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CMAKE-COMMANDS(7)                    CMake                   CMAKE-COMMANDS(7)

       cmake-commands - CMake Language Command Reference

       These commands are always available.

       Break from an enclosing foreach or while loop.


       Breaks from an enclosing foreach() or while() loop.

       See also the continue() command.

       Query host system specific information.

          cmake_host_system_information(RESULT <variable> QUERY <key> ...)

       Queries system information of the host system on which cmake runs.  One
       or more <key> can be provided to select the information to be  queried.
       The list of queried values is stored in <variable>.

       <key> can be one of the following values:

              Number of logical cores

              Number of physical cores


       FQDN   Fully qualified domain name

              Total virtual memory in MiB [1]

              Available virtual memory in MiB [1]

              Total physical memory in MiB [1]

              Available physical memory in MiB [1]

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor is 64Bit

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor has floating point unit

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor supports MMX instructions

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor supports Ext. MMX instructions

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor supports SSE instructions

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor supports SSE2 instructions

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor supports SSE FP instructions

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor supports SSE MMX instructions

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor supports 3DNow instructions

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor supports 3DNow+ instructions

              New in version 3.10.

              One if IA64 processor emulating x86

              New in version 3.10.

              One if processor has serial number

              New in version 3.10.

              Processor serial number

              New in version 3.10.

              Human readable processor name

              New in version 3.10.

              Human readable full processor description

              New in version 3.10.

              See CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME

              New in version 3.10.

              The OS sub-type e.g. on Windows Professional

              New in version 3.10.

              The OS build ID

              New in version 3.10.


              New in version 3.22.

              Read /etc/os-release file and define the given <variable> into a
              list of read variables

              New in version 3.22.

              Get the <name> variable (see man 5 os-release) if it  exists  in
              the /etc/os-release file


                 cmake_host_system_information(RESULT PRETTY_NAME QUERY DISTRIB_PRETTY_NAME)
                 message(STATUS "${PRETTY_NAME}")

                 cmake_host_system_information(RESULT DISTRO QUERY DISTRIB_INFO)

                 foreach(VAR IN LISTS DISTRO)
                   message(STATUS "${VAR}=`${${VAR}}`")


                 -- Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
                 -- DISTRO_BUG_REPORT_URL=`https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/`
                 -- DISTRO_HOME_URL=`https://www.ubuntu.com/`
                 -- DISTRO_ID=`ubuntu`
                 -- DISTRO_ID_LIKE=`debian`
                 -- DISTRO_NAME=`Ubuntu`
                 -- DISTRO_PRETTY_NAME=`Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS`
                 -- DISTRO_PRIVACY_POLICY_URL=`https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy`
                 -- DISTRO_SUPPORT_URL=`https://help.ubuntu.com/`
                 -- DISTRO_UBUNTU_CODENAME=`focal`
                 -- DISTRO_VERSION=`20.04.2 LTS (Focal Fossa)`
                 -- DISTRO_VERSION_CODENAME=`focal`
                 -- DISTRO_VERSION_ID=`20.04`

       If  /etc/os-release  file  is not found, the command tries to gather OS
       identification via fallback  scripts.   The  fallback  script  can  use
       various  distribution-specific  files to collect OS identification data
       and map it into man 5 os-release variables.

   Fallback Interface Variables
              In addition to the scripts shipped with CMake, a user may append
              full  paths to his script(s) to the this list.  The script file-
              name has the following format: NNN-<name>.cmake,  where  NNN  is
              three  digits  used to apply collected scripts in a specific or-

              Variables collected by the user provided fallback  script  ought
              to  be assigned to CMake variables using this naming convention.
              Example,   the   ID   variable   from   the    manual    becomes

              The  fallback  script  ought  to  store  names  of  all assigned
              CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_RESULT_<varname> variables in this


          # Try to detect some old distribution
          # See also
          # - http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Admin/release-files.html
          if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_SYSROOT}/etc/foobar-release")
          # Get the first string only
              LIMIT_COUNT 1
          # Example:
          #   Foobar distribution release 1.2.3 (server)
          if(CMAKE_GET_OS_RELEASE_FALLBACK_CONTENT MATCHES "Foobar distribution release ([0-9\.]+) .*")

       [1]  One MiB (mebibyte) is equal to 1024x1024 bytes.

       New in version 3.18.

       Call meta-operations on CMake commands.

          cmake_language(CALL <command> [<arg>...])
          cmake_language(EVAL CODE <code>...)
          cmake_language(DEFER <options>... CALL <command> [<arg>...])

       This  command  will  call meta-operations on built-in CMake commands or
       those created via the macro() or function() commands.

       cmake_language does not introduce a new variable or policy scope.

   Calling Commands
          cmake_language(CALL <command> [<arg>...])

       Calls the named <command> with the given arguments (if any).  For exam-
       ple, the code:

          set(message_command "message")
          cmake_language(CALL ${message_command} STATUS "Hello World!")

       is equivalent to

          message(STATUS "Hello World!")

          To  ensure  consistency  of the code, the following commands are not

          • if / elseif / else / endifwhile / endwhileforeach / endforeachfunction / endfunctionmacro / endmacro

   Evaluating Code
          cmake_language(EVAL CODE <code>...)

       Evaluates the <code>... as CMake code.

       For example, the code:

          set(A TRUE)
          set(B TRUE)
          set(C TRUE)
          set(condition "(A AND B) OR C")

          cmake_language(EVAL CODE "
            if (${condition})
              message(STATUS TRUE)
              message(STATUS FALSE)

       is equivalent to

          set(A TRUE)
          set(B TRUE)
          set(C TRUE)
          set(condition "(A AND B) OR C")

          file(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/eval.cmake "
            if (${condition})
              message(STATUS TRUE)
              message(STATUS FALSE)


   Deferring Calls
       New in version 3.19.

          cmake_language(DEFER <options>... CALL <command> [<arg>...])

       Schedules a call to the named <command> with the  given  arguments  (if
       any) to occur at a later time.  By default, deferred calls are executed
       as if written at the end  of  the  current  directory's  CMakeLists.txt
       file, except that they run even after a return() call.  Variable refer-
       ences in arguments are evaluated at the time the deferred call is  exe-

       The options are:

       DIRECTORY <dir>
              Schedule  the call for the end of the given directory instead of
              the current directory.  The <dir> may reference either a  source
              directory or its corresponding binary directory.  Relative paths
              are treated as relative to the current source directory.

              The given directory must be known to  CMake,  being  either  the
              top-level  directory  or  one added by add_subdirectory().  Fur-
              thermore, the given directory must not yet be finished  process-
              ing.   This  means it can be the current directory or one of its

       ID <id>
              Specify an identification for the deferred call.  The  <id>  may
              not  be  empty and may not begin with a capital letter A-Z.  The
              <id> may begin with an underscore (_) only if it  was  generated
              automatically by an earlier call that used ID_VAR to get the id.

       ID_VAR <var>
              Specify  a variable in which to store the identification for the
              deferred call.  If ID <id> is not given,  a  new  identification
              will be generated and the generated id will start with an under-
              score (_).

       The currently scheduled list of deferred calls may be retrieved:

          cmake_language(DEFER [DIRECTORY <dir>] GET_CALL_IDS <var>)

       This will store in <var> a semicolon-separated list  of  deferred  call
       ids.   The ids are for the directory scope in which the calls have been
       deferred to (i.e. where they will be executed), which can be  different
       to  the  scope in which they were created.  The DIRECTORY option can be
       used to specify the scope for which to retrieve the call ids.  If  that
       option  is not given, the call ids for the current directory scope will
       be returned.

       Details of a specific call may be retrieved from its id:

          cmake_language(DEFER [DIRECTORY <dir>] GET_CALL <id> <var>)

       This will store in <var> a semicolon-separated list in which the  first
       element is the name of the command to be called, and the remaining ele-
       ments are its unevaluated arguments (any contained ; characters are in-
       cluded  literally and cannot be distinguished from multiple arguments).
       If multiple calls are scheduled with the same id,  this  retrieves  the
       first  one.  If no call is scheduled with the given id in the specified
       DIRECTORY scope (or the current directory scope if no DIRECTORY  option
       is given), this stores an empty string in the variable.

       Deferred calls may be canceled by their id:

          cmake_language(DEFER [DIRECTORY <dir>] CANCEL_CALL <id>...)

       This  cancels  all  deferred calls matching any of the given ids in the
       specified DIRECTORY scope (or the current directory scope if no  DIREC-
       TORY option is given).  Unknown ids are silently ignored.

   Deferred Call Examples
       For example, the code:

          cmake_language(DEFER CALL message "${deferred_message}")
          cmake_language(DEFER ID_VAR id CALL message "Canceled Message")
          cmake_language(DEFER CANCEL_CALL ${id})
          message("Immediate Message")
          set(deferred_message "Deferred Message")


          Immediate Message
          Deferred Message

       The Cancelled Message is never printed because its command is canceled.
       The deferred_message variable reference is not evaluated until the call
       site, so it can be set after the deferred call is scheduled.

       In  order to evaluate variable references immediately when scheduling a
       deferred call, wrap it using cmake_language(EVAL).  However, note  that
       arguments will be re-evaluated in the deferred call, though that can be
       avoided by using bracket arguments.  For example:

          set(deferred_message "Deferred Message 1")
          set(re_evaluated [[${deferred_message}]])
          cmake_language(EVAL CODE "
            cmake_language(DEFER CALL message [[${deferred_message}]])
            cmake_language(DEFER CALL message \"${re_evaluated}\")
          message("Immediate Message")
          set(deferred_message "Deferred Message 2")

       also prints:

          Immediate Message
          Deferred Message 1
          Deferred Message 2

       Require a minimum version of cmake.

          cmake_minimum_required(VERSION <min>[...<policy_max>] [FATAL_ERROR])

       New in version 3.12: The optional <policy_max> version.

       Sets the minimum required version of cmake for a project.  Also updates
       the policy settings as explained below.

       <min> and the optional <policy_max> are each CMake versions of the form
       major.minor[.patch[.tweak]], and the ... is literal.

       If the running version of CMake is lower than the <min>  required  ver-
       sion  it will stop processing the project and report an error.  The op-
       tional <policy_max> version, if specified, must be at least  the  <min>
       version  and  affects  policy settings as described in Policy Settings.
       If the running version of CMake is older than 3.12, the extra ...  dots
       will be seen as version component separators, resulting in the ...<max>
       part being ignored and preserving the pre-3.12 behavior of basing poli-
       cies on <min>.

       This  command  will set the value of the CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION
       variable to <min>.

       The FATAL_ERROR option is accepted but ignored by CMake 2.6 and higher.
       It should be specified so CMake versions 2.4 and lower fail with an er-
       ror instead of just a warning.

          Call the cmake_minimum_required() command at the  beginning  of  the
          top-level CMakeLists.txt file even before calling the project() com-
          mand.  It is important to establish version and policy settings  be-
          fore  invoking  other  commands whose behavior they may affect.  See
          also policy CMP0000.

          Calling cmake_minimum_required() inside a function() limits some ef-
          fects  to  the  function  scope  when  invoked.   For  example,  the
          CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION variable won't be set in the  calling
          scope.  Functions do not introduce their own policy scope though, so
          policy settings of the caller will be affected (see below).  Due  to
          this  mix  of  things  that  do and do not affect the calling scope,
          calling cmake_minimum_required() inside a function is generally dis-

   Policy Settings
       The  cmake_minimum_required(VERSION)  command  implicitly  invokes  the
       cmake_policy(VERSION) command to specify that the current project  code
       is  written  for the given range of CMake versions.  All policies known
       to the running version of CMake and introduced in the <min> (or  <max>,
       if  specified) version or earlier will be set to use NEW behavior.  All
       policies introduced in later versions will be unset.  This  effectively
       requests behavior preferred as of a given CMake version and tells newer
       CMake versions to warn about their new policies.

       When a <min> version higher than 2.4 is specified the  command  implic-
       itly invokes

          cmake_policy(VERSION <min>[...<max>])

       which  sets  CMake  policies  based on the range of versions specified.
       When a <min> version 2.4 or lower is given the command  implicitly  in-

          cmake_policy(VERSION 2.4[...<max>])

       which enables compatibility features for CMake 2.4 and lower.

       Parse function or macro arguments.

          cmake_parse_arguments(<prefix> <options> <one_value_keywords>
                                <multi_value_keywords> <args>...)

          cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV <N> <prefix> <options>
                                <one_value_keywords> <multi_value_keywords>)

       New  in version 3.5: This command is implemented natively.  Previously,
       it has been defined in the module CMakeParseArguments.

       This command is for use in macros or functions.  It processes the argu-
       ments  given  to that macro or function, and defines a set of variables
       which hold the values of the respective options.

       The first signature reads processes arguments passed in the  <args>....
       This may be used in either a macro() or a function().

       New in version 3.7: The PARSE_ARGV signature is only for use in a func-
       tion() body.  In this case the arguments that are parsed come from  the
       ARGV#  variables  of the calling function.  The parsing starts with the
       <N>-th argument, where <N> is an unsigned integer.  This allows for the
       values to have special characters like ; in them.

       The  <options>  argument contains all options for the respective macro,
       i.e.  keywords which can be used when calling  the  macro  without  any
       value  following, like e.g.  the OPTIONAL keyword of the install() com-

       The <one_value_keywords> argument contains all keywords for this  macro
       which  are  followed by one value, like e.g. DESTINATION keyword of the
       install() command.

       The <multi_value_keywords> argument  contains  all  keywords  for  this
       macro  which can be followed by more than one value, like e.g. the TAR-
       GETS or FILES keywords of the install() command.

       Changed in version 3.5: All keywords shall be unique. I.e.  every  key-
       word  shall only be specified once in either <options>, <one_value_key-
       words> or <multi_value_keywords>. A warning will be emitted if  unique-
       ness is violated.

       When done, cmake_parse_arguments will consider for each of the keywords
       listed in <options>, <one_value_keywords> and <multi_value_keywords>  a
       variable composed of the given <prefix> followed by "_" and the name of
       the respective keyword.  These variables will then hold the  respective
       value  from  the argument list or be undefined if the associated option
       could not be found.  For the <options> keywords, these will  always  be
       defined,  to  TRUE or FALSE, whether the option is in the argument list
       or not.

       All remaining  arguments  are  collected  in  a  variable  <prefix>_UN-
       PARSED_ARGUMENTS  that  will  be undefined if all arguments were recog-
       nized. This can be checked afterwards to see  whether  your  macro  was
       called with unrecognized parameters.

       New  in  version  3.15: <one_value_keywords> and <multi_value_keywords>
       that were given no values at all are  collected  in  a  variable  <pre-
       fix>_KEYWORDS_MISSING_VALUES that will be undefined if all keywords re-
       ceived values. This can be checked to see if there were keywords  with-
       out any values given.

       Consider the following example macro, my_install(), which takes similar
       arguments to the real install() command:

              set(options OPTIONAL FAST)
              set(oneValueArgs DESTINATION RENAME)
              set(multiValueArgs TARGETS CONFIGURATIONS)
              cmake_parse_arguments(MY_INSTALL "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}"
                                    "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} )

              # ...

       Assume my_install() has been called like this:

          my_install(TARGETS foo bar DESTINATION bin OPTIONAL blub CONFIGURATIONS)

       After the cmake_parse_arguments call the macro will have set  or  unde-
       fined the following variables:

          MY_INSTALL_FAST = FALSE # was not used in call to my_install
          MY_INSTALL_DESTINATION = "bin"
          MY_INSTALL_RENAME <UNDEFINED> # was not used
          MY_INSTALL_TARGETS = "foo;bar"
          MY_INSTALL_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS = "blub" # nothing expected after "OPTIONAL"
                   # No value for "CONFIGURATIONS" given

       You can then continue and process these variables.

       Keywords   terminate   lists  of  values,  e.g.  if  directly  after  a
       one_value_keyword another recognized keyword follows,  this  is  inter-
       preted  as  the  beginning of the new option.  E.g.  my_install(TARGETS
       foo DESTINATION OPTIONAL) would result in MY_INSTALL_DESTINATION set to
       "OPTIONAL",  but as OPTIONAL is a keyword itself MY_INSTALL_DESTINATION
       will be empty (but  added  to  MY_INSTALL_KEYWORDS_MISSING_VALUES)  and
       MY_INSTALL_OPTIONAL will therefore be set to TRUE.

       New in version 3.20.

       This  command is for the manipulation of paths.  Only syntactic aspects
       of paths are handled, there is no interaction of any kind with any  un-
       derlying  file  system.   The path may represent a non-existing path or
       even one that is not allowed to exist on the  current  file  system  or
       platform.  For operations that do interact with the filesystem, see the
       file() command.

          The cmake_path command handles paths in the format of the build sys-
          tem   (i.e.  the  host  platform),  not  the  target  system.   When
          cross-compiling, if the path contains elements that are  not  repre-
          sentable  on the host platform (e.g. a drive letter when the host is
          not Windows), the results will be unpredictable.


          Path Structure And Terminology


            cmake_path(GET <path-var> ROOT_NAME <out-var>)
            cmake_path(GET <path-var> ROOT_DIRECTORY <out-var>)
            cmake_path(GET <path-var> ROOT_PATH <out-var>)
            cmake_path(GET <path-var> FILENAME <out-var>)
            cmake_path(GET <path-var> EXTENSION [LAST_ONLY] <out-var>)
            cmake_path(GET <path-var> STEM [LAST_ONLY] <out-var>)
            cmake_path(GET <path-var> RELATIVE_PART <out-var>)
            cmake_path(GET <path-var> PARENT_PATH <out-var>)

            cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_NAME <path-var> <out-var>)
            cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_DIRECTORY <path-var> <out-var>)
            cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_PATH <path-var> <out-var>)
            cmake_path(HAS_FILENAME <path-var> <out-var>)
            cmake_path(HAS_EXTENSION <path-var> <out-var>)
            cmake_path(HAS_STEM <path-var> <out-var>)
            cmake_path(HAS_RELATIVE_PART <path-var> <out-var>)
            cmake_path(HAS_PARENT_PATH <path-var> <out-var>)
            cmake_path(IS_ABSOLUTE <path-var> <out-var>)
            cmake_path(IS_RELATIVE <path-var> <out-var>)
            cmake_path(IS_PREFIX <path-var> <input> [NORMALIZE] <out-var>)
            cmake_path(COMPARE <input1> <OP> <input2> <out-var>)

            cmake_path(SET <path-var> [NORMALIZE] <input>)
            cmake_path(APPEND <path-var> [<input>...] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])
            cmake_path(APPEND_STRING <path-var> [<input>...] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])
            cmake_path(REMOVE_FILENAME <path-var> [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])
            cmake_path(REPLACE_FILENAME <path-var> <input> [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])
            cmake_path(REMOVE_EXTENSION <path-var> [LAST_ONLY] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])
            cmake_path(REPLACE_EXTENSION <path-var> [LAST_ONLY] <input> [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

            cmake_path(NORMAL_PATH <path-var> [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])
            cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH <path-var> [BASE_DIRECTORY <input>] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])
            cmake_path(ABSOLUTE_PATH <path-var> [BASE_DIRECTORY <input>] [NORMALIZE] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

          Native Conversion
            cmake_path(NATIVE_PATH <path-var> [NORMALIZE] <out-var>)
            cmake_path(CONVERT <input> TO_CMAKE_PATH_LIST <out-var> [NORMALIZE])
            cmake_path(CONVERT <input> TO_NATIVE_PATH_LIST <out-var> [NORMALIZE])

            cmake_path(HASH <path-var> <out-var>)

       The following conventions are used in this command's documentation:

              Always the name of a  variable.   For  commands  that  expect  a
              <path-var>  as input, the variable must exist and it is expected
              to hold a single path.

              A string literal which may contain a  path,  path  fragment,  or
              multiple  paths  with  a special separator depending on the com-
              mand.  See the description of each command to see  how  this  is

              Zero or more string literal arguments.

              The  name  of a variable into which the result of a command will
              be written.

   Path Structure And Terminology
       A path has the following structure (all components are  optional,  with
       some constraints):

          root-name root-directory-separator (item-name directory-separator)* filename

              Identifies the root on a filesystem with multiple roots (such as
              "C:" or "//myserver"). It is optional.

              A directory separator that, if present, indicates that this path
              is  absolute.  If it is missing and the first element other than
              the root-name is an item-name, then the path is relative.

              A sequence of characters that aren't directory separators.  This
              name may identify a file, a hard link, a symbolic link, or a di-
              rectory.  Two special cases are recognized:

                 • The item name consisting of a single dot character .  is  a
                   directory name that refers to the current directory.

                 • The  item name consisting of two dot characters .. is a di-
                   rectory name that refers to the parent directory.

              The (...)* pattern shown above is to indicate that there can  be
              zero  or more item names, with multiple items separated by a di-
              rectory-separator.  The ()* characters are not part of the path.

              The only recognized directory separator is a forward slash char-
              acter /.  If this character is repeated, it is treated as a sin-
              gle directory separator.  In other words, /usr///////lib is  the
              same as /usr/lib.

              A  path has a filename if it does not end with a directory-sepa-
              rator.  The filename is effectively the last  item-name  of  the
              path,  so  it can also be a hard link, symbolic link or a direc-

              A filename can have an extension.  By default, the extension  is
              defined as the sub-string beginning at the left-most period (in-
              cluding the period) and until the end of the filename.  In  com-
              mands that accept a LAST_ONLY keyword, LAST_ONLY changes the in-
              terpretation to the sub-string beginning at the  right-most  pe-

              The following exceptions apply to the above interpretation:

                 • If  the  first  character in the filename is a period, that
                   period is ignored  (i.e.  a  filename  like  ".profile"  is
                   treated as having no extension).

                 • If the filename is either . or .., it has no extension.

              The stem is the part of the filename before the extension.

       Some  commands  refer  to  a  root-path.   This is the concatenation of
       root-name and root-directory-separator, either or both of which can  be
       empty.   A relative-part refers to the full path with any root-path re-

   Creating A Path Variable
       While a path can be created with care using an ordinary set()  command,
       it  is  recommended to use cmake_path(SET) instead, as it automatically
       converts  the  path  to  the  required  form   where   required.    The
       cmake_path(APPEND) subcommand may be another suitable alternative where
       a path needs to be constructed by joining fragments.  The following ex-
       ample compares the three methods for constructing the same path:

          set(path1 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data")

          cmake_path(SET path2 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data")

          cmake_path(APPEND path3 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "data")

       Modification  and  Generation  sub-commands can either store the result
       in-place, or in a separate variable named after an OUTPUT_VARIABLE key-
       word.  All other sub-commands store the result in a mandatory <out-var>

       Some sub-commands support normalizing a path.  The  algorithm  used  to
       normalize a path is as follows:

       1. If  the path is empty, stop (the normalized form of an empty path is
          also an empty path).

       2. Replace each directory-separator, which may consist of multiple sep-
          arators, with a single / (/a///b  --> /a/b).

       3. Remove each solitary period (.) and any immediately following direc-
          tory-separator (/a/./b/. --> /a/b).

       4. Remove each item-name (other than ..) that is  immediately  followed
          by  a  directory-separator and a .., along with any immediately fol-
          lowing directory-separator (/a/b/../c --> a/c).

       5. If there is a root-directory, remove any .. and any  directory-sepa-
          rators immediately following them.  The parent of the root directory
          is treated as still the root directory (/../a --> /a).

       6. If the last item-name is .., remove any trailing directory-separator
          (../ --> ..).

       7. If  the path is empty by this stage, add a dot (normal form of ./ is

       The following forms of the GET subcommand  each  retrieve  a  different
       component  or  group of components from a path.  See Path Structure And
       Terminology for the meaning of each path component.

          cmake_path(GET <path-var> ROOT_NAME <out-var>)
          cmake_path(GET <path-var> ROOT_DIRECTORY <out-var>)
          cmake_path(GET <path-var> ROOT_PATH <out-var>)
          cmake_path(GET <path-var> FILENAME <out-var>)
          cmake_path(GET <path-var> EXTENSION [LAST_ONLY] <out-var>)
          cmake_path(GET <path-var> STEM [LAST_ONLY] <out-var>)
          cmake_path(GET <path-var> RELATIVE_PART <out-var>)
          cmake_path(GET <path-var> PARENT_PATH <out-var>)

       If a requested component is not present in the path,  an  empty  string
       will  be  stored  in <out-var>.  For example, only Windows systems have
       the concept of a root-name, so when the host  machine  is  non-Windows,
       the ROOT_NAME subcommand will always return an empty string.

       For PARENT_PATH, if the HAS_RELATIVE_PART subcommand returns false, the
       result is a copy of <path-var>.  Note that this implies that a root di-
       rectory  is considered to have a parent, with that parent being itself.
       Where HAS_RELATIVE_PART returns true, the result  will  essentially  be
       <path-var> with one less element.

   Root examples
          set(path "c:/a")

          cmake_path(GET path ROOT_NAME rootName)
          cmake_path(GET path ROOT_DIRECTORY rootDir)
          cmake_path(GET path ROOT_PATH rootPath)

          message("Root name is \"${rootName}\"")
          message("Root directory is \"${rootDir}\"")
          message("Root path is \"${rootPath}\"")

          Root name is "c:"
          Root directory is "/"
          Root path is "c:/"

   Filename examples
          set(path "/a/b")
          cmake_path(GET path FILENAME filename)
          message("First filename is \"${filename}\"")

          # Trailing slash means filename is empty
          set(path "/a/b/")
          cmake_path(GET path FILENAME filename)
          message("Second filename is \"${filename}\"")

          First filename is "b"
          Second filename is ""

   Extension and stem examples
          set(path "name.ext1.ext2")

          cmake_path(GET path EXTENSION fullExt)
          cmake_path(GET path STEM fullStem)
          message("Full extension is \"${fullExt}\"")
          message("Full stem is \"${fullStem}\"")

          # Effect of LAST_ONLY
          cmake_path(GET path EXTENSION LAST_ONLY lastExt)
          cmake_path(GET path STEM LAST_ONLY lastStem)
          message("Last extension is \"${lastExt}\"")
          message("Last stem is \"${lastStem}\"")

          # Special cases
          set(dotPath "/a/.")
          set(dotDotPath "/a/..")
          set(someMorePath "/a/.some.more")
          cmake_path(GET dotPath EXTENSION dotExt)
          cmake_path(GET dotPath STEM dotStem)
          cmake_path(GET dotDotPath EXTENSION dotDotExt)
          cmake_path(GET dotDotPath STEM dotDotStem)
          cmake_path(GET dotMorePath EXTENSION someMoreExt)
          cmake_path(GET dotMorePath STEM someMoreStem)
          message("Dot extension is \"${dotExt}\"")
          message("Dot stem is \"${dotStem}\"")
          message("Dot-dot extension is \"${dotDotExt}\"")
          message("Dot-dot stem is \"${dotDotStem}\"")
          message(".some.more extension is \"${someMoreExt}\"")
          message(".some.more stem is \"${someMoreStem}\"")

          Full extension is ".ext1.ext2"
          Full stem is "name"
          Last extension is ".ext2"
          Last stem is "name.ext1"
          Dot extension is ""
          Dot stem is "."
          Dot-dot extension is ""
          Dot-dot stem is ".."
          .some.more extension is ".more"
          .some.more stem is ".some"

   Relative part examples
          set(path "c:/a/b")
          cmake_path(GET path RELATIVE_PART result)
          message("Relative part is \"${result}\"")

          set(path "c/d")
          cmake_path(GET path RELATIVE_PART result)
          message("Relative part is \"${result}\"")

          set(path "/")
          cmake_path(GET path RELATIVE_PART result)
          message("Relative part is \"${result}\"")

          Relative part is "a/b"
          Relative part is "c/d"
          Relative part is ""

   Path traversal examples
          set(path "c:/a/b")
          cmake_path(GET path PARENT_PATH result)
          message("Parent path is \"${result}\"")

          set(path "c:/")
          cmake_path(GET path PARENT_PATH result)
          message("Parent path is \"${result}\"")

          Parent path is "c:/a"
          Parent path is "c:/"

       Each  of  the  GET  subcommands has a corresponding HAS_...  subcommand
       which can be used to discover whether a particular  path  component  is
       present.   See  Path  Structure And Terminology for the meaning of each
       path component.

          cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_NAME <path-var> <out-var>)
          cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_DIRECTORY <path-var> <out-var>)
          cmake_path(HAS_ROOT_PATH <path-var> <out-var>)
          cmake_path(HAS_FILENAME <path-var> <out-var>)
          cmake_path(HAS_EXTENSION <path-var> <out-var>)
          cmake_path(HAS_STEM <path-var> <out-var>)
          cmake_path(HAS_RELATIVE_PART <path-var> <out-var>)
          cmake_path(HAS_PARENT_PATH <path-var> <out-var>)

       Each of the above follows the predictable pattern of setting  <out-var>
       to  true  if the path has the associated component, or false otherwise.
       Note the following special cases:

       • For HAS_ROOT_PATH, a true result will only be returned  if  at  least
         one of root-name or root-directory is non-empty.

       • For  HAS_PARENT_PATH, the root directory is also considered to have a
         parent, which will be itself.  The result is true except if the  path
         consists of just a filename.

          cmake_path(IS_ABSOLUTE <path-var> <out-var>)

       Sets  <out-var> to true if <path-var> is absolute.  An absolute path is
       a path that unambiguously identifies the location  of  a  file  without
       reference  to  an additional starting location.  On Windows, this means
       the path must have both a root-name and a  root-directory-separator  to
       be considered absolute.  On other platforms, just a root-directory-sep-
       arator is sufficient.  Note that this means on Windows, IS_ABSOLUTE can
       be false while HAS_ROOT_DIRECTORY can be true.

          cmake_path(IS_RELATIVE <path-var> <out-var>)

       This will store the opposite of IS_ABSOLUTE in <out-var>.

          cmake_path(IS_PREFIX <path-var> <input> [NORMALIZE] <out-var>)

       Checks if <path-var> is the prefix of <input>.

       When  the  NORMALIZE  option  is  specified, <path-var> and <input> are
       normalized before the check.

          set(path "/a/b/c")
          cmake_path(IS_PREFIX path "/a/b/c/d" result) # result = true
          cmake_path(IS_PREFIX path "/a/b" result)     # result = false
          cmake_path(IS_PREFIX path "/x/y/z" result)   # result = false

          set(path "/a/b")
          cmake_path(IS_PREFIX path "/a/c/../b" NORMALIZE result)   # result = true

          cmake_path(COMPARE <input1> EQUAL <input2> <out-var>)
          cmake_path(COMPARE <input1> NOT_EQUAL <input2> <out-var>)

       Compares the lexical representations of two paths  provided  as  string
       literals.   No  normalization is performed on either path.  Equality is
       determined according to the following pseudo-code logic:

          if(NOT <input1>.root_name() STREQUAL <input2>.root_name())
            return FALSE

          if(<input1>.has_root_directory() XOR <input2>.has_root_directory())
            return FALSE

          Return FALSE if a relative portion of <input1> is not lexicographically
          equal to the relative portion of <input2>. This comparison is performed path
          component-wise. If all of the components compare equal, then return TRUE.

          Unlike most other cmake_path() subcommands, the  COMPARE  subcommand
          takes literal strings as input, not the names of variables.

          cmake_path(SET <path-var> [NORMALIZE] <input>)

       Assign the <input> path to <path-var>.  If <input> is a native path, it
       is converted into a cmake-style path with forward-slashes (/). On  Win-
       dows, the long filename marker is taken into account.

       When  the  NORMALIZE option is specified, the path is normalized before
       the conversion.

       For example:

          set(native_path "c:\\a\\b/..\\c")
          cmake_path(SET path "${native_path}")
          message("CMake path is \"${path}\"")

          cmake_path(SET path NORMALIZE "${native_path}")
          message("Normalized CMake path is \"${path}\"")


          CMake path is "c:/a/b/../c"
          Normalized CMake path is "c:/a/c"

          cmake_path(APPEND <path-var> [<input>...] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

       Append all the <input> arguments to the <path-var> using / as  the  di-
       rectory-separator.   Depending on the <input>, the previous contents of
       <path-var> may be discarded.  For each <input> argument, the  following
       algorithm (pseudo-code) applies:

          # <path> is the contents of <path-var>

          if(<input>.is_absolute() OR
             (<input>.has_root_name() AND
              NOT <input>.root_name() STREQUAL <path>.root_name()))
            replace <path> with <input>

            remove any root-directory and the entire relative path from <path>
          elseif(<path>.has_filename() OR
                 (NOT <path-var>.has_root_directory() OR <path>.is_absolute()))
            append directory-separator to <path>

          append <input> omitting any root-name to <path>

          cmake_path(APPEND_STRING <path-var> [<input>...] [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

       Append  all  the <input> arguments to the <path-var> without adding any

          cmake_path(REMOVE_FILENAME <path-var> [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

       Removes the filename component (as returned by GET ...  FILENAME)  from
       <path-var>.   After  removal,  any trailing directory-separator is left
       alone, if present.

       If OUTPUT_VARIABLE is not given,  then  after  this  function  returns,
       HAS_FILENAME returns false for <path-var>.

       For example:

          set(path "/a/b")
          cmake_path(REMOVE_FILENAME path)
          message("First path is \"${path}\"")

          # filename is now already empty, the following removes nothing
          cmake_path(REMOVE_FILENAME path)
          message("Second path is \"${result}\"")


          First path is "/a/"
          Second path is "/a/"

          cmake_path(REPLACE_FILENAME <path-var> <input> [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

       Replaces  the  filename  component  from  <path-var>  with <input>.  If
       <path-var>  has  no  filename  component  (i.e.   HAS_FILENAME  returns
       false), the path is unchanged.  The operation is equivalent to the fol-

          cmake_path(HAS_FILENAME path has_filename)
            cmake_path(REMOVE_FILENAME path)
            cmake_path(APPEND path input);

          cmake_path(REMOVE_EXTENSION <path-var> [LAST_ONLY]
                                                 [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

       Removes the extension, if any, from <path-var>.

          cmake_path(REPLACE_EXTENSION <path-var> [LAST_ONLY] <input>
                                       [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

       Replaces the extension with <input>.  Its effect is equivalent  to  the

          cmake_path(REMOVE_EXTENSION path)
          if(NOT "input" MATCHES "^\\.")
            cmake_path(APPEND_STRING path ".")
          cmake_path(APPEND_STRING path "input")

          cmake_path(NORMAL_PATH <path-var> [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

       Normalize <path-var> according the steps described in Normalization.

          cmake_path(RELATIVE_PATH <path-var> [BASE_DIRECTORY <input>]
                                              [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

       Modifies <path-var> to make it relative to the BASE_DIRECTORY argument.
       If BASE_DIRECTORY is not specified, the default base directory will  be

       For  reference,  the algorithm used to compute the relative path is the
       same as that used by C++ std::filesystem::path::lexically_relative.

          cmake_path(ABSOLUTE_PATH <path-var> [BASE_DIRECTORY <input>] [NORMALIZE]
                                              [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <out-var>])

       If <path-var> is a relative path (IS_RELATIVE is true), it is evaluated
       relative  to  the  given base directory specified by BASE_DIRECTORY op-
       tion.  If BASE_DIRECTORY is not specified, the default  base  directory

       When  the  NORMALIZE  option is specified, the path is normalized after
       the path computation.

       Because cmake_path() does not access the filesystem, symbolic links are
       not  resolved and any leading tilde is not expanded.  To compute a real
       path with symbolic links resolved and leading tildes expanded, use  the
       file(REAL_PATH) command instead.

   Native Conversion
       For  commands  in this section, native refers to the host platform, not
       the target platform when cross-compiling.

          cmake_path(NATIVE_PATH <path-var> [NORMALIZE] <out-var>)

       Converts a cmake-style <path-var> into a native path with platform-spe-
       cific slashes (\ on Windows hosts and / elsewhere).

       When  the  NORMALIZE option is specified, the path is normalized before
       the conversion.

          cmake_path(CONVERT <input> TO_CMAKE_PATH_LIST <out-var> [NORMALIZE])

       Converts a native <input> path into a  cmake-style  path  with  forward
       slashes  (/).  On Windows hosts, the long filename marker is taken into
       account.  The input can be a single path or a system search  path  like
       $ENV{PATH}.  A search path will be converted to a cmake-style list sep-
       arated by ; characters  (on  non-Windows  platforms,  this  essentially
       means  : separators are replaced with ;).  The result of the conversion
       is stored in the <out-var> variable.

       When the NORMALIZE option is specified, the path is  normalized  before
       the conversion.

          Unlike  most  other cmake_path() subcommands, the CONVERT subcommand
          takes a literal string as input, not the name of a variable.

          cmake_path(CONVERT <input> TO_NATIVE_PATH_LIST <out-var> [NORMALIZE])

       Converts a cmake-style <input> path  into  a  native  path  with  plat-
       form-specific  slashes (\ on Windows hosts and / elsewhere).  The input
       can be a single path or a cmake-style list.  A list will  be  converted
       into a native search path (;-separated on Windows, :-separated on other
       platforms).  The result of the conversion is stored  in  the  <out-var>

       When  the  NORMALIZE option is specified, the path is normalized before
       the conversion.

          Unlike most other cmake_path() subcommands, the  CONVERT  subcommand
          takes a literal string as input, not the name of a variable.

       For example:

          set(paths "/a/b/c" "/x/y/z")
          cmake_path(CONVERT "${paths}" TO_NATIVE_PATH_LIST native_paths)
          message("Native path list is \"${native_paths}\"")

       Output on Windows:

          Native path list is "\a\b\c;\x\y\z"

       Output on all other platforms:

          Native path list is "/a/b/c:/x/y/z"

          cmake_path(HASH <path-var> <out-var>)

       Compute  a  hash  value of <path-var> such that for two paths p1 and p2
       that compare equal (COMPARE ... EQUAL), the hash value of p1  is  equal
       to the hash value of p2.  The path is always normalized before the hash
       is computed.

       Manage CMake Policy settings.  See the cmake-policies(7) manual for de-
       fined policies.

       As  CMake evolves it is sometimes necessary to change existing behavior
       in order to fix bugs or improve implementations of  existing  features.
       The  CMake  Policy mechanism is designed to help keep existing projects
       building as new versions of CMake introduce changes in behavior.   Each
       new  policy  (behavioral  change)  is  given  an identifier of the form
       CMP<NNNN> where <NNNN> is an integer index.   Documentation  associated
       with  each policy describes the OLD and NEW behavior and the reason the
       policy was introduced.  Projects may set each policy to select the  de-
       sired  behavior.   When  CMake  needs  to know which behavior to use it
       checks for a setting specified by the project.  If no setting is avail-
       able  the  OLD behavior is assumed and a warning is produced requesting
       that the policy be set.

   Setting Policies by CMake Version
       The cmake_policy command is used to set policies to OLD or  NEW  behav-
       ior.   While  setting  policies individually is supported, we encourage
       projects to set policies based on CMake versions:

          cmake_policy(VERSION <min>[...<max>])

       New in version 3.12: The optional <max> version.

       <min> and the optional <max> are each CMake versions of  the  form  ma-
       jor.minor[.patch[.tweak]],  and  the ... is literal.  The <min> version
       must be at least 2.4 and at most the running  version  of  CMake.   The
       <max> version, if specified, must be at least the <min> version but may
       exceed the running version of CMake.  If the running version  of  CMake
       is  older  than 3.12, the extra ... dots will be seen as version compo-
       nent separators, resulting in the ...<max> part being ignored and  pre-
       serving the pre-3.12 behavior of basing policies on <min>.

       This  specifies  that  the  current CMake code is written for the given
       range of CMake versions.  All policies known to the running version  of
       CMake  and  introduced in the <min> (or <max>, if specified) version or
       earlier will be set to use NEW behavior.  All  policies  introduced  in
       later versions will be unset (unless the CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP<NNNN>
       variable sets a default).  This effectively requests behavior preferred
       as  of  a  given  CMake  version and tells newer CMake versions to warn
       about their new policies.

       Note that the cmake_minimum_required(VERSION) command implicitly  calls
       cmake_policy(VERSION) too.

   Setting Policies Explicitly
          cmake_policy(SET CMP<NNNN> NEW)
          cmake_policy(SET CMP<NNNN> OLD)

       Tell CMake to use the OLD or NEW behavior for a given policy.  Projects
       depending on the old behavior of a given policy may  silence  a  policy
       warning  by setting the policy state to OLD.  Alternatively one may fix
       the project to work with the new behavior and set the policy  state  to

          The  OLD behavior of a policy is deprecated by definition and may be
          removed in a future version of CMake.

   Checking Policy Settings
          cmake_policy(GET CMP<NNNN> <variable>)

       Check whether a given policy is set to OLD or NEW behavior.  The output
       <variable>  value  will  be  OLD or NEW if the policy is set, and empty

   CMake Policy Stack
       CMake keeps policy  settings  on  a  stack,  so  changes  made  by  the
       cmake_policy  command affect only the top of the stack.  A new entry on
       the policy stack is managed automatically for each subdirectory to pro-
       tect  its  parents  and  siblings.   CMake also manages a new entry for
       scripts loaded by include() and find_package() commands except when in-
       voked  with  the NO_POLICY_SCOPE option (see also policy CMP0011).  The
       cmake_policy command provides an interface to manage custom entries  on
       the policy stack:


       Each  PUSH must have a matching POP to erase any changes.  This is use-
       ful to make  temporary  changes  to  policy  settings.   Calls  to  the
       cmake_minimum_required(VERSION),  cmake_policy(VERSION),  or cmake_pol-
       icy(SET) commands influence only the current top of the policy stack.

       Commands created by the function() and macro() commands  record  policy
       settings  when  they  are  created and use the pre-record policies when
       they are invoked.  If the function or macro implementation  sets  poli-
       cies, the changes automatically propagate up through callers until they
       reach the closest nested policy stack entry.

       Copy a file to another location and modify its contents.

          configure_file(<input> <output>
                          FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
                         [COPYONLY] [ESCAPE_QUOTES] [@ONLY]
                         [NEWLINE_STYLE [UNIX|DOS|WIN32|LF|CRLF] ])

       Copies an <input> file to an <output>  file  and  substitutes  variable
       values  referenced  as @VAR@ or ${VAR} in the input file content.  Each
       variable reference will be replaced with the current value of the vari-
       able, or the empty string if the variable is not defined.  Furthermore,
       input lines of the form

          #cmakedefine VAR ...

       will be replaced with either

          #define VAR ...


          /* #undef VAR */

       depending on whether VAR is set in CMake to any value not considered  a
       false  constant by the if() command.  The "..." content on the line af-
       ter the variable name, if any, is processed as above.

       Unlike lines of the form #cmakedefine VAR ..., in  lines  of  the  form
       #cmakedefine01  VAR,  VAR  itself  will expand to VAR 0 or VAR 1 rather
       than being assigned the value .... Therefore, input lines of the form

          #cmakedefine01 VAR

       will be replaced with either

          #define VAR 0


          #define VAR 1

       Input lines of the form #cmakedefine01 VAR ... will expand as #cmakede-
       fine01  VAR  ... 0 or #cmakedefine01 VAR ... 0, which may lead to unde-
       fined behavior.

       New in version 3.10: The result lines (with the exception of the #undef
       comments)  can be indented using spaces and/or tabs between the # char-
       acter and the cmakedefine or cmakedefine01 words. This  whitespace  in-
       dentation will be preserved in the output lines:

          #  cmakedefine VAR
          #  cmakedefine01 VAR

       will be replaced, if VAR is defined, with

          #  define VAR
          #  define VAR 1

       If  the  input  file  is modified the build system will re-run CMake to
       re-configure the file and generate the build system again.  The  gener-
       ated  file  is  modified  and its timestamp updated on subsequent cmake
       runs only if its content is changed.

       The arguments are:

              Path to the input file.  A relative path is treated with respect
              to  the  value of CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR.  The input path must
              be a file, not a directory.

              Path to the output  file  or  directory.   A  relative  path  is
              treated  with  respect to the value of CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR.
              If the path names an  existing  directory  the  output  file  is
              placed  in  that  directory with the same file name as the input
              file.  If the path contains non-existent directories,  they  are

              New in version 3.19.

              Do  not transfer the permissions of the input file to the output
              file.  The copied file permissions default to the  standard  644
              value (-rw-r--r--).

              New in version 3.20.

              Transfer  the  permissions of the input file to the output file.
              This is already the default behavior if none of the  three  per-
              missions-related   keywords  are  given  (NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS,
              USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS      or      FILE_PERMISSIONS).       The
              USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS  keyword mostly serves as a way of making
              the intended behavior clearer at the call site.

       FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...
              New in version 3.20.

              Ignore the input file's permissions and use the specified  <per-
              missions> for the output file instead.

              Copy the file without replacing any variable references or other
              content.  This option may not be used with NEWLINE_STYLE.

              Escape any substituted quotes with backslashes (C-style).

       @ONLY  Restrict variable replacement to references of the  form  @VAR@.
              This is useful for configuring scripts that use ${VAR} syntax.

       NEWLINE_STYLE <style>
              Specify  the newline style for the output file.  Specify UNIX or
              LF for \n newlines, or specify DOS, WIN32, or CRLF for \r\n new-
              lines.  This option may not be used with COPYONLY.

       Consider a source tree containing a foo.h.in file:

          #cmakedefine FOO_ENABLE
          #cmakedefine FOO_STRING "@FOO_STRING@"

       An  adjacent  CMakeLists.txt  may  use  configure_file to configure the

          option(FOO_ENABLE "Enable Foo" ON)
            set(FOO_STRING "foo")
          configure_file(foo.h.in foo.h @ONLY)

       This creates a foo.h in  the  build  directory  corresponding  to  this
       source  directory.  If the FOO_ENABLE option is on, the configured file
       will contain:

          #define FOO_ENABLE
          #define FOO_STRING "foo"

       Otherwise it will contain:

          /* #undef FOO_ENABLE */
          /* #undef FOO_STRING */

       One may then use the include_directories() command to specify the  out-
       put directory as an include directory:


       so that sources may include the header as #include <foo.h>.

       New in version 3.2.

       Continue to the top of enclosing foreach or while loop.


       The continue command allows a cmake script to abort the rest of a block
       in a foreach() or while() loop, and start at the top of the next itera-

       See also the break() command.

       Starts the else portion of an if block.


       See the if() command.

       Starts an elseif portion of an if block.


       See  the if() command, especially for the syntax and logic of the <con-

       Ends a list of commands in a foreach block.


       See the foreach() command.

       The optional <loop_var> argument is supported for backward  compatibil-
       ity  only. If used it must be a verbatim repeat of the <loop_var> argu-
       ment of the opening foreach clause.

       Ends a list of commands in a function block.


       See the function() command.

       The optional <name> argument is supported  for  backward  compatibility
       only.  If  used  it must be a verbatim repeat of the <name> argument of
       the opening function command.

       Ends a list of commands in an if block.


       See the if() command.

       The optional <condition> argument is supported for backward compatibil-
       ity  only.  If used it must be a verbatim repeat of the argument of the
       opening if clause.

       Ends a list of commands in a macro block.


       See the macro() command.

       The optional <name> argument is supported  for  backward  compatibility
       only.  If  used  it must be a verbatim repeat of the <name> argument of
       the opening macro command.

       Ends a list of commands in a while block.


       See the while() command.

       The optional <condition> argument is supported for backward compatibil-
       ity  only.  If used it must be a verbatim repeat of the argument of the
       opening while clause.

       Execute one or more child processes.

          execute_process(COMMAND <cmd1> [<arguments>]
                          [COMMAND <cmd2> [<arguments>]]...
                          [WORKING_DIRECTORY <directory>]
                          [TIMEOUT <seconds>]
                          [RESULT_VARIABLE <variable>]
                          [RESULTS_VARIABLE <variable>]
                          [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <variable>]
                          [ERROR_VARIABLE <variable>]
                          [INPUT_FILE <file>]
                          [OUTPUT_FILE <file>]
                          [ERROR_FILE <file>]
                          [COMMAND_ECHO <where>]
                          [ENCODING <name>]
                          [COMMAND_ERROR_IS_FATAL <ANY|LAST>])

       Runs the given sequence of one or more commands.

       Commands are executed concurrently as a  pipeline,  with  the  standard
       output of each process piped to the standard input of the next.  A sin-
       gle standard error pipe is used for all processes.


              A child process command line.

              CMake executes the child process using operating system APIs di-
              rectly.  All arguments are passed VERBATIM to the child process.
              No intermediate shell is used, so shell operators such as >  are
              treated  as  normal  arguments.  (Use the INPUT_*, OUTPUT_*, and
              ERROR_* options to redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr.)

              If a sequential execution of multiple commands is required,  use
              multiple execute_process() calls with a single COMMAND argument.

              The named directory will be set as the current working directory
              of the child processes.

              After the specified number of seconds (fractions  allowed),  all
              unfinished  child  processes  will  be  terminated,  and the RE-
              SULT_VARIABLE will be set to a string mentioning the "timeout".

              The variable will be set to contain the  result  of  last  child
              process.   This  will  be  an  integer return code from the last
              child or a string describing an error condition.

       RESULTS_VARIABLE <variable>
              New in version 3.10.

              The variable will be set to contain the result of all  processes
              as a semicolon-separated list, in order of the given COMMAND ar-
              guments.  Each entry will be an integer  return  code  from  the
              corresponding child or a string describing an error condition.

              The variable named will be set with the contents of the standard
              output and standard error  pipes,  respectively.   If  the  same
              variable  is named for both pipes their output will be merged in
              the order produced.

              The file named will be attached to the  standard  input  of  the
              first  process, standard output of the last process, or standard
              error of all processes, respectively.

              New in version 3.3: If the same file is named  for  both  output
              and error then it will be used for both.

              The  standard  output  or standard error results will be quietly

       COMMAND_ECHO <where>
              New in version 3.15.

              The command being run will be echo'ed to  <where>  with  <where>
              being  set to one of STDERR, STDOUT or NONE.  See the CMAKE_EXE-
              CUTE_PROCESS_COMMAND_ECHO variable for a way to control the  de-
              fault behavior when this option is not present.

       ENCODING <name>
              New in version 3.8.

              On  Windows, the encoding that is used to decode output from the
              process.  Ignored on other platforms.  Valid encoding names are:

              NONE   Perform no decoding.  This assumes that the process  out-
                     put is encoded in the same way as CMake's internal encod-
                     ing (UTF-8).  This is the default.

              AUTO   Use the current active  console's  codepage  or  if  that
                     isn't available then use ANSI.

              ANSI   Use the ANSI codepage.

              OEM    Use the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) code page.

              UTF8 or UTF-8
                     Use the UTF-8 codepage.

                     New  in  version  3.11: Accept UTF-8 spelling for consis-
                     tency with the UTF-8 RFC naming convention.

              New in version 3.18.

              The standard output or standard error will  not  be  exclusively
              redirected to the configured variables.

              The  output will be duplicated, it will be sent into the config-
              ured variables and also on standard output or standard error.

              This is analogous to the tee Unix command.

              New in version 3.19.

              The option following COMMAND_ERROR_IS_FATAL determines  the  be-
              havior when an error is encountered:
                 ANY  If any of the commands in the list of commands fail, the
                 execute_process() command halts with an error.

                 LAST If the last command in the list of commands  fails,  the
                 execute_process() command halts with an error.  Commands ear-
                 lier in the list will not cause a fatal error.

       If more than one OUTPUT_* or ERROR_* option is given for the same  pipe
       the precedence is not specified.  If no OUTPUT_* or ERROR_* options are
       given the output will be shared with the  corresponding  pipes  of  the
       CMake process itself.

       The  execute_process()  command  is  a  newer  more powerful version of
       exec_program(), but the old command has been  kept  for  compatibility.
       Both  commands run while CMake is processing the project prior to build
       system generation.  Use add_custom_target() and add_custom_command() to
       create custom commands that run at build time.

       File manipulation command.

       This  command  is dedicated to file and path manipulation requiring ac-
       cess to the filesystem.

       For other path manipulation, handling only syntactic  aspects,  have  a
       look at cmake_path() command.

          The sub-commands RELATIVE_PATH, TO_CMAKE_PATH and TO_NATIVE_PATH has
          been superseded, respectively, by sub-commands  RELATIVE_PATH,  CON-
          cmake_path() command.

            file(READ <filename> <out-var> [...])
            file(STRINGS <filename> <out-var> [...])
            file(<HASH> <filename> <out-var>)
            file(TIMESTAMP <filename> <out-var> [...])
            file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES [...])

            file({WRITE | APPEND} <filename> <content>...)
            file({TOUCH | TOUCH_NOCREATE} [<file>...])
            file(GENERATE OUTPUT <output-file> [...])
            file(CONFIGURE OUTPUT <output-file> CONTENT <content> [...])

            file({GLOB | GLOB_RECURSE} <out-var> [...] [<globbing-expr>...])
            file(MAKE_DIRECTORY [<dir>...])
            file({REMOVE | REMOVE_RECURSE } [<files>...])
            file(RENAME <oldname> <newname> [...])
            file(COPY_FILE <oldname> <newname> [...])
            file({COPY | INSTALL} <file>... DESTINATION <dir> [...])
            file(SIZE <filename> <out-var>)
            file(READ_SYMLINK <linkname> <out-var>)
            file(CREATE_LINK <original> <linkname> [...])
            file(CHMOD <files>... <directories>... PERMISSIONS <permissions>... [...])
            file(CHMOD_RECURSE <files>... <directories>... PERMISSIONS <permissions>... [...])

          Path Conversion
            file(REAL_PATH <path> <out-var> [BASE_DIRECTORY <dir>] [EXPAND_TILDE])
            file(RELATIVE_PATH <out-var> <directory> <file>)
            file({TO_CMAKE_PATH | TO_NATIVE_PATH} <path> <out-var>)

            file(DOWNLOAD <url> [<file>] [...])
            file(UPLOAD <file> <url> [...])

            file(LOCK <path> [...])

            file(ARCHIVE_CREATE OUTPUT <archive> PATHS <paths>... [...])
            file(ARCHIVE_EXTRACT INPUT <archive> [...])

          file(READ <filename> <variable>
               [OFFSET <offset>] [LIMIT <max-in>] [HEX])

       Read content from a file called <filename> and store  it  in  a  <vari-
       able>.   Optionally  start  from  the  given  <offset> and read at most
       <max-in> bytes.  The HEX option causes data to be converted to a  hexa-
       decimal  representation  (useful for binary data). If the HEX option is
       specified, letters in the output (a through f) are in lowercase.

          file(STRINGS <filename> <variable> [<options>...])

       Parse a list of ASCII strings from <filename> and store  it  in  <vari-
       able>.   Binary data in the file are ignored.  Carriage return (\r, CR)
       characters are ignored.  The options are:

       LENGTH_MAXIMUM <max-len>
              Consider only strings of at most a given length.

       LENGTH_MINIMUM <min-len>
              Consider only strings of at least a given length.

       LIMIT_COUNT <max-num>
              Limit the number of distinct strings to be extracted.

       LIMIT_INPUT <max-in>
              Limit the number of input bytes to read from the file.

       LIMIT_OUTPUT <max-out>
              Limit the number of total bytes to store in the <variable>.

              Treat newline characters (\n, LF) as part of string content  in-
              stead of terminating at them.

              Intel  Hex  and  Motorola  S-record files are automatically con-
              verted to binary while reading unless this option is given.

       REGEX <regex>
              Consider only strings that match the given  regular  expression,
              as described under string(REGEX).

       ENCODING <encoding-type>
              New in version 3.1.

              Consider  strings  of a given encoding.  Currently supported en-
              codings are: UTF-8, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-32BE.   If
              the  ENCODING option is not provided and the file has a Byte Or-
              der Mark, the ENCODING option will be defaulted to  respect  the
              Byte Order Mark.

              New  in  version  3.2:  Added  the UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE,
              UTF-32BE encodings.

       For example, the code

          file(STRINGS myfile.txt myfile)

       stores a list in the variable myfile in which each item is a line  from
       the input file.

          file(<HASH> <filename> <variable>)

       Compute  a cryptographic hash of the content of <filename> and store it
       in a <variable>.  The supported <HASH> algorithm names are those listed
       by the string(<HASH>) command.

          file(TIMESTAMP <filename> <variable> [<format>] [UTC])

       Compute  a string representation of the modification time of <filename>
       and store it in <variable>.  Should the command be unable to  obtain  a
       timestamp variable will be set to the empty string ("").

       See the string(TIMESTAMP) command for documentation of the <format> and
       UTC options.

            [RESOLVED_DEPENDENCIES_VAR <deps_var>]
            [UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCIES_VAR <unresolved_deps_var>]
            [CONFLICTING_DEPENDENCIES_PREFIX <conflicting_deps_prefix>]
            [EXECUTABLES [<executable_files>...]]
            [LIBRARIES [<library_files>...]]
            [MODULES [<module_files>...]]
            [DIRECTORIES [<directories>...]]
            [BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE <bundle_executable_file>]
            [PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
            [PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
            [POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
            [POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES [<regexes>...]]
            [POST_INCLUDE_FILES [<files>...]]
            [POST_EXCLUDE_FILES [<files>...]]

       New in version 3.16.

       Recursively get the list of libraries depended on by the given files.

       Please note that this sub-command is not intended to be used in project
       mode.   It is intended for use at install time, either from code gener-
       ated by the install(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET) command, or from code  pro-
       vided  by  the project via install(CODE) or install(SCRIPT).  For exam-

          install(CODE [[
              # ...

       The arguments are as follows:

              Name of the variable in which to store the list of resolved  de-

       UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCIES_VAR <unresolved_deps_var>
              Name  of  the  variable in which to store the list of unresolved
              dependencies.  If this variable is not specified, and there  are
              any unresolved dependencies, an error is issued.

       CONFLICTING_DEPENDENCIES_PREFIX <conflicting_deps_prefix>
              Variable  prefix in which to store conflicting dependency infor-
              mation.  Dependencies are conflicting if two files with the same
              name  are  found in two different directories. The list of file-
              names  that  conflict  are  stored   in   <conflicting_deps_pre-
              fix>_FILENAMES.  For  each filename, the list of paths that were
              found for that filename  are  stored  in  <conflicting_deps_pre-

       EXECUTABLES <executable_files>
              List of executable files to read for dependencies. These are ex-
              ecutables that are typically created with add_executable(),  but
              they do not have to be created by CMake. On Apple platforms, the
              paths to these files determine  the  value  of  @executable_path
              when  recursively  resolving the libraries.  Specifying any kind
              of library (STATIC, MODULE, or SHARED) here will result in unde-
              fined behavior.

       LIBRARIES <library_files>
              List  of  library  files to read for dependencies. These are li-
              braries that are typically created with add_library(SHARED), but
              they  do  not have to be created by CMake. Specifying STATIC li-
              braries, MODULE libraries, or executables here  will  result  in
              undefined behavior.

       MODULES <module_files>
              List  of  loadable  module files to read for dependencies. These
              are modules that are typically created with add_library(MODULE),
              but  they do not have to be created by CMake. They are typically
              used by calling dlopen() at runtime rather than linked  at  link
              time with ld -l.  Specifying STATIC libraries, SHARED libraries,
              or executables here will result in undefined behavior.

       DIRECTORIES <directories>
              List of additional directories to search  for  dependencies.  On
              Linux  platforms,  these  directories are searched if the depen-
              dency is not found in any of the other usual  paths.  If  it  is
              found in such a directory, a warning is issued, because it means
              that the file is incomplete (it does not list all of the  direc-
              tories  that  contain  its  dependencies). On Windows platforms,
              these directories are searched if the dependency is not found in
              any of the other search paths, but no warning is issued, because
              searching other paths is a normal  part  of  Windows  dependency
              resolution. On Apple platforms, this argument has no effect.

       BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE <bundle_executable_file>
              Executable  to  treat  as the "bundle executable" when resolving
              libraries. On Apple  platforms,  this  argument  determines  the
              value  of  @executable_path when recursively resolving libraries
              for LIBRARIES and MODULES files.  It has no effect  on  EXECUTA-
              BLES  files. On other platforms, it has no effect. This is typi-
              cally (but not always) one of the executables in the EXECUTABLES
              argument which designates the "main" executable of the package.

       The  following arguments specify filters for including or excluding li-
       braries to be resolved. See below for a full description  of  how  they

       PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES <regexes>
              List of pre-include regexes through which to filter the names of
              not-yet-resolved dependencies.

       PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES <regexes>
              List of pre-exclude regexes through which to filter the names of
              not-yet-resolved dependencies.

       POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES <regexes>
              List  of  post-include regexes through which to filter the names
              of resolved dependencies.

       POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES <regexes>
              List of post-exclude regexes through which to filter  the  names
              of resolved dependencies.

       POST_INCLUDE_FILES <files>
              New in version 3.21.

              List of post-include filenames through which to filter the names
              of resolved dependencies. Symlinks are resolved when  attempting
              to match these filenames.

       POST_EXCLUDE_FILES <files>
              New in version 3.21.

              List of post-exclude filenames through which to filter the names
              of resolved dependencies. Symlinks are resolved when  attempting
              to match these filenames.

       These  arguments  can be used to exclude unwanted system libraries when
       resolving the dependencies, or to include libraries from a specific di-
       rectory. The filtering works as follows:

       1. If  the  not-yet-resolved  dependency  matches  any  of  the PRE_IN-
          CLUDE_REGEXES, steps 2 and 3 are skipped, and the dependency resolu-
          tion proceeds to step 4.

       2. If  the  not-yet-resolved  dependency  matches  any  of  the PRE_EX-
          CLUDE_REGEXES, dependency resolution stops for that dependency.

       3. Otherwise, dependency resolution proceeds.

       4. file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) searches for the dependency according
          to the linking rules of the platform (see below).

       5. If  the  dependency  is  found, and its full path matches one of the
          POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES or POST_INCLUDE_FILES, the full path  is  added
          to the resolved dependencies, and file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) re-
          cursively resolves that library's own dependencies. Otherwise, reso-
          lution proceeds to step 6.

       6. If  the  dependency  is  found, but its full path matches one of the
          POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES or POST_EXCLUDE_FILES, it is not added  to  the
          resolved  dependencies, and dependency resolution stops for that de-

       7. If the dependency is found, and its full path does not match  either
          POST_EXCLUDE_FILES, the full path is added to the resolved dependen-
          cies,  and file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)  recursively resolves that
          library's own dependencies.

       Different platforms have different rules for how dependencies  are  re-
       solved.  These specifics are described here.

       On Linux platforms, library resolution works as follows:

       1. If the depending file does not have any RUNPATH entries, and the li-
          brary exists in one of the depending file's RPATH  entries,  or  its
          parents', in that order, the dependency is resolved to that file.

       2. Otherwise,  if  the  depending file has any RUNPATH entries, and the
          library exists in one of those entries, the dependency  is  resolved
          to that file.

       3. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the directories listed by
          ldconfig, the dependency is resolved to that file.

       4. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the DIRECTORIES  entries,
          the  dependency is resolved to that file. In this case, a warning is
          issued, because finding a file in one of the DIRECTORIES means  that
          the  depending file is not complete (it does not list all the direc-
          tories from which it pulls dependencies).

       5. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.

       On Windows platforms, library resolution works as follows:

       1. The dependent DLL name is converted to lowercase. Windows DLL  names
          are  case-insensitive,  and  some linkers mangle the case of the DLL
          dependency names. However, this makes it more difficult for  PRE_IN-
          POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES to properly filter  DLL  names  -  every  regex
          would  have  to  check for both uppercase and lowercase letters. For

               # ...
               PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES "^[Mm][Yy][Ll][Ii][Bb][Rr][Aa][Rr][Yy]\\.[Dd][Ll][Ll]$"

          Converting the DLL name to lowercase  allows  the  regexes  to  only
          match lowercase names, thus simplifying the regex. For example:

               # ...
               PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES "^mylibrary\\.dll$"

          This  regex  will match mylibrary.dll regardless of how it is cased,
          either on disk or in the depending file. (For example, it will match
          mylibrary.dll, MyLibrary.dll, and MYLIBRARY.DLL.)

          Please  note that the directory portion of any resolved DLLs retains
          its casing and is not converted to lowercase. Only the filename por-
          tion is converted.

       2. (Not  yet implemented) If the depending file is a Windows Store app,
          and the dependency is listed as a dependency  in  the  application's
          package manifest, the dependency is resolved to that file.

       3. Otherwise,  if  the  library exists in the same directory as the de-
          pending file, the dependency is resolved to that file.

       4. Otherwise, if the library exists in either  the  operating  system's
          system32  directory or the Windows directory, in that order, the de-
          pendency is resolved to that file.

       5. Otherwise, if the library exists in one of the directories specified
          by  DIRECTORIES, in the order they are listed, the dependency is re-
          solved to that file. In this case, a warning is not issued,  because
          searching other directories is a normal part of Windows library res-

       6. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.

       On Apple platforms, library resolution works as follows:

       1. If the dependency starts with @executable_path/, and an  EXECUTABLES
          argument  is  in  the process of being resolved, and replacing @exe-
          cutable_path/ with the directory of the executable yields an  exist-
          ing file, the dependency is resolved to that file.

       2. Otherwise,  if  the  dependency  starts  with @executable_path/, and
          there  is  a  BUNDLE_EXECUTABLE  argument,   and   replacing   @exe-
          cutable_path/  with the directory of the bundle executable yields an
          existing file, the dependency is resolved to that file.

       3. Otherwise, if the dependency starts with @loader_path/, and  replac-
          ing @loader_path/ with the directory of the depending file yields an
          existing file, the dependency is resolved to that file.

       4. Otherwise, if the dependency  starts  with  @rpath/,  and  replacing
          @rpath/  with  one of the RPATH entries of the depending file yields
          an existing file, the dependency is resolved to that file. Note that
          RPATH  entries  that  start  with @executable_path/ or @loader_path/
          also have these items replaced with the appropriate path.

       5. Otherwise, if the dependency is an absolute file  that  exists,  the
          dependency is resolved to that file.

       6. Otherwise, the dependency is unresolved.

       This  function  accepts  several variables that determine which tool is
       used for dependency resolution:

              Determines which operating  system  and  executable  format  the
              files are built for. This could be one of several values:

              • linux+elfwindows+pemacos+macho

              If  this  variable  is not specified, it is determined automati-
              cally by system introspection.

              Determines the tool to use for dependency resolution.  It  could
              be   one   of   several   values,  depending  on  the  value  of

                   │DENCIES_PLATFORMDENCIES_TOOL             │
                   │linux+elfobjdump                  │
                   │windows+pedumpbin                  │
                   │windows+peobjdump                  │
                   │macos+machootool                    │

              If this variable is not specified, it  is  determined  automati-
              cally by system introspection.

              Determines  the  path  to the tool to use for dependency resolu-
              tion. This is the actual path to objdump, dumpbin, or otool.

              If this variable is not specified, it is determined by the value
              of CMAKE_OBJDUMP if set, else by system introspection.

              New in version 3.18: Use CMAKE_OBJDUMP if set.

          file(WRITE <filename> <content>...)
          file(APPEND <filename> <content>...)

       Write  <content>  into  a file called <filename>.  If the file does not
       exist, it will be created.  If the file already exists, WRITE mode will
       overwrite  it  and APPEND mode will append to the end.  Any directories
       in the path specified by <filename> that do not exist will be created.

       If the file is a build input, use the configure_file() command  to  up-
       date the file only when its content changes.

          file(TOUCH [<files>...])
          file(TOUCH_NOCREATE [<files>...])

       New in version 3.12.

       Create a file with no content if it does not yet exist. If the file al-
       ready exists, its access and/or modification will  be  updated  to  the
       time when the function call is executed.

       Use TOUCH_NOCREATE to touch a file if it exists but not create it. If a
       file does not exist it will be silently ignored.

       With TOUCH and TOUCH_NOCREATE the contents of an existing file will not
       be modified.

          file(GENERATE OUTPUT output-file
               <INPUT input-file|CONTENT content>
               [CONDITION expression] [TARGET target]
                FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
               [NEWLINE_STYLE [UNIX|DOS|WIN32|LF|CRLF] ])

       Generate  an  output file for each build configuration supported by the
       current CMake Generator.  Evaluate generator expressions from the input
       content to produce the output content.  The options are:

       CONDITION <condition>
              Generate  the output file for a particular configuration only if
              the condition is true.  The condition must be either 0 or 1  af-
              ter evaluating generator expressions.

       CONTENT <content>
              Use the content given explicitly as input.

       INPUT <input-file>
              Use the content from a given file as input.

              Changed in version 3.10: A relative path is treated with respect
              to the value of CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR.  See policy CMP0070.

       OUTPUT <output-file>
              Specify the output file name to generate.  Use generator expres-
              sions such as $<CONFIG> to specify a configuration-specific out-
              put file name.  Multiple configurations may  generate  the  same
              output  file only if the generated content is identical.  Other-
              wise, the <output-file> must evaluate to an unique name for each

              Changed  in version 3.10: A relative path (after evaluating gen-
              erator expressions) is treated with  respect  to  the  value  of
              CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR.  See policy CMP0070.

       TARGET <target>
              New in version 3.19.

              Specify  which  target  to use when evaluating generator expres-
              sions that require a target for evaluation (e.g.  $<COMPILE_FEA-
              TURES:...>, $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>).

              New in version 3.20.

              The generated file permissions default to the standard 644 value

              New in version 3.20.

              Transfer the file permissions of the INPUT file to the generated
              file.  This is already the default behavior if none of the three
              permissions-related keywords are  given  (NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS,
              USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS      or      FILE_PERMISSIONS).       The
              USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS keyword mostly serves as a way of  making
              the  intended behavior clearer at the call site.  It is an error
              to specify this option without INPUT.

       FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...
              New in version 3.20.

              Use the specified permissions for the generated file.

       NEWLINE_STYLE <style>
              New in version 3.20.

              Specify the newline style for the generated file.  Specify  UNIX
              or  LF  for \n newlines, or specify DOS, WIN32, or CRLF for \r\n

       Exactly one CONTENT or INPUT option must be given.  A  specific  OUTPUT
       file  may be named by at most one invocation of file(GENERATE).  Gener-
       ated files are modified and their timestamp updated on subsequent cmake
       runs only if their content is changed.

       Note also that file(GENERATE) does not create the output file until the
       generation phase. The output file will not yet have been  written  when
       the file(GENERATE) command returns, it is written only after processing
       all of a project's CMakeLists.txt files.

          file(CONFIGURE OUTPUT output-file
               CONTENT content
               [ESCAPE_QUOTES] [@ONLY]
               [NEWLINE_STYLE [UNIX|DOS|WIN32|LF|CRLF] ])

       New in version 3.18.

       Generate an output file using the input given by CONTENT and substitute
       variable  values  referenced  as @VAR@ or ${VAR} contained therein. The
       substitution rules behave the same as the configure_file() command.  In
       order  to  match configure_file()'s behavior, generator expressions are
       not supported for both OUTPUT and CONTENT.

       The arguments are:

       OUTPUT <output-file>
              Specify the output file name to generate.  A  relative  path  is
              treated  with  respect to the value of CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR.
              <output-file> does not support generator expressions.

       CONTENT <content>
              Use the content given explicitly as input.  <content>  does  not
              support generator expressions.

              Escape any substituted quotes with backslashes (C-style).

       @ONLY  Restrict  variable  replacement to references of the form @VAR@.
              This is useful for configuring scripts that use ${VAR} syntax.

       NEWLINE_STYLE <style>
              Specify the newline style for the output file.  Specify UNIX  or
              LF for \n newlines, or specify DOS, WIN32, or CRLF for \r\n new-

          file(GLOB <variable>
               [LIST_DIRECTORIES true|false] [RELATIVE <path>] [CONFIGURE_DEPENDS]
          file(GLOB_RECURSE <variable> [FOLLOW_SYMLINKS]
               [LIST_DIRECTORIES true|false] [RELATIVE <path>] [CONFIGURE_DEPENDS]

       Generate a list of files  that  match  the  <globbing-expressions>  and
       store it into the <variable>.  Globbing expressions are similar to reg-
       ular expressions, but much simpler.  If RELATIVE flag is specified, the
       results will be returned as relative paths to the given path.

       Changed in version 3.6: The results will be ordered lexicographically.

       On Windows and macOS, globbing is case-insensitive even if the underly-
       ing filesystem is case-sensitive (both filenames and  globbing  expres-
       sions are converted to lowercase before matching).  On other platforms,
       globbing is case-sensitive.

       New in version 3.3: By default GLOB lists directories - directories are
       omitted in result if LIST_DIRECTORIES is set to false.

       New  in version 3.12: If the CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag is specified, CMake
       will add logic to the main build  system  check  target  to  rerun  the
       flagged  GLOB  commands  at  build  time. If any of the outputs change,
       CMake will regenerate the build system.

          We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a  list  of  source  files
          from  your  source  tree.   If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a
          source is added or removed then the generated  build  system  cannot
          know  when  to  ask CMake to regenerate.  The CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag
          may not work reliably on all generators, or if a  new  generator  is
          added  in  the future that cannot support it, projects using it will
          be stuck. Even if CONFIGURE_DEPENDS works reliably, there is still a
          cost to perform the check on every rebuild.

       Examples of globbing expressions include:

          *.cxx      - match all files with extension cxx
          *.vt?      - match all files with extension vta,...,vtz
          f[3-5].txt - match files f3.txt, f4.txt, f5.txt

       The  GLOB_RECURSE  mode  will  traverse  all  the subdirectories of the
       matched directory and match the files.  Subdirectories  that  are  sym-
       links  are only traversed if FOLLOW_SYMLINKS is given or policy CMP0009
       is not set to NEW.

       New in version 3.3: By default GLOB_RECURSE omits directories from  re-
       sult list - setting LIST_DIRECTORIES to true adds directories to result
       list.  If FOLLOW_SYMLINKS is given or policy CMP0009 is not set to  NEW
       then LIST_DIRECTORIES treats symlinks as directories.

       Examples of recursive globbing include:

          /dir/*.py  - match all python files in /dir and subdirectories

          file(MAKE_DIRECTORY [<directories>...])

       Create the given directories and their parents as needed.

          file(REMOVE [<files>...])
          file(REMOVE_RECURSE [<files>...])

       Remove  the given files.  The REMOVE_RECURSE mode will remove the given
       files and directories, also non-empty directories. No error is  emitted
       if  a  given  file  does not exist.  Relative input paths are evaluated
       with respect to the current source directory.

       Changed in version 3.15: Empty input paths are ignored with a  warning.
       Previous versions of CMake interpreted empty strings as a relative path
       with respect to the current directory and removed its contents.

          file(RENAME <oldname> <newname>
               [RESULT <result>]

       Move a file or directory within a filesystem from  <oldname>  to  <new-
       name>, replacing the destination atomically.

       The options are:

       RESULT <result>
              New in version 3.21.

              Set <result> variable to 0 on success or an error message other-
              wise.  If RESULT is not specified and the  operation  fails,  an
              error is emitted.

              New in version 3.21.

              If the <newname> path already exists, do not replace it.  If RE-
              SULT <result> is used, the result variable will be set to NO_RE-
              PLACE.  Otherwise, an error is emitted.

          file(COPY_FILE <oldname> <newname>
               [RESULT <result>]

       New in version 3.21.

       Copy a file from <oldname> to <newname>. Directories are not supported.
       Symlinks are ignored and <oldfile>'s content is  read  and  written  to
       <newname> as a new file.

       The options are:

       RESULT <result>
              Set <result> variable to 0 on success or an error message other-
              wise.  If RESULT is not specified and the  operation  fails,  an
              error is emitted.

              If  the  <newname> path already exists, do not replace it if the
              file's contents are already the same as <oldname>  (this  avoids
              updating <newname>'s timestamp).

       This  sub-command  has  some  similarities to configure_file() with the
       COPYONLY option.  An important difference is that configure_file() cre-
       ates  a  dependency  on  the source file, so CMake will be re-run if it
       changes.  The file(COPY_FILE) sub-command does not create such a depen-

       See  also  the file(COPY) sub-command just below which provides further
       file-copying capabilities.

          file(<COPY|INSTALL> <files>... DESTINATION <dir>
               [FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
               [DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
               [[PATTERN <pattern> | REGEX <regex>]
                [EXCLUDE] [PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]] [...])

          For a simple file copying operation, the file(COPY_FILE) sub-command
          just above may be easier to use.

       The  COPY signature copies files, directories, and symlinks to a desti-
       nation folder.  Relative input paths are evaluated with respect to  the
       current  source directory, and a relative destination is evaluated with
       respect to the current build directory.  Copying preserves  input  file
       timestamps,  and  optimizes  out a file if it exists at the destination
       with the same timestamp.  Copying preserves  input  permissions  unless
       explicit  permissions  or  NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS  are given (default is

       New in version 3.15: If FOLLOW_SYMLINK_CHAIN is  specified,  COPY  will
       recursively  resolve  the symlinks at the paths given until a real file
       is found, and install a corresponding symlink in  the  destination  for
       each symlink encountered. For each symlink that is installed, the reso-
       lution is stripped of the directory, leaving only the filename, meaning
       that the new symlink points to a file in the same directory as the sym-
       link. This feature is useful on some Unix systems, where libraries  are
       installed  as  a chain of symlinks with version numbers, with less spe-
       cific  versions  pointing  to  more  specific  versions.    FOLLOW_SYM-
       LINK_CHAIN  will  install  all of these symlinks and the library itself
       into the destination directory. For example, if you have the  following
       directory structure:

       • /opt/foo/lib/libfoo.so.1.2.3/opt/foo/lib/libfoo.so.1.2 -> libfoo.so.1.2.3/opt/foo/lib/libfoo.so.1 -> libfoo.so.1.2/opt/foo/lib/libfoo.so -> libfoo.so.1

       and you do:

          file(COPY /opt/foo/lib/libfoo.so DESTINATION lib FOLLOW_SYMLINK_CHAIN)

       This  will  install all of the symlinks and libfoo.so.1.2.3 itself into

       See the install(DIRECTORY) command for  documentation  of  permissions,
       FILES_MATCHING,  PATTERN, REGEX, and EXCLUDE options.  Copying directo-
       ries preserves the structure of their content even if options are  used
       to select a subset of files.

       The INSTALL signature differs slightly from COPY: it prints status mes-
       sages, and NO_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS is default.

       Installation scripts generated by the install() command use this signa-
       ture (with some undocumented options for internal use).

       Changed  in  version  3.22: The environment variable CMAKE_INSTALL_MODE
       can override the default copying behavior of file(INSTALL).

          file(SIZE <filename> <variable>)

       New in version 3.14.

       Determine the file size of the <filename> and put the result in  <vari-
       able>  variable. Requires that <filename> is a valid path pointing to a
       file and is readable.

          file(READ_SYMLINK <linkname> <variable>)

       New in version 3.14.

       This subcommand queries the symlink <linkname> and stores the  path  it
       points to in the result <variable>.  If <linkname> does not exist or is
       not a symlink, CMake issues a fatal error.

       Note that this command returns the raw symlink path and  does  not  re-
       solve  a  relative  path.  The following is an example of how to ensure
       that an absolute path is obtained:

          set(linkname "/path/to/foo.sym")
          file(READ_SYMLINK "${linkname}" result)
          if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${result}")
            get_filename_component(dir "${linkname}" DIRECTORY)
            set(result "${dir}/${result}")

          file(CREATE_LINK <original> <linkname>
               [RESULT <result>] [COPY_ON_ERROR] [SYMBOLIC])

       New in version 3.14.

       Create a link <linkname> that points to <original>.  It will be a  hard
       link  by  default,  but providing the SYMBOLIC option results in a sym-
       bolic link instead.  Hard links require that original exists and  is  a
       file,  not a directory.  If <linkname> already exists, it will be over-

       The <result> variable, if specified, receives the status of the  opera-
       tion.   It  is set to 0 upon success or an error message otherwise.  If
       RESULT is not specified and the operation fails, a fatal error is emit-

       Specifying COPY_ON_ERROR enables copying the file as a fallback if cre-
       ating the link fails.  It can be useful for handling situations such as
       <original>  and  <linkname>  being on different drives or mount points,
       which would make them unable to support a hard link.

          file(CHMOD <files>... <directories>...
              [PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
              [FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
              [DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...])

       New in version 3.19.

       Set the permissions for the <files>... and <directories>...  specified.
       Valid   permissions   are    OWNER_READ,   OWNER_WRITE,  OWNER_EXECUTE,

       Valid combination of keywords are:

              All items are changed.

              Only files are changed.

              Only directories are changed.

              FILE_PERMISSIONS overrides PERMISSIONS for files.

              DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS overrides PERMISSIONS for directories.

              Use FILE_PERMISSIONS for files and DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS for di-

          file(CHMOD_RECURSE <files>... <directories>...
               [PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
               [FILE_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...]
               [DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS <permissions>...])

       New in version 3.19.

       Same as CHMOD, but change the  permissions  of  files  and  directories
       present in the <directories>... recursively.

   Path Conversion
          file(REAL_PATH <path> <out-var> [BASE_DIRECTORY <dir>] [EXPAND_TILDE])

       New in version 3.19.

       Compute  the  absolute  path to an existing file or directory with sym-
       links resolved.

       BASE_DIRECTORY <dir>
              If the provided <path> is a relative path, it is evaluated rela-
              tive  to the given base directory <dir>. If no base directory is
              provided,  the  default  base  directory  will   be   CMAKE_CUR-

              New in version 3.21.

              If  the  <path> is ~ or starts with ~/, the ~ is replaced by the
              user's home directory.  The path to the home  directory  is  ob-
              tained  from environment variables.  On Windows, the USERPROFILE
              environment variable is used, falling back to the HOME  environ-
              ment variable if USERPROFILE is not defined.  On all other plat-
              forms, only HOME is used.

          file(RELATIVE_PATH <variable> <directory> <file>)

       Compute the relative path from a <directory> to a <file> and  store  it
       in the <variable>.

          file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "<path>" <variable>)
          file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "<path>" <variable>)

       The TO_CMAKE_PATH mode converts a native <path> into a cmake-style path
       with forward-slashes (/).  The input can be a single path or  a  system
       search  path  like  $ENV{PATH}.   A  search path will be converted to a
       cmake-style list separated by ; characters.

       The TO_NATIVE_PATH mode converts a cmake-style  <path>  into  a  native
       path  with  platform-specific  slashes  (\ on Windows hosts and / else-

       Always use double quotes around the <path> to be sure it is treated  as
       a single argument to this command.

          file(DOWNLOAD <url> [<file>] [<options>...])
          file(UPLOAD   <file> <url> [<options>...])

       The  DOWNLOAD  subcommand  downloads the given <url> to a local <file>.
       The UPLOAD mode uploads a local <file> to a given <url>.

       New in version 3.19: If <file> is not specified for file(DOWNLOAD), the
       file  is  not  saved.  This can be useful if you want to know if a file
       can be downloaded (for example, to check that it exists) without  actu-
       ally saving it anywhere.

       Options to both DOWNLOAD and UPLOAD are:

       INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT <seconds>
              Terminate the operation after a period of inactivity.

       LOG <variable>
              Store a human-readable log of the operation in a variable.

              Print  progress  information as status messages until the opera-
              tion is complete.

       STATUS <variable>
              Store the resulting status of the operation in a variable.   The
              status  is a ; separated list of length 2.  The first element is
              the numeric return value for the operation, and the second  ele-
              ment  is  a string value for the error.  A 0 numeric error means
              no error in the operation.

       TIMEOUT <seconds>
              Terminate the operation after a given total time has elapsed.

       USERPWD <username>:<password>
              New in version 3.7.

              Set username and password for operation.

       HTTPHEADER <HTTP-header>
              New in version 3.7.

              HTTP header for operation. Suboption  can  be  repeated  several

       NETRC <level>
              New in version 3.11.

              Specify whether the .netrc file is to be used for operation.  If
              this option is not specified, the value of the CMAKE_NETRC vari-
              able will be used instead.  Valid levels are:

                     The .netrc file is ignored.  This is the default.

                     The  .netrc  file is optional, and information in the URL
                     is preferred.  The file will be  scanned  to  find  which
                     ever information is not specified in the URL.

                     The  .netrc  file is required, and information in the URL
                     is ignored.

       NETRC_FILE <file>
              New in version 3.11.

              Specify an alternative .netrc file to the one in your  home  di-
              rectory, if the NETRC level is OPTIONAL or REQUIRED. If this op-
              tion is not specified, the value of the  CMAKE_NETRC_FILE  vari-
              able will be used instead.

              Specify  whether  to  verify the server certificate for https://
              URLs.  The default is to not verify. If this option is not spec-
              ified,  the  value of the CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY variable will be used

              New in version 3.18: Added support to file(UPLOAD).

       TLS_CAINFO <file>
              Specify a custom Certificate Authority file for  https://  URLs.
              If   this   option   is   not   specified,   the  value  of  the
              CMAKE_TLS_CAINFO variable will be used instead.

              New in version 3.18: Added support to file(UPLOAD).

       For https:// URLs CMake must be built with  OpenSSL  support.   TLS/SSL
       certificates are not checked by default.  Set TLS_VERIFY to ON to check

       Additional options to DOWNLOAD are:

       EXPECTED_HASH ALGO=<value>
          Verify that the downloaded content hash matches the expected  value,
          where  ALGO  is one of the algorithms supported by file(<HASH>).  If
          it does not match, the operation fails with an error. It is an error
          to specify this if DOWNLOAD is not given a <file>.

       EXPECTED_MD5 <value>
              Historical  short-hand  for  EXPECTED_HASH MD5=<value>. It is an
              error to specify this if DOWNLOAD is not given a <file>.

          file(LOCK <path> [DIRECTORY] [RELEASE]
               [RESULT_VARIABLE <variable>]
               [TIMEOUT <seconds>])

       New in version 3.2.

       Lock a file specified by <path> if no DIRECTORY option present and file
       <path>/cmake.lock  otherwise.  File will be locked for scope defined by
       GUARD option (default value is PROCESS). RELEASE option can be used  to
       unlock  file  explicitly. If option TIMEOUT is not specified CMake will
       wait until lock succeed or until fatal error occurs. If TIMEOUT is  set
       to  0  lock will be tried once and result will be reported immediately.
       If TIMEOUT is not 0 CMake will try to lock file for the  period  speci-
       fied  by  <seconds>  value.  Any errors will be interpreted as fatal if
       there is no RESULT_VARIABLE option. Otherwise result will be stored  in
       <variable> and will be 0 on success or error message on failure.

       Note that lock is advisory - there is no guarantee that other processes
       will respect this lock, i.e. lock synchronize two  or  more  CMake  in-
       stances sharing some modifiable resources. Similar logic applied to DI-
       RECTORY option - locking parent directory doesn't  prevent  other  LOCK
       commands to lock any child directory or file.

       Trying to lock file twice is not allowed.  Any intermediate directories
       and file itself will be created if they not exist.  GUARD  and  TIMEOUT
       options ignored on RELEASE operation.

          file(ARCHIVE_CREATE OUTPUT <archive>
            PATHS <paths>...
            [FORMAT <format>]
            [COMPRESSION <compression> [COMPRESSION_LEVEL <compression-level>]]
            [MTIME <mtime>]

       New in version 3.18.

       Creates  the  specified  <archive>  file with the files and directories
       listed in <paths>.  Note that <paths> must list actual files or  direc-
       tories, wildcards are not supported.

       Use  the FORMAT option to specify the archive format.  Supported values
       for <format> are 7zip, gnutar, pax, paxr, raw and zip.   If  FORMAT  is
       not given, the default format is paxr.

       Some  archive  formats  allow  the type of compression to be specified.
       The 7zip and zip archive formats already imply a specific type of  com-
       pression.   The other formats use no compression by default, but can be
       directed to do so with the COMPRESSION option.  Valid values for  <com-
       pression> are None, BZip2, GZip, XZ, and Zstd.

       New  in  version  3.19: The compression level can be specified with the
       COMPRESSION_LEVEL option.  The <compression-level>  should  be  between
       0-9,  with the default being 0.  The COMPRESSION option must be present
       when COMPRESSION_LEVEL is given.

          With FORMAT set to raw only one file will  be  compressed  with  the
          compression type specified by COMPRESSION.

       The VERBOSE option enables verbose output for the archive operation.

       To  specify  the modification time recorded in tarball entries, use the
       MTIME option.

          file(ARCHIVE_EXTRACT INPUT <archive>
            [DESTINATION <dir>]
            [PATTERNS <patterns>...]

       New in version 3.18.

       Extracts or lists the content of the specified <archive>.

       The directory where the content of the archive will be extracted to can
       be  specified  using the DESTINATION option.  If the directory does not
       exist, it will be created.  If DESTINATION is not  given,  the  current
       binary directory will be used.

       If  required, you may select which files and directories to list or ex-
       tract from the archive using the specified <patterns>.   Wildcards  are
       supported.   If  the  PATTERNS  option is not given, the entire archive
       will be listed or extracted.

       LIST_ONLY will list the files in the archive rather than extract them.

       With VERBOSE, the command will produce verbose output.

       A short-hand signature is:

          find_file (<VAR> name1 [path1 path2 ...])

       The general signature is:

          find_file (
                    name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...]
                    [HINTS [path | ENV var]... ]
                    [PATHS [path | ENV var]... ]
                    [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
                    [DOC "cache documentation string"]
                    [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |
                     ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |

       This command is used to find a full path to named file.  A cache entry,
       or  a  normal variable if NO_CACHE is specified, named by <VAR> is cre-
       ated to store the result of this command.  If the full path to  a  file
       is  found  the result is stored in the variable and the search will not
       be repeated unless the variable is cleared.  If nothing is  found,  the
       result will be <VAR>-NOTFOUND.

       Options include:

       NAMES  Specify one or more possible names for the full path to a file.

              When using this to specify names with and without a version suf-
              fix, we recommend specifying the unversioned name first so  that
              locally-built  packages  can  be  found before those provided by

              Specify directories to search in addition to the  default  loca-
              tions.   The  ENV var sub-option reads paths from a system envi-
              ronment variable.

              Specify additional subdirectories to check below each  directory
              location otherwise considered.

       DOC    Specify the documentation string for the <VAR> cache entry.

              New in version 3.21.

              The  result  of  the  search will be stored in a normal variable
              rather than a cache entry.

                 If the variable is already set before the call (as  a  normal
                 or cache variable) then the search will not occur.

                 This  option  should  be  used  with  caution  because it can
                 greatly increase the cost of repeated configure steps.

              New in version 3.18.

              Stop processing with an error message if nothing is found,  oth-
              erwise  the  search  will  be  attempted  again  the  next  time
              find_file is invoked with the same variable.

       If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is specified, then no additional paths are added  to
       the search.  If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is not specified, the search process is
       as follows:

       1. New in version 3.12: If called from within  a  find  module  or  any
          other script loaded by a call to find_package(<PackageName>), search
          prefixes unique to the current package being  found.   Specifically,
          look  in  the  <PackageName>_ROOT  CMake  variable and the <Package-
          Name>_ROOT environment variable.  The  package  root  variables  are
          maintained as a stack, so if called from nested find modules or con-
          fig packages, root paths from the parent's  find  module  or  config
          package  will  be  searched  after  paths from the current module or
          package.  In other words, the search order  would  be  <CurrentPack-
          age>_ROOT,     ENV{<CurrentPackage>_ROOT},     <ParentPackage>_ROOT,
          ENV{<ParentPackage>_ROOT}, etc.  This can  be  skipped  if  NO_PACK-
          AGE_ROOT_PATH  is  passed  or  by  setting  the CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACK-
          AGE_ROOT_PATH to FALSE.  See policy CMP0074.

          • <prefix>/include/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set,  and
            <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in the <PackageName>_ROOT CMake
            variable and the <PackageName>_ROOT environment variable if called
            from within a find module loaded by find_package(<PackageName>)

       2. Search paths specified in cmake-specific cache variables.  These are
          intended to be used on the command line  with  a  -DVAR=value.   The
          values  are  interpreted  as semicolon-separated lists.  This can be
          skipped   if   NO_CMAKE_PATH   is   passed   or   by   setting   the

          • <prefix>/include/<arch>  if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set, and
            <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATHCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATHCMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH

       3. Search paths  specified  in  cmake-specific  environment  variables.
          These  are intended to be set in the user's shell configuration, and
          therefore use the host's native path separator (; on Windows  and  :
          on  UNIX).   This  can  be  skipped  if NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is
          passed or by setting  the  CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH  to

          • <prefix>/include/<arch>  if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set, and
            <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATHCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATHCMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH

       4. Search the paths specified by the HINTS  option.   These  should  be
          paths  computed  by system introspection, such as a hint provided by
          the location of another  item  already  found.   Hard-coded  guesses
          should be specified with the PATHS option.

       5. Search  the  standard  system  environment  variables.   This can be
          skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is passed or  by  setting  the

          • The directories in INCLUDE and PATH.

          • On  Windows hosts: <prefix>/include/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHI-
            TECTURE is set, and <prefix>/include for each  <prefix>/[s]bin  in
            PATH, and <entry>/include for other entries in PATH.

       6. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for the current
          system.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH is passed or by
          setting the CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH to FALSE.

          • <prefix>/include/<arch>  if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set, and

          The platform paths that these variables contain are  locations  that
          typically  include  installed  software. An example being /usr/local
          for UNIX based platforms.

       7. Search the paths specified by the PATHS option or in the  short-hand
          version of the command.  These are typically hard-coded guesses.

       New  in version 3.16: Added CMAKE_FIND_USE_<CATEGORY>_PATH variables to
       globally disable various search locations.

       On macOS the CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK  and  CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE  variables
       determine  the  order  of preference between Apple-style and unix-style
       package components.

       The CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies one or more  directo-
       ries to be prepended to all other search directories.  This effectively
       "re-roots" the entire search under given locations.   Paths  which  are
       descendants of the CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX are excluded from this re-root-
       ing, because that variable is always a path on the host system.  By de-
       fault the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is empty.

       The  CMAKE_SYSROOT variable can also be used to specify exactly one di-
       rectory to use as a prefix.  Setting CMAKE_SYSROOT also has  other  ef-
       fects.  See the documentation for that variable for more.

       These  variables are especially useful when cross-compiling to point to
       the root directory of the target  environment  and  CMake  will  search
       there   too.    By   default   at   first  the  directories  listed  in
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH are searched, then the CMAKE_SYSROOT directory  is
       searched,  and  then  the non-rooted directories will be searched.  The
       default     behavior     can      be      adjusted      by      setting
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE.  This behavior can be manually over-
       ridden on a per-call basis using options:

              Search in the order described above.

              Do not use the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH variable.

              Search only the  re-rooted  directories  and  directories  below

       The  default search order is designed to be most-specific to least-spe-
       cific for common use cases.  Projects may override the order by  simply
       calling the command multiple times and using the NO_* options:

          find_file (<VAR> NAMES name PATHS paths... NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
          find_file (<VAR> NAMES name)

       Once  one  of  the  calls  succeeds the result variable will be set and
       stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

       A short-hand signature is:

          find_library (<VAR> name1 [path1 path2 ...])

       The general signature is:

          find_library (
                    name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...] [NAMES_PER_DIR]
                    [HINTS [path | ENV var]... ]
                    [PATHS [path | ENV var]... ]
                    [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
                    [DOC "cache documentation string"]
                    [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |
                     ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |

       This command is used to find a library.  A cache  entry,  or  a  normal
       variable  if  NO_CACHE is specified, named by <VAR> is created to store
       the result of this command.  If the library  is  found  the  result  is
       stored  in  the variable and the search will not be repeated unless the
       variable  is  cleared.   If  nothing  is  found,  the  result  will  be

       Options include:

       NAMES  Specify one or more possible names for the library.

              When using this to specify names with and without a version suf-
              fix, we recommend specifying the unversioned name first so  that
              locally-built  packages  can  be  found before those provided by

              Specify directories to search in addition to the  default  loca-
              tions.   The  ENV var sub-option reads paths from a system envi-
              ronment variable.

              Specify additional subdirectories to check below each  directory
              location otherwise considered.

       DOC    Specify the documentation string for the <VAR> cache entry.

              New in version 3.21.

              The  result  of  the  search will be stored in a normal variable
              rather than a cache entry.

                 If the variable is already set before the call (as  a  normal
                 or cache variable) then the search will not occur.

                 This  option  should  be  used  with  caution  because it can
                 greatly increase the cost of repeated configure steps.

              New in version 3.18.

              Stop processing with an error message if nothing is found,  oth-
              erwise the search will be attempted again the next time find_li-
              brary is invoked with the same variable.

       If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is specified, then no additional paths are added  to
       the search.  If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is not specified, the search process is
       as follows:

       1. New in version 3.12: If called from within  a  find  module  or  any
          other script loaded by a call to find_package(<PackageName>), search
          prefixes unique to the current package being  found.   Specifically,
          look  in  the  <PackageName>_ROOT  CMake  variable and the <Package-
          Name>_ROOT environment variable.  The  package  root  variables  are
          maintained as a stack, so if called from nested find modules or con-
          fig packages, root paths from the parent's  find  module  or  config
          package  will  be  searched  after  paths from the current module or
          package.  In other words, the search order  would  be  <CurrentPack-
          age>_ROOT,     ENV{<CurrentPackage>_ROOT},     <ParentPackage>_ROOT,
          ENV{<ParentPackage>_ROOT}, etc.  This can  be  skipped  if  NO_PACK-
          AGE_ROOT_PATH  is  passed  or  by  setting  the CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACK-
          AGE_ROOT_PATH to FALSE.  See policy CMP0074.

          • <prefix>/lib/<arch>  if  CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE  is  set,  and
            <prefix>/lib  for  each  <prefix>  in the <PackageName>_ROOT CMake
            variable and the <PackageName>_ROOT environment variable if called
            from within a find module loaded by find_package(<PackageName>)

       2. Search paths specified in cmake-specific cache variables.  These are
          intended to be used on the command line  with  a  -DVAR=value.   The
          values  are  interpreted  as semicolon-separated lists.  This can be
          skipped   if   NO_CMAKE_PATH   is   passed   or   by   setting   the

          • <prefix>/lib/<arch>  if  CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE  is  set,  and
            <prefix>/lib for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATHCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATHCMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH

       3. Search paths  specified  in  cmake-specific  environment  variables.
          These  are intended to be set in the user's shell configuration, and
          therefore use the host's native path separator (; on Windows  and  :
          on  UNIX).   This  can  be  skipped  if NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is
          passed or by setting  the  CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH  to

          • <prefix>/lib/<arch>  if  CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE  is  set,  and
            <prefix>/lib for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATHCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATHCMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH

       4. Search the paths specified by the HINTS  option.   These  should  be
          paths  computed  by system introspection, such as a hint provided by
          the location of another  item  already  found.   Hard-coded  guesses
          should be specified with the PATHS option.

       5. Search  the  standard  system  environment  variables.   This can be
          skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is passed or  by  setting  the

          • The directories in LIB and PATH.

          • On  Windows  hosts: <prefix>/lib/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITEC-
            TURE is set, and <prefix>/lib for each  <prefix>/[s]bin  in  PATH,
            and <entry>/lib for other entries in PATH.

       6. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for the current
          system.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH is passed or by
          setting the CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH to FALSE.

          • <prefix>/lib/<arch>  if  CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE  is  set,  and

          The platform paths that these variables contain are  locations  that
          typically  include  installed  software. An example being /usr/local
          for UNIX based platforms.

       7. Search the paths specified by the PATHS option or in the  short-hand
          version of the command.  These are typically hard-coded guesses.

       New  in version 3.16: Added CMAKE_FIND_USE_<CATEGORY>_PATH variables to
       globally disable various search locations.

       On macOS the CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK  and  CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE  variables
       determine  the  order  of preference between Apple-style and unix-style
       package components.

       The CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies one or more  directo-
       ries to be prepended to all other search directories.  This effectively
       "re-roots" the entire search under given locations.   Paths  which  are
       descendants of the CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX are excluded from this re-root-
       ing, because that variable is always a path on the host system.  By de-
       fault the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is empty.

       The  CMAKE_SYSROOT variable can also be used to specify exactly one di-
       rectory to use as a prefix.  Setting CMAKE_SYSROOT also has  other  ef-
       fects.  See the documentation for that variable for more.

       These  variables are especially useful when cross-compiling to point to
       the root directory of the target  environment  and  CMake  will  search
       there   too.    By   default   at   first  the  directories  listed  in
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH are searched, then the CMAKE_SYSROOT directory  is
       searched,  and  then  the non-rooted directories will be searched.  The
       default     behavior     can      be      adjusted      by      setting
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY.  This behavior can be manually over-
       ridden on a per-call basis using options:

              Search in the order described above.

              Do not use the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH variable.

              Search only the  re-rooted  directories  and  directories  below

       The  default search order is designed to be most-specific to least-spe-
       cific for common use cases.  Projects may override the order by  simply
       calling the command multiple times and using the NO_* options:

          find_library (<VAR> NAMES name PATHS paths... NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
          find_library (<VAR> NAMES name)

       Once  one  of  the  calls  succeeds the result variable will be set and
       stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

       When more than one value is given to the NAMES option this  command  by
       default will consider one name at a time and search every directory for
       it.  The NAMES_PER_DIR option tells this command to consider one direc-
       tory at a time and search for all names in it.

       Each  library  name  given to the NAMES option is first considered as a
       library file name and then considered with  platform-specific  prefixes
       (e.g.  lib) and suffixes (e.g. .so).  Therefore one may specify library
       file names such as libfoo.a directly.   This  can  be  used  to  locate
       static libraries on UNIX-like systems.

       If the library found is a framework, then <VAR> will be set to the full
       path to the framework <fullPath>/A.framework.  When a full  path  to  a
       framework  is  used  as a library, CMake will use a -framework A, and a
       -F<fullPath> to link the framework to the target.

       If the CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_CUSTOM_LIB_SUFFIX variable is set all  search
       paths  will be tested as normal, with the suffix appended, and with all
       matches of lib/ replaced  with  lib${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_CUSTOM_LIB_SUF-
       FIX}/.    This  variable  overrides  the  FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB32_PATHS,

       If  the  FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB32_PATHS global property is set all search
       paths will be tested as normal, with 32/ appended, and with all matches
       of  lib/  replaced with lib32/.  This property is automatically set for
       the platforms that are known to need it if at least  one  of  the  lan-
       guages supported by the project() command is enabled.

       If  the FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIBX32_PATHS global property is set all search
       paths will be tested as  normal,  with  x32/  appended,  and  with  all
       matches  of lib/ replaced with libx32/.  This property is automatically
       set for the platforms that are known to need it if at least one of  the
       languages supported by the project() command is enabled.

       If  the  FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS global property is set all search
       paths will be tested as normal, with 64/ appended, and with all matches
       of  lib/  replaced with lib64/.  This property is automatically set for
       the platforms that are known to need it if at least  one  of  the  lan-
       guages supported by the project() command is enabled.

       Find a package (usually provided by something external to the project),
       and load its package-specific details.

   Search Modes
       The command has two very distinct ways of conducting the search:

       Module mode
              In this mode, CMake searches for  a  file  called  Find<Package-
              Name>.cmake,  looking  first  in  the  locations  listed  in the
              CMAKE_MODULE_PATH, then among the Find Modules provided  by  the
              CMake  installation.   If the file is found, it is read and pro-
              cessed by CMake.  It is responsible  for  finding  the  package,
              checking  the  version, and producing any needed messages.  Some
              Find modules provide limited or no support for versioning; check
              the Find module's documentation.

              The  Find<PackageName>.cmake  file  is not typically provided by
              the package itself.  Rather, it is normally  provided  by  some-
              thing  external  to  the  package, such as the operating system,
              CMake itself, or even the project from which the  find_package()
              command  was  called.   Being  externally provided, Find Modules
              tend to be heuristic in nature and are susceptible  to  becoming
              out-of-date.  They typically search for certain libraries, files
              and other package artifacts.

              Module mode is only supported by the basic command signature.

       Config mode
              In this mode, CMake searches for a file called  <lowercasePacka-
              geName>-config.cmake or <PackageName>Config.cmake.  It will also
              look for <lowercasePackageName>-config-version.cmake or  <Packa-
              geName>ConfigVersion.cmake  if  version  details  were specified
              (see Config Mode Version Selection for  an  explanation  of  how
              these separate version files are used).

              In  config  mode,  the  command  can be given a list of names to
              search for as package names.  The locations where CMake searches
              for  the  config  and version files is considerably more compli-
              cated than for Module mode (see Config Mode Search Procedure).

              The config and version files are typically installed as part  of
              the package, so they tend to be more reliable than Find modules.
              They usually contain direct knowledge of the  package  contents,
              so  no  searching  or heuristics are needed within the config or
              version files themselves.

              Config mode is supported by both the basic and full command sig-

       The command arguments determine which of the above modes is used.  When
       the basic signature is used, the command searches in Module mode first.
       If  the  package is not found, the search falls back to Config mode.  A
       user may set the CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_PREFER_CONFIG variable to  true  to
       reverse the priority and direct CMake to search using Config mode first
       before falling back to Module mode.  The basic signature  can  also  be
       forced to use only Module mode with a MODULE keyword.  If the full sig-
       nature is used, the command only searches in Config mode.

       Where possible, user code should generally look for packages using  the
       basic  signature, since that allows the package to be found with either
       mode.  Project maintainers wishing to provide a config  package  should
       understand  the  bigger picture, as explained in Full Signature and all
       subsequent sections on this page.

   Basic Signature
          find_package(<PackageName> [version] [EXACT] [QUIET] [MODULE]
                       [REQUIRED] [[COMPONENTS] [components...]]
                       [OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS components...]

       The basic signature is supported by both Module and Config modes.   The
       MODULE  keyword  implies  that only Module mode can be used to find the
       package, with no fallback to Config mode.

       Regardless of the mode used, a <PackageName>_FOUND variable will be set
       to  indicate whether the package was found.  When the package is found,
       package-specific information may be provided  through  other  variables
       and  Imported  Targets documented by the package itself.  The QUIET op-
       tion disables informational messages, including those  indicating  that
       the package cannot be found if it is not REQUIRED.  The REQUIRED option
       stops processing with an error message if the package cannot be found.

       A package-specific list of required components may be listed after  the
       COMPONENTS keyword.  If any of these components are not able to be sat-
       isfied, the package overall is considered to be not found.  If the  RE-
       QUIRED option is also present, this is treated as a fatal error, other-
       wise execution still continues.  As a form of  shorthand,  if  the  RE-
       QUIRED option is present, the COMPONENTS keyword can be omitted and the
       required components can be listed directly after REQUIRED.

       Additional optional components may be listed after OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS.
       If  these cannot be satisfied, the package overall can still be consid-
       ered found, as long as all required components are satisfied.

       The set of available components and their meaning are  defined  by  the
       target package.  Formally, it is up to the target package how to inter-
       pret the component information given to it, but it  should  follow  the
       expectations  stated  above.   For calls where no components are speci-
       fied, there is no single expected behavior and target  packages  should
       clearly  define what occurs in such cases.  Common arrangements include
       assuming it should find all components, no components or some  well-de-
       fined subset of the available components.

       The  [version] argument requests a version with which the package found
       should be compatible. There are two possible forms in which it  may  be

          • A  single  version  with the format major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]],
            where each component is a numeric value.

          • A version range with the format  versionMin...[<]versionMax  where
            versionMin  and versionMax have the same format and constraints on
            components being integers as the single version.  By default, both
            end  points  are  included.   By specifying <, the upper end point
            will be excluded. Version ranges are  only  supported  with  CMake
            3.19 or later.

       The EXACT option requests that the version be matched exactly. This op-
       tion is incompatible with the specification of a version range.

       If no [version] and/or component list is given to a  recursive  invoca-
       tion  inside  a  find-module, the corresponding arguments are forwarded
       automatically from the outer call (including the EXACT flag  for  [ver-
       sion]).   Version  support  is  currently  provided  only  on  a  pack-
       age-by-package basis (see the Version Selection section below).  When a
       version range is specified but the package is only designed to expect a
       single version, the package will ignore the  upper  end  point  of  the
       range  and  only  take the single version at the lower end of the range
       into account.

       See the cmake_policy() command  documentation  for  discussion  of  the
       NO_POLICY_SCOPE option.

   Full Signature
          find_package(<PackageName> [version] [EXACT] [QUIET]
                       [REQUIRED] [[COMPONENTS] [components...]]
                       [OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS components...]
                       [NAMES name1 [name2 ...]]
                       [CONFIGS config1 [config2 ...]]
                       [HINTS path1 [path2 ... ]]
                       [PATHS path1 [path2 ... ]]
                       [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
                       [NO_CMAKE_BUILDS_PATH] # Deprecated; does nothing.
                       [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |
                        ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |

       The  CONFIG  option, the synonymous NO_MODULE option, or the use of op-
       tions not specified in the basic  signature  all  enforce  pure  Config
       mode.   In  pure  Config mode, the command skips Module mode search and
       proceeds at once with Config mode search.

       Config mode search attempts to locate a configuration file provided  by
       the  package  to  be  found.  A cache entry called <PackageName>_DIR is
       created to hold the directory containing the file.  By default the com-
       mand  searches for a package with the name <PackageName>.  If the NAMES
       option is given the names following it are used  instead  of  <Package-
       Name>.   The  command  searches  for  a  file  called <PackageName>Con-
       fig.cmake or <lowercasePackageName>-config.cmake for each  name  speci-
       fied.   A  replacement  set of possible configuration file names may be
       given using the CONFIGS option.  The Config Mode  Search  Procedure  is
       specified below.  Once found, any version constraint is checked, and if
       satisfied, the configuration file  is  read  and  processed  by  CMake.
       Since the file is provided by the package it already knows the location
       of package contents.  The full path to the configuration file is stored
       in the cmake variable <PackageName>_CONFIG.

       All  configuration  files  which  have  been  considered by CMake while
       searching for the package with an appropriate version are stored in the
       <PackageName>_CONSIDERED_CONFIGS  variable, and the associated versions
       in the <PackageName>_CONSIDERED_VERSIONS variable.

       If the package configuration file cannot be found CMake  will  generate
       an error describing the problem unless the QUIET argument is specified.
       If REQUIRED is specified and the package is not found a fatal error  is
       generated and the configure step stops executing.  If <PackageName>_DIR
       has been set to a directory not containing a configuration  file  CMake
       will ignore it and search from scratch.

       Package maintainers providing CMake package configuration files are en-
       couraged to name and install them such that the Config Mode Search Pro-
       cedure  outlined  below  will  find them without requiring use of addi-
       tional options.

   Config Mode Search Procedure
          When Config mode is used, this search procedure is  applied  regard-
          less of whether the full or basic signature was given.

       CMake  constructs a set of possible installation prefixes for the pack-
       age.  Under each prefix several directories are searched for a configu-
       ration file.  The tables below show the directories searched.  Each en-
       try is meant for installation trees following Windows (W), UNIX (U), or
       Apple (A) conventions:

          <prefix>/                                                       (W)
          <prefix>/(cmake|CMake)/                                         (W)
          <prefix>/<name>*/                                               (W)
          <prefix>/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/                                 (W)
          <prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib*|share)/cmake/<name>*/                 (U)
          <prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib*|share)/<name>*/                       (U)
          <prefix>/(lib/<arch>|lib*|share)/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/         (U)
          <prefix>/<name>*/(lib/<arch>|lib*|share)/cmake/<name>*/         (W/U)
          <prefix>/<name>*/(lib/<arch>|lib*|share)/<name>*/               (W/U)
          <prefix>/<name>*/(lib/<arch>|lib*|share)/<name>*/(cmake|CMake)/ (W/U)

       On  systems supporting macOS FRAMEWORK and BUNDLE, the following direc-
       tories are searched for Frameworks or Application Bundles containing  a
       configuration file:

          <prefix>/<name>.framework/Resources/                    (A)
          <prefix>/<name>.framework/Resources/CMake/              (A)
          <prefix>/<name>.framework/Versions/*/Resources/         (A)
          <prefix>/<name>.framework/Versions/*/Resources/CMake/   (A)
          <prefix>/<name>.app/Contents/Resources/                 (A)
          <prefix>/<name>.app/Contents/Resources/CMake/           (A)

       In  all cases the <name> is treated as case-insensitive and corresponds
       to any of the names specified (<PackageName> or names given by NAMES).

       Paths with lib/<arch> are  enabled  if  the  CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE
       variable  is set. lib* includes one or more of the values lib64, lib32,
       libx32 or lib (searched in that order).

       • Paths with lib64 are searched on 64 bit  platforms  if  the  FIND_LI-
         BRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS property is set to TRUE.

       • Paths  with  lib32  are  searched on 32 bit platforms if the FIND_LI-
         BRARY_USE_LIB32_PATHS property is set to TRUE.

       • Paths with libx32 are searched on platforms using the x32 ABI if  the
         FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIBX32_PATHS property is set to TRUE.

       • The lib path is always searched.

       If PATH_SUFFIXES is specified, the suffixes are appended to each (W) or
       (U) directory entry one-by-one.

       This set of  directories  is  intended  to  work  in  cooperation  with
       projects  that provide configuration files in their installation trees.
       Directories above marked with (W) are  intended  for  installations  on
       Windows  where  the prefix may point at the top of an application's in-
       stallation directory.  Those marked with (U) are intended for installa-
       tions  on  UNIX  platforms where the prefix is shared by multiple pack-
       ages.  This is merely a convention, so all (W) and (U) directories  are
       still  searched  on all platforms.  Directories marked with (A) are in-
       tended for installations on Apple platforms.  The  CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK
       and CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE variables determine the order of preference.

       The  set  of  installation  prefixes is constructed using the following
       steps.  If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is specified all NO_* options are enabled.

       1. New in  version  3.12:  Search  paths  specified  in  the  <Package-
          Name>_ROOT  CMake  variable  and  the <PackageName>_ROOT environment
          variable, where <PackageName> is the package to be found.  The pack-
          age  root  variables  are  maintained  as  a stack so if called from
          within a find module, root paths from the parent's find module  will
          also  be  searched after paths for the current package.  This can be
          skipped  if  NO_PACKAGE_ROOT_PATH  is  passed  or  by  setting   the
          CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_ROOT_PATH to FALSE.  See policy CMP0074.

       2. Search paths specified in cmake-specific cache variables.  These are
          intended to be used on the command line  with  a  -DVAR=value.   The
          values  are  interpreted  as semicolon-separated lists.  This can be
          skipped   if   NO_CMAKE_PATH   is   passed   or   by   setting   the


       3. Search  paths  specified  in  cmake-specific  environment variables.
          These are intended to be set in the user's shell configuration,  and
          therefore  use  the host's native path separator (; on Windows and :
          on UNIX).  This  can  be  skipped  if  NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH  is
          passed  or  by  setting the CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH to


       4. Search paths specified by the HINTS option.  These should  be  paths
          computed by system introspection, such as a hint provided by the lo-
          cation of another item already found.  Hard-coded guesses should  be
          specified with the PATHS option.

       5. Search  the  standard  system  environment  variables.   This can be
          skipped if NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is passed  or by  setting  the
          CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH to FALSE. Path entries ending
          in /bin or /sbin are automatically converted to their parent  direc-

          • PATH

       6. Search paths stored in the CMake User Package Registry.  This can be
          skipped if NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY is passed  or  by  setting  the
          variable  CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY to FALSE or the deprecated

          See the cmake-packages(7) manual for details  on  the  user  package

       7. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for the current
          system.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH is passed or by
          setting the CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH to FALSE:


          The  platform  paths that these variables contain are locations that
          typically include installed software. An  example  being  /usr/local
          for UNIX based platforms.

       8. Search  paths stored in the CMake System Package Registry.  This can
          be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY is passed or by  set-
          ting the CMAKE_FIND_USE_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REGISTRY variable to FALSE or
          the  deprecated  variable  CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_SYSTEM_PACKAGE_REG-
          ISTRY to TRUE.

          See  the  cmake-packages(7) manual for details on the system package

       9. Search paths specified by the PATHS  option.   These  are  typically
          hard-coded guesses.

       New  in  version 3.16: Added the CMAKE_FIND_USE_<CATEGORY> variables to
       globally disable various search locations.

       The CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies one or more  directo-
       ries to be prepended to all other search directories.  This effectively
       "re-roots" the entire search under given locations.   Paths  which  are
       descendants of the CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX are excluded from this re-root-
       ing, because that variable is always a path on the host system.  By de-
       fault the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is empty.

       The  CMAKE_SYSROOT variable can also be used to specify exactly one di-
       rectory to use as a prefix.  Setting CMAKE_SYSROOT also has  other  ef-
       fects.  See the documentation for that variable for more.

       These  variables are especially useful when cross-compiling to point to
       the root directory of the target  environment  and  CMake  will  search
       there   too.    By   default   at   first  the  directories  listed  in
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH are searched, then the CMAKE_SYSROOT directory  is
       searched,  and  then  the non-rooted directories will be searched.  The
       default     behavior     can      be      adjusted      by      setting
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PACKAGE.  This behavior can be manually over-
       ridden on a per-call basis using options:

              Search in the order described above.

              Do not use the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH variable.

              Search only the  re-rooted  directories  and  directories  below

       The  default search order is designed to be most-specific to least-spe-
       cific for common use cases.  Projects may override the order by  simply
       calling the command multiple times and using the NO_* options:

          find_package (<PackageName> PATHS paths... NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
          find_package (<PackageName>)

       Once  one  of  the  calls  succeeds the result variable will be set and
       stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

       By default the value stored in the result variable will be the path  at
       which the file is found.  The CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS vari-
       able may be set to TRUE before calling find_package in order to resolve
       symbolic links and store the real path to the file.

       Every non-REQUIRED find_package call can be disabled or made REQUIRED:

       • Setting the CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_<PackageName> variable to TRUE
         disables the package.

       • Setting the CMAKE_REQUIRE_FIND_PACKAGE_<PackageName> variable to TRUE
         makes the package REQUIRED.

       Setting both variables to TRUE simultaneously is an error.

   Config Mode Version Selection
          When  Config mode is used, this version selection process is applied
          regardless of whether the full or basic signature was given.

       When the [version] argument is given, Config mode will only find a ver-
       sion  of  the package that claims compatibility with the requested ver-
       sion (see format specification). If the EXACT option is given,  only  a
       version of the package claiming an exact match of the requested version
       may be found.  CMake does not establish any convention for the  meaning
       of  version  numbers.  Package version numbers are checked by "version"
       files provided by the packages themselves.   For  a  candidate  package
       configuration  file  <config-file>.cmake the corresponding version file
       is located next to it and named either  <config-file>-version.cmake  or
       <config-file>Version.cmake.   If no such version file is available then
       the configuration file is assumed to not be  compatible  with  any  re-
       quested  version.   A  basic  version  file  containing generic version
       matching code can be created using the  CMakePackageConfigHelpers  mod-
       ule.   When a version file is found it is loaded to check the requested
       version number.  The version file is loaded in a nested scope in  which
       the following variables have been defined:

              The <PackageName>

              Full requested version string

              Major version if requested, else 0

              Minor version if requested, else 0

              Patch version if requested, else 0

              Tweak version if requested, else 0

              Number of version components, 0 to 4

       When  a  version  range  is specified, the above version variables will
       hold values based on the lower end of the version range.   This  is  to
       preserve  compatibility with packages that have not been implemented to
       expect version ranges.  In addition, the  version  range  will  be  de-
       scribed by the following variables:

              Full requested version range string

              This  specifies whether the lower end point of the version range
              should be included or excluded.  Currently, the  only  supported
              value for this variable is INCLUDE.

              This  specifies whether the upper end point of the version range
              should be included or excluded.  The supported values  for  this
              variable are INCLUDE and EXCLUDE.

              Full  requested  version  string  of  the lower end point of the

              Major version of the lower end point if requested, else 0

              Minor version of the lower end point if requested, else 0

              Patch version of the lower end point if requested, else 0

              Tweak version of the lower end point if requested, else 0

              Number of version components of the lower end point, 0 to 4

              Full requested version string of the  upper  end  point  of  the

              Major version of the upper end point if requested, else 0

              Minor version of the upper end point if requested, else 0

              Patch version of the upper end point if requested, else 0

              Tweak version of the upper end point if requested, else 0

              Number of version components of the upper end point, 0 to 4

       Regardless of whether a single version or a version range is specified,
       the variable PACKAGE_FIND_VERSION_COMPLETE will  be  defined  and  will
       hold the full requested version string as specified.

       The  version file checks whether it satisfies the requested version and
       sets these variables:

              Full provided version string

              True if version is exact match

              True if version is compatible

              True if unsuitable as any version

       These variables are checked by the find_package  command  to  determine
       whether  the  configuration  file provides an acceptable version.  They
       are not available after the find_package call returns.  If the  version
       is acceptable the following variables are set:

              Full provided version string

              Major version if provided, else 0

              Minor version if provided, else 0

              Patch version if provided, else 0

              Tweak version if provided, else 0

              Number of version components, 0 to 4

       and  the corresponding package configuration file is loaded.  When mul-
       tiple package configuration files are  available  whose  version  files
       claim  compatibility with the version requested it is unspecified which
       one is chosen: unless the variable CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_SORT_ORDER is set
       no attempt is made to choose a highest or closest version number.

       To control the order in which find_package checks for compatibility use
       the two variables  CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_SORT_ORDER  and  CMAKE_FIND_PACK-
       AGE_SORT_DIRECTION.   For  instance in order to select the highest ver-
       sion one can set


       before calling find_package.

   Package File Interface Variables
       When loading a find module or package configuration  file  find_package
       defines  variables to provide information about the call arguments (and
       restores their original state before returning):

              The <PackageName> which is searched for

              True if REQUIRED option was given

              True if QUIET option was given

              Full requested version string

              Major version if requested, else 0

              Minor version if requested, else 0

              Patch version if requested, else 0

              Tweak version if requested, else 0

              Number of version components, 0 to 4

              True if EXACT option was given

              List of specified components (required and optional)

              True if component <c> is required, false if component <c> is op-

       When  a  version  range  is specified, the above version variables will
       hold values based on the lower end of the version range.   This  is  to
       preserve  compatibility with packages that have not been implemented to
       expect version ranges.  In addition, the  version  range  will  be  de-
       scribed by the following variables:

              Full requested version range string

              This  specifies whether the lower end point of the version range
              is included or excluded.  Currently, INCLUDE is  the  only  sup-
              ported value.

              This  specifies whether the upper end point of the version range
              is included or excluded.  The possible values for this  variable
              are INCLUDE or EXCLUDE.

              Full  requested  version  string  of  the lower end point of the

              Major version of the lower end point if requested, else 0

              Minor version of the lower end point if requested, else 0

              Patch version of the lower end point if requested, else 0

              Tweak version of the lower end point if requested, else 0

              Number of version components of the lower end point, 0 to 4

              Full requested version string of the  upper  end  point  of  the

              Major version of the upper end point if requested, else 0

              Minor version of the upper end point if requested, else 0

              Patch version of the upper end point if requested, else 0

              Tweak version of the upper end point if requested, else 0

              Number of version components of the upper end point, 0 to 4

       Regardless of whether a single version or a version range is specified,
       the variable <PackageName>_FIND_VERSION_COMPLETE will  be  defined  and
       will hold the full requested version string as specified.

       In  Module  mode the loaded find module is responsible to honor the re-
       quest detailed by these variables; see the find module for details.  In
       Config mode find_package handles REQUIRED, QUIET, and [version] options
       automatically but leaves it to the package configuration file to handle
       components in a way that makes sense for the package.  The package con-
       figuration file may set <PackageName>_FOUND to false to tell find_pack-
       age that component requirements are not satisfied.

       A short-hand signature is:

          find_path (<VAR> name1 [path1 path2 ...])

       The general signature is:

          find_path (
                    name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...]
                    [HINTS [path | ENV var]... ]
                    [PATHS [path | ENV var]... ]
                    [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
                    [DOC "cache documentation string"]
                    [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |
                     ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |

       This  command is used to find a directory containing the named file.  A
       cache entry, or a normal variable if NO_CACHE is  specified,  named  by
       <VAR> is created to store the result of this command.  If the file in a
       directory is found the result is stored in the variable and the  search
       will  not  be  repeated  unless the variable is cleared.  If nothing is
       found, the result will be <VAR>-NOTFOUND.

       Options include:

       NAMES  Specify one or more possible names for the file in a directory.

              When using this to specify names with and without a version suf-
              fix,  we recommend specifying the unversioned name first so that
              locally-built packages can be found  before  those  provided  by

              Specify  directories  to search in addition to the default loca-
              tions.  The ENV var sub-option reads paths from a  system  envi-
              ronment variable.

              Specify  additional subdirectories to check below each directory
              location otherwise considered.

       DOC    Specify the documentation string for the <VAR> cache entry.

              New in version 3.21.

              The result of the search will be stored  in  a  normal  variable
              rather than a cache entry.

                 If  the  variable is already set before the call (as a normal
                 or cache variable) then the search will not occur.

                 This option should  be  used  with  caution  because  it  can
                 greatly increase the cost of repeated configure steps.

              New in version 3.18.

              Stop  processing with an error message if nothing is found, oth-
              erwise  the  search  will  be  attempted  again  the  next  time
              find_path is invoked with the same variable.

       If  NO_DEFAULT_PATH is specified, then no additional paths are added to
       the search.  If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is not specified, the search process is
       as follows:

       1. New  in  version  3.12:  If  called from within a find module or any
          other script loaded by a call to find_package(<PackageName>), search
          prefixes  unique  to the current package being found.  Specifically,
          look in the <PackageName>_ROOT  CMake  variable  and  the  <Package-
          Name>_ROOT  environment  variable.   The  package root variables are
          maintained as a stack, so if called from nested find modules or con-
          fig  packages,  root  paths  from the parent's find module or config
          package will be searched after paths  from  the  current  module  or
          package.   In  other  words, the search order would be <CurrentPack-
          age>_ROOT,     ENV{<CurrentPackage>_ROOT},     <ParentPackage>_ROOT,
          ENV{<ParentPackage>_ROOT},  etc.   This  can  be skipped if NO_PACK-
          AGE_ROOT_PATH is  passed  or  by  setting  the  CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACK-
          AGE_ROOT_PATH to FALSE.  See policy CMP0074.

          • <prefix>/include/<arch>  if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set, and
            <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in the <PackageName>_ROOT CMake
            variable and the <PackageName>_ROOT environment variable if called
            from within a find module loaded by find_package(<PackageName>)

       2. Search paths specified in cmake-specific cache variables.  These are
          intended  to  be  used  on the command line with a -DVAR=value.  The
          values are interpreted as semicolon-separated lists.   This  can  be
          skipped   if   NO_CMAKE_PATH   is   passed   or   by   setting   the

          • <prefix>/include/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set,  and
            <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATHCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATHCMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH

       3. Search  paths  specified  in  cmake-specific  environment variables.
          These are intended to be set in the user's shell configuration,  and
          therefore  use  the host's native path separator (; on Windows and :
          on UNIX).  This  can  be  skipped  if  NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH  is
          passed  or  by  setting the CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH to

          • <prefix>/include/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set,  and
            <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATHCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATHCMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH

       4. Search  the  paths  specified  by the HINTS option.  These should be
          paths computed by system introspection, such as a hint  provided  by
          the  location  of  another  item  already found.  Hard-coded guesses
          should be specified with the PATHS option.

       5. Search the standard  system  environment  variables.   This  can  be
          skipped  if  NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH  is passed or by setting the

          • The directories in INCLUDE and PATH.

          • On Windows hosts: <prefix>/include/<arch> if  CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHI-
            TECTURE  is  set, and <prefix>/include for each <prefix>/[s]bin in
            PATH, and <entry>/include for other entries in PATH.

       6. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for the current
          system.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH is passed or by
          setting the CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH to FALSE.

          • <prefix>/include/<arch> if CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE is set,  and

          The  platform  paths that these variables contain are locations that
          typically include installed software. An  example  being  /usr/local
          for UNIX based platforms.

       7. Search  the paths specified by the PATHS option or in the short-hand
          version of the command.  These are typically hard-coded guesses.

       New in version 3.16: Added CMAKE_FIND_USE_<CATEGORY>_PATH variables  to
       globally disable various search locations.

       On  macOS  the  CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK and CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE variables
       determine the order of preference between  Apple-style  and  unix-style
       package components.

       The  CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies one or more directo-
       ries to be prepended to all other search directories.  This effectively
       "re-roots"  the  entire  search under given locations.  Paths which are
       descendants of the CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX are excluded from this re-root-
       ing, because that variable is always a path on the host system.  By de-
       fault the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is empty.

       The CMAKE_SYSROOT variable can also be used to specify exactly one  di-
       rectory  to  use as a prefix.  Setting CMAKE_SYSROOT also has other ef-
       fects.  See the documentation for that variable for more.

       These variables are especially useful when cross-compiling to point  to
       the  root  directory  of  the  target environment and CMake will search
       there  too.   By  default  at   first   the   directories   listed   in
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  are searched, then the CMAKE_SYSROOT directory is
       searched, and then the non-rooted directories will  be  searched.   The
       default      behavior      can      be      adjusted     by     setting
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE.  This behavior can be manually over-
       ridden on a per-call basis using options:

              Search in the order described above.

              Do not use the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH variable.

              Search  only  the  re-rooted  directories  and directories below

       The default search order is designed to be most-specific to  least-spe-
       cific  for common use cases.  Projects may override the order by simply
       calling the command multiple times and using the NO_* options:

          find_path (<VAR> NAMES name PATHS paths... NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
          find_path (<VAR> NAMES name)

       Once one of the calls succeeds the result  variable  will  be  set  and
       stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

       When  searching for frameworks, if the file is specified as A/b.h, then
       the framework search will look for A.framework/Headers/b.h.  If that is
       found  the  path  will be set to the path to the framework.  CMake will
       convert this to the correct -F option to include the file.

       A short-hand signature is:

          find_program (<VAR> name1 [path1 path2 ...])

       The general signature is:

          find_program (
                    name | NAMES name1 [name2 ...] [NAMES_PER_DIR]
                    [HINTS [path | ENV var]... ]
                    [PATHS [path | ENV var]... ]
                    [PATH_SUFFIXES suffix1 [suffix2 ...]]
                    [DOC "cache documentation string"]
                    [CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_BOTH |
                     ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH |

       This command is used to find a program.  A cache  entry,  or  a  normal
       variable  if  NO_CACHE is specified, named by <VAR> is created to store
       the result of this command.  If the program  is  found  the  result  is
       stored  in  the variable and the search will not be repeated unless the
       variable  is  cleared.   If  nothing  is  found,  the  result  will  be

       Options include:

       NAMES  Specify one or more possible names for the program.

              When using this to specify names with and without a version suf-
              fix, we recommend specifying the unversioned name first so  that
              locally-built  packages  can  be  found before those provided by

              Specify directories to search in addition to the  default  loca-
              tions.   The  ENV var sub-option reads paths from a system envi-
              ronment variable.

              Specify additional subdirectories to check below each  directory
              location otherwise considered.

       DOC    Specify the documentation string for the <VAR> cache entry.

              New in version 3.21.

              The  result  of  the  search will be stored in a normal variable
              rather than a cache entry.

                 If the variable is already set before the call (as  a  normal
                 or cache variable) then the search will not occur.

                 This  option  should  be  used  with  caution  because it can
                 greatly increase the cost of repeated configure steps.

              New in version 3.18.

              Stop processing with an error message if nothing is found,  oth-
              erwise  the  search  will  be  attempted  again  the  next  time
              find_program is invoked with the same variable.

       If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is specified, then no additional paths are added  to
       the search.  If NO_DEFAULT_PATH is not specified, the search process is
       as follows:

       1. New in version 3.12: If called from within  a  find  module  or  any
          other script loaded by a call to find_package(<PackageName>), search
          prefixes unique to the current package being  found.   Specifically,
          look  in  the  <PackageName>_ROOT  CMake  variable and the <Package-
          Name>_ROOT environment variable.  The  package  root  variables  are
          maintained as a stack, so if called from nested find modules or con-
          fig packages, root paths from the parent's  find  module  or  config
          package  will  be  searched  after  paths from the current module or
          package.  In other words, the search order  would  be  <CurrentPack-
          age>_ROOT,     ENV{<CurrentPackage>_ROOT},     <ParentPackage>_ROOT,
          ENV{<ParentPackage>_ROOT}, etc.  This can  be  skipped  if  NO_PACK-
          AGE_ROOT_PATH  is  passed  or  by  setting  the CMAKE_FIND_USE_PACK-
          AGE_ROOT_PATH to FALSE.  See policy CMP0074.

          • <prefix>/[s]bin for each <prefix> in the <PackageName>_ROOT  CMake
            variable and the <PackageName>_ROOT environment variable if called
            from within a find module loaded by find_package(<PackageName>)

       2. Search paths specified in cmake-specific cache variables.  These are
          intended  to  be  used  on the command line with a -DVAR=value.  The
          values are interpreted as semicolon-separated lists.   This  can  be
          skipped   if   NO_CMAKE_PATH   is   passed   or   by   setting   the

          • <prefix>/[s]bin for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATHCMAKE_PROGRAM_PATHCMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH

       3. Search paths  specified  in  cmake-specific  environment  variables.
          These  are intended to be set in the user's shell configuration, and
          therefore use the host's native path separator (; on Windows  and  :
          on  UNIX).   This  can  be  skipped  if NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH is
          passed or by setting  the  CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH  to

          • <prefix>/[s]bin for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATHCMAKE_PROGRAM_PATHCMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH

       4. Search  the  paths  specified  by the HINTS option.  These should be
          paths computed by system introspection, such as a hint  provided  by
          the  location  of  another  item  already found.  Hard-coded guesses
          should be specified with the PATHS option.

       5. Search the standard  system  environment  variables.   This  can  be
          skipped  if  NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH  is passed or by setting the

          • The directories in PATH itself.

          • On Windows hosts no extra search paths are included

       6. Search cmake variables defined in the Platform files for the current
          system.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH is passed or by
          setting the CMAKE_FIND_USE_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH to FALSE.


          The platform paths that these variables contain are  locations  that
          typically  include  installed  software. An example being /usr/local
          for UNIX based platforms.

       7. Search the paths specified by the PATHS option or in the  short-hand
          version of the command.  These are typically hard-coded guesses.

       New  in version 3.16: Added CMAKE_FIND_USE_<CATEGORY>_PATH variables to
       globally disable various search locations.

       On macOS the CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK  and  CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE  variables
       determine  the  order  of preference between Apple-style and unix-style
       package components.

       The CMake variable CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH specifies one or more  directo-
       ries to be prepended to all other search directories.  This effectively
       "re-roots" the entire search under given locations.   Paths  which  are
       descendants of the CMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX are excluded from this re-root-
       ing, because that variable is always a path on the host system.  By de-
       fault the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is empty.

       The  CMAKE_SYSROOT variable can also be used to specify exactly one di-
       rectory to use as a prefix.  Setting CMAKE_SYSROOT also has  other  ef-
       fects.  See the documentation for that variable for more.

       These  variables are especially useful when cross-compiling to point to
       the root directory of the target  environment  and  CMake  will  search
       there   too.    By   default   at   first  the  directories  listed  in
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH are searched, then the CMAKE_SYSROOT directory  is
       searched,  and  then  the non-rooted directories will be searched.  The
       default     behavior     can      be      adjusted      by      setting
       CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM.  This behavior can be manually over-
       ridden on a per-call basis using options:

              Search in the order described above.

              Do not use the CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH variable.

              Search only the  re-rooted  directories  and  directories  below

       The  default search order is designed to be most-specific to least-spe-
       cific for common use cases.  Projects may override the order by  simply
       calling the command multiple times and using the NO_* options:

          find_program (<VAR> NAMES name PATHS paths... NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
          find_program (<VAR> NAMES name)

       Once  one  of  the  calls  succeeds the result variable will be set and
       stored in the cache so that no call will search again.

       When more than one value is given to the NAMES option this  command  by
       default will consider one name at a time and search every directory for
       it.  The NAMES_PER_DIR option tells this command to consider one direc-
       tory at a time and search for all names in it.

       Evaluate a group of commands for each value in a list.

          foreach(<loop_var> <items>)

       where  <items>  is  a  list of items that are separated by semicolon or
       whitespace.  All commands between foreach and the  matching  endforeach
       are  recorded without being invoked.  Once the endforeach is evaluated,
       the recorded list of commands is invoked once for each item in <items>.
       At  the beginning of each iteration the variable <loop_var> will be set
       to the value of the current item.

       The scope of <loop_var> is restricted to the  loop  scope.  See  policy
       CMP0124 for details.

       The  commands  break()  and continue() provide means to escape from the
       normal control flow.

       Per legacy, the endforeach() command admits an optional <loop_var>  ar-
       gument.   If  used, it must be a verbatim repeat of the argument of the
       opening foreach command.

          foreach(<loop_var> RANGE <stop>)

       In this variant, foreach iterates over the numbers 0, 1, ... up to (and
       including) the nonnegative integer <stop>.

          foreach(<loop_var> RANGE <start> <stop> [<step>])

       In  this  variant, foreach iterates over the numbers from <start> up to
       at most <stop> in steps of <step>.  If <step> is  not  specified,  then
       the step size is 1.  The three arguments <start> <stop> <step> must all
       be nonnegative integers, and <stop> must not be smaller  than  <start>;
       otherwise  you  enter the danger zone of undocumented behavior that may
       change in future releases.

          foreach(<loop_var> IN [LISTS [<lists>]] [ITEMS [<items>]])

       In this variant, <lists> is a whitespace or semicolon separated list of
       list-valued  variables.  The foreach command iterates over each item in
       each given list.  The <items> following the ITEMS keyword are processed
       as  in the first variant of the foreach command.  The forms LISTS A and
       ITEMS ${A} are equivalent.

       The following example shows how the LISTS option is processed:

          set(A 0;1)
          set(B 2 3)
          set(C "4 5")
          set(D 6;7 8)
          set(E "")
          foreach(X IN LISTS A B C D E)
              message(STATUS "X=${X}")


          -- X=0
          -- X=1
          -- X=2
          -- X=3
          -- X=4 5
          -- X=6
          -- X=7
          -- X=8

          foreach(<loop_var>... IN ZIP_LISTS <lists>)

       New in version 3.17.

       In this variant, <lists> is a whitespace or semicolon separated list of
       list-valued  variables. The foreach command iterates over each list si-
       multaneously setting the iteration variables as follows:

       • if the only loop_var given, then it sets a series of loop_var_N vari-
         ables to the current item from the corresponding list;

       • if multiple variable names passed, their count should match the lists
         variables count;

       • if any of the lists are shorter, the corresponding iteration variable
         is not defined for the current iteration.

          list(APPEND English one two three four)
          list(APPEND Bahasa satu dua tiga)

          foreach(num IN ZIP_LISTS English Bahasa)
              message(STATUS "num_0=${num_0}, num_1=${num_1}")

          foreach(en ba IN ZIP_LISTS English Bahasa)
              message(STATUS "en=${en}, ba=${ba}")


          -- num_0=one, num_1=satu
          -- num_0=two, num_1=dua
          -- num_0=three, num_1=tiga
          -- num_0=four, num_1=
          -- en=one, ba=satu
          -- en=two, ba=dua
          -- en=three, ba=tiga
          -- en=four, ba=

       Start recording a function for later invocation as a command.

          function(<name> [<arg1> ...])

       Defines  a function named <name> that takes arguments named <arg1>, ...
       The <commands> in the function definition are recorded;  they  are  not
       executed until the function is invoked.

       Per  legacy,  the endfunction() command admits an optional <name> argu-
       ment. If used, it must be a verbatim repeat  of  the  argument  of  the
       opening function command.

       A function opens a new scope: see set(var PARENT_SCOPE) for details.

       See  the cmake_policy() command documentation for the behavior of poli-
       cies inside functions.

       See the macro() command documentation  for  differences  between  CMake
       functions and macros.

       The function invocation is case-insensitive. A function defined as


       can be invoked through any of

          cmake_language(CALL foo)

       and  so  on.  However, it is strongly recommended to stay with the case
       chosen in the function definition. Typically functions  use  all-lower-
       case names.

       New  in  version 3.18: The cmake_language(CALL ...) command can also be
       used to invoke the function.

       When the function is invoked, the recorded <commands> are  first  modi-
       fied  by  replacing formal parameters (${arg1}, ...) with the arguments
       passed, and then invoked as normal commands.

       In addition to referencing the formal parameters you can reference  the
       ARGC  variable which will be set to the number of arguments passed into
       the function as well as ARGV0, ARGV1, ARGV2, ...  which will  have  the
       actual  values  of  the arguments passed in.  This facilitates creating
       functions with optional arguments.

       Furthermore, ARGV holds the list of all arguments given to the function
       and  ARGN  holds the list of arguments past the last expected argument.
       Referencing to ARGV# arguments beyond  ARGC  have  undefined  behavior.
       Checking  that  ARGC  is  greater than # is the only way to ensure that
       ARGV# was passed to the function as an extra argument.

       Get a global property of the CMake instance.

          get_cmake_property(<var> <property>)

       Gets a global property from the  CMake  instance.   The  value  of  the
       <property>  is  stored  in  the variable <var>.  If the property is not
       found, <var> will be set to NOTFOUND.  See the cmake-properties(7) man-
       ual for available properties.

       See also the get_property() command GLOBAL option.

       In addition to global properties, this command (for historical reasons)
       also supports the VARIABLES and MACROS directory properties.   It  also
       supports a special COMPONENTS global property that lists the components
       given to the install() command.

       Get a property of DIRECTORY scope.

          get_directory_property(<variable> [DIRECTORY <dir>] <prop-name>)

       Stores a property of directory scope in the named <variable>.

       The DIRECTORY argument specifies another directory from  which  to  re-
       trieve  the  property value instead of the current directory.  Relative
       paths are treated as relative to the current source  directory.   CMake
       must  already  know  about  the  directory,  either  by having added it
       through a call to add_subdirectory() or being the top level directory.

       New in version 3.19: <dir> may reference a binary directory.

       If the property is not defined for the nominated  directory  scope,  an
       empty  string is returned.  In the case of INHERITED properties, if the
       property is not found for the nominated  directory  scope,  the  search
       will  chain  to  a  parent scope as described for the define_property()

          get_directory_property(<variable> [DIRECTORY <dir>]
                                 DEFINITION <var-name>)

       Get a variable definition from a directory.  This form is useful to get
       a variable definition from another directory.

       See also the more general get_property() command.

       Get a specific component of a full filename.

       Changed  in  version 3.20: This command been superseded by cmake_path()
       command, except REALPATH now offered  by  file(REAL_PATH)  command  and
       PROGRAM now available in separate_arguments(PROGRAM) command.

          get_filename_component(<var> <FileName> <mode> [CACHE])

       Sets <var> to a component of <FileName>, where <mode> is one of:

          DIRECTORY = Directory without file name
          NAME      = File name without directory
          EXT       = File name longest extension (.b.c from d/a.b.c)
          NAME_WE   = File name with neither the directory nor the longest extension
          LAST_EXT  = File name last extension (.c from d/a.b.c)
          NAME_WLE  = File name with neither the directory nor the last extension
          PATH      = Legacy alias for DIRECTORY (use for CMake <= 2.8.11)

       New in version 3.14: Added the LAST_EXT and NAME_WLE modes.

       Paths  are  returned with forward slashes and have no trailing slashes.
       If the optional CACHE argument is specified,  the  result  variable  is
       added to the cache.

          get_filename_component(<var> <FileName> <mode> [BASE_DIR <dir>] [CACHE])

       New in version 3.4.

       Sets <var> to the absolute path of <FileName>, where <mode> is one of:

          ABSOLUTE  = Full path to file
          REALPATH  = Full path to existing file with symlinks resolved

       If the provided <FileName> is a relative path, it is evaluated relative
       to the given base directory <dir>.  If no base directory  is  provided,
       the default base directory will be CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR.

       Paths  are  returned with forward slashes and have no trailing slashes.
       If the optional CACHE argument is specified,  the  result  variable  is
       added to the cache.

          get_filename_component(<var> <FileName> PROGRAM [PROGRAM_ARGS <arg_var>] [CACHE])

       The  program  in  <FileName> will be found in the system search path or
       left as a full path.  If PROGRAM_ARGS is present with PROGRAM, then any
       command-line  arguments present in the <FileName> string are split from
       the program name and stored in <arg_var>.  This is used to  separate  a
       program name from its arguments in a command line string.

       Get a property.

                       <GLOBAL             |
                        DIRECTORY [<dir>]  |
                        TARGET    <target> |
                        SOURCE    <source>
                                  [DIRECTORY <dir> | TARGET_DIRECTORY <target>] |
                        INSTALL   <file>   |
                        TEST      <test>   |
                        CACHE     <entry>  |
                        VARIABLE           >
                       PROPERTY <name>
                       [SET | DEFINED | BRIEF_DOCS | FULL_DOCS])

       Gets one property from one object in a scope.

       The first argument specifies the variable in which to store the result.
       The second argument determines the scope from which to  get  the  prop-
       erty.  It must be one of the following:

       GLOBAL Scope is unique and does not accept a name.

              Scope  defaults  to  the current directory but another directory
              (already processed by CMake) may be named by the full  or  rela-
              tive  path <dir>.  Relative paths are treated as relative to the
              current source directory.  See also the get_directory_property()

              New in version 3.19: <dir> may reference a binary directory.

       TARGET Scope  must  name  one  existing  target.  See also the get_tar-
              get_property() command.

       SOURCE Scope must name one source file.  By default, the source  file's
              property will be read from the current source directory's scope.

              New  in version 3.18: Directory scope can be overridden with one
              of the following sub-options:

              DIRECTORY <dir>
                     The source file property will be read from the <dir>  di-
                     rectory's  scope.   CMake must already know about the di-
                     rectory, either by having added  it  through  a  call  to
                     add_subdirectory()  or  <dir>  being the top level direc-
                     tory.  Relative paths are treated as relative to the cur-
                     rent source directory.

                     New  in version 3.19: <dir> may reference a binary direc-

              TARGET_DIRECTORY <target>
                     The source file property will be read from the  directory
                     scope in which <target> was created (<target> must there-
                     fore already exist).

              See also the get_source_file_property() command.

              New in version 3.1.

              Scope must name one installed file path.

       TEST   Scope must name one existing test.  See also the  get_test_prop-
              erty() command.

       CACHE  Scope must name one cache entry.

              Scope is unique and does not accept a name.

       The required PROPERTY option is immediately followed by the name of the
       property to get.  If the property is not set  an  empty  value  is  re-
       turned, although some properties support inheriting from a parent scope
       if defined to behave that way (see define_property()).

       If the SET option is given the variable is set to a boolean value indi-
       cating  whether  the  property  has been set.  If the DEFINED option is
       given the variable is set to a boolean  value  indicating  whether  the
       property has been defined such as with the define_property() command.

       If  BRIEF_DOCS  or  FULL_DOCS  is  given  then the variable is set to a
       string containing documentation for the requested property.   If  docu-
       mentation  is  requested  for a property that has not been defined NOT-
       FOUND is returned.

          The GENERATED source file property may be globally visible.  See its
          documentation for details.

       Conditionally execute a group of commands.

          elseif(<condition>) # optional block, can be repeated
          else()              # optional block

       Evaluates  the  condition  argument  of  the if clause according to the
       Condition syntax described below. If the result is true, then the  com-
       mands  in the if block are executed.  Otherwise, optional elseif blocks
       are processed in the same way.  Finally, if no condition is true,  com-
       mands in the optional else block are executed.

       Per  legacy,  the else() and endif() commands admit an optional <condi-
       tion> argument.  If used, it must be a verbatim repeat of the  argument
       of the opening if command.

   Condition Syntax
       The  following  syntax applies to the condition argument of the if, el-
       seif and while() clauses.

       Compound conditions are evaluated in the following order of precedence:
       Innermost  parentheses  are evaluated first. Next come unary tests such
       as EXISTS, COMMAND, and DEFINED.  Then  binary  tests  such  as  EQUAL,
       VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL, and MATCHES.  Then the boolean operators in  the
       order NOT,  AND, and finally OR.

   Basic Expressions
              True  if the constant is 1, ON, YES, TRUE, Y, or a non-zero num-
              ber.  False if the constant is 0, OFF,  NO,  FALSE,  N,  IGNORE,
              NOTFOUND,  the  empty  string,  or ends in the suffix -NOTFOUND.
              Named boolean constants are case-insensitive.  If  the  argument
              is not one of these specific constants, it is treated as a vari-
              able or string (see Variable Expansion further below) and one of
              the following two forms applies.

              True  if given a variable that is defined to a value that is not
              a false constant.  False otherwise, including if the variable is
              undefined.   Note that macro arguments are not variables.  Envi-
              ronment  variables  also  cannot  be  tested  this   way,   e.g.
              if(ENV{some_var}) will always evaluate to false.

              A quoted string always evaluates to false unless:

              • The string's value is one of the true constants, or

              • Policy  CMP0054  is not set to NEW and the string's value hap-
                pens to be a variable name that is affected by  CMP0054's  be-

   Logic Operators
       if(NOT <condition>)
              True if the condition is not true.

       if(<cond1> AND <cond2>)
              True if both conditions would be considered true individually.

       if(<cond1> OR <cond2>)
              True if either condition would be considered true individually.

       if((condition) AND (condition OR (condition)))
              The  conditions  inside  the parenthesis are evaluated first and
              then the remaining condition is evaluated as in the other  exam-
              ples.   Where  there  are  nested  parenthesis the innermost are
              evaluated as part of  evaluating  the  condition  that  contains

   Existence Checks
       if(COMMAND command-name)
              True  if the given name is a command, macro or function that can
              be invoked.

       if(POLICY policy-id)
              True if the given name  is  an  existing  policy  (of  the  form

       if(TARGET target-name)
              True  if  the given name is an existing logical target name cre-
              ated by  a  call  to  the  add_executable(),  add_library(),  or
              add_custom_target()  command  that  has already been invoked (in
              any directory).

       if(TEST test-name)
              New in version 3.3: True if the given name is an  existing  test
              name created by the add_test() command.

       if(DEFINED <name>|CACHE{<name>}|ENV{<name>})
              True  if a variable, cache variable or environment variable with
              given <name> is defined. The value of the variable does not mat-
              ter. Note that macro arguments are not variables.

              New in version 3.14: Added support for CACHE{<name>} variables.

       if(<variable|string> IN_LIST <variable>)
              New  in  version  3.3: True if the given element is contained in
              the named list variable.

   File Operations
       if(EXISTS path-to-file-or-directory)
              True if  the  named  file  or  directory  exists.   Behavior  is
              well-defined  only  for explicit full paths (a leading ~/ is not
              expanded as a home directory and is considered a relative path).
              Resolves  symbolic links, i.e. if the named file or directory is
              a symbolic link, returns true if the target of the symbolic link

       if(file1 IS_NEWER_THAN file2)
              True  if  file1  is  newer than file2 or if one of the two files
              doesn't exist.  Behavior is well-defined only  for  full  paths.
              If  the  file time stamps are exactly the same, an IS_NEWER_THAN
              comparison returns true, so that any dependent build  operations
              will  occur  in  the  event of a tie.  This includes the case of
              passing the same file name for both file1 and file2.

       if(IS_DIRECTORY path-to-directory)
              True if the given name is a directory.  Behavior is well-defined
              only for full paths.

       if(IS_SYMLINK file-name)
              True if the given name is a symbolic link.  Behavior is well-de-
              fined only for full paths.

       if(IS_ABSOLUTE path)
              True if the given path is an absolute path.  Note the  following
              special cases:

              • An empty path evaluates to false.

              • On Windows hosts, any path that begins with a drive letter and
                colon (e.g. C:), a forward slash or a backslash will  evaluate
                to  true.   This means a path like C:no\base\dir will evaluate
                to true, even though the non-drive part of the path  is  rela-

              • On  non-Windows  hosts,  any path that begins with a tilde (~)
                evaluates to true.

       if(<variable|string> MATCHES regex)
              True if the given string or variable's value matches  the  given
              regular expression.  See Regex Specification for regex format.

              New  in  version  3.9: () groups are captured in CMAKE_MATCH_<n>

       if(<variable|string> LESS <variable|string>)
              True if the given string or variable's value is a  valid  number
              and less than that on the right.

       if(<variable|string> GREATER <variable|string>)
              True  if  the given string or variable's value is a valid number
              and greater than that on the right.

       if(<variable|string> EQUAL <variable|string>)
              True if the given string or variable's value is a  valid  number
              and equal to that on the right.

       if(<variable|string> LESS_EQUAL <variable|string>)
              New in version 3.7: True if the given string or variable's value
              is a valid number and less than or equal to that on the right.

       if(<variable|string> GREATER_EQUAL <variable|string>)
              New in version 3.7: True if the given string or variable's value
              is  a  valid  number  and  greater  than or equal to that on the

       if(<variable|string> STRLESS <variable|string>)
              True if the given string or variable's  value  is  lexicographi-
              cally less than the string or variable on the right.

       if(<variable|string> STRGREATER <variable|string>)
              True  if  the  given string or variable's value is lexicographi-
              cally greater than the string or variable on the right.

       if(<variable|string> STREQUAL <variable|string>)
              True if the given string or variable's  value  is  lexicographi-
              cally equal to the string or variable on the right.

       if(<variable|string> STRLESS_EQUAL <variable|string>)
              New in version 3.7: True if the given string or variable's value
              is lexicographically less than or equal to the string  or  vari-
              able on the right.

       if(<variable|string> STRGREATER_EQUAL <variable|string>)
              New in version 3.7: True if the given string or variable's value
              is lexicographically greater than or  equal  to  the  string  or
              variable on the right.

   Version Comparisons
       if(<variable|string> VERSION_LESS <variable|string>)
              Component-wise integer version number comparison (version format
              is major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]], omitted components are treated
              as  zero).   Any  non-integer  version  component or non-integer
              trailing part of a version component effectively  truncates  the
              string at that point.

       if(<variable|string> VERSION_GREATER <variable|string>)
              Component-wise integer version number comparison (version format
              is major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]], omitted components are treated
              as  zero).   Any  non-integer  version  component or non-integer
              trailing part of a version component effectively  truncates  the
              string at that point.

       if(<variable|string> VERSION_EQUAL <variable|string>)
              Component-wise integer version number comparison (version format
              is major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]], omitted components are treated
              as  zero).   Any  non-integer  version  component or non-integer
              trailing part of a version component effectively  truncates  the
              string at that point.

       if(<variable|string> VERSION_LESS_EQUAL <variable|string>)
              New  in  version 3.7: Component-wise integer version number com-
              parison (version format is major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]],  omit-
              ted  components  are  treated as zero).  Any non-integer version
              component or non-integer trailing part of  a  version  component
              effectively truncates the string at that point.

       if(<variable|string> VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL <variable|string>)
              New  in  version 3.7: Component-wise integer version number com-
              parison (version format is major[.minor[.patch[.tweak]]],  omit-
              ted  components  are  treated as zero).  Any non-integer version
              component or non-integer trailing part of  a  version  component
              effectively truncates the string at that point.

   Variable Expansion
       The if command was written very early in CMake's history, predating the
       ${} variable evaluation syntax, and for convenience evaluates variables
       named  by  its  arguments  as shown in the above signatures.  Note that
       normal variable evaluation with ${} applies before the if command  even
       receives the arguments.  Therefore code like

          set(var1 OFF)
          set(var2 "var1")

       appears to the if command as


       and is evaluated according to the if(<variable>) case documented above.
       The result is OFF which is false.  However, if we remove the  ${}  from
       the example then the command sees


       which is true because var2 is defined to var1 which is not a false con-

       Automatic evaluation applies in the other cases whenever the above-doc-
       umented condition syntax accepts <variable|string>:

       • The  left hand argument to MATCHES is first checked to see if it is a
         defined variable, if so the variable's value is used,  otherwise  the
         original value is used.

       • If  the  left  hand  argument  to MATCHES is missing it returns false
         without error

       • Both  left  and  right  hand  arguments  to  LESS,  GREATER,   EQUAL,
         LESS_EQUAL,  and  GREATER_EQUAL,  are  independently tested to see if
         they are defined variables, if so their defined values are used  oth-
         erwise the original value is used.

       • Both  left and right hand arguments to STRLESS, STRGREATER, STREQUAL,
         STRLESS_EQUAL, and STRGREATER_EQUAL are independently tested  to  see
         if  they  are  defined variables, if so their defined values are used
         otherwise the original value is used.

       • Both left and right hand arguments to VERSION_LESS,  VERSION_GREATER,
         dependently tested to see if they are defined variables, if so  their
         defined values are used otherwise the original value is used.

       • The  right  hand  argument to NOT is tested to see if it is a boolean
         constant, if so the value is used, otherwise it is assumed  to  be  a
         variable and it is dereferenced.

       • The  left  and  right  hand arguments to AND and OR are independently
         tested to see if they are boolean constants, if so they are  used  as
         such,  otherwise  they  are  assumed to be variables and are derefer-

       Changed in version 3.1: To prevent  ambiguity,  potential  variable  or
       keyword  names can be specified in a Quoted Argument or a Bracket Argu-
       ment.  A quoted or bracketed variable or keyword will be interpreted as
       a string and not dereferenced or interpreted.  See policy CMP0054.

       There is no automatic evaluation for environment or cache Variable Ref-
       erences.   Their  values  must  be  referenced   as   $ENV{<name>}   or
       $CACHE{<name>}  wherever  the above-documented condition syntax accepts

       Load and run CMake code from a file or module.

          include(<file|module> [OPTIONAL] [RESULT_VARIABLE <var>]

       Loads and runs CMake code from the  file  given.   Variable  reads  and
       writes  access  the scope of the caller (dynamic scoping).  If OPTIONAL
       is present, then no error is raised if the file does not exist.  If RE-
       SULT_VARIABLE is given the variable <var> will be set to the full file-
       name which has been included or NOTFOUND if it failed.

       If a module is specified instead of a file, the file with name <module-
       name>.cmake  is  searched first in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH, then in the CMake
       module directory.  There is one exception to this: if  the  file  which
       calls  include()  is  located itself in the CMake builtin module direc-
       tory, then first the CMake builtin module  directory  is  searched  and
       CMAKE_MODULE_PATH afterwards.  See also policy CMP0017.

       See  the  cmake_policy()  command  documentation  for discussion of the
       NO_POLICY_SCOPE option.

       New in version 3.10.

       Provides an include guard for the file  currently  being  processed  by


       Sets up an include guard for the current CMake file (see the CMAKE_CUR-
       RENT_LIST_FILE variable documentation).

       CMake will end its processing of the current file at  the  location  of
       the  include_guard()  command if the current file has already been pro-
       cessed for the applicable scope (see below). This provides  functional-
       ity similar to the include guards commonly used in source headers or to
       the #pragma once directive. If the current file has been processed pre-
       viously  for the applicable scope, the effect is as though return() had
       been called. Do not call this command from inside a function being  de-
       fined within the current file.

       An optional argument specifying the scope of the guard may be provided.
       Possible values for the option are:

              The include guard applies within the current directory  and  be-
              low.  The  file will only be included once within this directory
              scope, but may be included again by other files outside of  this
              directory  (i.e.  a  parent  directory  or another directory not
              pulled in by add_subdirectory() or include()  from  the  current
              file or its children).

       GLOBAL The  include guard applies globally to the whole build. The cur-
              rent file will only be included once regardless of the scope.

       If no arguments given, include_guard has the same scope as a  variable,
       meaning  that  the  include guard effect is isolated by the most recent
       function scope or current directory if no inner function scopes  exist.
       In this case the command behavior is the same as:

          set(__CURRENT_FILE_VAR__ TRUE)

       List operations.

            list(LENGTH <list> <out-var>)
            list(GET <list> <element index> [<index> ...] <out-var>)
            list(JOIN <list> <glue> <out-var>)
            list(SUBLIST <list> <begin> <length> <out-var>)

            list(FIND <list> <value> <out-var>)

            list(APPEND <list> [<element>...])
            list(FILTER <list> {INCLUDE | EXCLUDE} REGEX <regex>)
            list(INSERT <list> <index> [<element>...])
            list(POP_BACK <list> [<out-var>...])
            list(POP_FRONT <list> [<out-var>...])
            list(PREPEND <list> [<element>...])
            list(REMOVE_ITEM <list> <value>...)
            list(REMOVE_AT <list> <index>...)
            list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES <list>)
            list(TRANSFORM <list> <ACTION> [...])

            list(REVERSE <list>)
            list(SORT <list> [...])

       The   list  subcommands  APPEND,  INSERT,  FILTER,  PREPEND,  POP_BACK,
       may  create  new  values for the list within the current CMake variable
       scope.  Similar to the set() command,  the  LIST  command  creates  new
       variable  values in the current scope, even if the list itself is actu-
       ally defined in a parent scope.  To propagate the results of these  op-
       erations  upwards, use set() with PARENT_SCOPE, set() with CACHE INTER-
       NAL, or some other means of value propagation.

          A list in cmake is a ; separated group of strings.  To create a list
          the  set  command can be used.  For example, set(var a b c d e) cre-
          ates a list with a;b;c;d;e, and set(var "a  b  c  d  e")  creates  a
          string  or  a  list with one item in it.   (Note macro arguments are
          not variables, and therefore cannot be used in LIST commands.)

          When specifying index values, if <element index> is 0 or greater, it
          is  indexed  from the beginning of the list, with 0 representing the
          first list element.  If <element index> is -1 or lesser, it  is  in-
          dexed  from  the end of the list, with -1 representing the last list
          element.  Be careful when counting with negative  indices:  they  do
          not start from 0.  -0 is equivalent to 0, the first list element.

          list(LENGTH <list> <output variable>)

       Returns the list's length.

          list(GET <list> <element index> [<element index> ...] <output variable>)

       Returns the list of elements specified by indices from the list.

          list(JOIN <list> <glue> <output variable>)

       New in version 3.12.

       Returns a string joining all list's elements using the glue string.  To
       join multiple strings, which are not part of a list, use JOIN  operator
       from string() command.

          list(SUBLIST <list> <begin> <length> <output variable>)

       New in version 3.12.

       Returns  a  sublist of the given list.  If <length> is 0, an empty list
       will be returned.  If <length> is -1 or the list is smaller  than  <be-
       gin>+<length>  then the remaining elements of the list starting at <be-
       gin> will be returned.

          list(FIND <list> <value> <output variable>)

       Returns the index of the element specified in the  list  or  -1  if  it
       wasn't found.

          list(APPEND <list> [<element> ...])

       Appends elements to the list.

          list(FILTER <list> <INCLUDE|EXCLUDE> REGEX <regular_expression>)

       New in version 3.6.

       Includes  or removes items from the list that match the mode's pattern.
       In REGEX mode, items will be matched against the given regular  expres-

       For more information on regular expressions look under string(REGEX).

          list(INSERT <list> <element_index> <element> [<element> ...])

       Inserts elements to the list to the specified location.

          list(POP_BACK <list> [<out-var>...])

       New in version 3.15.

       If  no  variable name is given, removes exactly one element. Otherwise,
       with N variable names provided, assign the last N elements'  values  to
       the given variables and then remove the last N values from <list>.

          list(POP_FRONT <list> [<out-var>...])

       New in version 3.15.

       If  no  variable name is given, removes exactly one element. Otherwise,
       with N variable names provided, assign the first N elements' values  to
       the given variables and then remove the first N values from <list>.

          list(PREPEND <list> [<element> ...])

       New in version 3.15.

       Insert elements to the 0th position in the list.

          list(REMOVE_ITEM <list> <value> [<value> ...])

       Removes all instances of the given items from the list.

          list(REMOVE_AT <list> <index> [<index> ...])

       Removes items at given indices from the list.

          list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES <list>)

       Removes  duplicated  items  in the list. The relative order of items is
       preserved, but if duplicates are encountered, only the  first  instance
       is preserved.

          list(TRANSFORM <list> <ACTION> [<SELECTOR>]
                                [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <output variable>])

       New in version 3.12.

       Transforms  the  list  by applying an action to all or, by specifying a
       <SELECTOR>, to the selected elements of the list,  storing  the  result
       in-place or in the specified output variable.

          The  TRANSFORM sub-command does not change the number of elements in
          the list. If a <SELECTOR> is specified, only some elements  will  be
          changed, the other ones will remain the same as before the transfor-

       <ACTION> specifies the action to apply to the  elements  of  the  list.
       The  actions  have  exactly  the  same semantics as sub-commands of the
       string() command.  <ACTION> must be one of the following:

       APPEND, PREPEND: Append, prepend specified value to each element of the

              list(TRANSFORM <list> <APPEND|PREPEND> <value> ...)

       TOUPPER,  TOLOWER:  Convert  each  element  of the list to upper, lower

              list(TRANSFORM <list> <TOLOWER|TOUPPER> ...)

       STRIP: Remove leading and trailing spaces  from  each  element  of  the

              list(TRANSFORM <list> STRIP ...)

       GENEX_STRIP:  Strip  any generator expressions from each element of the

              list(TRANSFORM <list> GENEX_STRIP ...)

       REPLACE: Match the regular expression as many  times  as  possible  and
       substitute the replacement expression for the match for each element of
       the list (Same semantic as REGEX REPLACE from string() command).

              list(TRANSFORM <list> REPLACE <regular_expression>
                                            <replace_expression> ...)

       <SELECTOR> determines which elements of the list will  be  transformed.
       Only one type of selector can be specified at a time.  When given, <SE-
       LECTOR> must be one of the following:

       AT: Specify a list of indexes.

              list(TRANSFORM <list> <ACTION> AT <index> [<index> ...] ...)

       FOR: Specify a range with, optionally, an  increment  used  to  iterate
       over the range.

              list(TRANSFORM <list> <ACTION> FOR <start> <stop> [<step>] ...)

       REGEX: Specify a regular expression. Only elements matching the regular
       expression will be transformed.

              list(TRANSFORM <list> <ACTION> REGEX <regular_expression> ...)

          list(REVERSE <list>)

       Reverses the contents of the list in-place.

          list(SORT <list> [COMPARE <compare>] [CASE <case>] [ORDER <order>])

       Sorts the list in-place alphabetically.

       New in version 3.13: Added the COMPARE, CASE, and ORDER options.

       New in version 3.18: Added the COMPARE NATURAL option.

       Use the COMPARE keyword to select the comparison  method  for  sorting.
       The <compare> option should be one of:

       • STRING:  Sorts a list of strings alphabetically.  This is the default
         behavior if the COMPARE option is not given.

       • FILE_BASENAME: Sorts a list of pathnames of files by their basenames.

       • NATURAL: Sorts a list of strings using  natural  order  (see  strver-
         scmp(3)  manual),  i.e.  such  that contiguous digits are compared as
         whole numbers.  For example: the following list 10.0 1.1 2.1 8.0  2.0
         3.1 will be sorted as 1.1 2.0 2.1 3.1 8.0 10.0 if the NATURAL compar-
         ison is selected where it will be sorted as 1.1 10.0 2.0 2.1 3.1  8.0
         with the STRING comparison.

       Use  the  CASE  keyword  to select a case sensitive or case insensitive
       sort mode.  The <case> option should be one of:

       • SENSITIVE: List items are sorted in a case-sensitive manner.  This is
         the default behavior if the CASE option is not given.

       • INSENSITIVE:  List items are sorted case insensitively.  The order of
         items which differ only by upper/lowercase is not specified.

       To control the sort order, the ORDER keyword can be given.  The <order>
       option should be one of:

       • ASCENDING:  Sorts  the  list in ascending order.  This is the default
         behavior when the ORDER option is not given.

       • DESCENDING: Sorts the list in descending order.

       Start recording a macro for later invocation as a command

          macro(<name> [<arg1> ...])

       Defines a macro named <name> that takes  arguments  named  <arg1>,  ...
       Commands  listed  after  macro, but before the matching endmacro(), are
       not executed until the macro is invoked.

       Per legacy, the endmacro() command admits an optional <name>  argument.
       If  used,  it  must be a verbatim repeat of the argument of the opening
       macro command.

       See the cmake_policy() command documentation for the behavior of  poli-
       cies inside macros.

       See  the  Macro vs Function section below for differences between CMake
       macros and functions.

       The macro invocation is case-insensitive. A macro defined as


       can be invoked through any of

          cmake_language(CALL foo)

       and so on. However, it is strongly recommended to stay  with  the  case
       chosen  in  the  macro  definition.  Typically macros use all-lowercase

       New in version 3.18: The cmake_language(CALL ...) command can  also  be
       used to invoke the macro.

       When  a  macro is invoked, the commands recorded in the macro are first
       modified by replacing formal parameters (${arg1}, ...)  with the  argu-
       ments passed, and then invoked as normal commands.

       In  addition to referencing the formal parameters you can reference the
       values ${ARGC} which will be set to the number of arguments passed into
       the  function  as well as ${ARGV0}, ${ARGV1}, ${ARGV2}, ...  which will
       have the actual values of the arguments passed  in.   This  facilitates
       creating macros with optional arguments.

       Furthermore, ${ARGV} holds the list of all arguments given to the macro
       and ${ARGN} holds the list of arguments past the  last  expected  argu-
       ment.   Referencing to ${ARGV#} arguments beyond ${ARGC} have undefined
       behavior. Checking that ${ARGC} is greater than # is the  only  way  to
       ensure that ${ARGV#} was passed to the function as an extra argument.

   Macro vs Function
       The  macro command is very similar to the function() command.  Nonethe-
       less, there are a few important differences.

       In a function, ARGN, ARGC, ARGV and ARGV0, ARGV1, ...  are  true  vari-
       ables  in  the  usual  CMake sense.  In a macro, they are not, they are
       string replacements much like the C preprocessor would do with a macro.
       This has a number of consequences, as explained in the Argument Caveats
       section below.

       Another difference between macros and functions is the control flow.  A
       function is executed by transferring control from the calling statement
       to the function body.  A macro is executed as if the  macro  body  were
       pasted  in  place  of  the calling statement.  This has the consequence
       that a return() in a macro body does not just  terminate  execution  of
       the  macro;  rather,  control  is  returned from the scope of the macro
       call.  To avoid confusion, it  is  recommended  to  avoid  return()  in
       macros altogether.

       Unlike  a  function,  the  CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION,  CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNC-
       TION_LIST_LINE variables are not set for a macro.

   Argument Caveats
       Since  ARGN,  ARGC, ARGV, ARGV0 etc. are not variables, you will NOT be
       able to use commands like

          if(ARGV1) # ARGV1 is not a variable
          if(DEFINED ARGV2) # ARGV2 is not a variable
          if(ARGC GREATER 2) # ARGC is not a variable
          foreach(loop_var IN LISTS ARGN) # ARGN is not a variable

       In the first case, you can use if(${ARGV1}).  In the second  and  third
       case, the proper way to check if an optional variable was passed to the
       macro is to use if(${ARGC} GREATER 2).  In the last case, you  can  use
       foreach(loop_var  ${ARGN})  but this will skip empty arguments.  If you
       need to include them, you can use

          set(list_var "${ARGN}")
          foreach(loop_var IN LISTS list_var)

       Note that if you have a variable with the same name in the  scope  from
       which the macro is called, using unreferenced names will use the exist-
       ing variable instead of the arguments. For example:

            foreach(arg IN LISTS ARGN)

            bar(x y z)

          foo(a b c)

       Will loop over a;b;c and not over x;y;z as one might have expected.  If
       you  want  true  CMake  variables and/or better CMake scope control you
       should look at the function command.

       Mark cmake cached variables as advanced.

          mark_as_advanced([CLEAR|FORCE] <var1> ...)

       Sets the advanced/non-advanced state of the named cached variables.

       An advanced variable will not be displayed in any of the cmake GUIs un-
       less  the  show  advanced  option  is  on.   In  script  mode,  the ad-
       vanced/non-advanced state has no effect.

       If the keyword CLEAR is given then advanced variables are changed  back
       to  unadvanced.   If  the keyword FORCE is given then the variables are
       made advanced.  If neither FORCE nor CLEAR  is  specified,  new  values
       will  be  marked  as  advanced,  but  if  a variable already has an ad-
       vanced/non-advanced state, it will not be changed.

       Changed in version 3.17: Variables passed to this command which are not
       already in the cache are ignored. See policy CMP0102.

       Evaluate a mathematical expression.

          math(EXPR <variable> "<expression>" [OUTPUT_FORMAT <format>])

       Evaluates  a  mathematical  <expression> and sets <variable> to the re-
       sulting value.  The result of the expression must be representable as a
       64-bit signed integer.

       The mathematical expression must be given as a string (i.e. enclosed in
       double quotation marks). An example is "5 * (10 + 13)".  Supported  op-
       erators are +, -, *, /, %, |, &, ^, ~, <<, >>, and (...); they have the
       same meaning as in C code.

       New in version 3.13: Hexadecimal numbers are recognized  when  prefixed
       with 0x, as in C code.

       New  in  version  3.13: The result is formatted according to the option
       OUTPUT_FORMAT, where <format> is one of

              Hexadecimal notation as in C code, i. e. starting with "0x".

              Decimal notation. Which is also used if no OUTPUT_FORMAT  option
              is specified.

       For example

          math(EXPR value "100 * 0xA" OUTPUT_FORMAT DECIMAL)      # value is set to "1000"
          math(EXPR value "100 * 0xA" OUTPUT_FORMAT HEXADECIMAL)  # value is set to "0x3e8"

       Log a message.

          General messages
            message([<mode>] "message text" ...)

          Reporting checks
            message(<checkState> "message text" ...)

   General messages
          message([<mode>] "message text" ...)

       Record the specified message text in the log.  If more than one message
       string is given, they are concatenated into a single  message  with  no
       separator between the strings.

       The  optional  <mode> keyword determines the type of message, which in-
       fluences the way the message is handled:

              CMake Error, stop processing and generation.

              CMake Error, continue processing, but skip generation.

              CMake Warning, continue processing.

              CMake Warning (dev), continue processing.

              CMake Deprecation Error or Warning if variable  CMAKE_ERROR_DEP-
              RECATED  or CMAKE_WARN_DEPRECATED is enabled, respectively, else
              no message.

       (none) or NOTICE
              Important message printed to stderr to attract user's attention.

       STATUS The main interesting messages that project users might be inter-
              ested  in.  Ideally these should be concise, no more than a sin-
              gle line, but still informative.

              Detailed informational  messages  intended  for  project  users.
              These  messages  should provide additional details that won't be
              of interest in most cases, but which  may  be  useful  to  those
              building  the  project when they want deeper insight into what's

       DEBUG  Detailed informational messages intended for developers  working
              on the project itself as opposed to users who just want to build
              it.  These messages will not typically be of interest  to  other
              users  building the project and will often be closely related to
              internal implementation details.

       TRACE  Fine-grained messages with  very  low-level  implementation  de-
              tails.   Messages  using  this  log level would normally only be
              temporary and would expect to be removed  before  releasing  the
              project, packaging up the files, etc.

       New  in  version 3.15: Added the NOTICE, VERBOSE, DEBUG, and TRACE lev-

       The CMake command-line tool displays STATUS to TRACE messages on stdout
       with  the  message preceded by two hyphens and a space.  All other mes-
       sage types are sent to stderr and are not prefixed with  hyphens.   The
       CMake  GUI displays all messages in its log area.  The curses interface
       shows STATUS to TRACE messages one at a time on a status line and other
       messages  in  an  interactive pop-up box.  The --log-level command-line
       option to each of these tools can be used  to  control  which  messages
       will be shown.

       New  in  version  3.17: To make a log level persist between CMake runs,
       the CMAKE_MESSAGE_LOG_LEVEL variable can be set instead.  Note that the
       command line option takes precedence over the cache variable.

       New  in version 3.16: Messages of log levels NOTICE and below will have
       each line preceded by the content of the CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT  variable
       (converted  to  a  single string by concatenating its list items).  For
       STATUS to TRACE messages, this indenting content will be inserted after
       the hyphens.

       New  in  version 3.17: Messages of log levels NOTICE and below can also
       have each line preceded with context of  the  form  [some.context.exam-
       ple].   The content between the square brackets is obtained by convert-
       ing the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT list variable to a dot-separated  string.
       The message context will always appear before any indenting content but
       after any automatically added leading hyphens. By default, message con-
       text  is not shown, it has to be explicitly enabled by giving the cmake
       --log-context command-line option or by setting the  CMAKE_MESSAGE_CON-
       TEXT_SHOW  variable  to true.  See the CMAKE_MESSAGE_CONTEXT documenta-
       tion for usage examples.

       CMake Warning and Error message text displays  using  a  simple  markup
       language.   Non-indented  text  is formatted in line-wrapped paragraphs
       delimited by newlines.  Indented text is considered pre-formatted.

   Reporting checks
       New in version 3.17.

       A common pattern in CMake output is a message indicating the  start  of
       some sort of check, followed by another message reporting the result of
       that check.  For example:

          message(STATUS "Looking for someheader.h")
          #... do the checks, set checkSuccess with the result
            message(STATUS "Looking for someheader.h - found")
            message(STATUS "Looking for someheader.h - not found")

       This  can  be  more  robustly  and  conveniently  expressed  using  the
       CHECK_...  keyword form of the message() command:

          message(<checkState> "message" ...)

       where <checkState> must be one of the following:

                 Record  a  concise  message  about the check about to be per-

                 Record a successful result for a check.

                 Record an unsuccessful result for a check.

       When recording a check result, the command repeats the message from the
       most  recently started check for which no result has yet been reported,
       then some separator characters and then the message text provided after
       the  CHECK_PASS  or  CHECK_FAIL keyword.  Check messages are always re-
       ported at STATUS log level.

       Checks may be nested and every  CHECK_START  should  have  exactly  one
       matching  CHECK_PASS  or CHECK_FAIL.  The CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT variable
       can also be used to add indenting to nested checks if desired.  For ex-

          message(CHECK_START "Finding my things")
          list(APPEND CMAKE_MESSAGE_INDENT "  ")

          message(CHECK_START "Finding partA")
          # ... do check, assume we find A
          message(CHECK_PASS "found")

          message(CHECK_START "Finding partB")
          # ... do check, assume we don't find B
          list(APPEND missingComponents B)
          message(CHECK_FAIL "not found")

            message(CHECK_FAIL "missing components: ${missingComponents}")
            message(CHECK_PASS "all components found")

       Output from the above would appear something like the following:

          -- Finding my things
          --   Finding partA
          --   Finding partA - found
          --   Finding partB
          --   Finding partB - not found
          -- Finding my things - missing components: B

       Provide an option that the user can optionally select.

          option(<variable> "<help_text>" [value])

       Provides  an option for the user to select as ON or OFF.  If no initial
       <value> is provided, OFF is used.  If <variable> is already  set  as  a
       normal  or  cache  variable,  then the command does nothing (see policy

       If you have options that depend on the values of other options, see the
       module help for CMakeDependentOption.

       Return from a file, directory or function.


       Returns  from  a file, directory or function.  When this command is en-
       countered in an included file (via  include()  or  find_package()),  it
       causes  processing  of the current file to stop and control is returned
       to the including file.  If it is encountered in a file which is not in-
       cluded  by  another file, e.g.  a CMakeLists.txt, deferred calls sched-
       uled by cmake_language(DEFER) are invoked and control  is  returned  to
       the  parent  directory if there is one.  If return is called in a func-
       tion, control is returned to the caller of the function.

       Note that a macro, unlike a function, is expanded in place  and  there-
       fore cannot handle return().

       Parse command-line arguments into a semicolon-separated list.

          separate_arguments(<variable> <mode> [PROGRAM [SEPARATE_ARGS]] <args>)

       Parses a space-separated string <args> into a list of items, and stores
       this list in semicolon-separated standard form in <variable>.

       This function is intended for parsing command-line arguments.  The  en-
       tire command line must be passed as one string in the argument <args>.

       The exact parsing rules depend on the operating system.  They are spec-
       ified by the <mode> argument which must be one of  the  following  key-

              Arguments  are  separated  by  unquoted  whitespace.   Both sin-
              gle-quote and double-quote pairs are respected.  A backslash es-
              capes the next literal character (\" is "); there are no special
              escapes (\n is just n).

              A Windows command-line is parsed using the same syntax the  run-
              time  library  uses  to construct argv at startup.  It separates
              arguments by whitespace that is not double-quoted.   Backslashes
              are literal unless they precede double-quotes.  See the MSDN ar-
              ticle Parsing C Command-Line Arguments for details.

              New in version 3.9.

              Proceeds as in WINDOWS_COMMAND mode if the host system  is  Win-
              dows.  Otherwise proceeds as in UNIX_COMMAND mode.

              New in version 3.19.

              The first item in <args> is assumed to be an executable and will
              be searched in the system search path or left as a full path. If
              not  found, <variable> will be empty. Otherwise, <variable> is a
              list of 2 elements:

                 0.  Absolute path of the program

                 1.  Any command-line arguments present in <args> as a string

              For example:

                 separate_arguments (out UNIX_COMMAND PROGRAM "cc -c main.c")

              • First element of the list: /path/to/cc

              • Second element of the list: " -c main.c"

              When this  sub-option  of  PROGRAM  option  is  specified,  com-
              mand-line  arguments  will be split as well and stored in <vari-

              For example:

                 separate_arguments (out UNIX_COMMAND PROGRAM SEPARATE_ARGS "cc -c main.c")

              The contents of out will be: /path/to/cc;-c;main.c


       Convert the value of <var> to a semi-colon separated list.  All  spaces
       are replaced with ';'.  This helps with generating command lines.

       Set a normal, cache, or environment variable to a given value.  See the
       cmake-language(7) variables documentation for the scopes  and  interac-
       tion of normal variables and cache entries.

       Signatures of this command that specify a <value>... placeholder expect
       zero or more arguments.  Multiple arguments will be joined as  a  semi-
       colon-separated list to form the actual variable value to be set.  Zero
       arguments will cause normal variables to be  unset.   See  the  unset()
       command to unset variables explicitly.

   Set Normal Variable
          set(<variable> <value>... [PARENT_SCOPE])

       Sets the given <variable> in the current function or directory scope.

       If  the  PARENT_SCOPE  option  is given the variable will be set in the
       scope above the current scope.  Each new directory or function  creates
       a  new  scope.   This command will set the value of a variable into the
       parent directory or calling function (whichever is  applicable  to  the
       case  at  hand).  The  previous state of the variable's value stays the
       same in the current scope (e.g., if it  was  undefined  before,  it  is
       still undefined and if it had a value, it is still that value).

   Set Cache Entry
          set(<variable> <value>... CACHE <type> <docstring> [FORCE])

       Sets the given cache <variable> (cache entry).  Since cache entries are
       meant to provide user-settable values this does not overwrite  existing
       cache  entries  by default.  Use the FORCE option to overwrite existing

       The <type> must be specified as one of:

       BOOL   Boolean ON/OFF value.  cmake-gui(1) offers a checkbox.

              Path to a file on disk.  cmake-gui(1) offers a file dialog.

       PATH   Path to a directory on disk.  cmake-gui(1) offers a file dialog.

       STRING A line of text.  cmake-gui(1) offers a text field or a drop-down
              selection if the STRINGS cache entry property is set.

              A  line  of  text.  cmake-gui(1) does not show internal entries.
              They may be used to store variables  persistently  across  runs.
              Use of this type implies FORCE.

       The  <docstring>  must be specified as a line of text providing a quick
       summary of the option for presentation to cmake-gui(1) users.

       If the cache entry does not exist prior to the call or the FORCE option
       is given then the cache entry will be set to the given value.

          The content of the cache variable will not be directly accessible if
          a normal variable of the same name  already  exists  (see  rules  of
          variable  evaluation).  If  policy CMP0126 is set to OLD, any normal
          variable binding in the current scope will be removed.

       It is possible for the cache entry to exist prior to the call but  have
       no  type  set  if it was created on the cmake(1) command line by a user
       through the -D<var>=<value> option without specifying a type.  In  this
       case  the set command will add the type.  Furthermore, if the <type> is
       PATH or FILEPATH and the <value> provided on the command line is a rel-
       ative path, then the set command will treat the path as relative to the
       current working directory and convert it to an absolute path.

   Set Environment Variable
          set(ENV{<variable>} [<value>])

       Sets an Environment Variable to the given value.  Subsequent  calls  of
       $ENV{<variable>} will return this new value.

       This  command  affects  only the current CMake process, not the process
       from which CMake was called, nor the system environment at  large,  nor
       the environment of subsequent build or test processes.

       If no argument is given after ENV{<variable>} or if <value> is an empty
       string, then this command will clear any existing value of the environ-
       ment variable.

       Arguments after <value> are ignored. If extra arguments are found, then
       an author warning is issued.

       Set properties of the current directory and subdirectories.

          set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES prop1 value1 [prop2 value2] ...)

       Sets properties of the current  directory  and  its  subdirectories  in
       key-value pairs.

       See also the set_property(DIRECTORY) command.

       See  Directory Properties for the list of properties known to CMake and
       their individual documentation for the behavior of each property.

       Set a named property in a given scope.

          set_property(<GLOBAL                      |
                        DIRECTORY [<dir>]           |
                        TARGET    [<target1> ...]   |
                        SOURCE    [<src1> ...]
                                  [DIRECTORY <dirs> ...]
                                  [TARGET_DIRECTORY <targets> ...] |
                        INSTALL   [<file1> ...]     |
                        TEST      [<test1> ...]     |
                        CACHE     [<entry1> ...]    >
                       [APPEND] [APPEND_STRING]
                       PROPERTY <name> [<value1> ...])

       Sets one property on zero or more objects of a scope.

       The first argument determines the scope in which the property  is  set.
       It must be one of the following:

       GLOBAL Scope is unique and does not accept a name.

              Scope  defaults  to  the current directory but other directories
              (already processed by CMake) may be named by  full  or  relative
              path.   Relative  paths  are  treated as relative to the current
              source directory.  See also the set_directory_properties()  com-

              New in version 3.19: <dir> may reference a binary directory.

       TARGET Scope  may  name  zero  or  more existing targets.  See also the
              set_target_properties() command.

       SOURCE Scope may name zero or more source files.   By  default,  source
              file  properties  are  only visible to targets added in the same
              directory (CMakeLists.txt).

              New in version 3.18: Visibility can be set  in  other  directory
              scopes using one or both of the following sub-options:

              DIRECTORY <dirs>...
                     The  source  file  property  will  be  set in each of the
                     <dirs> directories'  scopes.   CMake  must  already  know
                     about  each  of these directories, either by having added
                     them through a call to add_subdirectory() or it being the
                     top  level  source directory.  Relative paths are treated
                     as relative to the current source directory.

                     New in version 3.19: <dirs> may reference a binary direc-

              TARGET_DIRECTORY <targets>...
                     The  source  file property will be set in each of the di-
                     rectory scopes where any of the specified <targets>  were
                     created (the <targets> must therefore already exist).

              See also the set_source_files_properties() command.

              New in version 3.1.

              Scope  may  name  zero  or more installed file paths.  These are
              made available to CPack to influence deployment.

              Both the property key and value may use  generator  expressions.
              Specific properties may apply to installed files and/or directo-

              Path components have to be separated by forward slashes, must be
              normalized and are case sensitive.

              To reference the installation prefix itself with a relative path
              use ..

              Currently installed file properties are only defined for the WIX
              generator where the given paths are relative to the installation

       TEST   Scope may name zero  or  more  existing  tests.   See  also  the
              set_tests_properties() command.

       CACHE  Scope must name zero or more cache existing entries.

       The required PROPERTY option is immediately followed by the name of the
       property to set.  Remaining arguments are used to compose the  property
       value in the form of a semicolon-separated list.

       If  the  APPEND  option  is  given the list is appended to any existing
       property value (except that empty values are ignored and not appended).
       If  the APPEND_STRING option is given the string is appended to any ex-
       isting property value as string, i.e. it results in a longer string and
       not a list of strings.  When using APPEND or APPEND_STRING with a prop-
       erty defined to support INHERITED behavior (see define_property()),  no
       inheriting  occurs when finding the initial value to append to.  If the
       property is not already directly set in the nominated scope,  the  com-
       mand will behave as though APPEND or APPEND_STRING had not been given.

       See  the  cmake-properties(7)  manual  for a list of properties in each

          The GENERATED source file property may be globally visible.  See its
          documentation for details.

       Set the given variable to the name of the computer.


       On UNIX-like platforms, if the variable HOSTNAME is set, its value will
       be executed as a command expected to print out the host name, much like
       the hostname command-line tool.

       String operations.

          Search and Replace
            string(FIND <string> <substring> <out-var> [...])
            string(REPLACE <match-string> <replace-string> <out-var> <input>...)
            string(REGEX MATCH <match-regex> <out-var> <input>...)
            string(REGEX MATCHALL <match-regex> <out-var> <input>...)
            string(REGEX REPLACE <match-regex> <replace-expr> <out-var> <input>...)

            string(APPEND <string-var> [<input>...])
            string(PREPEND <string-var> [<input>...])
            string(CONCAT <out-var> [<input>...])
            string(JOIN <glue> <out-var> [<input>...])
            string(TOLOWER <string> <out-var>)
            string(TOUPPER <string> <out-var>)
            string(LENGTH <string> <out-var>)
            string(SUBSTRING <string> <begin> <length> <out-var>)
            string(STRIP <string> <out-var>)
            string(GENEX_STRIP <string> <out-var>)
            string(REPEAT <string> <count> <out-var>)

            string(COMPARE <op> <string1> <string2> <out-var>)

            string(<HASH> <out-var> <input>)

            string(ASCII <number>... <out-var>)
            string(HEX <string> <out-var>)
            string(CONFIGURE <string> <out-var> [...])
            string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER <string> <out-var>)
            string(RANDOM [<option>...] <out-var>)
            string(TIMESTAMP <out-var> [<format string>] [UTC])
            string(UUID <out-var> ...)

            string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-var>]
                   {GET | TYPE | LENGTH | REMOVE}
                   <json-string> <member|index> [<member|index> ...])
            string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-var>]
                   MEMBER <json-string>
                   [<member|index> ...] <index>)
            string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-var>]
                   SET <json-string>
                   <member|index> [<member|index> ...] <value>)
            string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-var>]
                   EQUAL <json-string1> <json-string2>)

   Search and Replace
   Search and Replace With Plain Strings
          string(FIND <string> <substring> <output_variable> [REVERSE])

       Return  the  position where the given <substring> was found in the sup-
       plied <string>.  If the REVERSE flag was used, the command will  search
       for  the  position of the last occurrence of the specified <substring>.
       If the <substring> is not found, a position of -1 is returned.

       The string(FIND) subcommand treats all strings  as  ASCII-only  charac-
       ters.   The  index  stored in <output_variable> will also be counted in
       bytes, so strings containing multi-byte characters may  lead  to  unex-
       pected results.

          string(REPLACE <match_string>
                 <replace_string> <output_variable>
                 <input> [<input>...])

       Replace  all  occurrences  of  <match_string>  in the <input> with <re-
       place_string> and store the result in the <output_variable>.

   Search and Replace With Regular Expressions
          string(REGEX MATCH <regular_expression>
                 <output_variable> <input> [<input>...])

       Match the <regular_expression> once and store the match  in  the  <out-
       put_variable>.  All <input> arguments are concatenated before matching.
       Regular expressions are specified in the subsection just below.

          string(REGEX MATCHALL <regular_expression>
                 <output_variable> <input> [<input>...])

       Match the <regular_expression> as many times as possible and store  the
       matches  in the <output_variable> as a list.  All <input> arguments are
       concatenated before matching.

          string(REGEX REPLACE <regular_expression>
                 <replacement_expression> <output_variable>
                 <input> [<input>...])

       Match the <regular_expression> as many times as possible and substitute
       the  <replacement_expression> for the match in the output.  All <input>
       arguments are concatenated before matching.

       The <replacement_expression> may refer to parenthesis-delimited  subex-
       pressions  of  the  match  using  \1, \2, ..., \9.  Note that two back-
       slashes (\\1) are required in CMake code to get a backslash through ar-
       gument parsing.

   Regex Specification
       The following characters have special meaning in regular expressions:

       ^      Matches at beginning of input

       $      Matches at end of input

       .      Matches any single character

              Matches  the  single character specified by <char>.  Use this to
              match special regex characters, e.g. \. for a literal .   or  \\
              for  a literal backslash \.  Escaping a non-special character is
              unnecessary but allowed, e.g. \a matches a.

       [ ]    Matches any character(s) inside the brackets

       [^ ]   Matches any character(s) not inside the brackets

       -      Inside brackets, specifies an inclusive range between characters
              on either side e.g. [a-f] is [abcdef] To match a literal - using
              brackets, make it the first or the last  character  e.g.  [+*/-]
              matches basic mathematical operators.

       *      Matches preceding pattern zero or more times

       +      Matches preceding pattern one or more times

       ?      Matches preceding pattern zero or once only

       |      Matches a pattern on either side of the |

       ()     Saves  a  matched  subexpression, which can be referenced in the
              REGEX REPLACE operation.

              New in version 3.9: All regular expression-related commands, in-
              cluding  e.g.   if(MATCHES),  save subgroup matches in the vari-
              ables CMAKE_MATCH_<n> for <n> 0..9.

       *, + and ? have higher precedence  than  concatenation.   |  has  lower
       precedence  than concatenation.  This means that the regular expression
       ^ab+d$ matches abbd but not ababd, and the regular expression ^(ab|cd)$
       matches ab but not abd.

       CMake  language Escape Sequences such as \t, \r, \n, and \\ may be used
       to construct literal tabs, carriage returns, newlines, and  backslashes
       (respectively) to pass in a regex.  For example:

       • The  quoted  argument  "[ \t\r\n]" specifies a regex that matches any
         single whitespace character.

       • The quoted argument "[/\\]" specifies a regex that matches  a  single
         forward slash / or backslash \.

       • The quoted argument "[A-Za-z0-9_]" specifies a regex that matches any
         single "word" character in the C locale.

       • The quoted argument "\\(\\a\\+b\\)" specifies a  regex  that  matches
         the  exact  string  (a+b).  Each \\ is parsed in a quoted argument as
         just \, so the regex itself is actually \(\a\+\b\).  This can  alter-
         natively  be specified in a bracket argument without having to escape
         the backslashes, e.g. [[\(\a\+\b\)]].

          string(APPEND <string_variable> [<input>...])

       New in version 3.4.

       Append all the <input> arguments to the string.

          string(PREPEND <string_variable> [<input>...])

       New in version 3.10.

       Prepend all the <input> arguments to the string.

          string(CONCAT <output_variable> [<input>...])

       Concatenate all the <input> arguments together and store the result  in
       the named <output_variable>.

          string(JOIN <glue> <output_variable> [<input>...])

       New in version 3.12.

       Join  all  the  <input>  arguments together using the <glue> string and
       store the result in the named <output_variable>.

       To join a list's elements, prefer to use the  JOIN  operator  from  the
       list()  command.   This allows for the elements to have special charac-
       ters like ; in them.

          string(TOLOWER <string> <output_variable>)

       Convert <string> to lower characters.

          string(TOUPPER <string> <output_variable>)

       Convert <string> to upper characters.

          string(LENGTH <string> <output_variable>)

       Store in an <output_variable> a given string's length in  bytes.   Note
       that  this means if <string> contains multi-byte characters, the result
       stored in <output_variable> will not be the number of characters.

          string(SUBSTRING <string> <begin> <length> <output_variable>)

       Store in an <output_variable> a substring  of  a  given  <string>.   If
       <length>  is -1 the remainder of the string starting at <begin> will be

       Changed in version 3.2: If <string> is shorter than <length>  then  the
       end of the string is used instead.  Previous versions of CMake reported
       an error in this case.

       Both <begin> and <length> are counted in bytes, so care must  be  exer-
       cised if <string> could contain multi-byte characters.

          string(STRIP <string> <output_variable>)

       Store  in  an  <output_variable>  a  substring of a given <string> with
       leading and trailing spaces removed.

          string(GENEX_STRIP <string> <output_variable>)

       New in version 3.1.

       Strip any generator expressions from the input <string> and  store  the
       result in the <output_variable>.

          string(REPEAT <string> <count> <output_variable>)

       New in version 3.15.

       Produce the output string as the input <string> repeated <count> times.

          string(COMPARE LESS <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
          string(COMPARE GREATER <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
          string(COMPARE EQUAL <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
          string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
          string(COMPARE LESS_EQUAL <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)
          string(COMPARE GREATER_EQUAL <string1> <string2> <output_variable>)

       Compare the strings and store true or false in the <output_variable>.

       New in version 3.7: Added the LESS_EQUAL and GREATER_EQUAL options.

          string(<HASH> <output_variable> <input>)

       Compute  a  cryptographic  hash  of  the <input> string.  The supported
       <HASH> algorithm names are:

       MD5    Message-Digest Algorithm 5, RFC 1321.

       SHA1   US Secure Hash Algorithm 1, RFC 3174.

       SHA224 US Secure Hash Algorithms, RFC 4634.

       SHA256 US Secure Hash Algorithms, RFC 4634.

       SHA384 US Secure Hash Algorithms, RFC 4634.

       SHA512 US Secure Hash Algorithms, RFC 4634.

              Keccak SHA-3.

              Keccak SHA-3.

              Keccak SHA-3.

              Keccak SHA-3.

       New in version 3.8: Added the SHA3_* hash algorithms.

          string(ASCII <number> [<number> ...] <output_variable>)

       Convert all numbers into corresponding ASCII characters.

          string(HEX <string> <output_variable>)

       New in version 3.18.

       Convert each byte in the input <string> to its hexadecimal  representa-
       tion  and  store  the concatenated hex digits in the <output_variable>.
       Letters in the output (a through f) are in lowercase.

          string(CONFIGURE <string> <output_variable>
                 [@ONLY] [ESCAPE_QUOTES])

       Transform a <string> like configure_file() transforms a file.

          string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER <string> <output_variable>)

       Convert each non-alphanumeric character in the input <string> to an un-
       derscore  and  store the result in the <output_variable>.  If the first
       character of the <string> is  a  digit,  an  underscore  will  also  be
       prepended to the result.

          string(RANDOM [LENGTH <length>] [ALPHABET <alphabet>]
                 [RANDOM_SEED <seed>] <output_variable>)

       Return  a random string of given <length> consisting of characters from
       the given <alphabet>.  Default length is 5 characters and  default  al-
       phabet  is all numbers and upper and lower case letters.  If an integer
       RANDOM_SEED is given, its value will be used to seed the random  number

          string(TIMESTAMP <output_variable> [<format_string>] [UTC])

       Write  a  string  representation of the current date and/or time to the

       If the command is unable to obtain a timestamp,  the  <output_variable>
       will be set to the empty string "".

       The  optional UTC flag requests the current date/time representation to
       be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) rather than local time.

       The optional <format_string> may contain the  following  format  speci-

       %%     New in version 3.8.

              A literal percent sign (%).

       %d     The day of the current month (01-31).

       %H     The hour on a 24-hour clock (00-23).

       %I     The hour on a 12-hour clock (01-12).

       %j     The day of the current year (001-366).

       %m     The month of the current year (01-12).

       %b     New in version 3.7.

              Abbreviated month name (e.g. Oct).

       %B     New in version 3.10.

              Full month name (e.g. October).

       %M     The minute of the current hour (00-59).

       %s     New in version 3.6.

              Seconds since midnight (UTC) 1-Jan-1970 (UNIX time).

       %S     The  second of the current minute.  60 represents a leap second.

       %U     The week number of the current year (00-53).

       %V     New in version 3.22.

              The ISO 8601 week number of the current year (01-53).

       %w     The day of the current week. 0 is Sunday. (0-6)

       %a     New in version 3.7.

              Abbreviated weekday name (e.g. Fri).

       %A     New in version 3.10.

              Full weekday name (e.g. Friday).

       %y     The last two digits of the current year (00-99).

       %Y     The current year.

       Unknown format specifiers will be ignored  and  copied  to  the  output

       If no explicit <format_string> is given, it will default to:

          %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S    for local time.
          %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ   for UTC.

       New  in  version  3.8: If the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable is
       set, its  value  will  be  used  instead  of  the  current  time.   See
       https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/ for details.

          string(UUID <output_variable> NAMESPACE <namespace> NAME <name>
                 TYPE <MD5|SHA1> [UPPER])

       New in version 3.1.

       Create  a universally unique identifier (aka GUID) as per RFC4122 based
       on the hash of the combined values of <namespace> (which itself has  to
       be  a  valid  UUID)  and  <name>.  The hash algorithm can be either MD5
       (Version 3 UUID) or SHA1 (Version 5  UUID).   A  UUID  has  the  format
       xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx  where  each  x represents a lower
       case hexadecimal character.  Where required, an  uppercase  representa-
       tion can be requested with the optional UPPER flag.

       New in version 3.19.

       Functionality for querying a JSON string.

          In  each  of the following JSON-related subcommands, if the optional
          ERROR_VARIABLE argument is given, errors will be  reported  in  <er-
          ror-variable> and the <out-var> will be set to <member|index>-[<mem-
          ber|index>...]-NOTFOUND with the path elements up to the point where
          the  error  occurred, or just NOTFOUND if there is no relevant path.
          If an error occurs but the ERROR_VARIABLE option is not  present,  a
          fatal  error  message  is  generated.   If no error occurs, the <er-
          ror-variable> will be set to NOTFOUND.

          string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-variable>]
                 GET <json-string> <member|index> [<member|index> ...])

       Get an element from <json-string> at the location given by the list  of
       <member|index>  arguments.   Array and object elements will be returned
       as a JSON string.  Boolean elements will be  returned  as  ON  or  OFF.
       Null  elements  will be returned as an empty string.  Number and string
       types will be returned as strings.

          string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-variable>]
                 TYPE <json-string> <member|index> [<member|index> ...])

       Get the type of an element in <json-string> at the  location  given  by
       the  list of <member|index> arguments. The <out-var> will be set to one

          string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-var>]
                 MEMBER <json-string>
                 [<member|index> ...] <index>)

       Get the name of the <index>-th member in <json-string> at the  location
       given  by the list of <member|index> arguments.  Requires an element of
       object type.

          string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-variable>]
                 LENGTH <json-string> <member|index> [<member|index> ...])

       Get the length of an element in <json-string> at the location given  by
       the  list of <member|index> arguments.  Requires an element of array or
       object type.

          string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-variable>]
                 REMOVE <json-string> <member|index> [<member|index> ...])

       Remove an element from <json-string> at the location given by the  list
       of  <member|index>  arguments. The JSON string without the removed ele-
       ment will be stored in <out-var>.

          string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-variable>]
                 SET <json-string> <member|index> [<member|index> ...] <value>)

       Set an element in <json-string> at the location given by  the  list  of
       <member|index> arguments to <value>.  The contents of <value> should be
       valid JSON.

          string(JSON <out-var> [ERROR_VARIABLE <error-var>]
                 EQUAL <json-string1> <json-string2>)

       Compare the two JSON objects given by <json-string1> and <json-string2>
       for equality.  The contents of <json-string1> and <json-string2> should
       be valid JSON.  The <out-var> will be set to a true value if  the  JSON
       objects are considered equal, or a false value otherwise.

       Unset a variable, cache variable, or environment variable.

   Unset Normal Variable or Cache Entry
          unset(<variable> [CACHE | PARENT_SCOPE])

       Removes  a normal variable from the current scope, causing it to become
       undefined.  If CACHE is present, then a cache variable is  removed  in-
       stead  of a normal variable.  Note that when evaluating Variable Refer-
       ences of the form ${VAR}, CMake first searches for  a  normal  variable
       with  that  name.   If  no such normal variable exists, CMake will then
       search for a cache entry with that name.  Because of this  unsetting  a
       normal variable can expose a cache variable that was previously hidden.
       To force a variable reference of the form ${VAR}  to  return  an  empty
       string,  use  set(<variable>  ""), which clears the normal variable but
       leaves it defined.

       If PARENT_SCOPE is present then the variable is removed from the  scope
       above  the current scope.  See the same option in the set() command for
       further details.

   Unset Environment Variable

       Removes <variable> from the currently available Environment  Variables.
       Subsequent calls of $ENV{<variable>} will return the empty string.

       This  command  affects  only the current CMake process, not the process
       from which CMake was called, nor the system environment at  large,  nor
       the environment of subsequent build or test processes.

       Watch the CMake variable for change.

          variable_watch(<variable> [<command>])

       If  the  specified <variable> changes and no <command> is given, a mes-
       sage will be printed to inform about the change.

       If <command> is given, this command will be executed instead.  The com-
       mand  will receive the following arguments: COMMAND(<variable> <access>
       <value> <current_list_file> <stack>)

              Name of the variable being accessed.

              are only used when the variable has never been set.   Once  set,
              they are never used again during the same CMake run, even if the
              variable is later unset.

              The value of the variable.  On a modification, this is  the  new
              (modified)  value  of  the  variable.   On removal, the value is

              Full path to the file doing the access.

              List of absolute paths of all files currently on  the  stack  of
              file  inclusion,  with  the  bottom-most file first and the cur-
              rently processed file (that is, current_list_file) last.

       Note that for some accesses such as list(APPEND), the watcher  is  exe-
       cuted  twice, first with a read access and then with a write one.  Also
       note that an if(DEFINED) query on the variable does not register as  an
       access and the watcher is not executed.

       Only  non-cache variables can be watched using this command.  Access to
       cache variables is never watched.  However, the existence  of  a  cache
       variable  var  causes accesses to the non-cache variable var to not use
       the UNKNOWN_ prefix, even if a non-cache variable  var  has  never  ex-

       Evaluate a group of commands while a condition is true


       All  commands  between  while  and the matching endwhile() are recorded
       without being invoked.  Once the endwhile() is evaluated, the  recorded
       list of commands is invoked as long as the <condition> is true.

       The  <condition>  has  the  same syntax and is evaluated using the same
       logic as described at length for the if() command.

       The commands break() and continue() provide means to  escape  from  the
       normal control flow.

       Per legacy, the endwhile() command admits an optional <condition> argu-
       ment.  If used, it must be a verbatim repeat of  the  argument  of  the
       opening while command.

       These commands are available only in CMake projects.

       New in version 3.12.

       Add preprocessor definitions to the compilation of source files.

          add_compile_definitions(<definition> ...)

       Adds preprocessor definitions to the compiler command line.

       The  preprocessor  definitions are added to the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS di-
       rectory property for the current CMakeLists file. They are  also  added
       to  the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS target property for each target in the cur-
       rent CMakeLists file.

       Definitions are specified using the syntax  VAR  or  VAR=value.   Func-
       tion-style  definitions are not supported. CMake will automatically es-
       cape the value correctly for the native build system (note  that  CMake
       language syntax may require escapes to specify some values).

       Arguments  to  add_compile_definitions  may use "generator expressions"
       with the syntax $<...>.  See the cmake-generator-expressions(7)  manual
       for  available  expressions.   See  the cmake-buildsystem(7) manual for
       more on defining buildsystem properties.

       Add options to the compilation of source files.

          add_compile_options(<option> ...)

       Adds options to the COMPILE_OPTIONS directory property.  These  options
       are used when compiling targets from the current directory and below.

       Arguments  to  add_compile_options may use "generator expressions" with
       the syntax $<...>.  See the cmake-generator-expressions(7)  manual  for
       available expressions.  See the cmake-buildsystem(7) manual for more on
       defining buildsystem properties.

   Option De-duplication
       The final set of options used for a target is constructed by accumulat-
       ing  options  from the current target and the usage requirements of its
       dependencies.  The set of options is de-duplicated to avoid repetition.

       New in version 3.12:  While  beneficial  for  individual  options,  the
       de-duplication step can break up option groups.  For example, -option A
       -option B becomes -option A B.  One may specify a group of options  us-
       ing  shell-like  quoting along with a SHELL: prefix.  The SHELL: prefix
       is dropped, and the rest of the option string is parsed using the sepa-
       rate_arguments()  UNIX_COMMAND  mode.  For  example,  "SHELL:-option A"
       "SHELL:-option B" becomes -option A -option B.

       Since different compilers support different options, a typical  use  of
       this command is in a compiler-specific conditional clause:

          if (MSVC)
              # warning level 4 and all warnings as errors
              add_compile_options(/W4 /WX)
              # lots of warnings and all warnings as errors
              add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Werror)

   See Also
       This  command  can be used to add any options. However, for adding pre-
       processor definitions and include directories it is recommended to  use
       the more specific commands add_compile_definitions() and include_direc-

       The command target_compile_options() adds target-specific options.

       The source file property COMPILE_OPTIONS adds  options  to  one  source

       Add a custom build rule to the generated build system.

       There are two main signatures for add_custom_command.

   Generating Files
       The  first  signature is for adding a custom command to produce an out-

          add_custom_command(OUTPUT output1 [output2 ...]
                             COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...]
                             [COMMAND command2 [ARGS] [args2...] ...]
                             [MAIN_DEPENDENCY depend]
                             [DEPENDS [depends...]]
                             [BYPRODUCTS [files...]]
                             [IMPLICIT_DEPENDS <lang1> depend1
                                              [<lang2> depend2] ...]
                             [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir]
                             [COMMENT comment]
                             [DEPFILE depfile]
                             [JOB_POOL job_pool]
                             [VERBATIM] [APPEND] [USES_TERMINAL]

       This defines a command to generate specified OUTPUT file(s).  A  target
       created  in the same directory (CMakeLists.txt file) that specifies any
       output of the custom command as a source file is given a rule to gener-
       ate  the  file using the command at build time.  Do not list the output
       in more than one independent target that may build in parallel  or  the
       two instances of the rule may conflict (instead use the add_custom_tar-
       get() command to drive the command and make the other targets depend on
       that  one).  In makefile terms this creates a new target in the follow-
       ing form:


       The options are:

       APPEND Append the COMMAND and DEPENDS option values to the custom  com-
              mand  for  the  first output specified.  There must have already
              been a previous call to this command with the same output.

              If the previous call specified the output via  a  generator  ex-
              pression, the output specified by the current call must match in
              at least one configuration after  evaluating  generator  expres-
              sions.  In this case, the appended commands and dependencies ap-
              ply to all configurations.

              The COMMENT, MAIN_DEPENDENCY, and WORKING_DIRECTORY options  are
              currently  ignored  when APPEND is given, but may be used in the

              New in version 3.2.

              Specify the files the command is expected to produce  but  whose
              modification time may or may not be newer than the dependencies.
              If a byproduct name is a relative path it  will  be  interpreted
              relative  to  the build tree directory corresponding to the cur-
              rent source directory.  Each byproduct file will be marked  with
              the GENERATED source file property automatically.

              Explicit  specification  of byproducts is supported by the Ninja
              generator to tell the ninja build tool how to regenerate byprod-
              ucts  when they are missing.  It is also useful when other build
              rules (e.g. custom commands) depend on  the  byproducts.   Ninja
              requires  a  build  rule for any generated file on which another
              rule depends even if there are order-only dependencies to ensure
              the byproducts will be available before their dependents build.

              The  Makefile Generators will remove BYPRODUCTS and other GENER-
              ATED files during make clean.

              New in version 3.20: Arguments  to  BYPRODUCTS  may  use  a  re-
              stricted set of generator expressions.  Target-dependent expres-
              sions are not permitted.

              Specify the command-line(s) to execute at build time.   If  more
              than  one  COMMAND  is specified they will be executed in order,
              but not necessarily composed into  a  stateful  shell  or  batch
              script.  (To run a full script, use the configure_file() command
              or the file(GENERATE) command to create it, and then  specify  a
              COMMAND  to launch it.)  The optional ARGS argument is for back-
              ward compatibility and will be ignored.

              If COMMAND specifies an executable target name (created  by  the
              add_executable()  command), it will automatically be replaced by
              the location of the executable created at build time  if  either
              of the following is true:

              • The  target is not being cross-compiled (i.e. the CMAKE_CROSS-
                COMPILING variable is not set to true).

              • New in version 3.6: The target is being cross-compiled and  an
                emulator is provided (i.e.  its CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR target
                property is set).  In this case, the contents of  CROSSCOMPIL-
                ING_EMULATOR will be prepended to the command before the loca-
                tion of the target executable.

              If neither of the above conditions are met, it is  assumed  that
              the  command  name is a program to be found on the PATH at build

              Arguments to COMMAND may use  generator  expressions.   Use  the
              TARGET_FILE  generator  expression to refer to the location of a
              target later in the command line (i.e.  as  a  command  argument
              rather than as the command to execute).

              Whenever one of the following target based generator expressions
              are used as a command to execute or is mentioned  in  a  command
              argument,  a target-level dependency will be added automatically
              so that the mentioned target will be built before any target us-
              ing this custom command (see policy CMP0112).


              This  target-level  dependency  does NOT add a file-level depen-
              dency that would cause the custom command to re-run whenever the
              executable  is  recompiled.   List target names with the DEPENDS
              option to add such file-level dependencies.

              Display the given message before the commands  are  executed  at
              build time.

              Specify  files  on  which the command depends.  Each argument is
              converted to a dependency as follows:

              1. If the argument is the name  of  a  target  (created  by  the
                 add_custom_target(),  add_executable(), or add_library() com-
                 mand) a target-level dependency is created to make  sure  the
                 target  is built before any target using this custom command.
                 Additionally, if the target is an executable  or  library,  a
                 file-level  dependency is created to cause the custom command
                 to re-run whenever the target is recompiled.

              2. If the argument is an absolute path, a file-level  dependency
                 is created on that path.

              3. If  the  argument  is the name of a source file that has been
                 added to a target or on which a source file property has been
                 set, a file-level dependency is created on that source file.

              4. If  the argument is a relative path and it exists in the cur-
                 rent source directory, a file-level dependency is created  on
                 that file in the current source directory.

              5. Otherwise,  a  file-level  dependency is created on that path
                 relative to the current binary directory.

              If any dependency is an OUTPUT of another custom command in  the
              same directory (CMakeLists.txt file), CMake automatically brings
              the other custom command into the target in which  this  command
              is built.

              New  in  version 3.16: A target-level dependency is added if any
              dependency is listed as BYPRODUCTS of a target  or  any  of  its
              build events in the same directory to ensure the byproducts will
              be available.

              If DEPENDS is not specified, the command will run  whenever  the
              OUTPUT  is  missing; if the command does not actually create the
              OUTPUT, the rule will always run.

              New in version 3.1: Arguments to DEPENDS may use  generator  ex-

              New in version 3.8.

              Lists  in  COMMAND  arguments  will be expanded, including those
              created with generator expressions, allowing  COMMAND  arguments
              such  as  ${CC} "-I$<JOIN:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:foo,INCLUDE_DIRECTO-
              RIES>,;-I>" foo.cc to be properly expanded.

              Request scanning of implicit dependencies of an input file.  The
              language  given  specifies the programming language whose corre-
              sponding dependency scanner should be used.   Currently  only  C
              and CXX language scanners are supported.  The language has to be
              specified for every file in the IMPLICIT_DEPENDS  list.   Depen-
              dencies  discovered  from the scanning are added to those of the
              custom command at build time.  Note  that  the  IMPLICIT_DEPENDS
              option  is  currently supported only for Makefile generators and
              will be ignored by other generators.

                 This option cannot be specified at the same time  as  DEPFILE

              New in version 3.15.

              Specify  a  pool  for  the  Ninja  generator.  Incompatible with
              USES_TERMINAL, which implies the console  pool.   Using  a  pool
              that  is  not  defined  by JOB_POOLS causes an error by ninja at
              build time.

              Specify the primary input source file to the command.   This  is
              treated just like any value given to the DEPENDS option but also
              suggests to Visual Studio generators where to  hang  the  custom
              command.  Each source file may have at most one command specify-
              ing it as its main dependency. A compile command (i.e. for a li-
              brary  or  an  executable) counts as an implicit main dependency
              which gets silently overwritten by a custom  command  specifica-

       OUTPUT Specify the output files the command is expected to produce.  If
              an output name is a relative path it will be  interpreted  rela-
              tive  to  the  build tree directory corresponding to the current
              source directory.  Each output file will be marked with the GEN-
              ERATED source file property automatically.  If the output of the
              custom command is not actually created as  a  file  on  disk  it
              should be marked with the SYMBOLIC source file property.

              New  in  version  3.20: Arguments to OUTPUT may use a restricted
              set of generator expressions.  Target-dependent expressions  are
              not permitted.

              New in version 3.2.

              The  command will be given direct access to the terminal if pos-
              sible.  With the Ninja generator, this places the command in the
              console pool.

              All  arguments  to the commands will be escaped properly for the
              build tool so that the invoked command  receives  each  argument
              unchanged.   Note that one level of escapes is still used by the
              CMake language processor before add_custom_command even sees the
              arguments.  Use of VERBATIM is recommended as it enables correct
              behavior.  When VERBATIM is not given the behavior  is  platform
              specific because there is no protection of tool-specific special

              Execute the command with the given  current  working  directory.
              If  it is a relative path it will be interpreted relative to the
              build tree directory corresponding to the current source  direc-

              New in version 3.13: Arguments to WORKING_DIRECTORY may use gen-
              erator expressions.

              New in version 3.7.

              Specify a .d depfile which holds  dependencies  for  the  custom
              command.   It  is  usually emitted by the custom command itself.
              This keyword may only be used if the generator supports  it,  as
              detailed below.

              New  in  version 3.7: The Ninja generator supports DEPFILE since
              the keyword was first added.

              New in version 3.17: Added  the  Ninja  Multi-Config  generator,
              which included support for the DEPFILE keyword.

              New in version 3.20: Added support for Makefile Generators.

                 DEPFILE  cannot  be  specified  at  the  same time as the IM-
                 PLICIT_DEPENDS option for Makefile Generators.

              New in version 3.21: Added support for Visual Studio  Generators
              with  VS  2012  and above, and for the Xcode generator.  Support
              for generator expressions was also added.

              Using DEPFILE with generators other than those listed  above  is
              an error.

              If  the  DEPFILE  argument is relative, it should be relative to
              CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR, and any relative paths inside the DEP-
              FILE  should  also be relative to CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR.  See
              policy CMP0116, which is always  NEW  for  Makefile  Generators,
              Visual Studio Generators, and the Xcode generator.

   Examples: Generating Files
       Custom commands may be used to generate source files.  For example, the

            OUTPUT out.c
            COMMAND someTool -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/in.txt
                             -o out.c
          add_library(myLib out.c)

       adds a custom command to run someTool to generate out.c and  then  com-
       pile  the  generated  source as part of a library.  The generation rule
       will re-run whenever in.txt changes.

       New in version 3.20: One  may  use  generator  expressions  to  specify
       per-configuration outputs.  For example, the code:

            OUTPUT "out-$<CONFIG>.c"
            COMMAND someTool -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/in.txt
                             -o "out-$<CONFIG>.c"
                             -c "$<CONFIG>"
          add_library(myLib "out-$<CONFIG>.c")

       adds a custom command to run someTool to generate out-<config>.c, where
       <config> is the build configuration, and  then  compile  the  generated
       source as part of a library.

   Build Events
       The  second  signature  adds a custom command to a target such as a li-
       brary or executable.  This is useful for performing an operation before
       or  after  building the target.  The command becomes part of the target
       and will only execute when the target itself is built.  If  the  target
       is already built, the command will not execute.

          add_custom_command(TARGET <target>
                             PRE_BUILD | PRE_LINK | POST_BUILD
                             COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...]
                             [COMMAND command2 [ARGS] [args2...] ...]
                             [BYPRODUCTS [files...]]
                             [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir]
                             [COMMENT comment]
                             [VERBATIM] [USES_TERMINAL]

       This  defines  a  new command that will be associated with building the
       specified <target>.  The <target> must be defined in the current direc-
       tory; targets defined in other directories may not be specified.

       When the command will happen is determined by which of the following is

              On Visual Studio Generators, run before any other rules are exe-
              cuted  within  the target.  On other generators, run just before
              PRE_LINK commands.

              Run after sources have been compiled but before linking the  bi-
              nary  or  running the librarian or archiver tool of a static li-
              brary.  This is not defined for targets created by the  add_cus-
              tom_target() command.

              Run after all other rules within the target have been executed.

          Because  generator expressions can be used in custom commands, it is
          possible to define COMMAND lines  or  whole  custom  commands  which
          evaluate  to  empty  strings for certain configurations.  For Visual
          Studio 2010 (and newer) generators these  command  lines  or  custom
          commands  will  be  omitted  for  the  specific configuration and no
          "empty-string-command" will be added.

          This allows to add individual build events for every configuration.

       New in version 3.21: Support  for  target-dependent  generator  expres-

   Examples: Build Events
       A  POST_BUILD event may be used to post-process a binary after linking.
       For example, the code:

          add_executable(myExe myExe.c)
            TARGET myExe POST_BUILD
            COMMAND someHasher -i "$<TARGET_FILE:myExe>"
                               -o "$<TARGET_FILE:myExe>.hash"

       will run someHasher to produce a .hash file next to the executable  af-
       ter linking.

       New  in  version  3.20:  One  may  use generator expressions to specify
       per-configuration byproducts.  For example, the code:

          add_library(myPlugin MODULE myPlugin.c)
            TARGET myPlugin POST_BUILD
            COMMAND someHasher -i "$<TARGET_FILE:myPlugin>"
                               --as-code "myPlugin-hash-$<CONFIG>.c"
            BYPRODUCTS "myPlugin-hash-$<CONFIG>.c"
          add_executable(myExe myExe.c "myPlugin-hash-$<CONFIG>.c")

       will run someHasher after linking myPlugin, e.g. to produce a  .c  file
       containing code to check the hash of myPlugin that the myExe executable
       can use to verify it before loading.

   Ninja Multi-Config
       New in version 3.20: add_custom_command supports the Ninja Multi-Config
       generator's  cross-config capabilities. See the generator documentation
       for more information.

       Add a target with no output so it will always be built.

          add_custom_target(Name [ALL] [command1 [args1...]]
                            [COMMAND command2 [args2...] ...]
                            [DEPENDS depend depend depend ... ]
                            [BYPRODUCTS [files...]]
                            [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir]
                            [COMMENT comment]
                            [JOB_POOL job_pool]
                            [VERBATIM] [USES_TERMINAL]
                            [SOURCES src1 [src2...]])

       Adds a target with the given name that  executes  the  given  commands.
       The target has no output file and is always considered out of date even
       if the commands try to create a file with the name of the target.   Use
       the  add_custom_command() command to generate a file with dependencies.
       By default nothing depends on the custom target.  Use the add_dependen-
       cies() command to add dependencies to or from other targets.

       The options are:

       ALL    Indicate  that  this target should be added to the default build
              target so that it will be run every time (the command cannot  be
              called ALL).

              New in version 3.2.

              Specify  the  files the command is expected to produce but whose
              modification time may  or  may  not  be  updated  on  subsequent
              builds.   If  a byproduct name is a relative path it will be in-
              terpreted relative to the build tree directory corresponding  to
              the  current  source  directory.   Each  byproduct  file will be
              marked with the GENERATED source file property automatically.

              Explicit specification of byproducts is supported by  the  Ninja
              generator to tell the ninja build tool how to regenerate byprod-
              ucts when they are missing.  It is also useful when other  build
              rules  (e.g.  custom  commands) depend on the byproducts.  Ninja
              requires a build rule for any generated file  on  which  another
              rule depends even if there are order-only dependencies to ensure
              the byproducts will be available before their dependents build.

              The Makefile Generators will remove BYPRODUCTS and other  GENER-
              ATED files during make clean.

              New  in  version  3.20:  Arguments  to  BYPRODUCTS may use a re-
              stricted set of generator expressions.  Target-dependent expres-
              sions are not permitted.

              Specify  the  command-line(s) to execute at build time.  If more
              than one COMMAND is specified they will be  executed  in  order,
              but  not  necessarily  composed  into  a stateful shell or batch
              script.  (To run a full script, use the configure_file() command
              or  the  file(GENERATE) command to create it, and then specify a
              COMMAND to launch it.)

              If COMMAND specifies an executable target name (created  by  the
              add_executable()  command), it will automatically be replaced by
              the location of the executable created at build time  if  either
              of the following is true:

              • The  target is not being cross-compiled (i.e. the CMAKE_CROSS-
                COMPILING variable is not set to true).

              • New in version 3.6: The target is being cross-compiled and  an
                emulator is provided (i.e.  its CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR target
                property is set).  In this case, the contents of  CROSSCOMPIL-
                ING_EMULATOR will be prepended to the command before the loca-
                tion of the target executable.

              If neither of the above conditions are met, it is  assumed  that
              the  command  name is a program to be found on the PATH at build

              Arguments to COMMAND may use  generator  expressions.   Use  the
              TARGET_FILE  generator  expression to refer to the location of a
              target later in the command line (i.e.  as  a  command  argument
              rather than as the command to execute).

              Whenever one of the following target based generator expressions
              are used as a command to execute or is mentioned  in  a  command
              argument,  a target-level dependency will be added automatically
              so that the mentioned target will be built  before  this  custom
              target (see policy CMP0112).


              The  command  and arguments are optional and if not specified an
              empty target will be created.

              Display the given message before the commands  are  executed  at
              build time.

              Reference  files  and  outputs  of  custom commands created with
              add_custom_command() command calls in the same directory (CMake-
              Lists.txt  file).  They will be brought up to date when the tar-
              get is built.

              Changed in version 3.16: A target-level dependency is  added  if
              any  dependency  is  a byproduct of a target or any of its build
              events in the same directory to ensure the  byproducts  will  be
              available before this target is built.

              Use  the add_dependencies() command to add dependencies on other

              New in version 3.8.

              Lists in COMMAND arguments will  be  expanded,  including  those
              created  with  generator expressions, allowing COMMAND arguments
              such as  ${CC}  "-I$<JOIN:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:foo,INCLUDE_DIRECTO-
              RIES>,;-I>" foo.cc to be properly expanded.

              New in version 3.15.

              Specify  a  pool  for  the  Ninja  generator.  Incompatible with
              USES_TERMINAL, which implies the console  pool.   Using  a  pool
              that  is  not  defined  by JOB_POOLS causes an error by ninja at
              build time.

              Specify additional source files to be  included  in  the  custom
              target.   Specified  source  files  will be added to IDE project
              files for convenience in editing even  if  they  have  no  build

              All  arguments  to the commands will be escaped properly for the
              build tool so that the invoked command  receives  each  argument
              unchanged.   Note that one level of escapes is still used by the
              CMake language processor before add_custom_target even sees  the
              arguments.  Use of VERBATIM is recommended as it enables correct
              behavior.  When VERBATIM is not given the behavior  is  platform
              specific because there is no protection of tool-specific special

              New in version 3.2.

              The command will be given direct access to the terminal if  pos-
              sible.  With the Ninja generator, this places the command in the
              console pool.

              Execute the command with the given  current  working  directory.
              If  it is a relative path it will be interpreted relative to the
              build tree directory corresponding to the current source  direc-

              New in version 3.13: Arguments to WORKING_DIRECTORY may use gen-
              erator expressions.

   Ninja Multi-Config
       New in version 3.20: add_custom_target supports the Ninja  Multi-Config
       generator's  cross-config capabilities. See the generator documentation
       for more information.

       Add -D define flags to the compilation of source files.

          add_definitions(-DFOO -DBAR ...)

       Adds definitions to the compiler command line for targets in  the  cur-
       rent  directory, whether added before or after this command is invoked,
       and for the ones in sub-directories added after. This  command  can  be
       used  to  add any flags, but it is intended to add preprocessor defini-

          This command has been superseded by alternatives:

          • Use add_compile_definitions() to add preprocessor definitions.

          • Use include_directories() to add include directories.

          • Use add_compile_options() to add other options.

       Flags beginning in -D or /D that look like preprocessor definitions are
       automatically  added  to the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS directory property for
       the current directory.  Definitions with non-trivial values may be left
       in the set of flags instead of being converted for reasons of backwards
       compatibility.  See documentation of the directory, target, source file
       COMPILE_DEFINITIONS properties for details on adding preprocessor defi-
       nitions to specific scopes and configurations.

       See the cmake-buildsystem(7) manual for more  on  defining  buildsystem

       Add a dependency between top-level targets.

          add_dependencies(<target> [<target-dependency>]...)

       Makes  a top-level <target> depend on other top-level targets to ensure
       that they build before <target> does.  A top-level target is  one  cre-
       ated  by one of the add_executable(), add_library(), or add_custom_tar-
       get() commands (but not targets generated by CMake like install).

       Dependencies added to an imported target or an  interface  library  are
       followed  transitively  in  its  place since the target itself does not

       New in version 3.3: Allow adding dependencies to interface libraries.

       See the DEPENDS option of add_custom_target() and  add_custom_command()
       commands  for  adding file-level dependencies in custom rules.  See the
       OBJECT_DEPENDS source file property to add file-level  dependencies  to
       object files.

       Add an executable to the project using the specified source files.

   Normal Executables
          add_executable(<name> [WIN32] [MACOSX_BUNDLE]
                         [source1] [source2 ...])

       Adds  an  executable  target  called <name> to be built from the source
       files listed in the command invocation.  The <name> corresponds to  the
       logical  target name and must be globally unique within a project.  The
       actual file name of the executable built is constructed based  on  con-
       ventions of the native platform (such as <name>.exe or just <name>).

       New in version 3.1: Source arguments to add_executable may use "genera-
       tor expressions" with the syntax $<...>.  See  the  cmake-generator-ex-
       pressions(7) manual for available expressions.

       New  in version 3.11: The source files can be omitted if they are added
       later using target_sources().

       By default the executable file will be created in the build tree direc-
       tory  corresponding  to  the source tree directory in which the command
       was invoked.  See documentation of the RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY  target
       property to change this location.  See documentation of the OUTPUT_NAME
       target property to change the <name> part of the final file name.

       If WIN32 is given the property WIN32_EXECUTABLE will be set on the tar-
       get created.  See documentation of that target property for details.

       If MACOSX_BUNDLE is given the corresponding property will be set on the
       created target.  See documentation of the MACOSX_BUNDLE target property
       for details.

       If  EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL is given the corresponding property will be set on
       the created target.  See documentation of the  EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL  target
       property for details.

       See  the  cmake-buildsystem(7)  manual for more on defining buildsystem

       See also HEADER_FILE_ONLY on what to do if some  sources  are  pre-pro-
       cessed, and you want to have the original sources reachable from within

   Imported Executables
          add_executable(<name> IMPORTED [GLOBAL])

       An IMPORTED executable target references  an  executable  file  located
       outside  the  project.  No rules are generated to build it, and the IM-
       PORTED target property is True.  The target name has scope in  the  di-
       rectory in which it is created and below, but the GLOBAL option extends
       visibility.  It may be referenced like  any  target  built  within  the
       project.  IMPORTED executables are useful for convenient reference from
       commands like add_custom_command().  Details about  the  imported  exe-
       cutable  are  specified  by setting properties whose names begin in IM-
       PORTED_.  The most important such property  is  IMPORTED_LOCATION  (and
       its  per-configuration version IMPORTED_LOCATION_<CONFIG>) which speci-
       fies the location of the main executable file on disk.  See  documenta-
       tion of the IMPORTED_* properties for more information.

   Alias Executables
          add_executable(<name> ALIAS <target>)

       Creates an Alias Target, such that <name> can be used to refer to <tar-
       get> in subsequent commands.  The <name> does not appear in the  gener-
       ated buildsystem as a make target.  The <target> may not be an ALIAS.

       New in version 3.11: An ALIAS can target a GLOBAL Imported Target

       New  in version 3.18: An ALIAS can target a non-GLOBAL Imported Target.
       Such alias is scoped to the directory in which it is created and subdi-
       rectories.   The  ALIAS_GLOBAL  target property can be used to check if
       the alias is global or not.

       ALIAS targets can be used as targets to read properties from,  executa-
       bles  for  custom commands and custom targets.  They can also be tested
       for existence with the regular if(TARGET) subcommand.  The  <name>  may
       not  be  used  to modify properties of <target>, that is, it may not be
       used as the operand of  set_property(),  set_target_properties(),  tar-
       get_link_libraries()  etc.  An ALIAS target may not be installed or ex-

       Add a library to the project using the specified source files.

   Normal Libraries
          add_library(<name> [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE]

       Adds a library target called <name> to be built from the  source  files
       listed  in the command invocation.  The <name> corresponds to the logi-
       cal target name and must be globally unique within a project.  The  ac-
       tual file name of the library built is constructed based on conventions
       of the native platform (such as lib<name>.a or <name>.lib).

       New in version 3.1: Source arguments to add_library may use  "generator
       expressions"  with  the syntax $<...>.  See the cmake-generator-expres-
       sions(7) manual for available expressions.

       New in version 3.11: The source files can be omitted if they are  added
       later using target_sources().

       STATIC,  SHARED,  or MODULE may be given to specify the type of library
       to be created.  STATIC libraries are archives of object files  for  use
       when  linking  other  targets.  SHARED libraries are linked dynamically
       and loaded at runtime.  MODULE  libraries  are  plugins  that  are  not
       linked  into other targets but may be loaded dynamically at runtime us-
       ing dlopen-like functionality.  If no type is given explicitly the type
       is  STATIC or SHARED based on whether the current value of the variable
       BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is ON.  For SHARED and  MODULE  libraries  the  POSI-
       TION_INDEPENDENT_CODE  target  property  is set to ON automatically.  A
       SHARED library may be marked with the FRAMEWORK target property to cre-
       ate an macOS Framework.

       New  in  version 3.8: A STATIC library may be marked with the FRAMEWORK
       target property to create a static Framework.

       If a library does not export any symbols, it must not be declared as  a
       SHARED  library.   For  example,  a  Windows  resource DLL or a managed
       C++/CLI DLL that exports no unmanaged symbols would need to be a MODULE
       library.  This is because CMake expects a SHARED library to always have
       an associated import library on Windows.

       By default the library file will be created in the build tree directory
       corresponding to the source tree directory in which the command was in-
       voked.  See documentation of the ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, LIBRARY_OUT-
       PUT_DIRECTORY, and RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY target properties to change
       this location.  See documentation of the OUTPUT_NAME target property to
       change the <name> part of the final file name.

       If  EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL is given the corresponding property will be set on
       the created target.  See documentation of the  EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL  target
       property for details.

       See  the  cmake-buildsystem(7)  manual for more on defining buildsystem

       See also HEADER_FILE_ONLY on what to do if some  sources  are  pre-pro-
       cessed, and you want to have the original sources reachable from within

   Object Libraries
          add_library(<name> OBJECT [<source>...])

       Creates an Object Library.  An object library compiles source files but
       does  not  archive  or link their object files into a library.  Instead
       other targets created by add_library() or add_executable()  may  refer-
       ence  the  objects using an expression of the form $<TARGET_OBJECTS:ob-
       jlib> as a source, where objlib is the object library name.  For  exam-

          add_library(... $<TARGET_OBJECTS:objlib> ...)
          add_executable(... $<TARGET_OBJECTS:objlib> ...)

       will include objlib's object files in a library and an executable along
       with those compiled from their own sources.  Object libraries may  con-
       tain  only  sources  that  compile,  header files, and other files that
       would not affect linking of a normal library  (e.g.  .txt).   They  may
       contain  custom  commands  generating  such sources, but not PRE_BUILD,
       PRE_LINK, or POST_BUILD commands.  Some native build systems  (such  as
       Xcode)  may  not  like targets that have only object files, so consider
       adding at least one real source file  to  any  target  that  references

       New  in  version  3.12:  Object  libraries  can  be linked to with tar-

   Interface Libraries
          add_library(<name> INTERFACE)

       Creates an Interface Library.  An INTERFACE  library  target  does  not
       compile  sources and does not produce a library artifact on disk.  How-
       ever, it may have properties set on it and it may be installed and  ex-
       ported.   Typically,  INTERFACE_* properties are populated on an inter-
       face target using the commands:

       • set_property(),

       • target_link_libraries(INTERFACE),

       • target_link_options(INTERFACE),

       • target_include_directories(INTERFACE),

       • target_compile_options(INTERFACE),

       • target_compile_definitions(INTERFACE), and

       • target_sources(INTERFACE),

       and then it is used as an argument to target_link_libraries() like  any
       other target.

       An  interface  library  created  with the above signature has no source
       files itself and is not included as a target in the generated buildsys-

       New  in  version  3.15: An interface library can have PUBLIC_HEADER and
       PRIVATE_HEADER properties.  The headers specified by  those  properties
       can be installed using the install(TARGETS) command.

       New  in  version  3.19: An interface library target may be created with
       source files:

          add_library(<name> INTERFACE [<source>...] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL])

       Source files may be listed directly in the add_library  call  or  added
       later by calls to target_sources() with the PRIVATE or PUBLIC keywords.

       If an interface library has source files (i.e. the SOURCES target prop-
       erty is set), it will appear in the generated buildsystem  as  a  build
       target  much  like a target defined by the add_custom_target() command.
       It does not compile any sources, but does contain build rules for  cus-
       tom commands created by the add_custom_command() command.

          In  most command signatures where the INTERFACE keyword appears, the
          items listed after it only become part of that  target's  usage  re-
          quirements  and are not part of the target's own settings.  However,
          in this signature of add_library, the INTERFACE  keyword  refers  to
          the  library  type only.  Sources listed after it in the add_library
          call are PRIVATE to the interface library and do not appear  in  its
          INTERFACE_SOURCES target property.

   Imported Libraries
          add_library(<name> <type> IMPORTED [GLOBAL])

       Creates  an IMPORTED library target called <name>.  No rules are gener-
       ated to build it, and the IMPORTED target property is True.  The target
       name  has  scope in the directory in which it is created and below, but
       the GLOBAL option extends visibility.  It may be  referenced  like  any
       target  built  within  the  project.  IMPORTED libraries are useful for
       convenient reference from commands like  target_link_libraries().   De-
       tails  about  the  imported library are specified by setting properties
       whose names begin in IMPORTED_ and INTERFACE_.

       The <type> must be one of:

              References a library file located outside the project.  The  IM-
              PORTED_LOCATION  target property (or its per-configuration vari-
              ant IMPORTED_LOCATION_<CONFIG>) specifies the  location  of  the
              main library file on disk:

              • For  a  SHARED library on most non-Windows platforms, the main
                library file is the .so or .dylib file used  by  both  linkers
                and  dynamic  loaders.   If  the referenced library file has a
                SONAME (or on macOS, has a LC_ID_DYLIB starting  in  @rpath/),
                the  value  of that field should be set in the IMPORTED_SONAME
                target property.  If the referenced library file does not have
                a  SONAME,  but  the  platform  supports  it,  then   the  IM-
                PORTED_NO_SONAME target property should be set.

              • For a SHARED library on Windows,  the  IMPORTED_IMPLIB  target
                property   (or   its  per-configuration  variant  IMPORTED_IM-
                PLIB_<CONFIG>) specifies the location of the  DLL  import  li-
                brary file (.lib or .dll.a) on disk, and the IMPORTED_LOCATION
                is the location of the .dll runtime library (and is  optional,
                but needed by the TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS generator expression).

              Additional  usage  requirements  may be specified in INTERFACE_*

              An UNKNOWN library type is typically only used in the  implemen-
              tation  of  Find Modules.  It allows the path to an imported li-
              brary (often found using the find_library() command) to be  used
              without  having to know what type of library it is.  This is es-
              pecially useful on Windows where a static library  and  a  DLL's
              import library both have the same file extension.

       OBJECT References  a  set  of object files located outside the project.
              The IMPORTED_OBJECTS target property (or  its  per-configuration
              variant  IMPORTED_OBJECTS_<CONFIG>)  specifies  the locations of
              object files on disk.   Additional  usage  requirements  may  be
              specified in INTERFACE_* properties.

              Does  not reference any library or object files on disk, but may
              specify usage requirements in INTERFACE_* properties.

       See documentation of the IMPORTED_* and INTERFACE_* properties for more

   Alias Libraries
          add_library(<name> ALIAS <target>)

       Creates an Alias Target, such that <name> can be used to refer to <tar-
       get> in subsequent commands.  The <name> does not appear in the  gener-
       ated buildsystem as a make target.  The <target> may not be an ALIAS.

       New in version 3.11: An ALIAS can target a GLOBAL Imported Target

       New  in version 3.18: An ALIAS can target a non-GLOBAL Imported Target.
       Such alias is scoped to the directory in which it is created and below.
       The  ALIAS_GLOBAL  target property can be used to check if the alias is
       global or not.

       ALIAS targets can be used as linkable targets and as  targets  to  read
       properties  from.  They can also be tested for existence with the regu-
       lar if(TARGET) subcommand.  The <name> may not be used to modify  prop-
       erties  of  <target>,  that  is,  it  may not be used as the operand of
       set_property(), set_target_properties(),  target_link_libraries()  etc.
       An ALIAS target may not be installed or exported.

       New in version 3.13.

       Add  options  to the link step for executable, shared library or module
       library targets in the current directory and below that are added after
       this command is invoked.

          add_link_options(<option> ...)

       This  command can be used to add any link options, but alternative com-
       mands exist  to  add  libraries  (target_link_libraries()  or  link_li-
       braries()).  See documentation of the directory and target LINK_OPTIONS

          This command cannot be used to add options for static  library  tar-
          gets,  since  they do not use a linker.  To add archiver or MSVC li-
          brarian flags, see the STATIC_LIBRARY_OPTIONS target property.

       Arguments to add_link_options may use "generator expressions" with  the
       syntax  $<...>.   See  the  cmake-generator-expressions(7)  manual  for
       available expressions.  See the cmake-buildsystem(7) manual for more on
       defining buildsystem properties.

   Host And Device Specific Link Options
       New in version 3.18: When a device link step is involved, which is con-
       properties and policy CMP0105, the raw options will be delivered to the
       host and device link steps (wrapped in -Xcompiler or equivalent for de-
       vice  link).  Options wrapped with $<DEVICE_LINK:...> generator expres-
       sion will be used only for the device link step. Options  wrapped  with
       $<HOST_LINK:...>  generator  expression  will be used only for the host
       link step.

   Option De-duplication
       The final set of options used for a target is constructed by accumulat-
       ing  options  from the current target and the usage requirements of its
       dependencies.  The set of options is de-duplicated to avoid repetition.

       New in version 3.12:  While  beneficial  for  individual  options,  the
       de-duplication step can break up option groups.  For example, -option A
       -option B becomes -option A B.  One may specify a group of options  us-
       ing  shell-like  quoting along with a SHELL: prefix.  The SHELL: prefix
       is dropped, and the rest of the option string is parsed using the sepa-
       rate_arguments()  UNIX_COMMAND  mode.  For  example,  "SHELL:-option A"
       "SHELL:-option B" becomes -option A -option B.

   Handling Compiler Driver Differences
       To pass options to the linker tool, each compiler driver  has  its  own
       syntax.   The LINKER: prefix and , separator can be used to specify, in
       a portable way, options to pass to the linker tool. LINKER: is replaced
       by  the appropriate driver option and , by the appropriate driver sepa-
       rator.  The driver prefix and driver separator are given by the  values
       PER_FLAG_SEP variables.

       For example, "LINKER:-z,defs" becomes -Xlinker  -z  -Xlinker  defs  for
       Clang and -Wl,-z,defs for GNU GCC.

       The  LINKER: prefix can be specified as part of a SHELL: prefix expres-

       The LINKER: prefix supports, as an alternative syntax, specification of
       arguments  using the SHELL: prefix and space as separator. The previous
       example then becomes "LINKER:SHELL:-z defs".

          Specifying the SHELL: prefix anywhere other than at the beginning of
          the LINKER: prefix is not supported.

       Add a subdirectory to the build.

          add_subdirectory(source_dir [binary_dir] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL])

       Adds  a subdirectory to the build.  The source_dir specifies the direc-
       tory in which the source CMakeLists.txt and code files are located.  If
       it  is a relative path it will be evaluated with respect to the current
       directory (the typical usage), but it may also  be  an  absolute  path.
       The  binary_dir  specifies  the  directory in which to place the output
       files.  If it is a relative path it will be evaluated with  respect  to
       the  current output directory, but it may also be an absolute path.  If
       binary_dir is not specified, the value of source_dir, before  expanding
       any  relative  path,  will  be  used  (the  typical usage).  The CMake-
       Lists.txt file in the specified source directory will be processed  im-
       mediately  by CMake before processing in the current input file contin-
       ues beyond this command.

       If the EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL argument is provided then targets in the subdi-
       rectory  will not be included in the ALL target of the parent directory
       by default, and will be excluded from IDE project  files.   Users  must
       explicitly  build  targets  in the subdirectory.  This is meant for use
       when the subdirectory contains a separate part of the project  that  is
       useful  but  not  necessary,  such as a set of examples.  Typically the
       subdirectory should contain its own  project()  command  invocation  so
       that a full build system will be generated in the subdirectory (such as
       a VS IDE solution file).  Note that inter-target dependencies supersede
       this  exclusion.   If a target built by the parent project depends on a
       target in the subdirectory, the dependee target will be included in the
       parent project build system to satisfy the dependency.

       Add a test to the project to be run by ctest(1).

          add_test(NAME <name> COMMAND <command> [<arg>...]
                   [CONFIGURATIONS <config>...]
                   [WORKING_DIRECTORY <dir>]

       Adds a test called <name>.  The test name may contain arbitrary charac-
       ters, expressed as a Quoted Argument or Bracket Argument if  necessary.
       See policy CMP0110.  The options are:

              Specify  the  test command-line.  If <command> specifies an exe-
              cutable target (created by add_executable()) it  will  automati-
              cally  be  replaced by the location of the executable created at
              build time.

              Restrict execution of the test only to the named configurations.

              Set the WORKING_DIRECTORY test property to specify  the  working
              directory  in  which  to execute the test.  If not specified the
              test will be run with the current working directory set  to  the
              build directory corresponding to the current source directory.

              New in version 3.16.

              Lists  in  COMMAND  arguments  will be expanded, including those
              created with generator expressions.

       The given test command is expected to exit with  code  0  to  pass  and
       non-zero  to fail, or vice-versa if the WILL_FAIL test property is set.
       Any output written to stdout or stderr will be captured by ctest(1) but
       does  not  affect  the pass/fail status unless the PASS_REGULAR_EXPRES-
       is used.

       New in version 3.16: Added SKIP_REGULAR_EXPRESSION property.

       The  COMMAND  and  WORKING_DIRECTORY options may use "generator expres-
       sions" with the syntax $<...>.  See the  cmake-generator-expressions(7)
       manual for available expressions.

       Example usage:

          add_test(NAME mytest
                   COMMAND testDriver --config $<CONFIG>
                                      --exe $<TARGET_FILE:myexe>)

       This creates a test mytest whose command runs a testDriver tool passing
       the configuration name and the full path to the  executable  file  pro-
       duced by target myexe.

          CMake  will  generate tests only if the enable_testing() command has
          been invoked.  The CTest module invokes  the  command  automatically
          unless the BUILD_TESTING option is turned OFF.


          add_test(<name> <command> [<arg>...])

       Add a test called <name> with the given command-line.  Unlike the above
       NAME signature no transformation is performed on  the  command-line  to
       support target names or generator expressions.

       Find all source files in a directory.

          aux_source_directory(<dir> <variable>)

       Collects  the  names of all the source files in the specified directory
       and stores the list in the <variable> provided.  This  command  is  in-
       tended to be used by projects that use explicit template instantiation.
       Template instantiation files can be stored in a Templates  subdirectory
       and  collected automatically using this command to avoid manually list-
       ing all instantiations.

       It is tempting to use this command to avoid writing the list of  source
       files  for  a  library or executable target.  While this seems to work,
       there is no way for CMake to generate a build system that knows when  a
       new  source  file  has been added.  Normally the generated build system
       knows when it needs to rerun CMake because the CMakeLists.txt  file  is
       modified to add a new source.  When the source is just added to the di-
       rectory without modifying this file, one would have to  manually  rerun
       CMake to generate a build system incorporating the new file.

       Get  a  command  line to build the current project.  This is mainly in-
       tended for internal use by the CTest module.

                        [CONFIGURATION <config>]
                        [PARALLEL_LEVEL <parallel>]
                        [TARGET <target>]
                        [PROJECT_NAME <projname>] # legacy, causes warning

       Sets the given <variable> to a command-line string of the form:

          <cmake> --build . [--config <config>] [--parallel <parallel>] [--target <target>...] [-- -i]

       where <cmake> is the location of the cmake(1)  command-line  tool,  and
       <config>,  <parallel>  and <target> are the values provided to the CON-
       FIGURATION, PARALLEL_LEVEL and TARGET options, if any.  The trailing --
       -i option is added for Makefile Generators if policy CMP0061 is not set
       to NEW.

       When invoked, this cmake --build command line will launch the  underly-
       ing build system tool.

       New in version 3.21: The PARALLEL_LEVEL argument can be used to set the
       --parallel flag.

          build_command(<cachevariable> <makecommand>)

       This second signature is deprecated, but still available for  backwards
       compatibility.  Use the first signature instead.

       It sets the given <cachevariable> to a command-line string as above but
       without the --target option.  The <makecommand> is ignored  but  should
       be  the  full  path to devenv, nmake, make or one of the end user build
       tools for legacy invocations.

          In CMake versions prior to 3.0 this command returned a command  line
          that  directly invokes the native build tool for the current genera-
          tor.  Their implementation of the PROJECT_NAME option had no  useful
          effects, so CMake now warns on use of the option.

       Create a test driver and source list for building test programs.

          create_test_sourcelist(sourceListName driverName
                                 test1 test2 test3
                                 EXTRA_INCLUDE include.h
                                 FUNCTION function)

       A  test driver is a program that links together many small tests into a
       single executable.  This is useful  when  building  static  executables
       with  large  libraries  to shrink the total required size.  The list of
       source files needed to build the test driver will be in sourceListName.
       driverName is the name of the test driver program.  The rest of the ar-
       guments consist of a list of test source files, can be semicolon  sepa-
       rated.   Each test source file should have a function in it that is the
       same name as the file  with  no  extension  (foo.cxx  should  have  int
       foo(int,  char*[]);)  driverName will be able to call each of the tests
       by name on the command line.  If EXTRA_INCLUDE is specified,  then  the
       next  argument  is  included  into  the generated file.  If FUNCTION is
       specified, then the next argument is taken as a function name  that  is
       passed  a  pointer to ac and av.  This can be used to add extra command
       line processing to  each  test.   The  CMAKE_TESTDRIVER_BEFORE_TESTMAIN
       cmake variable can be set to have code that will be placed directly be-
       fore calling the test main  function.   CMAKE_TESTDRIVER_AFTER_TESTMAIN
       can  be set to have code that will be placed directly after the call to
       the test main function.

       Define and document custom properties.

          define_property(<GLOBAL | DIRECTORY | TARGET | SOURCE |
                           TEST | VARIABLE | CACHED_VARIABLE>
                           PROPERTY <name> [INHERITED]
                           BRIEF_DOCS <brief-doc> [docs...]
                           FULL_DOCS <full-doc> [docs...])

       Defines one property in a scope for use  with  the  set_property()  and
       get_property()  commands.   This is primarily useful to associate docu-
       mentation with property names that may be retrieved with the  get_prop-
       erty()  command.  The  first  argument  determines the kind of scope in
       which the property should be used.  It must be one of the following:

          GLOBAL    = associated with the global namespace
          DIRECTORY = associated with one directory
          TARGET    = associated with one target
          SOURCE    = associated with one source file
          TEST      = associated with a test named with add_test
          VARIABLE  = documents a CMake language variable
          CACHED_VARIABLE = documents a CMake cache variable

       Note that unlike set_property()  and  get_property()  no  actual  scope
       needs to be given; only the kind of scope is important.

       The required PROPERTY option is immediately followed by the name of the
       property being defined.

       If the INHERITED option is given, then the get_property() command  will
       chain  up  to  the next higher scope when the requested property is not
       set in the scope given to the command.

       • DIRECTORY scope chains to its parent  directory's  scope,  continuing
         the walk up parent directories until a directory has the property set
         or there are no more parents.  If still not found at  the  top  level
         directory, it chains to the GLOBAL scope.

       • TARGET,  SOURCE and TEST properties chain to DIRECTORY scope, includ-
         ing further chaining up the directories, etc. as needed.

       Note that this  scope  chaining  behavior  only  applies  to  calls  to
       get_property(),     get_directory_property(),    get_target_property(),
       get_source_file_property() and get_test_property().  There is no inher-
       iting  behavior  when  setting  properties,  so  using  APPEND  or  AP-
       PEND_STRING with the set_property() command will not consider inherited
       values when working out the contents to append to.

       The  BRIEF_DOCS and FULL_DOCS options are followed by strings to be as-
       sociated with the property as its brief and full documentation.  Corre-
       sponding  options to the get_property() command will retrieve the docu-

       Enable a language (CXX/C/OBJC/OBJCXX/Fortran/etc)

          enable_language(<lang> [OPTIONAL] )

       Enables support for the named language in CMake.  This is the  same  as
       the  project()  command  but does not create any of the extra variables
       that are created by the project command.  Example languages are CXX, C,
       CUDA, OBJC, OBJCXX, Fortran, HIP, ISPC, and ASM.

       New in version 3.8: Added CUDA support.

       New in version 3.16: Added OBJC and OBJCXX support.

       New in version 3.18: Added ISPC support.

       New in version 3.21: Added HIP support.

       If enabling ASM, enable it last so that CMake can check whether compil-
       ers for other languages like C work for assembly too.

       This command must be called in file scope,  not  in  a  function  call.
       Furthermore,  it  must be called in the highest directory common to all
       targets using the named language directly for compiling sources or  in-
       directly  through  link  dependencies.   It  is  simplest to enable all
       needed languages in the top-level directory of a project.

       The OPTIONAL keyword is a placeholder  for  future  implementation  and
       does  not  currently work. Instead you can use the CheckLanguage module
       to verify support before enabling.

       Enable testing for current directory and below.


       Enables testing for this directory and below.

       This command should be in the source directory root because  ctest  ex-
       pects to find a test file in the build directory root.

       This  command  is  automatically  invoked  when the CTest module is in-
       cluded, except if the BUILD_TESTING option is turned off.

       See also the add_test() command.

       Export targets from the build tree for use by outside projects.

          export(EXPORT <export-name> [NAMESPACE <namespace>] [FILE <filename>])

       Creates a file <filename> that may be included by outside  projects  to
       import  targets  from the current project's build tree.  This is useful
       during cross-compiling to build utility executables that can run on the
       host  platform in one project and then import them into another project
       being compiled for the target platform.  If  the  NAMESPACE  option  is
       given  the  <namespace>  string  will  be prepended to all target names
       written to the file.

       Target installations are associated with the export <export-name> using
       the EXPORT option of the install(TARGETS) command.

       The  file  created  by  this  command is specific to the build tree and
       should never be installed.  See the install(EXPORT) command  to  export
       targets from an installation tree.

       The properties set on the generated IMPORTED targets will have the same
       values as the final values of the input TARGETS.

          export(TARGETS [target1 [target2 [...]]] [NAMESPACE <namespace>]
                 [APPEND] FILE <filename> [EXPORT_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES])

       This signature is similar to the  EXPORT  signature,  but  targets  are
       listed  explicitly rather than specified as an export-name.  If the AP-
       PEND option is given the generated code will be appended  to  the  file
       instead  of  overwriting  it.  The EXPORT_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES key-
       word, if present, causes the contents of the properties  matching  (IM-
       PORTED_)?LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES(_<CONFIG>)? to be exported, when pol-
       icy CMP0022 is NEW.  If a library target is included in the export  but
       a target to which it links is not included the behavior is unspecified.

          Object  Libraries  under Xcode have special handling if multiple ar-
          chitectures are listed in  CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES.   In  this  case
          they  will  be  exported as Interface Libraries with no object files
          available to clients.  This is sufficient to satisfy transitive  us-
          age  requirements of other targets that link to the object libraries
          in their implementation.

          export(PACKAGE <PackageName>)

       Store the current build directory in the CMake  user  package  registry
       for package <PackageName>.  The find_package() command may consider the
       directory while searching for package <PackageName>.  This helps depen-
       dent  projects  find and use a package from the current project's build
       tree without help from the user.  Note that the entry  in  the  package
       registry  that  this  command  creates works only in conjunction with a
       package configuration file (<PackageName>Config.cmake) that works  with
       the build tree. In some cases, for example for packaging and for system
       wide installations, it is not desirable to write the user package  reg-

       Changed  in  version 3.1: If the CMAKE_EXPORT_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY vari-
       able is enabled, the export(PACKAGE) command will do nothing.

       Changed in version 3.15: By default the  export(PACKAGE)  command  does
       nothing  (see  policy CMP0090) because populating the user package reg-
       istry has  effects  outside  the  source  and  build  trees.   Set  the
       CMAKE_EXPORT_PACKAGE_REGISTRY  variable to add build directories to the
       CMake user package registry.

          export(TARGETS [target1 [target2 [...]]]  [ANDROID_MK <filename>])

       New in version 3.7.

       This signature exports cmake built targets to  the  android  ndk  build
       system by creating an Android.mk file that references the prebuilt tar-
       gets. The Android NDK supports the  use  of  prebuilt  libraries,  both
       static  and  shared.   This  allows  cmake  to build the libraries of a
       project and make them available to an ndk build  system  complete  with
       transitive  dependencies, include flags and defines required to use the
       libraries. The signature takes a list of targets and puts them  in  the
       Android.mk  file  specified by the <filename> given. This signature can
       only be used if policy CMP0022 is NEW for all targets  given.  A  error
       will be issued if that policy is set to OLD for one of the targets.

       Create FLTK user interfaces Wrappers.

          fltk_wrap_ui(resultingLibraryName source1
                       source2 ... sourceN )

       Produce  .h  and .cxx files for all the .fl and .fld files listed.  The
       resulting .h and .cxx files will be added to a variable  named  result-
       ingLibraryName_FLTK_UI_SRCS which should be added to your library.

       Get a property for a source file.

          get_source_file_property(<variable> <file>
                                   [DIRECTORY <dir> | TARGET_DIRECTORY <target>]

       Gets  a  property  from  a  source  file.  The value of the property is
       stored in the specified <variable>.  If  the  source  property  is  not
       found, the behavior depends on whether it has been defined to be an IN-
       HERITED property or not (see define_property()).  Non-inherited proper-
       ties  will  set variable to NOTFOUND, whereas inherited properties will
       search the relevant parent scope as described for the define_property()
       command  and if still unable to find the property, variable will be set
       to an empty string.

       By default, the source file's property will be read  from  the  current
       source directory's scope.

       New  in version 3.18: Directory scope can be overridden with one of the
       following sub-options:

       DIRECTORY <dir>
              The source file property will be read from the <dir> directory's
              scope.  CMake must already know about that source directory, ei-
              ther by having added it through a call to add_subdirectory()  or
              <dir>  being the top level source directory.  Relative paths are
              treated as relative to the current source directory.

       TARGET_DIRECTORY <target>
              The source file property will be read from the  directory  scope
              in  which  <target> was created (<target> must therefore already

       Use set_source_files_properties() to set property values.  Source  file
       properties  usually control how the file is built. One property that is
       always there is LOCATION.

       See also the more general get_property() command.

          The GENERATED source file property may be globally visible.  See its
          documentation for details.

       Get a property from a target.

          get_target_property(<VAR> target property)

       Get  a  property from a target.  The value of the property is stored in
       the variable <VAR>.  If the target property is not found, the  behavior
       depends  on  whether it has been defined to be an INHERITED property or
       not (see define_property()).  Non-inherited properties will  set  <VAR>
       to  <VAR>-NOTFOUND,  whereas inherited properties will search the rele-
       vant parent scope as described for the define_property() command and if
       still  unable  to  find  the  property,  <VAR>  will be set to an empty

       Use set_target_properties() to set target property values.   Properties
       are  usually  used to control how a target is built, but some query the
       target instead.  This command can get properties for any target so  far
       created.   The  targets do not need to be in the current CMakeLists.txt

       See also the more general get_property() command.

       See Target Properties for the list of properties known to CMake.

       Get a property of the test.

          get_test_property(test property VAR)

       Get a property from the test.  The value of the property is  stored  in
       the  variable VAR.  If the test property is not found, the behavior de-
       pends on whether it has been defined to be an INHERITED property or not
       (see  define_property()).   Non-inherited  properties  will  set VAR to
       "NOTFOUND", whereas inherited properties will search the relevant  par-
       ent  scope  as described for the define_property() command and if still
       unable to find the property, VAR will be set to an empty string.

       For a list of standard  properties  you  can  type  cmake  --help-prop-

       See also the more general get_property() command.

       Add include directories to the build.

          include_directories([AFTER|BEFORE] [SYSTEM] dir1 [dir2 ...])

       Add  the given directories to those the compiler uses to search for in-
       clude files.  Relative paths are interpreted as relative to the current
       source directory.

       The  include directories are added to the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES directory
       property for the current CMakeLists file.  They are also added  to  the
       INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES  target  property  for  each  target in the current
       CMakeLists file.  The target property values are the ones used  by  the

       By default the directories specified are appended onto the current list
       of directories.  This  default  behavior  can  be  changed  by  setting
       plicitly, you can select between appending and prepending,  independent
       of the default.

       If  the  SYSTEM option is given, the compiler will be told the directo-
       ries are meant as system include directories on some  platforms.   Sig-
       nalling  this  setting might achieve effects such as the compiler skip-
       ping warnings, or these fixed-install system files not being considered
       in dependency calculations - see compiler docs.

       Arguments  to  include_directories may use "generator expressions" with
       the syntax "$<...>".  See the cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual for
       available expressions.  See the cmake-buildsystem(7) manual for more on
       defining buildsystem properties.

          Prefer the target_include_directories() command to add  include  di-
          rectories to individual targets and optionally propagate/export them
          to dependents.

       Include an external Microsoft project file in a workspace.

          include_external_msproject(projectname location
                                     [TYPE projectTypeGUID]
                                     [GUID projectGUID]
                                     [PLATFORM platformName]
                                     dep1 dep2 ...)

       Includes an external Microsoft project in the generated workspace file.
       Currently  does nothing on UNIX.  This will create a target named [pro-
       jectname].  This can be used in the add_dependencies() command to  make
       things depend on the external project.

       TYPE, GUID and PLATFORM are optional parameters that allow one to spec-
       ify the type of project, id (GUID) of the project and the name  of  the
       target  platform.   This  is useful for projects requiring values other
       than the default (e.g.  WIX projects).

       New in version 3.9: If the imported project has different configuration
       names  than  the  current project, set the MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG>
       target property to specify the mapping.

       Set the regular expression used for dependency checking.

          include_regular_expression(regex_match [regex_complain])

       Sets the regular expressions used in dependency checking.   Only  files
       matching regex_match will be traced as dependencies.  Only files match-
       ing regex_complain will generate  warnings  if  they  cannot  be  found
       (standard header paths are not searched).  The defaults are:

          regex_match    = "^.*$" (match everything)
          regex_complain = "^$" (match empty string only)

       Specify rules to run at install time.

          install(TARGETS <target>... [...])
          install(IMPORTED_RUNTIME_ARTIFACTS <target>... [...])
          install({FILES | PROGRAMS} <file>... [...])
          install(DIRECTORY <dir>... [...])
          install(SCRIPT <file> [...])
          install(CODE <code> [...])
          install(EXPORT <export-name> [...])
          install(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET <set-name> [...])

       This command generates installation rules for a project.  Install rules
       specified by calls to the install() command within a  source  directory
       are executed in order during installation.

       Changed in version 3.14: Install rules in subdirectories added by calls
       to the add_subdirectory() command are interleaved  with  those  in  the
       parent directory to run in the order declared (see policy CMP0082).

       Changed  in  version  3.22: The environment variable CMAKE_INSTALL_MODE
       can override the default copying behavior of install().

       There are multiple signatures for this command.  Some  of  them  define
       installation options for files and targets.  Options common to multiple
       signatures are covered here but they are valid only for signatures that
       specify them.  The common options are:

              Specify the directory on disk to which a file will be installed.
              Arguments can be relative or absolute paths.

              If a relative path is given it is interpreted  relative  to  the
              value  of  the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable.  The prefix can be
              relocated at install time using the DESTDIR mechanism  explained
              in the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable documentation.

              If  an  absolute  path (with a leading slash or drive letter) is
              given it is used verbatim.

              As absolute paths are not supported by cpack  installer  genera-
              tors,  it  is  preferable  to use relative paths throughout.  In
              particular, there is no need to make paths absolute by  prepend-
              ing  CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX; this prefix is used by default if the
              DESTINATION is a relative path.

              Specify permissions for installed files.  Valid permissions  are
              and SETGID.  Permissions that do not make sense on certain plat-
              forms are ignored on those platforms.

              Specify a list of build configurations  for  which  the  install
              rule applies (Debug, Release, etc.). Note that the values speci-
              fied for this option only apply to options listed AFTER the CON-
              FIGURATIONS  option.  For example, to set separate install paths
              for the Debug and Release configurations, do the following:

                 install(TARGETS target
                         CONFIGURATIONS Debug
                         RUNTIME DESTINATION Debug/bin)
                 install(TARGETS target
                         CONFIGURATIONS Release
                         RUNTIME DESTINATION Release/bin)


              Specify an installation component name with  which  the  install
              rule  is associated, such as "runtime" or "development".  During
              component-specific installation only  install  rules  associated
              with  the  given component name will be executed.  During a full
              installation all components are installed unless marked with EX-
              CLUDE_FROM_ALL.   If  COMPONENT is not provided a default compo-
              nent "Unspecified" is created.  The default component  name  may
              be   controlled  with  the  CMAKE_INSTALL_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_NAME

              New in version 3.6.

              Specify that the file is excluded from a full  installation  and
              only installed as part of a component-specific installation

       RENAME Specify  a name for an installed file that may be different from
              the original file.  Renaming is allowed only when a single  file
              is installed by the command.

              Specify that it is not an error if the file to be installed does
              not exist.

       New in version 3.1: Command signatures that  install  files  may  print
       messages  during  installation.  Use the CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE variable
       to control which messages are printed.

       New in version 3.11: Many of the install() variants  implicitly  create
       the  directories  containing  the installed files. If CMAKE_INSTALL_DE-
       FAULT_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS is set, these directories will  be  created
       with the permissions specified. Otherwise, they will be created accord-
       ing to the uname rules on Unix-like platforms.  Windows  platforms  are

   Installing Targets
          install(TARGETS targets... [EXPORT <export-name>]
                  [RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES args...|RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET <set-name>]
                   [DESTINATION <dir>]
                   [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                   [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                   [COMPONENT <component>]
                   [NAMELINK_COMPONENT <component>]
                   [OPTIONAL] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
                  ] [...]
                  [INCLUDES DESTINATION [<dir> ...]]

       The TARGETS form specifies rules for installing targets from a project.
       There are several kinds of target Output  Artifacts  that  may  be  in-

              Target artifacts of this kind include:

              • Static  libraries  (except  on macOS when marked as FRAMEWORK,
                see below);

              • DLL import libraries (on all Windows-based  systems  including
                Cygwin;  they have extension .lib, in contrast to the .dll li-
                braries that go to RUNTIME);

              • On AIX, the linker import file created  for  executables  with
                ENABLE_EXPORTS enabled.

              Target artifacts of this kind include:

              • Shared libraries, except

                • DLLs (these go to RUNTIME, see below),

                • on macOS when marked as FRAMEWORK (see below).

              Target artifacts of this kind include:

              • Executables (except on macOS when marked as MACOSX_BUNDLE, see
                BUNDLE below);

              • DLLs (on all Windows-based systems including Cygwin; note that
                the accompanying import libraries are of kind ARCHIVE).

              New in version 3.9.

              Object files associated with object libraries.

              Both static and shared libraries marked with the FRAMEWORK prop-
              erty are treated as FRAMEWORK targets on macOS.

       BUNDLE Executables marked with the MACOSX_BUNDLE property  are  treated
              as BUNDLE targets on macOS.

              Any  PUBLIC_HEADER files associated with a library are installed
              in the destination specified by the  PUBLIC_HEADER  argument  on
              non-Apple  platforms. Rules defined by this argument are ignored
              for FRAMEWORK libraries on Apple platforms because  the  associ-
              ated  files  are installed into the appropriate locations inside
              the framework folder. See PUBLIC_HEADER for details.

              Similar to PUBLIC_HEADER, but for PRIVATE_HEADER files. See PRI-
              VATE_HEADER for details.

              Similar  to  PUBLIC_HEADER  and PRIVATE_HEADER, but for RESOURCE
              files. See RESOURCE for details.

       For each of these arguments given, the arguments  following  them  only
       apply  to the target or file type specified in the argument. If none is
       given, the installation properties apply to all target types.  If  only
       one  is  given  then only targets of that type will be installed (which
       can be used to install just a DLL or just an import library.)

       For regular executables, static libraries  and  shared  libraries,  the
       DESTINATION  argument  is  not  required.  For these target types, when
       DESTINATION is omitted, a default destination will be  taken  from  the
       appropriate  variable from GNUInstallDirs, or set to a built-in default
       value if that variable is not defined.  The same is true for the public
       and  private  headers associated with the installed targets through the
       PUBLIC_HEADER and PRIVATE_HEADER target properties.  A destination must
       always  be provided for module libraries, Apple bundles and frameworks.
       A destination can be omitted for interface and  object  libraries,  but
       they  are  handled differently (see the discussion of this topic toward
       the end of this section).

       The following table shows the target types with their associated  vari-
       ables and built-in defaults that apply when no destination is given:

              │Target Type    │ GNUInstallDirs      │ Built-In Default │
              │               │ Variable            │                  │
              │RUNTIME${CMAKE_IN-bin              │
              │               │ STALL_BINDIR}       │                  │
              │LIBRARY${CMAKE_IN-lib              │
              │               │ STALL_LIBDIR}       │                  │
              │ARCHIVE${CMAKE_IN-lib              │
              │               │ STALL_LIBDIR}       │                  │
              │PRIVATE_HEADER${CMAKE_INSTALL_IN-include          │
              │               │ CLUDEDIR}           │                  │
              │PUBLIC_HEADER${CMAKE_INSTALL_IN-include          │
              │               │ CLUDEDIR}           │                  │

       Projects  wishing  to  follow the common practice of installing headers
       into a project-specific subdirectory will need to provide a destination
       rather than rely on the above.

       To  make  packages  compliant with distribution filesystem layout poli-
       cies, if projects must specify a DESTINATION, it  is  recommended  that
       they  use  a path that begins with the appropriate GNUInstallDirs vari-
       able.  This allows package maintainers to control the install  destina-
       tion by setting the appropriate cache variables.  The following example
       shows a static library being installed to the default destination  pro-
       vided   by   GNUInstallDirs,  but  with  its  headers  installed  to  a
       project-specific subdirectory that follows the above recommendation:

          add_library(mylib STATIC ...)
          set_target_properties(mylib PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER mylib.h)
          install(TARGETS mylib
                    DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/myproj

       In addition to the common options listed above, each target can  accept
       the following additional arguments:

              New in version 3.12.

              On some platforms a versioned shared library has a symbolic link
              such as:

                 lib<name>.so -> lib<name>.so.1

              where  lib<name>.so.1  is  the  soname  of   the   library   and
              lib<name>.so  is  a  "namelink" allowing linkers to find the li-
              brary when given -l<name>. The NAMELINK_COMPONENT option is sim-
              ilar  to  the  COMPONENT option, but it changes the installation
              component of a shared library namelink if one is  generated.  If
              not specified, this defaults to the value of COMPONENT. It is an
              error to use this parameter outside of a LIBRARY block.

              Consider the following example:

                 install(TARGETS mylib
                           COMPONENT Libraries
                           NAMELINK_COMPONENT Development
                           COMPONENT Development

              In this scenario, if you choose to install only the  Development
              component, both the headers and namelink will be installed with-
              out the library. (If you don't also install the Libraries compo-
              nent, the namelink will be a dangling symlink, and projects that
              link to the library will have build errors.) If you install only
              the  Libraries  component,  only  the library will be installed,
              without the headers and namelink.

              This option is typically used for  package  managers  that  have
              separate  runtime  and development packages. For example, on De-
              bian systems, the library is expected to be in the runtime pack-
              age,  and the headers and namelink are expected to be in the de-
              velopment package.

              See the VERSION and SOVERSION target properties for  details  on
              creating versioned shared libraries.

              This  option causes the installation of only the namelink when a
              library target is installed. On platforms where versioned shared
              libraries  do  not  have namelinks or when a library is not ver-
              sioned, the NAMELINK_ONLY option installs nothing. It is an  er-
              ror to use this parameter outside of a LIBRARY block.

              When NAMELINK_ONLY is given, either NAMELINK_COMPONENT or COMPO-
              NENT may be used to specify the installation  component  of  the
              namelink, but COMPONENT should generally be preferred.

              Similar  to  NAMELINK_ONLY,  but  it has the opposite effect: it
              causes the installation of library files other than the namelink
              when  a  library target is installed. When neither NAMELINK_ONLY
              or NAMELINK_SKIP are given,  both  portions  are  installed.  On
              platforms  where versioned shared libraries do not have symlinks
              or when a library is not versioned, NAMELINK_SKIP  installs  the
              library.  It  is an error to use this parameter outside of a LI-
              BRARY block.

              If NAMELINK_SKIP is specified, NAMELINK_COMPONENT has no effect.
              It  is  not recommended to use NAMELINK_SKIP in conjunction with

       The install(TARGETS) command can also accept the following  options  at
       the top level:

       EXPORT This option associates the installed target files with an export
              called <export-name>.  It must appear before any target options.
              To    actually    install   the   export   file   itself,   call
              install(EXPORT), documented below.  See documentation of the EX-
              PORT_NAME  target  property  to  change the name of the exported

              This option specifies a list of directories which will be  added
              to  the  INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES  target  property  of the
              <targets> when exported by the  install(EXPORT)  command.  If  a
              relative  path  is  specified,  it is treated as relative to the

              New in version 3.21.

              This option causes all runtime dependencies  of  installed  exe-
              cutable,  shared  library, and module targets to be added to the
              specified runtime dependency set. This set can then be installed
              with an install(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET) command.

              This  keyword  and the RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES keyword are mutually

              New in version 3.21.

              This option causes all runtime dependencies  of  installed  exe-
              cutable,  shared  library,  and  module  targets to be installed
              along with the targets themselves. The RUNTIME, LIBRARY,  FRAME-
              WORK, and generic arguments are used to determine the properties
              (DESTINATION, COMPONENT, etc.) of the installation of these  de-

              RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES is semantically equivalent to the following
              pair of calls:

                 install(TARGETS ... RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET <set-name>)
                 install(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET <set-name> args...)

              where <set-name> will be a randomly  generated  set  name.   The
              args...  may  include any of the following keywords supported by
              the install(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET) command:


              mutually exclusive.

       One  or  more groups of properties may be specified in a single call to
       the TARGETS form of this command.  A target may be installed more  than
       once  to  different  locations.   Consider  hypothetical targets myExe,
       mySharedLib, and myStaticLib.  The code:

          install(TARGETS myExe mySharedLib myStaticLib
                  RUNTIME DESTINATION bin
                  LIBRARY DESTINATION lib
                  ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib/static)
          install(TARGETS mySharedLib DESTINATION /some/full/path)

       will  install  myExe  to  <prefix>/bin   and   myStaticLib   to   <pre-
       fix>/lib/static.  On non-DLL platforms mySharedLib will be installed to
       <prefix>/lib and /some/full/path.  On DLL platforms the mySharedLib DLL
       will  be  installed  to <prefix>/bin and /some/full/path and its import
       library will be installed to <prefix>/lib/static and /some/full/path.

       Interface Libraries may be listed among the targets to  install.   They
       install  no artifacts but will be included in an associated EXPORT.  If
       Object Libraries are listed but given no destination for  their  object
       files,  they  will  be exported as Interface Libraries.  This is suffi-
       cient to satisfy transitive usage requirements of  other  targets  that
       link to the object libraries in their implementation.

       Installing  a  target  with the EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL target property set to
       TRUE has undefined behavior.

       New in version 3.3: An install destination given as a DESTINATION argu-
       ment  may  use "generator expressions" with the syntax $<...>.  See the
       cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual for available expressions.

       New in version 3.13: install(TARGETS) can  install  targets  that  were
       created  in other directories.  When using such cross-directory install
       rules, running make install (or similar) from a subdirectory  will  not
       guarantee  that targets from other directories are up-to-date.  You can
       use target_link_libraries() or add_dependencies() to ensure  that  such
       out-of-directory targets are built before the subdirectory-specific in-
       stall rules are run.

   Installing Imported Runtime Artifacts
       New in version 3.21.

          install(IMPORTED_RUNTIME_ARTIFACTS targets...
                  [RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET <set-name>]
                   [DESTINATION <dir>]
                   [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                   [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                   [COMPONENT <component>]
                   [OPTIONAL] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
                  ] [...]

       The IMPORTED_RUNTIME_ARTIFACTS form specifies rules for installing  the
       runtime  artifacts  of  imported  targets. Projects may do this if they
       want to bundle outside executables or modules  inside  their  installa-
       tion.  The  LIBRARY,  RUNTIME, FRAMEWORK, and BUNDLE arguments have the
       same semantics that they do in the TARGETS mode. Only the runtime arti-
       facts  of  imported targets are installed (except in the case of FRAME-
       WORK libraries, MACOSX_BUNDLE executables, and BUNDLE  CFBundles.)  For
       example,  headers and import libraries associated with DLLs are not in-
       stalled. In the case of FRAMEWORK libraries, MACOSX_BUNDLE executables,
       and BUNDLE CFBundles, the entire directory is installed.

       The  RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET  option causes the runtime artifacts of the
       imported executable, shared library, and module library targets  to  be
       added  to  the  <set-name> runtime dependency set. This set can then be
       installed with an install(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET) command.

   Installing Files
          install(<FILES|PROGRAMS> files...
                  TYPE <type> | DESTINATION <dir>
                  [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                  [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                  [COMPONENT <component>]
                  [RENAME <name>] [OPTIONAL] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL])

       The FILES form specifies rules for  installing  files  for  a  project.
       File  names given as relative paths are interpreted with respect to the
       current source directory.  Files installed by this form are by  default
       given  permissions  OWNER_WRITE, OWNER_READ, GROUP_READ, and WORLD_READ
       if no PERMISSIONS argument is given.

       The PROGRAMS form is identical to the FILES form except  that  the  de-
       fault  permissions  for  the installed file also include OWNER_EXECUTE,
       GROUP_EXECUTE, and WORLD_EXECUTE.  This form  is  intended  to  install
       programs  that are not targets, such as shell scripts.  Use the TARGETS
       form to install targets built within the project.

       The list of files... given to FILES or PROGRAMS may use "generator  ex-
       pressions"  with  the  syntax  $<...>.  See the cmake-generator-expres-
       sions(7) manual for available expressions.  However, if any item begins
       in a generator expression it must evaluate to a full path.

       Either  a TYPE or a DESTINATION must be provided, but not both.  A TYPE
       argument specifies the generic file type of the files being  installed.
       A  destination will then be set automatically by taking the correspond-
       ing variable from GNUInstallDirs, or by using  a  built-in  default  if
       that  variable  is  not defined.  See the table below for the supported
       file types and their corresponding  variables  and  built-in  defaults.
       Projects  can  provide a DESTINATION argument instead of a file type if
       they wish to explicitly define the install destination.

             │TYPE Argument │ GNUInstallDirs      │ Built-In Default    │
             │              │ Variable            │                     │
             │BIN${CMAKE_IN-bin                 │
             │              │ STALL_BINDIR}       │                     │
             │SBIN${CMAKE_IN-sbin                │
             │              │ STALL_SBINDIR}      │                     │
             │LIB${CMAKE_IN-lib                 │
             │              │ STALL_LIBDIR}       │                     │
             │INCLUDE${CMAKE_INSTALL_IN-include             │
             │              │ CLUDEDIR}           │                     │
             │SYSCONF${CMAKE_IN-etc                 │
             │              │ STALL_SYSCONFDIR}   │                     │
             │SHAREDSTATE${CMAKE_IN-com                 │
             │              │ STALL_SHARESTATE-   │                     │
             │              │ DIR}                │                     │
             │LOCALSTATE${CMAKE_INSTALL_LO-var                 │
             │              │ CALSTATEDIR}        │                     │
             │RUNSTATE${CMAKE_IN-<LOCALSTATE         │
             │              │ STALL_RUNSTATEDIR}dir>/run            │
             │DATA${CMAKE_IN-<DATAROOT dir>      │
             │              │ STALL_DATADIR}      │                     │

             │INFO${CMAKE_INSTALL_IN-<DATAROOT dir>/info │
             │              │ FODIR}              │                     │
             │LOCALE${CMAKE_INSTALL_LO-<DATAROOT  dir>/lo- │
             │              │ CALEDIR}cale                │
             │MAN${CMAKE_IN-<DATAROOT dir>/man  │
             │              │ STALL_MANDIR}       │                     │
             │DOC${CMAKE_IN-<DATAROOT dir>/doc  │
             │              │ STALL_DOCDIR}       │                     │

       Projects  wishing  to  follow the common practice of installing headers
       into a project-specific subdirectory will need to provide a destination
       rather than rely on the above.

       Note  that some of the types' built-in defaults use the DATAROOT direc-
       tory as a prefix. The DATAROOT prefix is calculated  similarly  to  the
       types,  with CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR as the variable and share as the
       built-in default. You cannot use DATAROOT as a TYPE  parameter;  please
       use DATA instead.

       To  make  packages  compliant with distribution filesystem layout poli-
       cies, if projects must specify a DESTINATION, it  is  recommended  that
       they  use  a path that begins with the appropriate GNUInstallDirs vari-
       able.  This allows package maintainers to control the install  destina-
       tion by setting the appropriate cache variables.  The following example
       shows  how  to  follow  this  advice  while  installing  headers  to  a
       project-specific subdirectory:

          install(FILES mylib.h

       New in version 3.4: An install destination given as a DESTINATION argu-
       ment may use "generator expressions" with the syntax $<...>.   See  the
       cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual for available expressions.

       New  in  version 3.20: An install rename given as a RENAME argument may
       use "generator expressions" with the syntax $<...>.  See the cmake-gen-
       erator-expressions(7) manual for available expressions.

   Installing Directories
          install(DIRECTORY dirs...
                  TYPE <type> | DESTINATION <dir>
                  [FILE_PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                  [DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                  [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                  [COMPONENT <component>] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
                  [[PATTERN <pattern> | REGEX <regex>]
                   [EXCLUDE] [PERMISSIONS permissions...]] [...])

       The  DIRECTORY  form  installs contents of one or more directories to a
       given destination.  The directory structure is copied verbatim  to  the
       destination.   The last component of each directory name is appended to
       the destination directory but a trailing slash may  be  used  to  avoid
       this because it leaves the last component empty.  Directory names given
       as relative paths are interpreted with respect to  the  current  source
       directory.   If  no input directory names are given the destination di-
       rectory will be created but nothing will be  installed  into  it.   The
       FILE_PERMISSIONS  and DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS options specify permissions
       given to files and directories in the destination.  If  USE_SOURCE_PER-
       MISSIONS  is  specified  and  FILE_PERMISSIONS is not, file permissions
       will be copied from the source directory structure.  If no  permissions
       are  specified files will be given the default permissions specified in
       the FILES form of the command, and the directories will  be  given  the
       default permissions specified in the PROGRAMS form of the command.

       New in version 3.1: The MESSAGE_NEVER option disables file installation
       status output.

       Installation of directories may be controlled with fine granularity us-
       ing  the  PATTERN  or  REGEX  options.  These "match" options specify a
       globbing pattern or regular expression to match  directories  or  files
       encountered  within  input directories.  They may be used to apply cer-
       tain options (see below) to a subset of the files and  directories  en-
       countered.  The full path to each input file or directory (with forward
       slashes) is matched against the expression.  A PATTERN will match  only
       complete  file names: the portion of the full path matching the pattern
       must occur at the end of the file name and be preceded by a  slash.   A
       REGEX will match any portion of the full path but it may use / and $ to
       simulate the PATTERN behavior.  By default all  files  and  directories
       are  installed whether or not they are matched.  The FILES_MATCHING op-
       tion may be given before the first match option to disable installation
       of  files (but not directories) not matched by any expression.  For ex-
       ample, the code

          install(DIRECTORY src/ DESTINATION include/myproj
                  FILES_MATCHING PATTERN "*.h")

       will extract and install header files from a source tree.

       Some options may follow a PATTERN or REGEX expression as described  un-
       der string(REGEX) and are applied only to files or directories matching
       them.  The EXCLUDE option will skip the matched file or directory.  The
       PERMISSIONS  option  overrides  the permissions setting for the matched
       file or directory.  For example the code

          install(DIRECTORY icons scripts/ DESTINATION share/myproj
                  PATTERN "CVS" EXCLUDE
                  PATTERN "scripts/*"
                              GROUP_EXECUTE GROUP_READ)

       will install the icons directory to share/myproj/icons and the  scripts
       directory  to  share/myproj.   The  icons will get default file permis-
       sions, the scripts will be given specific permissions, and any CVS  di-
       rectories will be excluded.

       Either  a TYPE or a DESTINATION must be provided, but not both.  A TYPE
       argument specifies the generic file type of the files within the listed
       directories  being installed.  A destination will then be set automati-
       cally by taking the corresponding variable from GNUInstallDirs,  or  by
       using  a built-in default if that variable is not defined.  See the ta-
       ble below for the supported file types and  their  corresponding  vari-
       ables  and built-in defaults.  Projects can provide a DESTINATION argu-
       ment instead of a file type if they wish to explicitly define  the  in-
       stall destination.

             │TYPE Argument │ GNUInstallDirs      │ Built-In Default    │
             │              │ Variable            │                     │
             │BIN${CMAKE_IN-bin                 │
             │              │ STALL_BINDIR}       │                     │
             │SBIN${CMAKE_IN-sbin                │
             │              │ STALL_SBINDIR}      │                     │
             │LIB${CMAKE_IN-lib                 │
             │              │ STALL_LIBDIR}       │                     │
             │INCLUDE${CMAKE_INSTALL_IN-include             │
             │              │ CLUDEDIR}           │                     │
             │SYSCONF${CMAKE_IN-etc                 │
             │              │ STALL_SYSCONFDIR}   │                     │
             │SHAREDSTATE${CMAKE_IN-com                 │
             │              │ STALL_SHARESTATE-   │                     │
             │              │ DIR}                │                     │
             │LOCALSTATE${CMAKE_INSTALL_LO-var                 │
             │              │ CALSTATEDIR}        │                     │
             │RUNSTATE${CMAKE_IN-<LOCALSTATE         │
             │              │ STALL_RUNSTATEDIR}dir>/run            │
             │DATA${CMAKE_IN-<DATAROOT dir>      │
             │              │ STALL_DATADIR}      │                     │
             │INFO${CMAKE_INSTALL_IN-<DATAROOT dir>/info │
             │              │ FODIR}              │                     │
             │LOCALE${CMAKE_INSTALL_LO-<DATAROOT  dir>/lo- │
             │              │ CALEDIR}cale                │
             │MAN${CMAKE_IN-<DATAROOT dir>/man  │
             │              │ STALL_MANDIR}       │                     │
             │DOC${CMAKE_IN-<DATAROOT dir>/doc  │
             │              │ STALL_DOCDIR}       │                     │

       Note that some of the types' built-in defaults use the DATAROOT  direc-
       tory  as  a  prefix. The DATAROOT prefix is calculated similarly to the
       types, with CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR as the variable and share as  the
       built-in  default.  You cannot use DATAROOT as a TYPE parameter; please
       use DATA instead.

       To make packages compliant with distribution  filesystem  layout  poli-
       cies,  if  projects  must specify a DESTINATION, it is recommended that
       they use a path that begins with the appropriate  GNUInstallDirs  vari-
       able.   This allows package maintainers to control the install destina-
       tion by setting the appropriate cache variables.

       New in version 3.4: An install destination given as a DESTINATION argu-
       ment  may  use "generator expressions" with the syntax $<...>.  See the
       cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual for available expressions.

       New in version 3.5: The list of dirs...  given  to  DIRECTORY  may  use
       "generator expressions" too.

   Custom Installation Logic
          install([[SCRIPT <file>] [CODE <code>]]
                  [ALL_COMPONENTS | COMPONENT <component>]
                  [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL] [...])

       The SCRIPT form will invoke the given CMake script files during instal-
       lation.  If the script file name is a relative path it will  be  inter-
       preted  with  respect  to  the current source directory.  The CODE form
       will invoke the given CMake code during installation.  Code  is  speci-
       fied  as a single argument inside a double-quoted string.  For example,
       the code

          install(CODE "MESSAGE(\"Sample install message.\")")

       will print a message during installation.

       New in version 3.21: When the ALL_COMPONENTS option is given, the  cus-
       tom  installation script code will be executed for every component of a
       component-specific installation.  This  option  is  mutually  exclusive
       with the COMPONENT option.

       New  in  version 3.14: <file> or <code> may use "generator expressions"
       with the syntax $<...> (in the case of <file>, this refers to their use
       in  the  file  name,  not  the file's contents).  See the cmake-genera-
       tor-expressions(7) manual for available expressions.

   Installing Exports
          install(EXPORT <export-name> DESTINATION <dir>
                  [NAMESPACE <namespace>] [[FILE <name>.cmake]|
                  [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                  [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                  [COMPONENT <component>]
          install(EXPORT_ANDROID_MK <export-name> DESTINATION <dir> [...])

       The EXPORT form generates and installs a CMake file containing code  to
       import targets from the installation tree into another project.  Target
       installations are associated with the export  <export-name>  using  the
       EXPORT  option of the install(TARGETS) signature documented above.  The
       NAMESPACE option will prepend <namespace> to the target names  as  they
       are  written to the import file.  By default the generated file will be
       called <export-name>.cmake but the FILE option may be used to specify a
       different name.  The value given to the FILE option must be a file name
       with the .cmake extension.  If a CONFIGURATIONS option  is  given  then
       the file will only be installed when one of the named configurations is
       installed.  Additionally, the generated import file will reference only
       the  matching  target  configurations.   The  EXPORT_LINK_INTERFACE_LI-
       BRARIES keyword, if present, causes  the  contents  of  the  properties
       matching  (IMPORTED_)?LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES(_<CONFIG>)?  to  be  ex-
       ported, when policy CMP0022 is NEW.

          The installed <export-name>.cmake  file  may  come  with  additional
          per-configuration  <export-name>-*.cmake files to be loaded by glob-
          bing.  Do not use an export name that is the  same  as  the  package
          name  in  combination  with installing a <package-name>-config.cmake
          file or the latter may  be  incorrectly  matched  by  the  glob  and

       When a COMPONENT option is given, the listed <component> implicitly de-
       pends on all components mentioned  in  the  export  set.  The  exported
       <name>.cmake  file  will  require each of the exported components to be
       present in order for dependent projects to build properly. For example,
       a  project  may  define components Runtime and Development, with shared
       libraries going into the Runtime component  and  static  libraries  and
       headers going into the Development component. The export set would also
       typically be part of the Development component,  but  it  would  export
       targets  from  both  the Runtime and Development components. Therefore,
       the Runtime component would need to be  installed  if  the  Development
       component  was installed, but not vice versa. If the Development compo-
       nent was installed without the Runtime  component,  dependent  projects
       that  try to link against it would have build errors. Package managers,
       such as APT and RPM, typically handle this by listing the Runtime  com-
       ponent  as  a  dependency  of  the Development component in the package
       metadata, ensuring that the library is always installed if the  headers
       and CMake export file are present.

       New in version 3.7: In addition to cmake language files, the EXPORT_AN-
       DROID_MK mode maybe used to specify an export to the android ndk  build
       system.   This mode accepts the same options as the normal export mode.
       The Android NDK supports the use of prebuilt libraries, both static and
       shared.  This allows cmake to build the libraries of a project and make
       them available to an ndk build system complete with  transitive  depen-
       dencies, include flags and defines required to use the libraries.

       The  EXPORT  form  is useful to help outside projects use targets built
       and installed by the current project.  For example, the code

          install(TARGETS myexe EXPORT myproj DESTINATION bin)
          install(EXPORT myproj NAMESPACE mp_ DESTINATION lib/myproj)
          install(EXPORT_ANDROID_MK myproj DESTINATION share/ndk-modules)

       will install the executable myexe to <prefix>/bin and code to import it
       in     the     file    <prefix>/lib/myproj/myproj.cmake    and    <pre-
       fix>/share/ndk-modules/Android.mk.  An outside project  may  load  this
       file  with  the include command and reference the myexe executable from
       the installation tree using the imported target name mp_myexe as if the
       target were built in its own tree.

          This  command  supersedes  the  install_targets()  command  and  the
          PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT and POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT  target  properties.   It
          also  replaces  the  FILES  forms  of  the  install_files()  and in-
          stall_programs() commands.  The processing order  of  these  install
          rules   relative   to  those  generated  by  install_targets(),  in-
          stall_files(), and install_programs() commands is not defined.

   Installing Runtime Dependencies
       New in version 3.21.

          install(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET <set-name>
                   [DESTINATION <dir>]
                   [PERMISSIONS permissions...]
                   [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                   [COMPONENT <component>]
                   [NAMELINK_COMPONENT <component>]
                   [OPTIONAL] [EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL]
                  ] [...]
                  [PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES regexes...]
                  [PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES regexes...]
                  [POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES regexes...]
                  [POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES regexes...]
                  [POST_INCLUDE_FILES files...]
                  [POST_EXCLUDE_FILES files...]
                  [DIRECTORIES directories...]

       Installs a runtime dependency set previously created  by  one  or  more
       install(TARGETS)  or  install(IMPORTED_RUNTIME_ARTIFACTS) commands. The
       dependencies of targets belonging to a runtime dependency set  are  in-
       stalled  in the RUNTIME destination and component on DLL platforms, and
       in the LIBRARY destination and component on  non-DLL  platforms.  macOS
       frameworks  are  installed  in the FRAMEWORK destination and component.
       Targets built within the build tree will never be installed as  runtime
       dependencies, nor will their own dependencies, unless the targets them-
       selves are installed with install(TARGETS).

       The generated install script  calls  file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)  on
       the  build-tree  files  to  calculate  the  runtime  dependencies.  The
       build-tree executable files are passed as the EXECUTABLES argument, the
       build-tree   shared  libraries  as  the  LIBRARIES  argument,  and  the
       build-tree modules as the MODULES argument. On macOS, if one of the ex-
       ecutables  is  a  MACOSX_BUNDLE,  that executable is passed as the BUN-
       DLE_EXECUTABLE argument. At most one such bundle executable may  be  in
       the  runtime dependency set on macOS. The MACOSX_BUNDLE property has no
       effect on other  platforms.  Note  that  file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES)
       only  supports  collecting  the runtime dependencies for Windows, Linux
       and macOS platforms, so install(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET)  has  the  same

       The  following sub-arguments are forwarded through as the corresponding
       arguments to file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) (for those that  provide  a
       non-empty list of directories, regular expressions or files).  They all
       support generator expressions.


   Generated Installation Script
          Use of this feature is not recommended. Please  consider  using  the
          --install argument of cmake(1) instead.

       The install() command generates a file, cmake_install.cmake, inside the
       build directory, which is used internally by the generated install tar-
       get  and  by CPack. You can also invoke this script manually with cmake
       -P. This script accepts several variables:

              Set this variable to install only a single  CPack  component  as
              opposed to all of them. For example, if you only want to install
              the Development component, run cmake -DCOMPONENT=Development  -P

              Set  this  variable  to change the build type if you are using a
              multi-config generator. For example, to install with  the  Debug
              configuration,   run   cmake   -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug  -P  cmake_in-

              This is an environment variable rather than a CMake variable. It
              allows  you  to  change the installation prefix on UNIX systems.
              See DESTDIR for details.

       Add directories in which the linker will look for libraries.

          link_directories([AFTER|BEFORE] directory1 [directory2 ...])

       Adds the paths in which the linker should search for libraries.   Rela-
       tive  paths  given  to  this command are interpreted as relative to the
       current source directory, see CMP0015.

       The command will apply only to targets created after it is called.

       New in version 3.13: The directories are added to the  LINK_DIRECTORIES
       directory property for the current CMakeLists.txt file, converting rel-
       ative paths to absolute as needed.  See the cmake-buildsystem(7) manual
       for more on defining buildsystem properties.

       New  in version 3.13: By default the directories specified are appended
       onto the current list of directories.  This  default  behavior  can  be
       changed by setting CMAKE_LINK_DIRECTORIES_BEFORE to ON.  By using AFTER
       or BEFORE explicitly, you can select between appending and  prepending,
       independent of the default.

       New  in  version 3.13: Arguments to link_directories may use "generator
       expressions" with the syntax "$<...>".  See the cmake-generator-expres-
       sions(7) manual for available expressions.

          This  command  is rarely necessary and should be avoided where there
          are other choices.  Prefer to pass full absolute paths to  libraries
          where  possible,  since this ensures the correct library will always
          be linked.  The find_library() command provides the full path, which
          can  generally be used directly in calls to target_link_libraries().
          Situations where a library search path may be needed include:

          • Project generators like Xcode where the user can switch target ar-
            chitecture  at  build time, but a full path to a library cannot be
            used because it only provides one architecture (i.e. it is  not  a
            universal binary).

          • Libraries  may  themselves have other private library dependencies
            that expect to be found via RPATH mechanisms, but some linkers are
            not  able to fully decode those paths (e.g. due to the presence of
            things like $ORIGIN).

          If a library search path must be provided, prefer  to  localize  the
          effect where possible by using the target_link_directories() command
          rather than link_directories().   The  target-specific  command  can
          also control how the search directories propagate to other dependent

       Link libraries to all targets added later.

          link_libraries([item1 [item2 [...]]]
                         [[debug|optimized|general] <item>] ...)

       Specify libraries or flags to use  when  linking  any  targets  created
       later  in  the  current directory or below by commands such as add_exe-
       cutable() or add_library().  See  the  target_link_libraries()  command
       for meaning of arguments.

          The  target_link_libraries()  command  should  be preferred whenever
          possible.  Library dependencies are chained automatically, so direc-
          tory-wide specification of link libraries is rarely needed.

       Load in the values from another project's CMake cache.

          load_cache(pathToBuildDirectory READ_WITH_PREFIX prefix entry1...)

       Reads the cache and store the requested entries in variables with their
       name prefixed with the given prefix.  This only reads the  values,  and
       does not create entries in the local project's cache.

          load_cache(pathToBuildDirectory [EXCLUDE entry1...]
                     [INCLUDE_INTERNALS entry1...])

       Loads  in  the  values  from  another cache and store them in the local
       project's cache as internal entries.  This is useful for a project that
       depends  on  another project built in a different tree.  EXCLUDE option
       can be used to provide a list of entries to be  excluded.   INCLUDE_IN-
       TERNALS  can  be  used  to provide a list of internal entries to be in-
       cluded.  Normally, no internal entries are brought  in.   Use  of  this
       form  of  the  command  is strongly discouraged, but it is provided for
       backward compatibility.

       Set the name of the project.

          project(<PROJECT-NAME> [<language-name>...])
                  [VERSION <major>[.<minor>[.<patch>[.<tweak>]]]]
                  [DESCRIPTION <project-description-string>]
                  [HOMEPAGE_URL <url-string>]
                  [LANGUAGES <language-name>...])

       Sets  the  name  of  the  project,  and  stores  it  in  the   variable
       PROJECT_NAME. When called from the top-level CMakeLists.txt also stores
       the project name in the variable CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME.

       Also sets the variables:

              Absolute path to the source directory for the project.

              Absolute path to the binary directory for the project.

              New in version 3.21.

              Boolean value indicating whether the project is top-level.

       Further variables are set by the optional arguments  described  in  the
       following.  If any of these arguments is not used, then the correspond-
       ing variables are set to the empty string.

       The options are:

       VERSION <version>
              Optional; may not be used unless policy CMP0048 is set to NEW.

              Takes a <version> argument composed of non-negative integer com-
              ponents,  i.e.  <major>[.<minor>[.<patch>[.<tweak>]]],  and sets
              the variables


              New in version 3.12: When the project() command is  called  from
              the top-level CMakeLists.txt, then the version is also stored in
              the variable CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION.

       DESCRIPTION <project-description-string>
              New in version 3.9.

              Optional.  Sets the variables


              to <project-description-string>.  It is  recommended  that  this
              description is a relatively short string, usually no more than a
              few words.

              When the project() command is called from the  top-level  CMake-
              Lists.txt,  then  the description is also stored in the variable

              New in version 3.12: Added the <PROJECT-NAME>_DESCRIPTION  vari-

       HOMEPAGE_URL <url-string>
              New in version 3.12.

              Optional.  Sets the variables


              to  <url-string>, which should be the canonical home URL for the

              When the project() command is called from the  top-level  CMake-
              Lists.txt,   then  the  URL  also  is  stored  in  the  variable

       LANGUAGES <language-name>...
              Optional.  Can also be specified without LANGUAGES  keyword  per
              the first, short signature.

              Selects  which  programming  languages  are  needed to build the
              project.  Supported languages include C, CXX (i.e.  C++),  CUDA,
              OBJC  (i.e.  Objective-C),  OBJCXX, Fortran, HIP, ISPC, and ASM.
              By default C and CXX are enabled  if  no  language  options  are
              given.   Specify language NONE, or use the LANGUAGES keyword and
              list no languages, to skip enabling any languages.

              New in version 3.8: Added CUDA support.

              New in version 3.16: Added OBJC and OBJCXX support.

              New in version 3.18: Added ISPC support.

              If enabling ASM, list it last so that CMake  can  check  whether
              compilers for other languages like C work for assembly too.

       The variables set through the VERSION, DESCRIPTION and HOMEPAGE_URL op-
       tions are intended for use as default values in  package  metadata  and

   Code Injection
       CLUDE_BEFORE variables are set, the files they point  to  will  be  in-
       cluded  as  the  first step of the project() command.  If both are set,
       then   CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE_BEFORE    will    be    included    before

       variables are set, the files they point to will be included as the last
       step of the project() command.  If both are set, then CMAKE_PROJECT_IN-
       CLUDE will be included before CMAKE_PROJECT_<PROJECT-NAME>_INCLUDE.

       New   in   version   3.15:   Added   the   CMAKE_PROJECT_INCLUDE    and

       New in version 3.17: Added the CMAKE_PROJECT_<PROJECT-NAME>_INCLUDE_BE-
       FORE variable.

       The top-level CMakeLists.txt file for a project must contain a literal,
       direct call to the project() command; loading one through the include()
       command is not sufficient.  If no such call exists, CMake will issue  a
       warning  and  pretend  there is a project(Project) at the top to enable
       the default languages (C and CXX).

          Call the project() command near the  top  of  the  top-level  CMake-
          Lists.txt, but after calling cmake_minimum_required().  It is impor-
          tant to establish version and policy settings before invoking  other
          commands whose behavior they may affect.  See also policy CMP0000.

       Remove -D define flags added by add_definitions().

          remove_definitions(-DFOO -DBAR ...)

       Removes  flags  (added  by add_definitions()) from the compiler command
       line for sources in the current directory and below.

       Source files can have properties that affect how they are built.

          set_source_files_properties(<files> ...
                                      [DIRECTORY <dirs> ...]
                                      [TARGET_DIRECTORY <targets> ...]
                                      PROPERTIES <prop1> <value1>
                                      [<prop2> <value2>] ...)

       Sets properties associated with source files using a  key/value  paired

       New  in version 3.18: By default, source file properties are only visi-
       ble to targets added in the same directory (CMakeLists.txt).   Visibil-
       ity  can be set in other directory scopes using one or both of the fol-
       lowing options:

       DIRECTORY <dirs>...
              The source file properties will be set in each of the <dirs> di-
              rectories'  scopes.  CMake must already know about each of these
              source directories, either by having added them through  a  call
              to  add_subdirectory()  or  it being the top level source direc-
              tory.  Relative paths are treated as  relative  to  the  current
              source directory.

       TARGET_DIRECTORY <targets>...
              The  source file properties will be set in each of the directory
              scopes where any of the specified <targets>  were  created  (the
              <targets> must therefore already exist).

       Use  get_source_file_property()  to  get property values.  See also the
       set_property(SOURCE) command.

       See Source File Properties for the list of properties known to CMake.

          The GENERATED source file property may be globally visible.  See its
          documentation for details.

       Targets can have properties that affect how they are built.

          set_target_properties(target1 target2 ...
                                PROPERTIES prop1 value1
                                prop2 value2 ...)

       Sets  properties on targets.  The syntax for the command is to list all
       the targets you want to change, and then provide the values you want to
       set  next.   You  can  use  any prop value pair you want and extract it
       later with the get_property() or get_target_property() command.

       See also the set_property(TARGET) command.

       See Target Properties for the list of properties known to CMake.

       Set a property of the tests.

          set_tests_properties(test1 [test2...] PROPERTIES prop1 value1 prop2 value2)

       Sets a property for the tests.  If the test is not  found,  CMake  will
       report  an  error.   Generator expressions will be expanded the same as
       supported by the test's add_test() call.

       See also the set_property(TEST) command.

       See Test Properties for the list of properties known to CMake.

       Define a grouping for source files in IDE  project  generation.   There
       are two different signatures to create source groups.

          source_group(<name> [FILES <src>...] [REGULAR_EXPRESSION <regex>])
          source_group(TREE <root> [PREFIX <prefix>] [FILES <src>...])

       Defines  a  group  into  which sources will be placed in project files.
       This is intended to set up file tabs in Visual Studio.   The  group  is
       scoped  in  the  directory  where the command is called, and applies to
       sources in targets created in that directory.

       The options are:

       TREE   New in version 3.8.

              CMake will automatically detect, from <src> files paths,  source
              groups  it  needs  to create, to keep structure of source groups
              analogically to the actual files and  directories  structure  in
              the  project. Paths of <src> files will be cut to be relative to
              <root>. The command fails if the paths within src do  not  start
              with root.

       PREFIX New in version 3.8.

              Source  group and files located directly in <root> path, will be
              placed in <prefix> source groups.

       FILES  Any source file specified explicitly will  be  placed  in  group
              <name>.  Relative paths are interpreted with respect to the cur-
              rent source directory.

              Any source file whose name matches the regular  expression  will
              be placed in group <name>.

       If  a  source file matches multiple groups, the last group that explic-
       itly lists the file with FILES will be favored, if any.   If  no  group
       explicitly  lists  the  file,  the  last group whose regular expression
       matches the file will be favored.

       The <name> of the group  and  <prefix>  argument  may  contain  forward
       slashes  or  backslashes  to specify subgroups.  Backslashes need to be
       escaped appropriately:

          source_group(base/subdir ...)
          source_group(outer\\inner ...)
          source_group(TREE <root> PREFIX sources\\inc ...)

       New in version 3.18: Allow using forward slashes (/)  to  specify  sub-

       For backwards compatibility, the short-hand signature

          source_group(<name> <regex>)

       is equivalent to

          source_group(<name> REGULAR_EXPRESSION <regex>)

       Add compile definitions to a target.

            <INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items1...]
            [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])

       Specifies  compile  definitions to use when compiling a given <target>.
       The named <target> must have been created by a command such as add_exe-
       cutable() or add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target.

       The  INTERFACE, PUBLIC and PRIVATE keywords are required to specify the
       scope of the following arguments.  PRIVATE and PUBLIC items will  popu-
       late the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property of <target>. PUBLIC and INTERFACE
       items will populate the INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property of <tar-
       get>.   The  following arguments specify compile definitions.  Repeated
       calls for the same <target> append items in the order called.

       New in version 3.11: Allow setting INTERFACE items on IMPORTED targets.

       Arguments to target_compile_definitions may use "generator expressions"
       with  the syntax $<...>.  See the cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual
       for available expressions.  See  the  cmake-buildsystem(7)  manual  for
       more on defining buildsystem properties.

       Any  leading  -D  on an item will be removed.  Empty items are ignored.
       For example, the following are all equivalent:

          target_compile_definitions(foo PUBLIC FOO)
          target_compile_definitions(foo PUBLIC -DFOO)  # -D removed
          target_compile_definitions(foo PUBLIC "" FOO) # "" ignored
          target_compile_definitions(foo PUBLIC -D FOO) # -D becomes "", then ignored

       Definitions may optionally have values:

          target_compile_definitions(foo PUBLIC FOO=1)

       Note that many compilers treat -DFOO  as  equivalent  to  -DFOO=1,  but
       other  tools  may  not recognize this in all circumstances (e.g. Intel-

       New in version 3.1.

       Add expected compiler features to a target.

          target_compile_features(<target> <PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> <feature> [...])

       Specifies compiler features required when compiling a given target.  If
       the   feature   is   not   listed   in   the  CMAKE_C_COMPILE_FEATURES,
       then an error will be reported by CMake.  If the use of the feature re-
       quires an additional compiler flag, such as -std=gnu++11, the flag will
       be added automatically.

       The  INTERFACE, PUBLIC and PRIVATE keywords are required to specify the
       scope of the features.  PRIVATE and PUBLIC items will populate the COM-
       PILE_FEATURES  property  of  <target>.  PUBLIC and INTERFACE items will
       populate the INTERFACE_COMPILE_FEATURES property of <target>.  Repeated
       calls for the same <target> append items.

       New in version 3.11: Allow setting INTERFACE items on IMPORTED targets.

       The named <target> must have been created by a command such as add_exe-
       cutable() or add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target.

       Arguments to target_compile_features may  use  "generator  expressions"
       with  the syntax $<...>.  See the cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual
       for available expressions.  See  the  cmake-compile-features(7)  manual
       for information on compile features and a list of supported compilers.

       Add compile options to a target.

          target_compile_options(<target> [BEFORE]
            <INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items1...]
            [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])

       Adds options to the COMPILE_OPTIONS or INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS target
       properties. These options are used when compiling the  given  <target>,
       which  must  have been created by a command such as add_executable() or
       add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target.

       If BEFORE is specified, the content will be prepended to  the  property
       instead of being appended.

       The  INTERFACE, PUBLIC and PRIVATE keywords are required to specify the
       scope of the following arguments.  PRIVATE and PUBLIC items will  popu-
       late  the  COMPILE_OPTIONS  property of <target>.  PUBLIC and INTERFACE
       items will populate the INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS property of <target>.
       The  following  arguments  specify compile options.  Repeated calls for
       the same <target> append items in the order called.

       New in version 3.11: Allow setting INTERFACE items on IMPORTED targets.

       Arguments to target_compile_options  may  use  "generator  expressions"
       with  the  syntax $<...>. See the cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual
       for available expressions.  See  the  cmake-buildsystem(7)  manual  for
       more on defining buildsystem properties.

   Option De-duplication
       The final set of options used for a target is constructed by accumulat-
       ing options from the current target and the usage requirements  of  its
       dependencies.  The set of options is de-duplicated to avoid repetition.

       New  in  version  3.12:  While  beneficial  for individual options, the
       de-duplication step can break up option groups.  For example, -option A
       -option  B becomes -option A B.  One may specify a group of options us-
       ing shell-like quoting along with a SHELL: prefix.  The  SHELL:  prefix
       is dropped, and the rest of the option string is parsed using the sepa-
       rate_arguments() UNIX_COMMAND  mode.  For  example,  "SHELL:-option  A"
       "SHELL:-option B" becomes -option A -option B.

   See Also
       This  command  can be used to add any options. However, for adding pre-
       processor definitions and include directories it is recommended to  use
       the  more specific commands target_compile_definitions() and target_in-

       For directory-wide  settings,  there  is  the  command  add_compile_op-

       For  file-specific  settings,  there  is  the source file property COM-

       Add include directories to a target.

          target_include_directories(<target> [SYSTEM] [AFTER|BEFORE]
            <INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items1...]
            [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])

       Specifies include directories to use when  compiling  a  given  target.
       The named <target> must have been created by a command such as add_exe-
       cutable() or add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target.

       By using AFTER or BEFORE explicitly, you can select  between  appending
       and prepending, independent of the default.

       The  INTERFACE, PUBLIC and PRIVATE keywords are required to specify the
       scope of the following arguments.  PRIVATE and PUBLIC items will  popu-
       late  the  INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property of <target>.  PUBLIC and INTER-
       FACE items will populate the INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property  of
       <target>.  The following arguments specify include directories.

       New in version 3.11: Allow setting INTERFACE items on IMPORTED targets.

       Specified  include directories may be absolute paths or relative paths.
       Repeated calls for the same <target> append items in the order  called.
       If  SYSTEM  is specified, the compiler will be told the directories are
       meant as system include directories on some platforms (signalling  this
       setting  might  achieve effects such as the compiler skipping warnings,
       or these fixed-install system files not being considered in  dependency
       calculations  -  see  compiler  docs).  If SYSTEM is used together with
       property will be populated with the specified directories.

       Arguments to target_include_directories may use "generator expressions"
       with the syntax $<...>.  See the cmake-generator-expressions(7)  manual
       for  available  expressions.   See  the cmake-buildsystem(7) manual for
       more on defining buildsystem properties.

       Include directories usage  requirements  commonly  differ  between  the
       build-tree  and  the install-tree.  The BUILD_INTERFACE and INSTALL_IN-
       TERFACE generator expressions can be used to  describe  separate  usage
       requirements  based  on the usage location.  Relative paths are allowed
       within the INSTALL_INTERFACE expression and are interpreted relative to
       the installation prefix.  For example:

          target_include_directories(mylib PUBLIC
            $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include/mylib>  # <prefix>/include/mylib

   Creating Relocatable Packages
       Note  that it is not advisable to populate the INSTALL_INTERFACE of the
       INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES of a target with absolute  paths  to  the
       include  directories  of  dependencies.   That would hard-code into in-
       stalled packages the include directory paths for dependencies as  found
       on the machine the package was made on.

       suitable for specifying the required include  directories  for  headers
       provided  with  the target itself, not those provided by the transitive
       dependencies listed in its  INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES  target  property.
       Those  dependencies should themselves be targets that specify their own
       header locations in INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.

       See the Creating Relocatable Packages section of the  cmake-packages(7)
       manual for discussion of additional care that must be taken when speci-
       fying usage requirements while creating packages for redistribution.

       New in version 3.13.

       Add link directories to a target.

          target_link_directories(<target> [BEFORE]
            <INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items1...]
            [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])

       Specifies the paths in which the linker  should  search  for  libraries
       when  linking a given target.  Each item can be an absolute or relative
       path, with the latter being interpreted  as  relative  to  the  current
       source directory.  These items will be added to the link command.

       The named <target> must have been created by a command such as add_exe-
       cutable() or add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target.

       The INTERFACE, PUBLIC and PRIVATE keywords are required to specify  the
       scope  of  the  items  that follow them.  PRIVATE and PUBLIC items will
       populate the LINK_DIRECTORIES property of <target>.  PUBLIC and  INTER-
       FACE  items  will  populate  the INTERFACE_LINK_DIRECTORIES property of
       <target> (IMPORTED targets only support INTERFACE  items).   Each  item
       specifies a link directory and will be converted to an absolute path if
       necessary before adding it to the relevant  property.   Repeated  calls
       for the same <target> append items in the order called.

       If  BEFORE  is specified, the content will be prepended to the relevant
       property instead of being appended.

       Arguments to target_link_directories may  use  "generator  expressions"
       with  the  syntax $<...>. See the cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual
       for available expressions.  See  the  cmake-buildsystem(7)  manual  for
       more on defining buildsystem properties.

          This  command  is rarely necessary and should be avoided where there
          are other choices.  Prefer to pass full absolute paths to  libraries
          where  possible,  since this ensures the correct library will always
          be linked.  The find_library() command provides the full path, which
          can  generally be used directly in calls to target_link_libraries().
          Situations where a library search path may be needed include:

          • Project generators like Xcode where the user can switch target ar-
            chitecture  at  build time, but a full path to a library cannot be
            used because it only provides one architecture (i.e. it is  not  a
            universal binary).

          • Libraries  may  themselves have other private library dependencies
            that expect to be found via RPATH mechanisms, but some linkers are
            not  able to fully decode those paths (e.g. due to the presence of
            things like $ORIGIN).

       Specify libraries or flags to use when linking a  given  target  and/or
       its dependents.  Usage requirements from linked library targets will be
       propagated.  Usage requirements of a target's dependencies affect  com-
       pilation of its own sources.

       This  command  has several signatures as detailed in subsections below.
       All of them have the general form

          target_link_libraries(<target> ... <item>... ...)

       The named <target> must have been created by a command such as add_exe-
       cutable()  or add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target.  If policy
       CMP0079 is not set to NEW then the target must have been created in the
       current  directory.   Repeated calls for the same <target> append items
       in the order called.

       New in version 3.13: The <target> doesn't have to  be  defined  in  the
       same directory as the target_link_libraries call.

       Each <item> may be:

       • A  library  target  name:  The generated link line will have the full
         path to the linkable library file associated with  the  target.   The
         buildsystem will have a dependency to re-link <target> if the library
         file changes.

         The named target must be created by add_library() within the  project
         or  as  an  IMPORTED library.  If it is created within the project an
         ordering dependency will automatically be added in the  build  system
         to  make sure the named library target is up-to-date before the <tar-
         get> links.

         If an imported library has  the  IMPORTED_NO_SONAME  target  property
         set,  CMake  may  ask the linker to search for the library instead of
         using the full path (e.g. /usr/lib/libfoo.so becomes -lfoo).

         The full path to the target's artifact will be quoted/escaped for the
         shell automatically.

       • A  full path to a library file: The generated link line will normally
         preserve the full path to the file. The buildsystem will have  a  de-
         pendency to re-link <target> if the library file changes.

         There are some cases where CMake may ask the linker to search for the
         library (e.g. /usr/lib/libfoo.so  becomes  -lfoo),  such  as  when  a
         shared  library  is  detected  to  have  no SONAME field.  See policy
         CMP0060 for discussion of another case.

         If the library file is in a macOS framework, the Headers directory of
         the  framework  will  also be processed as a usage requirement.  This
         has the same effect as passing the framework directory as an  include

         New  in  version  3.8:  On  Visual  Studio Generators for VS 2010 and
         above, library files ending in .targets will be  treated  as  MSBuild
         targets files and imported into generated project files.  This is not
         supported by other generators.

         The full path to the library file  will  be  quoted/escaped  for  the
         shell automatically.

       • A  plain library name: The generated link line will ask the linker to
         search for the library (e.g. foo becomes -lfoo or foo.lib).

         The library name/flag is treated as a  command-line  string  fragment
         and will be used with no extra quoting or escaping.

       • A  link  flag:  Item names starting with -, but not -l or -framework,
         are treated as linker flags.  Note that such flags  will  be  treated
         like any other library link item for purposes of transitive dependen-
         cies, so they are generally safe to  specify  only  as  private  link
         items that will not propagate to dependents.

         Link  flags  specified here are inserted into the link command in the
         same place as the link libraries. This might not be correct,  depend-
         ing  on  the  linker.  Use  the  LINK_OPTIONS target property or tar-
         get_link_options() command to add link flags  explicitly.  The  flags
         will  then  be  placed  at the toolchain-defined flag position in the
         link command.

         New in version 3.13: LINK_OPTIONS target property and target_link_op-
         tions() command.  For earlier versions of CMake, use LINK_FLAGS prop-
         erty instead.

         The link flag is treated as a command-line string fragment  and  will
         be used with no extra quoting or escaping.

       • A generator expression: A $<...> generator expression may evaluate to
         any of the above items or to a semicolon-separated list of them.   If
         the ... contains any ; characters, e.g. after evaluation of a ${list}
         variable, be sure to use an explicitly quoted  argument  "$<...>"  so
         that this command receives it as a single <item>.

         Additionally, a generator expression may be used as a fragment of any
         of the above items, e.g. foo$<1:_d>.

         Note that generator expressions will not be used in OLD  handling  of
         policy CMP0003 or policy CMP0004.

       • A  debug,  optimized,  or general keyword immediately followed by an-
         other <item>.  The item following such a keyword will  be  used  only
         for  the corresponding build configuration.  The debug keyword corre-
         sponds to the Debug configuration (or to configurations named in  the
         DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS  global  property  if it is set).  The optimized
         keyword corresponds to all other configurations.  The general keyword
         corresponds  to  all  configurations, and is purely optional.  Higher
         granularity may be achieved for per-configuration rules  by  creating
         and  linking  to IMPORTED library targets.  These keywords are inter-
         preted immediately by this command  and  therefore  have  no  special
         meaning when produced by a generator expression.

       Items  containing  ::,  such as Foo::Bar, are assumed to be IMPORTED or
       ALIAS library target names and will cause an error if  no  such  target
       exists.  See policy CMP0028.

       See  the  cmake-buildsystem(7)  manual for more on defining buildsystem

   Libraries for a Target and/or its Dependents
                                <PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> <item>...
                               [<PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> <item>...]...)

       The PUBLIC, PRIVATE and INTERFACE keywords can be used to specify  both
       the link dependencies and the link interface in one command.  Libraries
       and targets following PUBLIC are linked to, and are made  part  of  the
       link interface.  Libraries and targets following PRIVATE are linked to,
       but are not made part of the link interface.  Libraries  following  IN-
       TERFACE are appended to the link interface and are not used for linking

   Libraries for both a Target and its Dependents
          target_link_libraries(<target> <item>...)

       Library dependencies are transitive by  default  with  this  signature.
       When  this  target  is  linked  into  another target then the libraries
       linked to this target will appear on the link line for the other target
       too.   This  transitive  "link  interface"  is  stored  in  the  INTER-
       FACE_LINK_LIBRARIES target property and may be  overridden  by  setting
       the  property  directly.   When  CMP0022  is not set to NEW, transitive
       linking is built in but may be  overridden  by  the  LINK_INTERFACE_LI-
       BRARIES  property.   Calls  to other signatures of this command may set
       the property making any libraries linked exclusively by this  signature

   Libraries for a Target and/or its Dependents (Legacy)
                                <LINK_PRIVATE|LINK_PUBLIC> <lib>...
                               [<LINK_PRIVATE|LINK_PUBLIC> <lib>...]...)

       The  LINK_PUBLIC and LINK_PRIVATE modes can be used to specify both the
       link dependencies and the link interface in one command.

       This signature is for compatibility only.  Prefer the PUBLIC or PRIVATE
       keywords instead.

       Libraries and targets following LINK_PUBLIC are linked to, and are made
       part of the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES.  If policy CMP0022  is  not  NEW,
       they are also made part of the LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES.  Libraries and
       targets following LINK_PRIVATE are linked to, but are not made part  of

   Libraries for Dependents Only (Legacy)
          target_link_libraries(<target> LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES <item>...)

       The  LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES  mode appends the libraries to the INTER-
       FACE_LINK_LIBRARIES target property instead of using them for  linking.
       If  policy CMP0022 is not NEW, then this mode also appends libraries to
       the LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES and its per-configuration equivalent.

       This signature is for compatibility only.  Prefer  the  INTERFACE  mode

       Libraries  specified  as debug are wrapped in a generator expression to
       correspond to debug builds.  If policy CMP0022  is  not  NEW,  the  li-
       braries  are  also appended to the LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES_DEBUG prop-
       erty (or to the properties corresponding to  configurations  listed  in
       the  DEBUG_CONFIGURATIONS  global  property  if  it is set).  Libraries
       specified as optimized are  appended  to  the  INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES
       property.   If policy CMP0022 is not NEW, they are also appended to the
       LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES property.  Libraries specified as general  (or
       without any keyword) are treated as if specified for both debug and op-

   Linking Object Libraries
       New in version 3.12.

       Object Libraries may be used as the <target> (first) argument  of  tar-
       get_link_libraries  to  specify  dependencies of their sources on other
       libraries.  For example, the code

          add_library(A SHARED a.c)
          target_compile_definitions(A PUBLIC A)

          add_library(obj OBJECT obj.c)
          target_compile_definitions(obj PUBLIC OBJ)
          target_link_libraries(obj PUBLIC A)

       compiles obj.c with -DA -DOBJ and establishes  usage  requirements  for
       obj that propagate to its dependents.

       Normal  libraries  and  executables may link to Object Libraries to get
       their objects and usage requirements.  Continuing  the  above  example,
       the code

          add_library(B SHARED b.c)
          target_link_libraries(B PUBLIC obj)

       compiles b.c with -DA -DOBJ, creates shared library B with object files
       from b.c and obj.c, and links B to A.  Furthermore, the code

          add_executable(main main.c)
          target_link_libraries(main B)

       compiles main.c with -DA -DOBJ and links executable main to  B  and  A.
       The  object  library's  usage  requirements are propagated transitively
       through B, but its object files are not.

       Object Libraries may "link" to other object libraries to get usage  re-
       quirements, but since they do not have a link step nothing is done with
       their object files.  Continuing from the above example, the code:

          add_library(obj2 OBJECT obj2.c)
          target_link_libraries(obj2 PUBLIC obj)

          add_executable(main2 main2.c)
          target_link_libraries(main2 obj2)

       compiles obj2.c with -DA -DOBJ, creates executable  main2  with  object
       files from main2.c and obj2.c, and links main2 to A.

       In  other  words,  when  Object  Libraries  appear in a target's INTER-
       FACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property they will  be  treated  as  Interface  Li-
       braries,  but  when  they  appear in a target's LINK_LIBRARIES property
       their object files will be included in the link too.

   Linking Object Libraries via $<TARGET_OBJECTS>
       New in version 3.21.

       The object files associated with an object library may be referenced by
       the  $<TARGET_OBJECTS>  generator  expression.   Such  object files are
       placed on the link line before all libraries, regardless of their rela-
       tive  order.  Additionally, an ordering dependency will be added to the
       build system to make sure the object library is up-to-date  before  the
       dependent target links.  For example, the code

          add_library(obj3 OBJECT obj3.c)
          target_compile_definitions(obj3 PUBLIC OBJ3)

          add_executable(main3 main3.c)
          target_link_libraries(main3 PRIVATE a3 $<TARGET_OBJECTS:obj3> b3)

       links  executable  main3 with object files from main3.c and obj3.c fol-
       lowed by the a3 and b3 libraries.  main3.c is not compiled  with  usage
       requirements from obj3, such as -DOBJ3.

       This  approach  can  be  used to achieve transitive inclusion of object
       files in link lines as usage requirements.  Continuing the above  exam-
       ple, the code

          add_library(iface_obj3 INTERFACE)
          target_link_libraries(iface_obj3 INTERFACE obj3 $<TARGET_OBJECTS:obj3>)

       creates  an  interface  library iface_obj3 that forwards the obj3 usage
       requirements and adds the obj3 object files to dependents' link  lines.
       The code

          add_executable(use_obj3 use_obj3.c)
          target_link_libraries(use_obj3 PRIVATE iface_obj3)

       compiles  use_obj3.c with -DOBJ3 and links executable use_obj3 with ob-
       ject files from use_obj3.c and obj3.c.

       This also works transitively through a static library.  Since a  static
       library does not link, it does not consume the object files from object
       libraries referenced this way.  Instead, the object files become  tran-
       sitive  link  dependencies of the static library.  Continuing the above
       example, the code

          add_library(static3 STATIC static3.c)
          target_link_libraries(static3 PRIVATE iface_obj3)

          add_executable(use_static3 use_static3.c)
          target_link_libraries(use_static3 PRIVATE static3)

       compiles static3.c with -DOBJ3 and creates libstatic3.a using only  its
       own  object file.  use_static3.c is compiled without -DOBJ3 because the
       usage requirement is not transitive through the private  dependency  of
       static3.  However, the link dependencies of static3 are propagated, in-
       cluding  the  iface_obj3  reference  to  $<TARGET_OBJECTS:obj3>.    The
       use_static3  executable is created with object files from use_static3.c
       and obj3.c, and linked to library libstatic3.a.

       When using this approach, it is the project's responsibility  to  avoid
       linking  multiple  dependent  binaries to iface_obj3, because they will
       all get the obj3 object files on their link lines.

          Referencing $<TARGET_OBJECTS> in target_link_libraries calls  worked
          in versions of CMake prior to 3.21 for some cases, but was not fully

          • It did not place the object files before libraries on link lines.

          • It did not add an ordering dependency on the object library.

          • It did not work in Xcode with multiple architectures.

   Cyclic Dependencies of Static Libraries
       The library dependency graph is normally acyclic (a DAG),  but  in  the
       case  of  mutually-dependent STATIC libraries CMake allows the graph to
       contain cycles (strongly connected components).   When  another  target
       links  to one of the libraries, CMake repeats the entire connected com-
       ponent.  For example, the code

          add_library(A STATIC a.c)
          add_library(B STATIC b.c)
          target_link_libraries(A B)
          target_link_libraries(B A)
          add_executable(main main.c)
          target_link_libraries(main A)

       links main to A B A B.  While one  repetition  is  usually  sufficient,
       pathological object file and symbol arrangements can require more.  One
       may handle such cases by using the  LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY  target
       property  or  by  manually  repeating  the  component  in the last tar-
       get_link_libraries call.  However, if two archives are really so inter-
       dependent  they should probably be combined into a single archive, per-
       haps by using Object Libraries.

   Creating Relocatable Packages
       Note that it is not advisable to populate the  INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES
       of  a target with absolute paths to dependencies.  That would hard-code
       into installed packages the library  file  paths  for  dependencies  as
       found on the machine the package was made on.

       See  the Creating Relocatable Packages section of the cmake-packages(7)
       manual for discussion of additional care that must be taken when speci-
       fying usage requirements while creating packages for redistribution.

       New in version 3.13.

       Add  options to the link step for an executable, shared library or mod-
       ule library target.

          target_link_options(<target> [BEFORE]
            <INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items1...]
            [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])

       The named <target> must have been created by a command such as add_exe-
       cutable() or add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target.

       This  command can be used to add any link options, but alternative com-
       mands exist  to  add  libraries  (target_link_libraries()  or  link_li-
       braries()).  See documentation of the directory and target LINK_OPTIONS

          This command cannot be used to add options for static  library  tar-
          gets,  since  they do not use a linker.  To add archiver or MSVC li-
          brarian flags, see the STATIC_LIBRARY_OPTIONS target property.

       If BEFORE is specified, the content will be prepended to  the  property
       instead of being appended.

       The  INTERFACE, PUBLIC and PRIVATE keywords are required to specify the
       scope of the following arguments.  PRIVATE and PUBLIC items will  popu-
       late the LINK_OPTIONS property of <target>.  PUBLIC and INTERFACE items
       will populate the INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS  property  of  <target>.   The
       following  arguments specify link options.  Repeated calls for the same
       <target> append items in the order called.

          IMPORTED targets only support INTERFACE items.

       Arguments to target_link_options may use "generator  expressions"  with
       the  syntax  $<...>.  See the cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual for
       available expressions.  See the cmake-buildsystem(7) manual for more on
       defining buildsystem properties.

   Host And Device Specific Link Options
       New in version 3.18: When a device link step is involved, which is con-
       properties and policy CMP0105, the raw options will be delivered to the
       host and device link steps (wrapped in -Xcompiler or equivalent for de-
       vice  link).  Options wrapped with $<DEVICE_LINK:...> generator expres-
       sion will be used only for the device link step. Options  wrapped  with
       $<HOST_LINK:...>  generator  expression  will be used only for the host
       link step.

   Option De-duplication
       The final set of options used for a target is constructed by accumulat-
       ing  options  from the current target and the usage requirements of its
       dependencies.  The set of options is de-duplicated to avoid repetition.

       New in version 3.12:  While  beneficial  for  individual  options,  the
       de-duplication step can break up option groups.  For example, -option A
       -option B becomes -option A B.  One may specify a group of options  us-
       ing  shell-like  quoting along with a SHELL: prefix.  The SHELL: prefix
       is dropped, and the rest of the option string is parsed using the sepa-
       rate_arguments()  UNIX_COMMAND  mode.  For  example,  "SHELL:-option A"
       "SHELL:-option B" becomes -option A -option B.

   Handling Compiler Driver Differences
       To pass options to the linker tool, each compiler driver  has  its  own
       syntax.   The LINKER: prefix and , separator can be used to specify, in
       a portable way, options to pass to the linker tool. LINKER: is replaced
       by  the appropriate driver option and , by the appropriate driver sepa-
       rator.  The driver prefix and driver separator are given by the  values
       PER_FLAG_SEP variables.

       For example, "LINKER:-z,defs" becomes -Xlinker  -z  -Xlinker  defs  for
       Clang and -Wl,-z,defs for GNU GCC.

       The  LINKER: prefix can be specified as part of a SHELL: prefix expres-

       The LINKER: prefix supports, as an alternative syntax, specification of
       arguments  using the SHELL: prefix and space as separator. The previous
       example then becomes "LINKER:SHELL:-z defs".

          Specifying the SHELL: prefix anywhere other than at the beginning of
          the LINKER: prefix is not supported.

       New in version 3.16.

       Add a list of header files to precompile.

       Precompiling  header  files can speed up compilation by creating a par-
       tially processed version of some header files, and then using that ver-
       sion  during  compilations  rather than repeatedly parsing the original

   Main Form
            <INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [header1...]
            [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [header2...] ...])

       The command adds header files to the PRECOMPILE_HEADERS  and/or  INTER-
       FACE_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS target properties of <target>.  The named <tar-
       get> must have been created by a command such  as  add_executable()  or
       add_library() and must not be an ALIAS target.

       The  INTERFACE, PUBLIC and PRIVATE keywords are required to specify the
       scope of the following arguments.  PRIVATE and PUBLIC items will  popu-
       late the PRECOMPILE_HEADERS property of <target>.  PUBLIC and INTERFACE
       items will populate the INTERFACE_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS property of  <tar-
       get>  (IMPORTED  targets only support INTERFACE items).  Repeated calls
       for the same <target> will append items in the order called.

       Projects should generally avoid using PUBLIC or INTERFACE  for  targets
       that  will  be exported, or they should at least use the $<BUILD_INTER-
       FACE:...> generator expression to prevent precompile headers  from  ap-
       pearing  in an installed exported target.  Consumers of a target should
       typically be in control of what precompile headers they use,  not  have
       precompile  headers forced on them by the targets being consumed (since
       precompile headers are not typically usage  requirements).   A  notable
       exception  to this is where an interface library is created to define a
       commonly used set of precompile headers in one  place  and  then  other
       targets  link  to  that interface library privately.  In this case, the
       interface library exists specifically to propagate the precompile head-
       ers  to its consumers and the consumer is effectively still in control,
       since it decides whether to link to the interface library or not.

       The list of header files is  used  to  generate  a  header  file  named
       cmake_pch.h|xx  which  is  used to generate the precompiled header file
       (.pch, .gch, .pchi) artifact.  The cmake_pch.h|xx header file  will  be
       force included (-include for GCC, /FI for MSVC) to all source files, so
       sources do not need to have #include "pch.h".

       Header file names specified with angle brackets (e.g.  <unordered_map>)
       or  explicit  double  quotes  (escaped  for the cmake-language(7), e.g.
       [["other_header.h"]]) will be treated as is,  and  include  directories
       must  be  available  for  the compiler to find them.  Other header file
       names (e.g. project_header.h) are interpreted as being relative to  the
       current  source  directory  (e.g. CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) and will be
       included by absolute path.  For example:


       Arguments to target_precompile_headers()  may  use  "generator  expres-
       sions"  with the syntax $<...>.  See the cmake-generator-expressions(7)
       manual for available expressions.  The $<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:...>  genera-
       tor  expression  is  particularly useful for specifying a language-spe-
       cific header to precompile for only one language (e.g. CXX and not  C).
       In  this  case,  header  file  names  that are not explicitly in double
       quotes or angle brackets must be specified  by  absolute  path.   Also,
       when  specifying  angle brackets inside a generator expression, be sure
       to encode the closing > as $<ANGLE-R>.  For example:

          target_precompile_headers(mylib PRIVATE

   Reusing Precompile Headers
       The command also supports a second signature which can be used to spec-
       ify that one target re-uses a precompiled header file artifact from an-
       other target instead of generating its own:

          target_precompile_headers(<target> REUSE_FROM <other_target>)

       This  form   sets   the   PRECOMPILE_HEADERS_REUSE_FROM   property   to
       <other_target>  and adds a dependency such that <target> will depend on
       <other_target>.  CMake will halt with an error if the  PRECOMPILE_HEAD-
       ERS  property  of  <target>  is already set when the REUSE_FROM form is

          The REUSE_FROM form requires the same set of compiler options,  com-
          piler   flags   and  compiler  definitions  for  both  <target>  and
          <other_target>.  Some compilers (e.g. GCC) may issue  a  warning  if
          the precompiled header file cannot be used (-Winvalid-pch).

   See Also
       To  disable  precompile  headers  for  specific  targets,  see the DIS-
       ABLE_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS target property.

       To prevent precompile headers from being used when compiling a specific
       source file, see the SKIP_PRECOMPILE_HEADERS source file property.

       New in version 3.1.

       Add sources to a target.

            <INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items1...]
            [<INTERFACE|PUBLIC|PRIVATE> [items2...] ...])

       Specifies  sources to use when building a target and/or its dependents.
       The named <target> must have been created by a command such as add_exe-
       cutable()  or  add_library()  or add_custom_target() and must not be an
       ALIAS target.

       Changed in version 3.13: Relative source file paths are interpreted  as
       being  relative  to  the  current  source  directory  (i.e.  CMAKE_CUR-
       RENT_SOURCE_DIR).  See policy CMP0076.

       New in version 3.20: <target> can be a custom target.

       The INTERFACE, PUBLIC and PRIVATE keywords are required to specify  the
       scope of the items following them.  PRIVATE and PUBLIC items will popu-
       late the SOURCES property of <target>, which are used when building the
       target  itself.   PUBLIC  and  INTERFACE items will populate the INTER-
       FACE_SOURCES property of <target>, which are used when building  depen-
       dents.   The  following  arguments specify sources.  Repeated calls for
       the same <target> append items in the order called. The targets created
       by add_custom_target() can only have PRIVATE scope.

       New in version 3.3: Allow exporting targets with INTERFACE_SOURCES.

       New in version 3.11: Allow setting INTERFACE items on IMPORTED targets.

       Arguments  to  target_sources  may use "generator expressions" with the
       syntax $<...>. See the cmake-generator-expressions(7) manual for avail-
       able  expressions.   See  the  cmake-buildsystem(7)  manual for more on
       defining buildsystem properties.

       Try building some code.

   Try Compiling Whole Projects
          try_compile(<resultVar> <bindir> <srcdir>
                      <projectName> [<targetName>] [CMAKE_FLAGS <flags>...]
                      [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>])

       Try building a project.  The success or  failure  of  the  try_compile,
       i.e. TRUE or FALSE respectively, is returned in <resultVar>.

       New  in  version  3.14:  The  name of the <resultVar> is defined by the
       user.  Previously, it had a fixed name RESULT_VAR.

       In this form, <srcdir> should contain a complete CMake project  with  a
       CMakeLists.txt  file  and  all sources.  The <bindir> and <srcdir> will
       not be deleted after this command  is  run.   Specify  <targetName>  to
       build  a  specific  target instead of the all or ALL_BUILD target.  See
       below for the meaning of other options.

   Try Compiling Source Files
          try_compile(<resultVar> <bindir> <srcfile|SOURCES srcfile...>
                      [CMAKE_FLAGS <flags>...]
                      [COMPILE_DEFINITIONS <defs>...]
                      [LINK_OPTIONS <options>...]
                      [LINK_LIBRARIES <libs>...]
                      [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>]
                      [COPY_FILE <fileName> [COPY_FILE_ERROR <var>]]
                      [<LANG>_STANDARD <std>]
                      [<LANG>_STANDARD_REQUIRED <bool>]
                      [<LANG>_EXTENSIONS <bool>]

       Try building an executable or static library from one  or  more  source
       files  (which  one  is  determined by the CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE
       variable).  The success or failure of the  try_compile,  i.e.  TRUE  or
       FALSE respectively, is returned in <resultVar>.

       New  in  version  3.14:  The  name of the <resultVar> is defined by the
       user.  Previously, it had a fixed name RESULT_VAR.

       In  this  form,  one  or  more  source  files  must  be  provided.   If
       CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE  is  unset  or  is set to EXECUTABLE, the
       sources must include a definition for main  and  CMake  will  create  a
       CMakeLists.txt  file  to  build  the  source(s)  as  an executable.  If
       CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE is set to STATIC_LIBRARY,  a  static  li-
       brary  will  be  built  instead and no definition for main is required.
       For an executable, the  generated  CMakeLists.txt  file  would  contain
       something like the following:

          add_definitions(<expanded COMPILE_DEFINITIONS from caller>)
          add_executable(cmTryCompileExec <srcfile>...)
          target_link_options(cmTryCompileExec PRIVATE <LINK_OPTIONS from caller>)
          target_link_libraries(cmTryCompileExec ${LINK_LIBRARIES})

       The options are:

       CMAKE_FLAGS <flags>...
              Specify  flags  of the form -DVAR:TYPE=VALUE to be passed to the
              cmake command-line used to drive the test build.  The above  ex-
              ample   shows  how  values  for  variables  INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES,
              LINK_DIRECTORIES, and LINK_LIBRARIES are used.

       COMPILE_DEFINITIONS <defs>...
              Specify -Ddefinition arguments to pass to  add_definitions()  in
              the generated test project.

       COPY_FILE <fileName>
              Copy  the built executable or static library to the given <file-

       COPY_FILE_ERROR <var>
              Use after COPY_FILE to capture into  variable  <var>  any  error
              message encountered while trying to copy the file.

       LINK_LIBRARIES <libs>...
              Specify  libraries  to  be linked in the generated project.  The
              list of libraries may refer to system libraries and to  Imported
              Targets from the calling project.

              If  this  option  is  specified,  any -DLINK_LIBRARIES=... value
              given to the CMAKE_FLAGS option will be ignored.

       LINK_OPTIONS <options>...
              New in version 3.14.

              Specify link step options to pass to target_link_options() or to
              set  the STATIC_LIBRARY_OPTIONS target property in the generated
              project, depending on  the  CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE  vari-

       OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>
              Store the output from the build process in the given variable.

       <LANG>_STANDARD <std>
              New in version 3.8.

              Specify   the   C_STANDARD,   CXX_STANDARD,  OBJC_STANDARD,  OB-
              JCXX_STANDARD, or CUDA_STANDARD target property of the generated

              New in version 3.8.

              Specify    the    C_STANDARD_REQUIRED,    CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED,
              DARD_REQUIRED target property of the generated project.

       <LANG>_EXTENSIONS <bool>
              New in version 3.8.

              JCXX_EXTENSIONS, or CUDA_EXTENSIONS target property of the  gen-
              erated project.

       In  this  version  all  files  in  <bindir>/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp will be
       cleaned automatically.  For debugging, --debug-trycompile can be passed
       to cmake to avoid this clean.  However, multiple sequential try_compile
       operations reuse this  single  output  directory.   If  you  use  --de-
       bug-trycompile, you can only debug one try_compile call at a time.  The
       recommended procedure is to  protect  all  try_compile  calls  in  your
       project  by if(NOT DEFINED <resultVar>) logic, configure with cmake all
       the way through once, then delete the cache entry associated  with  the
       try_compile  call  of  interest, and then re-run cmake again with --de-

   Other Behavior Settings
       New in version 3.4: If set, the following variables are  passed  in  to
       the  generated  try_compile CMakeLists.txt to initialize compile target
       properties with default values:


       If CMP0056 is set to NEW, then CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS is passed  in  as

       Changed in version 3.14: If CMP0083 is set to NEW, then in order to ob-
       tain correct behavior at link time, the  check_pie_supported()  command
       from  the  CheckPIESupported  module  must  be  called before using the
       try_compile() command.

       The current settings of CMP0065 and CMP0083 are propagated  through  to
       the generated test project.

       Set the CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_CONFIGURATION variable to choose a build con-

       New in version 3.6: Set the CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_TARGET_TYPE  variable  to
       specify the type of target used for the source file signature.

       New  in version 3.6: Set the CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_PLATFORM_VARIABLES vari-
       able to specify  variables  that  must  be  propagated  into  the  test
       project.  This variable is meant for use only in toolchain files and is
       only honored by the try_compile() command for the  source  files  form,
       not when given a whole project.

       Changed  in  version  3.8:  If  CMP0067  is  set  to NEW, or any of the
       are used, then the language standard variables are honored:


       Their values are used to set the corresponding target properties in the
       generated project (unless overridden by an explicit option).

       Changed in version 3.14: For the Green Hills MULTI  generator  the  GHS
       toolset and target system customization cache variables are also propa-
       gated into the test project.

       Try compiling and then running some code.

   Try Compiling and Running Source Files
          try_run(<runResultVar> <compileResultVar>
                  <bindir> <srcfile> [CMAKE_FLAGS <flags>...]
                  [COMPILE_DEFINITIONS <defs>...]
                  [LINK_OPTIONS <options>...]
                  [LINK_LIBRARIES <libs>...]
                  [COMPILE_OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>]
                  [RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>]
                  [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>]
                  [WORKING_DIRECTORY <var>]
                  [ARGS <args>...])

       Try compiling a <srcfile>.  Returns TRUE or FALSE for success or  fail-
       ure  in  <compileResultVar>.   If  the compile succeeded, runs the exe-
       cutable and returns its exit code in <runResultVar>.  If the executable
       was  built,  but  failed  to  run,  then  <runResultVar> will be set to
       FAILED_TO_RUN.  See the try_compile() command for  information  on  how
       the test project is constructed to build the source file.

       New  in  version 3.14: The names of the result variables <runResultVar>
       and <compileResultVar> are defined by the user.  Previously,  they  had
       fixed names RUN_RESULT_VAR and COMPILE_RESULT_VAR.

       The options are:

       CMAKE_FLAGS <flags>...
              Specify  flags  of the form -DVAR:TYPE=VALUE to be passed to the
              cmake command-line used to drive the test build.  The example in
              try_compile()  shows  how  values for variables INCLUDE_DIRECTO-
              RIES, LINK_DIRECTORIES, and LINK_LIBRARIES are used.

       COMPILE_DEFINITIONS <defs>...
              Specify -Ddefinition arguments to pass to  add_definitions()  in
              the generated test project.

              Report the compile step build output in a given variable.

       LINK_LIBRARIES <libs>...
              New in version 3.2.

              Specify  libraries  to  be linked in the generated project.  The
              list of libraries may refer to system libraries and to  Imported
              Targets from the calling project.

              If  this  option  is  specified,  any -DLINK_LIBRARIES=... value
              given to the CMAKE_FLAGS option will be ignored.

       LINK_OPTIONS <options>...
              New in version 3.14.

              Specify link step options to pass  to  target_link_options()  in
              the generated project.

       OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>
              Report  the compile build output and the output from running the
              executable in the given variable.  This option exists for legacy
              reasons.  Prefer COMPILE_OUTPUT_VARIABLE and RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE

              Report the output from running the executable in a  given  vari-

              New in version 3.20.

              Run  the executable in the given directory. If no WORKING_DIREC-
              TORY is specified, the executable will run in <bindir>.

   Other Behavior Settings
       Set the CMAKE_TRY_COMPILE_CONFIGURATION variable to choose a build con-

   Behavior when Cross Compiling
       New  in  version  3.3:  Use  CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR when running
       cross-compiled binaries.

       When cross compiling, the executable compiled in the first step usually
       cannot  be  run  on  the  build  host.   The try_run command checks the
       CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING variable to detect whether CMake is in  cross-com-
       piling mode.  If that is the case, it will still try to compile the ex-
       ecutable, but it  will  not  try  to  run  the  executable  unless  the
       CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR  variable is set.  Instead it will create
       cache variables which must be filled by the user or by presetting  them
       in  some CMake script file to the values the executable would have pro-
       duced if it had been run on its actual target  platform.   These  cache
       entries are:

              Exit  code  if the executable were to be run on the target plat-

              Output from stdout and stderr if the executable were to  be  run
              on  the  target  platform.  This is created only if the RUN_OUT-
              PUT_VARIABLE or OUTPUT_VARIABLE option was used.

       In order to make cross compiling your project easier, use try_run  only
       if really required.  If you use try_run, use the RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE or
       OUTPUT_VARIABLE options only if really required.  Using them  will  re-
       quire  that  when  cross-compiling, the cache variables will have to be
       set manually to the output of the executable.  You can also "guard" the
       calls  to  try_run with an if() block checking the CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING
       variable and provide an easy-to-preset alternative for this case.

       These commands are available only in CTest scripts.

       Perform the CTest Build Step as a Dashboard Client.

          ctest_build([BUILD <build-dir>] [APPEND]
                      [CONFIGURATION <config>]
                      [PARALLEL_LEVEL <parallel>]
                      [FLAGS <flags>]
                      [PROJECT_NAME <project-name>]
                      [TARGET <target-name>]
                      [NUMBER_ERRORS <num-err-var>]
                      [NUMBER_WARNINGS <num-warn-var>]
                      [RETURN_VALUE <result-var>]
                      [CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>]

       Build the project and store results in Build.xml  for  submission  with
       the ctest_submit() command.

       The  CTEST_BUILD_COMMAND  variable may be set to explicitly specify the
       build command line.  Otherwise the build command line is computed auto-
       matically based on the options given.

       The options are:

       BUILD <build-dir>
              Specify  the  top-level  build  directory.   If  not  given, the
              CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY variable is used.

       APPEND Mark Build.xml for append to results previously submitted  to  a
              dashboard  server since the last ctest_start() call.  Append se-
              mantics are defined by the dashboard server in use.   This  does
              not  cause  results  to be appended to a .xml file produced by a
              previous call to this command.

       CONFIGURATION <config>
              Specify the build configuration (e.g. Debug).  If not  specified
              the  CTEST_BUILD_CONFIGURATION variable will be checked.  Other-
              wise the -C <cfg> option given to the ctest(1) command  will  be
              used, if any.

       PARALLEL_LEVEL <parallel>
              New in version 3.21.

              Specify  the  parallel level of the underlying build system.  If
              not specified, the CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL environment  vari-
              able will be checked.

       FLAGS <flags>
              Pass  additional  arguments to the underlying build command.  If
              not specified the CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS variable  will  be  checked.
              This can, e.g., be used to trigger a parallel build using the -j
              option of make. See the ProcessorCount module for an example.

       PROJECT_NAME <project-name>
              Ignored since CMake 3.0.

              Changed in version 3.14: This value is no longer required.

       TARGET <target-name>
              Specify the name of a target to build.   If  not  specified  the
              CTEST_BUILD_TARGET  variable will be checked.  Otherwise the de-
              fault target will be built.  This is the  "all"  target  (called
              ALL_BUILD in Visual Studio Generators).

       NUMBER_ERRORS <num-err-var>
              Store the number of build errors detected in the given variable.

       NUMBER_WARNINGS <num-warn-var>
              Store  the  number of build warnings detected in the given vari-

       RETURN_VALUE <result-var>
              Store the return value of the native build  tool  in  the  given

       CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>
              New in version 3.7.

              Store  in  the  <result-var> variable -1 if there are any errors
              running the command and prevent ctest from returning non-zero if
              an error occurs.

       QUIET  New in version 3.3.

              Suppress  any  CTest-specific  non-error  output that would have
              been printed to the console otherwise.  The summary of  warnings
              /  errors,  as  well as the output from the native build tool is
              unaffected by this option.

       Perform the CTest Configure Step as a Dashboard Client.

          ctest_configure([BUILD <build-dir>] [SOURCE <source-dir>] [APPEND]
                          [OPTIONS <options>] [RETURN_VALUE <result-var>] [QUIET]
                          [CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>])

       Configure the project build tree and record  results  in  Configure.xml
       for submission with the ctest_submit() command.

       The options are:

       BUILD <build-dir>
              Specify  the  top-level  build  directory.   If  not  given, the
              CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY variable is used.

       SOURCE <source-dir>
              Specify   the   source   directory.    If   not    given,    the
              CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY variable is used.

       APPEND Mark Configure.xml for append to results previously submitted to
              a dashboard server since the last  ctest_start()  call.   Append
              semantics are defined by the dashboard server in use.  This does
              not cause results to be appended to a .xml file  produced  by  a
              previous call to this command.

       OPTIONS <options>
              Specify  command-line  arguments  to  pass  to the configuration

       RETURN_VALUE <result-var>
              Store in the <result-var> variable the return value of  the  na-
              tive configuration tool.

       CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>
              New in version 3.7.

              Store  in  the  <result-var> variable -1 if there are any errors
              running the command and prevent ctest from returning non-zero if
              an error occurs.

       QUIET  New in version 3.3.

              Suppress  any  CTest-specific non-error messages that would have
              otherwise been printed to the console.  Output from the underly-
              ing configure command is not affected.

       Perform the CTest Coverage Step as a Dashboard Client.

          ctest_coverage([BUILD <build-dir>] [APPEND]
                         [LABELS <label>...]
                         [RETURN_VALUE <result-var>]
                         [CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>]

       Collect  coverage tool results and stores them in Coverage.xml for sub-
       mission with the ctest_submit() command.

       The options are:

       BUILD <build-dir>
              Specify the  top-level  build  directory.   If  not  given,  the
              CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY variable is used.

       APPEND Mark  Coverage.xml for append to results previously submitted to
              a dashboard server since the last  ctest_start()  call.   Append
              semantics are defined by the dashboard server in use.  This does
              not cause results to be appended to a .xml file  produced  by  a
              previous call to this command.

       LABELS Filter  the coverage report to include only source files labeled
              with at least one of the labels specified.

       RETURN_VALUE <result-var>
              Store in the <result-var> variable 0 if coverage tools ran with-
              out error and non-zero otherwise.

       CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>
              New in version 3.7.

              Store  in  the  <result-var> variable -1 if there are any errors
              running the command and prevent ctest from returning non-zero if
              an error occurs.

       QUIET  New in version 3.3.

              Suppress  any  CTest-specific  non-error  output that would have
              been printed to the console otherwise.  The  summary  indicating
              how  many  lines  of code were covered is unaffected by this op-

       empties the binary directory

          ctest_empty_binary_directory( directory )

       Removes a binary directory.  This  command  will  perform  some  checks
       prior to deleting the directory in an attempt to avoid malicious or ac-
       cidental directory deletion.

       Perform the CTest MemCheck Step as a Dashboard Client.

          ctest_memcheck([BUILD <build-dir>] [APPEND]
                         [START <start-number>]
                         [END <end-number>]
                         [STRIDE <stride-number>]
                         [EXCLUDE <exclude-regex>]
                         [INCLUDE <include-regex>]
                         [EXCLUDE_LABEL <label-exclude-regex>]
                         [INCLUDE_LABEL <label-include-regex>]
                         [EXCLUDE_FIXTURE <regex>]
                         [EXCLUDE_FIXTURE_SETUP <regex>]
                         [EXCLUDE_FIXTURE_CLEANUP <regex>]
                         [PARALLEL_LEVEL <level>]
                         [RESOURCE_SPEC_FILE <file>]
                         [TEST_LOAD <threshold>]
                         [SCHEDULE_RANDOM <ON|OFF>]
                         [STOP_TIME <time-of-day>]
                         [RETURN_VALUE <result-var>]
                         [CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>]
                         [REPEAT <mode>:<n>]
                         [OUTPUT_JUNIT <file>]
                         [DEFECT_COUNT <defect-count-var>]

       Run tests with a dynamic  analysis  tool  and  store  results  in  Mem-
       Check.xml for submission with the ctest_submit() command.

       Most options are the same as those for the ctest_test() command.

       The options unique to this command are:

       DEFECT_COUNT <defect-count-var>
              New in version 3.8.

              Store in the <defect-count-var> the number of defects found.

       read CTestCustom files.

          ctest_read_custom_files( directory ... )

       Read  all  the  CTestCustom.ctest  or  CTestCustom.cmake files from the
       given directory.

       By default, invoking ctest(1) without a script will read  custom  files
       from the binary directory.

       runs a ctest -S script

          ctest_run_script([NEW_PROCESS] script_file_name script_file_name1
                      script_file_name2 ... [RETURN_VALUE var])

       Runs  a script or scripts much like if it was run from ctest -S.  If no
       argument is provided then the current script is run using  the  current
       settings  of  the  variables.   If  NEW_PROCESS  is specified then each
       script will be run in a separate process.If RETURN_VALUE  is  specified
       the return value of the last script run will be put into var.

       sleeps for some amount of time


       Sleep for given number of seconds.

          ctest_sleep(<time1> <duration> <time2>)

       Sleep for t=(time1 + duration - time2) seconds if t > 0.

       Starts the testing for a given model

          ctest_start(<model> [<source> [<binary>]] [GROUP <group>] [QUIET])

          ctest_start([<model> [<source> [<binary>]]] [GROUP <group>] APPEND [QUIET])

       Starts the testing for a given model.  The command should be called af-
       ter the binary directory is initialized.

       The parameters are as follows:

              Set the dashboard model. Must be one of  Experimental,  Continu-
              ous,  or  Nightly.  This  parameter is required unless APPEND is

              Set the  source  directory.  If  not  specified,  the  value  of
              CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY is used instead.

              Set  the  binary  directory.  If  not  specified,  the  value of
              CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY is used instead.

       GROUP <group>
              If GROUP is used, the submissions will go to the specified group
              on  the  CDash server. If no GROUP is specified, the name of the
              model is used by default.

              Changed in version 3.16: This  replaces  the  deprecated  option
              TRACK. Despite the name change its behavior is unchanged.

       APPEND If APPEND is used, the existing TAG is used rather than creating
              a new one based on the current time stamp. If  you  use  APPEND,
              you  can  omit the <model> and GROUP <group> parameters, because
              they will be read from the generated TAG file. For example:

                 ctest_start(Experimental GROUP GroupExperimental)

              Later, in another ctest -S script:


              When the second script runs ctest_start(APPEND),  it  will  read
              the  Experimental model and GroupExperimental group from the TAG
              file generated by the first ctest_start() command.  Please  note
              that  if  you  call  ctest_start(APPEND) and specify a different
              model or group than in the first ctest_start() command, a  warn-
              ing will be issued, and the new model and group will be used.

       QUIET  New in version 3.3.

              If  QUIET  is  used,  CTest will suppress any non-error messages
              that it otherwise would have printed to the console.

       The parameters for ctest_start() can be issued in any order,  with  the
       exception  that  <model>, <source>, and <binary> have to appear in that
       order with respect to each other.  The  following  are  all  valid  and

          ctest_start(Experimental path/to/source path/to/binary GROUP SomeGroup QUIET APPEND)

          ctest_start(GROUP SomeGroup Experimental QUIET path/to/source APPEND path/to/binary)

          ctest_start(APPEND QUIET Experimental path/to/source GROUP SomeGroup path/to/binary)

       However,  for the sake of readability, it is recommended that you order
       your parameters in the order listed at the top of this page.

       If the CTEST_CHECKOUT_COMMAND variable (or the CTEST_CVS_CHECKOUT vari-
       able)  is  set, its content is treated as command-line.  The command is
       invoked with the current working directory set to  the  parent  of  the
       source  directory,  even  if the source directory already exists.  This
       can be used to create the source tree from a  version  control  reposi-

       Perform the CTest Submit Step as a Dashboard Client.

          ctest_submit([PARTS <part>...] [FILES <file>...]
                       [SUBMIT_URL <url>]
                       [BUILD_ID <result-var>]
                       [HTTPHEADER <header>]
                       [RETRY_COUNT <count>]
                       [RETRY_DELAY <delay>]
                       [RETURN_VALUE <result-var>]
                       [CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>]

       Submit  results  to a dashboard server.  By default all available parts
       are submitted.

       The options are:

       PARTS <part>...
              Specify a subset of parts to submit.  Valid part names are:

                 Start      = nothing
                 Update     = ctest_update results, in Update.xml
                 Configure  = ctest_configure results, in Configure.xml
                 Build      = ctest_build results, in Build.xml
                 Test       = ctest_test results, in Test.xml
                 Coverage   = ctest_coverage results, in Coverage.xml
                 MemCheck   = ctest_memcheck results, in DynamicAnalysis.xml and
                 Notes      = Files listed by CTEST_NOTES_FILES, in Notes.xml
                 ExtraFiles = Files listed by CTEST_EXTRA_SUBMIT_FILES
                 Upload     = Files prepared for upload by ctest_upload(), in Upload.xml
                 Submit     = nothing
                 Done       = Build is complete, in Done.xml

       FILES <file>...
              Specify an explicit list of  specific  files  to  be  submitted.
              Each individual file must exist at the time of the call.

       SUBMIT_URL <url>
              New in version 3.14.

              The  http  or https URL of the dashboard server to send the sub-
              mission to.  If not  given,  the  CTEST_SUBMIT_URL  variable  is

       BUILD_ID <result-var>
              New in version 3.15.

              Store in the <result-var> variable the ID assigned to this build
              by CDash.

       HTTPHEADER <HTTP-header>
              New in version 3.9.

              Specify HTTP header to be included in the request to CDash  dur-
              ing  submission.   For  example, CDash can be configured to only
              accept submissions from authenticated clients. In this case, you
              should provide a bearer token in your header:

                 ctest_submit(HTTPHEADER "Authorization: Bearer <auth-token>")

              This  suboption can be repeated several times for multiple head-

       RETRY_COUNT <count>
              Specify how many times to retry a timed-out submission.

       RETRY_DELAY <delay>
              Specify how long (in seconds) to wait after a timed-out  submis-
              sion before attempting to re-submit.

       RETURN_VALUE <result-var>
              Store in the <result-var> variable 0 for success and non-zero on

       CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>
              New in version 3.13.

              Store in the <result-var> variable -1 if there  are  any  errors
              running the command and prevent ctest from returning non-zero if
              an error occurs.

       QUIET  New in version 3.3.

              Suppress all non-error messages that would have  otherwise  been
              printed to the console.

   Submit to CDash Upload API
       New in version 3.2.

          ctest_submit(CDASH_UPLOAD <file> [CDASH_UPLOAD_TYPE <type>]
                       [SUBMIT_URL <url>]
                       [BUILD_ID <result-var>]
                       [HTTPHEADER <header>]
                       [RETRY_COUNT <count>]
                       [RETRY_DELAY <delay>]
                       [RETURN_VALUE <result-var>]

       This  second  signature  is used to upload files to CDash via the CDash
       file upload API. The API first sends a request to upload to CDash along
       with  a  content  hash  of the file. If CDash does not already have the
       file, then it is uploaded. Along with the file, a CDash type string  is
       specified to tell CDash which handler to use to process the data.

       This signature interprets options in the same way as the first one.

       New in version 3.8: Added the RETRY_COUNT, RETRY_DELAY, QUIET options.

       New in version 3.9: Added the HTTPHEADER option.

       New in version 3.13: Added the RETURN_VALUE option.

       New in version 3.14: Added the SUBMIT_URL option.

       New in version 3.15: Added the BUILD_ID option.

       Perform the CTest Test Step as a Dashboard Client.

          ctest_test([BUILD <build-dir>] [APPEND]
                     [START <start-number>]
                     [END <end-number>]
                     [STRIDE <stride-number>]
                     [EXCLUDE <exclude-regex>]
                     [INCLUDE <include-regex>]
                     [EXCLUDE_LABEL <label-exclude-regex>]
                     [INCLUDE_LABEL <label-include-regex>]
                     [EXCLUDE_FIXTURE <regex>]
                     [EXCLUDE_FIXTURE_SETUP <regex>]
                     [EXCLUDE_FIXTURE_CLEANUP <regex>]
                     [PARALLEL_LEVEL <level>]
                     [RESOURCE_SPEC_FILE <file>]
                     [TEST_LOAD <threshold>]
                     [SCHEDULE_RANDOM <ON|OFF>]
                     [STOP_TIME <time-of-day>]
                     [RETURN_VALUE <result-var>]
                     [CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>]
                     [REPEAT <mode>:<n>]
                     [OUTPUT_JUNIT <file>]

       Run  tests  in the project build tree and store results in Test.xml for
       submission with the ctest_submit() command.

       The options are:

       BUILD <build-dir>
              Specify the  top-level  build  directory.   If  not  given,  the
              CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY variable is used.

       APPEND Mark  Test.xml  for  append to results previously submitted to a
              dashboard server since the last ctest_start() call.  Append  se-
              mantics  are  defined by the dashboard server in use.  This does
              not cause results to be appended to a .xml file  produced  by  a
              previous call to this command.

       START <start-number>
              Specify the beginning of a range of test numbers.

       END <end-number>
              Specify the end of a range of test numbers.

       STRIDE <stride-number>
              Specify  the stride by which to step across a range of test num-

       EXCLUDE <exclude-regex>
              Specify a regular expression matching test names to exclude.

       INCLUDE <include-regex>
              Specify a regular expression matching  test  names  to  include.
              Tests not matching this expression are excluded.

       EXCLUDE_LABEL <label-exclude-regex>
              Specify a regular expression matching test labels to exclude.

       INCLUDE_LABEL <label-include-regex>
              Specify  a  regular  expression matching test labels to include.
              Tests not matching this expression are excluded.

       EXCLUDE_FIXTURE <regex>
              New in version 3.7.

              If a test in the set of tests to be executed requires a particu-
              lar  fixture,  that fixture's setup and cleanup tests would nor-
              mally be added to the test set automatically. This  option  pre-
              vents  adding  setup  or cleanup tests for fixtures matching the
              <regex>. Note that all other fixture behavior is  retained,  in-
              cluding  test  dependencies and skipping tests that have fixture
              setup tests that fail.

              New in version 3.7.

              Same as EXCLUDE_FIXTURE except only matching setup tests are ex-

              New in version 3.7.

              Same  as  EXCLUDE_FIXTURE except only matching cleanup tests are

       PARALLEL_LEVEL <level>
              Specify a positive number representing the number of tests to be
              run in parallel.

       RESOURCE_SPEC_FILE <file>
              New in version 3.16.

              Specify  a resource specification file. See ctest-resource-allo-
              cation for more information.

       TEST_LOAD <threshold>
              New in version 3.4.

              While running tests in parallel, try not  to  start  tests  when
              they may cause the CPU load to pass above a given threshold.  If
              not specified the CTEST_TEST_LOAD variable will be checked,  and
              then  the  --test-load  command-line  argument to ctest(1).  See
              also the TestLoad setting in the CTest Test Step.

       REPEAT <mode>:<n>
              New in version 3.17.

              Run tests repeatedly based on the given <mode> up to <n>  times.
              The modes are:

                     Require each test to run <n> times without failing in or-
                     der to pass.  This is useful in finding sporadic failures
                     in test cases.

                     Allow  each test to run up to <n> times in order to pass.
                     Repeats tests if they fail for any reason.  This is  use-
                     ful in tolerating sporadic failures in test cases.

                     Allow  each test to run up to <n> times in order to pass.
                     Repeats tests only if they timeout.  This  is  useful  in
                     tolerating  sporadic  timeouts  in test cases on busy ma-

              Launch tests in a random order.  This may be useful for  detect-
              ing implicit test dependencies.

              New in version 3.18.

              Stop the execution of the tests once one has failed.

       STOP_TIME <time-of-day>
              Specify  a  time  of day at which the tests should all stop run-

       RETURN_VALUE <result-var>
              Store in the <result-var> variable 0 if all tests passed.  Store
              non-zero if anything went wrong.

       CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>
              New in version 3.7.

              Store  in  the  <result-var> variable -1 if there are any errors
              running the command and prevent ctest from returning non-zero if
              an error occurs.

       OUTPUT_JUNIT <file>
              New in version 3.21.

              Write test results to <file> in JUnit XML format. If <file> is a
              relative path, it will be placed  in  the  build  directory.  If
              <file> already exists, it will be overwritten. Note that the re-
              sulting JUnit XML file is not uploaded to CDash because it would
              be redundant with CTest's Test.xml file.

       QUIET  New in version 3.3.

              Suppress  any  CTest-specific non-error messages that would have
              otherwise been printed to the console.  Output from the underly-
              ing  test  command  is not affected.  Summary info detailing the
              percentage of passing tests is also unaffected by the QUIET  op-

       See    also    the   CTEST_CUSTOM_MAXIMUM_PASSED_TEST_OUTPUT_SIZE   and

   Additional Test Measurements
       CTest can parse the output of your tests for extra measurements to  re-
       port to CDash.

       When  run  as  a Dashboard Client, CTest will include these custom mea-
       surements in the Test.xml file that gets uploaded to CDash.

       Check the CDash test measurement documentation for more information  on
       the types of test measurements that CDash recognizes.

       The  following  example  demonstrates how to output a variety of custom
       test measurements.

          std::cout <<
            "<CTestMeasurement type=\"numeric/double\" name=\"score\">28.3</CTestMeasurement>"
            << std::endl;

          std::cout <<
            "<CTestMeasurement type=\"text/string\" name=\"color\">red</CTestMeasurement>"
            << std::endl;

          std::cout <<
            "<CTestMeasurement type=\"text/link\" name=\"CMake URL\">https://cmake.org</CTestMeasurement>"
            << std::endl;

          std::cout <<
            "<CTestMeasurement type=\"text/preformatted\" name=\"Console Output\">" <<
            "line 1.\n" <<
            "  \033[31;1m line 2. Bold red, and indented!\033[0;0ml\n" <<
            "line 3. Not bold or indented...\n" <<
            "</CTestMeasurement>" << std::endl;

   Image Measurements
       The following example demonstrates how to upload test images to CDash.

          std::cout <<
            "<CTestMeasurementFile type=\"image/jpg\" name=\"TestImage\">" <<
            "/dir/to/test_img.jpg</CTestMeasurementFile>" << std::endl;

          std::cout <<
            "<CTestMeasurementFile type=\"image/gif\" name=\"ValidImage\">" <<
            "/dir/to/valid_img.gif</CTestMeasurementFile>" << std::endl;

          std::cout <<
            "<CTestMeasurementFile type=\"image/png\" name=\"AlgoResult\"> <<
            << std::endl;

       Images will be displayed together in an interactive comparison mode  on
       CDash if they are provided with two or more of the following names.

       • TestImageValidImageBaselineImageDifferenceImage2

       By  convention,  TestImage is the image generated by your test, and Va-
       lidImage (or BaselineImage) is basis of comparison used to determine if
       the test passed or failed.

       If another image name is used it will be displayed by CDash as a static
       image separate from the interactive comparison UI.

   Attached Files
       New in version 3.21.

       The following example demonstrates how to  upload  non-image  files  to

          std::cout <<
            "<CTestMeasurementFile type=\"file\" name=\"TestInputData1\">" <<
            "/dir/to/data1.csv</CTestMeasurementFile>\n"                   <<
            "<CTestMeasurementFile type=\"file\" name=\"TestInputData2\">" <<
            "/dir/to/data2.csv</CTestMeasurementFile>"                     << std::endl;

       If  the  name of the file to upload is known at configure time, you can
       use the ATTACHED_FILES or ATTACHED_FILES_ON_FAIL  test  properties  in-

   Custom Details
       New in version 3.21.

       The  following  example  demonstrates how to specify a custom value for
       the Test Details field displayed on CDash.

          std::cout <<
            "<CTestDetails>My Custom Details Value</CTestDetails>" << std::endl;

   Additional Labels
       New in version 3.22.

       The following example demonstrates how to add additional  labels  to  a
       test at runtime.

          std::cout <<
            "<CTestLabel>Custom Label 1</CTestLabel>\n" <<
            "<CTestLabel>Custom Label 2</CTestLabel>"   << std::endl;

       Use  the LABELS test property instead for labels that can be determined
       at configure time.

       Perform the CTest Update Step as a Dashboard Client.

          ctest_update([SOURCE <source-dir>]
                       [RETURN_VALUE <result-var>]
                       [CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>]

       Update the source tree from version control and record results  in  Up-
       date.xml for submission with the ctest_submit() command.

       The options are:

       SOURCE <source-dir>
              Specify    the    source   directory.    If   not   given,   the
              CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY variable is used.

       RETURN_VALUE <result-var>
              Store in the <result-var> variable the number of  files  updated
              or -1 on error.

       CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>
              New in version 3.13.

              Store  in  the  <result-var> variable -1 if there are any errors
              running the command and prevent ctest from returning non-zero if
              an error occurs.

       QUIET  New in version 3.3.

              Tell  CTest  to  suppress  most non-error messages that it would
              have otherwise printed to the console.  CTest will still  report
              the  new  revision  of  the repository and any conflicting files
              that were found.

       The update always follows the version control branch currently  checked
       out  in  the source directory.  See the CTest Update Step documentation
       for information about variables that change the behavior  of  ctest_up-

       Upload files to a dashboard server as a Dashboard Client.

          ctest_upload(FILES <file>... [QUIET] [CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>])

       The options are:

       FILES <file>...
              Specify  a list of files to be sent along with the build results
              to the dashboard server.

       QUIET  New in version 3.3.

              Suppress any CTest-specific non-error  output  that  would  have
              been printed to the console otherwise.

       CAPTURE_CMAKE_ERROR <result-var>
              New in version 3.7.

              Store  in  the  <result-var> variable -1 if there are any errors
              running the command and prevent ctest from returning non-zero if
              an error occurs.

       These  commands  are deprecated and are only made available to maintain
       backward compatibility.  The documentation of each command  states  the
       CMake version in which it was deprecated.  Do not use these commands in
       new code.

       Disallowed since version 3.0.  See CMake Policy CMP0036.

       Use ${CMAKE_SYSTEM} and ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} instead.


       Sets the specified variable to a string representing the  platform  and
       compiler   settings.   These  values  are  now  available  through  the

       Deprecated since version 3.0: Use  the  execute_process()  command  in-

       Run  an  executable  program during the processing of the CMakeList.txt

          exec_program(Executable [directory in which to run]
                       [ARGS <arguments to executable>]
                       [OUTPUT_VARIABLE <var>]
                       [RETURN_VALUE <var>])

       The executable is run in the optionally specified directory.  The  exe-
       cutable  can include arguments if it is double quoted, but it is better
       to use the optional ARGS argument to specify arguments to the  program.
       This  is  because  cmake will then be able to escape spaces in the exe-
       cutable path.  An optional argument OUTPUT_VARIABLE specifies  a  vari-
       able  in which to store the output.  To capture the return value of the
       execution, provide a RETURN_VALUE.  If  OUTPUT_VARIABLE  is  specified,
       then  no  output  will  go  to the stdout/stderr of the console running

       Disallowed since version 3.0.  See CMake Policy CMP0033.

       Use install(EXPORT) or export() command.

       This  command  generates  an  old-style  library   dependencies   file.
       Projects  requiring CMake 2.6 or later should not use the command.  Use
       instead the install(EXPORT) command to help export targets from an  in-
       stallation tree and the export() command to export targets from a build

       The old-style library dependencies file  does  not  take  into  account
       per-configuration  names  of  libraries or the LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES
       target property.

          export_library_dependencies(<file> [APPEND])

       Create a file named <file> that can be included into a  CMake  listfile
       with  the  INCLUDE command.  The file will contain a number of SET com-
       mands that will set all the variables needed for library dependency in-
       formation.   This  should  be  the last command in the top level CMake-
       Lists.txt file of the project.  If the APPEND option is specified,  the
       SET  commands  will  be appended to the given file instead of replacing

       Deprecated since version 3.0: Use the install(FILES) command instead.

       This command has been superseded by the install() command.  It is  pro-
       vided  for  compatibility with older CMake code.  The FILES form is di-
       rectly replaced by the FILES form of the install() command.  The regexp
       form  can  be  expressed more clearly using the GLOB form of the file()

          install_files(<dir> extension file file ...)

       Create rules to install the listed files with the given extension  into
       the given directory.  Only files existing in the current source tree or
       its corresponding location in the binary tree may be listed.  If a file
       specified  already  has  an  extension,  that extension will be removed
       first.  This is useful for providing lists  of  source  files  such  as
       foo.cxx when you want the corresponding foo.h to be installed.  A typi-
       cal extension is .h.

          install_files(<dir> regexp)

       Any files in the current source directory that match  the  regular  ex-
       pression will be installed.

          install_files(<dir> FILES file file ...)

       Any  files  listed after the FILES keyword will be installed explicitly
       from the names given.  Full paths are allowed in this form.

       The directory <dir> is relative to the installation  prefix,  which  is
       stored in the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

       Deprecated  since  version  3.0:  Use the install(PROGRAMS) command in-

       This command has been superseded by the install() command.  It is  pro-
       vided  for  compatibility with older CMake code.  The FILES form is di-
       rectly replaced by the PROGRAMS form of  the  install()  command.   The
       regexp  form  can  be expressed more clearly using the GLOB form of the
       file() command.

          install_programs(<dir> file1 file2 [file3 ...])
          install_programs(<dir> FILES file1 [file2 ...])

       Create rules to install the listed programs into the  given  directory.
       Use  the  FILES argument to guarantee that the file list version of the
       command will be used even when there is only one argument.

          install_programs(<dir> regexp)

       In the second form any program in the  current  source  directory  that
       matches the regular expression will be installed.

       This  command  is  intended  to  install programs that are not built by
       cmake, such as shell scripts.  See the TARGETS form  of  the  install()
       command to create installation rules for targets built by cmake.

       The  directory  <dir>  is relative to the installation prefix, which is
       stored in the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.

       Deprecated since version 3.0: Use the install(TARGETS) command instead.

       This command has been superseded by the install() command.  It is  pro-
       vided for compatibility with older CMake code.

          install_targets(<dir> [RUNTIME_DIRECTORY dir] target target)

       Create  rules  to  install the listed targets into the given directory.
       The directory <dir> is relative to the installation  prefix,  which  is
       stored  in  the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.  If RUNTIME_DIRECTORY is
       specified, then on systems with special runtime  files  (Windows  DLL),
       the files will be copied to that directory.

       Disallowed since version 3.0.  See CMake Policy CMP0031.

       Load a command into a running CMake.

          load_command(COMMAND_NAME <loc1> [loc2 ...])

       The  given  locations  are  searched for a library whose name is cmCOM-
       MAND_NAME.  If found, it is loaded as a module and the command is added
       to the set of available CMake commands.  Usually, try_compile() is used
       before this command to compile the module.  If the command is  success-
       fully loaded a variable named


       will  be set to the full path of the module that was loaded.  Otherwise
       the variable will not be set.

       Deprecated since version 3.0: Use the file(MAKE_DIRECTORY) command  in-


       Creates the specified directory.  Full paths should be given.  Any par-
       ent directories that do not exist will also be created.  Use with care.

       Disallowed since version 3.0.  See CMake Policy CMP0032.

       Approximate C preprocessor dependency scanning.

       This command exists only because ancient CMake  versions  provided  it.
       CMake  handles  preprocessor  dependency scanning automatically using a
       more advanced scanner.

          output_required_files(srcfile outputfile)

       Outputs a list of all the source files that are required by the  speci-
       fied  srcfile.   This list is written into outputfile.  This is similar
       to writing out the dependencies for srcfile except that it  jumps  from
       .h files into .cxx, .c and .cpp files if possible.

       Deprecated  since  version  3.14:  This command was originally added to
       support Qt 3 before the add_custom_command() command  was  sufficiently
       mature.   The  FindQt4  module provides the qt4_wrap_cpp() macro, which
       should be used instead for Qt 4 projects.  For projects using Qt  5  or
       later,  use  the equivalent macro provided by Qt itself (e.g. Qt 5 pro-
       vides qt5_wrap_cpp()).

       Manually create Qt Wrappers.

          qt_wrap_cpp(resultingLibraryName DestName SourceLists ...)

       Produces moc files for all the .h files listed in the SourceLists.  The
       moc files will be added to the library using the DestName source list.

       Consider  updating  the  project to use the AUTOMOC target property in-
       stead for a more automated way of invoking the moc tool.

       Deprecated since version 3.14: This command  was  originally  added  to
       support  Qt  3 before the add_custom_command() command was sufficiently
       mature.  The FindQt4 module provides  the  qt4_wrap_ui()  macro,  which
       should  be  used instead for Qt 4 projects.  For projects using Qt 5 or
       later, use the equivalent macro provided by Qt itself (e.g. Qt  5  pro-
       vides qt5_wrap_ui()).

       Manually create Qt user interfaces Wrappers.

          qt_wrap_ui(resultingLibraryName HeadersDestName
                     SourcesDestName SourceLists ...)

       Produces  .h  and  .cxx  files  for  all  the  .ui  files listed in the
       SourceLists.  The .h files will be added to the library using the Head-
       ersDestNamesource  list.   The  .cxx files will be added to the library
       using the SourcesDestNamesource list.

       Consider updating the project to use the AUTOUIC  target  property  in-
       stead for a more automated way of invoking the uic tool.

       Deprecated  since  version  3.0:  Use the list(REMOVE_ITEM) command in-

          remove(VAR VALUE VALUE ...)

       Removes VALUE from the variable VAR.  This is typically used to  remove
       entries  from  a vector (e.g.  semicolon separated list).  VALUE is ex-

       Disallowed since version 3.0.  See CMake Policy CMP0029.

       Does nothing.

          subdir_depends(subdir dep1 dep2 ...)

       Does not do anything.  This command used to help projects order  paral-
       lel builds correctly.  This functionality is now automatic.

       Deprecated  since  version  3.0: Use the add_subdirectory() command in-

       Add a list of subdirectories to the build.

          subdirs(dir1 dir2 ...[EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL exclude_dir1 exclude_dir2 ...]
                  [PREORDER] )

       Add a list of subdirectories to the build.  The add_subdirectory() com-
       mand  should  be  used  instead  of subdirs although subdirs will still
       work.  This will cause any CMakeLists.txt files in the sub  directories
       to  be processed by CMake.  Any directories after the PREORDER flag are
       traversed first by makefile builds, the PREORDER flag has no effect  on
       IDE  projects.   Any directories after the EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL marker will
       not be included in the top level makefile or  project  file.   This  is
       useful for having CMake create makefiles or projects for a set of exam-
       ples in a project.  You would  want  CMake  to  generate  makefiles  or
       project  files for all the examples at the same time, but you would not
       want them to show up in the top level project or  be  built  each  time
       make is run from the top.

       Disallowed since version 3.0.  See CMake Policy CMP0030.

       Copy mesa headers for use in combination with system GL.

          use_mangled_mesa(PATH_TO_MESA OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)

       The  path to mesa includes, should contain gl_mangle.h.  The mesa head-
       ers are copied to the specified output directory.  This allows  mangled
       mesa headers to override other GL headers by being added to the include
       directory path earlier.

       Disallowed since version 3.0.  See CMake Policy CMP0034.

       Specify the source tree of a third-party utility.

          utility_source(cache_entry executable_name
                         path_to_source [file1 file2 ...])

       When a third-party utility's source is included  in  the  distribution,
       this command specifies its location and name.  The cache entry will not
       be set unless the path_to_source and all listed files exist.  It is as-
       sumed  that  the source tree of the utility will have been built before
       it is needed.

       When cross compiling CMake will print a warning if  a  utility_source()
       command  is executed, because in many cases it is used to build an exe-
       cutable which is executed later on.  This doesn't work when cross  com-
       piling, since the executable can run only on their target platform.  So
       in this case the cache entry has to be adjusted manually so  it  points
       to an executable which is runnable on the build host.

       Disallowed since version 3.0.  See CMake Policy CMP0035.

       Use the if() command instead.

       Assert satisfaction of an option's required variables.

          variable_requires(TEST_VARIABLE RESULT_VARIABLE
                            REQUIRED_VARIABLE2 ...)

       The  first  argument  (TEST_VARIABLE) is the name of the variable to be
       tested, if that variable is false nothing else is done.  If  TEST_VARI-
       ABLE  is  true,  then the next argument (RESULT_VARIABLE) is a variable
       that is set to true if all the required variables are set.  The rest of
       the arguments are variables that must be true or not set to NOTFOUND to
       avoid an error.  If any are not true, an error is reported.

       Deprecated since version 3.0: Use the file(WRITE) command instead.

          write_file(filename "message to write"... [APPEND])

       The first argument is the file name, the rest of the arguments are mes-
       sages  to write.  If the argument APPEND is specified, then the message
       will be appended.

       NOTE 1: file(WRITE)  and file(APPEND)  do exactly the same as this  one
       but add some more functionality.

       NOTE  2:  When  using write_file the produced file cannot be used as an
       input to CMake (CONFIGURE_FILE, source file ...) because it  will  lead
       to  an infinite loop.  Use configure_file() if you want to generate in-
       put files to CMake.

       2000-2024 Kitware, Inc. and Contributors

3.22.1                         February 03, 2024             CMAKE-COMMANDS(7)

Generated by dwww version 1.14 on Fri Dec 6 15:56:46 CET 2024.