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r.reclass(1grass)           GRASS GIS User's Manual          r.reclass(1grass)

       r.reclass  - Reclassify raster map based on category values.
       Creates a new raster map whose category values are based upon a reclas-
       sification of the categories in an existing raster map.

       raster, reclassification

       r.reclass --help
       r.reclass input=name output=name rules=name  [title=string]    [--over-
       write]  [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]

           Allow output files to overwrite existing files

           Print usage summary

           Verbose module output

           Quiet module output

           Force launching GUI dialog

       input=name [required]
           Name of raster map to be reclassified

       output=name [required]
           Name for output raster map

       rules=name [required]
           File containing reclass rules
           ’-’ for standard input

           Title for output raster map

       r.reclass  creates an output map layer based on an input integer raster
       map layer.  The output map layer will be a reclassification of the  in-
       put  map  layer  based  on reclass rules input to r.reclass, and can be
       treated in much the same way that raster maps are treated.  A TITLE for
       the output map layer may be (optionally) specified by the user.

       The  reclass  rules  are  read from standard input (i.e., from the key-
       board, redirected from a file, or piped through another program).

       Before using r.reclass the user must know the following:

       1      The new categories desired;  and, which old categories fit  into
              which new categories.

       2      The names of the new categories.

       In  fact,  the  r.reclass  program does not generate any new raster map
       layers (in the interests of disk space conservation).  Instead,  a  re-
       class  table  is  stored  which will be used to reclassify the original
       raster map layer each time the new (reclassed) map name  is  requested.
       As  far  as the user (and programmer) is concerned, that raster map has
       been created.

       r.reclass only works on an integer input raster map; if the  input  map
       is  instead  floating  point  data, you must multiply the input data by
       some factor to achieve whole number  input  data,  otherwise  r.reclass
       will round the raster values down to the next integer.

       Also  note that although the user can generate a r.reclass map which is
       based on another r.reclass map, the new r.reclass map will be stored in
       GRASS  as  a  reclass of the original raster map on which the first re-
       classed map was based.  Therefore, while GRASS allows the user to  pro-
       vide  r.reclass  map layer information which is based on an already re-
       classified map (for the user’s convenience),  no  r.reclass  map  layer
       (i.e.,  reclass  table)  will  ever be stored as a r.reclass of a r.re-

       To convert a reclass map to a regular raster map layer, set  your  geo-
       graphic region settings to match the settings in the header for the re-
       class map (with "g.region raster=reclass_map", or viewable  by  running
       r.info) and then run r.resample.

       r.mapcalc  can be used to convert a reclass map to a regular raster map
       layer as well:
         r.mapcalc "raster_map = reclass_map"

       where raster_map is the name to be given to the new raster map, and re-
       class_map is an existing reclass map.

       Because  r.reclass  generates  internally simply a table by referencing
       some original raster map layer rather than  creating  a  full  new  re-
       classed  raster  map layer, a r.reclass map layer will no longer be ac-
       cessible if the original raster map layer, upon which it was based,  is
       later  removed. Therefore, attempting to remove a raster map layer from
       which a r.reclass has been derived is only possible if the original map
       is  removed  first.   Alternatively, a r.reclass map can be removed in-
       cluding its base map by using

       g.remove’s -b flag.

       A r.reclass map is not a true raster map layer.  Rather, it is a  table
       of  reclassification values which reference the input raster map layer.
       Therefore, users who wish to retain reclassified map layers  must  also
       save  the  original input raster map layers from which they were gener-
       ated. Alternatively r.recode can be used.

       Category values which are not explicitly reclassified to a new value by
       the user will be reclassified to NULL.

   Reclass Rules
       Each line of input must have the following format:
       input_categories=output_category  [label]

       where  each  line  of  input specifies the category values in the input
       raster map layer to be reclassified to the new output_category category
       value.   Specification  of a label to be associated with the new output
       map layer category is optional.  If specified, it is  recorded  as  the
       category  label  for  the  new category value.  The equal sign = is re-
       quired.  The input_category(ies) may consist of single category  values
       or  a  range  of  such  values  in the format "low thru high." The word
       "thru" must be present.

       To include all (remaining) values the asterix "*"  can  be  used.  This
       rule  has  to  be set as last rule. No further rules are accepted after
       setting this rule. The special rule "* = *" specifies  that  all  cate-
       gories  not  expicitly  set  by one of the above rules should be passed
       through unaltered instead of being set to NULL.

       Categories to become no data are specified by setting the output  cate-
       gory value to "NULL".

       A line containing only the word end terminates the input.

   Reclass rules examples
       The following examples may help clarify the reclass rules.

       The  first  example  reclassifies  categories  1,  2 and 3 in the input
       raster map layer "roads" to category 1 with category label "good  qual-
       ity"  in  the output map layer, and reclassifies input raster map layer
       categories 4 and 5 to category 2 with the label "poor quality"  in  the
       output map layer.
           1 2 3   = 1    good quality
           4 5     = 2    poor quality

       The  following  example reclassifies categories 1, 3 and 5 in the input
       raster map layer to category 1 with category label  "poor  quality"  in
       the  output  map  layer,  and reclassifies input raster map layer cate-
       gories 2, 4, and 6 to category 2 with the label "good quality"  in  the
       output map layer.  All other values are reclassified to NULL.
           1 3 5   = 1    poor quality
           2 4 6   = 2    good quality
           *       = NULL

       The  following example reclassifies input raster map layer categories 1
       thru 10 to output map layer category 1, input map layer  categories  11
       thru  20 to output map layer category 2, and input map layer categories
       21 thru 30 to output map layer category  3,  all  without  labels.  The
       range from 30 to 40 is reclassified as NULL.
            1 thru 10 = 1
           11 thru 20 = 2
           21 thru 30 = 3
           30 thru 40  = NULL

       The  following  example shows overlapping rules. Subsequent rules over-
       ride previous rules. Therefore, the below  example  reclassifies  input
       raster  map layer categories 1 thru 19 and 51 thru 100 to category 1 in
       the output map layer, input raster map layer categories 20 thru 24  and
       26  thru  50  to  the output map layer category 2, and input raster map
       layer category 25 to the output category 3.
            1 thru 100     = 1    poor quality
           20 thru 50 = 2    medium quality
           25            = 3    good quality

       The previous example could also have been entered as:
            1 thru 19  51 thru 100   = 1    poor quality
           20 thru 24  26 thru 50    = 2    medium quality
           25                   = 3    good quality
       or as:
            1 thru 19  = 1    poor quality
           51 thru 100      = 1
           20 thru 24  = 2
           26 thru 50  = 2    medium quality
           25          = 3    good quality

       The final example was given to show how the labels are handled.   If  a
       new  category  value appears in more than one rule (as is the case with
       new category values 1 and 2), the last label which  was  specified  be-
       comes  the  label  for  that category.  In this case the labels are as-
       signed exactly as in the two previous examples.

   Usage example
       In this example, the 21 classes of the landuse map (North Carolina sam-
       ple dataset) are simplified to 7 classes:
       r.category landuse96_28m
       0    not classified
       1    High Intensity Developed
       2    Low Intensity Developed
       3    Cultivated
       20   Water Bodies
       21      Unconsolidated Sediment
       # use this command or save rules with editor in textfile "landuserecl.txt"
       echo "0 = NULL
       1 2     = 1 developed
       3       = 2 agriculture
       4 6     = 3 herbaceous
       7 8 9   = 4 shrubland
       10 thru 18 = 5 forest
       20      = 6 water
       21      = 7 sediment" > landuserecl.txt
       r.reclass input=landuse96_28m output=landclass96_recl \
         rules=landuserecl.txt \
         title="Simplified landuse classes 1996"
       # verify result
       r.category landuse96_recl
       1    developed
       2    agriculture
       3    herbaceous
       4    shrubland
       5    forest
       6    water
       7    sediment

        r.recode, r.resample, r.rescale

       James Westervelt,
       Michael Shapiro
       U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

       Available at: r.reclass source code (history)

       Accessed: unknown

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       © 2003-2022 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.8.7 Reference Manual

GRASS 7.8.7                                                  r.reclass(1grass)

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