Genivia Home Documentation
soap_mec_data Struct Reference

updated Tue Nov 23 2021 by Robert van Engelen
Public Attributes | List of all members
soap_mec_data Struct Reference

The mecevp engine context data. More...

#include <mecevp.h>

Public Attributes

int alg
enum SOAP_MEC_STATE state
const EVP_CIPHER * type
char tag [16]
char taglen
const EVP_PKEY * pkey
unsigned char ekey [EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH]
const unsigned char * key
int keylen
char * buf
size_t bufidx
size_t buflen
char * rest
size_t restidx
size_t restlen
int i
unsigned long m
soap_mode mode
int(* ffiltersend )(struct soap *, const char **, size_t *)
int(* ffilterrecv )(struct soap *, char *, size_t *, size_t)

Detailed Description

The mecevp engine context data.

Member Data Documentation

◆ alg

int soap_mec_data::alg

The algorithm used

◆ buf

char* soap_mec_data::buf

iv and stream buffer

◆ bufidx

size_t soap_mec_data::bufidx

current buffer index

◆ buflen

size_t soap_mec_data::buflen

buffer max length

◆ ctx

EVP_CIPHER_CTX* soap_mec_data::ctx


◆ ekey

unsigned char soap_mec_data::ekey[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH]

ephemeral key

◆ ffilterrecv

int(* soap_mec_data::ffilterrecv) (struct soap *, char *, size_t *, size_t)

◆ ffiltersend

int(* soap_mec_data::ffiltersend) (struct soap *, const char **, size_t *)

◆ i

int soap_mec_data::i

base64 conversion

◆ key

const unsigned char* soap_mec_data::key

secret key

◆ keylen

int soap_mec_data::keylen

secret key length

◆ m

unsigned long soap_mec_data::m

base64 conversion

◆ mode

soap_mode soap_mec_data::mode

◆ pkey

const EVP_PKEY* soap_mec_data::pkey

private key for OpenInit

◆ rest

char* soap_mec_data::rest

rest-append buffer

◆ restidx

size_t soap_mec_data::restidx

rest-append buffer index

◆ restlen

size_t soap_mec_data::restlen

rest-append buffer max length

◆ state

enum SOAP_MEC_STATE soap_mec_data::state

Decryption state

◆ tag

char soap_mec_data::tag[16]

GCM authentication tag buffer

◆ taglen

char soap_mec_data::taglen

GCM authentication tag buffer length

◆ type

const EVP_CIPHER* soap_mec_data::type

type for OpenInit/DecryptInit

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: