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xml-rpc.h File Reference

updated Tue Nov 23 2021 by Robert van Engelen
Classes | Typedefs | Functions
xml-rpc.h File Reference
#include "xml-rpc-iters.h"
Include dependency graph for xml-rpc.h:


struct  _base64
 Represents the <base64> binary data element. More...
struct  _rawdata
 Represents the <rawdata> binary data element. More...
struct  _struct
 Represents the <struct> record structure element. More...
struct  data
 Represents the <data> element. More...
struct  _array
 Represents the <array> array of values element. More...
struct  value
struct  member
 Represents the <member> element of a <struct>. More...
struct  params
 Represents the <params> of a <methodCall> request and response. More...
struct  param
 Represents a <param> of the <params> of a <methodCall>. More...
struct  methodResponse
 Represents the <methodResponse> element with response <params> and <fault>. More...
struct  methodCall
 Represents the <methodCall> element with <methodName> and request <params> for remote invocation. More...
struct  fault
 Represents the <fault> container element with a value. More...


typedef char _boolean
 Scalar <boolean> element with values 0 (false) or 1 (true) More...
typedef double _double
 Scalar <double> element with double floating point. More...
typedef int _i4
 Scalar <i4> element with 32 bit integer. More...
typedef LONG64 _int
 Scalar <int> element with 64 bit integer. More...
typedef char * _string
 Scalar <string> element. More...
typedef char * _dateTime_DOTiso8601
 Scalar <dateTime.iso8601> element with ISO8601 date and time formatted string. More...


struct valuenew_value (struct soap *soap)
 C/C++ function returns a pointer to a new value. More...
struct valueinit_value (struct soap *soap, struct value *v)
 C/C++ function to init or reset a value, returns a pointer to this value. More...
_booleanbool_of (struct value *v)
 C function returns pointer to Boolean, coerces v to Boolean if needed. More...
_intint_of (struct value *v)
 C function returns pointer to int, coerces v to int if needed. More...
_doubledouble_of (struct value *v)
 C function returns pointer to double, coerces v to double if needed. More...
const char ** string_of (struct value *v)
 C function returns pointer to string (pointer to char * to set or get), coerces v to string if needed. More...
const char ** dateTime_of (struct value *v)
 C function returns pointer to string of ISO 8601, coerces v to string if needed (get time with soap_s2dateTime and set time with soap_dateTime2s) More...
struct _base64base64_of (struct value *v)
 C function returns pointer to base64 struct, coerces v to base64 struct if needed. More...
struct _rawdatarawdata_of (struct value *v)
 C function returns pointer to string of RAW JSON. More...
struct valuevalue_at (struct value *v, const char *s)
 C function returns pointer to member value of a struct, coerces v to struct if needed. More...
struct valuevalue_atw (struct value *v, const wchar_t *s)
 C function returns pointer to member value of a struct, coerces v to struct if needed. More...
int nth_at (const struct value *v, const char *s)
 C function returns the nth index of a name in a struct, < 0 otherwise. More...
int nth_atw (const struct value *v, const wchar_t *s)
 C function returns the nth index of a name in a struct, < 0 otherwise. More...
int nth_nth (const struct value *v, int n)
 C function returns the nth index if an nth index in the array exists, < 0 otherwise. More...
struct membernth_member (struct value *v, int n)
 C function returns pointer to nth member (name and value) of a struct or NULL when not exists. More...
struct valuenth_value (struct value *v, int n)
 C function returns pointer to array element value at index n, coerces v to array with value at n if needed. More...
_boolean is_null (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if value is not set or assigned (JSON null) More...
_boolean is_int (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if value is a 32 or a 64 bit int. More...
_boolean is_double (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if value is a 64 bit double floating point. More...
_boolean is_number (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if value is a number (int or float) More...
_boolean is_string (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if value is a string. More...
_boolean is_bool (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if value is a Boolean "true" or "false" value. More...
_boolean is_true (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if value is Boolean "true". More...
_boolean is_false (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if value is Boolean "false". More...
_boolean is_array (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if array of values. More...
_boolean is_struct (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if structure, a.k.a. a JSON object. More...
_boolean is_dateTime (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if ISO 8601, always false for received JSON. More...
_boolean is_base64 (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if base64, always false for received JSON. More...
_boolean is_rawdata (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true if RAW JSON, always false for received JSON. More...
void set_struct (struct value *v)
 C function to create an empty struct. More...
void set_size (struct value *v, int n)
 C function set/allocate size of array. More...
int has_size (const struct value *v)
 C function returns the size of an array or struct. More...
int is_empty (const struct value *v)
 C function returns true (1) if struct/array is empty or when value is not an struct/array, 0 otherwise. More...
struct paramsnew_params (struct soap *soap)
 C function returns pointer to new parameters for XML-RPC methodCall. More...
struct paramsinit_params (struct soap *soap, struct params *p)
 C function to clear parameters, returns a pointer to the empty parameters. More...
struct valuenth_param (struct params *p, int n)
 C function returns pointer to parameter value at index n, creates new parameter if needed. More...
int call_method (struct soap *soap, const char *endpoint, const char *methodName, struct params *p, struct methodResponse *r)
 C function to invoke XML-RPC methodCall on endpoint given methodCall m populates methodResponse r, returns SOAP_OK or error. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ _boolean

typedef char _boolean

Scalar <boolean> element with values 0 (false) or 1 (true)

◆ _dateTime_DOTiso8601

typedef char* _dateTime_DOTiso8601

Scalar <dateTime.iso8601> element with ISO8601 date and time formatted string.

◆ _double

typedef double _double

Scalar <double> element with double floating point.

◆ _i4

typedef int _i4

Scalar <i4> element with 32 bit integer.

◆ _int

typedef LONG64 _int

Scalar <int> element with 64 bit integer.

◆ _string

typedef char* _string

Scalar <string> element.

Function Documentation

◆ base64_of()

struct _base64* base64_of ( struct value v)

C function returns pointer to base64 struct, coerces v to base64 struct if needed.

◆ bool_of()

_boolean* bool_of ( struct value v)

C function returns pointer to Boolean, coerces v to Boolean if needed.

◆ call_method()

int call_method ( struct soap *  soap,
const char *  endpoint,
const char *  methodName,
struct params p,
struct methodResponse r 

C function to invoke XML-RPC methodCall on endpoint given methodCall m populates methodResponse r, returns SOAP_OK or error.

◆ dateTime_of()

const char** dateTime_of ( struct value v)

C function returns pointer to string of ISO 8601, coerces v to string if needed (get time with soap_s2dateTime and set time with soap_dateTime2s)

◆ double_of()

_double* double_of ( struct value v)

C function returns pointer to double, coerces v to double if needed.

◆ has_size()

int has_size ( const struct value v)

C function returns the size of an array or struct.

◆ init_params()

struct params* init_params ( struct soap *  soap,
struct params p 

C function to clear parameters, returns a pointer to the empty parameters.

◆ init_value()

struct value* init_value ( struct soap *  soap,
struct value v 

C/C++ function to init or reset a value, returns a pointer to this value.

◆ int_of()

_int* int_of ( struct value v)

C function returns pointer to int, coerces v to int if needed.

◆ is_array()

_boolean is_array ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if array of values.

◆ is_base64()

_boolean is_base64 ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if base64, always false for received JSON.

◆ is_bool()

_boolean is_bool ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if value is a Boolean "true" or "false" value.

◆ is_dateTime()

_boolean is_dateTime ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if ISO 8601, always false for received JSON.

◆ is_double()

_boolean is_double ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if value is a 64 bit double floating point.

◆ is_empty()

int is_empty ( const struct value v)

C function returns true (1) if struct/array is empty or when value is not an struct/array, 0 otherwise.

◆ is_false()

_boolean is_false ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if value is Boolean "false".

◆ is_int()

_boolean is_int ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if value is a 32 or a 64 bit int.

◆ is_null()

_boolean is_null ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if value is not set or assigned (JSON null)

◆ is_number()

_boolean is_number ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if value is a number (int or float)

◆ is_rawdata()

_boolean is_rawdata ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if RAW JSON, always false for received JSON.

◆ is_string()

_boolean is_string ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if value is a string.

◆ is_struct()

_boolean is_struct ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if structure, a.k.a. a JSON object.

◆ is_true()

_boolean is_true ( const struct value v)

C function returns true if value is Boolean "true".

◆ new_params()

struct params* new_params ( struct soap *  soap)

C function returns pointer to new parameters for XML-RPC methodCall.

◆ new_value()

struct value* new_value ( struct soap *  soap)

C/C++ function returns a pointer to a new value.

◆ nth_at()

int nth_at ( const struct value v,
const char *  s 

C function returns the nth index of a name in a struct, < 0 otherwise.

◆ nth_atw()

int nth_atw ( const struct value v,
const wchar_t *  s 

C function returns the nth index of a name in a struct, < 0 otherwise.

◆ nth_member()

struct member* nth_member ( struct value v,
int  n 

C function returns pointer to nth member (name and value) of a struct or NULL when not exists.

◆ nth_nth()

int nth_nth ( const struct value v,
int  n 

C function returns the nth index if an nth index in the array exists, < 0 otherwise.

◆ nth_param()

struct value* nth_param ( struct params p,
int  n 

C function returns pointer to parameter value at index n, creates new parameter if needed.

◆ nth_value()

struct value* nth_value ( struct value v,
int  n 

C function returns pointer to array element value at index n, coerces v to array with value at n if needed.

◆ rawdata_of()

struct _rawdata* rawdata_of ( struct value v)

C function returns pointer to string of RAW JSON.

◆ set_size()

void set_size ( struct value v,
int  n 

C function set/allocate size of array.

◆ set_struct()

void set_struct ( struct value v)

C function to create an empty struct.

◆ string_of()

const char** string_of ( struct value v)

C function returns pointer to string (pointer to char * to set or get), coerces v to string if needed.

◆ value_at()

struct value* value_at ( struct value v,
const char *  s 

C function returns pointer to member value of a struct, coerces v to struct if needed.

◆ value_atw()

struct value* value_atw ( struct value v,
const wchar_t *  s 

C function returns pointer to member value of a struct, coerces v to struct if needed.