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addressStub.h Source File

updated Tue Nov 23 2021 by Robert van Engelen
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* addressStub.h
2  Generated by gSOAP 2.8.117 for ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h
4 gSOAP XML Web services tools
5 Copyright (C) 2000-2021, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved.
6 The soapcpp2 tool and its generated software are released under the GPL.
7 This program is released under the GPL with the additional exemption that
8 compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed.
9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 A commercial use license is available from Genivia Inc.,
11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 */
14 #include <vector>
15 #define SOAP_NAMESPACE_OF_a "urn:address-book-example"
17 #ifndef addressStub_H
18 #define addressStub_H
19 #include "stdsoap2.h"
20 #if GSOAP_VERSION != 208117
22 #endif
25 /******************************************************************************\
26  * *
27  * Enumeration Types *
28  * *
29 \******************************************************************************/
32 /* ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h:182 */
33 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_a__ISO_country
34 #define SOAP_TYPE_a__ISO_country (10)
35 /* a:ISO-country */
48 };
49 #endif
51 /******************************************************************************\
52  * *
53  * Types with Custom Serializers *
54  * *
55 \******************************************************************************/
58 /******************************************************************************\
59  * *
60  * Classes, Structs and Unions *
61  * *
62 \******************************************************************************/
64 class a__address; /* ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h:162 */
65 class _a__address_book; /* ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h:164 */
67 /* ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h:162 */
68 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_a__address
69 #define SOAP_TYPE_a__address (8)
70 /* complex XML schema type 'a:address': */
71 class SOAP_CMAC a__address {
72  public:
74  std::string name;
76  std::string street;
78  std::string city;
80  std::string zip;
82  enum a__ISO_country country;
84  std::string *phone;
86  std::string *mobile;
88  time_t *dob;
90  int ID;
92  struct soap *soap;
93  public:
95  virtual long soap_type(void) const { return SOAP_TYPE_a__address; }
97  virtual void soap_default(struct soap*);
99  virtual void soap_serialize(struct soap*) const;
101  virtual int soap_put(struct soap*, const char *tag, const char *type) const;
103  virtual int soap_out(struct soap*, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) const;
105  virtual void *soap_get(struct soap*, const char *tag, const char *type);
107  virtual void *soap_in(struct soap*, const char *tag, const char *type);
109  virtual a__address *soap_alloc(void) const { return SOAP_NEW_UNMANAGED(a__address); }
110  public:
112  a__address() : name(), street(), city(), zip(), country((enum a__ISO_country)10), phone(), mobile(), dob(), ID(), soap() { }
113  virtual ~a__address() { }
115  friend SOAP_FMAC1 a__address * SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_a__address(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
116 };
117 #endif
119 /* ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h:164 */
120 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE__a__address_book
121 #define SOAP_TYPE__a__address_book (9)
122 /* complex XML schema type 'a:address-book': */
123 class SOAP_CMAC _a__address_book {
124  public:
128  struct soap *soap;
129  public:
131  virtual long soap_type(void) const { return SOAP_TYPE__a__address_book; }
133  virtual void soap_default(struct soap*);
135  virtual void soap_serialize(struct soap*) const;
137  virtual int soap_put(struct soap*, const char *tag, const char *type) const;
139  virtual int soap_out(struct soap*, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) const;
141  virtual void *soap_get(struct soap*, const char *tag, const char *type);
143  virtual void *soap_in(struct soap*, const char *tag, const char *type);
145  virtual _a__address_book *soap_alloc(void) const { return SOAP_NEW_UNMANAGED(_a__address_book); }
146  public:
148  _a__address_book() : address(), soap() { }
149  virtual ~_a__address_book() { }
151  friend SOAP_FMAC1 _a__address_book * SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate__a__address_book(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
152 };
153 #endif
155 /* ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h:354 */
156 #ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL
157 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header
158 #define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header (18)
159 /* SOAP_ENV__Header: */
160 struct SOAP_CMAC SOAP_ENV__Header {
161  public:
163  long soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header; }
167  friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Header * SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Header(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
168 };
169 #endif
170 #endif
172 /* ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h:354 */
173 #ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL
174 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code
175 #define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code (19)
176 /* Type SOAP_ENV__Code is a recursive data type, (in)directly referencing itself through its (base or derived class) members */
177 /* SOAP_ENV__Code: */
178 struct SOAP_CMAC SOAP_ENV__Code {
179  public:
184  public:
186  long soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code; }
190  friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Code * SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Code(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
191 };
192 #endif
193 #endif
195 /* ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h:354 */
196 #ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL
197 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail
198 #define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail (21)
199 /* SOAP_ENV__Detail: */
200 struct SOAP_CMAC SOAP_ENV__Detail {
201  public:
202  char *__any;
205  int __type;
206  void *fault;
207  public:
209  long soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail; }
211  SOAP_ENV__Detail() : __any(), __type(), fault() { }
213  friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Detail * SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Detail(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
214 };
215 #endif
216 #endif
218 /* ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h:354 */
219 #ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL
220 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason
221 #define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason (24)
222 /* SOAP_ENV__Reason: */
223 struct SOAP_CMAC SOAP_ENV__Reason {
224  public:
227  public:
229  long soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason; }
231  SOAP_ENV__Reason() : SOAP_ENV__Text() { }
233  friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Reason * SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Reason(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
234 };
235 #endif
236 #endif
238 /* ../../../gsoap/samples/databinding/address.h:354 */
239 #ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL
240 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault
241 #define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault (25)
242 /* SOAP_ENV__Fault: */
243 struct SOAP_CMAC SOAP_ENV__Fault {
244  public:
246  char *faultcode;
248  char *faultstring;
250  char *faultactor;
263  public:
265  long soap_type() const { return SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault; }
267  SOAP_ENV__Fault() : faultcode(), faultstring(), faultactor(), detail(), SOAP_ENV__Code(), SOAP_ENV__Reason(), SOAP_ENV__Node(), SOAP_ENV__Role(), SOAP_ENV__Detail() { }
269  friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Fault * SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Fault(struct soap*, int, const char*, const char*, size_t*);
270 };
271 #endif
272 #endif
274 /******************************************************************************\
275  * *
276  * Typedefs *
277  * *
278 \******************************************************************************/
281 /* (built-in):0 */
282 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE__XML
283 #define SOAP_TYPE__XML (5)
284 typedef char *_XML;
285 #endif
287 /* (built-in):0 */
288 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE__QName
289 #define SOAP_TYPE__QName (6)
290 typedef char *_QName;
291 #endif
293 /******************************************************************************\
294  * *
295  * Serializable Types *
296  * *
297 \******************************************************************************/
300 /* char has binding name 'byte' for type 'xsd:byte' */
301 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_byte
302 #define SOAP_TYPE_byte (3)
303 #endif
305 /* int has binding name 'int' for type 'xsd:int' */
306 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_int
307 #define SOAP_TYPE_int (1)
308 #endif
310 /* time_t has binding name 'dateTime' for type 'xsd:dateTime' */
311 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_dateTime
312 #define SOAP_TYPE_dateTime (13)
313 #endif
315 /* enum a__ISO_country has binding name 'a__ISO_country' for type 'a:ISO-country' */
316 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_a__ISO_country
317 #define SOAP_TYPE_a__ISO_country (10)
318 #endif
320 /* std::string has binding name 'std__string' for type 'xsd:string' */
321 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_std__string
322 #define SOAP_TYPE_std__string (11)
323 #endif
325 /* _a__address_book has binding name '_a__address_book' for type '' */
326 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE__a__address_book
327 #define SOAP_TYPE__a__address_book (9)
328 #endif
330 /* a__address has binding name 'a__address' for type 'a:address' */
331 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_a__address
332 #define SOAP_TYPE_a__address (8)
333 #endif
335 /* struct SOAP_ENV__Fault has binding name 'SOAP_ENV__Fault' for type '' */
336 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault
337 #define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault (25)
338 #endif
340 /* struct SOAP_ENV__Reason has binding name 'SOAP_ENV__Reason' for type '' */
341 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason
342 #define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason (24)
343 #endif
345 /* struct SOAP_ENV__Detail has binding name 'SOAP_ENV__Detail' for type '' */
346 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail
347 #define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail (21)
348 #endif
350 /* struct SOAP_ENV__Code has binding name 'SOAP_ENV__Code' for type '' */
351 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code
352 #define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code (19)
353 #endif
355 /* struct SOAP_ENV__Header has binding name 'SOAP_ENV__Header' for type '' */
356 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header
357 #define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header (18)
358 #endif
360 /* struct SOAP_ENV__Reason * has binding name 'PointerToSOAP_ENV__Reason' for type '' */
361 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Reason
362 #define SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Reason (27)
363 #endif
365 /* struct SOAP_ENV__Detail * has binding name 'PointerToSOAP_ENV__Detail' for type '' */
366 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Detail
367 #define SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Detail (26)
368 #endif
370 /* struct SOAP_ENV__Code * has binding name 'PointerToSOAP_ENV__Code' for type '' */
371 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Code
372 #define SOAP_TYPE_PointerToSOAP_ENV__Code (20)
373 #endif
375 /* a__address * has binding name 'PointerToa__address' for type 'a:address' */
376 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_PointerToa__address
377 #define SOAP_TYPE_PointerToa__address (16)
378 #endif
380 /* time_t * has binding name 'PointerTodateTime' for type 'xsd:dateTime' */
381 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_PointerTodateTime
382 #define SOAP_TYPE_PointerTodateTime (14)
383 #endif
385 /* std::string * has binding name 'PointerTostd__string' for type 'xsd:string' */
386 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_PointerTostd__string
387 #define SOAP_TYPE_PointerTostd__string (12)
388 #endif
390 /* _QName has binding name '_QName' for type 'xsd:QName' */
391 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE__QName
392 #define SOAP_TYPE__QName (6)
393 #endif
395 /* _XML has binding name '_XML' for type '' */
396 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE__XML
397 #define SOAP_TYPE__XML (5)
398 #endif
400 /* char * has binding name 'string' for type 'xsd:string' */
401 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_string
402 #define SOAP_TYPE_string (4)
403 #endif
405 /* std::vector<a__address *> has binding name 'std__vectorTemplateOfPointerToa__address' for type 'a:address' */
406 #ifndef SOAP_TYPE_std__vectorTemplateOfPointerToa__address
407 #define SOAP_TYPE_std__vectorTemplateOfPointerToa__address (17)
408 #endif
410 /******************************************************************************\
411  * *
412  * Externals *
413  * *
414 \******************************************************************************/
417 #endif
419 /* End of addressStub.h */
"urn:address-book-example":ISO-country is a simpleType restriction of type xs:string.
Definition: address.h:182
@ a__ISO_country__ca
Definition: addressStub.h:38
@ a__ISO_country__it
Definition: addressStub.h:42
@ a__ISO_country__no
Definition: addressStub.h:44
@ a__ISO_country__se
Definition: addressStub.h:46
@ a__ISO_country__ru
Definition: addressStub.h:45
@ a__ISO_country__be
Definition: addressStub.h:37
@ a__ISO_country__nl
Definition: addressStub.h:43
@ a__ISO_country__us
Definition: addressStub.h:47
@ a__ISO_country__gb
Definition: addressStub.h:41
@ a__ISO_country__en
Definition: addressStub.h:40
@ a__ISO_country__de
Definition: addressStub.h:39
#define SOAP_TYPE__a__address_book
Definition: addressStub.h:121
char * _XML
Definition: addressStub.h:284
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Header
Definition: addressStub.h:158
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Reason
Definition: addressStub.h:221
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Code
Definition: addressStub.h:175
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Fault
Definition: addressStub.h:241
char * _QName
Definition: addressStub.h:290
#define SOAP_TYPE_a__address
Definition: addressStub.h:69
#define SOAP_TYPE_SOAP_ENV__Detail
Definition: addressStub.h:198
Top-level root element "urn:address-book-example":address-book.
Definition: address.h:264
virtual ~_a__address_book()
Definition: addressStub.h:149
virtual void soap_default(struct soap *)
(Re)set members to default values
virtual long soap_type(void) const
Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE__a__address_book.
Definition: addressStub.h:131
virtual int soap_put(struct soap *, const char *tag, const char *type) const
Output object in XML, compliant with SOAP 1.1 encoding style, return error code or SOAP_OK.
virtual int soap_out(struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) const
Output object in XML, with tag and optional id attribute and xsi:type, return error code or SOAP_OK.
virtual void * soap_in(struct soap *, const char *tag, const char *type)
Get object from XML, with matching tag and type (NULL matches any tag and type), return pointer to ob...
friend SOAP_FMAC1 _a__address_book *SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate__a__address_book(struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t *)
Friend allocator used by soap_new__a__address_book(struct soap*, int)
virtual void soap_serialize(struct soap *) const
Serialize object to prepare for SOAP 1.1/1.2 encoded output (or with SOAP_XML_GRAPH) by analyzing its...
Constructor with default initializations.
Definition: addressStub.h:148
virtual void * soap_get(struct soap *, const char *tag, const char *type)
Get object from XML, compliant with SOAP 1.1 encoding style, return pointer to object or NULL on erro...
virtual _a__address_book * soap_alloc(void) const
Return a new object of type _a__address_book, default initialized and not managed by a soap context.
Definition: addressStub.h:145
"urn:address-book-example":address is a complexType.
Definition: address.h:222
virtual long soap_type(void) const
Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE_a__address.
Definition: addressStub.h:95
virtual void soap_default(struct soap *)
(Re)set members to default values
virtual ~a__address()
Definition: addressStub.h:113
virtual void soap_serialize(struct soap *) const
Serialize object to prepare for SOAP 1.1/1.2 encoded output (or with SOAP_XML_GRAPH) by analyzing its...
virtual int soap_out(struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) const
Output object in XML, with tag and optional id attribute and xsi:type, return error code or SOAP_OK.
virtual a__address * soap_alloc(void) const
Return a new object of type a__address, default initialized and not managed by a soap context.
Definition: addressStub.h:109
Constructor with default initializations.
Definition: addressStub.h:112
virtual void * soap_get(struct soap *, const char *tag, const char *type)
Get object from XML, compliant with SOAP 1.1 encoding style, return pointer to object or NULL on erro...
virtual void * soap_in(struct soap *, const char *tag, const char *type)
Get object from XML, with matching tag and type (NULL matches any tag and type), return pointer to ob...
virtual int soap_put(struct soap *, const char *tag, const char *type) const
Output object in XML, compliant with SOAP 1.1 encoding style, return error code or SOAP_OK.
friend SOAP_FMAC1 a__address *SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_a__address(struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t *)
Friend allocator used by soap_new_a__address(struct soap*, int)
struct SOAP_ENV__Code * SOAP_ENV__Subcode
Definition: addressStub.h:183
friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Code *SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Code(struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t *)
long soap_type() const
Definition: addressStub.h:186
char * SOAP_ENV__Value
Definition: addressStub.h:181
long soap_type() const
Definition: addressStub.h:209
friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Detail *SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Detail(struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t *)
char * SOAP_ENV__Node
Definition: addressStub.h:258
friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Fault *SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Fault(struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t *)
struct SOAP_ENV__Detail * SOAP_ENV__Detail
Definition: addressStub.h:262
char * SOAP_ENV__Role
Definition: addressStub.h:260
struct SOAP_ENV__Reason * SOAP_ENV__Reason
Definition: addressStub.h:256
long soap_type() const
Definition: addressStub.h:265
char * faultstring
Definition: addressStub.h:248
struct SOAP_ENV__Code * SOAP_ENV__Code
Definition: addressStub.h:254
struct SOAP_ENV__Detail * detail
Definition: addressStub.h:252
long soap_type() const
Definition: addressStub.h:163
friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Header *SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Header(struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t *)
char * SOAP_ENV__Text
Definition: addressStub.h:226
friend SOAP_FMAC1 SOAP_ENV__Reason *SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate_SOAP_ENV__Reason(struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t *)
long soap_type() const
Definition: addressStub.h:229