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r3.mapcalc(1grass)          GRASS GIS User's Manual         r3.mapcalc(1grass)

       r3.mapcalc  - Raster map calculator.

       raster, algebra

       r3.mapcalc --help
       r3.mapcalc  [-sl]   [expression=string]   [region=string]   [file=name]
       [seed=integer]    [--overwrite]    [--help]    [--verbose]    [--quiet]

           Generate random seed (result is non-deterministic)

           List input and output maps

           Allow output files to overwrite existing files

           Print usage summary

           Verbose module output

           Quiet module output

           Force launching GUI dialog

           Expression to evaluate

           The computational region that should be used.
           - current uses the current region of the mapset.
           - intersect computes the intersection region between
           all input maps and uses the smallest resolution
           - union computes the union extent of all map regions
           and uses the smallest resolution
           Options: current, intersect, union
           Default: current

           File containing expression(s) to evaluate

           Seed for rand() function

       r3.mapcalc  performs  arithmetic  on raster map layers.  New raster map
       layers can be created which are arithmetic expressions involving exist-
       ing  raster  map layers, integer or floating point constants, and func-

   Program use
       r3.mapcalc expression have the form:

       result = expression

       where result is the name of a raster map layer to contain the result of
       the  calculation  and expression is any legal arithmetic expression in-
       volving existing raster map layers (except result itself),  integer  or
       floating  point  constants,  and  functions  known  to  the calculator.
       Parentheses are allowed in the expression and  may  be  nested  to  any
       depth.  result will be created in the user’s current mapset.

       As  expression= is the first option, it is the default. This means that
       passing an expression on the command line is possible as  long  as  the
       expression  is  quoted and a space is included before the first = sign.
       Example (’foo’ is the resulting map):
       r3.mapcalc "foo = 1"
       r3.mapcalc ’foo = 1’
       An unquoted expression (i.e. split over multiple arguments) won’t work,
       nor will omitting the space before the = sign:
       r3.mapcalc ’foo=1’
       Sorry, <foo> is not a valid parameter
       If  no  options  are  given, it manufactures "file=-" (which reads from
       stdin), so you can continue to use e.g.:
       r3.mapcalc < file
       r3.mapcalc <<EOF
       foo = 1
       But unless you need compatibility with previous versions, use file= ex-
       plicitly, e.g.:
       r3.mapcalc file=file
       r3.mapcalc file=- <<EOF
       foo = 1

       The  formula  entered to r3.mapcalc by the user is recorded both in the
       result map title (which appears in the category file for result) and in
       the history file for result.

       Some  characters have special meaning to the command shell. If the user
       is entering input to r3.mapcalc on the command line, expressions should
       be enclosed within single quotes.  See NOTES, below.

   Operators and order of precedence
       The following operators are supported:
            Operator   Meaning                    Type        Precedence
            -          negation                   Arithmetic  12
            ~          one’s complement           Bitwise     12
            !          not                        Logical     12
            ^          exponentiation             Arithmetic  11
            %          modulus                    Arithmetic  10
            /          division                   Arithmetic  10
            *          multiplication             Arithmetic  10
            +          addition                   Arithmetic   9
            -          subtraction                Arithmetic   9
            <<         left shift                 Bitwise      8
            >>         right shift                Bitwise      8
            >>>        right shift (unsigned)     Bitwise      8
            >          greater than               Logical      7
            >=         greater than or equal      Logical      7
            <          less than                  Logical      7
            <=         less than or equal         Logical      7
            ==         equal                      Logical      6
            !=         not equal                  Logical      6
            &          bitwise and                Bitwise      5
            |          bitwise or                 Bitwise      4
            &&         logical and                Logical      3
            &&&        logical and[1]             Logical      3
            ||         logical or                 Logical      2
            |||        logical or[1]              Logical      2
            ?:         conditional                Logical      1
       (modulus is the remainder upon division)

       [1]  The  &&& and ||| operators handle null values differently to other
       operators. See the section entitled NULL support  below  for  more  de-

       The  operators  are  applied  from  left to right, with those of higher
       precedence applied before those with lower precedence.  Division  by  0
       and  modulus  by  0 are acceptable and give a NULL result.  The logical
       operators give a 1 result if the comparison is true, 0 otherwise.

   3D Grid names
       Anything in the expression which is not a number, operator, or function
       name is taken to be a 3D grid name.  Examples:


       Most  GRASS raster map layers and 3D grids meet this naming convention.
       However, if a 3D grid has a name which conflicts with the  above  rule,
       it should be quoted. For example, the expression

       x = a-b

       would be interpreted as:  x equals a minus b, whereas

       x = "a-b"

       would be interpreted as:  x equals the 3D grid named a-b


       x = 3107

       would create x filled with the number 3107, while

       x = "3107"

       would copy the 3D grid 3107 to the 3D grid x.

       Quotes  are  not required unless the 3D grid names look like numbers or
       contain operators, OR unless the program is run non-interactively.  Ex-
       amples  given  here assume the program is run interactively. See NOTES,

       r3.mapcalc will look for the 3D grids according to the  user’s  current
       mapset  search  path.  It  is  possible to override the search path and
       specify the mapset from which to select the 3D grid. This  is  done  by
       specifying the 3D grid name in the form:


       For example, the following is a legal expression:

       result = x@PERMANENT / y@SOILS

       The  mapset  specified  does  not have to be in the mapset search path.
       (This method of overriding the mapset search  path  is  common  to  all
       GRASS commands, not just r3.mapcalc.)

   The neighborhood modifier
       3D grids are data base files stored in voxel format, i.e., three-dimen-
       sional matrices of float/double values. In r3.mapcalc, 3D grids may  be
       followed  by  a  neighborhood modifier that specifies a relative offset
       from the current cell being evaluated. The format is map[r,c,d],  where
       r  is the row offset, c is the column offset and d is the depth offset.
       For example, map[1,2,3] refers to the cell one row below,  two  columns
       to  the  right  and  3  levels below of the current cell, map[-3,-2,-1]
       refers to the cell three rows above, two columns to the  left  and  one
       level  below of the current cell, and map[0,1,0] refers to the cell one
       column to the right of the current cell. This syntax permits the devel-
       opment  of  neighborhood-type filters within a single 3D grid or across
       multiple 3D grids.

       The functions currently supported are listed in the table  below.   The
       type  of  the result is indicated in the last column.  F means that the
       functions always results in a floating point value, I  means  that  the
       function  gives  an  integer result, and * indicates that the result is
       float if any of the arguments to the function are floating point values
       and integer if all arguments are integer.

       function                description                                     type
       abs(x)                  return absolute value of x                      *
       acos(x)                 inverse cosine of x (result is in degrees)      F
       asin(x)                 inverse sine of x (result is in degrees)        F
       atan(x)                 inverse tangent of x (result is in degrees)     F
       atan(x,y)               inverse tangent of y/x (result is in degrees)   F
       ceil(x)                 the smallest integral value not less than x     *
       cos(x)                  cosine of x (x is in degrees)                   F
       double(x)               convert x to double-precision floating point    F
       eval([x,y,...,]z)       evaluate values of listed expr, pass results to z
       exp(x)                  exponential function of x                       F
       exp(x,y)                x to the power y                                F
       float(x)                convert x to single-precision floating point    F
       floor(x)                the largest integral value not greater than x   *
       graph(x,x1,y1[x2,y2..]) convert the x to a y based on points in a graph F
                               alternative form of graph()                     F
       if                      decision options:                               *
       if(x)                   1 if x not zero, 0 otherwise
       if(x,a)                 a if x not zero, 0 otherwise
       if(x,a,b)               a if x not zero, b otherwise
       if(x,a,b,c)             a if x > 0, b if x is zero, c if x < 0
       int(x)                  convert x to integer [ truncates ]              I
       isnull(x)               check if x = NULL
       log(x)                  natural log of x                                F
       log(x,b)                log of x base b                                 F
       max(x,y[,z...])         largest value of those listed                   *
       median(x,y[,z...])      median value of those listed                    *
       min(x,y[,z...])         smallest value of those listed                  *
       mod(x,y)                return the modulus (the remainder) of x/y       *
       mode(x,y[,z...])        mode value of those listed                      *
       nmax(x,y[,z...])        largest value of those listed, excluding NULLs  *
       nmedian(x,y[,z...])     median value of those listed, excluding NULLs   *
       nmin(x,y[,z...])        smallest value of those listed, excluding NULLs *
       nmode(x,y[,z...])       mode value of those listed, excluding NULLs     *
       not(x)                  1 if x is zero, 0 otherwise
       pow(x,y)                x to the power y                                *
       rand(a,b)               random value x : a <= x < b                     *
       round(x)                round x to nearest integer                      I
       round(x,y)              round x to nearest multiple of y
       round(x,y,z)            round x to nearest y*i+z for some integer i
       sin(x)                  sine of x (x is in degrees)                     F
       sqrt(x)                 square root of x                                F
       tan(x)                  tangent of x (x is in degrees)                  F
       xor(x,y)                exclusive-or (XOR) of x and y                   I
       Internal variables:
        row()                  current row of moving window                    I
        col()                  current col of moving window                    I
        depth()                return current depth                            I
        nrows()                number of rows in computation region            I
        ncols()                number of columns in computation region         I
        ndepths()              number of depth levels in computation region    I
        x()                    current x-coordinate of moving window           F
        y()                    current y-coordinate of moving window           F
        z()                    return current z value                          F
        ewres()                current east-west resolution                    F
        nsres()                current north-south resolution                  F
        tbres()                current top-bottom resolution                   F
        area()                 area of current cell in square meters           F
        null()                 NULL value
       Note, that the row(), col() and depth() indexing starts with 1.

   Floating point values in the expression
       Floating  point numbers are allowed in the expression. A floating point
       number is a number which contains a decimal point:
           2.3   12.0   12.   .81
       Floating point values in the expression are handled in a  special  way.
       With  arithmetic and logical operators, if either operand is float, the
       other is converted to float and the result of the operation  is  float.
       This means, in particular that division of integers results in a (trun-
       cated) integer, while division of floats results in an accurate  float-
       ing  point  value.  With functions of type * (see table above), the re-
       sult is float if any argument is float, integer otherwise.

       Note: If you calculate with integer numbers, the resulting map will  be
       integer.  If  you  want to get a float result, add the decimal point to
       integer number(s).

       If you want floating point division, at least one of the arguments  has
       to  be a floating point value. Multiplying one of them by 1.0 will pro-
       duce a floating-point result, as will using float():
             r3.mapcalc "ratio = float(soil.4 - soil.3) / soil.3)"

   NULL support
           •   Division by zero should result in NULL.

           •   Modulus by zero should result in NULL.

           •   NULL-values in any arithmetic or logical operation  should  re-
               sult  in  NULL. (however, &&& and ||| are treated specially, as
               described below).

           •   The &&& and ||| operators observe  the  following  axioms  even
               when x is NULL:
                    x &&& false == false
                    false &&& x == false
                    x ||| true == true
                    true ||| x == true

           •   NULL-values  in  function arguments should result in NULL (how-
               ever, if(), eval() and isnull() are treated specially,  as  de-
               scribed below).

           •   The eval() function always returns its last argument

           •   The situation for if() is:
                    NULL if x is NULL; 0 if x is zero; 1 otherwise
                    NULL if x is NULL; a if x is non-zero; 0 otherwise
                    NULL if x is NULL; a if x is non-zero; b otherwise
                    NULL if x is NULL; n if x is negative;
               z if x is zero; p if x is positive

           •   The  (new) function isnull(x) returns: 1 if x is NULL; 0 other-
               wise. The (new) function null() (which has  no  arguments)  re-
               turns an integer NULL.

           •   Non-NULL,  but invalid, arguments to functions should result in
               pow(a,b) where a is negative and b is not an integer

       NULL support: Please note that any math performed with NULL  cells  al-
       ways  results in a NULL value for these cells. If you want to replace a
       NULL cell on-the-fly, use the isnull() test function in a if-statement.

       Example: The users wants the NULL-valued cells to be treated  like  ze-
       ros.  To  add  maps A and B (where B contains NULLs) to get a map C the
       user can use a construction like:

       C = A + if(isnull(B),0,B)

       NULL and conditions:

       For the one argument form:
       if(x) = NULL        if x is NULL
       if(x) = 0      if x = 0
       if(x) = 1      otherwise (i.e. x is neither NULL nor 0).

       For the two argument form:
       if(x,a) = NULL      if x is NULL
       if(x,a) = 0         if x = 0
       if(x,a) = a         otherwise (i.e. x is neither NULL nor 0).

       For the three argument form:
       if(x,a,b) = NULL    if x is NULL
       if(x,a,b) = b       if x = 0
       if(x,a,b) = a       otherwise (i.e. x is neither NULL nor 0).

       For the four argument form:
       if(x,a,b,c) = NULL  if x is NULL
       if(x,a,b,c) = a          if x > 0
       if(x,a,b,c) = b          if x = 0
       if(x,a,b,c) = c          if x < 0
       More generally, all operators and most functions return NULL  if  *any*
       of their arguments are NULL.
       The functions if(), isnull() and eval() are exceptions.
       The  function  isnull()  returns 1 if its argument is NULL and 0 other-
       wise.  If the user wants the  opposite,  the  !  operator,  e.g.  "!is-
       null(x)" must be used.

       All  forms  of if() return NULL if the first argument is NULL. The 2, 3
       and 4 argument forms of if() return NULL if the "selected" argument  is
       NULL, e.g.:
       if(0,a,b) = b  regardless of whether a is NULL
       if(1,a,b) = a  regardless of whether b is NULL
       eval() always returns its last argument, so it only returns NULL if the
       last argument is NULL.

       Note: The user cannot test for NULL using the == operator, as that  re-
       turns  NULL  if  either or both arguments are NULL, i.e. if x and y are
       both NULL, then "x == y" and "x != y" are both NULL rather than 1 and 0
       The behaviour makes sense if the user considers NULL as representing an
       unknown quantity. E.g. if x and y are both unknown, then the values  of
       "x  == y" and "x != y" are also unknown; if they both have unknown val-
       ues, the user doesn’t know whether or  not  they  both  have  the  same

   Usage from command line
       Extra  care  must  be  taken  if the expression is given on the command
       line.  Some characters have special meaning to the UNIX  shell.   These
       include, among others:
       * ( ) > & |

       It is advisable to put single quotes around the expression; e.g.:
       ’result = volume * 2’
       Without the quotes, the *, which has special meaning to the UNIX shell,
       would be altered and r3.mapcalc would see something other than the *.

   Multiple computations
       In general, it’s preferable to do as much as possible in  each  r3.map-
       calc command using multi-line input.

   Backwards compatibility
       For  the backwards compatibility with GRASS 6, if no options are given,
       it manufactures file=- (which reads from stdin), so you can continue to
       use e.g.:
       r3.mapcalc < file
       r3.mapcalc <<EOF
       foo = 1
       But unless you need compatibility with previous GRASS GIS versions, use
       file= explicitly, as stated above.

       When the map name contains uppercase letter(s) or a dot which  are  not
       allowed  to  be  in module option names, the r3.mapcalc command will be
       valid also without quotes:
       r3.mapcalc volume_A=1
       r3.mapcalc volume.1=1
       However, this syntax is not recommended as quotes as stated above  more
       safe.  Using quotes is both backwards compatible and valid in future.

   Interactive input in command line
       For formulas that the user enters from standard input (rather than from
       the command line), a line continuation feature now exists.  If the user
       adds  a  backslash to the end of an input line, r3.mapcalc assumes that
       the formula being entered by the user continues on to  the  next  input
       line.   There  is  no limit to the possible number of input lines or to
       the length of a formula.

       If the r3.mapcalc formula entered by the user is very long, the map ti-
       tle  will contain only some of it, but most (if not all) of the formula
       will be placed into the history file for the result map.

       When the user enters input to r3.mapcalc non-interactively on the  com-
       mand line, the program will not warn the user not to overwrite existing
       map layers.  Users should therefore take care to assign program outputs
       raster map names that do not yet exist in their current mapsets.

   3D GRID MASK handling
       r3.mapcalc  follows  the common GRASS behavior of raster MASK handling,
       so the MASK is only applied when reading an existing GRASS raster  map.
       This implies that, for example, the command:
       r3.mapcalc "volume_amplified = volume * 3"
       create a map respecting the masked pixels if MASK is active.

       However,  when creating a map which is not based on any map, e.g. a map
       from a constant:
       r3.mapcalc "volume_const = 200.0"
       the created raster map is limited only by a computation region  but  it
       is  not  affected by an active MASK.  This is expected because, as men-
       tioned above, MASK is only applied when reading,  not  when  writing  a
       raster map.

       If  also in this case the MASK should be applied, an if() statement in-
       cluding the MASK should be used, e.g.:
       r3.mapcalc "volume_const = if(MASK, 200.0, null())"
       When testing MASK related expressions keep in mind that  when  MASK  is
       active  you  don’t  see data in masked areas even if they are not NULL.
       See r.mask for details.

   Random number generator initialization
       The pseudo-random number generator used by the rand() function  can  be
       initialised  to  a  specific  value using the seed option.  This can be
       used to replicate a previous calculation.

       Alternatively, it can be initialised from the system time and  the  PID
       using  the  -r  flag. This should result in a different seed being used
       each time.

       In either case, the seed will be written to the map’s history, and  can
       be seen using r.info.

       If  you  want  other  people  to  be  able to verify your results, it’s
       preferable to use the seed option to supply  a  seed  which  is  either
       specified  in the script or generated from a determenistic process such
       as a pseudo-random number generator given an explicit seed.

       Note that the rand() function will generate a fatal  error  if  neither
       the seed option nor the -s flag are given.

       To compute the average of two 3D grids a and b:
       ave = (a + b)/2
       To form a weighted average:
       ave = (5*a + 3*b)/8.0
       To  produce a binary representation of 3D grid a so that category 0 re-
       mains 0 and all other categories become 1:
       mask = a != 0
       This could also be accomplished by:
       mask = if(a)
       To mask 3D grid b by 3D grid a:
       result = if(a,b)
       To change all values below 5 to NULL, keep otherwise:
       newmap = if(map < 5, null(), map)
       The graph() function allows users to specify  a  x-y  conversion  using
       pairs of x,y coordinates.  In some situations a transformation from one
       value to another is not easily established mathematically, but  can  be
       represented  by a 2-D graph and then linearly interpolated. The graph()
       function provides the opportunity to accomplish this.  An x-axis  value
       is  provided to the graph function along with the associated graph rep-
       resented by a series of x,y pairs.  The x values must be  monotonically
       increasing  (each  larger  than  or  equal to the previous).  The graph
       function linearly interpolates between pairs.  Any x  value  lower  the
       lowest  x value (i.e. first) will have the associated y value returned.
       Any x value higher than the last will similarly have the  associated  y
       value returned.  Consider the request:
       newmap = graph(map, 1,10, 2,25, 3,50)
       X (map) values supplied and y (newmap) values returned:
       0, 10
       1, 10
       1.5, 17.5
       2.9, 47.5
       4, 50
       100, 50

       The  result  variable  on the left hand side of the equation should not
       appear in the expression on the right hand side.
       mymap = if( mymap > 0, mymap, 0)

       Any maps generated by a r3.mapcalc command only exist after the  entire
       command  has completed. All maps are generated concurrently, row-by-row
       (i.e. there is an implicit "for row in rows {...}"  around  the  entire
       expression).   Thus the #, @, and [ ] operators cannot be used on a map
       generated within same r3.mapcalc command run.
       newmap = oldmap * 3.14
       othermap = newmap[-1, 0] / newmap[1, 0]

       Continuation lines must end with a \ and have no trailing  white  space
       (blanks or tabs). If the user does leave white space at the end of con-
       tinuation lines, the error messages  produced  by  r3.mapcalc  will  be
       meaningless  and the equation will not work as the user intended.  This
       is particularly important for the eval() function.

       Currently, there is no comment mechanism in r3.mapcalc.  Perhaps adding
       a  capability  that  would cause the entire line to be ignored when the
       user inserted a # at the start of a line as if  it  were  not  present,
       would do the trick.

       The function should require the user to type "end" or "exit" instead of
       simply a blank line. This would make  separation  of  multiple  scripts
       separable by white space.

       r3.mapcalc  does  not  print  a  warning  in case of operations on NULL
       cells. It is left to the user to utilize the isnull() function.

        g.region, r3.colors, r.mapcalc

       r.mapcalc: An Algebra for GIS and Image Processing, by Michael  Shapiro
       and Jim Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Labora-
       tory (March/1991).

       Performing Map Calculations on GRASS Data: r.mapcalc Program  Tutorial,
       by  Marji  Larson,  Michael  Shapiro and Scott Tweddale, U.S. Army Con-
       struction Engineering Research Laboratory (December 1991)

       Neteler, M. (2001): Volume modelling of soils using GRASS GIS 3D tools.
       -  in:  Brovelli, M. (ed.)(2001): The Geomatics Workbook N. 2. Politec-
       nico di Milano, Italy (ISSN 1591-092X) (PDF)

       Tomas Paudits & Jaro Hofierka, funded by GeoModel s.r.o., Slovakia
       tpaudits@mailbox.sk, hofierka@geomodel.sk

       Glynn Clements

       Available at: r3.mapcalc source code (history)

       Accessed: unknown

       Main index | 3D raster index | Topics index | Keywords index |  Graphi-
       cal index | Full index

       © 2003-2022 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 7.8.7 Reference Manual

GRASS 7.8.7                                                 r3.mapcalc(1grass)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Fri Jan 24 09:48:04 CET 2025.