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_a__address_book Class Reference

updated Tue Nov 23 2021 by Robert van Engelen
_a__address_book Class Reference

Top-level root element "urn:address-book-example":address-book. More...

#include <address.h>

Collaboration diagram for _a__address_book:

Public Member Functions

virtual long soap_type (void) const
 Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE__a__address_book. More...
virtual void soap_default (struct soap *)
 (Re)set members to default values More...
virtual void soap_serialize (struct soap *) const
 Serialize object to prepare for SOAP 1.1/1.2 encoded output (or with SOAP_XML_GRAPH) by analyzing its (cyclic) structures. More...
virtual int soap_put (struct soap *, const char *tag, const char *type) const
 Output object in XML, compliant with SOAP 1.1 encoding style, return error code or SOAP_OK. More...
virtual int soap_out (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const char *type) const
 Output object in XML, with tag and optional id attribute and xsi:type, return error code or SOAP_OK. More...
virtual void * soap_get (struct soap *, const char *tag, const char *type)
 Get object from XML, compliant with SOAP 1.1 encoding style, return pointer to object or NULL on error. More...
virtual void * soap_in (struct soap *, const char *tag, const char *type)
 Get object from XML, with matching tag and type (NULL matches any tag and type), return pointer to object or NULL on error. More...
virtual _a__address_booksoap_alloc (void) const
 Return a new object of type _a__address_book, default initialized and not managed by a soap context. More...
 _a__address_book ()
 Constructor with default initializations. More...
virtual ~_a__address_book ()

Public Attributes

std::vector< a__address * > address
 Vector of a__address* of length 0..unbounded. More...
struct soap * soap
 Pointer to soap context that manages this instance. More...


SOAP_FMAC1 _a__address_book *SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate__a__address_book (struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t *)
 Friend allocator used by soap_new__a__address_book(struct soap*, int) More...

Detailed Description

Top-level root element "urn:address-book-example":address-book.

The root element of the address book schema

"urn:address-book-example":address-book is a complexType.

class _a__address_book operations:
  • _a__address_book* soap_new__a__address_book(soap*) allocate and default initialize
  • _a__address_book* soap_new__a__address_book(soap*, int num) allocate and default initialize an array
  • _a__address_book* soap_new_req__a__address_book(soap*, ...) allocate, set required members
  • _a__address_book* soap_new_set__a__address_book(soap*, ...) allocate, set all public members
  • _a__address_book::soap_default(soap*) default initialize members
  • int soap_read__a__address_book(soap*, _a__address_book*) deserialize from a stream
  • int soap_write__a__address_book(soap*, _a__address_book*) serialize to a stream
  • _a__address_book* _a__address_book::soap_dup(soap*) returns deep copy of _a__address_book, copies the (cyclic) graph structure when a context is provided, or (cycle-pruned) tree structure with soap_set_mode(soap, SOAP_XML_TREE) (use soapcpp2 -Ec)
  • _a__address_book::soap_del() deep deletes _a__address_book data members, use only after _a__address_book::soap_dup(NULL) (use soapcpp2 -Ed)
  • int _a__address_book::soap_type() returns SOAP_TYPE__a__address_book or derived type identifier

Definition at line 263 of file address.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ _a__address_book()

_a__address_book::_a__address_book ( )

Constructor with default initializations.

Definition at line 148 of file addressStub.h.

◆ ~_a__address_book()

virtual _a__address_book::~_a__address_book ( )

Definition at line 149 of file addressStub.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ soap_alloc()

virtual _a__address_book* _a__address_book::soap_alloc ( void  ) const

Return a new object of type _a__address_book, default initialized and not managed by a soap context.

Definition at line 145 of file addressStub.h.

◆ soap_default()

virtual void _a__address_book::soap_default ( struct soap )

(Re)set members to default values

◆ soap_get()

virtual void* _a__address_book::soap_get ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
const char *  type 

Get object from XML, compliant with SOAP 1.1 encoding style, return pointer to object or NULL on error.

◆ soap_in()

virtual void* _a__address_book::soap_in ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
const char *  type 

Get object from XML, with matching tag and type (NULL matches any tag and type), return pointer to object or NULL on error.

◆ soap_out()

virtual int _a__address_book::soap_out ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const char *  type 
) const

Output object in XML, with tag and optional id attribute and xsi:type, return error code or SOAP_OK.

◆ soap_put()

virtual int _a__address_book::soap_put ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
const char *  type 
) const

Output object in XML, compliant with SOAP 1.1 encoding style, return error code or SOAP_OK.

◆ soap_serialize()

virtual void _a__address_book::soap_serialize ( struct soap ) const

Serialize object to prepare for SOAP 1.1/1.2 encoded output (or with SOAP_XML_GRAPH) by analyzing its (cyclic) structures.

◆ soap_type()

virtual long _a__address_book::soap_type ( void  ) const

Return unique type id SOAP_TYPE__a__address_book.

Definition at line 131 of file addressStub.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ address_instantiate__a__address_book

SOAP_FMAC1 _a__address_book* SOAP_FMAC2 address_instantiate__a__address_book ( struct soap ,
int  ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
size_t *   

Member Data Documentation

◆ address

std::vector< a__address * > _a__address_book::address

Vector of a__address* of length 0..unbounded.

Optional element 'address' of XML schema type 'a:address'.

Multiple elements.

Definition at line 266 of file address.h.

◆ soap

struct soap * _a__address_book::soap

Pointer to soap context that manages this instance.

Context that manages this object.

Definition at line 268 of file address.h.

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