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Documentation for packages, which contain /usr/share/man/man3/Data::Dumper::Concise.3pm.gz:

Package: libdata-dumper-concise-perl

Description: module for more shorter Data::Dumper-like output
Data::Dumper::Concise is a Perl module designed to produce useful debugging output, eliding unnecessary information. It exists as a convenient way to reproduce a set of Dumper options useful for most applications.
A similar module, Data::Dump::Streamer (libdata-dump-streamer-perl) provides even shorter output but is overkill for most applications. In comparison, this module is Pure Perl, which means it is less likely to segfault.
Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/Data-Dumper-Concise
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Manual pages:

Data::Dumper::Concise(3pm) Data::Dumper::Concise::Sugar(3pm) Devel::Dwarn(3pm)

Other documents:


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