Genivia Home Documentation
wst.h File Reference

updated Tue Nov 23 2021 by Robert van Engelen
Classes | Macros | Typedefs
wst.h File Reference
#import "wsse.h"
#import "wsu.h"
#import "wsa5.h"
#import "wsp_appliesto.h"
#import "saml1.h"
#import "saml2.h"
#import "wstx.h"
Include dependency graph for wst.h:


struct  wst__RequestedSecurityTokenType
 Imported complexType "":RequestedSecurityTokenType from typemap "WS/WS-typemap.dat". More...
struct  wst__EntropyType
 Imported complexType "":EntropyType from typemap "WS/WS-typemap.dat". More...
struct  wst__AuthenticatorType
 Imported complexType "":AuthenticatorType from typemap "WS/WS-typemap.dat". More...
struct  wst__RequestSecurityTokenType
 Imported simpleType "":RequestTypeOpenEnum from typemap "WS/WS-typemap.dat". More...
struct  wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseType
 "":RequestSecurityTokenResponseType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__ClaimsType
 "":ClaimsType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__LifetimeType
 "":LifetimeType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType
 "":RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType
 "":RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__RequestedReferenceType
 "":RequestedReferenceType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__RequestedProofTokenType
 "":RequestedProofTokenType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__RenewTargetType
 "":RenewTargetType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__AllowPostdatingType
 "":AllowPostdatingType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__RenewingType
 "":RenewingType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__CancelTargetType
 "":CancelTargetType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__RequestedTokenCancelledType
 "":RequestedTokenCancelledType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__ValidateTargetType
 "":ValidateTargetType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__StatusType
 "":StatusType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__SignChallengeType
 "":SignChallengeType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__RequestKETType
 "":RequestKETType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__KeyExchangeTokenType
 "":KeyExchangeTokenType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__OnBehalfOfType
 "":OnBehalfOfType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__EncryptionType
 "":EncryptionType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__ProofEncryptionType
 "":ProofEncryptionType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__UseKeyType
 "":UseKeyType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__DelegateToType
 "":DelegateToType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__ParticipantsType
 "":ParticipantsType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__ParticipantType
 "":ParticipantType is a complexType. More...
struct  wst__BinarySecretType
 "":BinarySecretType is a complexType with simpleContent. More...
struct  wst__BinaryExchangeType
 "":BinaryExchangeType is a complexType with simpleContent. More...


#define SOAP_NAMESPACE_OF_wst   ""


typedef struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenType wst__RequestSecurityTokenType
 Imported element """:SecurityTokenReference" from typemap WS/WS-typemap.dat. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseType wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestedSecurityTokenType wst__RequestedSecurityTokenType
 Imported complexType "":RequestedSecurityTokenType from typemap "WS/WS-typemap.dat". More...
typedef struct wst__BinarySecretType wst__BinarySecretType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__BinarySecretType. More...
typedef struct wst__ClaimsType wst__ClaimsType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__ClaimsType. More...
typedef struct wst__EntropyType wst__EntropyType
 Imported complexType "":EntropyType from typemap "WS/WS-typemap.dat". More...
typedef struct wst__LifetimeType wst__LifetimeType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__LifetimeType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType wst__RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestedReferenceType wst__RequestedReferenceType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestedReferenceType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestedProofTokenType wst__RequestedProofTokenType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestedProofTokenType. More...
typedef struct wst__RenewTargetType wst__RenewTargetType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__RenewTargetType. More...
typedef struct wst__AllowPostdatingType wst__AllowPostdatingType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__AllowPostdatingType. More...
typedef struct wst__RenewingType wst__RenewingType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__RenewingType. More...
typedef struct wst__CancelTargetType wst__CancelTargetType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__CancelTargetType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestedTokenCancelledType wst__RequestedTokenCancelledType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestedTokenCancelledType. More...
typedef struct wst__ValidateTargetType wst__ValidateTargetType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__ValidateTargetType. More...
typedef struct wst__StatusType wst__StatusType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__StatusType. More...
typedef struct wst__SignChallengeType wst__SignChallengeType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__SignChallengeType. More...
typedef struct wst__BinaryExchangeType wst__BinaryExchangeType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__BinaryExchangeType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestKETType wst__RequestKETType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestKETType. More...
typedef struct wst__KeyExchangeTokenType wst__KeyExchangeTokenType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__KeyExchangeTokenType. More...
typedef struct wst__AuthenticatorType wst__AuthenticatorType
 Imported complexType "":AuthenticatorType from typemap "WS/WS-typemap.dat". More...
typedef struct wst__OnBehalfOfType wst__OnBehalfOfType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__OnBehalfOfType. More...
typedef struct wst__EncryptionType wst__EncryptionType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__EncryptionType. More...
typedef struct wst__ProofEncryptionType wst__ProofEncryptionType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__ProofEncryptionType. More...
typedef struct wst__UseKeyType wst__UseKeyType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__UseKeyType. More...
typedef struct wst__DelegateToType wst__DelegateToType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__DelegateToType. More...
typedef struct wst__ParticipantsType wst__ParticipantsType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__ParticipantsType. More...
typedef struct wst__ParticipantType wst__ParticipantType
 Typedef synonym for struct wst__ParticipantType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenType _wst__RequestSecurityToken
 Top-level root element "":RequestSecurityToken of XSD type "":RequestSecurityTokenType. More...
typedef char * _wst__TokenType
 Top-level root element "":TokenType of XSD type xs:anyURI. More...
typedef char * _wst__RequestType
 Top-level root element "":RequestType of XSD type "":RequestTypeOpenEnum. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseType _wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponse
 Top-level root element "":RequestSecurityTokenResponse of XSD type "":RequestSecurityTokenResponseType. More...
typedef wst__RequestedSecurityTokenType _wst__RequestedSecurityToken
 Top-level root element "":RequestedSecurityToken of XSD type "":RequestedSecurityTokenType. More...
typedef struct wst__BinarySecretType _wst__BinarySecret
 Top-level root element "":BinarySecret of XSD type "":BinarySecretType. More...
typedef struct wst__ClaimsType _wst__Claims
 Top-level root element "":Claims of XSD type "":ClaimsType. More...
typedef wst__EntropyType _wst__Entropy
 Top-level root element "":Entropy of XSD type "":EntropyType. More...
typedef struct wst__LifetimeType _wst__Lifetime
 Top-level root element "":Lifetime of XSD type "":LifetimeType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType _wst__RequestSecurityTokenCollection
 Top-level root element "":RequestSecurityTokenCollection of XSD type "":RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType _wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection
 Top-level root element "":RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection of XSD type "":RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType. More...
typedef char * _wst__ComputedKey
 Top-level root element "":ComputedKey of XSD type "":ComputedKeyOpenEnum. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestedReferenceType _wst__RequestedAttachedReference
 Top-level root element "":RequestedAttachedReference of XSD type "":RequestedReferenceType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestedReferenceType _wst__RequestedUnattachedReference
 Top-level root element "":RequestedUnattachedReference of XSD type "":RequestedReferenceType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestedProofTokenType _wst__RequestedProofToken
 Top-level root element "":RequestedProofToken of XSD type "":RequestedProofTokenType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType _wst__IssuedTokens
 Top-level root element "":IssuedTokens of XSD type "":RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType. More...
typedef struct wst__RenewTargetType _wst__RenewTarget
 Top-level root element "":RenewTarget of XSD type "":RenewTargetType. More...
typedef struct wst__AllowPostdatingType _wst__AllowPostdating
 Top-level root element "":AllowPostdating of XSD type "":AllowPostdatingType. More...
typedef struct wst__RenewingType _wst__Renewing
 Top-level root element "":Renewing of XSD type "":RenewingType. More...
typedef struct wst__CancelTargetType _wst__CancelTarget
 Top-level root element "":CancelTarget of XSD type "":CancelTargetType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestedTokenCancelledType _wst__RequestedTokenCancelled
 Top-level root element "":RequestedTokenCancelled of XSD type "":RequestedTokenCancelledType. More...
typedef struct wst__ValidateTargetType _wst__ValidateTarget
 Top-level root element "":ValidateTarget of XSD type "":ValidateTargetType. More...
typedef struct wst__StatusType _wst__Status
 Top-level root element "":Status of XSD type "":StatusType. More...
typedef struct wst__SignChallengeType _wst__SignChallenge
 Top-level root element "":SignChallenge of XSD type "":SignChallengeType. More...
typedef struct wst__SignChallengeType _wst__SignChallengeResponse
 Top-level root element "":SignChallengeResponse of XSD type "":SignChallengeType. More...
typedef char * _wst__Challenge
 Top-level root element "":Challenge of XSD type xs:string. More...
typedef struct wst__BinaryExchangeType _wst__BinaryExchange
 Top-level root element "":BinaryExchange of XSD type "":BinaryExchangeType. More...
typedef struct wst__RequestKETType _wst__RequestKET
 Top-level root element "":RequestKET of XSD type "":RequestKETType. More...
typedef struct wst__KeyExchangeTokenType _wst__KeyExchangeToken
 Top-level root element "":KeyExchangeToken of XSD type "":KeyExchangeTokenType. More...
typedef wst__AuthenticatorType _wst__Authenticator
 Top-level root element "":Authenticator of XSD type "":AuthenticatorType. More...
typedef char * _wst__CombinedHash
 Top-level root element "":CombinedHash of XSD type xs:base64Binary. More...
typedef struct wst__OnBehalfOfType _wst__OnBehalfOf
 Top-level root element "":OnBehalfOf of XSD type "":OnBehalfOfType. More...
typedef wsa5__EndpointReferenceType _wst__Issuer
 Top-level root element "":Issuer of XSD type "":EndpointReferenceType. More...
typedef char * _wst__AuthenticationType
 Top-level root element "":AuthenticationType of XSD type xs:anyURI. More...
typedef char * _wst__KeyType
 Top-level root element "":KeyType of XSD type "":KeyTypeOpenEnum. More...
typedef unsigned int _wst__KeySize
 Top-level root element "":KeySize of XSD type xs:unsignedInt. More...
typedef char * _wst__SignatureAlgorithm
 Top-level root element "":SignatureAlgorithm of XSD type xs:anyURI. More...
typedef char * _wst__EncryptionAlgorithm
 Top-level root element "":EncryptionAlgorithm of XSD type xs:anyURI. More...
typedef char * _wst__CanonicalizationAlgorithm
 Top-level root element "":CanonicalizationAlgorithm of XSD type xs:anyURI. More...
typedef char * _wst__ComputedKeyAlgorithm
 Top-level root element "":ComputedKeyAlgorithm of XSD type xs:anyURI. More...
typedef struct wst__EncryptionType _wst__Encryption
 Top-level root element "":Encryption of XSD type "":EncryptionType. More...
typedef struct wst__ProofEncryptionType _wst__ProofEncryption
 Top-level root element "":ProofEncryption of XSD type "":ProofEncryptionType. More...
typedef struct wst__UseKeyType _wst__UseKey
 Top-level root element "":UseKey of XSD type "":UseKeyType. More...
typedef char * _wst__KeyWrapAlgorithm
 Top-level root element "":KeyWrapAlgorithm of XSD type xs:anyURI. More...
typedef char * _wst__SignWith
 Top-level root element "":SignWith of XSD type xs:anyURI. More...
typedef char * _wst__EncryptWith
 Top-level root element "":EncryptWith of XSD type xs:anyURI. More...
typedef struct wst__DelegateToType _wst__DelegateTo
 Top-level root element "":DelegateTo of XSD type "":DelegateToType. More...
typedef char * _wst__Forwardable
 Top-level root element "":Forwardable of XSD type xs:boolean. More...
typedef char * _wst__Delegatable
 Top-level root element "":Delegatable of XSD type xs:boolean. More...
typedef struct wst__ParticipantsType _wst__Participants
 Top-level root element "":Participants of XSD type "":ParticipantsType. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SOAP_NAMESPACE_OF_wst   ""

Typedef Documentation

◆ _wst__AllowPostdating

Top-level root element "":AllowPostdating of XSD type "":AllowPostdatingType.

◆ _wst__AuthenticationType

typedef char* _wst__AuthenticationType

Top-level root element "":AuthenticationType of XSD type xs:anyURI.

◆ _wst__Authenticator

Top-level root element "":Authenticator of XSD type "":AuthenticatorType.

◆ _wst__BinaryExchange

Top-level root element "":BinaryExchange of XSD type "":BinaryExchangeType.

◆ _wst__BinarySecret

Top-level root element "":BinarySecret of XSD type "":BinarySecretType.

◆ _wst__CancelTarget

Top-level root element "":CancelTarget of XSD type "":CancelTargetType.

◆ _wst__CanonicalizationAlgorithm

Top-level root element "":CanonicalizationAlgorithm of XSD type xs:anyURI.

◆ _wst__Challenge

typedef char* _wst__Challenge

Top-level root element "":Challenge of XSD type xs:string.

◆ _wst__Claims

typedef struct wst__ClaimsType _wst__Claims

Top-level root element "":Claims of XSD type "":ClaimsType.

◆ _wst__CombinedHash

typedef char* _wst__CombinedHash

Top-level root element "":CombinedHash of XSD type xs:base64Binary.

◆ _wst__ComputedKey

typedef char* _wst__ComputedKey

Top-level root element "":ComputedKey of XSD type "":ComputedKeyOpenEnum.

◆ _wst__ComputedKeyAlgorithm

Top-level root element "":ComputedKeyAlgorithm of XSD type xs:anyURI.

◆ _wst__Delegatable

typedef char* _wst__Delegatable

Top-level root element "":Delegatable of XSD type xs:boolean.

◆ _wst__DelegateTo

Top-level root element "":DelegateTo of XSD type "":DelegateToType.

◆ _wst__Encryption

Top-level root element "":Encryption of XSD type "":EncryptionType.

◆ _wst__EncryptionAlgorithm

Top-level root element "":EncryptionAlgorithm of XSD type xs:anyURI.

◆ _wst__EncryptWith

typedef char* _wst__EncryptWith

Top-level root element "":EncryptWith of XSD type xs:anyURI.

◆ _wst__Entropy

Top-level root element "":Entropy of XSD type "":EntropyType.

◆ _wst__Forwardable

typedef char* _wst__Forwardable

Top-level root element "":Forwardable of XSD type xs:boolean.

◆ _wst__IssuedTokens

Top-level root element "":IssuedTokens of XSD type "":RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType.

◆ _wst__Issuer

typedef wsa5__EndpointReferenceType _wst__Issuer

Top-level root element "":Issuer of XSD type "":EndpointReferenceType.

◆ _wst__KeyExchangeToken

Top-level root element "":KeyExchangeToken of XSD type "":KeyExchangeTokenType.

◆ _wst__KeySize

typedef unsigned int _wst__KeySize

Top-level root element "":KeySize of XSD type xs:unsignedInt.

◆ _wst__KeyType

typedef char* _wst__KeyType

Top-level root element "":KeyType of XSD type "":KeyTypeOpenEnum.

◆ _wst__KeyWrapAlgorithm

typedef char* _wst__KeyWrapAlgorithm

Top-level root element "":KeyWrapAlgorithm of XSD type xs:anyURI.

◆ _wst__Lifetime

Top-level root element "":Lifetime of XSD type "":LifetimeType.

◆ _wst__OnBehalfOf

Top-level root element "":OnBehalfOf of XSD type "":OnBehalfOfType.

◆ _wst__Participants

Top-level root element "":Participants of XSD type "":ParticipantsType.

◆ _wst__ProofEncryption

Top-level root element "":ProofEncryption of XSD type "":ProofEncryptionType.

◆ _wst__Renewing

Top-level root element "":Renewing of XSD type "":RenewingType.

◆ _wst__RenewTarget

Top-level root element "":RenewTarget of XSD type "":RenewTargetType.

◆ _wst__RequestedAttachedReference

Top-level root element "":RequestedAttachedReference of XSD type "":RequestedReferenceType.

◆ _wst__RequestedProofToken

Top-level root element "":RequestedProofToken of XSD type "":RequestedProofTokenType.

◆ _wst__RequestedSecurityToken

Top-level root element "":RequestedSecurityToken of XSD type "":RequestedSecurityTokenType.

◆ _wst__RequestedTokenCancelled

Top-level root element "":RequestedTokenCancelled of XSD type "":RequestedTokenCancelledType.

◆ _wst__RequestedUnattachedReference

Top-level root element "":RequestedUnattachedReference of XSD type "":RequestedReferenceType.

◆ _wst__RequestKET

Top-level root element "":RequestKET of XSD type "":RequestKETType.

◆ _wst__RequestSecurityToken

Top-level root element "":RequestSecurityToken of XSD type "":RequestSecurityTokenType.

◆ _wst__RequestSecurityTokenCollection

Top-level root element "":RequestSecurityTokenCollection of XSD type "":RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType.

◆ _wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponse

Top-level root element "":RequestSecurityTokenResponse of XSD type "":RequestSecurityTokenResponseType.

◆ _wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection

Top-level root element "":RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollection of XSD type "":RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType.

◆ _wst__RequestType

typedef char* _wst__RequestType

Top-level root element "":RequestType of XSD type "":RequestTypeOpenEnum.

◆ _wst__SignatureAlgorithm

typedef char* _wst__SignatureAlgorithm

Top-level root element "":SignatureAlgorithm of XSD type xs:anyURI.

◆ _wst__SignChallenge

Top-level root element "":SignChallenge of XSD type "":SignChallengeType.

◆ _wst__SignChallengeResponse

Top-level root element "":SignChallengeResponse of XSD type "":SignChallengeType.

◆ _wst__SignWith

typedef char* _wst__SignWith

Top-level root element "":SignWith of XSD type xs:anyURI.

◆ _wst__Status

typedef struct wst__StatusType _wst__Status

Top-level root element "":Status of XSD type "":StatusType.

◆ _wst__TokenType

typedef char* _wst__TokenType

Top-level root element "":TokenType of XSD type xs:anyURI.

◆ _wst__UseKey

typedef struct wst__UseKeyType _wst__UseKey

Top-level root element "":UseKey of XSD type "":UseKeyType.

◆ _wst__ValidateTarget

Top-level root element "":ValidateTarget of XSD type "":ValidateTargetType.

◆ wst__AllowPostdatingType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__AllowPostdatingType.

◆ wst__AuthenticatorType

Imported complexType "":AuthenticatorType from typemap "WS/WS-typemap.dat".

◆ wst__BinaryExchangeType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__BinaryExchangeType.

◆ wst__BinarySecretType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__BinarySecretType.

◆ wst__CancelTargetType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__CancelTargetType.

◆ wst__ClaimsType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__ClaimsType.

◆ wst__DelegateToType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__DelegateToType.

◆ wst__EncryptionType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__EncryptionType.

◆ wst__EntropyType

Imported complexType "":EntropyType from typemap "WS/WS-typemap.dat".

◆ wst__KeyExchangeTokenType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__KeyExchangeTokenType.

◆ wst__LifetimeType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__LifetimeType.

◆ wst__OnBehalfOfType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__OnBehalfOfType.

◆ wst__ParticipantsType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__ParticipantsType.

◆ wst__ParticipantType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__ParticipantType.

◆ wst__ProofEncryptionType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__ProofEncryptionType.

◆ wst__RenewingType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__RenewingType.

◆ wst__RenewTargetType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__RenewTargetType.

◆ wst__RequestedProofTokenType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestedProofTokenType.

◆ wst__RequestedReferenceType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestedReferenceType.

◆ wst__RequestedSecurityTokenType

Imported complexType "":RequestedSecurityTokenType from typemap "WS/WS-typemap.dat".

◆ wst__RequestedTokenCancelledType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestedTokenCancelledType.

◆ wst__RequestKETType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestKETType.

◆ wst__RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenCollectionType.

◆ wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseCollectionType

◆ wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenResponseType.

◆ wst__RequestSecurityTokenType

Imported element """:SecurityTokenReference" from typemap WS/WS-typemap.dat.

Typedef synonym for struct wst__RequestSecurityTokenType.

◆ wst__SignChallengeType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__SignChallengeType.

◆ wst__StatusType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__StatusType.

◆ wst__UseKeyType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__UseKeyType.

◆ wst__ValidateTargetType

Typedef synonym for struct wst__ValidateTargetType.