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Thread and mutex functions

updated Tue Nov 23 2021 by Robert van Engelen
Thread and mutex functions

This module defines portable thread and mutex functions. More...


 Type of a thread (thread ID) More...
#define THREAD_ID
 The thread ID of self. More...
#define THREAD_CREATE(tidptr, funcptr, argptr)
 Create a new thread. More...
#define THREAD_CREATEX(tidptr, funcptr, argptr)
 Create a new joinable thread (Windows only) More...
#define THREAD_CLOSE(tid)
 Close the thread ID handle created by #THREAD_CREATEX (Windows only) More...
#define THREAD_DETACH(tid)
 Detach a thread. More...
#define THREAD_JOIN(tid)
 Join a thread. More...
 Exit the current thread. More...
#define THREAD_CANCEL(tid)
 Cancel a thread. More...
#define MUTEX_TYPE
 Type of a mutex object. More...
 Mutex initializer object. More...
#define MUTEX_SETUP(mx)
 Mutex object initialization. More...
#define MUTEX_CLEANUP(mx)
 Mutex object finalization. More...
#define MUTEX_LOCK(mx)
 Mutex object lock. More...
#define MUTEX_UNLOCK(mx)
 Mutex object unlock. More...
#define COND_TYPE
 The type of a condition variable. More...
#define COND_SETUP(cv)
 Condition variable initialization. More...
#define COND_CLEANUP(cv)
 Condition variable finalization. More...
#define COND_SIGNAL(cv)
 Condition variable signal operation. More...
#define COND_WAIT(mx, cv)
 Condition variable wait operation. More...

Detailed Description

This module defines portable thread and mutex functions.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define COND_CLEANUP (   cv)

Condition variable finalization.

This macro finalizes the specified condition variable.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
cv#COND_TYPE condition variable


#define COND_SETUP (   cv)

Condition variable initialization.

This macro initializes the specified condition variable.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
cv#COND_TYPE condition variable


#define COND_SIGNAL (   cv)

Condition variable signal operation.

This macro signals the specified condition variable.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
cv#COND_TYPE condition variable


#define COND_TYPE

The type of a condition variable.

This macro represents a portable condition variable

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.


#define COND_WAIT (   mx,

Condition variable wait operation.

This macro waits on the specified condition variable and releases the mutex while waiting.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
mx#MUTEX_TYPE mutex object
cv#COND_TYPE condition variable


#define MUTEX_CLEANUP (   mx)

Mutex object finalization.

This macro finalizes a mutex object.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
#include "plugin/threads.h"
... // some other work to do
... // critical section
... // some other work to do
#define MUTEX_CLEANUP(mx)
Mutex object finalization.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10933
#define MUTEX_LOCK(mx)
Mutex object lock.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10958
#define MUTEX_UNLOCK(mx)
Mutex object unlock.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10983
#define MUTEX_TYPE
Type of a mutex object.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10859
#define MUTEX_SETUP(mx)
Mutex object initialization.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10908
mx#MUTEX_TYPE mutex object



Mutex initializer object.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
#include "plugin/threads.h"
int main()
... // some other work to do
... // critical section
Mutex initializer object.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10881


#define MUTEX_LOCK (   mx)

Mutex object lock.

This macro acquires mutex.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
#include "plugin/threads.h"
... // some other work to do
... // critical section
... // some other work to do
mx#MUTEX_TYPE mutex object


#define MUTEX_SETUP (   mx)

Mutex object initialization.

This macro initializes a mutex object.

To declare and initialize static mutex objects, see #MUTEX_INITIALIZER.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
#include "plugin/threads.h"
... // some other work to do
... // critical section
... // some other work to do
mx#MUTEX_TYPE mutex object


#define MUTEX_TYPE

Type of a mutex object.

This macro represents a portable mutex object type.

To declare and initialize static mutex objects, see #MUTEX_INITIALIZER.

#include "plugin/threads.h"
... // some other work to do
... // critical section
... // some other work to do
This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.


#define MUTEX_UNLOCK (   mx)

Mutex object unlock.

This macro releases mutex.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
#include "plugin/threads.h"
... // some other work to do
... // critical section
... // some other work to do
mx#MUTEX_TYPE mutex object


#define THREAD_CANCEL (   tid)

Cancel a thread.

This macro requests that the specified thread be cancelled.

POSIX threads can be cancelled when currently in a cancellation point, which are certain functions that will terminate the thread when the thread is cancelled.

Cancelling a thread may lead to resource leaks when the thread has no mechanism to clean up its state (memory allocated, files and sockets opened etc.), unless cleanup handlers are defined for each thread, e.g. with pthread_cleanup_push. Even when defining a cleanup function, care must be taken to prevent resource leaks that may be caused by cancellation points that sit between a resouce acquisition operation and its release operation, e.g. between a file open and close operation some read/write functions may be called that are cancellation points. The gSOAP engine and plugins are designed to maintain the engine state using resource pointers to resources (memory, files, sockets etc.) in the soap context. The context should be passed to the cleanup function when added with pthread_cleanup_push to cleanup the context. This cleanup function should call soap_destroy, soap_end, and soap_free (in that order). However, use #THREAD_CANCEL at your own risk. User-defined service operations and other non-gSOAP code may not meet the requirements to perform a safe #THREAD_CANCEL unless the cleanup functions are carefully designed. Alternatively, a simpler approach with a global flag (a flag per thread) may suffice: set the flag by the main thread to indicate termination is requested of the specific thread and check this flag in the user-defined service operations to terminate the service operation with an error, e.g. return 500.
This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
#include "soapH.h"
#include "plugin/threads.h"
struct soap *soap = soap_new();
soap->bind_flags = SO_REUSEADDR; // immediate port reuse
soap->accept_timeout = 3600; // exit loop when no request arrives in one hour
soap->send_timeout = soap_recv_timeout = 5; // 5 seconds max socket stall time (unlimited by default)
soap->transfer_timeout = 30; // 30 seconds max message transfer time (unlimited by default)
soap->recv_maxlength = 1048576; // limit messages received to 1MB (2GB by default)
if (soap_valid_socket(soap_bind(soap, NULL, PORTNUM, BACKLOG)))
while (1)
struct soap *tsoap = soap_copy(soap);
if (!tsoap)
while (THREAD_CREATE(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))&accept_request, (void*)tsoap))
sleep(1); // failed, try again
else if (soap->errnum) // accept failed, try again after 1 second
else // accept_timeout timed out, quit looping
void *accept_request(struct soap *soap)
struct soap *tsoap;
// create a new thread that is timed to execute for max 10 seconds
tsoap = soap_copy(soap);
if (!tsoap)
while (THREAD_CREATE(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))&process_request, (void*)tsoap))
sleep(1); // failed, try again
// allow serving the request by the new thread for up to 30 seconds max
// terminate process_request thread
// clean up
return NULL;
void *process_request(struct soap *soap)
// add the cleanup function
pthread_cleanup_push((void(*)(void*))&cleanup, (void*)soap);
// remove the cleanup function and call it to cleanup the context
return NULL;
void cleanup(struct soap *soap)
void soap_free(struct soap *soap)
Finalize and free the given soap context from unmanaged heap memory.
void soap_end(struct soap *soap)
Delete all data from heap memory managed by the specified soap context and release the freed memory b...
struct soap * soap_new()
Allocate and initialize a new soap context.
struct soap * soap_copy(struct soap *soap)
Allocate and initialize a new soap context as a copy of the given soap context.
void soap_destroy(struct soap *soap)
Delete all dynamically-allocated C++ objects managed by the specified soap context.
void soap_print_fault(struct soap *soap, FILE *fd)
Print error message on the specified output.
SOAP_SOCKET soap_bind(struct soap *soap, const char *host, int port, int backlog)
Bind and listen to a port.
int soap_force_closesock(struct soap *soap)
Forcibly close the socket connection.
int soap_serve(struct soap *soap)
Serve a pending request.
SOAP_SOCKET soap_accept(struct soap *soap)
Accept a connection with a client.
#define soap_valid_socket(sock)
Function macro to check if a socket is valid, i.e. not equal to #SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET
Definition: stdsoap2.h:1309
Type of a thread (thread ID)
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10639
#define THREAD_DETACH(tid)
Detach a thread.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10715
#define THREAD_ID
The thread ID of self.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10647
#define THREAD_CANCEL(tid)
Cancel a thread.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10834
#define THREAD_CREATE(tidptr, funcptr, argptr)
Create a new thread.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10686
Context with the engine state.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2851
int errnum
The errno value of the last failed IO operation.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:2974
ULONG64 recv_maxlength
User-definable maximum message length that is permitted to be received, zero means unlimited (the val...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:3189
int bind_flags
User-definable setsockopt level SOL_SOCKET flags when binding soap::master socket (the value is 0 by ...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:3438
int send_timeout
User-definable timeout to send a packet of data, positive timeout values are seconds,...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:3231
int accept_timeout
User-definable timeout when waiting to accept a request from a client at the server-side with soap_ac...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:3273
int transfer_timeout
User-definable timeout to send or receive an entire message, positive timeout values are seconds,...
Definition: stdsoap2.h:3203
tid#THREAD_TYPE thread ID to cancel


#define THREAD_CLOSE (   tid)

Close the thread ID handle created by #THREAD_CREATEX (Windows only)


#define THREAD_CREATE (   tidptr,

Create a new thread.

This macro creates a new thread and runs the specified function with the argument parameter passed to this function.

On Windows platforms #THREAD_CREATE uses _beginthread which returns a thread ID handle that cannot be joined. To join a thread use THREAD_CREATEX(&tid, func, arg) then #THREAD_JOIN. Don't forget to THREAD_CLOSE(tid) afterwards:
#include "plugin/threads.h"
while (THREAD_CREATEX(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))&process_request, (void*)tsoap)))
sleep(1); // failed, try again
... // some other work to do
THREAD_JOIN(tid); // wait for the thread to terminate and join
THREAD_CLOSE(tid); // close handle
... // some other work to do
#define THREAD_CREATEX(tidptr, funcptr, argptr)
Create a new joinable thread (Windows only)
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10692
#define THREAD_CLOSE(tid)
Close the thread ID handle created by #THREAD_CREATEX (Windows only)
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10695
#define THREAD_JOIN(tid)
Join a thread.
Definition: stdsoap2.h:10727
This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
#include "plugin/threads.h"
while (THREAD_CREATE(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))&process_request, (void*)tsoap)))
sleep(1); // failed, try again
... // some other work to do
THREAD_JOIN(tid); // optional: to wait for the thread to terminate and join (see warning)
... // some other work to do
tidptrpointer to #THREAD_TYPE thread ID to assign
funcptrfunction to run by the new thread
argptrthe argument (a pointer) to pass to the function when called
zero on success and nonzero on failure


#define THREAD_CREATEX (   tidptr,

Create a new joinable thread (Windows only)

On Windows platforms #THREAD_CREATE uses _beginthread which returns a thread ID handle that cannot be joined. To join a thread use THREAD_CREATEX(&tid, func, arg) then #THREAD_JOIN. Don't forget to THREAD_CLOSE(tid) afterwards.


#define THREAD_DETACH (   tid)

Detach a thread.

This macro detaches the specified thread. A detached thread cannot be joined back with the thread that created it. When a detached thread terminates, its resources are automatically released back to the system without the need for another thread to join with the terminated thread.

This macro has no effect on Windows platforms, see #THREAD_CREATE.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
#include "plugin/threads.h"
THREAD_DETACH(THREAD_ID); // detach self
tid#THREAD_TYPE thread ID to detach



Exit the current thread.

This macro terminates the current thread.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.


#define THREAD_ID

The thread ID of self.

This macro represents the current thread ID, i.e. self.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.


#define THREAD_JOIN (   tid)

Join a thread.

This macro waits for the termination of the specified thread to join it.

This macro requires #THREAD_CREATEX and #THREAD_CLOSE on Windows plaforms.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
tid#THREAD_TYPE thread ID to join



Type of a thread (thread ID)

This macro represents a portable thread ID type.

This macro is declared in gsoap/plugin/threads.h and requires compilation of gsoap/plugin/threads.c on Windows platforms.
while (THREAD_CREATE(&tid, (void*(*)(void*))&process_request, (void*)tsoap)))
sleep(1); // failed, try again