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Documentation for packages, which contain /usr/share/doc/libcgi-pm-perl/copyright:

Package: libcgi-pm-perl

Description: module for Common Gateway Interface applications
CGI.pm is a Perl module that provides classes useful for creating Web forms and for parsing their contents. It defines CGI objects, entities that contain the values of the current query string and other state variables.
Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/CGI
copyright | Debian changelog | Debian NEWS

Manual pages:

CGI(3pm) CGI::Carp(3pm) CGI::Cookie(3pm)
CGI::HTML::Functions(3pm) CGI::Pretty(3pm) CGI::Push(3pm)

Other documents:

/usr/share/doc/libcgi-pm-perl /usr/share/doc/libcgi-pm-perl/examples

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Sun Feb 2 15:40:26 CET 2025.