = 6561 possible ternary patterns (8-tuples). However  by
       eliminating all patterns that are results of either rotation or reflec-
       tion of other patterns wa set of 498 patterns remain referred  as  geo-
       morphons.   This  is  a  comprehensive  and exhaustive set of idealized
       landforms that are independent of the size, relief, and orientation  of
       the actual landform.

       Form  recognition  depends  on  two  free parameters: Search radius and
       flatness threshold. Using larger values of L and is tantamount to  ter-
       rain  classification from a higher and wider perspective, whereas using
       smaller values of L and is tantamount to terrain classification from  a
       local  point of view. A character of the map depends on the value of L.
       Using small value of L results in the  map  that  correctly  identifies
       landforms  if  their  size  is  smaller than L; landforms having larger
       sizes are broken down into components. Using larger values of L  allows
       simultaneous identification of landforms on variety of sizes in expense
       of recognition smaller, second-order forms. There  are  two  additional
       parameters:  skip  radius used to eliminate impact of small irregulari-
       ties. On the contrary flatness distance eliminates the impact  of  very
       high  distance (in meters) of search radius which may not detect eleva-
       tion difference if this is at very far distance.  Important  especially
       with low resolution DEMS.

           All distance parameters (search, skip, flat distances) are supplied
           as meters instead of cells (default). To avoid situation when  sup-
           plied  distances  is  smaller  than one cell program first check if
           supplied distance is longer than one cell in both NS and WE  direc-
           tions.  For LatLong projection only NS distance checked, because in
           latitude angular unit comprise always bigger or equal distance than
           longitude  one.  If  distance is supplied in cells, For all projec-
           tions  is  recalculated  into  meters   according   formula:   num-
           ber_of_cells*resolution_along_NS_direction. It is important if geo-
           morphons are calculated for large areas in LatLong projection.

           Digital elevation model. Data can be of any type  and  any  projec-
           tion. During calculation DEM is stored as floating point raster.

           Determines length on the geodesic distances in all eight directions
           where line-of-sight is calculated. To speed up calculation  is  de-
           termines only these cells which centers falls into the distance.

           Determines  length  on  the  geodesic distances at the beginning of
           calculation all eight directions where line-of-sight is yet  calcu-
           lated. To speed up calculation this distance is always recalculated
           into number of cell which are skipped at  the  beginning  of  every
           line-of-sight and is equal in all direction.  This parameter elimi-
           nates forms of very small extend, smaller than skip parameter.

           The difference (in degrees) between zenith and nadir  line-of-sight
           which  indicate  flat  direction.  If higher threshold produce more
           flat maps. If resolution of the map is low  (more  than  1  km  per
           cell)  threshold  should be very small (much smaller than 1 degree)
           because on such distance 1 degree of difference means  several  me-
           ters of high difference.

           >Flat  distance. This is additional parameter defining the distance
           above which the threshold starts to decrease to avoid problems with
           pseudo-flat  line-of-sights if real elevation difference appears on
           the distance where its value is higher (TO BE CORRECTED).

           Returns geomorphic map with 10 most popular terrestrial forms. Leg-
           end for forms, its definition by the number of + and - and its ide-
           alized  visualisation are presented at the image.

   Forms represented by geomorphons:
           returns code of one of 498 unique ternary patterns for every  cell.
           The  code  is  a decimal representation of 8-tuple minimalised pat-
           terns written in ternary system. Full list of patterns is available
           in  source  code directory as patterns.txt. This map can be used to
           create alternative form classification using supervised approach.

       positive and negative
           returns codes binary patterns for zenith (positive) and nadir (neg-
           ative)  line  of  sights.  The  code is a decimal representation of
           8-tuple minimalised patterns written in binary system. Full list of
           patterns is available in source code directory as patterns.txt.

       NOTE:  parameters  below are very experimental. The usefulness of these
       parameters are currently under investigation.

           returns avarage difference between central cell of  geomorphon  and
           eight cells in visibility neighbourhood. This parameter shows local
           (as is visible) exposition/abasement of the form in the terrain.

           returns difference between minimum and maximum values of visibility

           returns  variance  (difference  between  particular values and mean
           value) of visibility neighbourhood.

           returns  area  of  the  polygon  created  by  the  8  points  where
           line-of-sight cuts the terrain (see image in description section).

           returns  orientation  of  the polygon constituting geomorphon. This
           orientation is currently  calculated  as  a  orientation  of  least
           square fit line to the eight verticles of this polygon.

           returns proportion between sides of the bounding box rectangle cal-
           culated for geomorphon rotated to fit least square line.

           returns length of the shorter side of the  bounding  box  rectangle
           calculated for geomorphon rotated to fit least square line.

       From  computational point of view there are no limitations of input DEM
       and free parameters used in calculation. However, in practice there are
       some issues on DEM resolution and search radius. Low resolution DEM es-
       pecially above 1 km per cell requires  smaller  than  default  flatness
       threshold. On the other hand, only forms with high local elevation dif-
       ference will be detected correctly. It results from fact that  on  very
       high  distance  (of order of kilometers or higher) even relatively high
       elevation difference will be recognized as flat.  For  example  at  the
       distance  of 8 km (8 cells with 1 km resolution DEM) an relative eleva-
       tion difference of at  least  136  m  is  required  to  be  noticed  as
       non-flat.  Flatness  distance  threshold  may  be helpful to avoid this

   Geomorphon calculation: extraction of terrestrial landforms
       Geomorphon calculation example using the EU DEM 25m:
       g.region raster=eu_dem_25m -p
       r.geomorphon elevation=eu_dem_25m forms=eu_dem_25m_geomorph
       # verify terrestrial landforms found in DEM
       r.category eu_dem_25m_geomorph
        1  flat
        2  summit
        3  ridge
        4  shoulder
        5  spur
        6  slope
        7  hollow
        8  footslope
        9  valley
        10 depression

   Extraction of summits
       Using the resulting terrestrial landforms map, single landforms can  be
       extracted, e.g. the summits, and converted into a vector point map:
       r.mapcalc expression="eu_dem_25m_summits = if(eu_dem_25m_geomorph == 2, 1, null())"
       r.thin input=eu_dem_25m_summits output=eu_dem_25m_summits_thinned
       r.to.vect input=eu_dem_25m_summits_thinned output=eu_dem_25m_summits type=point
       v.info input=eu_dem_25m_summits


           •   Stepinski,  T.,  Jasiewicz,  J.,  2011, Geomorphons - a new ap-
               proach to classification of landform, in  :   Eds:  Hengl,  T.,
               Evans,  I.S.,  Wilson, J.P., and Gould, M., Proceedings of Geo-
               morphometry 2011,  Redlands, 109-112 (PDF)

           •   Jasiewicz, J., Stepinski, T.,  2013, Geomorphons  -  a  pattern
               recognition  approach  to  classification  and mapping of land-
               forms, Geomorphology, vol. 182,  147-156  (DOI:  10.1016/j.geo-

       Jarek Jasiewicz, Tomek Stepinski (merit contribution)

       Available at: r.geomorphon source code (history)

       Accessed: unknown

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       © 2003-2022 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.8.7 Reference Manual

GRASS 7.8.7                                               r.geomorphon(1grass)

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