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Documentation for packages, which contain /usr/share/doc/opendkim-tools:

Package: opendkim-tools

Description: utilities for administering the OpenDKIM milter
The OpenDKIM Project is a community effort to develop and maintain a C library for producing DKIM-aware applications and an open source milter for providing DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) service.
This package contains command line tools for the OpenDKIM mail filter (Milter). The following tools are included:
 - opendkim-genkey
 - opendkim-genzone
 - opendkim-atpszone
 - opendkim-testkey
 - opendkim-testmsg
 - opendkim-spam
 - opendkim-stats
 - opendkim-gengraphs
 - opendkim-genstats
 - opendkim-importstats
 - opendkim-expire
Homepage: http://www.opendkim.org/
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Manual pages:

opendkim-spam(1) opendkim-atpszone(8) opendkim-expire(8)
opendkim-gengraphs(8) opendkim-genkey(8) opendkim-genstats(8)
opendkim-genzone(8) opendkim-importstats(8) opendkim-stats(8)
opendkim-testkey(8) opendkim-testmsg(8)

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